Timber & Sawmills 21 Trucks 26 Out our way WiRicMNf Thurs., Spf. 20, 1951 Th Ntws-Rtvltw, Roseburg, Ore. 13 ly J. R. LOGS WANTED 2nd or Old Growth ALSO TIMBER IN LARGE AND SMALL TRACTS. CONTACT Round Prairie Lbr. Co. Dtllard, Oregon. Or call 3-7918, Roaa- burg YARD CLEAN UP 1X4 S' SURFACED FIR AND CSDAR SKEATHINO AND PICKETS. ALSO 8' 1X3 and 2X41. L. E. SULLIVAN & 'ONS LBR. CO. 3 MILES NORTH ON HIWAY 99 WANTED SECOND GROWTH LOGS CONTACT WILBUR LUMBER CO. WANTED TO BUY Gang loft alio limber large or mall tract. Top Prices. Stomar Lbr Co. Ph 431 Riddle dan 2202 Suthtrlln evenings WANTED OLD GROWTH SAWMILL , LOSS CONTACT: HOWARi) WILSON Independence Lbr. & Mfg Co. Reload GRANTS PASS, ORE. Rt. 1, Box 741 Ph. CAT logger wants logging Job. Call j-ntv evenings. 1948 International KB 8, 0 wheeler truck and trailer, dual axle trailer. Inquire or f none 3-4UUU. WANTED LOGGER WITH small cat to log to mill. Winter show. Write . News Review. Box 934. WANTED Good sawmill logs. Good price, iverson Lumoer to. rnon 3-3135. D-7 4T series with dozer and Hyster wine n. 4US Koenrintt crane on runner, V Dyers crane on rubber. 1 lA yard link belt on steel. For price and terms see uco. Twining, Hotel Alien, FOR SALE TD 8 W. G. drum and blade. Excellent shape, ready to go Logging Equipment 22 ONE MOBILE tog toatrer with heel boom one tu is cat, lor sale. Apply Lu cas uro., Buineriin. fa. 2-vni. Med ford. Machinery For Sale 23 SPECIAL 1946 D7 Caterpillar iTacior eompieieiy overnauiea ana guaranteed available immediately. D2 Caterpillar Tractor with Dozer, completely overnauiea ana guaran teed available immeditely. D4 Caterpillar Tractor In splen did condition available Immediately. For Sale Machinery G. M. C. Hercules International Buda, DIESEL ENGINES Two Com Dl ote Saw Mills Two- Yarders on Sled, Some Rigging massey-narni arm Tractors ana Other Farming Machinery Galvanized Iron Roofing in 8, 20, 12 root Lengths Kernin Equipment Pacific HlWay North, Roseburg NEW Gardiner Denver 3 h.p..air motor. Blower with 2 h. p. motor. ALSO PORTABLE WELDER FOR SALE OR RENT KEYSTONE MACHINE WORKS 136 S. Stephens St. Ph. 3-4144 TOR RENT OR CONTRACT D-8 cat and dozer, and Carryall. Pre MIx Concrete Co.; Ph. 3-4248. Tractors 25 USED TRACTORS Large stock 1940 to 1946 Ford tractors. John Deere Model L with plow, cul tivator, mower, Llndeman crawler with Oliver 2-14" plow. Umpqua Trac tor Co. Trucks 26 PICKUPS IM DODGE b ton. cle.n a pin 1093 1M7 INTERNATIONAL H ton M! Motor overhauled 1I4 CMC J70 mtr B-Llp. completa with W I trailer Comolet. unit weifha only 13.000 Dounda 1M7 INTERNATIONAL WToaiter 3010 axiea. Loi Bunka readjr to fa 1M DODGE H ton .! 74S IMS DODGE dual drlv., abort lof truck with bunka 1H4 WHITE WA O S- jard dump box 1H1 GUNDERSON log trailer '. LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR TRANSPORTATION PROBLEMS New SMC Truck. NEW GMC DUAL DRIVES AVAILABLE FOR DELIVERY SMITH MOTORS TRUCK DEPARTMENT tMGKWAl 9, NORTH Ph. J.43J tc SALE - tt GMC ' with-) ft temilraller. cood rubber, new paint, food ehapa. H0:. Catl Suther un 3S04. l tout 'CtrifPUAf mm J o FOR 8ALK Lumber truck and trail er, GMC 426 motor, tag axle. Will tell xrucK i or .tuuu., urauer jor iws, or will tell both for S36M. Ph. 3-7738. FOR SALE '41 G MC. short logging truck and horse, inquire j. w. new port. Umpqua Park. 1946 Va ton Ford pickup with canopy oacic. new runoer, radio ana ucaivr. C. 8 Nebo Trailer Court. 1940 FORD Vi ton pickup. Good condi tion, sious. 3 Beale'a Creak Road. 01 inquire Days Creek Store evenings and sunaays. m act wan. BRAND NEW GMC pickup, ton. long wheel base, 4 speed transmission, R&H. Less than 2000 milts, good savings. Ph. 3-3769. nights. 1949 ton Dodge pickup truck. Equity s.400. Sea evenings at Ellia Auto Sales. CHEV. TRUCK, '41 van body, extra .good. 300 amp. Lincoln Hercules drive. Ph. 3-7338. Autos & Mtr. Cycles 27 TED REED MOTORS NASH BANK TERMS 18 MO. TO PAY SELECT TRADE-INS 1949 STUDEBAKER COM, Radio, CUmatlzer, Overdrive $1625.00 1946 NASH AMB. , Overdrive. Radio, Weathereye Seat Covers $895.00 1948 CHEV.AERO SEDAN Radio, Heater. New Seat Covers. $1345.00 1950 NASH STATESMAN Weathereye conditioner, overdrive . Local owner. $1795.00 1948 FRAZER4 DOOR Radio, Heater, Overdrive $1095.00 ' 1948 NASH 600 Radio, Weathereye, passing gear $1095.00 -1946 OLDS 66 Hydromatic, Radio, Heater $1095.00 PREWAR MODELS 1942 BUICK $593. full price 1942 DODGE 595. full price 1941 CHKV. 573. full price 1941 FORD 463. lull price MAKE US AN OFFER ON THKS1S 194 0 OLDS MOBILE 1937 OLDSMOBILE ,1938 STUDEBAKER TED REED MOTORS NASH SELECT TRADE-INS Ml W. Oak Ph. 3-4211 Riverside Motors Invites you to compare the money saving values of these high quality used cars. THESE ARE JUST LIKE NEW: 1951 Dodge Comet 4 Dr. Sedan, Radio, heater, ryro trans 1951 Henry J. 2 Dr. Sedan, Over drive, wnite nae wans 1951 Willys 4WD Station Wagon, heater - ALSO: 1950 Buick Special sedanette, radio - heater, dvnaflow S1995 1950 Willys 6 Station Wagon, heat er, overdrive .... lTwa 1930 Willys Jeep .. - 1493 19S0 Willys Parkway Panel, heat er, overdrive - .. 1390 1950 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Sedan, heat er, very clean -r....- 1395 1949 Ford 2 Dr. Sedan 1395 1949 Ford Club Coupe 1293 1949 Ford Club Coupe 1250 1949 International Plckuo - 109S 1948 Ford Pickup, 4 speed trans mission ... 1095 1946 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Sedan, radio and heater 1093 194B Willys Jeeo - . 995 1948 Willys Station Wagon, heater Ac overanve ....... juao 1947 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Sedan .... - 995 1946 Chevrolet Aero Sedan, radio and heater 1095 1946 Ford panel 745 1941 Ford convertible coup . 495 1941 Ford 2 dr. se.Tan 395 Riverside Motors 1 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 1444 N. Stephens Street i Next to Snack Shack) 1C00 N. Stephens Street t A cross from Rosetta Lodge) Check Both Locations Lockwood's Used Cars BEST BUYS ANYWHERE 1950 MERCURY FORDOH Sport aedan lags lO.W FORD TUDOR SEDAN V 1043 1950 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR 1695 19S0 CHEVROLET COUPE 1.19S 1950 TORD TUDOR 1395 1950 STUDEBAKER J-door aedan . 1650 1049 BUIL'K Super Sedanette 1793 1949 MERCURY TUDOR Sedan I74S 1949 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 1295 1949 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 1345 1943 NASH CONV. CLUB CPE 1193 1948 MERCURY FORDOR SEDAN. 1193 1948 MERCURY CLUB COUPE 1193 1947 CHEVROLET CONV. Club Coupe . 1143 11193 14 FORD CONV. Club eoupa 993 1946 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 873 1916 FORD STATION WAGON . 943 1941 PONTIAC SEDANETTE . 395 1942 OLDS. FORDOR SDN !K3 1942 FORD COUPE .. 395 1941 DODGE 4 dr. Sedan , 395 1941 PONTIAC 4 dr. sedan ... 495 1941 PLYMOUTH FORDOR Sdn 495 I4I rLTMUUTH FORDOR Sdn 545 1936 FORD 4 dr. aedan . .. 123 TRUCKS ai PICKUPS 1930 FORD , Ton P-U 1293 1949 FORD F-3 P-U 1:0.3 1949 STUDY DUMP TRUCK 1663 1949 FORD 4 ton pick-up , ,,. 1043 1948 FORD i Ton P-U 993 LATE MODEL FORD TRACTOR J093 1946 DODGE TON P-U 899 1949 DODGE , ton pick-up .... 993 1949 FORIii Uj TON Pick-up . 1043 For Your Cxivenienc6 We Are Open Evening! 'Til 9 TERMS S. Stephana Ph. 3 6534 FOR SALE - 2 Pontiac aedani.'A-l conditions. Alio lovely houie trailer. Reasonably priced and terme. 1 mil. a.t of Sutherlin on CntraL No Sat urday calls please. FOR SALE V-8 Ford In food condl- Uon, t good Urea. 3123 caah. 741 mil. a J MV. GRANDPA SAID THEY ( THAT NOULD ( ONE MOR5 Mil MOVED THAT THIWO'A MAKE A I I WORD OUT 1 Wi MILE TOWARD TH' LAKE If WOMDERRJU V OF YOU ' CwM WHEM HE WAS A KIP, J PA9SEWGER I AN' I START ' VJy AND AAY PA SAID THEY BOAT AMP THROTTLIW7 -(-SffiL MOVED IT ANOTHER, ' OM-V TVVO A THAT'S WHAT fl FWH MILE CLOSER WHEM V MORE V STARTS A.(& WAS JM'i W 'jmam, ' v" , fnM MM Mm WMM W ,. .ts Autos & Mtr. Cycles 27 BETTER BUYS AT BARCUS RASY TERMS LIBERAL rRADEet '50 FORD V-8 custom sedan, finish and interior like new, W. W. tires, overdrive.. R. 6c H. Sdc- cial ....$1693 '46 PACKARD SUPER Convertible, beautiful light , blue finish, overdrive. R. & H. Hydraulic windows and top .... , $1795 48 HUDSON SUPER 6 Sedan. This one owner Packard trade in is extra clean. New tires. Mechanically excellent .. $995 '50 PACKARD SEDAN, Ultramatlo drive. R. H.. W W. tires, polished black finish, spotless upholstery, only 17,000 mi. A car you'll really be croud to own ......'. 12195 '46 CHEV SEDAN, new patnt. good tires, one owner trade in 61095 '46 STUDEBAKER LAND Cruiser, overdrive. R & H. Completely Reconditioned motor 61595 '47 FORD V-8 Super DeLuxe Club Coupe, R & H .... .... .. '46 PACK ARB CUSTOM SEDAN one of the most luxurious auto mobiles ever built, Downfilled cushions, thick ' carpets. Every extra. 160 H. P. This $4500 car now only - 61995 '47 CROSLEY R. AH. f295 '39 MERCURY SEDAN V 39 BUICK SEDAN I5 39 STUDEBAKER CLUB SEDAN 695 37 CHEV. TUDOR f' PICKUPS '48 WILLYS PANEL '46 FORD PICKUP , ... 8795 '46 STUDEBAKER 1 ton pickup, 4 speed trans. Completely recon ditioned ......$845 '42 FORD 1 ton pickup, 4 ipeed trans . ..... $695 BARCUS YOUR PACKARD DEALER OPEN SUNDAYS AND IVIN1NUS Hlft!W.7 n N. at Gird.n V.IItT . Phen. 3.5M6 ,"Auto-BlofrpctIei" Sandy McTavish knows A FAIR PRICE WHEN HE SEES ONE II SO HE OUST 0U6HT A USED CAR AT KEEL'S JUST SOUTH OF ROSE HOTEL PHONE 3-3302 1948 CHEV. CLUB COUPE 11095 1946 PONTIAC 4 DOOR 1093 1947 FORD 2 door 1095 1947 STUDEBAKER Star Ught cpa. 1345 1948 PONTIAC 4 door - . 1495 1949 STUDEBAKER Champion -. 1596 4 dr.. O. D. 1949 DODGE 4 dr. , 1:195 1949 FORD 4 dr . O D 1495 1949 BUICK Super 4 dr. 1793 1949 OLDSMOBILE 4 dr. - 1895 1950 STUDEBAKER Champ. 4 dr. 1645 1930 CHEV. 4 dr. .. .1683 A large Itock to chooa. from Open Sundays & Evenings "LOOK" "Below Ceiling Prices11 1950 Plymouth Suburban 1950 Chevrolet 3 dr. 1949 Chevrolet 3 dr. 1947 Plymouth 4 dr. 1947 Frer 4 dr. 1041 Buick 2 dr. 1B41 Ford Clb cpe. 1937 Dcdse 4 eV ROSE MOTOR CO. Roeand Lane St. Ph. 3-3t22 FOR SALE 194l ror(j ciuVCoupe. (e this one! $1195.. terms. CaU Roy's avern. Winston. 2-9104. EQUITY In ' Plymouth club coupe. Will accei-t pickup or older car in Qd PhoS 3-Q22 5Si CROSLEY. will sell equHy for $250. Can be seen at Ellis Auto Saies. MUTINY C0rt 1W1 t Htk MWVKg. Autos & Mtr. Cycles 27 REASONABLY PRICED GMAC TERMS CHEVROLET. BUICK. PONTIAC CADILLAC TRADE-INS Hansen's USED CAR CENTER Rom Oak ' TED REED MOTORS NASH AIRFLYTE STATESMAN RAMBLER AMBASSADOR NOW IMMEDIATE DELIVERY (Most models) Coma in or call for FREE Demons t rat ion TED REED MOTORS 321 W Oak Dial 3-4 FOR SALE 1949 Pontiac 4-door Sli ver Streak, "slick" 61595., termf. Call Roy's Tavern. Winston, 2-9104. FOR SALE 1949 CHEVROLET door, clean car. 61350., terms. Call Hoys Tavern. Winston, z-gitw. FOR SALE 1946 DE SOTO, custom club coupe, food condition. 1802 X. Douglas. 48 DE SOTO, all extras. Including good tires. Car Is in excellent condi tion, owner is oraitea. ir.ee Contact David Put at Riddle. FOR SALE '50 Packard, Ultramatlc drive, H At it, new motor, no dealers. m. 8-8701. FOR SALE - 1945 H. D. 45 Bags, shield, good shape. $250. Call Suther Un. 2804. '47 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE Aero sedan, 2t,000 miles, excellent condi tion, heater, 2120 Todd St. Ph. 3-3940. WANTED Model A Ford, sedan or coupe. A-l shape. Cash. No Junks. Phone 3-3094. FOR SALE 1948 Jeeo. Phone 42-F-2. '41 OLDSMOBILE 2 door sedan, hydro matic, R&H, motor Just overnauiea, good tires, body and paint. $400. Ph. 3-7847. '50 FORD COUPE Radio and heater. Perfect condition. Ph. 3-7836. Instruction 29 TAP DANCING " Special classes for pre-tchool children, w.tn lumDiinfr ana oaion. Alio class and private instruction for children of all ages. SALLY HILT STUDIO OF DANCE ARTS 218 No. Main Ph. 3-7023 Personal 30 IF YOU HAVE A DRINKING protUcm, get la touch with Alcoholics Anony mous. P. O Bos lilt. Notices 31 NO TRESPASS1NC on the Koblhagen BS Ranch, Chrlstensen'e Bros., and sawara u. Konmagen. fewili not be responsible for any debts other than my own. JoKeph O. Webb. .fACK ISAACSbiRsXCSfTfeRTja telephone number has been changed from 3-3718 to 3-4320. LEGAL NOTICE Of FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 8TATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOE TUB COUNTY OP DOUGLAB IN Tlir MATTER OP THE ESTATE Or JOHN RIC TUOHIMA, Deceased. Case No. 5422 ' Notice Is hereby given that Marie Dewar. Executrix of the above en titled Estale, has files' her Final Ac count in the above named -Court. Said Court has appointed 10:00 A. M. on the 27th day of September, 1951. ai the time, and the chambers of said County Court In the Court House at Roseburg, Oregon, the place for the hearing of objections to said Final Account and the settlement thereof. MA 7, IE DEWAR Executrix of said Estate Portland Markets WEDNESDAY PRODUCE POICtLAND - JP1 BUTTER FAT Tentative, subject to im mediilt change: premium quality, ( 1 WC T M. SCC. U 1 tT QPF. maximum to .35 to 1 percent acid ity delivered in Portland, 74c lb; first quality, 72c; second quality, 70c. Valley routes and country points 2c less. BUTTER Wholesale F. 0. B. bulk cubes to wholesalers: grade A A, 93 score, 68c lb; A, 92 score, 67c; B, 90 score, 62c; C, 89 score, 57c. Above prices strictly nor mal, CHEESE Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles, 44V4-45V4C lb; Oregon 51b loal, 48-49c. EGGS (To wholesalers): candled eggs containing no loss, cases included, F. 0. B. Portland, A large, 69V4-70Wc; A medium, 57 59'Ac; A small, 4114-44V4c; B grade 52-55C. LIVE CHICKENS (No. 1 qual ity, F. 0. B. plants); broilers, lbs, 26c; fryers, 2W3 lbs, 29c; 3-4 lbs, 29c; roasters, 4 lbs and over, 29c; light hens, all weights, 18c; heavy hens, all weights, 20c; old roosters, all weights, 13.14c. RABBITS Average to grow ers: live white. 4-5 lbs. 26-28c lb: 5-6 lbs, 23-25c; old docs, 10-Uc, few higher; fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 60-63c; some higher. FRESH DRESSED MEATS (Wholesalers to retailers; dollars per cwt): BEEF: Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs, $56.70-57.10; good, S54.70-55.10 commercial, $49.70 50.10: utility. $44.70 - 45.10; cows, commercial, tn.au-su.iu; utility, 43.uu - 45. lu canners-cuttors, $42.00-43.60. BEEF CUTS (Choice steers): Hind quarters, $62.00-40; rounds, t3f.YU-M.iu; tun loins, trimmed, $85.70-86.10; triangles, $48.20-48.60; lorequariers, $01,711-52.10. VEAL: Good choice, $56.00 60.00; commercial, $50.00-55.00. - PORK CUTS: Loins, No. 1, 8-12 10s, a4.u-36.3U; snoulders, 16 lbs, down, $37.00 - 41.00; spareribs, m.uu-h.uu; iresn nams, $53.00 54.00. LAMBS: Good-prime springers, 903.UUOY.VU. WOOL: Willamette Vallev mostly nominal at 60-70c lb grease oasis. MOHAIR: 70c lb on 12-month growth, F. 0. B. country shipping puuiis. COUNTRY-KILLED MEATS: MUTTON: Best. 60-90 lbs. 22. 25c lb; rough heavy bucks, ewej, 15-18c. VEAL: Top quality, 54-55c; good heavies, 50-52c; others 40-45c. BEEF: Good cows, 43-45c lb; i-uiiuers-cuuers, 41.4.JC. . HOGS: Light blockers, 33-34c lb; sows, light. 28-30c. LAMBS: Top grade, 53-55c; other gi aues 4J-40C. POTATOES: Boardman, long wmibs i-fo-u; wasn. Kussets, No. 1A, $3.10-35; No. 2s, 50-lb sack l.-ooc. HAY: U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, delivered car and truck lots, F. 0. B. Portland, mostlv $33 on.35 nn ton; Willamette Valley grain and clover hay nominally $25.00-27.00 iuii, oaiea ai larm. ONIONS: 50 Ih sacks flreon yellows, med., $2.00-25; Washing ton yellows $1.50-75; few $2.00; Idaho, sweet. Spanish, med.. SI 75- 2.00; white, $3.00-35. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND - (JPI msnAl niiucj-. niarnei less active, but mostly steady; 1 lot high eood grain or grass steers 36.50; odd neaa average good 35.50; few utility and commercial steers 27 on. 3i.uu; utility neuers 26.00 . 29.00: odd commercial grades 30.00-33.00- canner and cutter cows mostly 20.00-22.50; shells down to 17.00 Of Deiow; utility cows 23.00-27.00, in cluding heavv holstcins at 28 on- few commercial cows 29.00; com mercial and good bulls 29.00-30.00; uiuuy ib.uu-io.ou. CALVES: Market act ve. atearlv choice calves and vealers 35.00- 36.00; few 37.001 commercial and good mostly 28.00-34.00; cull and uiuuy ib.uu to zs.uu. HOGS: Market fairly act ve. strong to 25c higher than Tuesday or steady with Monday; choice iu-z35 in Dutcnncs 23.oo-.25: ew 250-265 lbs 22.00: sows limited: heavy weights still under pressure: few choice 350-475 lb weights 18.00- lif.ou; nravier weights quotable downward 10 17.00 and below: feeder pigs in narrow demand: ioaa noiaovers still unsold. SHEEP: Market less active. but about stea-A: few choice wooled spring lamos 30.00; choice and prime 30.50; lew No. 1 pelt 29.75; good feeders mostly 28.00 .50; few choice 71 lbs 29.50; good and choice slaughter tDis limited atJ2 00-13.00. a. ENLISTS IN NAVY Norman Smith is now serving with the navy, taking training at San Diego, Calif. He enlisted Sept. 13. smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Smith, 937 Mill street. He was graduated from Roseburg Senior high in 1950 and attended Oregon State college last year. Demo Chairmen Boyle's Contacts With RFC Told WASHINGTON - UP) - Former RFC Director William E. Willett swore today that William Boyle Jr., contacted him three times about loan matters after becom ing Democratic national chairman. Willett. who left the Reconstruc tion Finance corporation last May in a reorganization, testified be fore senators investigating charges that Boyle brought political influ ence to bear on operations of the government loan agency. Boyle has denied using any such influence. Willett told a senate investiga tions subcommittee he received telephone calls from Boyle arrang ing meetings for various persons. One of these, he said, was on May 29, 1950, to arrange a meet ing between Willett and two en gineers for Thompson and Starett to., winch sought an' assignment to survey properties of the Lus tron Corp., of Columbus, Ohio, a big RFC borrower. He said the firm did not get tne job. -He described another call, Nov, 29, 1949, arranging an interview lor an official ot the Wren Manu facturing Co., and a third one Sept. 11, 1950. for Sam Marks. counsel for the Copper City Min ing to. Wren and tne mining com pany already had received their loans. Willett said. He was not asked Immediately for further details, but Senator Nixon (R-Calif), a subcommittee member, demanded a check on whether either Boyle or Max Sis- kind. Boyle s former law part ners, represent any of those firms now. The senate investigation already has churned up grade-A politi cal fight. Bill Would Halt Early Retiring Of Career Men WASHINGTON (P) Rep. Norbald (R-Ore) has introduced a bill to bar career officer! from re tiring before the age of 62 except for physical or mental disability. And he asked Air Force Secretary Finletter to explain the resigna tion of "a 38-year-old air force general who was in charge of procurement." Norbald told a reporter the of ficer mentioned in his letter to Finletter was Brig. Gen. Horace A. Shepard. who resigned Sept. 6 the seventh air force general to leave the service in recent months. Norbald said Shepard now has accepted employment with the Thompson Products Co., of Cleve land, which manufactures parts of jet engines used by the air force. The Oregon congressman noted that Shepard's resignation .re quired approval by Finletter be cause he had served but 17 of the 20 years needed to become eligible for retirement. Ho wrote Finletter: "With men from all walks of life being constantly called back into service every day in the week, I am at a loss to understand how a resignation of this kind at this crucial time could have been per mitted." The congressman told Finletter his "anti retirement" bill was prompted by "so many high-ranking officers from 47 to 53 who have been resigning in this period of national emergency." Fifteen Escaped Convicts Caught WETUMPKA, Ala. -tTP) With all except four of the 19 convicts who escaped from Draper prison recaptured, Elmore county offi cials prepared today, to press new charges against them. Warden B. F. Reeves previously requested that the Elmore grand jury now in session "throw the book" at the escapees. He said . the charges should include escape, robbery, and as sault with intent to murder. In addition some of the convicts may face trial for offenses committed in other counties during their brief freedom. The men escaped Friday night. Two escapees, notorious Leo Self and Price F. Jones who were picked up at Sclma, admitted they kidnapped two air force sergeants. FBI agents and an air force hel icopter joined the search for the other fugitives. These include Da vid Taylor, convicted of slaying jailer Frank Burkett in a break from the Walker county jail about three years ago. Hooked Rug With From Captures Prize Anyway POMONA, Calif. Ilti Because it had a frame around it, a honked rug made by Mrs. Helen L. Walker of La Crescenta, Calif., was dis qualified in the rug competition at the Los Angeles county fair. Over Mra.Walkcr's objection, exposition officials called her entry a pic ture. Undaunted, she entered her work of art in3he picture display. Her rug er, picture was made by hooking individual dyed strips of cloth through sacking and the design and color is so subtle that from 10 feet it looks like an oil painting. So what "vpnened? She won a blue ribbon for her picture. ii United States Can Produce Atom Bombs At Less Cost By ELTON C. FAY WASHINGTON (AP) Can the U.S make atomic bombs in abundance-and for only $240,000 apiece instead of the present multi-tnillion dollar cost? Senator lirien McMahon (D-Conn), top man in Congress oa atomic affairs, says yes. Atomic bottleneck in materials, production, equipment and design have been broken and the nation can now turn the weapons out in mass production at a cost less than that for a tank, says the senator. (The current price tag on a medium UinK IS Z4U,(M7,J In a sneate speech Tuesday, Mc Mahon said he wanted to report that: "There is virtually no limit and no limiting factor upon the num ber of A-bombs which the United States can manufacture, given time and a decision to proceed all out." The time he put at three years. If, said McMahon, the U. S. will provide this ample arsenal of atomic arms, there will be fewer foot soldiers needed; fewer old style artillery pieces and more guided missiles with atomic war heads; fewer flame-throwers and more radiological warfare; planes and submarines and aircraft car riers given unlimited range by atomic engines; ships firing guided missiles with atomic explosives and torpedoes which uncannily hunt down enemy ships. What all this amounted to was a proposal that the American mili tray break with tradition, rele gate present weapons to secondary roles and rely on the new atomic fury for waging war. , Interest Displayed The Pentagon displayed instant Interest. Within an hour after Mc Mahon spoke, the Pentagon had copies of the text under close scrutiny. Did it mean the army or the navy or the air force or all of them would be smaller (Mc Mahon put strong emphasis on cut ting national delcnse cost.) How much revamping of tactics and strategy would be required for a military organization usir atomic weapons as primary arm ment? The air force now has bomber units trained and equipped for us ing atomic bombs. The army is putting a combat unit into actual atomic explosion tests in Nevada. The navy has carrier and air crews trained for atomic bomb use. But all of this, except perhaps in the case of the air force, has been directed toward use of atomic weapons only as a specialized work, not as the standard major armament. wnat McMahon proposes is a "revolution in military firepower." But no one expects, nor does McMahon ausggest, that the transi tion will be abrupt or that all present weapons will disappear from . American armament. The last great revolution In fire power was the invention of eun- nowder. But hundreds of vears later the spear, made obsolete by the bullet, still exists in the form of the bayonet. McMahon estimates it will take three years to get into mass pro duction of atomic bombs. It will take at least that long or much longer to produce some of t h e other weapons he mentions. New Mineral Usable What about making atomic bombs in limitless quantity? Per haps one vitally important mate rial will be the thorium mentioned by Rep. Durham (D NC), vice chairman of th senate-house atomic committee. Thorium in it self isn't fissionable and won't pro vide chain reaction, but it can be worked wth ucanium 235 to pro duce U-233, an ingredient for bombs. Some thorium comes from sands in a few American states. Brazil has some. India has substantial re sources. A new machine called a breeder reactor is designed to make it possible to convert thor ium and U-238 into fissionable ma terials at an efficiont rate. U-238 $800. DOWN Planty of fruit. 7 Dadroom houia. Encloaed yard, aafe apot for chil dren to play. S other bulldtnfa. Klovea Included In full prlca of IS950. FARM IN TOWN In a wall populated new dlitrlct. with pood homea all around, wa have a well hullt laraae houae, modern In aery reaped with 2 bedrooma, large kitchen, back porch, garage, chicken houae and atorage building. Big I.awn, Shade Treea and Flnwera. All aettlng on a piece of property that la approx. 10S foot X over 300 feet deep. Thle la good free anil. Full Price iuj.vi. Come In for TERMS. RAINBOW'S END Why change that old kitchen? No need to remodel the Living Room. Painting la a mealy Job anyway. Wrap your dreama all In one package and let ua deliver you to the ralnbowa and. Would you like a aparkllng, new 2 bedroom hnm. on the oulat adoa of town: where neighbor are proud of their yarda and community pride will Inaura your home value? 2MO. with r. H. A. terme on the balance. P. Pj SIW50. 2'j OR 10 ACRES" You can have your choice of cither acreage with a 3 bedroom home, Urge L. R., D. H., Kitchen, Bath ft Ullllir Hoom. A" piaaieru. PlreDlactv Fir Floort. Front Porch, A large, barn with 4 cow accomo rlnllona. Chicken House, Wood Htied, Fruit Tree", Good Well with preiaure lyatem. Thla prop erly has 600 foot of Hlwav front atta. Home and 10 acrea for $21. fx0.. Home and 2'a Acrea for $10, 500. TERMS. COME IN FOR DETAILS ON THE 239 ACRE RANCH CLOSE IN. EVENING CALLS 'GUS" REYNOLDS, Dial 3-5050 HARRY WINTER, Dial 3-7043 M.C LEONARD, Dial 3-7147 GLEN IYE1S, Dial 3-78 makes up more than 99 percent of the world's uranium, but it is not fissionable in its natural state. McMahon, who pitched his speech to the idea that such atomic might in the hands of the U. S. would deter Russia from launch ing war, said: "I am horrified at the final Im plications of the atomic arms race. I shudder to think of the little packages of pent-up disaster that we call atomic bombs being mul tiplied and mass-produced on a staggering scale." His statement was kindred to a question which has been trou bling military men since the stra tegic bombings of World War II: Is it better to destroy, to obliter ate an enemy nation or to defeat the armed forces of the enemy and occupy the country? If the U. S. forges the massive atomic instrument proposed by McMahon, it probably will be in position to do either. Salem Man Wins Heavy Damages For Gun Wounds DALLAS, Ore. (B John Snyder of Salem, who three years ago was shot in the head by a Salem hotel operator, Tuesday won $150,579.47 in a damage suit. The defendant, Fremont Russell Stevenson, also of Salem, admitted during a 1947 criminal trial that he shot Snyder. But he said it was in self defense during a dis pute and he was acquitted. Trial witnesses said Snyder lost a portion of his brain and the sight of one eye in the shooting. He was hospitalized for two months. Named defendants in the suit with Stevenson were max Gehlar, Salem businessman, and Mrs. Mol lie Shepherd, Salem. Gehlar owned the building where the shooting occurred and Mrs. Shepherd as sisted in the hotel's management But Judge Arlie B. Walker di rected a verdict in their favor. Snyder has filed another $150, 000 suit against Gehlar, contend ing he was negligent in employ, ing Stevenson. That suit still is awaiting trail. HARRY C. STEARNS Funeral Director Our service Is for all ond meets every need. Any distance, any time Licensed Lady Assistant. Oakland, Oregon Phone 27 1 1 or 27 1 3 2 NEW HOUSES One home with full baiement and drive In garage, 2 bedroom. Liv ing Room, Kitchen and Bath. The other home ta 1 Bedroom, with floor furnace, living room, kitchen, dinette apace and bath. Both are modern in every detail and lit on a huge lot, with per fect lawn. Located In a growing district, good atreeta, aewer la In. The 1 bedroom houie It ideal In come. See to Appreciate. 13,000. full price for both houaea. NO PHONC CALLS come In and Let a Talkl 80 OR 100 ACRES Thli acreage, II mllea from town hat plenty of water, in fact, the treama are ittll going strong after all thla dry weather we ve been having. No Buildings, build to ault yourself. Free Soil. O0. for the 100 acres, or 13000. for the 80. One half Down .Good terma on the balance. ' $170.INCOME A trailer court, very close In, with living quarters for the owner. Large ahade trees, electricity, wa ter. All Clean and Neat- 3 Lota which make room for more in come from trailer. 723Q, full price 122.W. Down. RIVER FRONTAGE 110 Acres. 58 Cultivated. Lota of free soil can be Irrigated. Couple or Sheds. Nice building site for ymir home. 0800. F. P., will talk terms. $1000. DOWN Lot S0x3l holda this 2 bedroom home with living room, kitchen and bath. Only 1 years old. Taxea last year, approx. 20. Full Price only W400. O 0