The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, June 22, 1951, Page 9, Image 9

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    -T HI JTPT riEB
r-- - ''I ft lii-yili-iT.n i T i 'in' i St i. -,-- 1 ' .... . . &
What A Difference!
There's a decided differ
ence between Property
Damage Insurance and
Colliiion Iniurance. The
former coven your legal
liability for any damage
your ear may do to the
property of others. The
latter covers the damage
done to your own car.
You need both policies!
Get them here.
Roy 0. Young
205 West Cass Street
Dial 3-3044
Formtr Roseburq Man
Aboard Patrol Frigate
Farl M. Sether, teaman, USN,
Glendale, ii serving aboard the
patrol frigate USS Sausalito in the
Far East.
One of a group of 14 frigates re
turned to the U. S. by the Rus
sians, the Sausalito was recom
missioned at the U. S. fleet ac
tivities, Yokosuka, Japan last
The Sausalito was first used as
a training ship for South Korean
paval personnel and later as har
bor entrance control ship during
the evacuation of UN troops from
Hungnam. She Is now adding the
(ire power or her guns to tne naval
shore bombardments of the Korean
Have A Hair-Do STs
Or Permanent Wave Jpl
In The Evening, By . le&jif)
On Duty Every Evening Except Saturday
Fairhaven Salon of Beauty
"Haven For Fair Lady"
Air Conditioned
1 833 Harvard Ave. For Appointment Phone 3-5167
MRS. DORIS HART, present commander of the auxiliary of the Disabled American Veterans, and
Mrs. Nancy Wulf, past district commander, pre sent copy of "Who Walk Alone." by Perry
Burgess, to the Roseburg Public library. The book is a sfory of Hansen's disease, or leprosy, of
the people who suffer from it and of methods used in its treatment. The gift was received by
Marilyn Woodrich, at the right in the picture above, assistant librarian. (Paul Jenkins I
National Forest Tracts Set Aside For Various Uses
WASHINGTON (JPi The camp grounds, recreation areas
government has set aside 34,861 and ranger stations,
acres within national forests for Some of the forest land with
use as administrative centers, drawn from settlement or mining
or commercial development will
be used for skiing and other winter
The lands are in 47 tracts in 14
states and Alaska. Although they
are part of areas administered by
' the Korest service in the rlepart-
ment of Agriculture, the authority
for such withdrawals rests with the
secretary of Interior.
Marion McLawson, director 0 f
; Interior's Bureau of Land Manage
i ment. said in a news release the
; withdrawals are designed to pre
; vent mining activities in the spe
'. cific areas to be used for admin
istrative or recreational purposes.
However, oil and gas development
will be permitted where circum-
stances warrant.
I The lands withdrawn include:
Oregon Deschules national for
' est, Todd lake forest camp, 170
I acres; Whitman national forest,
i Marble Creek forest camp, 80
Washington Wenalchee na
tional forest. Swank creek recrea
tion area, 240 acres.
Dr. K. S. Lotourettt
MAnrU U s Rnntitfc
.. -r I 'p i
BUFFALO, N. Y. -Dr. j 'f- Jg b
Kenneth S. Latourette, professor i .
of missions and Oriental history at - '
Yale university, was elected Presi
dent of the American Baptist con
vention here.
Dr. Latourette Ii the author of
a comprehensive seven volume
work, "The History of the Expan
sion of Christianity."
W. D. Wright of Idaho Falls,
Idaho, was elected first vice-presi
Friday, June 22, 11 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore.
State Labor Federation
Passes Resolutions
State Federation of Labor conven
tion Wednesday supported a res
olution for relaxation of building
and credit controls to stimulate
construction "without interter
nre,' and called for effective
price controls and a tax program
'to siphon off excess profits."
Other resolutions:
Proposed greater care in indors
ing political candidates.
supported a plan to study (III
ures to help the physically handi
capped. Again disapproved daylight lav
ing time.
Pastor's Plea Calls
Off Leap From Bridge
SEATTLE (JPi A young
timber worker climbed eafely down
from a precarious perch atop a
bridge superstructure 120 feet
above Lake Washington Monday
night in answer to a clergyman'!
pleas and prayers.
Sheriff's Capt Wayne Ambrose
said Elder G. G. Zlegler. district
placement of workers by machines : raslor of the Seventh-Day Ad-
so that programs could be worked ' v e n 1 1 s t churches, Kirkland,
out to make machines beneficial j climbed a fire ladder, prayed with
"to mankind instead of the mon-! the youth, and talked him into de-
i ster they threaten to become if ! scending.
' something is not done." The youth said he had had do-
Asked unions to support meas- mestic difficulties, Ambrose said.
Minntapolis, hugs "Goldie," 3
year old terrier that is doing its
best to take the place of San
dra's dog "Cookie," killed by a
dog poisoner. Cookie died in a
dog hospital. Goldie, expert in
lots of tncki, was given to lan
Those elected to the general coun-! j- u.. . i:ii :.i wk-
cil included: r" OT ' " iD w" k V 1
Rev. Ivan Bell of Yakima, Wash. 1 nBr " 'Ap Wirephotol.
Does Your Flivver Quiver?
If your cor shokes, rattlei
and bangs, you need our ser
vices. Bring your car to us to
remove these unwanted
Free litimetet
TED'S Aute Body Service
2 miles west et city center
ee Mtlrese Ke4.
PKONE 1-4221
Tour finest summer dresses
will be cleaned, pressed and
all spots will be removed
without damage to the
sheerest fabrics.
Call Today
Let Us Put A Smile In Your Wardrobe
Free Pickup and Delivery NO EXTRA CHARGE
Exclusive in Roseburg at
321 N. Main
Phone 3-5444
To Attend Our
Sutherlin Store
4nniverSanj open - lioude pavlu
Wednesday June 27
We wish to thank our many friends of Sutherlin for your
patronage during the past year and cordially invite you
to attend our first Anniversary Party. Bring e friend.
1 lAu.i.mrr
SUTHERLIN Central end Stare Sts. Phone 2983
life u . V A"- v''xXx
IP h M M 1 ttPM
ilk . 7 M l J in -'Wi b
- 1 V
M if - ' i i
Blind Mrs. Jeanne DeBarr Peeh- ft -a
tel. and her aeeing-eye dog, j "tS . j
'Nell, wait In commencement I f I
exercises at Northwestern Uni- I A, s- : I
versity, Chicago, for Mrs. Pech- 1 rT V. v
tel to receive her doctor of i cb -i K C V.V
thilosophy degree. ff-J 1 V 1 Jtfv
; I II , - Y 1 V
ft ; Thl it a summer of sheer conspiracy to keep you cool at s
' i X
" , breeze . . . fragile as a flower. Dotted Swiss and dainty
? ' r?i 1 A ' dimity, filmy organdy and gossamer nylon ... all created
tf J t for you by GEORGIANA every fragile fabric in a seriei
I i ' " '2e2' of daytime and dance time frocks to lend you a new air of
00tm 1, - " -f " t enchantment.