Wasco County Seen As One Of Bright Spots In State's Economy, Survey Indicates 'Mob. , Feb. 4, 1957 The Newi-Review, Roteburf, Or. 7 (EDITORS mhos r This it the. first tt boundaries iui. AiA , :.u ... - . . . ..... . . articles ctndtniina "At Thi Dalle, i,, u L ' j ""joying inrougn mis ; Lumoer, loo, la important to we . Hood River County hat one were out there, the losi in the .! ummariiina findinsa af J W r Aluminum rV. k"Tij " ,' , Jr" erra "uwnesi-, economy ana mere aiso u a i asset in una: It naa a water to economy of the state would be F.7r.srar Jr.. .direr the rv at The DaUea 11 . 1 ' !."-" V1".' -i.V T? f. 00l , ?f ?V "P? " ucl. ol pure it has virtually no mineral irreparable." l1!!.'- .TE?!?' uIlS0i.!0Ie,U' f"1.0' tnu to. contrast with thu -buttle. ' accessible in winter. Sawmills, ai Presumably there is tome in- iZ1a ..mi rnd. .i "h.,. K 7 L. p1'-1 f.cuvl,J' ,nd P'"""" ' " plywood plant and a hardboard dustry which needs an abundant leaked for ecenemic trends and Harvey has eiven Watco Coun. Countv Fori-xter ia ,.,!, i.. .... tk. ..j ..t.n.. ...i , -ru.. . : ,,b'!it' neTit in this boru Hood River County-one o( tioo of the hardboard plant a few chief hope. J.?,?! tr,n,5lUon foUowinj the stater smaUest in sire and years ago leads to hope of fuller: The rerouting of Highway 30 ui,,,. ..,., M : i .in,,,;.. . , " j - ' . "J"' auwut Htuitativu. wuuu m V iJ U lUlt IUIIIC v.i"k. . r" f. " -V" . i "1 , '. m nu. But, wnicn nothing, ran be done. Much I Strawberry growing, once all but , tourist money. Drum ...u v.rgon . economy. wr una, nasco Lounly probablyjol the activity that surrounds the eliminated by weevils, is making Forrester summarises: "What unlike almost anything we have : n t going to need it. ..The John I fruit crop is seasonal." And the la recovery. But "like most coun- happens in Hood River County in '?; t' JTj'i .'?.' ir" ed,lor I uaX Dra " ,boul to be built." (fruit crop-apples, pears, cher-lties that have their eggs in a the future isn't likely to make of the Pendleton East Oregonian, I Confident that the projected ries is the foundation of the small basket." the oeoDle are much of an imoact uoon the in opening a discussion of nam is certain. Forrester noted I countv's economy Mk ii mil. i innkin for indu.iril rivinn-! fMnnmv nt thm bIIa nt nraann year. iment. - iBut u iti orchards and its forest! prospects. I y THI ASSOCIATED PRESS st id the state of businest affairs in all that from start to finish a Colum pans oi uregon. oia mver multi-purpose dam is Me noiea tne sharp contrast with io-year job. 'This is a picture adjacent Hood River County, where "the pattern hat been set for a long time and any change that could come is talked about hopefully but doubtfully." These side-by-tide Columbia River counties were choten b that chamber of commerce tec retariet can dream of..." But this is only a part of the economy. The two million dollar cherry crop lost last year in the freeie is an important segment. Ana me Wheat crop is worth J"i Forrester for opening a seriet of ' million and livestock another 2 to aruciet in nit newspaper. Dased I million. Mucn 01 tne Sherman on a first-hand inspection trip tnd Gilliam counties' wheat in through the state. This it what 1 tome also is spent in The Dalles, he found: "The bread and butter of Wasco Wasco County, until 1952, wai County's economy it agriculture geared to an economy of agricul- tnd wood." ture and wood products manufac- for the future, there may be ture. Then workera came and ' om expanded use of high timber ouiu ine uaiiet utm tcrost the "r me county s sawmills and Columbia River. They were well paid and spent much of their money in The Dalles: in 1955 the Chamber of Commerce said Was co County had the highest net income per family of any county in Oregon; employment now has dropped from a 2,000-pealc to 700. where it will remain until the final generator it installed in 1961. "All the communities that have lived with the construction of dams on the Columbia River Bonneville, Grand Coulee, Mc Nary, etc. have hoped they would attract industry because of the favorable busbar rate for power that was available for industries that would locate within their wood processing plants. And, moji important in many minds, is the possibility of getting a deep water channel in the Columbia, to make The Dalles an ocean port. "To sum it all up: As it has been for many years, agriculture still Is the hard core of the econ omy here and the people know it. They realiie that much more can be done with their timber re sources and therein have an opportunity to make a major con tribution to the economy of the state. If they can establish a "world port" here for the move ment in and out of commerce from every place to and from the vast inland Lmpire, the prosper- lion dollars Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Mort Comfort FASTRTH, a pie tint alkallnt (noa-acid) powdtr. hold falM tih nor firmly. To aat and talk to mora comfort, jmt aprinkla a MttU PAS TEETH on your platta. No iimmy. fooay, paaty taata or fMnc. Chtrka "plat odor" idantura breath). Oct FASTEST H at any drug coun tar. ROSEBURG COUNTRY CLUB ANNUAL MEETING STOCKHOLDERS nd MEMBERS MON.-FEB. 4.-8:00 P.M. ELECTION OF OFFICERS CLUB HOUSE SAFEWAY'S Your Best Place to Save! 7 DE LUXI TRIP! FOR TWO TO HAWAII r i Reg. 15c Famous Franco American SPAGHETTI World Famous For Quality Look at this New Low Price! UNirao Aim lines oe-7 Stlj I diit at HAWAIIAN VILLAGE Htttl tilff NOW! tr't waiiKi NOiiar'(oNrfsr lelry lieati et irtW Mdlea Skylark Slenderway BREAD ,5zf 27c "Bonus Quality" LUCERNE 3.8 Extra Rich Regular or Homogenized Half Gal. 47c Torpedo Brand TUNA FISH AM light meat grated. A real Safeway Value! 5 No V4$00 Mrs. Wright's LL28c Gold Medal Flour k,b $1 .49 50,Lb $2.98 I SOUPS- Viable Base Vfy. w Asparagus A a I Pepper pot v21 , Gfeen I Wgefarian9"01"" I I 0NS (J A REAL HOT ROD This new. bright-red car makes more than 200 miles per hour but it's not for riding. It was devised by AU American Engineering to test the strength of gear built to stop high-speed jet aircraft on landing. The car, being used at Georgetown, Del., has four powerful turbo-jet engines. It runs, unmanned, on a 5,000-foot track, pushing a dead load the weight of a twin-engine bomber. Near the end of the run, the car is stopped suddenly and the dead load goes hurtling into the arresting gear being tested. School Teachers Recommending RockV Roll SPRINGFIELD, III. - Rock V roll music sometimes con demned as Dad for juveniles, Sat urday was recommended by Illi nois high school music teachers as a good way to arouse school spirit. A band and chorus instructor from Chester High School, here with colleagues from throughout the state for the Illinois Music Educators Assn. Conference, said rock 'n' roll is used to good effect particularly at basketball games. "Without exception every band in Southern Illinois plays it at games," Wayne M. Thorne said. "It elicits howls and whistles and they think I've got a great band because of it." Ralph Carter, principal of Aau nemin Consolidated High School and leader of its -piece all-girl band, said the group began its concert last week with "rock around the clock." "1 think it'll die out," he said, "but I don't think it's any more sinister than the mime we piayed when I was a kid." Lyle Hopkins, band instructor from Thornton Township HiRh School t Harvey said he hasn't made up his mind about whether rock 'n' roll is good or bad. He described the music this way: "It had a tendency to 'send' students and creates a restless reaction. In assemblies where it's played for 'pep' purposes with 3.000 students attending, it almost gets out of hand. Usually you have to play a smooth ballad aft erward to calm them down." Michigan Turn rig Out Model Young Drivtrt LANSING, Mich. Michigan is turning out a new crop of model young drivers this year to go along with its new model cars. As of Feb. 1, no Michigan 'youngster under 18 will be li cenced to drive unless ' he has passed an approved course in driver education. Other states have driver edu cation courses in the schools, but Michigan is the first to compel the youngsters to pass the course if they want to drive before 18. Under the state law passed in November, 1955, free driver train ing instruction is available to every Michigan youngster under 18 whether in public, private or parochial school or out of school. Standards are at least 12 hours of behind the-wheel driving and 30 hours of classroom instruction per pupil. 1,000 SII 1 1 BMMHttt kii Haagaria Relief WASHINGTON Some 3.000 r the nation's imallest business es, all incorporated by teen-agers, Wednesday made corporate con tributions to Hungarian relief. Shares of stock in Junior Achievement companies operating in the United States were present ed to Vice President Nixon. The shares, with a par value of 50 cents, represent donations of $1 pr company to Hungarian relief. Junior Achievement companies, averaging 15 boys and girls of senior hieh school age. are organ ized under the sponsorship of American business oreaniiations. Their members sell stock, elect officers. manufacture products, sell services, declare profits and losses, beginning their business careers in September and liquid ating the following May. NAMED TO COMMITTM SAI.EM If Sen. Leaoder Quir ing (Ri. Hrmiton. was appoint ed this week to the Senate Agricul turn Committee. He also will be vice chairman of the Local Government Commit tee, ai a member of the Alcohol ic Trsliic. Lsbor and Industries, and Public Welfare and lniWu Hons committees. Record Timber Amount Harvested From Forest MISSOULA. Mont, i Re gional Forester Charles L. Tebbe ional Forester Charles L. Tebbe said Saturday a record 709 mil lion board feet of timber were harvested in the national forests of Region 1 during the first half of the current fiscal year ending June 30. Tebbe said the previous record was 691 million board feet, set in the first half of the 1955-56 fiscal year. He estimated the timber cut from July 1. 1956 through Dec. 31. 1956, was worth a little less than seven million dollars, two million dollars more than in the i comparable 1955 period. I Region 1. with headquarters in I Missoula, is the largest of the For I e.t Service's geographical divi sions. It includes Montana, north ern Idaho and eastern Washington. SWEETHEART SOAP 4 Bar, Mild ond Fragrant Both Soap, lc Sole H for tatt BABO CLEANSER u0I in Save 3c on this kitchen cleanser pkg. I "C FELS NAPTHA 53oz ,Q Instant. For cleanest clean clothes pkg. 07C LIQUID TREND 9 12-oz rq Real savings on this dishwashing detergent 'ze WESSON OIL quart CO Delicate flavored cooking oil bottle J C PALMOLIVE SOAP ba,h 997r Mild and gentle action s" AZC CASHMERE BOUQUET reg ?9g For milder complexion care . bar OI Z7C DEODORANT SOAP reg 997 Colgate brand. Delicately fragrant bar LI LIX, DEODORANT SOAP ba.h 9?7 Colgate. For thot fresh, clean feelinq bar ZOt WHITE KING "D" 4o. rQp All-purpose detergent pkq. J t Here's the Finest Money Can Buy! NBC Cookies All America Ait'tmtnt .... pkf. 53c Hydrox Cookies .... u-.. 39c Tuno Fish $!.:, chunk uu n.. h c 29c White Star Tuna ,.,., . N.. Vl ... 35c Cocoa Mix i i.. .1.. 45c Cocoa Mix .nh.r, , ,.. ., 25c. Nob Hill Coffee ,,, ,kl. 87c , pt. 1.73 Airway Coffee pk,. 85c ,.,. 1.69 Edwards Coffee . 89c .... 2.lk. t 1.77 American Cheese M( . 2.lb. pk,. $.10 Margarine .,... 1.,.. pkt. 253c Salad Oil Mayday brand quart btl. 56c Royal Satin ,,. ......, j.i.. ... 79c Seedless Raisins c,.. Pkt. 21c Sll-PlJrb ,, i'.ttratnt 40-oa. kf. 55C Boraxo p0W,cd Mb. k. 31c 20-Mule Team Borax J2.0I. pk,. 39c Dog Food .. .,. 3 29c Friskies Mi ck.. s ib. pki. 69c Friskies 2 29c POTATO CHIPS 3 .59 Blue Bell Brand Crisp EGGS AAn AA Large HOC CLEANSER u,, White Kinq kitchen cleanser pkg. Z Z JU ZEE TOWELS ' giant r Absorbent paper towelinq roll wOC AD DETERGENT ZZ. 7Z Woshdov Detergent Pkq IJC SPAGHETTI 15-oz. 9 Dennison brond. With meat balls can Z II CHOPPED BEEF 12-0. 3g Wilson brond. Stock up now ... con wW WILSON TAMALES i6. 31 Delicious tomales in sauce s'z w I FROZEN PIES u 59c Brodlev's Always good, olwgys rendy each "SUDSY" AMMONIA 32-oz. 97 Pnrnn' th detergent nmmnnio sizs SOMERSET Skinless WE1NE8S Bit Driver Suffer Hr AftaKk, Dim .MEDFORD A yedfnrj man suffered a heart attack that later proved fatal while dnvipf, a Greyhouad bus in Norther Cali fornia Friday. He was Warre L. Dimsin. about Si. oho as ttrictr wil drivix con blr Catialia and Dunsrauir. Th eight passengers rpirte4 that hn Dunasan became ill, at pulled to ! sid of Ui rotd ad nt for antkiiiri hua. Tm driver of tta r hna ! er and dro Duatieo to lnpital h- h ai repnred deal on arrival. Salami Ground Fresh Ground Beef Somerset Sliced Cooked I -lb. Pka lb, 58' Ciyvilk Yaw CttiUr 51a ttt Vintint) Dane A Valentine dan the ventnf of Feb. at the Youth l'nter n Canyonville ia toU 04. tc rordini to orri srB'. Virfmul Proctor. The Lions WOU'iiaitl hut l ramonville mill ( lm Onac The band will ia n r' i' vision appearanrantti4. on KPIC I "IrHs .W. 100Bo Pur. ib. 39c Pot Roost "Choice" Blade Bee' A Arm Cut, lb 49e, Ib. JC Bacon Sliced lb 59c ib 89c Calf Liver Meat Pies 4M.$1.00 Rath Chopettes AH MODESS Sanitary Napkins B,2xs43c PUREX Beods O'Bleach "pE 41 c FLUFFO Yellow Shortening 3-lb. con 93c RINSO Blue Detergent 5pkgz 69c LUX SOAP In Gold Fori rZ 329c LUX SOAP Foil Protected 'bar inn Crisp'n Juicy - Fancy Winesap APPLES VVonderful Extra Fancy Quality Every One Guaranteed 24-lb. Box $2.49 POTATOES I Extra Fancy AppieS Red Deltcious Pricei In rhit oivert sernent ore effective through Tuesday, February, Ot Sofewo in R jseburg. W ewrv the ijht fo Tirnit, Q SAFEWAY'S o & o U.S. No. 2, Gems . . 50-lb. sk. 89c J9c Grapefruit 9 . 1CV TP " ,b Texas S-'b OHQ A Ruby Bog. -e b I vc I R.d, .o vJU Texas Oranges Aset . 5.. 49c aw BoQyC Tuples SKB ib. Uc uw o varrui Celery ' and Topped Rhubarb ' Fey Hothatrse Ib 25c your SiSTanx HvSXAi 0 5 0 O0 0 0 o oP O oO' O G - O