o o A Simple Recipe For Cooking Up A Quick Batch of Profits -Classified Adsh 14 The Newi-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Wed., Sept. 26, 1951 CLASSIFIED RATES Phone 2-2631 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINE 11 A.M. Day Before Publication 1 diy, per word , 3 day, " a day, " 4 day, " daya 1 mo. Bf.AL ESTATB RENTAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BUILDING MATERIAL FOR TRADE LOANS . - FINANCIAL - - , WANTED HELP WANTED WORK WANTED . LOST FOUND FRUITS VEGETABLES . BAT. GRAIN FEED LIVESTOCK POULTRY RABBITS PETS FOR BALE, MISC. MISCELLANEOUS FUEL TIMBER SAWMILLS LOOGINO EQUIPMENT MACHINERY FOR SALH FARM EQUIPMENT , TRACTORS TRUCKS - AUTOS MOTORCYCLES IMPOUNDED - INSTRUCTION PERSONAL NOTICES Real Estate 1 CLOVERDALE PARK NEW HOMES Iron 7090. 2 bedroom fl40. down 3 bedroom $740, down Low Monthly Paymonti KETELL REALTY CO. Of fie Cloverdale Park Ph 3-4066 31IM HollU St LET L. B. HICKS REALTOR IMPROVE YOUR PRESENT LIVINO CONDITIONS TO STATE VET Modern 2 bedroom home, nico halh with tub, attached garage, wired lor range, ouut last 3 years, large kitchen, nice lawn. Let us show you. $7500. HOME AND INCOME. Garage mnrte into an ant. Concrete foundation. - Ing room, kitchen, utility room, 2 bedrooms, bath, picket fence, H.W. floor, built 4 years. Owners moved lo Tcxnn, and left the house with us for quick aale, $7500. terms. Less fur casn. YOU ARE ELIGIBLE for a State of Oregon Veteran loan if you enterrtl service from Oregon or If you n lived In Oregon for at leant 2 years following discharge and prior to Dec. 31, 11)50, See us for full details. IK YOU CAN'T FTND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE LINK OF HEAL KS. TATE, SEE L B. HICKS, REALTOR Lobby Hotel Grand Ph. 3-4336 COUNTRY PROPERTY 8 MILKS ROSEUUHG 28 acres, 8 acres tillable. 4 room mod' ern house, good barn and nther out buildings. Pnlomlnn Mnrn, 2 heifers and 50 Chickens are included at the total price of $0500.00 with about one half dwn. 3 MILES ROSEBURG 8 arres with 4011 fcrt No. im Hlghwav frontage. 3 bedroom modern home. garage, chicken nniise, etc. very good buy at $10500 no with ternu. IN CAMAS VALLEY 84 acres alt llllahle. ft mom modern home, grade "A" milk parlor, burn, hen houses etc. It will surely pay you to look this good ranch over. $15500.00 it the pi-ice. $lo,ooinm down. ON UMPQUA -HOSKHURG HOAD 160 ncres with over i fine llllahle land and to be sold storked and equipped. Thli Is a real fanners farm I Lis a 3 bedroom modern home and good out buildings. Lois of fruit berries and gr.ipcs. Total price for everything u $20,230.00 with terms. IN Git KEN VALLKY 040 Acre grain and stock ranch that Is a money maker, this fine ranch is to be sold with a complete line o( extra good farm equipment and complete stocked with bettor than average slock. Fine .'I bedroom modern home 4 mom modern tenant home, several barns and other out hide's. Totiil price of this fine stocked and equiped ranch $37. .".(HUM with some terms. HOSFBUHG REALTY ft INS. CO. "Our service doesn't cost tt pm s" The convenient place to buv Insurunre Vmpqua Hotel Lobby, rtosehui g, Ore. JJciivliome Tcice JUST COMPLETED BEAUTIFUL THREE BEDROOM hill side home. Feu lutes two large cuti tilevcred decks commanding a match less view of the cit Flagstone fiieplnce. oak paneling. nut It in range, powder room, rompartmrnted f bath, large rumpus room, brick patio. t uliy landscaped by prominent land cape architect. You owe it to your- arlf and family to make an nppotnt ment and view this fine, new con temporary masterpiece Located i n the city's finest rendrntial district. JJaivliorie err ace PHONI 3-U31 Real Estate 1 Seitz & McTaggart CITY LIMITS MELROSE ROAD We have very lovely home located In a fine residential district on the West Side within walking distance of Roseburg High school, cloie lo City Bus Line and near Market Cen ter, consisting of two bedrooms, liv ing room, with dining area, kitchen and an excellent garage. Home hat lawn and large back yard, the lot measuring 71 ft by 140 ft. Selling price, on this lovely home just $10,500. with convenient F. H. A Terms. A beautiful little home also on the West Side clone to Bun Line 6c Mar ket within walking distance of nose- burg High School, consulting of two i2i bedrooma, one ill small, with large living room a kitchen, bath room ana m very nanay aouoie ga rage, also with a lot measuring gt ft. by 100 ft. Thin compact home can be purchased for $7030 00 with excellent payment termi. Truly the uargain oi ina ween. A very beautiful Ranch Type Rambler Home located on Kildeer Place and Broccoli Lane on the Went Side con anting of three Ch large bedroomi, a very large living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, Roman Brick fireplace, a bathroom designed Id beautiful tile with tun -A- shower, and a wonderful large double garage completely piasicrea insiae. inn ex trior Is beautiful rdwood udmg blended with Roman Brlrk. Truly a distinguished home priced at $18,- ouu.uu. A wonderful compact two 2t bedroom home located In north end of jown within walking distance of business district, partly furnished with kitchen and dining area and bathroom. This lovely little home ran be purchased for only 93.950.0(1. $2000,00 down with convenient payment plan. One of our oeuer ouys. A very nice three '31 bedroom home located on Westslde cose to Cllv Bus and Riverside School, with living room, kitchen, breakfast nook, hath 4 utility room. Selling price $0600.00 wun convenient terms. Se'tz & McTaggart Realty City Limit, & Melroie Road Ph. Douglas County Realty LOCATION AND CONVENIENT if.HMS are two fine features of fered in tliis Immaculate two year old home. The corner lot Is entirely in lawn. Dining, living and hail space is carpeted. Circulating fire place with Roman tile to the ceiling, central heating system. 2 bedrooms, garage. This home Is exceptionally well constructed and Is reasonably priced on today's market at $11,000, FIVE ROOM plastered home Just three blocks to the business district. Half concrete basement, economical wood furnace heating, new roof last year. This property would make a dandy rcnioi mr ouuu. immediate posset' ion. Lest for cash. LARGE HOME ON THIS HI WAY Amongst shade and fruit trees. A good place .to build a court or busi ness and have jour home nearby. Three large bedrooms, basement, living and dining room. Attractive wrm. are ouerca on imi line prop erty situates, in Winston. BRAND NEW home on West 2nd St. A large oak tree stands at the corner of this grey shake house, with the redwood paneling on the entrance, and a brick flower box. A hallway opens to the living room and kitchen giving easy access to the bedrooms and .bath. There Is a sep arate dining room and utility. Total price $0000. $2000. down. 3-4 ACRE on the Hiway near Kellev'i Korner. There is a modern a room home, has a full hasement, garage and shop. The full price Is only $5000. Some terms. In the Rose School area we have Just listed a two bedroom home in the best of condition. Large dining space, utility, detached garage. The lot is large. In lawn, and has sev eral trees. $7D,10. $2500. or less down. Douglas County Realty Craig I. Short Barney A. Root 438 S. Stephens St Phone 3-40211 4 Acre Motel or industrial site on Hwvl 99 3'i Ml. South. City water. Good Investment at $3000.00 cash. Extra large lot with river frontage. In cluding approx. 11000 ft. good lumber for building own home. $2500,00. Good terms. 2'i A. Sutherlln city limits plus 1 R R modern home. Large garage. Fruit room. Wood shed. Work shop. Really a wonderful buy at $3400.00. 20 A. on Co. road. Fenced. 1 B R. 1 semi-monern nome. (ioort barn, poul try house and other bldgs. Lots of water. Only $1000.00 down. $4200.00 full price. Extra nice 3 BR home close In on north side. 3 baths, Fireplace. Beau tifully landscaped hum. puss. Com pletely redecorated. $5000 00 will han dle. L. P. McA'neney, Realtor 202 West Casa St A. W. Warren, Salesman Phone 3-8.173 Res, 3-36.13 BRAND NEW 3 brdrouni home, hardwood floors, plas- u-rrti. mm iiKuuiten. attacnecl ga rage, mahogaiu doors. 6 closett. w aU furnace. F II A Terms. 3-4778 FOUR BEDROOM RANCH STYLE HOUSE oti'n hi irk fireplace. li. inB room and dining room fulh- carpeted, two com plete ceramic tiled bathrooms, cover ed patio, autoniiitfc gai ae door, hi'nitttfully Uiui'i-aped corner lot on p.i (! street Thermopane wtiulou s. modern in everv detail Located onlv six blocks from dow nlown. Phone 3-OI.it s n"' rv VALLET KEftL ESTHTE FOR SALE BY OWNER. nHiiifii 3 bedroom house, good l- c.ition, Well latutscaped. Circulating fireplace In Urge living room Din ing room. haritood floors, conven ient kitchen. uility room, 2 baths. Extensive hum in Automatic heat, completely Insulated Fenced In back- Mil with fruM tires. g.trage Intenor ol' house completely re-deiutaled. Ph. 3-81V.W - WINSTON Two bedroom modern house, hardwood 'X , twn car garage, utility room, water, large corner lot, some ,jier trees ff.uiily Apprr $JJOO., balance $0. ttU, Ph. H-at-M. for "sAiX"rxoun'h. i-atwor Real Estate 1 $1,000 down to State G. I. Two large bedrooms with extra closet space, room upstairs for two more. A t .tached garage and fruit room. Good lawn. $8000., $75. mo. excellent con dition. Cafe and tavern doing good volume with room for Improvement. Top notch location with plenty of parking and living quarters for three fam ilies, ould be suitahle for partner ship. F. P. S27.000. $12,500 down gives you the deed. Three big bedrooms and large lvg. room-located on himide elevation just off the bus line. Suitable to large family or could convert to duplex, j $6,500. $ri,ooo down. Will trade for ! country property, j BEAUTIFUL two bedroom home In i Laurelwood. Fully improved lot and I garage. Piped air heal, full basement. I $15,000. $8,000. down. A rare chance: $1,000 down to State G. I. Duplex with! excellent city location-walking dis- j tance to P. O. U0 per month- In- come from both units with pay- . menu of only $75. Full price $10,500. Five br. home In city with covered patio, game room and garage. Many extras Including buried lawn sprink lers. Hot point dishwasher and dis posal, thermopane window, etc. This is an old home fully modernized and will furnish you with more good liv ing space at a low price per sq. ft. than any place we have teen. $12,000, $3,500 down, bal, $75. mo. DIAL 3-3412 Recent Trades On New INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS '50 L 120 International 3-4 ton, good rubber and mechanical condition, very clean $1575 '50 Chevrolet 'i ton, like new condi tion, special, new tires, 4 speed, deluxe cab, low mileage. '47 INT. Vi ton, overhauled engine, very good condition, new tires, heater, overload springs 80.1 47 INT. 1 ton, dual 7:00x18 (ires," 4 speed, good condition . heater 893 '46 ST! IDE 3-4 ton. 4 speed, new brakes, good mechanically, good rubber 765 '44 M-S International xfl with lunv ber rolls, will take up to 20' lum ber, good rubber and mechanical condition . . .. 2450 '34 DODGE I'i ton. 12 ft. flat bed. good mechanically and fair rub ber 245 '3T CHEVROLET with 3-4 yard dump box 223 Single axle pole trailer, good 8:25x20 tires, vacuum brakes , 473 SIG FETT INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS FULLERTON REALTY MODERN HOME NEAR TOWN Nice trees, patio. 2 BR, Ige Hv. rm. lovely kitchen, dining rm. utility with auto, washer, attach, garage. l' acres free oil. Only $BUO0. Easy terms, 2 CABINS Az 2-100 ft. lots. One on cone, slnh. near school. Just $2000 with $500, dn. and $45, per mo. NEWER STUCCO HOME S BR A space for 3rd. Nicely finished attached ga rage, Ige. lot. Easy terms, $7500, 19 Acret fenced & cross fenced. Mod 2 BR home, all OUtbldRS. Lge Chix hse on cone, slab & good barn with electricity 8c water. All types fruit, 8 to 10 Ac. creek bottom. Cr a e k through entire place, LOVELY NEW DUPLEX beautifully plastered, hdw. firs, lovely buillins, garages. Come in & see this. FULLERTON REALTY 312 W. Cass, t Rlk helow P. O. Dial 3-111 BT CLOSE IN on West Side, 3 Bedrooms, Living it. Din. R. Kit. lot of butltins, Utility. Venetian blinds, hardwood floors, elec. heat. Double Garage. Free soil, garden. Immediate pos session. $0850. Terms. EXTRA NICE 2 Bedroom home. Llv. R. Din. R neat Kit. Bath, Utility, Wall to Wall carpet. Garnge. Free Soil, nice lawn & shrubs. $10,500. Termi. LARGE LOT good garden spnee. 3 Bedrooms. Liv. R. Kitchen wl t h nook, Bath, Utility, Hardwood, floors,! has Permanent storm windows, t ur nace, plaster 8c metal butltins. F11A loan. 3 yrs. old. $12,000. Full Price. UNITED REALTY Arthur U. Taylor. Realtor 748 S. Stephens Ph. 3-3123 ROBERTS STREET Modern 4-bedroom home on large cor ner tot, beautiful lawn, shrubs, roses, double garage, a fine home In .an excellent location. Priced to sell. Lloyd A. Wilson, Realtor fl.ll S. Stephens Ph. 3-8378 FOR SALE Lols$4007and "lip. 10 percent down. Highway 42, Is mile w, Winston. Ph. 0-8726. FOR SALE or trade for Tab? mmtei home 63 Acres West Melrose most I v creek bottom, live spring. Reasonable price. Box 941. News-lteview. I Bedroom new home, 2 car garage, city waler. electricity. 3 miles south on pavement Must sell immediately. Full price $3300. Can be had no down pa v ment, reason nbie monthly pay menls. Phone 9-8-1,1.1. STROUT SELLS COUNTRY REAL ESTATE Eastern bu ers arriving List j oir properly todav! Our 31st year. Of fices Coast-to-Coast. See, phone or write Mr, Mervin E Jacobson. Sr., Associate.! STROUT REALTY Ph - 3-M73 702 South Stephens Street Roseburg, Oregon 3 Ro6Mm)USE."clty lights aiiTVatei 1 Prlced $26SOS6301dn.Ph. 3 H7! 2 BEDROOM, old er.but "modern house. I Cle.ir title, ponsesslon 1 week $ti00U., ' .t.MHV down. Reasonable terms. Call 3 518 days. FOR SALE - Rouse-fl roVmBand"H bath s acre, more ground available. W miles S of Roseburg. Ph. 3-4687 No. SM calls 40 ACHE RANCH.' ''modern." 4 -room " fur nished house with large service porch. Good well, large chicken coop. fKOOO full price, $2ihh). down Will consider trade for rental property. Mrs Guth rie. Neho Trailer Camp, 2-H, 2443 N Stephens. 3 LOTS reasonable. Phone 3-?0f5 LEASE OR SALE Garage and sei tce station. 3 houses, aoT business building I t mi. So. Mrtle Creek, on HwylW 71 LEA VINO CITY will ellIa'rge 3 room house. I acre ot river bottom land Ph. B 8842 3 bedroom unfinished house for sale. Mike offer. Inquire Trues Grocery. Winston 280 ACRES, fo. bmpqua property Wll subdivide Ph. 3-4170 . FOR SALE - "Beautiful-homesite. 't acre, 2M lun ger, and plumbing ai terlals. On out Highway 99, So. Wn. 16 Acres, modern S room house FrOi't trees. dVUl sell equit Robert Hill Wox Melrose d nt rtc t on Cleve- Agnd nillajs4. Theyll Do It Every According to Rjmice J. Sofsoap, a man just can't carrv" too much Automobile insurance s B-BUT ( you ALREADy) SOLD ME I LIABILITY AND V PROPERTY ( PAMACE- Real Estate 1 FOR SALE Neat, clean 1 bedroom house, garnge, and room for garden. Call 3-5H75. Rentals DESIRABLE OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. INQUIRE AT THE STYLE SHOP 139 N. Jackson St. HOTEL CREASOR unalri over Henningers Mart on Jackson St. fine warm room equipped Slmmens Springs and Mattresses Single rooms from $1.75 up Under Ne Management. Low winter ra For Weekly and Monthly rentals Call 3-8177 for Reservations. 2 BEDROOM HOME New. furnished, A miles out. Electric heat, modern. Parking area. No dogs, children, or drinking. Bedroom and' home privileges reserved by owner lor evenings and ween ends. 5 too, per niontn in advance and z-, cost or uni ittcs. References required. Wewi He view, box ff'tll. New FHA Insured Homes Insulated, forced air oil furnaee. ior- age attics 2 and 3 bedroa-n, $72 to J. per month, WHILE THEY LAST. Ketell Realty Cs., phone Roseburg 3-40 1. 3 room modern apartment, furnished at Lookiugglasf, Phone 3-7803 H 0 y Buf-11. ROOM and board for 3 men in private nome. :)n w. uan. FURNISHED- SLEEPING KOUM tn7 employed adult. .10 mo. Utilities paid. 74 Short St. FURNISHED CABINS S12. and up per week. Pacific Cabins 3V miles N. on 99 Ph 3-3742 ROOM and garage. 43!) Fowler. bLCEPINU ROOMS Private entrance, 1203 N. Jackson. THE OAKS TRAILER PARK Walking distance to aowntown, anaae, an la- rilities. 746 Short St. ROOMS FOR RENT for 1 or 2. with or without kitchen privilege! SOB Fowler. ROOM S FOR MEN, close in. 329 W. Mosher. FURNISHED APT. WITH Pit IV ATA bath. Close In. Adults only. 112 Brock way. ROOM FOR RENT with twin bediT5 Mill St. PhJt-7029. FURNISHED" APTS. ADULTS NO PETS. A. C. Sherlock, Winston Sec tion. ROOM FOR RENT with or without community kitchen privileges. Dial 3-3216. FURNISHED APT. to employed couple, Hefrronccs required Cloe in, Phone 3-4:178. NEW 3 ROOM unfurnished apt. with bath. Heat and water furnished. $85. month. 1530 S. Stephens. 1 FURNISHED APT. 1-4 mile south of Winston on Highway 99. Wheeler Apis. FOR RENT 2 room furnished apt. Closein. Phone3-H;iti3J LARGE ROOMS, ! or 2 beds.'wlth or without kitchen privileges. 430 N. Pine off west Douglas. 2 ROOM, unfurnished npT Edily and Strong Streets. Inquire for Sprout. ROOM with kitchen privileges If de jUred. Ph. n-71t0. 3 ROOM COTTAGE. fnrnWcd. living rm. bedroom, dressing room, and shower, kitchen with electric refrig erator. $.ri0. per month. This is a real home, not a cabin. Permanent tenants only. SELBY, 3 miles E. of Glide. UNFURNISHED APT. 1 taige room, kitchen and bath. Ph3-t022. RANCH for sale, " trade or lease, 140 acres, 3 room house, garage and chicken house. Plenty of year around spring water. Rents S4i p?r month. 2'j miles from Riddle, Oregon. H. L. Sharp. TRAILER spnee 4 blocks from bus station. Phone 3-7029. SI.FVPING" ROOM and"garage! 222So. Fill, SMALL, comfortable apt., goocl loca tion. Range and refrigerator. Adults 1 nntv. 540 1048 Corev Ave. larc,eslffping" ROOMPRIVATE BATH. 100 Spruce at foot of Washing ton. SM ALLHOl'SE7bFentT after 4:00, CLEAN steeping room, private en trance, $.13. per month. 83 S. Pine, Business Opportunity 3 FOR SM I rtuilnet and business pioperiy-nett owner 1800 per month. Total price. $31, VK). 330 W Washing ton St . Roseburg. Oregon. SF.R VK'E STATION FOR lease. Phone 2 9171. Building Material 4 AMERICANS Have Always Been Noted For tbeir desire to have a hme. to make anv sacrifice to tW-srrve t'.at home all th.st it stands for. YHE PRE -MIX CONCRETE CO Stands for. fair prices, qualtty concrete prod ucts, friendly serv ice; prompt deliv ery. (?) The Pre-Mix Concrete Co. 44$ last 2nd Ave, South Dial 3-4248 mlBU 1 rr 1 BSM ' ' ttlSr. rrJiTi ,rn syxnlrATf. I. tM.Bitt mollis -. Building Material 4 REMODELING ? WE NOW HAVE! - Trlmset Windows (installed In 3 mm. i fc Wallboard 'All types) Roofing (all typesi Doors (Interior & Exterior! - Siding iSix Styles) Insulation iRock Wool! Plastic tile , Wood cabinets MONTGOMERY WARD 313 So. Jackson Ph. 3-3353 Shop Wards for all building needs. FOR INTERLOCKING METAL weather stripping estimates, call Curly Craig. Dial 3-4249 UTILITY LUMBER, 1 and 2 in., from $20. to $36 Finished lumber also. V sheet-rock, 6'jc. delivered. Next to Drive-n Market. Sutherlln. FOR SALE ROUGH 1x2 and 2x2 at SIS a carrl-r load lot. ENGL St WORTH LUMBER COMPANY. For Trade WILL TRADE furnishings for 3 bedroom home value $730, for equity in good trailer notise. write Alien n. wens, Remote. Oregon; W:!9PLYMOUTH SEDAN 47 motor. trade for equity in later car. Ktss Sawmill, No. Umpqua and Sunshine na.t anytime. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1037 Pontiac 8 for power saw or good deer rllle, Phone 3023, Sutherlln. WILL TRADE 300 acre ranch with 3 bed room home, year around creek and springs, for grocery or what, or will sell. Your offer and terms considered. Dale Sail, 2 miles East of Myrtle Cr:-'; on South Myrtle Koaa. Loans SALARY LOANS LOCAL LOAN CO. Ph 3-4476 333 No Jackson CASH LOANS $20 to $500 UP to 9300. on your Signature. Furni ture or Livestock. UP to $500 on your Auto i paid for or not.) Nearly everyone qualifies for one of the many liberal loan plans available to choose from at Calkins Finance Lo CALKINS FINANCE CO. SERVING ROSEBURG AND SURROUNDING TOWNS. 307 f3rd Or Pacific Bldg. Ph. 8-A244. M -337 S-264 Wanted 8 TURN YOUR SCRAP IRON AND METAL TO CASH Highest r- fi - Bring to OLYMPIA SUPPLY CO. 803 Winches tcrSt., Roseburg Wt TAKt NEWSPAPERS, tnagarlnes, old clothes, shoes, rags, bottles or ANYTHING, -i-et us clean your at tic or basement in exchange for your lunk " The Salvage Store. 113 W Court St Dial 3-5142 WILL DO TYPING m my nome. Ph. 3-7432. 410 S Pir.e. Apt. 3 WE PAY CaSH for your furniture. Call 3-80:14 Goodman s. Furniture. 444 N. Jackson. WE BUY USED TIRES 0. K. Rubber Welders. 404 W Lane. WANTED TO BUY Hides. Roseburg Meat Co., phone 3-3433. TOM"S SECOND HAND STORE wants furniture, tools, guns Anything of value. Buy. sell and swav. 147 Sheri dan. Ph. 3-7.101. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bed room house, near school, by manager Ktcal firm. Phone Douglas Long, Ump qua Hotel, WAN T E D FO"rC O lTecTOICS IUM single action Colt gun. Lotus Knight Porter, News-Review. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bed room house, near schoot. by manager local firm. Phone Douglas Long. Ump qua Hotel, and leave our phone no. MOVING??? Trailers towed - anyplace, anytime. Ph 3-3088 WE PA Y HIGHEST cash prices for used furniture ROSEBURG FURNITURE EXCHANGE 309 N Jackson Ph. 3-3104 WANTED TO R E NT OR leas" with option to buv. 2 or more bedroom home in country. By responsible .party Call H W Pate, 3-74 U, Doug las Manufacturing Co. WANTED TO 'reSt 'Bv-responsible party 2 bedroom house. No chil dren or pet Will take 6 mo to year lease. Call collect 2104 Albany aftr 3 pm ROOM " AND BOARD In private home, cttv or country . by carpenter. Box 943, News-Review. Kelp Wanted ' 9 AMBITIOUS VAN A Marshall Field ownd Enterprise has orng for mhitlous man of unourstionaMe character. Age 27-Mt. College edu cation preferred but not necessary. Aecusiomed earnng above averaee income For local Interview write fully Bo l4. News-Review State age, education, phone number. Time . "" ' OVA VtUKt INUKtUf .L,., INSURED, uA,n MP? I MUCH MUkc HAN ytAJvc YOU? V Wriy. tK' yfrfjifl AN'U kuterr? V, NO- hoo By Jimmy Hatlo 3ut Sofsoap himself was in an ACCIDENT TO&ay-AND f)E HA0 T ' S TO SAy-ANP WE QUOTE : 1 Help Wanted 9 WE Are A NaionakCo. EXPANDING In this territory and need 4 ambitious men to represent us In Douglas County, Our Company has a triple A-l rating with Dun and Brad street and has been in constant oper ation since 1914. The men selected from 23-50, draft free, own a car and be local -residents. We will have a factory representative In Rose burg to interview and train you. Train ing period takes 3 days after which you start earning. We will consign you equipment and set you up In business of your own at our expense. Our men earn from $400. to $1200. per month. See Mr.' Long, Sept. 27, Thursday at 2:30 or 8 p.m. sharp, Rose Hotel ' "H E LP W A N TED AUTOMOBILE SHEET METAL MAN Steady, high pay job for expert sheet metal man. LOCKWOOD MOTORS SAWMILL HELP WANTED NIGHT SHIFT Tj Ar H. Lumber Co.. Sutherlln AMBITIOUS WOMAN: The educational division of a Marshall Field owned Enterprise will employ a limited num ber of women. Prefer experience in teaching, club or church work. Age '27-32, the type who does not usually answer advertisements. For inter view, write fully to Box 943, News Review. State age, education, sxper lence, phone number. WANTED Experienced ready-to-wear saleswoman. State references. Wrue Box 948. News-Review MAKE S50 IN SPARE TIME Sell America's finest Christmas Cards. Make 350 on 100 new $1 Assortments EMBOSSED Name-Imprinted Christ mas Cards 50 for $1,25 up. Big line fa-it -sellers. No experience needed. FREE Imprint Samples, Assortments on npproval. STY L ART, 1717 W. Ntnth. Debt. 170. Los Angeles. I AM'LOOKING for a particular type man. He must be ambitious, of in herent honesty, and Integrity. For ap pointment dial 3-5804 Thursday, Sept. 27. at 2 p.m. or 7:30 sharp. WANTED! Girl experienced in in surance work. Needed before Thursday of this week so that one member of firm can go DEER hunt ing. Permanent position. Apply Rose burg Realty At Insurance Co., Ump qua Hotel Lobby, Roseburg, Ore. Tele phone 3-6226. LIGHT HELP IN my home, 8-4:30. Five days per week. Call evenings or Saturday 3-7710. 1018 S. Main St. WAITRESS wanted. WANTED A-l mechanic and A-l tune up or combination man, preferably with Olds and Cadillac experience. Permanent position. Pay 50 percent of labor. Lou Blanc, Inc., Coos Bay, O re go n SECRETARY WANTED. CALL 3-4496. WANTED; Stnpper-reeder, tier and stock picker for lath mill Contact W. G. Smith, at Roseburg Lumber Co., Dlllard COMBINATION hooker and climber. WITCHER LOGGING CO. Ph. 3-38U4 Evenings. YOUNG WOMAN FOR General Office work. Pleasant working conditions. Good starting salary. See R. R- Se cantl, Local Loan Co.. 335 N. Jack son, Evenings by appointment. WOOC PRESS Kr and silk" finisher, must be experienced. No phone calls. Drive-In-Cleaners. WA NTEDC hoke r setter. Phone' 3-6947. OPENING FOR MAN with car to take over dealership of National product In Roseburg area. Established cus tomers. Call 3-3690 for appointment. STUDENT BRA K EM AN. Requirements 21-31 yrs. High school graduate. See T. W. Bernard, trainmaster, Southern Pacific Co. WANTED ELDERLY woman to stay in home and care for five year old girl while mother works. Board room and small wages. Write News Re view. Box 940. WANTED (41 6 wheel trucks for hire. ClflsbyBroif..Azalea. Ore, OPPORTUNITY FOR""YOUNG MAN to leorn consumer Finance business. Ideal working conditions, permanent employment with established firm. Automobile necessary. Appl.v 307 Pa cific Bldg Ask for Mr Hellmell MEN 4 vacancies exist. Local office of na tional organization for men interested In making a permanent connection. Prefer men with some sales exper ience, however, aggressiveness and initiative evidenced in personal lntr view will be given faorable consid eration. Car necessary. For personal Interview call 7 30 to 9 P.M. Tuesday or Wednesday at Rose Hotel Ask for E. E Wilson For day appoint ments phone 3-8134 WANTED EXPERIENCED RAT- chet setter for 13M mill. Year around operation. House available at mill Bnx Co. Dean Creek, Reeds port or call Eugene 3-1044. WANTED" FOODCLERKS WE HAVE an opening for MALE CLERKS. Good working conditions, vacation with pa v. group insurance, for employee and dependents, and other valuahl hnf ils The Qualifications are: 'MEV Age 19-33 years, must have good work record. The wage scale fur 48 hour week runs as high as $.(44 m a, year, depending upon ex perience. Applv SAFEWAY. 2t5 E. Cass St Wed , 9-2. 9 00 to 6 00 LOci SCALER Fl)R SAW M"lLL" snd peeler logs. Write all details to Box 9.17, New Review RECEPTIONIST for Fhvsicians of fice T ping and some bookeeping required. Reply to News Review Box 3. Help Wanted 9 WANTED PART OR FULL TIM 15 OF FICE girl for work in mill office lo cated in Wiruton-Dillard district. Must be good typist and familiar with office machines. COMMERCIAL LBH SALES INC. Ph 0-3437 MIDDLE AGED OR elderly man for work on dairy. n. BOOkKCEPErt Automotive exper ience necessary. Give, qualifications and references. News -Review Box 842. WANTED Ratchet setterand green chain man. Call 3-3756 btween 6 and 7 p.m. Work Wanted 10 Septic Tanks Cleaned No Mllerge Free Estimates ROSEBURG SANITATION SERVICE Ph 3-3356 2358 N. Stephens Septic Tanks Cleaned The modern way. No mileage. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Phone 3-7923 or 9-8919. SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Tanks pumped: tanks and drain fields lnstalled Ph. 3-3234 or 3-8359. UMPQUA TRANSFER Large and small Jobs done. Livestock etc. No call "a turd a, vs. Ph. 3-8512. BABY SITTING In my borne, days. I'll. 3-377S. LIGHT DELIVERY SERVICE! BacTc yards and basements cleaned up and hauled away Ph. 3-8785. DRESS MAKING and alterations of all kinds Ph. 3-7452. 410 S Pine. Apt. 3. ROOFING, LIGHT MASONRY, some carpentry, odd jobs by skilled work man. Mr. Cook. Ph. 3-8057. GASKILL SEPTIC TANK Cleaning & Service. Ph. 3-8704. WILL TAKE IN IRONING. Mrs. Dod son. 1642 N. Stephens. CEMEN T STEPS; SIDEWALKS, porches, driveways, garage, floors, expertly finished. By the sq. ft. or hourlv wage. Ph. 2-9142. CARPENTER FOR NEW work or re pair work of all kinds. Also, roofing - and siding. Ph. 3-5728, 446 No. Rose. Lost & Found 11 FOUND - MAN'S watch. Ph. 3-3788. LOST Monday evening about 7:00 n m . nrobablv near Oak and Steph ens, coin purse, made of clear plaR- tic, 2 kevs, 2 bills in currency, r-iease ph. 3-7735. P. O. Box 251. Reward. Fruits & Vegetables 12 Dollar Week At Jarries Gardens In The Winston Section U-PICK TOMATOES $1. Bu. Kitchen Queen Squash, $1. bu. WATERMELONS S for $1. CANTS JJL CRATE BRING YOUR BOXES AND CRATES JESSE G.JAMES CONCORD GRAPES YOlf PICK OR WE PICK APPLES. PEARS AND PRUNES Bring containers. ARCHIE WILSON Ph. 9-888B 6 ml. So. of Roseburg, 1st. Rd. left, south end of 1st. Green Bridge. FAMOUS COMICE PEARS, never to be forgotten flavor, fine grained and juicv. W. C. Thurlow. 3-5805, lower Garden Valley. Will deliver In town. GRAPES for sale, many varieties. Dale zeller, Brockway CANN1NG TOMATOES $1.00 a bushel. Curry Estate. Walter Wright place. BOSC PEARS for canning at Ewen'fl Bros. Packing plant, Sutherlln or home in Garden Valley. TOMATOES, CANTALOUPES AND SQUASH at C. W. Schmidt, Garden Valley. CUCUMBERS: canning tomatoes, $1. bushel; canning corn, 2 cents an ear. Carrigg's, Lower Garden Valley Road. WATERMELONS .25 c apiece, acorn squash .50 per doi. $1.00 per crate, Cantaloupe $1.00 per crate. Canning tomatoes $1.50 a bushel. Bring con tainers. CI ay pool Gardens, Garden valley. PLACE YOUR orders for Kadota figi by calling 3-7732 evenings. Hoy, Grain & Feed 13 Grass Seeding. By Airplane George Felt Calkins Road rnone 3-tw4j A-l OAT HAY FOR sale. Hidden Val lev Ranch. RL 4, Box 930, E. E. Thomson. Livestock 14 WANTED Cattle, fat or thin: veal. sheep or hogs East Side Market. Ph. 3-6.123 or 3-6962. Fred Boyer. RL 1, Box 375 Roseburg. Oregon. WANTEDTXTbUY CatTleor sheep! Kenneth Conn, Ph. 3-4S9& Rt, 3. Box 625 WANTED Sheep of all kinds. Darrtll W Ray, 4400 Hooker Road. Ph. 3-6843. or James Lewis, Ph. 84, Myrtle Creek. WANTED TO BUY Cattle, veal, sheep and hogs. Write P O. Box 82, Roseburg, or Ph. 3-5242, morning or evenings. Paul Hempel. SELL YOUR LIVESTOCK AT ROSEBURG AUCTION EVERY WED Turn East at Garden Valley road Junc tion Pv 3-5026. v WEANER PIGS West on Garden Valley road 4 miles to vegetahle stand, south to 3th house. O. N. Redenbo, Rt. 2 Box 413. WANTED 20 to 50 BREEDING ewes State price, age and breed. Arthur Weeks. Mrtle Creek 2 PUREBRED HEREFORD bull calves. Ph. 3-5161. FOR SALE good young Suffolk buck". 3-3741 WANTED TO BUY. feeder lambs. Rt. 1 Box'aav Ph. 41-F-23 FRESH COW FOR SALE Calkins Rd. Rt. 2. Bo 336. Ph ,V.WJ SHROPSHIRE RAMS Some yearling rams still on hand from this season's sales. Selected blood lines, heavy tpe, range bred AH good specimens in excellent condition. Fre from parasites. Address Box lo.ta Roseburg, Oregon FOR SALE 27 wraner Dies. 1 sow! that will farroa- the 1st of Oct . 24 feeder pigs. 4 J sows and 1 boar. Rt. , Box 115u. Livestock 14 WANTED Good Toggenbergj milk goat. P. O. gox 686. REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE boars, serviceable age; boars and gilts wea ner age. W. E Crawford & Son, Glide. Oregon. Ph. 2-8357, t SHETLAND MULE and 2 Shetland marcs for .sale. D. E. McClurg, Phoe nix, Oregon, GOATS FOR SALE, cheap. 3-8733. eOR SALE 2 saddle horses, half Arabian and half Tennessee Walking. Bcautnul, perfectly trained, gaited and gentle enough for man, woman or child. Shown by appointmnt only. S. J. Fett, 527 N. Jackson. Poultry 15 Carr's Gold Star Chicks Hatching Eggs Wanted PW.LORUM CLf!A!l CARR'S HATCHERY Of Lookingglass Ph.W-r-3 t. 4, Box 1370 FRYERS, $1 each. CARRS HATCHERY RED FRYERS .30 lb. Neal Meyer, 1 mi. West of Lookingglass. FORSALE" Young "fender fryers", live weight, approximately 3 lbs. price $123 each: If pan ready, 65 cents per lb. See or write G. E. Clayton, Star Route, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Pets 17 Jacobs Kennels. Ph. 3-6293 GRA-HO COCKER KENNELS. Phone 3-4548 or 3-81 f2. Reg. and ped. puppies, all colors. Stud service. FOR SALE PARAKEtTS $10. a pair. Ph. 2-84:J7. Glide. Walt Mask. BEAUTIFUL CANARIES Clean, healthy, all colors, red factors, Jcwett's Aviaries, 1109 Wharton, Ph. 3-3004. For Sale, Misc. 18 NOTICE For your convenience a new location in your city. 2444 No. Stephens Also trailer supply store. TRAVELEERS "TRAILERS". ROADMASTERS TERRY RAMBLERS J4 Ft To 35 Ft. New it Used After you have shopped & compared SEE US FOR the BEST for LESS. Buy-Sell or Trade LOWEST INTEREST-LONGEST TERMS MAKE SURE BEFOHtt YOU BUY Burkett's Trailer Sales 2444 No. Stephens ' Ph. 3-4909 4448 Hwy 98 So. Eugena, Ore. Phone 3-0842 SPECIAL FOR THE WEEK, RECONDITIONED SINGER ELEC. CABINET MACHINE Extra sewing cabinet and stool. Dress form and S free sewing . lessons. All for $154.50. Terms. SINGER SEWING CENTER 204 N. Jackson St., Roseburg, Oregon Dial 3-7348 LIBERTY TRAILER SALES New and used trailers for tale. Bank terms NEBO TRAILER PARK ; Highway 99. North FULLER BRUSH CO. Ph. 3-365or 3-5690. GOOD UTILITY GRADE 2x4 8' FIR STUDS $20. M, BY UNIT ONLY 1500 to 1600 in unit L. E. SULLIVAN & SON LUMBER CO. 2 MILES NORTH. HIGHWAY 99 HOME RITE WATER pump, single drum loading pot, Fordson tractor, spreader bar material, trailer axles, assortment of cat and car parts. 175 HP. diesel power plant, '41 Ford Fordor sedan, used tires. Bob'i Wreck ing Yard, ph. 3-4034. FOR SALE - Woodfurnace and Hart oil burner. In very good shape. Veil Broadaway, 333 East Lane St. FOR SALE nearly new 35 Rcming ton pump rifle. Phone 5-F-31. MYRTLEWOOD LOG FORSALE. Has been buried in water for 50 yrs. and is all black and hurls. Anyone in terested contact Bill F. Judy, Ash RtRecdsport, Ore. 1 IRON SAFE 32 special deer rifle. 2721 Harvard Ave. GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGEBA TOR. Very good condition. $83. Phono 3-5788. After 5:00. FOR SALE 1 API . SIZE gas range. 1 rollaway bed and mattress, 1 hteh chair. 2-3.000 BTU Gas heaters. See at 1601 No.Stephens. 1930 ROYAL SPARTA NETTE, S5 ft. modern home on wheels. 3' mi. South on 99 next to Evergreen Grange. MAYTAG WASHER, square aluminum tub, with pump, big wringer rolls. 102 W. Commercial Ave. THOR AUTOMAGIC washer. lata model. 102 W. Commercial Ave. ELECTROLUX CLEANER and attach ments. 102 W. Commercial Ave. BEDROOM 3piece set" complete, coil springs. Innerspring mattress, A-l condition. 870; 6 piece bed-set, solid Birdseye maple, perfect condition, $150; chrome breakfast, new con- dition. $Wl Phone 9-8168. BF MrTY REST bedDt. siie refrlg erator. and other furniture. 420 N. Jackson. Apt. 1. FOR S A LE M ode 1 M " WinclTeTtef. 32-20. s.15. Jhone 9-R964. 2 BERKELY 2 stage-deep-well T$ pumps, one H. P and one 2 P. P , complete with pressure switch, mat net c starters and fittings. One 52.1 gal pressure tank and a 42 gal. galvanirrd tank. 330 ft. drop pipe. Ph 9-JWH4 27 rt7"G!,tDErPtriiler"lioueTlnodellk t an .t-.Tfffii ONE MOPAR CUSTOM car radio. car radio. f -ysler prod- I putton Fits 19 Chrysler prod- BINOCULARS X23 French saddle iatner cse. necksirap. Excellent. $20 Geo Churchill, 8-F-ll, Glide Ran ger Station. 0 3