CO 7 " oo Suit Yourself ! at Joe ir Richards v. CASE Model"VAC"Tractor with Twi League Sets Final Game Date Unless complication! set In, to night marks the final competition in the YMCA Twilight Softball loop. Both games on Veterans field at 6:30 will be of the highly crucial variety. They will prob ably determine the final two teams to take part in the post season playoffs between the two lop teams in each division. The Junior chamber of com merce has copped a sure berth in the playoffs by snaring the In dustrial division crown and First Christian has done the same in the Church league. The other church division team will be de termined tonight when Faith Luth eran and West Side square off. The situation isn't quite so clear cut in tne industrial division, f air- haven and Umpqua Plywood play a postponed game which was slated for last Friday. If Fair haven wins, it means second place. However, if Umpqua Ply wood wins, a playoff game will be necessary between the two teams to determine the runnerup in the league. The championship playoff to determine the YMCA Twilight kingpin gets underway Wednes day night. This is the day set for a sudden death tangle between the two division champions the Jaycees and First Christians, Thursday night, the two run nersup play for a championship final berth Friday. Friday night, the winners of the Wednesday and Thursday games meet to de termine the grand champ. ti .. it i mm Surfaced Whale Scares Boatman All of the risk in crossing the bar of a coastal river is not con nected with water or weather, re ports Jack Hayes, resident of West lake. Visiting in Roseburg Monday, Hayes told of a weekend trip in hij cabin boat across the bar of the Siuslaw river. Midway on the bar, a whale surfaced within a few feel of the boat. "I shut off the motor and prayed" Hayes said. Alter rolling a few times, the v.hale swam away from the vi cinity of the vessel and Hayes con tinued out to deep water where he and his party had a successful fishine tria. Active in the work of the Oregon Wildlife federation, Hayes visited in Roseburg in connection with that organizations program. MINOSO STILL LEADS CHICAGO UP) Orestes Mi- neso of the Chicago White Sox is still the hitter to beat in the Amer ican league batting race. Althougn tne tieet uuoan negro slumped two points last week to .142 with nine hits in 29 trips, he remained eight points ahead of in jured Ferris Fain of Philadelphia, who had an unchanged .334. gcuUest 3-Point Hook-up You Ever Saw NEW HYDRAULIC CONTROL Independent of Clutch and Gears Dougloi County FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE ROSEBURG. OREGON DIAL 3-5022 Located Wort Washington St. Iowa Boy Leads In Golf Tourney DURHAM. N. C. W) George Clark, the kid with a baby face and a grown up's game who shot a wind burning 69 yesterday, had 21 main qhallengers today as the second qualifying round opened in the National Junior Chamber o f Commerce tournament. Young George, 17-years-old, and well known for his golf ability in his native Iowa but only slightly known outside, knocked par wind ing on the front nine of Hope Val ley Country club's course yesterday with a 33 two under par; on the homing side he slumped one over par to take a 36. In the rear of young George by one thin stroke was Kent McLach lan of Vancouver, Wash. Two 71 whooters were Charlie Strack, York, Pa., and Don McLaughlin, Oklahoma City, Okla. After the medalist is decided to day, almost surely from among the top group of 22 kids, match play begins tomorrow. The long road toward the sixth annual championship takes in eight tours around the 6,660-yard course. Two rounds of match play come off to morrow, two more Thursday, two Friday and the 36-hole finals Sat urday. Oregon held the lead today In the team championship race with 293. Oklahoma and Pennsylvania followed with 295's and three other teams were bunched with 297's Georgia, Iowa, and Kansas. The state team championship will be decided today by adding the lowest 36-hole qualifying scores of any four players lrom tne same state. INDIANAPOLIS TYPE RACERS SUNDAY, AUG. 19 Douglas County Fairgrounds Time Trials 1:30 Gats Opens 1:00 ADMISSION , NO RESERVED SEATS - Q)ME EARLY Racing Associates FRANK A. DIVER R AP(VAN) VANDERHOEF DOUGHS CgliNTY FAIRGROUNDS Capilanos Move Up On Spokane By Th. Associated Pres. Bob Snyder's 22nd victory of the Western International league sea son and the weak arm of a rival substitute catcher had the Vin tner Capilanos within 2V4 games of the first place Spokane Indi ans today. The Caps made It three straight over the Victoria Athletics last night to pick up half a game in the hot two-team race to the wire. All other teams were idle with the exception of the Tri-City Braves who dropped a 10-5 exhibi tion game to Pendleton, Ore., of the semi-pro Tri-State league. Snyder, the circuit's leading hurler, was off form at Victoria but pulled through with the aid of his base-thieving mates.. The A's only catcher remained sidelined by injuries and substitute Al Kubasek was used behind the dish for the second straight time. Kubasek, a stranger to the posi tion, failed to flag down 10 Van couver base runners In their suc cessful steals which virtually clinched the win for bnyder. A full schedule will be resumed tonight Spokane goes up against the seventh place Tigers at Ta coma: Vancouver journeys to Sa lem for a series with the third spot Senators; Victoria opens at W e- natchee and Yakima goes to In-City. LOCAL MEN MAKE- CATCH Alfred LeVassuer and Peter Odegard, both of Roseburg, caught two trout that weighed 25 and 30 pounds, respectively, while trolling in Lake Superior at .Hov land, Minn., recently. The gigantic trout put up battles that could be expected from fish this size, they report. Jersey Joe Will Watch Louis Fight Wednesday BALTIMORE UP) The heavy weight champion of the world, the former champ and a ranking con tender will be In Baltimore sta dium tomorrow night when Joe Louis Rights Jimmy Bivins. Champion Jersey Joe Walcott sent word from Norfolk, Va., yes terday that he would be on hand for the 10-round fight, Louis' ninth in his comeback campaign, Walcott is the one from whom the Brown Bomber hopes to re gain his title. Louts beat Walcott twice, In 1947 and in 1948. Jersey Joe presently is commit ted to a return fight some time next year with Ezzard Charles, from whem he took the crown. Louis lost to Charles last Sep tember in a rebid tor the championship. Major League Leaders MUSIAL AFTER TITLE NEW YORK UP) Unless Stan Musial falls into a horrible slump, the St. Louis Cardinal slug ger seems headed for his fifth National league batting title. With seven weeks to play, Mu sial held a 19-point lead on run nerup Richie Ashburn of the Phils according to averages including Sunday's games. Musial was hit ting .368, Ashburn .349 a week ago Ashburn was only 13 points back. Jackie Robinson of Brooklyn, an other contender, was third at .344, 24 points behind "the man.'' By Th AuocUted PreM NATIONAL LEAfiUI Batting (based on 230 time at bat) Muiial. St. Louij. .367: Afhburn, Philadelphia. .348. Rum batted In lr vin. New York, 86; Snider, Brooklyn, 82. Home rum Hodges. Brooklyn. 33; Kiner, Pittsburgh. 31. Pitching Ibaeed on seven decisional Hoe. Brooklyn, ls-2, .882; Brecheen, St. Louii, 8-2. .800. AMERICAN LEAGUI Batting Mlnoeo, Chicago, .342; Fain, Philadelphia, .334. Rung batted In Williams. Boston. 97; Zernlal, Phil adelphia, 02. Home runa Zernlal, Philadelphia, 24; Williams, Boston, 23. Pitching Feller, Cleveland, 19-4, .826; Morgan, New York, 8-2, .81)0. BIGGEST SALMON TAKEN VANCOUVER. B. C. UP) What is believed to be the largest tyee salmon ever taken with regu lation sports tackle was landed in Queen Charlotte sound by Frank Piscantelli of Vancouver, B. C. The big salmon, weighing 82 pounds, was caught on a 20-pound test ny lon line with an 8-ounce rod and lucky louie plug. Piscatclli re ported his Aug. 9 catch yesterday. Enemy Agents Have Access To Top Secrets WASHINGTON r- UP) -Senator McCarran ( D-Ne asvsy)a Sen ate investigation has revealed that iers have ready access to the na "Communist agents and sympathi tion's most jealously guarded de fense and diplomatic secrets." McCarran made this charge in a statement accompanying a prog ress report on "usbversive infil tration in the telegraph industry." The report was iiom the senate internal security subcommittee of which McCarran is chairman. It said members of a union ex pelled from the CIO for following the Communist line still have ready access to secret defense and diplomatic messages moving by telegraph and cable. The reprot added that there is danger of interception of messages and possible sabotage of vital com munications facilities in case of war. Included In the report was testi mony the committee heard in closed-door sessions here and in New York during May and June .Winetsses said seven officers of the American Communications as sociation (AC'A), including Inter national President Joseph P. Selly, were Communists or former Com munists. The ACA an Independent union, was expelled from the CIO in the spring of 1150 on the ground that it followed the Communist line. Tiiei., Aug. 14. .951 Thi News-Review, Roseburg, Ore.. 7 PORTLAND ENTERS TEAM SALEM, Ore. V) Portland became the fifth and last entry in the region 11 American Legion Junior Baseball tournament at Lewiston, Idaho, by defeating Sa lem, 8-2, for the Oregon State crown last night. The Portland club, composed ot Grant high school players, is the defending Oregon titlist The regional tournament opens next Sunday. Eisenhower Admires U.S. Bomber Base In Germany FUERSTENFELDBRUCK, Ger many UP) Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, arriving in Germany for a nine-day combined vacation and. inspection tour, told U, S. air men at this big jet base today, "1 would like to be an airman on this field." "I have seen American fighting men in all parts of the globe, but I have never seen a base more attractive than this one," the At lantic Pact commander said. He spoke briefly to 500 membsrs of the 36th fighter bomber wing and their families lined up to greet him at this former Luftwaffe train ing base. Ten percent of all drivers In volved in automobile accidents In 1949 were women. WWW OlYMIPleV Wis IreXef Ce, rple,We,U.l. TY COBB AT EUGENE EUGENE UP) Ty Cobb, the famed "Georgia Peach," will be on hand tonight for Eugene's sec-1 ond annual old timers' baseball game played by former majorl league and semi-pro stars. Cobb ' was the first man to be named to h-scb-iH's Hall of Fame. EXCELLENT STOCKS DOORS -WINDOWS FRAMES FINISHED LUMBER MOULDINGS ft V7 - Drive at least two new cars, this time, before you decide to buy and be sure one of them is a new 1951 Packard! And why do we issue this challenge?- The two best reasons in the world: 1 Until you drive a new 1951 Packard, you just ' don't know what's been happening in the auto motive world. That's something you owe yourself! 2 The best advertising is "word-of-mouth" ad vertising. Whether or not you buy a Packard, it's to our advantage to start you. talking about the advancements that make Packard the newest new car of the year. That's something we owe ourselves! P.S. We know from experience that today's most thoughtful buyers will gladly accept this challenge. Some "eye-openers" that await you on your Packard "Challenge Drive": Top-comprtftlon power: New Packard Thunderbolt Engines give. you the efficiency of America's highest-compression lights. Plus: service-free sim plicity up to 25 "o fewer working parts" than in engines of comparable power. Ultramatic Drive a Packard exclusive that combines ( 1 ) the smoothness of no gear-changing during acceleration with (2) the efficiency of no slippage when cruising. New kind of vision t Pkard's new, low-level bonnet lets you see both front fenders from behind the wheel! , Si Naw steering magic: Thanks to new ideas in steering design and weight dis tribution, you can actually maneuver a Packard, in traffic, with as 'little effort as it takes to turn a door knob! lis Naw kind of rido: Packard's exclu sive broad-beam, "self-controlling" sus pension system combines gentleness with firm roaJability in a way no other ride can equal. New 1951 Packard Patrician '400' molt advanced motor car In America. Car detolll al shown lubject to change without notice. New everything: And all 01 it is backed by the greatest durability record in all of moiordom. Fact: Of all the Packards built, in the last 52 years, ove 50 are still in service! ik u& io owns ono CO o o 0 O O O O See it. ..Drive it. ..Today! A O O W Q MB Highway 99 N. at Garden Valley Road fPft IWl fr ( O 0 o o o 0 TOT" o m 0 00 0