The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 09, 1951, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 TIm Ntwt-Rtvltw, Roseburg, Ore. VH, Nov.
India's Position
Will Be Discussed
' Indli'i role between the East
lid West will b discussed Thurs
day night by Professor Victor Pav
amani of Callicut, India, In the
Methodist church. .
He will iddreat Rotariana and
their wivea. Thia ia one in a series
of four speeches to be presented
by the learned Indian, who ia
studying for hia doctors degree at
the University of Washington.
- On Wednesday, he will address
about 200 members of the Hi-Y
and Tri-Hi-Y members at an in
duction service in the Baptist
church at 7:30 p.m.
. Thursday morning at , he will
apeak at the Senior high school,
and at 2 p.m. he will address the
Junior high school student body,
tian college and haa for many
lish literature in Malabar Chris-
Pavamanl la a teacher of Eng
lish literature in Malabar Chris
tain college and haa for many
yeara been a member of the board
of the Callicut YMCA. -
One of the outstanding leadera
of the Union church of India, hia
family haa long been identified
with the Christian forcea of the
Upon hia .return, he will be pres
ident designate of the college in
Hia appearance la being spon
sored jointly by the Roseburg
YMCA and Rotary club.
New York's first elevated train
was powered by cablea attached
to steam winches at one end of the
For the dnast eaample f high
way safely.
Far courtesy of the read.
w Far highway aid whan vo0re
hi root distress.
For attention ta duly 'deliver
ing tht goads" on time.
w For helping pravtda you with
the flnnt coit-cultlng distribu
tion system In the Wast.
Things that look alike art
not always the some. Best
way to ba sura Is ta rely on
tha name.
Call for on 'on your farm demonstration' of
the new Ferguson '30', the 3 plow tractor.
: Now at
200 S. Pine
Phone 3-7334
Local News
Visiting In South Dakota
Mrs. Ed Moon and Mra. Jennings
Gravning of Roseburg have gone
to South Dakota for a visit.
Admitted re Hospital Carl
SteinmeU, brother of Mrs. George
Wharton of tnis city, nas Been
admitted to Sacred Heart hospital
in Eugene for medical treatment
Mr. Steinmetz owns and operates
a large walnut orchard near Eu
gene. He is well-known here.
Heme Prom Hospital Mrs.
William Pyle and baby daughter,
Elizabeth Kae, who waa born
Nov. 1, at Douglas Community hos
pital and weighed seven pounds
thirteen ounces, are now at their
home at 1301 Fair street in Rose
burg. Return From Trip Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Pixler of Roseburg,
returned last week from a three
weeks trip in Canada, Montana
and points In Washington, visiting
friends and relatives. At Seattle
they attended the Washington- Il
linois football game.
Move ta Ratabura Mr. and
Mrs. L. R. Wilson Jr., and son,
Ricky, have moved from Oakland
to 1130 Rainbow lane, Roseburg.
Mrs. Wilson is the former Bar
bara Young, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin G. Young of Rose
burg and Oakland.
Mrs. Ashley Home Mrs. Frank
Ashley haa returned to her home
in Roseburg from Idaho Falls,
Ida., where she was called by the
illness of her sister, Mrs. A. R.
Henderson, who recently under
went major surgery and ia now
reported improving in health. The
Ashleya were called to Idaho Falls
last May by death of the Hender
son's aon. Mra. Ashley spent two
weeks with her sister, before re
turning here.
Resobura Robekohs Te Meet
Roseburg Rebekab lodge No. 41
will meet Tueaday for its home
coming and harvest festival. All
are aaked to bring canned goods
to be sent to the Odd Fellows
home. Potluck dinner will be
served at 8:30 p.m. AU candidates
for the initiation, which will also
be held, and members and visiting
members are invited.
y4U mtS"U MOttlt
Rag Evolution Planned
By Senior High Bands
The senior and prep bands of
Roseburg Senior high school will
combine in the half-time band
show during the Reedsport-Rose-F
nurg football game Friday night.
They will be directed by Ed Stiles
and Clyde Moore.
After playing the march," "Salu
tation,'' as a combined band, an
"evolution" of the American flag
will take place.
Aa th prep band pulls out of
the massed band lineup, the sen
ior band will evolve into the out
line of a huge flag. The prep band
will then add a coloring touch of
completion to the already formed
outline by the senior band. Again
the combined bands will be heard.
The usual letter salutes to the
two schools will conclude the half
time maneuvers. This will be the
final football game and band ap
pearance on Finlay field this sea
son. , r ...
The hand tree, a native of Mex
ico, takes its name from the form
of its flowers which somewhat re
semble the fingers of the human
How much Light is enough to
Al ywr window Moan,
MhrolHoMr.titmlOO it M
or. HgM Hmh m Zf
YOUNG eyes needn't strain to see piano scores
where better lighting makes notes stand out
sharp and clear.
Better home lighting can bring new seeing comfort
to all the family, young or old . . . can prevent eye
strain at work or at play. Just be sure that your light
is right for every seeing task. Where eyes are called
on to see faster, more surely ... try a 3-light lamp
that combines 100-200-300 watt lighting in a
single bulb. .
You owe it to your family to find out about better
lighting today !
When jnm mmltrnht ymr
r lighting, cull oar
Htm Lighting AJfiurs
.r htlpjul strict and ff
gtstmts . without chrjt.
141 Frai.r, 4 0r. Sada $105
141 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. $11$
41 CHEVROLET $1291
1947 rWiac 4-Dr. Sadan $99$
1944 Plymouth Club Cauae $89s
1940 Ch.vr.lrt, 2 Dr. , 2S
1941 Chevrolet Pickup $495
1947 Ford Pickup .... $79$
1946 Plymouth, 4 Dr. $$9$
194$ j..p $(9$
$7$ ta $200
Liberal Trade-in
Any Make or Model
Highway 99 at Garden
Valley Rood Junction
Dial 3-4148
dead lp
idlp A J
Have Your Tires Recapped With
A specially compounded rubber that resists skidding
on wet pavement, ice and packed snow. This special
, rubber contains sawdust. As you drive, the small
particles of sawdust drop out leaving your tread de
sign rough in appearance and giving you Non-Skid
Safety. 1
5)444 North Stephens
: Phone 3-736
11 m
For Each Of Your Rooms
Now you can have easier to clean and keep clean floors in
everyone of your rooms. Select new linoleum from the
"House of Carpets" where you will find the newest patterns
that radiate new life to old rooms. We have the newest,
latest and most beautiful linoleums ever designed to make
each room more appealing. Here in the "House of Carpets"
you will find just the colors, patterns and designs to make
each of your rooms reflect you. There are florals and tones
for the living room, solid colors for the den, multi-colors for
the kitchen and utility room and the latest deep tones for the
both. If you have a room In need of floor covering, you will
find the floor covering for that room in the complete stock
of linoleum now on display at the "House of Carpets" . . .
Modern Furniture. Come in today and make your selection!
Convenient Budget Terms Arranged te
Fit The Most Modest Budget.
Have your new linoleum Installed by our
trained and competent floor covering
8c Square $1 QT Square
Foot to LmlJ Yard
Olte J4ou6e Of Carpeh
ROSEBURG... 222 Wust Ook
Dial 3-4337,
Now Open Till 9 P.M. Friday Evenings