A Simple Recipe For Cooking Up A Quick Batch. of Profits-Classified Ads!T 14 The Newt-Review, Roicburg, Ore. Fri., Sept. 21, 1951 CLASSIFIED RATES Phone 2-2631 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINE ,11 A.M. Day Before Publication 1 day, per word 1 dm " 3 daye " 4 day. " 0 daye " ' " 1 mo. " " SEAL ESTATE RENTAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BUILDINM MATERIAL FOR TRADE LOANS . FINANCIAL WANTED HELP WANTED WORK WANTED LOST FOUND FRUITS VEGETABLES BAT GRAIN FEED LIVESTOCK POULTRY RABBITS rETS FOR BALE, MISC. MISCELLANEOUS FUEL TIMBER SAWMILLS LOGGING EQUIPMENT MACHINERY FOR SAI.R FARM EQUIPMENT . TRACTORS TRUCKS AUTOS A MOTORCYCLES IMPOUNDED INSTRUCTION PERSONAL . NOTICES Real Estate 1 CLOVERDALE PARK NEW HOMES frou 17990. 3 bedroom $B40, down 3 bedroom $740. down Low Monthly Payments KETELL REALTY CO. Office Clorerdale Park Ph 3-4060 31113 Hollli St If you are lookinK lor a lullv modern four br. home with all the refinement! shown In the most modern houne plani, thia li It. Good location and construction along with landscaping make this a must for the discrim inating buyer'! consideration. MO ,300, Terms to be arranged. Five bedrooms In an older home with many modern feature such as auto matic dishwasher and disposal, cov ered patio with fireplace and gnme room, beautiful lawn and flowers and many other "extras" makes this close In homo a wonderful buy ei ther for a large family or a rental unit. $12,000. 84.000 down. 10 percent discount for cash aale. Three br home tn north tide district on large corner lot with double ga rage. Recently redecorated, four years old. Good quallity throughout. $11,000. $2300 down. 1.000 down to State Vet. A purl men I building with one two br. unit and the other is single br. Located within eaiy walking distanre to P. O, Month ly payments only $75. Income from either $75 or the $43 rental deducted from this. Makes your maximum pay ment $30 mo. Pull price $10.50(1. Can you beat this for low cost housing'.'?? One acre, clone in on tiarden valley Rd. Front blacktop. $huo, 'i down. DIAL 3-3412 Seitz & McTaggart CITY LIMITS MELROSE ROAD Only $2,300 down will be needed tn purchase this very nice I wo bedroom home. Located In a fine residential district, on bus line and clone la school. This houne has two bedrooms, nice living room, dining room and Kitchen, also bath with shower, mil lly room and giirnge, Tola I price is nniy xinou, naiance to De paid on con venlent terms. Three hrdroom home located In the Riverside school district. Living mum, Kiicnrn wun nrenKinst noon, hath and utility room Willi laundry tr.iys. Hurdwond floors and pListcrrd walls. Total price ts SH.HOO with $2,300 own uaianca on comma. Four bedroom home located within walking distance nf the business district. Large living room, dining ares, convenient kitchen with many built Ins. Hnth with shower, utility room with laundry trays, Full tene ment, Cins funnier and ritv sewer, Price is $9,905 with HI A terms. Only $730 down for this very well built two bedroom home. lontU'd in Si: erltn, Oregon. Living room, kitchen ana snowcr. Total price is only $.1,200, monthly payments of $73. New ItHling on this two bedroom home. located west just off the Melrose ro.id. Living room, dining area, I chen and hnth. H at d wood floors and plftsterrd walls, very attractive. Price is oniy im;iu. Two bedroom home, located on Westaide. Large living room, dining room. Kiirnen. hath and shower, alMi utility room with laundry tras. All hardwood floors and pl.iMered walls, attached garaKe, patio and fenced in yarn, iniai price Is $l(i..MH) May be purchased completely furnished. S3 Acre tract of land with three room houfce, locat rd out In the Melrone district. Total price ts $3,087 with $1,200 down, balance $30 per month. Owner will nlo take good house trailer In trade. Se'tz & McTaggart Realty City Limits & Melrose Road Ph. a-4.m 4 , . n tic P1I1P SELLING EQUITY 3 bedroom with fire place. Corner lot Garage, garden, I phriihe. $1300 terms. Call 3-5M7B or 3-4066. i Real Estate 1 z7rvi 1 r' tfWi etAjxMl He must be on his way to buy a home from L. B. Hicks' Realtors ! YOU Are eligible for a State of Oregon Vet eran Loan if you entered service from Oregon or If you have lived in Oregon for at least two years follow ing discharge and prior to Dec. 31, 1050. See us for full details. Rrnnrl naur 9 hedronm home fof $800. down to Oregon State Veteran. Hard wood floors, large windows, nice size rooms. Attached garage. Large lot. $B250. Don't wait and be sorry See us today. New listing. $1,000. down. Owner might accept $500. down to an Oregon Stale Vet. 3 bed rooms. Bathroom with tub. Living room and kitchen, garage. Wired for range. Electric water heater. Insu lated. Full price $7,300. Let us show you. 3 bedroom home in nice district. Din ing room. Bath with tub and shower, H. W. floors, aarase. caved street. Sewer, 3 blocks to school. Reduced to $8500. for quick sale. $2300. down or less to Stale Vet. Good ueai. 3 bedroom home with river frontage. Almost new. S rooms plus bathroom, double garage, workshop. $8,950. $2000. down. WHEN BUYING OR SKI, LING REAL ESTATE SEE L B. HICKS, REALTORS Lobby Hotel Grand Phone 3-5 Douglas County Realty WINSTON ACRES A new sub-division now opening In the neart oi Winston, mese mis win be of a good size ai... easy terms, to Include water and smooth gravel streets. If you are planning to build tn tne near future, stop in, or can us about a good location In Winston. Some highway frontage for new busi nesses are available. Look for the sign of DOUGLAS COUNTY KKAL'IK on the west side of thehlghway. IN ROSEBURG A new two bedroom home to he com pleted in about two weeks, all hard wood floors and electric heat. In the city limits, and close to town or bus line. Stop in and see this attrac tive five room house, and only $8030. total price, low down payment. CLOSE IN Older 1 bedroom home fn close to town. Sidewalks and paved street. Home has living room, dining room, Kitcnen, nam, ana two bedrooms, util ity on hack porch and large base ment with furnace. Total price $6,000, with terms. IT'S TUB LOCATION Yes, it you want a good home In the best location. Just stop In and let us show you this attractive three bed room home. Located Just off Mel rose road on a paved street, right In the center of a group of beautiful homes. Electric heat and attractive floor plan, on lot 80 x 112, free oil. DOUGLAS COUNTY REALTY 4:i6 So. Stephens St. Phone 3-4020 CRAIG I. SHORT BARNEY A. ROOT WILEY'S FOR HEAL ESTATE FULL BASEMENT, 3 FIREPLACES, OIL forced draft heat, 3 car garage, 3 bedrooms, tiled balh, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, lots or closet apace, Fullv insulated. Prize winning roses. camellias, large magnolia, beautiful lawn. Corner lot with paved streets and citv sewer all paid for. Close In on West Side. Price $13,000. NEAT CITY HOME. 3 BEDROOMS, PAVED street, located Just off No. Jackson, hardwood floors, lot 50x140, with rock gardens, garage. Picket fence. Ideal for couple. Price $8500, Will take $2300. down. GARDEN VALLEY CHOICE 3 ACHES, ALL tillable, now In melon!". Best of soil. No buildings. Price $5000. SOUTH SIDE. 3 BEDROOM.S HARD WOOD FLOORS, Insulated, about 4 years old, close to school and swim ming pool, paved st. and citv sewer. Price SIMM, $;1300. down, bal FHA. payments. RIVER FRONTAGE RANCH. 137A WITH Irrigation system, Ford trac tor, and good equipment. 3 B. R. home with fireplace. Good barn, milking parlor, etc. Nice shade trees and lovely location for home, with paved road, l- mile river. Alfalfa, and ladino, p'us UA prunes. Better see this quality place. Price $21,300. but open for good deal. It ACRES RIVER FRONTAGE WITH HOLLY AND walnuts. Irrigated, fam ily orchard, Fine m rllewood grove on river. Has highway frontage. Wonder ful place for home as well as estab lished Income. Price $17,300. 3 B R, HOME ON RIVER 3 MILES OUT. Paved road, separate dining room, large hath, double garage plus 'n worn snop. rrice $6730. $2300. down. EARL & GLADYS WILEY Realtors. Rose Hotel Bldg SPECIAL Exclusive Listings $300. to Siono Ikun 3 Rooms 2 bedroom, living room with fireplace. connecting garage. Free soil lot. House is fully plas tered, stuccoed outside. Close to bus line, city water. limine ts on concrete foundation. Full price for house and .VUton lot $4330. Full price for 100x100 lot, $49.). LEHMAN REAL ESTATE 414 No, Jackson Ph. 3-6193 FOR SALE t ACHE OF landTlarsre Unfinished livable hmie, citv water I eleclrlcit, lovely view, just off Cal kins iin on Groves ,ane. Prices reasonable. Phone 3 fltwt,, FOR S A LE ; We feel Its a privilege to have an exclusive listing on this nice 3 bedroom house, sittine In grove of Oaks. Modern In every de- inn. w mi iinMiii"iir,j ii, acres or gnod land. Deep well with electric prendre system. Can irrigate part. Two car garage, chicken house, ft miles from town. This is a nice place to llvfl and is priced right Terms, VALLEY REAL ESTATE Call Bvrrs 113 W Cass He Ph. 3-74BJI Ph .1-4033 NEW 3 BEDROOM home, citv gat heat f?30. down, small pa) menu. Ph. 9 8433. Real Estate 1 JJaiutiiorne Jerrace JUST COMPLETED BEAUTIFUL THREE BEDROOM hill side home. Features two large can tilevered decks commanding a match lets view of the city. Flagstone fireplace, oak paneling, buiitin range, powder room, compartmented bath, large rumpus room, brick patio. Fully landscaped by prominent land scape architect. You owe it to your self and family to make an appoint ment and view this fine, new con temporary masterpiece. Located i n the city's finest residential district. orne 3 errace PHONE 3-SZI1 $ 5 0 0 DOWN 3 BEDROOM MODERN home, patio, lawn, shrubs, large garage, concrete floor, unfinished cottage, city water, .160 ft. hiway frontage, $6050 full price, Hurry- It won't last long, at todays prices. 6 ACRES, ALL TILLABLE, with mod ern 3 bedroom home, oak floors, lovelv kitchen, tile bath, utility room, garage, $2400 dn., $9000 full price. LLOYD A.WILSON.Realtor Ml S Stephen! Ph. 3-B578 FULLERTON REALTY Our New Address 313 W. Cass St. 1 block below P. O. LOVELY 3 BR HOME Ige lot, a I rooms exceptionally Ige. Lge living room, fireplace, dining room, ige kitcnen. Haw. iiri. gas iir iurnace, patio. Priced for quick sale. $12,300. Liberal terms. Immed. Possession. 3 POSSIBLY 3 BR HOME Just com pleted. Attached garage, lge lot. Very neat and modern. Only $8000. Easy terms early possession. SPACIOUS NEW HOME well cortstd near school & city center, fully plas tered, hdw. firs, auto, heat, attached garage, 4 lots. 3 wks posses. Priced rigni. We have many others we will show you. Drop In and FULLERTON REALTY 313 W. Cass St. Dial 3-8167 UNITED REALTY 3 BEDROOMS. LIVING HOOM. dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, bath, den, basement, utility, garage, cir culating fireplace, walls and ceiling insulated, on a large lot. inis la a good buy at $0400, terms, UNITED REALTY A, U, Taylor, Realtor Ph. 3-3123 749 So, Stephens ARROW REALTY Clean, neat and low In price. 3 Bed room home close to Riverside school. The price has been reduced to $4730. This is a Wonderful value and a very cute piace. tome in ana in oe giaa to snow it to you. 74.1 Garden Valley Road Phone 3-30fl4 or.1-5H16 after fl P. M. NEAR CITY WILL SELL large 5 room house. Best of construction. Gas wall furnace, large Roman brick cir culating fireplace. Hardwood floors throughout. Kitchen with many beau tlful built-ins. Venetian blinds, screens. Insulation, attached garage, with hul It-Ins. New chicken house, good well. 1 acre good land. Family garden In. Beautiful lawn, shrubs, bulbs, and flowers. Must be seen to be appreciated. Turn west on 1st. Rd. So. of Winston Bridge. 2nd. house on left. Good terms. Ph. 0-8642. STROUT SELLS COUNTRY REAL ESTATE Eastern buyers arriving. List your property today! Our 31st year. Of fices Coast-to-Coast. See, phone or write Mr. Marvin E. Jecobann, Sr., Associate. STROUT REALTY 702 South Stephens Street, Ph. 3-6573 Rosehurf. Oregon 3$0ACR E R7pi n'tJ mpq a a property" Will subdivide Ph. 3-4170 VALLEY REAL EtTATE FOR SALE - or trade. CAFE." Box 48. Sutherlln. BRAND NEW 3 bedroom home, hardwood floors, plas tered, fully Insulated, attached ga rage, mahogany doors, 6 closets, wall fuinace.K.H A. Terms. 3-4776. 3 'BEDROOM HOUSE. LARGE" GA RAGE. Convenient to stores, bus line and schools. Must sell moving. UOfl Falrhaven. Income property. Modern a H. H., fireplace, breakfast nook, ga rage. 4 lots, 3 T. houses rented. $105. per mo. Income. $4000 dn. Balance $50 mo. Full price $7000. Close in, level ground. Phone alter 4 P. M. 3-.V74B. 3 BEDROOM, older, but modern house. k-irnr iiue, possession l week tooo . $3.MK. down. Reasonable terms. Call 3-.VH8 days. FOR SALE Mouse 3 rooms andbath acre, more ground available. Skt 40 ACRE RANCH, modern. 4-foom fur nished house with large service porch. Good well, large chicken coop. SHiHKl. full price. $2000. down. Will consider trade for rental bronertv. Mrs. Guth rie, Nebo Trailer Camp, 2-B, 2443 N.Stephens FOR SALK Lots. Ph" Stino! NEW 3 ROOM house, all modern.'City water. On l't acres, river frontage. House high no danger of flood, i acre in grapes and fruit trees. Call 9-6922. 120 ACRE RANCH. 60 head sheep. 2 cows, caterpillar tractor, plow and disc, bun saw, about $3300. of tim ber l'i story house. 4 rooms down stairs, upstairs unfinished. Deen well, electric pressure system. School bus, mail rt , Rt. 4, Box ILV1. A. C. F Kenwood, after 3 p. m. or Sun days. Rentals 2 BEDROOM HOME Newly furnished. 3 miles out. Electric heat, modern. Parking area. No dogs. children, or drinking. Bedroom and home privileges reserved by owner for evenings and week ends. Sino. per month in advance and 2-3 cost of util ities. References required. News Re view, box !;t9. HOTEL CRK ASOfVe) upatr over Hennlngere Mart eel Jackson St 40 tine warm reams . equipped wiin Stan mens Mvrtngv and Matireeee Siagle reams frees $t.T$ up Une MsnrfeeaeNL Le1 For Weekly and Monthly rentals Call 3-6177 ter Reservation. K'RNISHID CABINS $11 and up per Pact flc Cabins N.J Ph. 3-3743. They'll Do It Every Time hn . By Jimmy Hatlo ff GET A IMP OF flfe . 7 UE MOST VVEAf? Y i13 10 LOOK1 PAPPEK 6ET71MMLL 0t GLOVES WMEN HE UKE WHAT yO0 DOLLED LP SO THE iWiF EVFSJ W PLAYS 6RlCei,SO NT-JUST GiVES NElGHBORS'LL TH!r JCAfiES HIS X HIS AMACMlNE- J A W ULSTER... 3-. I HE'S AM EXECUTIVE f uJgQJ, M OME OF SHOP RAMPS' W LEOPARD fiti MSTEADOFA , H - B&& CASES ) WWT SHOV J7 G4M0T CUAHGE ' i "1 Vj "fccRES W IM EVERY y;L ijy -:Kx JS ii! shop-they!!. oo it rorB. mi, Kino teatiiku i mik-ate. i. ""kip lUMnRcsKsvEDTr j&Zi&ZfyL Rentals 2 Loans 6 1 Help Wanted 9 : 1 DESIRABLE OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. INQUIRE AT THE STYLE SHOP 139 N. Jackson St. New FHA Insured Homes j Insulated, forced air oil furnaces. tor-1 ge attics 2 ana 3 Dearoim, i7Z to $3 per month. WHILE THEY LAST. Ketell Really Co., phone Roseburg 3-406$. bath 100 Sprue Street, foot 0 ( Washington. SLEEPING ROOMS Private entrance, 120.1 N Jackson. THE OAKS TRAILER PARK. Walking) amance to downtown, snaae, ail fa cilities. 746 Short St. ROOMS FOR RENT for 1 or 2. with or without kitchen privileges 308 rowler. close in. 329 "W (1) housekeeping room and (H bed room with kitchen privileges. 133 No. Flint, phone 3-70111. FURNISHED" APT. WITH PKIVAT. bath. Close In. Adults only. 112 Brock way. SMALL APT. SUITABLE FOR 2, large bedroom, 2 beds, private bath, Kitch- enetle.Ph. :t-6020. 155 Chapman. 3 ROOM APT., near Riverside School. Dial 3-8772. ROOM FOR RENT with twin beds. 346 Mill St. Ph. 3-7020. WANTED GENTLEMAN to board and room. Ph. 3-6626. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room for2,B30 N. Jncksnn. 3 TRAILER "HOUSES-forlr-On$4uT One $30. Utilities paid. Ph. 3-5746. SLEEPING ROOM FOR GENTLE- MAN. 464 S. Jackson. FURNISHED APT. FOR working cou ple. No pets or children. 343 Sherl- dan. Ph. 3-5649. FURNISHED CABIN FOR rent, also tMiIcr space. 540 Mill St. Ph. 3-7029. NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for working lady or couple, on bus line. 741 So. Main Ph 3-30O.V 1 H E D ROOM-H OUS K. CALL35069. ROOM FOR WORKING MAN. close in. Private entrance, $6 a week. 313 N. Kane. CL BAN, FURNISHED SLEEPING mom, private entrance, $10 a week. 823 So. Pine. FURNISHED APTS. ADULTS NO PETS. A. C. Sherlock, Winston Sec. tlon. i 3 ROOM UNFURNISHED HOUSE. 1213 So. K.ine. Call 3-3565 or inquire at 732W. Lane. FURNISHED TENT HOUSE for rent, large enough for 2 people. John A. Roberts, Winston Acres. CABIN FOR RENT. 3-3733. ROOM FOR RENT with or without nmunity kitchen privileges. Dial 3-3216. ROOM and bo.ird for 3 men In private home.M.IW. Oak ROOM FOR RENT, MEN ONLY. 824 Tcmplln St. Business Opportunity 3 FOR SALE hull n ess and business pi operty nets owner $600 per month. Total price, $?l,500. 330 W. Washing ton St.. Roseburg, OregoiL BUSINESS BLDG. Jackson St. ,W by 25' for lease or sale. Owner. Phone 3-662!). Phone Building Material 4 REMODELING ? WE NOW HAVE! Trlmset Windows (Installed in 5 nun. Wall board IAI1 types! Hoofing all tvpesi - Dnors (Interior A Exterior) - Siding tSix Stvles' Insulation iHock Wool I Plastic 1lle Wood cabinets MONTGOMERY WARD 313 So Jackson Ph. 3-5553 Shop Wards for all building needs. FOR INTERLOCKING METALweather- trlpping estimates, call Curly Craig. Dial 3-4249 UTILITY "LUMBER. 1 and 2 in., from $10 to $16 Finished lumber also. S" sheet-rock. ',c. delivered. Next to Drive-In Market. Sutherlln. COPPER TUB I NG 7 3-16. V and inch STKAHNS HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT CO. 1941 N. Stephens, phone .1-4431. FOR SALE ROUGHr"x 3 and 2x3 at $15 a carrier load lot KIUU & WORTH LUMBER COMPANY. For Trade TOR SALE or trade for cattle, 4 year old gen He Palo mlno mare. Turn left first gate et of Melrose school. J Gravening. Rt 3. Box 663 WILL TRADE furnishings for3" bedromri home value $70. for equity in good trader house Write Allen H. Wells, r GAS RAMIE !- fl "( HMirllllnn for good deer rifle. Pnne 3 6.155 FOR TRADE iftt-ilVnd l4TDodge SALARY LOANS LOCAL LOAN CO. Ph 3-4476 333 No. Jackson Rennle Se-anM, Mgr. ' S-275-M-3A3 CASH LOANS $20 to $500 Vp to 300. on your Signature, rural- ture or Livestock. UP to $500 on your Auto ( paid for or not. Nrly everyone qualifies lor one of the many liberal loan plans available to cnoose from at Calkins Finance t-o CALKINS FINANCE CO. SERVING ROSEBURG AND SURROUNDING TOWNS 307 ( 3rd fir) Pacific Bldg. Ph- 3-3244. M-337 S-264 WOULD like to Ikhtow $10,000 at percent interest on income property valued at $21,000. Close to City Cen ter. Can make $150 per montn pay ment. Write News Review. Box 9:15. Financial REAL ESTATE contract for sale. Rea sonahle discount. Ph, 3-7729 alter 5 P.M. Wanted 8 TURN TOUR SCRAP IRON AND METAL TO CASH Highest nri e c Bring to OLYMPIA SUPPLY CO. 803 WlrcheslerSt., RoseDurg WE TAKE NEW &PAPBRS. magazines" old clothes, shoes, rags, bottles or ANYTHING. Let Ug clean your at tic or basement In exchange for your junk." The Salvage Store, lis Court St. Dial 3-6142 WILL DO TYPING in my Dome. Ph. 3-7452. 410 S. Pir.e. Apt. 3 WE PAY CASH for your furniture. "Call 3-6034. Goodman's furniture. 444 N. Jackson. WEBUY USED TIRES. 0 Welders. 404 W Lane. WANTED TO BUY Hides. Roseburg Meat Co., phone 3-3433. TOM'S SECOND HAND STORE wants rurniture, tools, guns. An?tr!ng of value. Buy. sell and swa-. 147 Sheri dan, rn. 3-73U1. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bed room house, near school, by manager local firm. Phone Douglas Long, Imp- qua Hotel. WANTED FOR COLLECTOR'S 1'lfe.M single action Colt gun. Lotus Knight Porter. News-Review. WANTED TO HENT 2 or 3 bea- room house, near school, by manager local firm. Phone Douglas Long, ump qua Hotel, and leave your phone no. MOVING??? Trailers towed, anyplace, anytime. Ph. 3-3066. WANTED a to 1 acre good ground with livable house. Within 2 to 3 miles of Roseburp-. Small down pay ment, large monthly payments by responsible people. Call 3-5082. WANTED Model A, Ford, sedan or coupe A-l shape. Cash. No Junks. Ph. 3-3094. WANTED gas refrigerator. Must be reasonable. Call 3-7390. WANTED TO BUY Six year old size crib with solid head and tout boards. Phone 3-56H8. WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for used furniture. ROSEBURG FURNITURE EXCHANGE WW N. Jackson Ph.3-Bl4 2 BEDROOM APf! or"" house partly furnished wanted by responsible cou ple with 8 yr. old girl. References. Ph. 3-5869. Help Wanted 9 EXPERIENCED Graad Cate. WAITRESS wanted. WANTED A-l mechanic and A-l tune up or combination man, preferably with Olds and Cadillac experience. Permanent position. Pay o percent of labor. Lou Blanc, Inc., Coos Bay, Oregon. SECRETARY WANTED. CALLT4496. ONE choker setter. Call 3-7937 or 3-7696. WANTED: Stripper-feeder. tier and fork Dicker for lath mill Contact W. G. Smith, at Roseburg Lumber Co., Dittard COMBINATION gas and electrtc weld er. Steady employment. Phone 3-344-4, COMBINATION hooker and cltmoer. WITCH ER LOGGING CO. Ph. 3-M94 Evenings. WANTED GIRL FOR bookkeeping. Typing required. No shorthand. Pre vious experience not necessary. W e will teach you our system. Write News Review Box 933. YOUNG WOMAN FOR General Office work. Pleasant working conditions. Good starting salary. See R R. Se cant!. Local Loan Co , 3.15 N. Jack son, Evenings b appointment. WOOL PRESSOR and "silk finisher, must be experienced. No phone calls. Drive-in-Cleaners. TEAR PICKERS WANTED for Bosc pears. Apply Ewen's Bros. Packing Plant. Sbtherlin or phone Roseburg 3-7601 evenings. TRUCK AND "TRACTOR mechanics, heavy duty. SIGFETT.527 K. Jackson. WANTED Choker setter. Phone" 3-6;M7. COMBINATION WAREHOUSE and shipping clerk wanted. Bov or erly man Full time. Apply Umpqua Val lev Hardware. W a N TE D riv e rs for tnte rnVt ion ai T D4 and T D IB logging trucks Also cat operator, job near Glide. Transportation from Roseburg. H. G. PoweU, Phone 3-411$. , RECEPTIONIST for Physicians' of fice. Typing and some bookeeping required. Reply to News Review Box 938. RECEPTIONIST in Doctor's office. Must be able to type. Prefer some shorthand and bookeeping ability. Previous experience not necessary. Write News Review Box 936. 9 Phnlifr setter fin Hnnkev Minn 1 One man to work on landing, load ing. Also truck to haul long logs. Ware & Son. Brockway. WANTED PART OR FULL TIM a. OF FICE girl for work in mill office lo cated In Winston-Dillard district. Must be good typist and familiar with office machines. COMMERCIAL LBR. SALES INC. Ph. 9-3437 LOG SCALER FOR SAW MILL and peeler logs. Write all details to Box 937. New Review. EXPER 1ENCED M AINTENANCE elec trician for permanent full time employment. Martin Bros. Box Co., Oakland, Ore. WANTED LADY 23 to 45 years of age. General office work, typing necessary. CALIFORNIA-PACIFIC UTILITIES COMPANY ROSEBURG, OREGON HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, new mod" ern home, $60. mo., board and room. 4 miles West Melrose Store. Rt. 3, Box 1320. MIDDLE AGED OR elderly man for work on dairy. Ph. 3-6835. Work Wanted 10 Septic Tanks Cleaned - No Mllecge ROSEBURQ Ph 3-3356 Free Estimates SANITATION SERVICE 2356 N Stephens Septic tanks Cleaned The modern way. No mileage. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Phone 3-7923 or 9-6919. - SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Tanks pumped; tanks and drain fields Installed. Ph. 3-3234 or 3-3359. UMPPUA TRANSFER Large and small jobs done. Livestock etc. No call Saturdays. Ph. 3-8512. BABY SITTING Ph. 3-3778. In my home, days. LIGHT DELIVERY SERVICE! Back yards and basements cleaned up and hauled away. Ph. 3-8785. DRESS MAKING and alterations of all kinds Ph. 3-7452. 410 S Pine. Apt. 3. ROOFING, LIGHT BTASONRY. some carpentry, odd jobs by skilled work man. Mr. Cook. Ph. 3-6483. GASKILL SEPTIC TANK Cleaning ft Service. Ph. 3-8704. WILL TAKE IN IRONING, son, 1642 N. Stephens. LUMBER HAULING. Ph. WILL CARE for children by the day ln my home. Call 3-8319. YOUNG MOTHER, will care for chil dren, weekday evenings In my home. Phone 3-7923. CEMENT STEPS, SIDEWALKS, porches, driveways, garage, floors, expertly finished. By the sq. ft. or hourly wage. Ph. 2-9142 H OUSE WO R K BY" "HOUR . Ph. 3-4510. RELIABLE YOUNG WOMAN wants light housekeeping and child care for Doara, room ana wages, nu x, cox 28ti E, Sutherlln. ATTENTiONf WORTHING MOTHERS, Will care for your child In my home. Ph. 3-8830. Lost & Found 11 REWARD Please, wilt the man who lives East of Sutherlln, who last Saturday found on highway near M&H Market, a while puppy with brown ears, call Sutherlin 3021. or call at green house across street from Union Oil plant. LOST B LAC KCOCkERsVanleT" long hair, small head. Answers to the name of "Lady." Ph. 3-7673. MAN'S billfold with valuable papers and some money. Reward. Larry Phone Fruits & Vegetables 12 CANNING TOMATOES You pick, bring your own containers, $1 50 busheL Reject Cantaloupe. $1 or crate Water melon. ,02'c lb. Pears, sweet pep pers and hot peppers, t Jamen Gardens. Winston section. 6 miles south of Roseburg. 1st road to left, south side of Winston Bridge. GOOD EATlNGGKAFaUo Concord and jutce grapes. You pick, bring containers. 4c lb. Call 9-6922. CUCUMBER f OMA TOES '. Carrtgejs-, Lower Garden Vallev Road. CANNING TOMATOES, Bart let t pears, apples, watermelons, cantaloupes, Torpedo onions, crab apples, etc At K ruse i Fruit Stand. 2U3 Harvard Ave. Bring containers. Closed Satur davs. ITALIAN PRUNES f oTTa'leTllf ingown containers. After 5 30 P M. week days. All day Sat. arid Sun. First road to the left, south end of Winston q Brtoge.orcnard Trailer Prk. v."shi.j umisiuta, si sa ou. You pick. Big Bend Road. Lower Gar den Vallev. McFarland CANNING TO Si ATOFS $l"onuheTNo ' Sunday lrs Walter Wright, Rl 3 Box 578, Curry Estate. i I Fruits & Vegetables 12 CONCORD GRAPES YOU PICK APPLES. PEARS AND PRUNES Bring containers. ARCHIE WILSON Ph. 9-8688 6 ml. So. of Roseburg, 1st. Rd. left, south end of 1st. Green Bridge. FAMOUS COMICE PEARS, never to be forgotten flavor, fine grained and juicy. W. C. Thurlow, 3-5805, lower Garden Valley. DRIED PRUNES 12c per pound. Voor- hiea Drier. Lookinggiass. TOMATOES. CANTALOUPES AND SQUASH at C. W. Schmidt. Garden Valley. WATERMELONS .33 apiece, acorns, squash .50 per dor. $1.00 per crate, cantaloupe $1.00 per crate. Bring con tainers. Clay pool Gardens, Garden VaUey; EXTRA" FANCY Bosc and DAnJou pears. $1.25 bushel. Bring contain ers. W. D, , Love. Garden Valley. 3-3792. CONCORD GRAPES. 231 E. Commer teial, phone 3-8119. Hay, Grain & Feed 13 Grass Seeding By Airplane Georg, Felt Calklm Road Phone 3-8743 Livestock 14 WANTED TO BUY Cattle orsheep. Kenneth Conn, Ph. 3-4896. Rt. 3, Box 625. WANTED Cattle, fat or thin; Veal, sheep or hogs. East Side Market. Ph. 3-6323 or 3-6962. Fred Boyer, RL 1, Box 375. Roseburg. Oregon. WANTED Sheep ofalMc lnds. Darn II W Ray, 4400 Hooker Road. Ph. 3-6843, or James Lewis. Ph. 84. Myrtle Creek. WANTED TO BUY - Cattle, veal, sheep and hogs. Write P O. Box 82, Roseburg, or Ph. 3-5242, morning or evenings. Paul Hem pel. SELL YOUR LIV ESTOCK AT ROSEBURG AUCTION EVERY WED. Turn East at Garden Valley road Junc tion Ph. 3-5026. FOR SALE JERSEY MILK cow. 5 years, gives 3 to 3a gal. day. $200. Rt. 2 Box 335. Calkins Rd. 1 16 MO. OLD Black face buck for sale. $30. Pete Hanson. Garden Valley. WEANER PIGS West on Garden Valley road 4 miles to vegetable stand, south to 5th house. O. N. Redenbo, Rt. 2 Box 413. WANTED 20 to 50 BREEDING ewes. State price, age and breed. Arthur Weeks. Myrtle Creek. 2 PUREBRED-HEREFORD bull calves. Ph. 3-51C1. 30 HEREFORDS Will be sold at auction 2 miles south, 1 mile west of Creswell Sunday, Sept. at 1 p. m. Included are 6 bred rifers. 4 cows with calves at side. and 15 calves just off cows, Thse nimais arc In good condition. EASTER LINGS AUCTION CRESWELL, OREGON Poultry 15 Carr's Gold Star Chicks Hatching Eggs Wanted PULLORUM CLEAN CARR'S HATCHERY Of, Lookinggiass Rt. 4, Box 1370 HENS for sale, .25 a pound. 3 miles south of town, mile on Looking- glass Road. c. c. st roup, box jut. FRYERS AVERAGE 2'a to 3 lbs., .90 each. Chas. Hooker. 3410 Hooker Rd across railroad tracks from weighing scales on N. 99. . LIVE COLORED FRYERS for sale. Average 4 lb. $1.25 each. Inquire Look i nggiass store. M. A. fttapie. FOR SALE red fryers. Sam CoTi Camas Valley. FRYERS, 3 lbs. $1.00. Garden Valley end or pavement. FOR SALE 10 breeding roosters from Bylngton red stock. 4"i mo. old. J. B. Allen. Rt. 4. Box 410. NEW HAMPSHIRE HENS. .23 lb. Leg horns .20. Rt. 3, Box 1160 Melrose. RED FRYERS .30 lb. Neal Meyer, 1 ml. West of Lookinggiass. Pets 17 Jacobs Kennel. Ph. 36293 GRA-HO COCKER KENNELS. Phone 3-4348 or 3-8152. Reg. and ped. puppies, all colors. Mud service. BEAUTIFUL CANARIES REASON ABLE. Mrs. Arthur Nelson. Phone 3-463R. PUPPIES FOR SALE cocker and German shepherd. $2.50 up. Call 3-4915. GOLDEN HAMPSTERS. Mrs. Marie DeRoss. 1725 Frear Rd. For Sale, Misc. 18 ' NOTICE ' For your convenience a new location in your city. 2444 No. Stephens Also trailer supply store. TRAVELEERS TRAILERS" ROADMASTERS TERRY RAMBLERS 14 Ft To M ft New at Used After you have shopped & compared SEE US FOR the BEST tor LESS. Buy-Sell or Trade LOWEST INTEREST-LONGEST TERMS MAKE SURE BEFORa. YOU BUY Burkett1! Trailer Sales 2444 No. Stephen Ph. 3-4909 444 Hwy t So. Eugene, Ore. Phone S-Q643 GOOD UTILITY ' GRADE 2x4 8" FIR STUDS $20. M, BY UNIT ONLY 1500 to 1600 in unit L. E. SULLIVAN & SON LUMBER CO. MiLrsrnTH. highway m FULLER "BRUSH CO. Ph. 3-3659 or 3-5690. TOR SALE ONE WEAVER K-4 .ight with Pachmayer low .wing mount Call .Vltnr, afler 6 1 IRON SAFE ipeclal deer rifle. JTJ1 Harvard Ave. For Sale, Misc. 18 ARE YOU Oolnf to wilt too Ion,. AlumtnUM. eteel Ai other metal, on allocation llat. Parte equipment ete. are getting acarce And now a bill to place up to 30 percent tax on new trailer, coming up in Congreu rortunatelT we have ordered heavier than evef before Hill have a good itoej of of QUALITY trailer, on hand. They are going iaat however Dont be fooled b PH1CE trallere The trailer you bu now ma have to U J" 'n time Buy only a QUALITY traHer A Irom dealer who car i wlU land back of It Select your trailer from the following outstanding Unee - SPARTAN NEW MOON ROYCRAFT KIT TRAVELO IRONWOOD COLUMBIA LOWtST LONOMT TERMS Earl E.Smith Trailer ' Homes t 2356 N. Stephens Ph- 3-3336 On Highway 99. N-, Roseburg. Oregon 4793 Hwy 99 So. Phone T-2$SU 3 miles So. on Hwy 99 EUGENE. ORE FARISS FRIDAY FOLLY Good all day Friday or as long ai stocks last Lifetime Iron table with metal un dercarriage, reg. $6.93, today.. only - $3.5 White enamel hrea1' Mx, peach patterh, reg. .98, today Quality Sentinel alarm clock, re $3.95, today .. JACK FARISS & SON Highway 9t) B. Ph. 3-31H2 "Boy's-Basketball SHOES Otflcla! type ft" -' snur nnnua aiiu. - WAIN FLOOR Montgomery Ward Co. 315 So. JackFOn '"h. 3-5553 .TGIRL'S GYM. SHORTS .. Dark blue. Just received. Size 12 - 13. Ml Shop Ward's Mezzanine MONTGOMERY WARD CO. 315 So. Jackson Ph. 3-5553 FARISS" FRIDAY FOLLY Good ail day Friday or as long as stocks last Lifetime iron table with metal un dercarriage, reg. $6 93 today only .... $3.95 , While enamel broad box, peach rff pattern, reg, .911, today TO Quality Sentinel alarm clock, reg. $3.93, todpy 198 JACK FARISS & SON Highway 99 N. Ph. 3-3162 Quality Used Appliances 6' Kelvlnator refrigerator, good shape, repainted $8$ 6' Frigidaire. nice and clean 60 Bendix washer, dependable wash ing - Montgomery Ward washer - 49 6 mo. old Deluxe Maytag sold new for $194 50 129.50 JACK FARRIS & SON Highway 88 No. Ph. 3-31M LIBERTY TRAILER SALES New and used trailers tor sale. Bank terms NEBO TRAILER PARK Highway 99. North 2 BEDS, large circulating heater, ta ble and chairs, very cheap. 2 mi. So. of Dillard. Kenny Hughes. THOR GLADlRON, $25. 1108 Falrhaven. TAYLOR TOT STROLLER with shop ping bag. Good condition, $10. Phone 3-6708. 711 A lameda. ELECTRIC RANGE AND refrigerator. Kitchen table set, curtains. Phone 3-53JrV7J BABY BUGGY, stroller, training chair, baby scales, typewriter and trom- bone. 1012 S. Balff St. LARGE OIL HEATER for sale, rea sonable. 355 i Leland, after 6 P. M. 3-70(19. JET ELECTRIC PUMP with pressure tank, fittings and pipe, also combi nation Monarch electric range with trash burner. 2620 Harvard, Phone 13-F-14. WANTED CUSTOMERS FOR miscel laneous and rummage sale all day Sat urday, sept. 22. 121 W. Douglas De- iiaa oe- v -E. Hasf nind Uougias uounty creamery. MYRTLEWOOD LOG FOR SALE. been burled In water for 50 yrs. and ia all black and burls. Anyone in terested contact Bill F. Judy, Ash Rt.. Reedsport. Ore. FOR SALE NEW 3008 rifle, call 3-7025 , after 3:30. FOR SALE LARGE BED daveno, large tilt chair to match, tapestry covered ,$fi5. 1005 No. Stephens. A-B APT. ELECTRIC range, like new. Duo-Therm oil circulator, cheap. Ph. 3-6823. GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERA- TOR. Very good condition. $85. Phone :b57 RB- After 3:00. WEDGE WOOD GAS RANGE. $35. Ben dix automatic washer, $55. Coldspot refrigerator $85. Exceptional buvs. 4th. house left on Shenandoah. Ph. 3-168 4. FOR SALE 1 APT. SIZE gas range, 1 ro I la way bed and mattress. 1 high chair. 2-3,000 BTU Gas heaters. See at 16Q1 No. Stephens. OLD STYLE REMINGTON typewriter $20. Overhead garage door, complete, $35. Myrtle wood Treasure House, Win ston. Ore. FOR SALE NEW 300 Savage rifle. lever action. Never fired. In original grease. Ph. 3-8049 3006 ENFIELD Scope $90. WITH 330 Weaver 30.06 Springfield Lyman Reclver $70. 8 5 Jap sporter 60 shells. $45. 2 boxes. 257 shells, 3 box 7 M.M. Shells. $3 each. 10 Alum. Sleeper trailer $250. 12 gauge double barrel) shot gun $35. 12 gauge Higgeni Bolt Repeater $20. Cah2b8!butherlin; after 5.00 P.M. 1950 ROYAL SPARTA NETTE. 35 ft'. modern home on wheels S'j mi. South on 99 next to Evergreen Grange PIECEDINING ROOM set, inTjgood condition. $75. Dial 3-6927. TWO-WHtKL trailer, excellent condi tion. Fifty Dollars EH Thiele. Win ston. Civil Bend Cemeterv Rd. VIOLIN bw and cae lioo Ph 3-372(f KITTENSri WKS OLD free AeoTd home. Racing bicycle for sale, cheap. M Ph , 3-5f.W. m M A TERNTTY 5TYT!eS . Hauser't Maternity Shop 133 Harvard Ave Dial 3-4163 FOR SXLE rWTHsil. ! ne rngee. A-l Electric Co. Ph. 3-4U5J.