Chemical Found To Control Rust On Peppermint v.. Vfiicmaai treatment of fields to control pep-: permint rust appeared successful' last year, an Oregon State College - expert told the Oregon Essential . Oil Growers League Thursday. ! C. E. Horner of the botany and plant pathology department, said fields were treated in the yellow spore stage. It burned the plants, but good, thick stands came back without apparent damage. The treatment delayed maturity of the mint for two to three weeks, he ; added. Treated plots produced 34 per cent more oil than those untreated in experiments, he said. A. P. Steeland, Oregon State ex tension plant pathologist, said a new 'peppermint disease, called verticUllurn wilt, had been found in Oregon last year. Research to fight the disease is underway, he said. Or. Ernest Guenther, official of a New Yorl: perfume company, said sources of supply for per fumes were drying up because of political developments in the far east. Misting Top Britons In Soviet Jail, Report BERLIN Wl A diplomat re cently returned from the Soviet Union said Monday that two Brit ish Foreign Officers missing since last May are being held in prison in Moscow. . I This authority, requesting anony mity, said it was almost "common knowledge" in the diplomatic corps in Moscow that Guy Burgess and Donald MacLean, the two Britons are in Lubiyanka jail, reserved for high priority prisoners. MacLean was head of the Amer ican deoartment in the British For eign Office and Burgess was a former secretary at the embassy in Washington. Their disappearance, acknowl edged June 1 in London, stirred speculation at that time they might have voluntarily gone eastward, carrying top policy documents with them. PIPS SHOWS INCREASE HERM1STON I The U.S. Post Office here showed a $5,000 in' crease in stamp sales in 1951 to set a new record, Postmaster William Logan said Friday. The increase was 11 per cent over last year. Columbia Records NEWEST SINGING SENSATION! I0.HNHIE 1 r Hear His Newest Record "Broken Hearted" and ii MR . SUN" All of his records are now in stock on Columbia 45 and 78 r.p.m. "LITTLE WHITE CLOUD THAT CRIED" "CRY" and "TELL THE LADY I SAID GOODBYE" "WHISKEY AND GIN" COME IN, HEAR AND BUY COLUMBIA RECORDS BY JOHNNIE RAY TODAY. I II i I I) Ml 3 t )' 230 NORTH JACKSON DIAL 3-3566 SIx-ytar-old Beverly tabln abandons her erutchts to embrace Actress Halcn Hayes, national chairman of women'a activltlee for the 1962 March of Dimes. Bavorly was treated at Now York 8tata Rehabilita tion Hospital, West Havoratraw, N. Y whore aha was asaisttd by March of Dlmta funds. January Is March of Olmta month In the nation. . THE BLACK MUSEUM-ScV:-land Yard's mausoleum of mnn'sr! A' functional place, with Us shelves and cabinets its giass-lop .e.i ex hibit txblrs and - the nsat -!te cards identifying time, place and. . Killing! romgm ana every ruesuay night at 7:00, from the annals of the criminal invstip"o" Hivis'on his adventures usually are. morrow night, 8:30-8:00. .to- Camas Valley By JEAN YODER Reports from Boy Scouts, 4-H groups, Executive committee and of the London police, KRNR brings neard at tne busins, ,eeUng of ...c . me i-ams vallev liranee. Tues- recorded by the objects in Scot land Yard's Her of death THE BLACK MUSEUM! day. Jan. 10. Art Jones. 4-H leader, a n- nounced Uie potluck dinner that ENOUGH of mystery and death: was held the following day, and let's deal with a much lighter sub ject..a prevue of what's coming Thursday afternoon on MUSIC YOU WANT, 2:30 p.m. The First Piano Quartet plays waltzes... waltzes by Strauss. Brahms. Kreis ler, Chopin, Gounod, Tchaikovsky, in short a hi" hmi- of r he n waltzes. Be with us Thursday after noon to en'oy this sir-rial edition of MUSIC YOU WANT. THEY MET IN BOMBAY, to night's edition of MGM Theater of the Air, comes your way at 8:00. In glancing over the material at hand relative to this broadcast, we discovered a fact about Herbert Marshall that we were unaware of., that's the fact that he lost a leg in World War I. He made his stage debut in 1911 and has ap peared in various stage and film productions since that time. Sara Burton co-stars with him tonight, when they vie for possession of the stolen fabulous Star of India jewel. Their adventures in Hong Kong are breath-taking. Hear the dramatization of this story tonight at 8:00. , TOMORROW NIGHT "ANDY HARDY" is in thre nitchi"-?... basebal, that Is. However, M a Hardy discovers that son Andy is interested in the game primarily because he wants to sell a super spray to the team visiting town. When the visitors turn out to be a girls Softball team, JiHoo Harrlv discovers that Andy Is in hot wa ter. This sounds as rollicking as Fait service on AUTO GLASS REPAIRS Now ht the time to have outo glass repairs made. We handle all types ot glass and door hardwore. 15 ears ot outo "'-is service In "Sfjrg. DOYLE'S Sales & Service Highway M at GurH-n Valley PHONE 3-4148 IIAUIO PU0GHMAS& KRNR 1470 lc. 1240 kc. KRKL tUtAININO Rouna rODAV 4 00 Uncl Bob's ttoryUm 4;l Htnuniway MBS 4 30 Curt Muwy Show UBS 4:43 Sra Hay MBS I 00 S ft. Prwton of Yukon MBS 5 30 Sky Kinj MBS 6U Cvctl Brown MBS :00 GabrUl HcfttUr UBS Hit-World of Spo,U 30 Brlfhtar Sid :4S Sra Hay m MBS : Bill Htnry MBS 7:00 Black MuMUm MBS 7:30 Dollars and SnM 7:45 Churckwaxon Jambora 00 MGM Theaur of Air MBS : Clttw Hardy MBS 15 rulton Owu Jr MBS 9:30 Jo Maasey Guitar fi:45 Paraonallty Tim 55 Fv Mlnuta rinaia MBS 10:001 Lovo a Myittry MBS ions smllty Burnett Show 1030 Mutual Mystery MBS 11:00 Nit. Watch 11:23 Nawa Nltacaa) U.JO Sin Ott WEDNESDAY, JANUAKT IS, 13I :00 Coffa Club Capart 30 Farre Pair at Nawa ' 4 45 Way of Ufa 1:00 Ham tawy MBS 7:13 Braakiait Gang MBS 7:45 Mualcal Roundup 00 Cocll Brown-MBS , :13 Newt MBS :30 Bibla lrutltuta Hour MBS : Over Tne Coffa Cud 9:13 Capitol Commentary MBS 9:30 Man About Town 9:25 Music MBS 9:45 Trading Post 10:00 Glenn Hardy MBS 10:15 Tello-Taat MBS I'l 3" Second Spring 10:45 Batty and Bob 11:00 Ladles fair MBS 11:35 Nawa MBS 11:30 Ouean for Day MBS 13:00 Bob Grant and Ncwa 12:15 Modern Mood Music 12:30 Man on the Street 12:45 Bob Grant Local Nawa 12:55 Market Reports i:UJ jaCK MrKWrod- -MB 3 1:30 Behind the Story MBS 1:46 School Show 2:00 Relay Quia 1:30 Music You Want 3:00 Poor Bob'a Almanae 3:40 Ken Carson Sings MBS 3 -5 (jniiea .Dailtn--MU; 4:00 Uncle Bob'a Storytlm 4-i3 HiimnKWity -ti RS 4:30 Kurt Maaaey Show MBS 4.45 Sam Hayes MBS 8 00 Dixieland Matin MBS 8:25 Music 6:30 Wild Bill Hlckok MBS 5:55 Cecil Brown MBS 00 Crosby Tiaa 15 World of b porta 30 Brighter Sid :45 Sam Hay MBS 55 Bill Henry MBS TOO Hardy family MBS 7:30 Cisco Kid MBS .uo vvnai'e in isam ot thai Song 8:30 Melody Tima :00 Glenn Haruy MBS 9:15 ful-.on Lewi Jr MBS 30 Mutual Newsreel MBS 945 Personality Tim k.-rive f.uiuw in .1 MBB 10:001 Love A Mystery 10:15 Serenade In Blu 10:30 Mutual Mystery MBS 11:00 Nite Watch 11:25 News NItacap 11:30 Sign Off Tiiti., Jan. 15, 1952 TW NtwvRsvTtw, toMbsrf, Ore. BUS AIMING . HOWS TOUAV 4:30 One Upon A Tim 4:45 Unci Ramus LBS 8:00 Ac ot Space LBS :1S Melody Club 8:30 Tim Por Musi 55 Weather Bulletin grOCs Sports Spotlight :i Tn Lmpignira 30 Modern News 45 John W V andtrcook LBS 7 00 Meet The E-nd 7 3t Musio 7:45 Randy Brooks 00 l.US News :15 8 1 aril gh tars : 30 Prologue LBS t:00 Fratler Hunt LBS 915 Cot Glee Club f:30 Dlscaphobia 9:45 Music Vrom the Shalimar 10:00 Melody Hcur 10:30 Jim McCulla Ntwa LBS 10:45 Midnight riyar 11:30 Sign Off WEDNESDAY, JANUARY H, 1939 8:00 Sign On 8:01 News Headline 6 05 Dawn busters 8:45 First Edition News LBS 7:00 Alarm Clock Club 7:15 Suiter' Sagebrush Symphony 7:30 Cat Tlnney Is On -iJJS 7:45 Th Rangers Quartet LBS 6:00 Morning News 615 rive Shades of Blue 8: 30 Breakfast in Phoenix LBS 9:00 Modern Home 815 Say It With Music 9:30 World Wide News LBS 0:45 Too O' Th Mornlna 10:00 Paula Stne Show LBS 10:15 Franklin Kennedy LBS 10:30 Date With Del 11:1)0 Tops In Pops 11:30 Strike Out The Band LBS 12:00 Minute of Prayer 13 01 Variety Time 12:15 Roving Reporter 13:30 Mid Day New 12:45 Market Report 12.50 U Never Know 1:00 As You Like It 1:30 Alexander's Ragtime Revue LBS i: snap rteias 2:00 The Inquiring Parent :15 Airlane Trio 2:30 Liberty Jamboree LBS 145 Chuck roster 3:00 Afternoon Carousel 3:30 Open House 4:30 Once Upon A Time 4:45 Unci Remus LBS 5 00 Ac Of Space- LBS 8:15 Rhythm Rendezvous 8:30 Tim For Music 8:55 Loggers Wen l her Bulletin 6:00 Sports Spotlight 8:15 Lamplighters 6:30 Modern News 6 45Jnhn W Vandercook LBS 7 AO Rhythm Ramblers 7 JO Music, Music. Muslo 7:45 Civilian Defense 8:00 News LBS 8:15 Heidelberg Harmonalre 8:30 Melodies and Missions LBS 9:00 Joseph C. Harsrh LBS 9:15 Henry Busf. 30 Sk Itch Henderson 10:00 Modern Melody Hour 10:30 Jim McCulla News LBS 10 45 Midnight riyer 11:30 sign or; The Dalles Seeks Federal Status Of Defense Area THE DALLES HI The City Council wants the federal govern ment to declare The Dalles a criti cal defense area. Population In crease is expected with the start of work on The Dalles dam. 1 The Council at its regular meet ing this week requested the Fed eral Housing Administration to make the survey. If the survey indicates The Dalles and the surrounding area should be declared critical, the city would become eligible for fed eral aid funds and the government could Impose federal rent controls. The city's present population of 1.000 Is expected to increase to about 16,000 when peak work on the 350 million dollar dam three miles east of here is reached in a few years. the district leaders conference to be held in Camas Valley, Jan IB. Boy Scout Leader LaMar Or- mand reminded the grange of the charter presentation to be at the next social meetine. and the nlan for a court of honor to be held at the same time. Home Economics chairman Bru nett Wilson reported the skit, "In a Little Gypsy Tea Room," would be put on for Pomona. She also announced that the standing com mittees of the Home Economic club for the year would serve for Pomona as well. Ernest Booth reported for the executive committee on relief work done by the Grange at Christ mas. Mrs. Art Jones announced the location for the chest X-ray will be the Camas Valley Hill. The date has not yet been set The third and fourth decree ob ligation was given to Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Ormand. Master Lee Wilson annonneed a memKrsh'n committee of Mrs. Milo Claugh ton, Mrs. Gayle Barker, Miss Judy Counts, Mrs. Tom Counts and Mrs. J. A. Combs. He also appointed a phoning committee Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Marlen Yoder and Miss Phyllis Crouch. Judy Counts informed the Grange that the school was plan ning a box social for Jan. 23. to earn monev tn send th hnclrat. ball team to the conference at ftsniana later tn the senson. According to the secretary's report there are now 80 members in the Camas Vallrv ftrnnoa Twenty-five members were pres ent, ai me meeting. I rarrcu wney, son ot Mr. and airs. t. u. WUev. left fnr Pnrt. land Monday to have his physical for the Navy. He expects to be seni aireciiy to San Diego. Far rell graduated from Camas Valley Hih School in 1951. Mrs. Guy Moore and Mrs. Charles Crouch lunched wlih Mr. Lee Wilson, Friday, preparatory to making Out the venrhnnlr fnr the Home Economics Club. Mrs. William Cunningham, also on the committee, was unable to be pres ent because of the illness of her husband and granddaught ir. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Claughton and son, Ronnie, have moved into a trailer house up the hill from Wheeler's Insurance Agency. Ce cil Kiser, formerly of McCann Road, has moved into the house vacated by the Claughtons. The Rev. and Mrs. Weaver be gan housekeeping in the church parsonage Friday. Thev were as sisted in moving by several of the laymen of the church. The Rev. Weaver attended a conference of Methodist ministers from the Roseburg area at Rose burg Thursday. Dr. Raynor Smi'h, district superintendent of the southern Oregon district presided. The discussion concened the com ing evangelistical campaign. Injured Bomber Pilot Talked In' To Safe. Landing U.S. Fifth air force headquar TERS, Korea. I A B-26 bomber pilot temporarily blinding by an exploding anti-aircraft shell was "talked in" to a safe landing bv his navigator, the Fifth Air Force said Monday. Lt. John Grubbs, Brooksville, Fla., was making a routine straf ing run on a Communist ware house when the shell hit the plane's canopy. The pilot was stunned and blind ed as blood streamed down hii face. "I've been hit," he yelled into the plane's intercommunication system. "I can't see. It's all yours." Lt Vincent Alcssl of Roxbury. Mass., couldn't take over the con trols because in a B-26 no one but the pilot can reach them. So he began giving Grubbs quiet instruc tions for heading the plane back toward the base . For more than an hour the pilot responded to the words ot Alessi coming over the intercom. "Down a little. . .A little to the left. . . Slower. . ." and finally "We're on the ground Johnny, put on the brakes." Grubbs Inadvertently set the emergency brake and the bomber blew two tires as it' jolted to a sudden stop, "I have to taxi this plane down to the ramp," Grubbs muttered. But Alessi replied quietly: "Do not bother. Johnny." Air Force doctors said Grubbs' eyes were not damaged. He was blinded by blood streaming from a neaa wound. THE STREETCAR LUNCH V MILE NORTH OF CANYONVILLE . will be open seven doys a week from It o.m. to 11 p.m. Come in ond try one of those delicious HAMBURGERS that go hond-in-hond with our now famous HOME-MADE CHILI At This Time I Wont To Wish All My Friends A HAPPY NEW YEAR Gene Young, Proprietor, The Streetcar Lunch TOMORROW w wAta, ltd CARQN scat LEVANT seerm GUETARY ENDS TONIGHT GRANGER ROMAN I l?-JJJil'!A STARTS WED. A, ADVENTURE! ROMANCE! I WARFARE!! I A L S 0 SEA-60IRB SHENRARIEARS! IIIURIORS FIN CRUSE! affiT.'J wmiw HUNTZ HALL cWuia a aeDein mtl TONIGHT Irene DUNNE Fred MacMURRAY Plus MRS. HOYLE f. "mm i i i-miiaar-nsaaii'TW-ii sil'rTiintirri nrii rfrf-F'Tr -ry4 ' -V-r-J "Pole atubbers" at work: Inspection has revealed a pole which shows damage at the ground line. Now, reinforced with a short length, lt will be strong aa new, and we'll have saved much of the coat of a new pole. ' 4 Thru Buses Daily to San Francisco FROM ROSEBURG What service! What convenience! Four thru buses daily. Including two time-saving expresses. Choice of scenic routes! TO Thru . Buses San Francisco 4 Eugene 10 Medford 10. Ont-Woy Fores - $8.85 1.85 2.65 . Plui rlral Tax .tarn Trip t LKS . . , a alnS-Trla Tkkalf A. I. MURRAY 144 $. Stephens Phone 1-1141 GRETKOUIID LINE PATROL) "Will it. work when I want it?"-that'g perhaps the most important thing you want to know about your telephone. That's what we want to be sure of, too. And that's why repairmen, testers, inspectors and many other telephone specialists are constantly at work to make sure your calls go through, The How we stop telephone trouble before it starts! term we use is preventive maintenance. And it simply means testing and inspecting thou sands of miles of lines and cables, and check ing switching equipment constantly on foot, in trucks and electronically to find and fix any part of our complex system which might cause future trouble. IPPT "Trouble detective": If our electronic test ing equipment spots possible line trouble, his testing devices locate the difficulty and a repair crew is dispatched to stop the trouble before it can interrupt your service. All over our system, we are alert, 'round the clock, to make sure you'll have the world's most de pendable telephone service. Your telephone is one of today's best bargains Few of the filings you use In your daily life have gone up less, in these inflationary times, than the rates for telephone service. Even though our costs of providing service have skyrocketed, your telephone calls re main one of today's beat buys. Pacific Telephone