The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 09, 1951, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 The Newi-Revlew, KoMbure, Ore. M, Nov. t If 51
Mill Closures
Have Resulted
In Unemployment
October rains forced cloture of
many of the amaller logging and
sawmill operations In Douglas
county which resulted In an em
ployment decline, reports George
T. Foster, manager of the local
employment service.
The decrease, while not of se
rious t ature, wss anticipated at
this time of year. A large majority
of the skilled workers will find em
ployment in I short time, Foster
Until the weather changed, there
were definite shortages .In many
classifications, but this condition
was eliminated as mora men be
came available.
Level Will Remain Same.
Reports from various retail and
wholesale trade establishments in
dicate that current levels of em
ployment will remain constant un
til the first of December. There
will be a larger demand as Christ
mas nears, but no changes are an
ticipated within the next 60 days.
Claims for unemployment Insur
ance rose sharply during October.
ThAra uprA nnnrnximatelv three
times as many applications as for
September. Adverse weainer con
ditions were held responsible for
tht. fnomiu ThA ncak nf unem
ployment will be reached In Feb
The demand for construction la
u. kA hni rariitiH in inv laree
degree. While affected by aevere
weather conditions, this type of
work generally continues to a lim
ited extent during me winter.
No lavoffi are indicated within
the next 60 days.
Three Die, 11 Bail Our ,
In B-29's Fiery Crash
Three airmen were killed and one
was missing in the crash of a
B-29 Thursday night, but 11 men,
rushing pellmell from the crip
pled superfortress, parachuted to
Thtt iii-vIvai. mid th Nn. .
engine caught fire while the ship
was on a rouune training mis
sion from nearby Randolph air
force base.
"Wherever there is i veteran
of the great wars, there will be
an observance of Armistice day,"
said Ira Hudson, commander of
umpqua host is of. tne Ameri
can Legion. This year, this day
of hallowed memory falls on Sun
day, and all the veteran organiza
tions are urging that everyone
make their observance in the
church of their choice.
Denn-Gerretsen Co. offers a
Complete Fuel Service
01 I . Clean Burning Shell Burner Oilt
I la. FOA-5X to give mere heat' from lest fuel
For Fuel Service Call
402 Weif Oak SKZUte,7-2MerLjiaJUf
I . -VAX. St- , I H A-
CANDIDATE FOR DEATH ROW Is this ear, ripped apart In e recent traffic accident north of
Roieburg. State Patrolmen Joe Hayitead describes the accident in which e man died to high
school group. Car was on display Thursday at school, end will be shown again Saturday on Jack
son street. (Staff picture)
Snapping Needle
Ruins Birthday
Darla Cleveland, 11, and her
brother "Butch," 8, celebrated
their twin birthdays on Wednes
day, Nov. 7. But the affair wasn't
very festive as far as Darla was
concerned. Here's why:
Several days ago she turned
her foot slightly while at play.
There were no broken bones or
other serious Injuries as far as
her parents were able to deter
mine, and yet -Darla complained
of severe pain. X-rays, made in
the Linden clinic, soon told tne
story. Lodged in the left foot was
a darning needle, broken in nau,
but minus the point. Neither
Darla nor her narents can explain
how or when the accident occurred.
It is the oolnion of the doctors.
however, that the needle had been
lodged there for some time. The
pain became evident when she bent
the foot, snapping the needle, they
Surgery will be Involved before
the condition can be eased. How
ever, the doctors, understanding
all about little girls' birthdays,
postponed the matter a day.
Darla Is the granddaughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Alexander of
Lt. H. L. Marr Returns
Wjth Carrier Air Group
Recently returning with carrier
air group one from a Mediterran
ean cruise was Lt. (jg) Harold
L. Marr, USN, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Marr of route 1, box
145, Roseburg, and husband o f
Mrs. Mildred A. Marr of Brooks
vllle, Fla. .
Lt. (jg) Marr entered the navy
Oct. 27, 1944.
Before entering the navy, he was
graduated from Roseburg high
The group operated from the
deck- of the aircraft carrier USS
Coral Sea. While in the Mediter
ranean the crewmen visited South
ern European and North African
The group Is now stationed at
the Naval Air station, Jackson
ville, Fla.
Four Roseburg Recruits
Receive Naval Training
Undergoing recruit training at
the U. S. Naval Training center,
San Diego, Calif., are four Rose
burg area men, Lewis R. Wilson,
seaman recruit, USN, of box 361,
Oakland; Boyd W. Kelly, airman
Model 870 ADL
Remington Pump gun.
12, 16 end
20 gouge.
Remington Automotic. (til E A E
Model 48, 12, 16 ge. $ I 13.43
Winchester Pump gun
Model 25, 12 ge.
Winchester Pump gun f An mm
Model 12. 12, 16,20 ge.370.l3
Stevens Double Barrel
12 go
Fill your needs while we have a complete
stock, here at Umpqua Valley
American Field Hunting
With rubber lined gome pocket, shell holders, storm collar, weather
protecting back yoke, water repellent finish. Aia mm m
Designed comfort plw.3
Other models $12.50.
CUMBERLAND SHELL VEST with game pocket ond elastic shell
holders to fit 12, 16, 20 gauge shells. 4 t s 4
hells. 55.50
Other models $3.15.
We have a good supply of ammunition on hand.
See us first, for your sporting needs.
t Converse
4 lf
$1.75 etr, $19.95 dox.
Victor Veri-lite Decoys
1.95 ea 22.50 dox.
Featherlight Decoys
2.50 Co., 30.00 dox.
1.7$ ee., 19.50 dot.
202 North Jackson St.
Duck Calls
Dial 3-6628 Gos Calls
2.00 up
Mrs. Rena Helbig
Claimed By Death
Mrs. Rent Helbig, widow of the
late George U. Helbig and well
known resident of Roseburg, died
suddenly at her home at 1212 Corey
Ave., Thursday. She was born at
Newtown, Ind., and was married
there March 5, 2895, to George U.
Helbig. She came to Douglas
county in 1909, making her home
at Riddle for three years before
moving to Roseburg, where her
husband was engaged In the real
estate and insurance business for
many years. Mr. Helbig died July
2, 1941. Mrs. Helbig was a member
of the First Baptist church, the
Order of Eastern Star, the Ladies
auxiliary of George W. Starmer
camp, Spanish-American War vet
erans and the Roseburg Woman's
She is survived by two sons, Clin
ton L. Helbig, Tucson, Ariz., and
Vera V. Helbig, Roseburg, and two
Funeral services will be held In
the chapel of the Long & Orr mor
tuary, Monday, Nov. 12 at 2 p.m.,
with the Rev. Raymond Schaefer,
of the First Baptist church, offici
ating. Concluding services and in
terment will follow In the Civil
Bend cemetery.
recruit, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Kelly of 1113 Willow St.,
Roseburg: David R. Wells, seaman
recruit. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Wells of Idleyld route, Rose
burg. and Victor H. Moffett. sea
man recruit, USN, son of Mr. and
Mrs. M. F. Moffett of box 1190,
route one, Roseburg.
This initial training Includes in-1
struction in such fields as seaman-1
ship, fire-fighting, gunnery, signal
ing, and other courses designed j
to make the recruit well-versed in j
every phase of navy life. I
Upon completion of their 11-week '
training period at the recently
re-activated training center, grad-1
uates are assigned to duty stations I
with the fleet or at navy shore
stations, or are sent to service
schools for advanced technical I
Here's a note on the womanpower
situation, from an ad in the Mary
land Gazette, America's oldest
(weekly) newspaper:
"Sales girls wanted part time,
full time, any time. Attention!
"Mother, Polan's will provide a
nursery to care for your chil
dren ...
"How about earning some
money for Christmas?"
Polan's is a 5-cents-to SI store
in nearby Glen Burnie.
Child Fatally Burned
In N. Rottburcj Accident
(Continued from Page 1)
a narrow roadway leading west
from the highway alongside the
building where Ryder, who lives
at Winston, has his offices and a
parking lot. Flare pots had been
burning all day along the sewer
installations, it was reported.
It is understood the children
had been warned about playing
in the vicinity. There is an un
confirmed report that another girl
caught her hair afire at one of
the flares last Sunday, but that
she was not injured.
It is reported that every portion.
oi Patricia s body was Durnea ex
cept for her feet and one hand,
the body has been removed to
the Roseburg Funeral home and
services will be' announced later.
Governorship Sought
By Son. Toft's Brother
P. Taft (R-Ohio), announced bis
A. Taft (R-Ohio), announced his
candidacy today for the Republi
can nomination for Governor of
Charles Taft, 54, who like his
brother is an attorney, has been
prominent in church work, in
politics and in civil enterprises
for many years. Robert, 62, is a
candidate for Republican nomina
tion for President.
Asked whether he thought his
entry in the political picture would
damage Senator Taft's chances
insofar as Ohio support is con
cerned, the younger brother re
plied: "I do not think my entry will
have anything to do with my broth
er's candidacy for the presidential
Some folks close to Senator Taft
say he would rather Charles had
not entered the gubernatorial contest.
Doesn't Pay" was the title of a
dime comic book which detectives
said Earl Martin, 22-year-old Ne
gro, stole from a drug store.
And Police Recorder A. W. Cal
laway made Martin show a net
loss of $12.90 by fining him $13.
In Nielsen's Market advertisement appearing in our
Thursday publication. 2 errors were made It was adver
tised that FRYERS, Fresh Frosted, Fancy Cut Ups were to
be sold at 29c a pound, and that U.S. NO. 1, CALIFOR
NIA RED YAMS were to sell at 59c a pound. These
prices are in error and the correct prices are as follows . . .
Fancy Cut Up
lb. 59c
RED YAMS 2 lbs 29c
N. Ye City's Dock 1
Strike Sett'cd ; .
NEW YORK UP) Striking!,
longshoremen flocked back to
freight-jammed piers today after
their leaders agreed to end the
port's billion-dollar, 25 Jay , wild
cat walkout.
Along the miles of waterfront
from Hoboken and Jersey City,
N. J., to the far reaches of Brook,
lyn, thousands streamed to work
before the deadline set by their
The rebel union faction, which
streamrollered the strike into New
York's longest port tieup, yielded
to a New York fact-finding board
in the pre-dawn hours to end the
strike. .
No mention was made concern
ing settlement of intra-union dif
ferecea. The dispute princi
pally over wage scales in a new
contract and legality of the con.
tract itself still must be aired
by the board.
At the peak of the walkout, 114
ships were tied up.
Jewelry Needs It
IF YOU OWN fine Jewelry
and Furs, you have an in
vestment of hundreds of
dollars. Many things can
happen to them over which
you have no control.
You can be protected
financially from any loss
or damage whether at
home or away with a
Jewelry - Fur policy. Ask
this agency to insure yours
NOW ! ,
DIAL 3-6671
205 West Cass Street
In style, beauty, roominess, riding ease and dependability
Wkere otkasgimyom seBZ.mcgiveyomMOQFl
We brlieve our customer! like to (ad car valoes foe
themselves. The Dodge "Show Down Plan compana
Dodge with other can allows yoa to m bow yoa
could pay hundreds of dollars more and still not get
. all Dodge givra yon. Be sure to gat your FREE copy
of the "Show Down" book.
On of the grandest things about
the new '52 Dodge Is this: to
could STILL pay hundred! of dol
lar more for eat ond not get
everything thU great new Dodge
gioe. yoa
For here m this new 52 beauty
are all the comfort, style and con
venience features you'll be looking
for in your new car. The smart,
modern inside "dress" the natter
ing new fabrics the all-around-you
roominess that lets you relax
and take things easy.
Naturally, you're invited to drive
this new Dodge. For that's the only
way you can fed bow the Onflow
Ride really takes the bounce out of
bumps the only way to appreciate
what a smooth handling car it ia.
Your eyes will open wide, too,
at the visibility you have front,
back and all around. That's why
every mile you drive in a Dodge si
safer, more pleasant.
Well be looking for you. Come
in and see this new 52 Dodge.
You're in for a happy surprise.
SpejcJAoottoiei Sjadl s)sSjfjMtf MeVltje sAsSflfJO) ajrifcctfjl ejoAOsl
SI DILLARD MOTOR CO. 0 340 North Stephens