10 The News-Review, Roseburg. Oft Wed.. June 27. 151 Lett Nurtt Found Afttr 13 Days In Mountains A 21-year-old nurse, found titer long search, related in a hospital here (he had wandered for 13 days in the wild Smoky mountain! with out food and with little clothing. Evangeline Lorimor, who had a penchant for fasting in achool, told newsmen she walked in circles for daya through the tangled fastness, screaming and praying at inter vals. Hospital attendants said she lost n t c W Don't S0rr Another Wnuf Na matter how many remedifa y kava tHed for itching of rima, pnHnli, Infarlioiu, athlrla'a 'oot or whatever your ikin ironble miy b -anrthlng from head 10 foot WONDER SAI.VE and WO.ND1 R MeoValrd SOAP ran help 70 j. Developed for thm bayt in thm Army now for yam folk ml homm WONDER MI.VB It whlto. traJM. RHMtttl. N. ail. (paaranee. S.f. f.r ehilirMi. C4 WONDfcR HAI.VK tm.II. or aieev refae4. A tr.lf wsoeerfil oreparaltMI. Try II f.T. For rrl.l tTMblM. fet PTI.OX. whit. rrMMlaM. hm vtala. P.ln rll.f.r- ltf Ma Vila aaalicalar aa4 ker. Clla ML ouiu ui noaeburs ty anseburf. Pull rton'a inexal, and Fred Meyer'i Druf fllorae, or your hometown drug-gul. 18 pounds during the period. She was suffering from blistered feet, inject bites and briar scratches. Otherwise she appeared unharmed. She said she didn t eat a bite. She quenched her thirst from moun- : tin brooks. i The girl gave this account: I "I was taking a short hike when night overtook me. I think I walked I in circles much of the time but I : tried to pick out landmarks so I ! could walk in a straight line." She said she knew she had to get back to civilization because she had too report for duty Monday. Local News Jam Of Tankers Draws British Cruiser To Iran Dental Assn. Head Scores Truman On Medical Plan SEATTLE MP) The presi dent of the American Dental asso ciation charges that "President Truman was no more sincere" in his statement Friday on medical insurance "than was Jake Malik when he advocated peace in Ko rea." Dr. Harold W. Oppice, Chicago. departed from his prepared text to make the comment in a speech to the Pacific Coast Dental con ference. He refered to President FOR.... SERVICE . . . EXPERIENCE . . . CO-OPERATION . . . Investigate the services offered by your "Home owned, Home-operoted" bank Money left on deposit with us remains In DOUGLAS COUNTY. All facilities available for your individual needs. Douglas County State Bank Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Watch Tonight For the "COVER THE EARTH GIRLS" Watch for Pat Tucker and Loretta Johnson, who mlqht call oe you at your home tonight. They will extend an invitation to yoe to use SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT AND THE COLOR STYLE GUIDE. The "Cover The Earth Girls" will also present you with a free home decorator booklet loaded with practical color ideas for your own home. If they don't call en you tonight, they will shortly. Be sure to watch for these 9 Iris I SWP HOUSE PAINT SALE PRICED IT'S WEATHERirfD.' for your protection against, excessive loss of gloss, high dirt collection, uncontrolled chtflking, checking and cracking, rapid erosion, color fadinq. HOUSt M,HJ a HOUSt Ml In 5's Gallon $C50 JSEE YOUR HOME AS YOU WANT IT! n tUmduaValwi afir SF...JV? WCTU Meeting Sat The regu lar monthly meeting of the Rose burg Womens Christian Temper ance union will be held at 2 p ig, Wednesday in the First Christian church. Wisconsin Visitors Leave Mr. and Mrs. Fred Melchert, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Minert and Miss Jean Drace, all of Kaukauna. Wis., spent the weekend as the guests of Mr. snd Mrs. Elmer Schlender, Camas Valley route, Roseburg. The Mel cherts had visited in the west pre viously, but the Minerts and Miss Drace were on their first trip to the west coast and report they greatly enjoyed the scenery. They came west via Yellowstone Na tional park. They are returning home via Sacramento, Salt Lake City and Reno. LONDON UP) Britain to day ordered the cruiser Mauritius to "proci-ed forthwith" to th evi cinity of Abadan, the Iranian oil port where 27 tankers are caught in a jam in a dispute overpay ments for oil. British Foreign Secretary Mor rison, announcing the action in the House of Commons, said the Brit- I ish-owned Anglo-Iranian oil com pany has ordered all its tankers to leave Abadan immediately. Ten of the tankers are loaded Earl Browder's 2 Sons Outstanding At School YONKERS. N. Y. (JPI Earl Browder's youngest son de livered an address on "loyalty" here as one of the ranking mem bers of his high school graduating class. Biowder one-time leader of the Communist party In the United States listened with his wife in the audience. Their son 18 a studious-appearing lad was second highest in his graduating class. I with oil but have been refused clearance by Iranian authoritiea because the captains refused to sign receipts acknowledging pay ment was due Iran's new Nation alised Oil company. The captains with oil aboard were told to pump it off if nec essary to obtain clearance, Mor rison said. The company issued its order "with the full agreement of his majesty's government," Morrison announced. He described the situa tion as very serious. Departure of all tankers presum ably would mean the shutdown of the Abadan refinery, the world's largest. It is filling storage tanks because of the shipping tieup. There is enough storage capacity to keep the refinery going about a week. Morrison said if Iran persists in her present tactics AIOC will be forced to halt operations "within a matter of days." He warned that Britain will hold Iran "responsible under interna tional law for insuring the protec tion of any British subjects in Persia." Frequent Free BELTONE CLINICS Are H.U at the Umaque Herel Write tor Ntit Data HEARING AID BATTERIES Write S. C. MITCHELL ts W Br.a.w.r. B.f.B., Ora. (M.mb.r J N Tart m Aitwlat. r r.rll.n. R.lt.n. H.trlnf Ala.) S. ., SPECIAL jjjg ... For Safety's Sake Get Our ' BRAKE RE LI ME 1 SPECIAL Truman's offer to go along with opponents of compulsory medical insurance if they came up with a better proposal. The Malik refer ence was to the Russian United Nations delegate's speech of Sat urday. Dr. Oppice turned to his pre lieve that Truman is looking for ward to the election next year and looking hack to what happened the last time to those congressmen who advocated compulsory health insurance." Dr. Pooice turned to his pre pared text to assail the making of false teeth by persons unqualified and unlicensed to practice den tistry. The illegal practice is in creasing in large cities, he said. "Dentistry, in fulfilling its pro fessonal obligation of a real health service, should be supported by better law enforcement,' Dr. Op pice said. CHICK ASSN. ELECTS CORVALMS-Wi Frank Erick son. Hillsboro, is the pew president of the Oregon Baby Chick associa tion, succeeding Kelly Comstock, Portland. New directors named at a meet ing here are leo Fair, Clackamas, and M. N. Wain pa ch, Mt. Angel. In a resolution, the association asked Governor McKay to reap point Fred Cockell. Milwaukie, to the stale hoard of agriculture. His term expires June 30. TALKING ABOUT A HOME? So many people do noth ing but talk about it! But if you really wont to own your home, consult me now. Personal attention. Economical terms. Ralph L. Russell Loom and Insurance Loon fttprtscntativ Equttobl Savings & Loan Aii'n. E. V. LINCOLN NSURANCI ASSOCIATE Roam 212 Phone 3-4311 Douelat County State Bonk Bldg. LOGGERS mm. rrrV ' rrn I TRUCKERS FARMERS YOU CAN NOW BUY TONHEIM Gas Pumps Storage Tanks 285, 550, 1000 Gallon Sizes and Hivac HAND PUMPS For Diesel and Gasoline ON OUR TIME PAY PLAN. 3 Years To Pay! Far further Information contact ... C M: Mc Dermott Distributor Tide Water Associated Oil Airport Road Dial 3-8044 1L Here's what we do: Clean and inspect brake drums . . . Install new Genuine Ford Brake Lining . . . Check wheel and master cylinders . . . Clean and repack front wheel bearings . . . Add brake fluid if needed . . . Adjust brake pedal clearance . . . Adjust parking brake . . . Road test. All for the special low price of $n8o mt (Includas brake lining and fluid; othar nacottary parts, extra) ONLY 4 MORE DAYS GOOD UNTIL JULY 1st Lockwood Motors, Inc. Rose and Oak Dial 3-4484 2ettSkaMt o o o Doll pjiyjir mm ysiirdl i hsai: i : Coke adds refreshment .to outdoor summer meals. Serve ice cold 9 . right in the bottle. Shop atthe sign of June 15-July$l o O SOttllS VNIII SUINOIITT Ot III COCA.ftl U COCA.QOLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF ROSEBURG o O O 202 North Jackson St. Dial J1 W-saaWia.t (f ln.t,efj.e