The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 04, 1951, Page 17, Image 17

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t Hearing Ended
r On NW Standby
Plants Proposal
house public works committee has
ended a four-day hearing on a pro
posal for construction of fuel-fired
generating plants in the power
short Pacific Northwest. The com
mittee has delayed action on the
proposal, i
The final day's hearing brought
forth a cautious endorsement of
the idea from a munitions board
spokesman and renewed opposition
from private utilities in the gulf
The measure before the com
mittee would authorize construc
tion of standby facilities, with a
generating capacity of 400,000 kilo
watts, in Oregon and Washington.
Robert M. Hatfield, vice chair
man and executive assistant to the
munitions board chairman, testi
fied that the Defense department
"endorses any steps which will re
sult in providing additional power
in this critical area."
Lack of power, he said, has cut
heavily into needed aluminum and
magnesium production in the
area. This loss, he said, "will in
evitably result in serious delays in
our military production program."
Plant Fuel Is Problem
Hatfield qualified his endorse
ment of the proposal by pointing
out that construction of steam
plants "brings up the very serious
r problem of obtaining sufficient
quantities of fuel oil, as well as
the necessary critical materials . . .
without disrupting other phases of
the defense effort."
He said he doubted that sufficient
wood waste could be found to fuel
the plants, but suggested as an al
ternate the use of Oregon and
Washington coal.
Although recent rainfalls tenta
tively have relieved the current
emergency and permitted full op
eration of aluminum production fa
cilities, Hatfield said this "in no
way changes the position of the
Defense department as to the need
for standby plants to- meet the
load demands of low water pe
riods." Frank M. Wilkes, president of
the Southwestern Gas & Electric
Co., told the committee that his
previous testimony was not in op
position to construction of steam
plans, if necessary, in he Pacific
But, he added, "don't build those
plants, if necessary, in the Pacific
department of Interior so it can
build steam plants all over the
United States."
He said his views were endorsed
by Loui Riegel, vice president of
the Gulf States Utility Co., Beau
mont, Texas, and Bert -Hidburg,
assistant to the president of Lou
isiana Power & Light Co., Algiers,
La. Both men were present but
did not testify.
Cottonseed meal is a valuable
feed for cows and sheep but is
sometimes toxic when, fed to hogs.
1 f'J. '.$,
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Ttiurt., Oct. 4, 19S1 The News-Review, Reteburq, Or. 3
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FIVE HUSKY BABIES Six-months-old Alison Bla ke reaches to stroke fur of her tix-weekt-old Si
berian Husky pups. The baby never tires of frolicking with her furry playmates. Alison's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Philip Blake, of Monmouth Center, Me., are sled dog racing enthusiasts. (AP
Inflation Rein Calls For
Joining U. S., Canada Told
VANCOUVER, B. C. (CP) -Senator
Richard Neuberger of Ore
gon state said here that only by
"joining the United States can Can
ada have any control over inflation
within her boundaries."
Here to fulfill a speaking engage
ment, Senator Neuberger said in
an interview that "Canada is al
ready an economic part of the
United States. '
"The inflation problem of Can
ada today is a direct result of in
flation in the U. S. yet because
Canada is not part of U. S., it
has no government control over
these conditions."
Pension Group Leaders
Of West Plan To Unite
group leaders of western states
plan formation of an organization
which will be outlined at the first
convention of the Oregon Institute
of Social Welfare here this week.
A convention announcement lists
among speakers for the Oct. 4-6
Portland meeting Joseph Harvey
of Portland, long acive in Oregon
pension groups; George McLain,
California pension leader; and H.
G. Clark of Bellingham, Washing
ton state president of the Senior
Citizens league.
Boyle Recommends Action
For Wives Often Irritated
By Husbands Who Snore
NEW YORK (AP) Sometime in the middle of
the night I heard my wife call sharply from her twin bed :
"Turn ovpr on your side, Kover.
I saluted drowsily in the darkness, and carried out
her order.
Several times more before dawn came I heard her
call across: "Turn on your left side. Turn on your right
side." And once, I dimly recall, she said in utter exaspera
tion: "I give up. For heaven's sake, stand on your head !"
At the breakfast table this morn
ing, I noticed Frances had circles
under her eyes, and asked if she
hadn't slept well.
"Sleep?" she said indignantly.
"I didn't get a wink all night long.
You snored so loud I couldn't."
"Probably because I was sleep
ing on my back," I mumbled.
"Why didn't you turn me over?"
"Turn your over?" she de
manded. "I had you spinning like
a top you, you human flap
back. You flopped about like a
fish but you kept right on snor
ing. I don t Know wnat to ao wnn
Here's the Man of Tomorrow
Of course you know him. He's the youngster who de
livers you your newspaper. And he's the one who's
studying hard today preparing for his role of tomor
row's businessman. The work he does, the accounts he
keeps, the salesmanship he learns are all lessons in his
book of success. Keep your eye on him and watch how
he grows and develops until he reaches his goal of inde
pendence and success.
She looked so depressed that I
didn't have the heart to tell her
the full truth. She doesn't know yet
what she's really up against.
For the terrible Boyle curse has
struck again! The curse that runs
in our tribe is snoring. Sooner or
later it strikes us all -man,
woman, or rhild. And there is nn
known i cure. !
No one knows how long this dark I
ana noisy affliction has been in
our clan. But grandfather Boyle
brought it over from Ireland with
him. And it has raged unchecked
for at least three generations since
It seems to predominate on the
male side, but once it breaks out
in a lmaiiy mere is nouiing but
insomnia for the others until they,
too, catch the ailment in time.
Then, as the matching snores rise
up and smash in echoing waves in
the darkness, peace comes again
to all.
Women who have married Into
our family have tried everything
to break up this snoring. But in
the end the only way they have
found rest is to take up the
habit themselves.
Strong Cast Recorded
There was the case of Cousin
"Marble Mouth" Boyle as we
call him. His frail put marbles in
his mouth to stop his snoring.
It worked for a week, but then
a strange series of squeaks and
grinding noises began coming from
him. He was snoring again! The
only net result was that when she
took out the marbles, he got
Insomnia. And for the rest of his
life he had to sleep with bis mouth
full of marbles.
The wife of another cousin of
mine once took up needlepoint at
night because of her husband's
snoring. She eventually did the
whole history of the Civil War in
needlepoint before she finally dis
covered how to snore herself.
Poor Frances. She doesn't know
yet what she's in for. I'm buying
her a pair of earmuffs and a bonk
on insomnia. But these are only
stopgap measures. What she'll
really need is a book on "how to
learn to snore in self-defense."
It's the only way a girl can
really protect herself, once her
husband takes up snoring in earnest.
Don't fad for fSow
Electric rwtei
St Willi. W.H
For ftfve fines
Don't be trapped Into paying
exhorbitant prices for your eltc
trie work. Jmt give us a bun
and 'you'll ait service vou like
! at a price you'll like.
And Save Over 52.00 On Everyday Needs
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Clears the skin of entern
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Save 11c Buy The Carton
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