i Autos & Mtr. Cycles 27 B R U Pre-Inventory SALE ALL PRICES REDUCED 'SO OLDS CLUB eedan, Hydramatle drive R H. 189S 8 PLYMOUTH Special deluxe Sedan, R It H, only 37,000 mllea '47 KAISER, New teat covert, Good Urea. Only w '41 BUICK 8edanetle. R & H, aeat covera, Good Urea. A 4 CROSLEY Sedan 1 41 BUICK SEDAN, R H, new aeat covera 48 CROSLEY Sedan '40 PONTIAC COUFI 40 CHEVROLET TUDOR '39 CHEVROLET Coupe 3 PLYMOUTH '38 CHEVROLET COUPE i 39 STUDEBAKER COUPE '41 FORD TUDOR 31 PONTIAC SEDAN 3 CHEVROLET 40 PACKARD Sedan SM CONVERTIBLES '40 CHEVROLET, 1 owner, top condition ... lass '43 FORD. A Real Buy, only M 138S '41 BUICK, R tk H, good top and tires ' 445 '41 OLDS R & H, black finish, red leather - 443 TRUCKS & PICKUPS '48 WILLYS panel, new tlrta, real economy 90S '47 INT. 3-4 ton P. U 4 ipecd tram. reconditioned motor 743 '49 FORD S pickup, 4 ipeed tram.. motor Just overhauled 1093 ' FORD Dump 2 speed and Good hoUt and 4 yard bed. Ready to hauL Only ., ....... 043 '40 FORD Pickup 393 '48 DODGE Short log, good tlrei, Hydrovac brakes, Truxtell 48 CHEVROLET, new 270 GMC motor, Cook chain drive, Pierce trailer, air brakes , 3330 OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS BARCUS YOUR PACKARD DEALER v Highway 99 N at Garden Valley Rd. ' Phone 3-5566 f 1 LATBTMODEL Lincoln, fully equipped, U00. Ph. 3-3444. WANTED can to wreckTPhone 3-4S4r. FOR SALE 1948 Jeep. Phone 42-.T-2. Personal 30 POOR CIRCULATION and congested colon are the cause of most ailments including malnutrition and overweight. Our steam baths and colonics for safe and letting results. 491 S. Main. Pb. 3-3198. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Box lilt. Notices 31 MO TRESPASSING on the Kohlhagrn 55 Ranch. Christensen'a Bros., and Edward G. Kohlhagen Portland Markets PRODUCE MONDAY PORTLAND UP) BUTTER FAT Tentative, subject to im mediate enange: premium qual ity, maximum to .5 to 1 percent ouiuiiy ueiiverea in Portland, 81 93c lb; first quality, 79-81 ; second try points 2c less. BUTTER - Wholesale F. 0. B. bulk cubes to wholesalers: grade A A, 93 score, 74c lb; A, 92 score, 69c. Above prices strictly nomi nal. CHEESE Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon sin gles, 45 - 47Wc lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, 49-52c. EGGS (To wholesalers): Candled eggs containing no loss, cases., included, F. O. B. Port land: A large, 571$ - 59'A C; A medium, 53Mi - 54Wc: A small, nominal: A grade, 48-50c. LIVE CHICKENS (No. 1 quality, F. 0. B. plants): Fryers, LIVE CHICKENS (No. 1 quality, F. 0. B. plants): Fryers, 2'4-3 lbs, 25-26c; 3-4 lbs, 25-2Gc; roasters, 4 lbs and over, 27-28c; heavy hens, all weights, 21-23c; old roosters, all weights, 13-15C. RABBITS Average to grow ers: live white, 4-5 lbs, 24-26C lb; 5-6 lbs, 20-24c; old docs, 10 12c, few higher; fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 59-63c, some I higher. I c DRESSED TURKEYS - A grade young ronze hens net lo I growers F. O. B. farm on dressed 1 4 same basis, 37c. A grade toms, I COUNTRY-KILLED MEATS: New York style, 46-47c; A grade, MUTTON: Best, 60-90 lbs 24 hens, 56-57c; ready to cook hens,!26c lb; rough heavy bucks, ewes, 6 ."??c.;.t?m'58"59c- I VEAL: Top quality, 53.2c lb; WALNUTS Approximate 15-27. price to growers for orchard HOGS: Light blockers, 27-28c runs: franquctte, 17-20c Ib; whole-1 lb; sows, liufo, 23-25C. sale price F. O. B. shipping; LAMBS: Top rade, 50-52c lb; puuti, i.ific, ,-,u. i, oiT.-oc iu, No. 2 grade babies, 2M-24Je. FRESH DRESSED MEATS (Wholesalers to retailers; dollars per CViT): BEEF: Steers, choice, 500-700 s, $37.70-58.10; good, $55.70-56.10; Tility, $47.50 - 49.10; cowS, com mercial, $45.00 51.10; utility, 43.00 - 49.10; canners - cutters, $46.00-44.60. BEEF CUTS fChoice steers): hind quarters, $63.60 64.00; 1 " !l 11 i f e V ' d - ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY The Douglas Community hos pital board of directors, medical staff and officials and their wives or guests are pictured at their annual Christmas banquet 1 ffi ? ,, know HE UP f3 ! -3l- : -B ) THAT'S TV l H4ttVi CHRISTMAS Ur.fi !-. - rK n f ' fl ? V. M 1 SEISOML WW ,'fj n r (lt THERE? 0 fl h i, - ; HXti 1 V- ,1-21 '0RTHENEEDV I 4 - I kJ L J 0 'III I I; p (4t1 I . at-Vw.' I rt DONNA GIBSON, above, stands the large kettle, symbolic of the Salvation Army. Each year at Christmas time the organization begins a drive to accumulate funds, which are used to aid the needy. Donna is stationed in front of the Roseburg J. C. Penney store. (Picture by Paul Jenkins) rounds, $62.70 63.10; full loins, trimmed, $84.20 - 60; triangles, $48.80-49.20; forequarters, $52.10 50; chucks, $55.00 - 57.10; ribs, $69.70 - 70.10. VEAL: Good - choice, $55.00 58.00; commercial, $49.00 - 51.00. choice, $53.00 - 57.00; commer cial $47-51. PORK CUTS LOINS, No. 1. 8- 12 lbs, $44.50-47.00; shoulders, 16 lbs. "3A Art. .r,qpap;K. $44.00-45.90; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs, $49.00-52.50, LAMBS: Choice lbs. $57.00 - 58.30 Prlme' i good, $56.00- 58.30. MUTTON: Good-choice, $33.40- MOHAIR: growth, F. ping points. 50c ib on 12-month O. B. country ship- otner craaes, 41-43C. ONIONS: 50 lb sacks. Ore. yel lows, med., $2.75-3.00; large, $3.00 25. Idaho, sweet Spanish, No. 1, 3-inch min., $2.75-3.25. POTATOES: Ore. Deschutes russets, No. 1, 2 - inch min., $5.25-50; special brands $5.60-85; 25 lb sks, $1.40-55 ; 5-10 lb naper sks. $2.85 - 3.00; bakers. No. 1. i $5.25-6.00; No. 2, 50 lbs, $1.60- 2.00. Wash, russets. No. 1. 2-inch min., $5.00-75; No. 2, 100 lbs, $3.50- .af tea beside 80. Idaho russets, No. 1, 2-inch min., $5.75-6.00. HAY: U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, delivered car and truck lots, ton; No. 1 timothy mixed hay, F. O. B. Portland, baled, $41.50 42.00. LIVESTOCK ' PORTLAND UP) (USDA) -Cattle: Market slow, few sales fed steers and heifers around 1.00 It-U Sl( ur . f T 7 ! ' awuc uiw oaica ucci vuwb wrHt rpnte Intunr hull c t o n ' ir Turn loatis good-choi'ce fed steers M.OO; few ioa(js mosty g00( steers 33.00- 34 50, including 954 lbs at 33.00; odd sales utility steers 23.00-28.00; few medium 787-870 lb feeders 27.00-30.00. Part loads commercial good light heifers 32.00, some held higher; utility heifers mostly 21.50 27.00. Canner-cutter cows largely 17.00-20.00, few 21.00; utility cows mostly 21.50-24.00; few high util ity 26.00. Utility bulls 25.00-27.00; few commercial bulls 28.00-29.00. Calves: market active, steady. Few good-choice vealers-slaughtcr calves 31.00-34.00; utility-commercial grades 20.00-30.00; culls down to 15.00. Good stock calves 34.00 37.00. -Hogs: Market active, fully steady with last week's advance. Choice 180-235 lb butchers 20.00 to mostly 20.50; few choice 250-300 lbs 18.50-19.00; choice 246 lbs 19.75. Choice 350-500 lb sows 16.00-17.00; lighter weights to 17.50. Around 200 feeder pigs available with no early sales or bids. Sheep: Scattered sales slaughter the trinod suooortino Sm-JSj-" Monday night. The affair was Paul Jenkins) OUT OUR WAY it Wis LYTLE HONORED George Sothman, at right, district mainten ance superintendent, Oregon Stat Highway department, pre sents an award to K, D. Lytle, district engineer, recently trans ferred to headquarters in Salem, where ha will be assistant con struction engineer. The presentation was made Monday night at a banquet held in Lytla's honor at Del Ray cafe. (Paul Jenkins picture I .lambs around 1.00 lower; feeders around 50 cents off. Good-choice 1 trucked In No. 1 pelt to wooled if held at the hospital. (Pictures by WHY MOTHER5 3ET GT2AY lambs 27.50-28.50; around 6 loads beet top lambs unsold; few good I feeder lambs 27.00 50. Cull-utility Dillard By MRS. ROSA HEINBACH Several member! of the Dillard Wlnstoa community attended the county wide meeting Monday evening of the Douglas County Tuberculosis and Health associa tion planning session which was held at the new Woman's club building in Roseburg. Plans were discussed to con duct a mass chest x-ray to be held In various localities throughout the county during the middle of Jan uary. The representatives were told that it is desired that every person over 15 years of age should be x-rayed at this time. The x-rays are free, it win not oe necessary to remove clothing. The x-ray not only discovers tuber culosis but also many cases of cancer and heart disease. The PTA, church groups, mill organi sations and all civic groups are urged to help make this project 100 oercent in tins community, Those attending from the Dillard' Wmston area were Charles Kce ley, Mrs, f rank B, Drew, Mrs, James Buttler. Mrs. Eugene Le sher, Mrs. Connie Nelson and Mrs. Roy Fisher. The Joyful Bluebirds met Tues day afternoon in Mrs. Lewis' room of the Diilard school. Plans were made for a Christmas party to be held at their next meeting. The project of building and fur nishing a doll house has not pro gressed as fast as was hoped due to so many absentees from the school on account of illness. The members present were Patty McLennan, Suzanne McLennan, Janie Pettie, Lana Wade, Barbara Lesher, Faye Armstrong and the leader, Mrs, Gene Lesher. Mr. and Mrs. Danford A. Laurance and Mrs. Willard Laur ance motored to Portland, Mon day. Dan received medical atten tion Tuesday at the Portland clinic while the ladles enjoyed shopping. They also stopped over in Eugene on their return trip and arrived in Dillard Wednesday evening. Young Joseph Andrew Laurance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurance stayed with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rice. Mrs. Cal Schiermeister is re ported to be seriously ill In ttie Mercy hospital since last Satur day night. Laurabeth Drew, five year old daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Frank B. Drew is recuperating from a lingering attack of the "flu". The installation of officers cere mony was performed by Mrs. Alice Goff and her installing staff Monday night at the Evergreen Grange hall before a large dele gation from twelve of the outlying granges. Mrs. Goff was ably assisted by the following members of her staff: Mrs. Katherine Karcher, flagbearer; Mrs. Amy Kruse, marshall, Mrs. Mayme Pickens, pianist; Mrs. Ollie Krueger, Em blem bearer, and Mrs. La Verne Nickens, regalia bearer; Mrs. Williams ewes 7.00-12.00 Including large lot 115 lb karakuls at 11.50; good ewes salable around 13.00. IF YOUR PAPER HAS NOT ARRIVED BY 6:15 P.M. DIAL 2-2631 . T. M. Ufa U. f. IAT. OFF. J COPP 19S1 BY NCA SrCVlCt tNC . MORE. THAN HALF A CENTURY OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE! Jlie Cliapel oj- the c Roseburg Oak and Kane Street Funerals Tues., Dec 18, 1951 The News-Review, RoMburg, Or. IS Gertrude Hatfield, chaplain, and Paul Krueger, custodian.' The male quartette, consisting of Tom Bal, Don Moreburg, Sy Van Vorst and Dale Hatfield, ac companied by Mrs. Naomi More burg, from the South Deer Creek grange sang several numbers dur ing the ceremony. The tableaus were rendered by the Evergreen Grange under the direction of Mrs. Jessie Thomas and Mrs. Nolle Lander and assisted by Mrs. Gertrude Hess, Mrs. Mabel Burr and daughter Joan, Mrs. Renie Jenkins, Mrs. Cecilia Conklin, Mrs. Garnet Folmsbee and Mrs. Margaret Burt. The past masters of most of the granges represented gave a snort resume of the activities their grange had accomplished for their most outstanding accom Camas Valley Grange was com mended for. their most outstand ing accomplishments during the past year. They won the state priie for their efforts. The dele gates representing the twelve Granges were: Camas Valley. 19, Azalea 18, South Deer creek i. Sunny Dale 13, Lookingglass 10, Melrose 11. Glide 1. Fair Oaks 2, Riversdale 1. Winchester Bay 1 nnH thA host trance 28. Each room of the Dillard school Is collecting food stuff Jor uie Christmas baskets to be sent to the needy in the community. Chil dren who have not as yet brought any articles are reminded to do so as soon as possible. Mrs. Frank B. Drew's Sunday school class of boys are invited to a Christmas party to be held in the church annex Sunday eve ning at 7:30. There will be games rereshments and a gift exchange. The Dillard school Mother's chorus held their weekly rehear' sal at the school Tuesday. They are working on the Christmas concert they will present at the Parent-Teacher's meeting Friday nWht. Dec. 21. The . members nresent were: Mrs. Irene Mc Laughlin director, Mrs. Helen tsuell. pianist. Airs, tmny rus- back. Mrs. Rosa Heinbach, Mrs, Beth Gordon, Mrs. Mary Lee Walker. Mrs. Irene Geddes, Mrs, Lois Evans. Mrs. Reba Buttler. Miss Dorothy Buttler, Mrs. La Nole Brown, Mrs. Velma Alber tus. Mrs. Jo Lesher. Mrs. Mar garet McCord, Mrs. Llla MeKean, Mrs. Betty Drew, Mrs. Juanila Drake, Mrs. Rosemary Wight, Mrs. Othal Barnes, Mrs. Carol Sue Carnes, Mrs. Wilma Hau meser, Mrs. Chester Bast,, Mrs. Ouida Mutschler, Mrs. Ruby Pe terson and Mrs. Virginia Laur ance. The chorus will hold their next rehearsal at the home of Mrs, Paul Hult on Tuesday, Dec 18, with a potluck luncheon served at iz:3U. Livestock Report CHICAGO IB Hogs, catUe and sheep were quoted nominally steady today. Hogs sold with $16.90 to $18.60 range. Hogs were marketed In heavy volume this week, average drove cost of all barrows and gilts slnic ing to the lowest level since No, vembor, 1950. Heavy weights wero mm 355 ufr-afimflt FURNISHED A vary nlctt 3 bedroom homt, com plttely FURNISHED, which In cludes refriff., ranga. ate.. All on a cement foundation, Larga Lot. Fine location, In Sutherlln. (9090. full prlca with LOW TERMS, F. H. A. Your choice of any four, ALL NEW. modern, 2 bedroom hornet, low attached garagei. Larga Lots, which give privacy and view too. Close In. Paved Street. Best terms poinlble., only 90850. each, full prlca. APPROX- 11 ACRES A beautiful acreage, situated In a grove of oak trees. Outbuildings crmiiii of a BIG barn, chicken house, cow shed and garage. There U i 8 room, modern nome, wnn whit, nlrket fence too. DeeD well. with an abundance of water. All this and only 8 miles from town, with grade and high school con veniences. Approx. MOOQ. down $10,500. F. P. 4 BEDROOMS A huae lot. 240x100, which holds this two (2) story home with living room 34',x21, extra features Include sewing room and porch. ONLY 15O0. DOWN 17000. T, P. $1000. DOWN This 5 acres It a perfect spot for new home sites Just 2 miles from the heart of town, with City water and electricity. Fenced on two sides. Come in and have . lrwilr l ih nlat TODAY, or hetter still, we'll take you out to see this fine bargain. o3e3 Funeral Homa Roseburg, Oregjrt Tel 3-4455 off most, losing as much as $1.00. Barrows and gilts weighing! less than 220 pounds met good de mand from order buyers, slump ing only 25 to 50 cents. Cattle receipts for the week were the second largest for the year. The proportion of choice and prime grade steers and hei fers was unusually high for this time of year. Slaughter steers and heifers lost 50 cents to $1.00, Cows dropped (1.00 to $2.00. Best price for the week was $38.25. Lambs dropped $1.00 to $1.50 showing the most decline. Closing prices were the lowest since mid- November and recepits for the week were the largest In nearly two years. DRIPNOT MODERN ("W6 LkaiW' .i.'il ilk,,.. xLJl Toilet Tank Tray PREVENT. DISCOLORING LOOSENING ROTTING OF BATHROOM FLOORS 51 S. Stephens Sf. ffoseburg, Oregon EXCLUSIVE!! 03 Acres $11,600. F. P. 000. DN 40 acres In cultivation. Good Solt. Springs, All Year Creek. Largt 17 room! modern home. Barn. Fin Roads. Located f miles east ot Myrtle Creek, on the south Myrtle Creek Road, (Van Dynel, Drive out and have a look at this property for the listing won't last long. ' NICE A S bedroom, modern homt, with FIREPLACE, all in new condi tion as only built thli year. Four (4) picture windows. Full base ment with drlve-ln garage. Bath has tub c shower. AH electric heat, lots of plug-Ins. Hardwood floors and plastered thruout. Clos. eta gaiore Good scenic view lot approx. SO x 100. CLOSE IN 113,000, with F.HA. TERMS. 240 ACRES STOCKED A vary fine ranch, with TO acre In cultivation and more could be. Free Soli, River, with plenty ot water. 2 Barns, 3 chicken houses, Gas House, other outbuildings, Good Fences it Roads. A S room home and also 3 room cabin in fair condition. 4 mllea from grade & high school, store, cream rte. Tractor, 15 tons of hay, 2 plows, 2 discs, 2 harrows, 1 grain drill, 20 head Hereford!, 45 Ewes, 1 But, S Sows, 1 Boar, Soma Pigs, and 600 White Leghorn Chic kens all are Included in the full price of f33,000. Good Terms, DOUGLAS STREET 18't Acrea 1R cultivated, approx. (too feet frontafa on Eaat Dou laa St. Thla haa 1 hone bam, 1 dairy barn, 1 chicken houae, wo ven wire fence, city water, paved alreet and a low down payment, Ideal for email chicken or turkay ranch. WIN trade lor houaa or traUer house. L L POWERS SEE US FOR fg All ra 4 YOUR ttl & PLUMBING, fjl 6 HEATING G3a j mTI an C3 6 APPLIANCES mm