Th Nwi-ftvUw, Roicburg, Ort Tim,, Dtt, II, 1951 EAST DOUGLAS H.B. UNIT HOLDS SESSION The East Douglai Home Exten sion unit met at the Glide Grange hall oo Dec. 12, (or an all day meeting with a potluclc luncheon at noon. A ihort business meeting was held in the forenoon with Mia. Vern Shrum, Chairman Preii tng. After lunch Christmas gifts were exchanged. The project for the afternoon session was "Holiday Decorations from Nature," and was in charge of Mrs. Ray Ballou and Mrs. Taylor McCord. Each member made a holidat wreath besides being shown several other novel ideas for holiday decorations. Those present were: Mrs. Jim Marier, Mrs. Ray Ballou, Mrs. Elbert Cellers, Mrs. Lillle Van Horn, Mrs, Samuel Haas, Mrs. Maurice Weber, Mrs. E. M. Ma this, Mrs. Dale Hatfield, Mrs. Wil liams Melton, Mrs. M. A. Mc Kibben, Mrs. Tylor McCord, Mrs. Dick Huok, Mrs. Stanley Baldwin, Mrs. A. J. Updegrave, Mrs. L. W. Digby, Mrs. Dale Angel, Mrs. K. I,. Eberhard, Mrs. Harold Hinds, Mrs. Jim Henigan, Mrs. Leslie Hatfield, Mrs. George Case beer, Mrs. Melvin McCord, Mrs. Edward llartz, Mrs. Earl Ram sey, Mrs. Don Wright, Mrs. Bess Blakely, Mrs. J. P. Brum, Mrs. Vern Shrum, Mrs. Sam Ball and Mrs. Stanley Hatfield. NU PHI MU SORORITY PLANS CHRISTMAS PARTY The Nu Phi Mu Christmas party will be held Wednesday evening at eight o'clock at the home of Mis. M. C. Bowker. All members are urged to attend. L ! For You and Your Guests- SAM GORDON THE KIBITZER OF CONTRACT BRIDGE . , . . will give lessons and con duct a duplicate bridge tourna ment . . . Wednesday, Dec. 19, 1951 at the Club's Terrace Bollroom. Afternoon Session of Lessons 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. Evening Session, Duplicate Tournament at 8 P.M. TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT THE ELKS' OFFICE. $1 per person per session. OLALLA-TINMILE HOME EXTENSION UNIT HOLDS TUESDAY SESSION The Olalla-Tenmile Home Ex tention unit met at the home o Mrs. Walter Coals on Tuesda; wilh 24 women present. The business meeting was callet to order by the chairman, Mrs Hazel Ison. Louisa Coats and Mrs. Evelyn Maisenbach were appointed to at tend the project leader training meeting Dec 19. Project leaders appointed for later meetings were: Alyce Dwight and Kate Schosso for "Draperies" and Minnie Melius and Blanche Degner, "Accessories for the Home." Vera Erbe, 4-H chairman, re ported the following 4-H clubs and their leaders: Mrs. Alyce Dwight, seventh and eighth grade cooking; Vera Stackhouse, fifth and aixih grade cooking; Mable Roberts, sewing; Arnold Roberta and Ted Brinkman, livestock clubs,, apd Paul Maisenbach, forestry club. Following the business meeting the members enjoyed a dellcioui potluck luncheon and an hour of visiting. In the afternoon, project lead ers, Hazel Ison and Julia Breiten bucher, gave an interesting dem onstration on "Christmas Decora- 1 Hons." using natures greens and i berries. They demonstrated bow to make wreaths and door swags ! from evergreens, using cones, plain or painted, berries of dif ferent kinds and colored bells wilh ; ribbon. They had various candle holders i made from wood and from moss ! and greens. A number of wrapped ! packages with bells, colored balls, cones and berries showed new and attractive ways of wrapping pack ages. I The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Junia Byron on Tuesday, Jan. 22 at 11 a.m., with j Miss Betty J. Paterson, county extension agent. In charge of the : demonstration on "Window Treat ments." Those present were: Adda 01 livant, Mary Hodges, Isabelle Bradshaw, Clara Huntley, Julia ! Breitenbucher, Reta Mae New : lun, Donna Mae Hinch, Hazel Ison, Bessie Smith, Alyce Dwight, Junia Bryon, Maureen Muetzel, Minnie Melius, Blanche Degner, : Olive Neely, Aletha Neely, Olive Neely, Aletha Neely, Helen Johnson, Vera Erbe, Kate Schosso. 4 Kate Mack, Emma Diedrich, Ha zel cnamDim, neien xoung anu Louisa Coats. CANDY SALE PLANNED FOR WEDNESDAY The Junior Woman's club will hold a candy sale In front of J. C Penney's store beginning at 1 a.m. Wednesday. "W - V ' ,. if nr ' ' . " ' I L-iUh.""-' " . " i -. , of the V c. 12 at HOME EXTENSION HOLDS RECENT MIITINO The Lookinnalass unit Unwim Sr.vfenKinn met Dee. the home of Mrs. Mae Green. "Holiday uecorauona irom ia ture" was the topic with leaders, Dorothy Boling and Mildred 01 livant demonstrating. Members present were Mrs. Don Ollivant, Mrs. Cliff Boling, Mrs. John W. Ascott, Mrs. Neal Mrs. B. E, Forbes, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Gract Forbes, Mrs. Alice Robertson, Mrs. Billie Elliott, Mrs. Bessie Wylie, Mrs. Maurice L. Forbes, Mrs. Paul Haddow, Mrs. John Maddox, Grace Hart ley, Guyla Rudzik, Mrs. Cliff Grasser. Mrs. Milton Vance and Mrs. William Niebaum. n ft fXkir?.?. II fi. W A ....... . ' --ifTjr "SJ LOOKAT AU dVANTaGES! MMB THtw r&i:'-i allowance on your I" AL' 'vV tJ. "jL present cleaner. i t t !i m. J a. 'Jl t i ' ess 1 f r;; L t ...... c, & U . . I fcL: - .ffr) . , - 16. l",'"r I By MYRTLE BURR Does music have any meaning? Can it actually tell a story ... or is it a telepathic means of com munication which needs no explanation? There are dif ferent schools of thought on that subject. And as usual, with controversial issues, you see it from where you sit in your own way. There is no doubt, though, that music can portray a mood. . . or give a feeling. It can show happiness, sad ness, serenity or a soul storm. The light, lyrical ma jors with flowing rhythm' are definitely recognizable for their gaiety. And the sonorous, heavy minors give the definite feeling of sadness. But then again. . . whatever the individual hears in a certain piece of music. . . is the thing that is conveyed to him through It. And sometimes one man's happiness is another man's sadness. What musie may appear happy to one might be minor and -miserable to another. There's one thing sure, though. There's music for EVERYBODY'S enjoyment . , .music for all tastes and all moods. Through it you can find the answers to a lot of questions. If you have a question about what to select for Christmas giving this year, come in to see us. We have musical gifts for everybody on your list. Yes, everything from pianos and tape re corders to sheet music. Come in and browse around. There are friendly folks to help you at OTT k RICK ETTS MUSIC STORE, 101 105 W. . Cass St. Phone -3-3202. (Paid Advertisement) SELLINC 10LHAY CIFTS from the Garden department's exhibit at the Roseburg Woman's club bazaar held in the new clubhouse Friday and Saturday include (standing in back of table and facing camera), Mrs. Robert Burton, Mrs. J. A. Gibson and Mrs. Otho Cornell. In the picture below some of those attending the noon sandwich luncheon at the clubhouse are photographed by Paul Jenkins. XI OMICRON MEMBERS TO MEET WEDNESDAY Xi Omicron chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, will meet Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ed Radlgan, 132 Clo ver Lane, for a Christmas party and gift exchange by secret sisters. IASIER TO USE. AH con- NO WINDING OF CORD., NO FOOT-PEDAl ACRO Iroli with! it itock Cord nail In ulomoi- EATICS. A touch ol lk SondU. , Icolly wilh prois ol button. trigger Kill odiuit hondlo. Exclusive Dual Suction . . . two fans for greater Hirt-gelting action I Floating Brush . automatically adjusts to ony rug thickness, jr- nuaway Handgrip . perfectly balanced far easier carrying. f ASHY CITS UNDER LOW DISfOSAIlE IAG. J-.I SO EASY TO STORE. No tURNIiUKL Housing only sip it out and throw awoy. floor space needed. S" hlgt No muss, ne dull., ': yWI WeJf AMAZING SINGER Hand Cleaner LARGEST SELLING HAND CLEANER IN THE WORLD! Pay 13.00 ! 5.00 star month liflhtwelghVyef powerful as many full-slio cleoners. i Truly SINGER-Dependablel Nino asy-to-uso attachments for every kind of cleanlna also available. ,f f SINGER SEWING CENTER 204 North Jackson Roseburg, Oregon Dial 3-7348 OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 5 8 Jewells WEDNESDAY ONLY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. n BY Sizes 8 to 11 45 Gauge 51 Gauge 60 Gauge Dark Heels and Dark Seams Dark Seams and Blended Heels Blended Seams and Heels Brown and Grey Shades CHOOSE FROM OUR ENTIRE STOCK. REDUCE SEE TOMORROW'S MEWS-REVIEW FOR ANOTHER DAILY SPECIAL w ' ' ' w.Aywt a n Nir Theit new Adminls tie the most com pict refrigerator! ever built 7M ox. ft. in the floor space of the smaUeat pre-war "kitchenette" models; 9 3 cu. ft In the apace of the old-ttfle "6". 11.5 cu. ft. in the space of aa old style "8". i: EASY TERMS 15 DOWN 18 Months To Pay. See Us For All Your Plumbing and Heating Needs.' lyM?liliU!l $17 S. Stephens Si. Igstburi Orejce Phone 3-5377 ( t