10 Th Ntwt-Revlw, Roieburg, Or. Tuts., Dee. 18, 1951 T i ..i i in Barkley Optimistic That Cease Fire Is Coming WASHINGTON UP) V I c e president Barkley said he Is "still hopeful and optimistic" t h 1 1 a cease fire can be arranged in Ko rea by Dec. 27. Barkley made the statement to newsmen after giving President Truman a report at the White House on the recent Far Eastern trip that took him to the front lines in Korea. The Vice President said he found "an atmosphere of optimism" WHY BE SICK? you've not trltd everything until you see DR. SCOFIELD X-Ray Chiropractor I minutes from town on Rifle Ranee Rd. Dial 3-5133 among the United Nations truce negotiators. He said this feeling is shared by the chief negotiator, Adm. c. Turner Joy. However, Barkley said, Joy does not underestimate the dif ficulties yet to be encountered. He added that the chief negotiator has exhibited a patience like that of Job in dealing with tne Keas. Barklev said he sees no reason why negotiations, could not be re opened II tne present Dec. u deadline is passed without agree ment being reached. The Vice President said he told Mr. Truman he never saw an army better fed or better clothed than the u. s. army in Korea. "They all have warm, thick, heavy clothing, and they have marvelous food not less than two hot meals a day and three if possible." Mr and Mrs Harry S Truman i were married June 28, 1919 ...for Christmas gift give... ' t . tv.v a floral bouquet T.L J.... GO: ,in9er,n9 undertone ill one ot caron's newest importations dram $2.00 241 N, Jackson iiannacu a Dial 3-3415 V.IK I V ROSE TOURNEY QUEEN Nancy True Thome, 17-year-old blue-eyed blonde, will be queen of the 1952 Tournament of Roses at Pasadena, Calif. As such she'll preside over the New Year's Day activities to be climaxed by the Rose Bowl game between Illinois and Montord. IAP WIKEPHOTO) Rail Dispute Ends After Union Ignores It WASHINGTON UP) A presl- dential emergency board has completed hearings in the three year labor dispute between the major railroads and the Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen and Engincmen (Ind.). Carroll R. Dauchterty. board chairman, said in closing the case that the union refused to the end to furnish evidence to back its contentions. The union made only a nrelim- inary statement when the hearings started Nov. 27. Its representatives then walked out and refused to participate further, charging mem bers of the board wilh bias. The board is under White House instructions to make a report by Jan, 15 on ils recommendations for settling the dispute. The carriers and union have agreed on an immediate wage in crease of 34 cents an hour for yard employes, and 19Vicen.s an hour for road employes. iney nave disagreed, however, on the amount of a further in crease for yard employes when a 40-hour work week becomes ef fective. The railroads offered to pay four cents when the shorter work week is adopted, the union demanded cents hourly. There is also disagreement on certain working rule changes. The growing, transportation, dis tration in the shipping lanes of the bine to make one of the world's leading food industries lb Man FOR THAT In your life 'Town and Kinj'' 1 Cashmere Sweaters 9( Wines. Navy, Black At Sea Green, Blue 3& 19 0C THE TOGGERY Bill and Hardy ROSEBURG, OREGON PHONE 3-5553 SANTA CLAUS ARRIVES 6 P.M. FRIDAY I xlr ff2 Hi, i 1 "T.J V', . , RAYONS IN JEWEL COLORS S9 thm today 8.98 SUti 12 to 20 Chrutmai-time Robes to keep her worm all winter. Rayon satins, laffelas, In iweepingly long or swlnjy duster styles. Some brightened with gala trim, piping. All wilh rich controlling linings. ,,.r, i ' i . vv 1 tJ v I'.. YOUNG PARTY STYLES Dntif fabric 12.98 Sites 9 to iS Exciting Holiday Dresses. Filmy nylon nets, rayon brocades, dressy crepes. Many gala bare-shouldered styles with brief matching jackets. Sequin, bead, rich trims. Full or slim skirts. Black, colors. LAMP TABLE 1 ' $io95 I I Tf if ' yaifej MAUI BMM x T.. iivw TUU tlIUIrf,lA5 UIVIIJUI ; i WrCI$ (mCTIVt: WID., THURS.,' Wl., $Af. I ! New design with embossed rail and curved legs. Rigid hardwood construction. Ma hogany finish. 26" high with 17" x 17V4"top onr" shelf. wxmz32m ii a vr "GREATS" 238 00 Ask about our Easy Payment Plats The Coronado "Great 8" 8-cubic foot refrigerator gives you MORE usable easy-reach shelf area, is engineered to give you more refrigerator space than ever before. Beautifully designed cabinet! Come in' and buy your "Great 8" today at today's low pricel "THRIFTY 7" A r a I b v y 1 7-eobie fool rtfrigaralor, "imoll en th Mt lid big en lh tniid." - "SUPER" 9-cubic fortrfrigmlor(roomy family liit, packed with wiabl fafwt. Ivy on Easy TnM. 168.00 268.00 LIBERAL TRADE ALLOWANCE Coronado SUPER 'Automatic Pop-Up Style G.E. TOASTERS The big family-size washer with extra capacity, extra features I Surprli mom with this super G.E. Hand color dial and tfwrmostatic control iJir' 'J'l' lakes a nine-pound load and sends cleansing suds surging through clothes sjxty times a minute I Special Steam Seal Lid conserves hot water. Lovell deluxe 8-position wringer has push pull safety bars. Full year warranty. Underwriters' Laboratory approved. 119 95 Without Pump I AST TERMS Ask about our Easy Payment Plan CORONADO AUTOMATIC WASHER $279.95 Th siaiifMt woy to do tho washing. Snow whits clothe or yours whin you hovo now Coronado Automatic Waihtr. -IN CORONADO "CUSTOM VACUUM CLEANER $74.95 House work made easier when she has e new Coronado tank type vacuum. Powerful suction gift all the dirt. 10 m Tat. M.M CORONADO t'BI .11 riamaie Regular Price SALE 8995 ONLY 15 DOWN Easy Monthly Payments Style, performance! Rich mahogany finish with t.rdi .1 .ii an. ,, .ay.d metal dial, simulated irtamaikaiir an iingi. ..im na.dia. gold-flecked grill. Sovel bl Hmrt fUrt rtraa Wayrf Whalhar lh. n.ad hi raaia ar racardt. yan will .n.y lh. flnaM In llll.nlnfl. I aSfsejlEs- ' -ill"1"1 1 . ! - REG. 249.95 19995 Striped Mahogany Veneers 0H" D0WN Easy Manlhly roym.nl. AM-FM "Perfectone" Reception The finest of all combinations! Features all-speed record changer, big storage cabinet, 9 tubes, rectifier, 12' PM speaker, tuned RF stage and modified bass boost. Hear irl " Iserr"" Slnulal.d laathar cai. . wltk tiaavy Ittchlng, brat. Him. Smartly madarnl CORONADO "Town & Country" 4350 Only 10 Down Take it everywhere! 6 tubes with rectifier; 5' PM speaker; 7 tuned circuits. ACDC, battery. o-sul A Perfect Companionl CORONADO "Clipper" 1895 Only 10 Down Easy Monthly Payments Uniscope dial; built-in an tenna; brown plastic case. Now Open Til 9 P.M. PLASTIC COVERED OCCASIONAL CHAIR ChartrtM a e Deep Reel e Fertst Green Modern bleached finish hard rock maple chair with bright plastic upholstery . . . priced 'way down where you can afford enough for company I No-Sag spring seats, cotton felt padding. REG. $17.88 OCCASIONAL CHAIR Pkntk seal t bock, sr.. ef mtved weed S14.P HEY KIDS! GET YOUR FREE TICKETS! The Eagles Lodge wants to thank you for the splenid co operation that you have ex tended them during their recent drive for old toys. They are go ing to give away three very valuable gifts ... A Schwinn Bicycle, a Story Book Doll and a big Model Airplane. All you havo to do is . . . go to Western Auto and ask for a free ticket hich enables you to win one of the wonderful and expensive gifts. Nothing to buy or do to get your ticket, just come in and ask for it. Fill it out and th"n deposit it in the box. Prizes will be awarded on Friday, De cember 21 at 7 p.m. in front of the Western Auto Store. You do not have to be present to win but to win you must have filled out your Free Ticket and left it at the Western Auto Store. Tickets now available. Get yours today 1 CLWWB ETT E R JBU YS AT STEPHENS AT CASS DIAL 3-4522 i