o CD O A Simple Recipe For Cooking Up A Quick Batch of Profits Classified Ads! Y o O 12 The Newi-Review, Roscburg, Ore Sat. Oct. 20. 1951 CLASSIFIED RATES Phone 2-2631 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINE 1 1 A.M. Day Before PubliWion 1 d-j, per word . j dayi " , a days " . 4 dy- . dyi " . 1 mo. " . SEAL ESTAT1 SRNTAL HUAINMB OPPORTUNITY BUn.DINQ MATRRIAL FOR TRADE LOANS FINANCIAL WANTED HELP WANTED WORK WANTED , LOUT FOUND FRUITS VEGETARI.ES RAT OR A IN FEED LIVESTOCK POULTRY .. RARRIT8 PETS FOR SALE. MISC. MISCELLANEOUS . FUEL TIMBER Si SAWMILLS LOGOINO EQUIPMENT MACHINERY FOR SALS FARM EQUIPMENT TRACTORS TRUCK. .M AUTOS MOTORCYCLES IMPOUNDED INSTRUCTION . PERSONAL NOTICES -I Real Estate 1 LISTINGS WANTED HOMES IN THE H0O0 to $10000 clans. Small acreages I - 10 acres, ellher with buildings or without. If you are not getting satisfactory re sult on your property nee us. You owe It to yourself. Sea u at once. LEHMAN REAL ESTATE 414 N. Jackson Ph- 3-19l FOR SALE OR TRADE 2'. acre wilh fi room house, not modern, and double garuge, eight miles cant of Roseburg. Two rooms unfinished; ' rest of Interior newly decorated. House well inflated On good road. , School bus past door. All land till-1 able. Total price $.1000. Ph. 3-3U51 after 9 P. M. 2 bedroom house In Win-Ion. Turn right East end of Suksdorf Road. block Wntch for sign on left. w";f sell furnished. 3 3 BEDROOMS 1 FLOOR, i:i.500. Living It. and D. H. eonih. Nice util ity, large garage, nil floor furnace, fireplace, nice kitchen, large H. R. Only 93300. down, bal. Jess than rent. SMALL FAMILY HOME 1 Bedroom, L. R. and Dr. comb., nice garage, lots of berries and grapes. Beautiful flower garden. This home Is only 2 yean old ooo. down, bal ance easy payments. 2 BEDROOMS. fill HI Nice 2 B. H. home, large L. H . on city ewer, nice yard, and lots of flowers Only J10.M1 down, balance 90- per mo Inc. Interest. IF YOU ARK PLANNING ON SELLING. WE COULD USE YOU It LISTING. WILLIAMSON Real Estate 17lN. Stephens I'M. 3-4.102. UNITED REALTY. 3 BEDRm. Home GOOD local ion, free' noil Paved slteel. extra large ml. Ihwii, Shrubs. Gulden space. Hard wood floora, Gum floor furnace. 3 yvs. old, good condition. Will take good loan. U. I. or r. n. a. rrue au.uiiu 2 BED Urn. HOME limit to stand a long time. II wd. ilnon-. plastered, wired for Eire, ninue. hiMil.itcd. All Mela I cabinets In Kit Cabinet basin In bath. Incl. draw drape-, mid Auto. Washer 912.0(H). Cash to Lonn louxUUl Lot. UNITED REALTY Arthur U. Tavlnr Realtor 749 S. Stephrill Phone 3-3 123 FOR SALE - Large 2 bedroom home, hardwood floor, Hit-place, automatic ; Oil heal; ovei looking cil. Owm r .ts sell will sacrifice (or quick sale. Weaver RcalU, C,m oiiville. On- lh. 2.1-7. IN LAURELWOOD - I hmlroom mod-1 ern home w ilh f irepl.ti-c l ol.tl pine l.4oo. Ilnli down hrtLince 7h t.i moo Ih I'hnrie .Hihh oi at NJA B NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME OF DIS TINCTIVE CHARM Med kitchen a covered patio off dimni, room in.-ur decora turn Phone owner M. J Mrft- i ncs. 3-A017. 2 II EDHOOM, oldrr l.nl mortem house. I Clear title. piisrssinii 1 week ItHMo , i 9.OO0 dnvMi K'-itMinnlde leims Call' 3 .018 dn FOH SALE OH TRADE for trailer houe - inv eiuit in 3 ttcilinnm home. coniilcirl tuinishcd. J.Mimi. 21.'ti Jacobsun SI i FOH SALE 2 home.,, bolb new. im ! big lot, I1, miles ftniti M.Mllc CrciK J If )ihi want to get good intctc.it on i your money. II will pay to lonk into I tin Both In mien ai e rented now . j total rent HH) per inonlh Pay me' equity of H'Hkl. n mi take nvet lo.in of S-MUH You (jet SII'OO. per Crir on yt.ur invest me nt If interested, write to E C Hruncttr, ."V4 Uo d Ko-d, Concord, Calitunua. MALLET REAL ESTTE FOR SALE 'j acre with 4 room t-..u 9300 down Full pine 9 t ir to town. Phone 3-4826 2 large building lots for lr l 'km and city water Reasonable prt and very ey term. ' mile E Kelley Kot ner. Ronald nrandl 12300 b)v 3 h-dro.itri .ftnl-n-ixtir,, home in Oakland Terms First hou-e on right in Weill addition. Phone 24HH S LOTS FOR SALE In "Lehrhach Homes' subdivision Helrlctfd: paved It reels; j water maim, Call 3-3492. Real Estate 1 1 1 WILEY'S for REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM HOME, 2 FIREPLACES. FULL basement, forced draft oil heat, view window, good location Mouth end of inwn. Immediate poi le.sion. Price Id. 500. BEDHOOMS. HARDWOOD FLOORS, LARGE lot loox-HKl. garage, about 5 vnart nlH Just nut nf L'llV. but On city and school bus line. City water Very clean Price $8300. 2 BEDROOM HOME. PLASTERED. ELECT HEAT, hardwood floors, ce ment patio, altuched Kara iff. Clone to market and school. Price U30. 2 B R LARGE LIVING ROOM, PLASTERED, Insulated, garage, large utility room, oil furnace, lot HilxMH). Some furniture ran be pur chased reasonably . Price IF HA terms I $0000. IRRIGATED CHICKEN RANCH, 13 A WITH Wilier right. 100 A total, 5' room modern house, live creek, j Equipped for 1000 hc.u. Price 12.500. j SMALL STOCK OR DAIHY RANCH I IRRIGATED 137 A with 15A Irrigated. free w.iter. 's mile river frontage, 3' B. R. modern home In lovely location 1 amontf large shade tree overlooking n avert roud and river Include irri gation pipe and pump, tractor and all equipment. If you want a nice farm home, see this. Price 921 .000. WE HAVE A FINE SELECTION OF BETTER HOMES. "..ICADI 9. rLl AnVC AI I CV '"tnftL -i-NL I J ttiuui,, REALTORS ROSE HOTEL BLD. BY BARNEY HOOT j Xnow lL n.CP man JUST TOIIOW Tni5 nice man rri If I AC IKITY ilium u s x w i-r j vwwii i REALTY and he will find you a spiffy new HOME to live in. NEW. a three bedroom home in Cloakes Kerry district. On nuvrd utrcel and amidst oilier nice new homes. In sulated, (ill electric heat, fire place, lai'Kc rooms, dining uptime, and a large attached ganinc. KHA Ilmihk, total prfru oidy $i:t.00. If you like com fort and .vet economy, let us show you this beautiful REDWOOU HOME. jn.OOO buys this NEW HOME. 2 ned nioms, dining room, utility and Imse lot with Nevcral trees. Walking dis tance In the heart of shopping dis trict, and drsiniblr location. Only 91300 down. $3,000 for this cute lillle home near the Rivernide School, two B. H . liv ing room. Kitchen, balh. and utility 1 room. This would nirtke a very good 1 rental, or good buy for an ex-GI. Just listed this new two B. R. home i with an acre of land, near the As sociated Plywood mill On water svxtein and luis sc era) nice trees a round the place for sh:ide. Total pi Ice 93 000. EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS ' Home on one quarter acre close to I cllv center 2 bedroom home, living ' mom. dining room, kitchen, utility. , fireplace, Hcndix automatic goes with place. I IM) q fl. floor space. Pbislercd and insirhitcd Summer hnuse and palm, llreccway to double garage, Law n and sh robbery. Price only $11,000. $2,000 down, Bal ance FHA terms. 3 lledroom home, dining room-kllchen coinlnn.it ion. living room and utility H.ikIwiukI floors. Two bedrooms c.iri be arranged in attic Floored and ln-ul..trd Large lot, lawn and shrub berv Car Port. Place Is fenced. W.i Ik Inn dint.ince of town. Priced right At 910,300. Hal. on Good te i nis. 3 Bedroiitn hoim north of Roehurg Living ilming room cumlnn.it nn, util il. r'lrcnl.ice Inwn and shruhv House fill I v Insulated Price SIO.r.tHl. 91 JUKI (limn tl.il FHA at $76 (Ml Mo. 1 Home with View on lot 7.V b 120- 2 Bedroom. KhcImmi dining room, living nxtin and utilii CDinpletely tur ni -lied t itH'luili- Ret i ikci a tor. elec tric in e and w .t-hmg oi.tchine All Liter nuidel- , 'ull-ht sTimih or i an be pin cli.ccd iiiifm inshrd for StUOO S.'tXKl Dimn Bat tin per mo. WILLIAM A. OERDING A Tremendous CHANGE n rfM ?7 .j.?ry:w:r:,. t has lnrn made in one of the new est h..mev e I ofi. i r, m Hucrest I lie owner :ts unpt' ,te.i with the in tenor col.'t mi the homei as the iienct Hi pub lie and ha oi.e nole h.it" m a redecoriing lrnie New wnllp.M.cr is h,-ng added a mmr cheerful color of pmnt j inside fill f which helps lo make 1 tins a cli.iinvin three bedroom home. I The cli.Mif -.filing in restricted Ihi- ! cm -t mill stirroundiog attraclnei ( .tVr ihlM ' Andrus Bout'' ! h-'t .t.e f the flt-el of its tpe .i i ' il- r ti'.t.n Tht-re i - a tai :e liv mg iiMin wilh foy flicpl.ne. dm- ; uh ;ti..e. roomv kiuhe" wilh I m ' ins. ul i lily ith plumbing , f"f an .nttom.i'ic w .i-lier cliel Kt' ic tfti.il tali- in IMe bath, m-U a hft of i'1'irr rfittactie tc.ttures to j ii . e I'm home a bin of the limes. Ci'l I" t"it v and le shoun this a'!r,i- ne h.uve or drixe by and ee il f,T iuieles (ur sign t. ! H I' f.urg Re.iln A Insurance C ' , 1 -(ni.1 Itoiel I obby. Realtors ; t)i- Sfiin-f IW n t Cost - It Pa. FOH S!E BY l-e.b..n. II,. J NER - Equity In in-pla. e. oil he!. i completely redecor- ' id out See t 21 15 i d.tle or call 3-8121., Real Estate FULLERTON REALTY BEAUTIFUL LARGE .1 BR HOME com pleted in 2 weeks. In restricted diht. Large lot. Plastered, hdw flr, nrr. fireplace, oil furnace, tile bain, wired for auto, wanner, worlds of bull tint. tffA conitd. LARGE 2 BR AND SLEEPING PORCH ihij-e in. Fully plastered, full bae merit, furnace. Insulated, in good re- pair. lovely yard, some fruit. Priced to sell al 110,500. Termi ' ' 9."-00 DN FULL PRU'E 9-!Ji00 for 7 br ubr. home, extra Ige lot. Near store and bus, city water. 2'4 ACRES WITH 100 FT N. IJMPQUA RIVER KHNTG. Lovely building site. Fine homes Kurrnundinff. If you want a site on the river be sure to see this. Price ):i230. LOTS priced $4M up. Also slock ranches and smaller acreage. FULLERTON REALTY 312 W. Casa Dial 3-8167 -- OWN YOUR OWN HOME VY l nwiVIC i I NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE One Bed- ; room home well located and high lighted bv nice lawn, flowers and trees This comfortable home is a must see at the bargain price of 5.2oO.OO good terms. FINE WESTSIOE LOCATION is one of the excellent features of this spacious two bedroom home. Others are hard wood floors, fireplace, plastered walls i and ceiling, inside utility and elec- garage. Full value at only 911,300. U0 fine terms. AGE Flowein. lawn and Irecs pro- vine an incomparaoie h.uuik ,lllB new and picturesque four room home. Outstanding items such as fireplace, pine panelling and electric wall heal render the home comfortable lo the extreme. The nearly complete fur nishings Included are cuidom hand made pine and are new. This com plete properly far below replace ment at 910,300.00 terms. MATURE LAWN AND SHRUBS pro vide setting for this five year old welt-arranged Two bedroom home. The livahllity and comfort are ren dered' outstanding bv city sewer, ac cessibility to schools and shopping renter. Fine value at 910.500.00 FHA terms. RIVER FRONT HOME We have just listed one of the most beautiful coun try homes we have ever seen. Place includes 3 bedrooms and den, 2 baths, Roman brick fireplace, picture win dows, knotty pine interior and im ported wall papers, hardwood floors, automatic electric heal, insulation. The very best of everything. Not only a beautiful home but a fine invest ment for anyone. It has a superb setting on a river, surrounded by beautiful trees, flowers and greenery. Owner desires im media le sale and has priced way below his cost. PHONE 3 0231 SHORT REALTY STANLEY F SHORT BROKER 130 West Cass SEITZ & McTAGGART CITY LIMITS A MELROSE ROAD A new listing on a two 121 bedroom home located on the West Side close lo City Bus Line, shopping center and j within walking dut.ince of Hosehurg , high school. with living room, j kitchen, bath with shower, utility ! room and attached gar.ige with wii' cement driveway. Selling price on ( home StUMO. and can go GI. , Another excellent nuv on a two i2; bedroom home located on the West Side In one of the newer residenhal ! di sir lots, close lo City Bus Line. coiixUtlng of living room, dinuig atcn, kitchen, bath with shower, utility room, hallway and Fireplace. Home has garage and lovely lawn, A good buy selling for only 91 1.3O0. with convenient terms. Can be pur chased furnished. We have a very good buv on a three tti bedroom Ranch St le home off of Melrose road close lo school, ap proximately five i.li miles from Rose burg. consisting of living room, tim ing room, kitchen, large balh with shower, double gnrnge A- fireptace. Home has of land with a pear orchard which will bring in a small income Selling price on this bm only 9l.V7."iO. with convenient tei ins A ten Acre farm near Melrose with three i.U bclttnitns. Hrge kitchen. iimg room wilh fireplace and utilm porch Farm has lots of fruit Iree ' and evcellrnl .oil selling once onl 9H.;nH with convenient terms, i kJ';4;cj v:'000 ir in. want a large steady We have for s.ile near Mi rile Creek sure! ire income then this is the op a fourteen 1 4 acre farm with t ! porluniiy. to lieilroom . Ik im. r...... Hm, ' rtnim. kitchen utihtx porch A- shower - Farm h.is hnjhwav froinace A- excel- 1 lenl soil. Selling price 9l.V0o0. CALL 3 IVU ,-WO HAVE ONE OF Ol'R "o '0 lUXTE AND LIST YOUR, HOME Seitz & McTaggart Realty!1" City Limits A Melrose Roart Ph 3-43.14 Office hours 8 no A M to 8 (HI P M CLOVERDALE PARK HOMES FROM $8640. 2 lledroom 3 lledroom MONTHLY PAYMENTS KETELL REALTY CO. Office Cloverdate P.k Ph 3 Holli St HOME PI US INCOME A bedroom pl.tsiered. lecentiv redeco rated house with r-.il.idr income MiM month Puce 9TU0. .'2.0 down Pri.ine 3 8.U..1 4 At'Hfx, 70 hole rhhitr. some rah bits 4 room house i.guil) 92Tixj . 95 month Ph .i-8M FOR SALE-- Ie.lt.r. 9 mM Fve'.ing LOTS FOR " SALE MxAe me m offer on 1 ot A. 7, blocV 4. in Rent ah Addition, mrrlo .king cm ; Ro..-burg. !. hlk .el! tiartfrn llr . San Bern FOR sl: 2 bedr.iom d -me X o i bedroom home, furnished Ui Suther lin A o-'d buy. Phone 3-iw'4 or ee t;iace Helxe at I'mpqua Hotel ; 1 1 1 They'll Do It Everv Time -" Bv Timmv Hatlo I yJS &&m HER, I II I , TO THE WAY just TO SET OME OUT?) EVER TIME KSJ W&8T TREATS f I'LL MAVE VOJ KhiO'M I 7 rs "-HilS HIS SMlr?TS- V I WORK UE A SLAVE, . C-73sr -- ' ,;;,V-,.o .t, ,.v.t!.;;;,-;;,, ,r,,, sty --.-.- z ---l Keai tsTate i tteai tsiaie rilnllnnAki UAkirl j 3UDURDMIN n U M C j J" f-J BEDROOM HOME WITH FIRE PLACE, HARDWOOD floors, cement floored garage wilh breezeway, oil heat, deep well water system. Lo caled on bench with lots of fir trees. Just east of Sulhcrlin. 13 miles from Itoseburg mostly paved road. Price Hernial 911,000. GARDEN VALLEY AREA I H A tillable, bal pasture. M. I R. I homo, separate dining room, elect, and phone. Very easy to buy. 91500. down. 973. per month Total price 910.500. EARL & GLADYS WILEY REALTORS HOTEL ROSE BLDG. CRAMPED FOR ROOM ? LET L. B. HICKS REALTY CO. HANDLE YOUR PROBLEM. FOH BETTER LIVING 'ou may entertain your friends In the dining room and enjoy the large living room as well as having a fine 2 bedroom home with hard wood floors, electric heal, large garage A- grounds Near the Fair haven shop- Dlll. ecntpr I'rlcrrl helnw thp m;ir- ' 3 ACRES ket at $10,300. wilh 92,tiOO. Dn. iFHAi ROOM FOH RENT with or without corn . munitv kitchen privileges Reasonable 91.000 UNDER -PR ICED I I'll. 3-3216. And will be on the market for only one more week. This modern home near school, bus and shopping cen ter has 2 bedrooms, fine floors, elec tric heal, large grounds A: garage. Price SO03O. with terms to be ar ranged. RIVER LOT NEAR H. S. 14.V x 300' (appi excellent location for one or two homes, Move homes onto it from highway relocation. Price $4200. HOME ON THE HIVFR We offer for onh S-IIXKI. Dn. itotal SHOMt.' a line new home that lias: acre of land for the garden: large shop for falher; beautiful kitchen tor mother and only 2 or 3 miles out. 1 1 ACHES ON S STEPHENS bargain price of S9.0O0. with less than 1-3 Do Three small houses Di wail and be sorry on Ihui ' hance. ! j niH THE GI brand new west .side home priced at 97400. App 1 MIMI.000 GROSSED last vear hs the best t.ivern in Rose- , but g Can be handled with less than 4 BR -WD NEW HOMES financed under FHA -$2i;n. Dn Total SliC.O . These homes have everything mat one would want, gurage. fur-; nace. excellent floors, large living SMALL FARM oltivuliom fruit 1 i hedi oom home w hieh has hardwood i flooif. St fireplace $10,000 with terms, i ' t.XUHFLWOOD HOME W ith full b.isemeiil furnace, fireplace - i .1 iiu.ni i.euioom nome lor , 91 I..MM1 ONLY WW of thee lots which we advertised at1 4.0 wuh l,Mi On are left. Better act lod,t. ant one L. B. hicks realty tnbhv (;rand Hotel Phone 3-4.t5fl i WE ARE OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS FOR WW down we can ell sou this new i bedroom home that i a build rr masterpiece Yes. thi builder built thi place for ii own hotre LH'..ted near the S -Idlers home Two bedroom with ceilinr to floor and wa' l-wall closets I i in room with ceiling to floor brick fireplace, a larce kitchen with three wail builtin- -tri tug ar a metal t p hand d and nuns more iimmn) tsilit-n gadget The front (..nt is lawned. the back ar-i cnto,, A temce.f flower and vetriatde ird.n, a nice g.irage and p ..iking .trip aio a c.irt ennd c.r entr 'nee All work on Ihi. fune hov-e i A t See to belie -e. LEHMAN REAL ESTATE 414 N Jackson 1 JJatuliorne Jerracn LOTS FULLY IMPROVED spacious lots with city water, sewer, storm sewer, side walks, curbing and wide. paved streets all installed, for sale at at tractive terms. Buy now, have your house plans prepared this winter and be ready to build in thp spring. WITHOUT OBLIGATION Phone 3-449B After 5 p.m. Phone 3-41G9 FOR RENT 3 room furnished cabin 14 miles on N Umpqua highway. Phone : 2-tl.i!(6. Glide SMALL, furni.-hed cabin for rent. 1047 Mulholland Drive. APT. for couple only. References re quired. 142 Chestnut. GARAGE for rent, partly furnished. lfli2 Eden Lane. Mrs. Oldfield. j FOR LEASE a new building on Jackson' Street. Contains a full basement and) main floor with 2400 Sq. ft. Thor oughly modern in every respect, suit able for any type of business. For : long term lease. Located on the cor ner of Jackson and Douglas. LEHMAN REAL ESTATE 414 K. Jackson Ph. 3-l!)3 HOIKL CHIC A SOn ncni-inKer man on Jackson St 40 fina warm room" equipped with Simmons Springs ana Mattrese Single rooms from 9173 up Unner Ne Management Low winter rates. For Weekly and Monthly rentals Call3.(H77 for Reservations New FHA Insured Homes Insulated, forced air oil (iimarei. ior ape atlira 2 and 1 bedronm. 72 to 9W per month. WHILE THEY LAST. Ketell Realty Co., phone Roseburg 3-W68 C07.Y WARM APT. for one. or working couple. Large bedroom, private bath, niiiiii'iirne wnn eieciric range ana refrigerator. Laurelwood. Ph. 3-002!). j MODERN, furnished "cottagrs.-Reason- l me rates bv the week Mvrtle Grove I ! Motel on Highway 9, 14 miles South i I Roseburg. j j FURNIS1IKD1 hedroomTmodern-cottage. Mrs. Emil Hall, mile south of I Mitnernn. CLEAN, furnished t Pri- FURNISHED CABINS 912. and" up per week Pacific Cabins 31 mile N on !! i-n i-;i742 SLEEPING ROOMS PrTvVte"ntraTce. 120,1 N Jack son. fHE OAKS 'r A ILXrP ARK! Walking distance to downtown, all facilities 7tii Short St. HOOMS FOR HENT for 1 or 2. with or without kitchen privileges 508 r owier FURNISHED - ,h APTS. ADULTS PETS. A. C, Sherlock. Winston Sec tion Cabin 3'j in 1 1 cs"Tou t h , 1 i iw a y 99 CI ea n . electricity and water. Turn left at Gate City Welders. UNUSUALROOM. LadyPh6ne3-6298. ,U)OM aml 4 Fowler BOARD Jtr ROOM, gentleman. 835 South Stephens. epted. No drinkers. Call eve 3-3726. FURNISHED 3-room apt. Quiet adults' 4.10 N Pine, off West Douglas. I ROOMS FOR MEN Close in 329 W Mosher ROOM modern cabin, near Wilbur. J Wilson's Court. Adults only. Phone 3-.W8I. LARGE 1-room apt Clean, furnished. P'- references peae. Ph .i-j-'tiSt, SLEEPING room for gentleman Com- I fortahle, private, close to business district Phone 3-fiOOj afternoon or i i . even,n i ROOM, furnxhed ant. hot water, i gas range, good bed. refrigerator. double smk etc Ph. .1-3285. 1-4 mile E rit limits. .N Umpqua tlighway. j Hart Cabin Court i 4 room house. Phone 3-4.W8. 85 Millen MOUSE TRAILER for rent. Edenbower ' Trader Court ! FURNISHED apt. for rent. 2 "room! i 940 3 months in advance Old Green school. Phone 3-4687, call am time Sun. I Business Opportunity 3 ! MAN or WOMAN LOCAL BUSINESS PART OR FULL TIME NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED have '.trw drum Call Lee .Morten NO SELLING I sen. after 7 pm. 3-4...1L 91HW Cash Required L.tY and .M11 child wish to rent' Which it tangible secured fumnhed ant or small hou-f, rlose in Thu eprmnc pat ou excellent weekly, . No drinking or smoking Phone .-'7 income Will stand .vour bankers WE PY CaFH for your furniture CHI inspection C.n yhone number for jfn C'00,Jm-n Furniur N appointment Write or Wire Box lnT. Nfw Rfvif. e B,'Y l--RD TIRRS O K Kuooer li'H -l.l Tustnes and OHtinrtt propert - net. owner no per reonin Total Price ?! N-u lhi W Wihim ton Si Roseburg Oregon FOR S.r Garage, machine shop service station with living quarters Will acieptf term or trade. v good old et''lihed buine Reason for telling is old of owner Write Bo 9S2 Newt-Review. , 1 Business Opportunity 3 FOR SALE Taxf cab business, cen trally located In thriving community. '50 Pontine included. Only 5000. Write Box flH. News-Review. SERVICE STATION for sale atinven'- tory, completely stocked. Reasonable rent. 240 S. Stephens. SERVICE STATION. GARAGE. 3 i homes for snle or will lease service ! station, garage and home. George's j Garage, 1 3 miles S. of Myrtle Creek on 90. Building Material 4 THE HUNT IS OVER . . no longer nn you hih. iu wuhj about the right material to use in , the construction of that garage, house or building foundation. Just come to . the PRE-MIX CONCRETE CO.. and; make arrangements for delivery ol our special cement, diocks, pipe or ui. J PRE-MIX CONCRETE, INC. 44f) East 2nd Avenue. South Ph. 3-4248 1 FOH SALE No. 1 oak flooring -JIVO per m' No. 2 oak 91-10 per m". Phone 3-47ti3 UTILITY LUMBER, I and 2 in., from 920 lo 9:6 Finished lumber also. V sheet-rock, ti'jc. delivered. Next to Drive-In Miirket.Sutherlin FOR-INTERLOCKING METAL weather stripping estimates, call Curly Craig Dial 3-4249 "ROCKWOOL Insulation REDUCED FOH WARD WEEK Big 40 lb. brig, rcc 2 10 Sale price l.B-'J MONTGOMERY WARD Rosebuurg, Oregon ! poR SALE OR TRADE Equity in ; International dump truck for automo- j bile, real estate, etc. Ph. 3-7307. j TRADE " -37 Plymouth deluxe sed.m. i completely overhauled, for pickup equally . Phone Loans 5! SALARY LOANS LOCAL LOAN CO. 1 3-4471. 335 No Jackson CASH LOANS $20 to $500 UP to 9300 on your Signature, rurol- I UPe or ''lv"lOcK up suo on 'm,r Auto 1 pald lo or not.) Nearly everyone qualifies lor one ot the 1 mnv liberal loan plans available to. For Trade 5 CALKINS FINANCE CO.j'lrw., cl''"'n' SERVING ROSEBURG AND SURROUNDING TOWNS 307 (3rd f)r! Pacific Bldg Pit 9-5244. M-337 S-26. Wanted 8 TURN TOI'R SCRAP IRON AND METAL TO CASH OLYMPIA SUPPLYCO. 003 Winchester Sc. Rosetmrg Tom s SECOND HANDSTORE wants furniture lools guns Anvthmg o vi.,. n. n ...h .-h, 147 Shn- dan Ph 3301 ex REWARD for information leading lo rental of 2 bedroom home, unfur nished or partially furnished. Phone 3-3213. WANTED TO RENT j Small Furnished House Or 1 Or 2 Bedroom Apt. Must be modern Father 9t hish school son --" rile News Review Box 1H7 YiX TAKt NEWSPAPERS, imtitinn, old rloihei. noe, rags, outlet or ANYTHING 'l.et u rlejn vour .1 tic or basement in exchange for mir junk " The Salvage Store. 115 w Cuurt t Dial 1-5142 WANTED TO RENT or lease logging weaer. wt w ine ' WASTID To" BIY - ilT.- r-u7i PAY HIGtU.ST cash ROM:B( -'Ri; s URXITVRE EXi 'HA.N(;ft N Jav , jj,..4 WALNUTS to tfry B.rrn & Bacon. .urrv Estate ft ne J-4W2 FILING CABINET wanted. Ph i C(.. Wanted 8! WALNUT DRYING NOW OPERATING 2nd dryer on Curry Road. B. A. Young Ranch WANTED SHELLED WALNUTS. Web er s Bakery. WANTED a good milk cow for family use. Phone 3-3Uti6. 2 or 3 bedroom furnished house. Per manent 3 quiet adults. 65. Phone 3-H070. WANTED Girls' used bicycle, ' 20" wheelbase. Phone 49-F-41. WANTED Small houae, business place or other suitable living quar ters for father and two high-school boyi. Mr. Cook, phone 3-8037. Help Wanted 9 WANTED: Stripper-feeder, tier and stock picker for lath mill Contact W G. Smith, at Roscburg Lumber Co.. Dillard WAITRESS wanted RELIABLE elderly woman to care for 2 children in exchange for room, board and small salary. Phone 3-4ol0. ELDERLY lady to live in home and care for 2 small children. No nouse - work. Phone 3-6U37. LADY for housework. Phone 3-8235. BUDGET MANAGER for retail store. Should have at least one year of book keeping, schooling or practice. Part of duties reuuire retail clerking in store. Salary open Telephone Mr. Ma- rolf for personal interview Dctwecn 8:30 and 11:30 a.m. 3-6037. CAR HOP WANTED at the Drive In, 1 mile south of town. Must have transportation. Ph. 2-9132. EXPERIENCED edgerman for three naw table edger. Pearson St Sons'. Gazley Rt, Myrtle Creek, Oregon, If you have any type of show talent and want to make extra cash please call 3-3HH3 after 4:30. AMBITIOUS MANAGER For Roseburg Country Club Good salary for qualified man with experience.Write I p n rv t:n7 WANTED LOGGING TRUCKS to haul in Calif. Should be 200 HP and have steel reach. Can give pay load going down. Witcher Logging Co. Phone 3-3HJ14 Eve's. "!' 2 neat appearing men wanted to do contact work for local organizations throughout central and eastern Ore - gon. If you have a car. like to talk to people and want steady year-round employment wilh Nation-wide com - pany who offers both car allowance and yearly bonus and if you are not now earning SIO0 for a five day week you owe it to yourself to see Mr. Donley at the Rose Hotel this Thurs day, Oct 25. Interviews from 9 til Septic Tanks Cleaned No Mllerge Free Estimates ROSEBUSG SANITATION SERVICE Ph. 3-3356 2358 N Stephens Septic Tanks Cleaned The modern way. No mileage. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Phone 3-7023 or 9-8919. SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Tanks pumped: tanks and drain fields I installed Ph. 3-3234 or 3-8359 j ROOFING. Masonry. Carpentry. Inte- . nor - exterior home improvements, j Skilled workmanship. Mr. Cook. Hh. t 3-80S7. I . in my home, days. UMPQUA TRANSFER Large and rmall Jobs done. Livestock etc. No call aturdays. Ph 3-8512 C E ME N T STEPS. SIDEWALKS, porches, driveways, garage floors ex pertly finished. By the sq. ft. or hourly wage. Ph. 2-9142. LIGHT DELIVERY SERVICE Back- yard, and basement, cleaned up and hauled away Ph 3-8785 jTTFNTlON , n orklng mothers Child .care in country home, days. Between Roseburg and Winston. Ph. 3-5808. I DRESSMAKING and alterations of all: kinds; also typing. Ph. 3-7452. 541 S "ine PAINTING in spare time, interiors. Ph. CARPENTER WORK WANTED. Large or small. Phone 3-1145 D-6 cat for hire, with blade. By hour or contract. Phone 2-8287. Glide. CUSTODIAN. )anttor or caretaker work. Years of experience. Phone 3-7WW, eve s SHORT log hauls wanted 16 to 24 ft. Contact Joe Schaf fer. At Last A Tiailcr Court or phone 3-8720 WILL care for children in my home, davs Mrs. Ralph Jacobs, Rt. 3. Box 7M. EXPERIENCED care given children of all ages in my home, days. f53 S Jackson. Lost & Found 11 LOST FRIDAY night at Finlav Field ladies brown, orange and green plaid Hew ard LOST Female red Inih setter. Win st on area Call Bud Johmon, S-HTSti. Rew ard LEATHER billfold, hand tooled saddle .Name Doroih on it. Phone J- Reward. LOST Hamilton gold pocket w a"' Reward 8,!4 Me!o St. Ph. 7848 LOST --t Brown saddle horse brained L'-i'K place below I'm tv.ua Ri 1. Box. 22, Sutherlin Phone Fruits & VegeJab'es 12 TJ?Z? 'r,"""5 'w -' " DH.ninis M Lf.s Comic r.Ti up M.rh Kan-h. LHiin.i. WSt.NTT Vtt plrkTlm. orr-,rn Al-o rtr S lmiti lor ,! Tn-ir. vn"r!,n 3 ,Ki U"" rd". Hay, Grain & Feed 13 'FOR SALE - ,Baled' Alfalfa tty de- hvercd to tKJfarm. at 9;tfi Pr ton. Contact Jim Tison. Daya Creek. Ore I gon or Vance 1. Jones, HI. 2. ox 133-A, TUlciaKe, -an Ladino clover screcnit Also Heavy rye grass screen. ngs. Harold Lioucn. Call Oakland 27o7. FOR SALE red clover seed. Nachter -! Sleinner. HI. 3, Box looo. Livestock 14 WANTED - Sheep of -II kind. Dlrrill W Itay H40! Huoker Koad. Fn 3-MIH3, or Jume. -. I'll. Myrtle LrteK. WANfKD TO BUY - Catlle, vesl. hcrp and ho.. Write P O Box -, Roeeuur.. op Ph. 3-5242. mornms or eveninss Paul llempel. WEANER WCS - West on Garden Valley road 4 mile, to vegetable Hand, touth to 5lh houae. O. N. Redenoo, Rt 2 Box 413. SELL YOUR LIVESTOCK AT R0SEBURG AUCTION EVERY WED. Turn East at Garden Valley road Junc tion rn j-wm SHEEP Wanlo tniy some solid mouth ewes and feeder lambs. John Hohr. Box 102, itoseburg. Phone 3-W75 evenings. WEANER PIGS, bacon tvpe York shires. C V. Rt. Box 545. Winston RnrtiAn Rrth LieninK. I FOR SALE Young nanny goal and 1 kid. Good locker meat. -aii j--o.-- Two nice young Guernsey'!, Rt. 3. Box 630. fresh FOR SALE 30 registered young Hereford cows. Some Calves by side. Olhers bred to calve early. For de tails phone 2314, Grants Pass. Oregon. : 0R SALE 20 head white face ewes, u vnmiff AKo 2 two vear-old polled Hereford heifers. Registered bred to registered polled Hereford bull. One 4 vear old Palomino filly. One black mare work horse weight 1300 lbs Phone 3-4i;!)6. MONDAY, OCT. 22 SALE 30 head purebred Hereford cattle, mostlv hcilcrs. Misc. slocker. feeder, and d;iirv type cattle. One load high grade breeding ewes. Butcher hogs. DOUGLAS FARMERS LIVESTOCK MARKET SUTHERL1N SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT For October 22 sale. One lot of pure bred Aberdeen Angus cattle including two young bulls. 120 Angora goats. DOUGLAS FARMERS LIVESTOCK MARKET 1 Sutherlm HORSES FOR SALE SPECIAL! . Well nrcd sorrel orood mare, urea to Palomino. Also 2 geldings, one gentla sorrel, one hinh class part Arabian, gray. Call eves 3-li703. FOR SALE white "face registered "bulf Roar, sow. 2 springer cows. Rt. 4l, Box ma, Tcnmile. Poultry 15 Carr's Gold Star Chicks Hatching Eggs Wanted PULLORUM CLEAN CARR'S HATCHERY Of Lookingglass Ph. 18-F-3 Rt. 4. Box 1370 BABY CHICKS All Leading Breeds GEO M. PETERSEN HATCHERY Ph 5-3432 Elmira Road Eugene, Oregon RED F H YE R S and roasters for a I e". C. W. Forbes Rt. 4. Box 6K5. li mile south of Lookmgglass store. Phone 3-tiU00. I FOR SALE yearling N. Hampshire hens, 25c per lb. Good layers, not culls 34u(i Hooker Rd. 3 miles N. on 99, west of scales. Phone 3-3838. FOR SALE ""Heavy hens,"25cper lb. Call 3-7il.!2 FOR SALE "Yearling" hensTforiocker or canning. Cliff Hess Ph. 3-8685. Rabbits 16 RABBITS Young does, bred does and does with litters, and hutches. R. C, Nelson, Rt. 3, Box 1185. Phone 3-8798 Pets 17 Jacobs Kennels. Ph. 3-6293 URA:'' fkER KENNELS. Phone 3-448 or 3-81 .2 Keg and ped. puppies. all colors Stud serie yon SALE a " good " German Police watch doK rind Ensjlish Shepherd sheep dog. Oakland, Oregon. Ph, BEAUTIFUL CANARIES" Clean, heallhv. all colors, red factors. Jewell., Aviaries, 1109 Wharton. Ph. i - ,, . LOVELY COCKER Spaniel puppie -juii, uiaci. neeisierea. uiai j-o.) afler 8...U P. M PET de-odoncd FOR SALE - Pek,ngee puppy. Phone :,0lKi . jyw. .-.- For Sale, Misc. 18 WARD WEEK SHOTGUN SALE. Price 1 cut on fine quality Western Field guns I -buy our new gun now at these sale savings. i Heg 2.1 i. Western Field M-10 Single j Sunt Gun 12. ti, 20. .410-ga. . . 19,88 lies 24 !5 Western Field 3-Shot I Repealer. 12. Hi. or 2o-ga. . . 21 88 ( Reg 7!i !I5 Western Field M-60 Pupip Repeater, takroown model ... 73 HH H"(. H7 43 Western rield M-40 Pump Repeater, solid fr.unc. . . . 82 44 Bu guns on Wards Monthly Pav j. pnt Py only 20 percent MONTGOMERY WARD osehurg, Oregon Rnsehurg FOR SALE complete dark room "equip ment, inrluu.iifi enlarcr. Will sell reasonable a unit. For information ' ca.l smherlin 311t. MA'I r.RXlTY STYLES Houer's Maternity Shop 1121 lh-i.iru Axe Dial 3-4188 TOR s u f. - L'ght and power plaat n and used, 7i watts to 10.004) - -no-ei Maritet. Winston. FOR S LE field drum, good condition". I'-" -- IV tl.i,l.-r hou.r 'StCm o.i...,rd bfhin.i iard...ir- stnrr f'lfi SMf:, ,ns r..nce. alrr)utn! m : p.'r;at)!p tprri!or Goll clut s, . .ill.r fi pm 4Jfl S Pine S: F,"t SM.r fi ft. Nnr"i:.,.-.iSTSira nh .,iiv binr1;n.. and m.tal t. -i , aTi. .Ki p.,fs with ruotwr -:. S;- it C.-n3ci;n ,k, hot, A1, ff-a conditi,n. Ph 3-7fi09 ft - 0 D U .amp l.',ie Sire i .M formal, i..i lnjn pnon. i .4 i LI i 'T Good con- V f DINI.NU "room !.ff3.ir ! , (i) (5)