Frl., Sept. 7, 1951 Th Newt-Review, Rouburq, Or.- S BEST WESTERN MUSIC DANCE Every Saturday Night SMOKY METCALF and his WRANGLERS A GOOD TIME FOR ALL! MELODY MT. BARN 3 Miles South of Myrtle Creek On Highway 99 WESTERN DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT FROM 9 'TIL 1 LOU FRANCO'S HAPPY VALLEY DUTCH MILL MUSIC BY YOUR OLD PAL , LOU FRANCO and his HAPPY VALLEY COWBOYS SNACK BAR: Sandwiches, Soft Drinki PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ADMISSION: $1.50 per couple tax Incl. For A Good Time, Come To "The Happy Valley Rancho" 2 Miles South of Roseburg On 99 SMOKY and His Cascade Mountainairs Every Saturday Night At Tenmile Tune In KRXL Every Friday, 8:00 P. M. Roseburg Retail Trade Association BringsVou the biggest and best fall opening yetl Wednesday, September 12 in Roseburg FROM 9 'TIL 1 RADIO BROADCAST DIRECT FROM DANCE 1) TO 1 1 :30 P. M. OVER KRNR cfn'o n COWBOYS: When the West was a new frontier the mark of a bad man was usually a low-slung gun. Tonight the Cisco Kid locks horns with one of the meanest gun-sling-ers he's ever encountered. "Cattle Rustlers" is the title of the drama, and Cisco and Pancho find their hands full in trying to run down the outlaws from 7:30 until 8. On the subject of Western shows, Sunday afternoons at 1 the ad ventures of . "Wild Bill Hickok" are presented. This next program finds Wild Bill and Jingles encoun tering a lady logger who is in distress because of a log jam. Incidentally the sons and daugh ters of "Queen For a Pay" se lectees are the prides and joys of their neighborhoods. In addition to the prizes for themselves, Queen winners get a "Wild Bill Hickok" outfit for their children given RADIO PROGRAMS KRNR 1490 kc. REMAINING HOURS TOD At 4:iO rultOB Lcwli Jr. MBS 4:1 Hemingway MB 4:30 Behind the Story MBS 4.4 Sam May MBS 5:00 Bobby Benson MBS 9:30 Clyde Beatty MBS 5:55 Tex Fletcher MBS :00 Gabriel Heatter MBS Mi World of Sport e;.t Brighter Side : Sam Mayea MBS 6:55 Bill Henry MBS ' 7:00 Sleepy time Tales , I 7:15 Lionel Barrymor j 7:30 Cisco Kid MBS 8:00 Guy Lombardo Show 1 8:30 Adventure Is our Heritage 8:45 Mutual Newireel - 9:00 Glenn Hardy MBS 9:15 Fulton Lewis, Jr. MBS 9:30 Hi Neighbor -B:45 Personality Tim 9:55 News Summary - 10:001 Love a Mystery 10:15 Muiic You Want 10:45 Nite Watch 11:25 Newt Nilecap 11:30 Sign Off SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1951 6:00 Coffee Club Caperi 8:30 County Agent 8:45 Wav of Life 7:00 HemlngVay MBS 7:15 Breakfait Gang MBS 7:45 U. S. Navy Band 8:00 National Guard Show 8:15 News MBS 1:30 Have of Rett MBS 9:00 Stars on parade 9:154H Club fl-25 Man About Town 9:30 Telephone request 10:00 Ten O'clock News 10:15 You and Your Camera 10:30 Quiz Club 11:00 Dunn on Dlsei MBS 15:00 World News 12:15 Modern Mood Music 12.30 Man on the Street 12:45 Local News 12:55 Market Report! 1:00 Sports Parade MBS 1:30 Bandstand USA MBS 2:00 Poor Bob's Almanac 2:45 Game of the Day MBS 4:00 John Flynn MBS 4:15 Hemingway MBS 4:30 Matinee at Meadowbroolc MBS 5:00 Air Force Hour MBS 5:30 Music 5:45 Flying Tim 6:00 Joe Massey ie Guitar 6:15 Navy Star Time 6:30 World of Sports 6:45 Here's to Veterans 7:00 Family Theater 7:30 Happy Valley Cowboys 8:00 Murder by Experts MBS 8:30 Lombardoland USA MBS 9:00 News MBS 9:15 Wrestling 10:30 Arthur Van Orchestra MBS 11:00 Happy Valley Rancho 11:25 News Nltecap 11:35 Sign Off School Offers Course In How To Avoid Debt ATLANTA (IP) A course in how to keep out of debt is being offered by the Smith-Hughes vo cational school here, and all it costs is a $1.50 registration fee. ' "How to avoid financial diffi culties," is one of several courses tjie school has scheduled in a train ing program designed for persons in the sales and distribution fields. 9 n them by Guy Madison and Andy Devine who star in the Sunday af ternoon western adventure. The outfit consists of hat, pants, belt, gun and holster combination, west ern shirt, wallet and pajamas. SATURDAY: From the Ameri can Legion ball just across from the KRNR studios another session of Wayne's Quiz club will be heard with Emcee Bob McCarl and Pro ducer Lyle Fenner taking school children in hand for a chance to win Defense Savings Stamps, and a cash award. Then everyone eats ice cream after the show. The doors open early there is no admission ad the air show starts at 10:30. SUNDAY: You'U hear Sigrid Lindburg serenade you with Scan dinavian songs for Uptown Smor gasbord at 12:00. A new series over KRNR that starts this Sun day. 1240 Ice. KRXL REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4:00 Liberty Jamboree LBS 4:15 Tony Pastor 4:30 Once Upon a Tim 4:45 Sleepy Joe 5:00 Brother Bones 5:15 Tim for Music 5:45 John W. Vandercook LBS 8:00 Sports Spotlight 6:15 Lamplighters 6:30 Modern News 6:45 Joseph E. Harseh LBS 7:00 Moods in Music 7:30 Cote Glee Club 7:45 Football Jambore 10:00 Modern Melody Hour 10:30 Jim McCuiia News 10:45 Midnight Flyer 11:30 Sign Off SATimnAY SEPTEMBER S 1951 8:00 Early Birds , 6:05 News Headlines 6:10 Early Birds 6:30 Rooster Reveille 6:40 Local Weather Report 6:45 First Edition News LBS 7:00 Platter Party 8:00 World News 8:15 Tops in Pops 9:00 Saturday Market Basket 9:15 Say It with Music 9:30 World Wide News 9:45 Top o' the Mornin 10:00 News LBS 10:15 Sugar 'n .Spice 10:30 Saturday Clambake 11:00 Open House 12:00 Variety Time 12:15 Band Review 12:30 Mid-Day News 12:45 Market Reports 12:50 You Never Know 1:00 As You Like It 1:30 Major League Baseball LBS 3:30 Hot Off the Record 4:00 Henry Jerome 4:15 The Mellomcn 4:30 Skltch Henderson Show 5:00 Smoky & The K-5 Wranglers 5:30 Time for Music 6:00 Sports Spotlight . 6:15 Lamplighters 8:30 Modern News 6:45 Jack Foster & His Orchestra 7:00 Masked Rider 7:30 Western Caravan 8:00 Heidelberg Harmonaira 8:15 Pee We Hunt 8:30 News 8:35 Music 8:40 Loggers Weather Bulletin 8:45 The Old Scotchman LBS 9:00 Saturday Night Dancing Party lu:uo Moaern lweioay tiour 10:30 Jim McCulla News LBS . 10:35 Midnight Flyer ,. 11:30 Sign Off Canyonville Bv MRS. H. M. ANDERSON Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doxsee and children, Kenneth and Roberta Dee, of Eureka, Calif., spent the weekend visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doxsee. Ronald Krasky returned to Can yonville last week after spending the summer months in New York, He resumed his teaching duties in the Canyonville high school this week. Mrs. Olive Homme and grand son, James Taber. spent the holi day weekend visiting relatives and friends in Reedsnort Mrs. Ralph Goodell, Mrs. Roy Duncan, Mrs. k. a. Moore, Mrs, Warren Fuller. Miss Barbara Sny der and Miss Norma Duncan rep resented the Canyonville Ameri can Legion auxiliary at a dance at the Veteran's hospital in Roseburg last week. Weekend guests of Mrs. Will Stock and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stanley were Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hanks of Klamath Falls and Mrs. Ella Galarineau of Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott re turned home last week from a month's vacation trip to Moose Pass, Alaska, where they visited their son and daughter-in-law, the Rev. and Mrs. Gene Lelliott. The Elliott's were accompanied to Alaska by their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Under bill, and two children of Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Meadows and three children, Retha, Wayne and Belva, of Broken Arrow, Okla., moved to Canyonville last week. They are residing at Dodge Inn. Mrs. Meadows is Dayton Bai ley's sister. The - three children have enrolled in the local elemen tary school. Cpl. James Perdue of Fort Ord, Calif., is visiting relatives and friends in and around Canyonville on a 20-day furlough. When he returns, he is to report to Camp Stoneman at Pittsburgh, Calif., for further orders. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Regimbal and children, Janet, Betty Jo and Paul ette, of Lebanon spent the week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harvey III III Tap, Acrobatic Hawaiian Instructor SALLY HILT 2l8NooMain Success For TV Comedians By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD UP) What does it take for a comedian to succeed on television? This is a question which has caused booming business for the ulcer specialists of New York and Hollywood. Every established co median ana all nopetui ones nave wrestled with this problem. Some have succeeded in conquering the new medium and others alas have been conquered by it. I discussed the subject with two young but well qualified men. One is Roger Price, formerly a gi. writer lor Bob Hope ana now a comic in his own right and author of the humorous book, "In One Head and Out the Other." The other is Leonard Stern, writer for Abbott and Costello and Milton Berle. Both are now featured on IN TITLE QUEST Here are six Hawaii entered in the annual City, N. J. Prom left, are: Llairo neon, Miss Hawaii,, ot Hono lulu; Donna Sellars, "Miss Nevada," of Reno; Colleen Hutchins, "Miss Utah," of Salt Lake City; Patricia Lehman, "Miss Califor nia." of Sacramento: Bobbv Simmons, "Miss Oklahoma," of Oklahoma City, and Darlene Seattle. Beaver. While here they all went to Crater and Diamond lakes. Mr. and Mrs. George Binder and son, Ray, spent the Labor day holidays visiting Mr. and Mrs. Odom L. Ford at Brookings. Mrs. Olive Homme recently sold her 14-unit apartment house in Sutherlin to Mrs. Pauline J. Kis- sineer in Rosebura. Mr. and Mrs William Cox and children, Billy, Sharon, and Mi chael, are movmg tms weekend to RioDel, Calif. Mr. Cox has spent the summer months hauling at Fortuna, Calif., which is six miles from Rio Del. City Firemen Assisted By DFPA Personnel Roseburg city firemen were as sisted in extinguishing a grass fire at Kelly's corner by the Doug las Forest Protective association Wednesday afternoon, reports Fire Chief William E. Mills. The fire was started on the property of Ray Pack by sparks from a trash burner. A fire that burned through grass and snags at East Sixth St. on the property of Kenneth Ford was put out at 10 p.m. Wednesday. There was no dam age. The Julian Alps are In north western Yugoslavia. KENNEDY'S Dutch Mill Lounge OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 2:30 P.M. till 2:30 A.M. SPECIALIZING IN Fine Foods Steaks Chicken DANCING . No Cover Charge a Studio 2)atct? Jlrfo Registration of New Classes One, Two, Thrae Baton Flag Twirling Instructor CAROLEE RUTHERFORD a new CBS TV and radio show, "How To," a satire on panel shows. These two analysts offered four factors which successful TV com ics need: Likable Personality 1. A likable personality. "Y o u can't cover up in TV. If a guy is a jerk, the TV screen shows him as a jerk, and all the makeup and writing and cutting won't help a bit." 2. A 39-week try-out. "That's the normal TV season and a comic needs that much time to correct his mistakes and develop his for mat. Also, habit plays a big role in gaining an audience. If you're on long enough, the viewers de velop the habit of looking at you." 3. Plenty of material. "This new medium swallows material like a whale eating sardines. Many a misses from Western states and Miss America pageant at Atlantic Shaffer, "Miss Washington," of Multnomah Hotel First Portland Bomb Shelter PORTLAND B Portland had Its first officially designated public air raid shelter Thursday. It was in the lobby and the base ment rooms of a downtown ho tel (the Multnomah). Officials said some 12,500 persons could be placed there with standing room only. Signs designating it as a pub lic shelter were posted. , Civil defense officials said other downtown buildings could be used similarly to provide shelter for more than 200,000 persons. the shortest rente I ll the EAST THE FRIENDLY BUS LINE Modern Ballroom Instructor MICKEY HARD Phone 3-7023 Iff Travel n Is Analyzed comic has failed on TV because he had been living for years off an hour's night club routine." 4. A fair-sized I.Q. "Television requires not only talent but mem ory as well. Many a performer who has been tied to a radio scrip for 20 years can't do an hour TV show by memory." Price and Stern went on to classify the various types of co medians who have succeeded on TV: Eccentric Types 1. Eccentric personalities. These are comics whose very nature make them funny. The most not able are Jimmy Durante, Ed Wynn and Dagmar, all of whose attri butes are well known and outstand ing. 2. Specialty or tour de force com ics. They can assume a variety of characters in different sketches and generally are as good as their material. Examples: Sid Caesar, Imogene Coca, Jackie Gleason. 3. Emcees o r entertainers. These are the masters, of timing and pacing who can do enough singing, dancing, acting and cut ting up to get into every act. Ex amples: Milton Berle, Eddie Can tor. 4. Talking comics. These fel lows, such as Arthur Godfrey, Don McNeill and Dave Garroway, get laughs through their own easy going, almost shy personalities. 5. Acting comics. Such examples as Alan Young and Jack Carson assume characters which are apart from their own personalities. They often take the Chaplinesque forni of the abused "little man." Use Situation 6. Situation comics. Best exam ples are Burns and Allen, whose comedy arises from the plot situ ation. This is generally the eas- (TUISDAYS 101 TO MIDNIGHT I Dial 810 plucky lasvr htwint Company So FrmctKcJ STARTS TONIGHT Gregory PECK In "Only The Valiant" PLUS Maria Montez Jon Hall "GYPSY WILDCAT II In TECHNICOLOR The COMMAND PERFORMANCE Picture! ALEC I 9:30 ' ! KGO TO MIDNIGHT mm m minnf test and the most envied of for mulas among comedians. T. Martin and ' Lewis comics. Best examples of this typo are Martin and Lewis, 8. Wooden comics. These are the ones most appreciated and loved by TV writers, directors and tech nicians. Examples: Kukla, Ollie, Beany and Cecil the seasick, sea serpent. ' '. : ! v ELKS' TERRACE BALLROOM TICKETS ON SALE AT Club Offie Remember Your Guest Privileges SUNDAY 1 V Heart-Hammering Thrills.. and Love! THE Brave MCI CCDfJrD ANTHONY QUINN (II LL. I Limi.ll EUGENE IGLESIAS ALSO Ends Saturday "IN OLD AMARILLO" r with J IN MUSIC IVV feR--BOB CROSBY $m 4?1jhlllCHA0 MNNINo USA FEBRADAY 1 Starts Sunday Wonderful story of tht kid who "crashedXithe Queen's Court and (hanged the destiny of an empire! IRENE GUINNESS . constanci smith Ends Saturday