o o o o t The NtwjjttYitw, Rosoburg, Ore Frldoy, Juno 22, 1'SI FOUR AND TIN CLUB MIT FOR NOON LUNCHEON AT NICOSON HOMI The Four ind Ten flub met Tuesday t the home of Mn. Viv ian Nicoson in Sutherlin. A noon luncheon wis served it imill tablet. Tables and rooms were decorated with roses from the host ess' garden.' After the luncheon, Mrs. Mil dred Gardner was surprised by miscellaneous shower. Secret psls for last year were revealed and name were exchansed (or (he new year. The remainder of the VOlfU LIKE, WE SAV, U.NO WEteE EMPHATIC, ASECVICETHAT LEAVE. Wb XL EVERYTHIMS fl Forget oil about your fuel oil tank. Turn the job of teeing it it olwoyt filled with quolity fuel oil over to ui. Ph. 3-8522. Year Guarantee et Quicker Cleaner Hcot. 100S DISTILLIO. TOOt JIM MYERS Deugles Cvntv Distributer Of SIGNAL PRODUCT list N Staakm DIAL 1-tSJl 1tyfhenjvu order cu Hermitage jvu tell the world vu know great straight Kentucky bourbon afternoon was spent In making plans for the club's activities for the coming year. Guests present were: Mrs. Ada Hanna, Mrs, Kay Simmons, Mrs. Fay Jensen, Mrs. Hattie Guerin, M:s. Nona Thompson, Mrs. Ollie Krueger, Mrs. LaVerne Nickens, Mrs. Viola Spencer and Mrs. Mil dred Gardner, all of Roscburg; Mn. Lenor Horn, Mrs. Eunice Beck and the hostess, Mrs. Nico son, of Sulherlin. AZALEA GRANGE HOLDS FATHER'S DAY DINNER AND ENTERTAINMENT The ladies of Azalea Grange cave the men of the Grange a dinner honoring all the fathers on Father's Day. The tables were arranged and were decorated with flowers. The dinner consisted of roast beef with apple pie. Nina Johnson presented an inter esting program. Mr. Studley, of Glrndale, gave a talk on Civil Defence. A demonstration of an accident in the woods and of a victim all ready for the ambu lance was presented by the Boy Scouts. Several musical numbers and a folk dance by the young people concluded the program. HAYHURST COMMUNITY CLUB HEARS NEW DANCE ORCHESTRA The regular meeting of the Hay hurst community club was held in the hall Friday evening. The main purpose of the meeting was to try nut the new orchestra, which will furnish music for the dances dur ing the summer months. Refreshments were served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Rav Merin, and family. Mrs. Holt (.rimes and son; Mrs. Karl Shiery, Leonard, Gary and Kenneth Mnrin, Mrs. Cy Vroman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams and three children; Mr and Mrs. Art Rychard, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huhhell and daughter. Myrna ; Mr. and Mrs Tom MrKirdy and son. Keith; Mrs. Edna Miller, Mrs. Quentin Ryrhard, Kletch Miller and Miss Luella Kruse. ALSO AVAIlABlt OLD HERMITAGE BRAND WHIU IABU Kentucky Whiskey -A Blend ii CMIN NEUTRAL SHUTS $060 ft 3?! w sami tow mas tOR l AW OTH M PROOF . THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY, FRANKFORT. KY. WSCS OF YONCALLA HAD INSTALLATION OF NEW OFFICERS A meeting of the WSCS of the Yoncalla Methodist church waa held Thursday afternoon at the church with Mrs. J. N. Sparks presiding. Mrs. Sparks, outgoing president, installed the new of ficers. She received a beautiful gold past president's pin from the society. Mrs. Sadie Lasswell, new president, suggested many new ideas, which will help build up the society, both financially and spirit ually. The society has been di vided into four groups, each group to have charge of meetings, ways and meant to build the treasury and have charge of the churcn for three months. Mrs. Hazel La tham, Mrs. Jeanne Lee, Mrs. Cah aness and Mrs. May Snider were chosen captains of the sides. The first of the money making affairs will be a progressive lunch eon to be held at three beautiful new homes in town, July 25. Mrs. Stenseth and Mrs. Dan Wright served a delicious Norweg ian luncheon at the close of the meeting to the following: Mrs. H. Latham, Mrs. B. Toner, Mrs. Anna Kingery, Mrs. George Edes, Mrs. James Wales, Mrs. Al ilolf man, Mrs. Charlie Kirklie, Mrs. Eldon I-ee. Mrs. Currier, M r t. Grass. Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Day, Mrs. Jack Boucock. Mrs. Cahan ess, Mrs. Sidney Lssswell, Mrs. J. N. Sparks, Mrs. Nobel Snider, Mrs. Charles Hummel!, Mrs. Er nest Warner, Mrs. Maude Thiel, Mrs. Jean Cowan. Mrs. Verle Rod gers and Mrs. Tom Palmer. FAIR OAKS CLUB HELD MEETING AT CLUBHOUSE Fair Oaks Industrial cluh held its regular monthly meeting Thurs day at the clubhouse east of Sutlierlin. A potluck dinner was served at nonn with Mrs. Agnes Frasier and Mrs. Effie Dickens as hostesses. Plans were made for the annual pi'.nic to be held Sunday, July 8. Quilt piecing and visiting were eninyed during the day. Those present were: Mrs. Alice Cooper, Mrs. Gladys Adams. Mrs. Martha Davis. Mrs. Anna Kerns, Mrs. Maggie Francis. Mrs. Myrtle Geider, Mrs. Edith Gerard. Mrs Dora Hamilton, Mrs. Francis Larscn, Mrs. Dorothy l.onv:brake. Mrs. Wilma Pelland. Mrs. VenetU Riggs, Mrs. Ida Weber, Mrs. Cleve Miller. Mrs. Hot'er Gwyn, Mrs. Lester Harrison and the host ess, Mrs. Eraser and Mrs. Dickens. BAOOURA CLUB MEMBERS AND FAMILIES TO PICNIC Badoura club, Daughters of the Nile, members and their families are invited to enjoy a 8:30 o'clock picnic supper at Umpqua park Tuesday night, June 2S. This af fair will take the place of the sewing meeting previously planned for that day by the cluh. Those attending are asked to bring a covered dish and their table serv ice. Dessert and drinks will be furnished. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, JUNE 23 Three Sitter 303 Cant salad Whole Kernel Corn 2-25c DRESSING Nolleyt Reg. 23e Pockoge " Potato Chips 19c AC. r if Jt Schilling's j COFFEE Drip or R.gulorLb. QJC shredded Wax Paper 125 ref "o,,, 23c WHEAT r Box Corn Beef ,2 01 con- 39c A f Aunt Jemimo loc Pancake Flour " 32c Quality MeatS Fruits ad Vegetables Morrell't Short Shank Large Lugs Royal Canning Picnics -47' Apricots $2.49 teon Meaty Vine Rl entd Pork Steaks 49' Cantaloupe -25' Little Pig Lorge Heads Sausages Lb 59c Lettuce 2 ' 25c Fortey Red Ripe Veal Roasts " 73c Tomatoes H9C Open Evenings and Sundays FATHIRS DAY CELEBRATED AT CHAPMAN HOME Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chapman. Yoncalla, entertained at t "Fath er's Day" dinner at their new home just south of town, Sun. day, with covert laid for the following fathers and their fam ilies: F. M. Chapman and Mr. and Mi;s. Claire Chapman and fam ily of Cottage Grove; Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. French of Sutherlin; Mr. and Mrs. LaVern French of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Chapman and familv of Drain; Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Phillips and daughter, Nadine of Yoncalla and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chapman. TENMILE LADIES CLUB HOLD POTLUCK LUNCHEON AT HOME OF MINNIE MELIUS Mrs. Minnie Melius was hostess to the Tenmile Ladies club at her home on the Reston road Wednes day. The potluck luncheon was served in the yard. President Mrs. Minnie Melius was in charge of the business meeting and roll call. Mrs. Hazel I son acted as secretary in the ab sence of Mrs. Maureen Muetzel. I Two readings were eiven bv Mrs. Blanche Degner. they were entitled, "What Are Fathers Made Of?" and "Sisters Simply Never Win." The picnic, which was planned to entertain the men of the com munity June 24, has been post poned until July 22 because of the rodeo on the 24th. The place will be announced at a later date. Those present at the meeting were Mrs. Mickey Bourassa and Donna and Martha Ann; Mrs. Blanche Degner, Mrs. Vera Erbe and Sally, Mary and Johnny: Mrs. Hazel Ison, Mrs. Minnie Lockwood, Mrs. Kate Mark and granddaugh ter, Sharen; Mrs. Phyllis McKay and Lemta; Mrs. Besne Smith. Mrs. Josie Smith, Mrs. Olive Neely, Mrs. Eleanor Richter and Sandra and Johnny; Mrs. Mar jorie Hazen and Estella and Vir ginia; Mrs. Alice Pierce, Mrs. Julia Breitenburher and the host ess. Mrs. Minnie Melius. The next meeting will be at the clubhouse Wednesday, June 27. A quilt will be quilted. Mem bers are asked to britg thimbles. AZALEA SUNSHINE CLUB HOLDS MEETING AT HOMI OF MRS. NORA GAEDICKE The Sunshine club of Azalea held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Nora Gaedicke. There was not any special work for the day so the members visited. Members present were Thelma Coyle, Frankie Schroeder, Gussie Miller. Grace Neuman, Cora Chad- wick. Esther Derrig. Elsie Prince. Mildred Booth, Sylvia Jantzen and a guest was Mrs. Brumetnn. Refreshments were served. The next meeting will he at the home of Bee Croff, June 27. SWINGEROO DANCE CLUB TO HOLD LAST MEETING OF SEASON SATURDAY NIGHT The last meeting until Septem ber will he held by the Swingerno Square Dance club Saturday night. .nine A, at ine fc-denhnwer gymn. The dance will begin at nine o'clock and is open to both mem bers and friends. All members are especially urged to attend this last dance of the season. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSI TO SPONSOR DANCI SATURDAY NIGHT Tht Loyal Order of Moose is sponsoring dance for the wom en's newly elected ollicers and the outgoing officers at the Moose hall Saturday night. All members and their guests are welcome. SOCIAL CLUB OF YONCALLA ENTERTAINED AT THORNTON HOMI Mrs. Olive Thornton, Yoncalla, graciously entertained the social club at her home in Hayhurst valley Wednesday. A potluck luncheon was served at one o'clock. Visiting and sewing were enjoyed in the afternoon. Those present included Mrs. Jack Thorn ton, Mrs. Tom McKirdv, Mrs. Henry Hubhell, Mrs. Dolly Good rich and daughter: Mary Ann Weaver and son; Winnie Hall, and daughter; Mrs. Roy Gore and grandson; Mrs. Ray Thornton and the hostess. HUDELSON-DUNCAN WEDDING ANNOUNCED IN YONCALLA Word has been received from Eugene of the marriage of Miss Joyce Hudelson and John Huck ins. The wedding took place June S with only the necessary witnesses present. The bridegroom is the brother of Mrs. Jim Cellars and Mrs. David Duncan of Yoncalla and is well-known in this com munity. CATHOLIC LADIES RUMMAGE SALE SLATED FOR SATURDAY AT THE RECTORY The Catholic ladies are having a rummage sale in the basement of the rectory. Saturday, from nine-thirty till four o'clock. The i rectory is on East Oak street. P. S. CLUB WILL HOLD PICNIC TUESDAY The F..S. club will hold a picnic luncheon at three o'clock Tuesday, June 26, at Umpqua park. All members are most cordially in vited to be present. o If iff m fe o I f tdrm Form OffereoDFor Try To Contoct Printrs Of War O Lutheran Fret Church Considers Merger Plan SEATTLE (JPt Delegates to the 551 h conference of the Lu theran Free church went on record overwhelmingly here in favor of exploring the possibility of a mer ger with other Lutheran bodies. Ministers and laymen attending the conference voted 2.1 to 80 for a resolution directing that a com mittee of nine be named to atudy possible union "with othpr mem ber bodies of the American Lu theran council." The council includes the Evan gelical, American and United Evangelical Lutheran churches. Polio Research Grant Received At U. Of Oregon PORTLAND l.r Polio re search will continue at the Univer sity of Oreson medical school here under 1 $5275 grant issued Wednes day. A check for that amount was presented to Dr. W. E. Baird, dean of the medical school, hy Dr. E. T. Hedlund, Portland, chairman of the Oregon State March of Dimes fund. 1 conieomir it's sn n n n JUHeA t. i ' -V i2 III i Velvet Hats Just the hat for cool summer wear. Designed with a ttylith vel vet brim and a breety lace crown. Make your selection from red, navy, brown, and black. $5.00 Up Velvet Bags Rich looking bags to match your hat. These lovely bagt are perfect for any occasion. Remember that velvet it THE STYLE for tummer wear, red, navy, brown, and black $3.75 Plut Tax 4&f en J MILLINERY and ACCESSORIES ( ) 12 West Cost Street WALKS AGAIN While her parents, Gov. and Mrs. Earl Warren, of Calif., proudly watched, pretty Nine I Honey Bear) Warren, 17, walked for the first time without crutches since she was stricken lest No vember with polio, 5he took her first steps ecross her high school stage in Sacramento, to receive her graduetion diploma from Dr. John Kennedy, president of the Secremento board of edu cation (left). IAP Wirephotol WASHINGTON .T The gov-1 ernment has prepared a form for i use by families trying to commifm-1 cate with relativea wno are pris oners of war in Korea or Commu nist China. Announcing this, the Defense de partment emphasized that so far the Reds have not supplied pris oner information through the in ternational Red Cross. The form to be used was pre pared by the Postoffice depart ment. It requires the name, rank and serial number of the supposed prisoner. Letters must be ad dressed "care ojK'he Chinese Peo ple's Committee1- World Peace, Peking, China." No posts e ia required, but "prisoner of war mail" must be written in the upper right comer of the envelope. The return ad dress should be in the upper left corner. Letters may be dropped in any U. S. mailbox, but delivery is not guaranteed. Through June I, 153 Americant were listed as prisoners and an other 10,211 aa missing. 52-PIECE SERVICE FOR 8 6 Teaspoons. Dinner or Grille Folks. S Dinner or Grille Knives, t Round Bowl or Oval Bowl Soup Spoons. Salad Forks, t Table or Serving Spoons. I Butler Knife. Sugar Spoon. Tnrrt (oiy patterns. xrt: Cmmm in Mi Wiif Rim a i Pi AeweierS "The Little Store With The Big Brandt" 106 South Jockton Phono 3-4178 You can't match these 3 NEW - 1 , , t3S's' Lml New Styling! New Featuret! New Value! Whatever your needs for country house, town house or apartment, there's a new Frigidaire Food Freezer to meet rhem. And nothing con match their wonderful convenience and economy. They save time, money, and provide your favorite foods oil year 'round. Actually, a new Frigidaire Food Freeser puts a super-market right In your home. And look at all these features of the model shown. Sr.ai.i and stores ever 100 lbs. et feed Has 2 handy slidina baskets Automatic interior light Automatic Warning Signal Finger-touch Ceunter-lalenced Top Automatic Celd-Central Famous Meter-Miser mechanism larger Families Will Need Thill 2 Cu. Ft. FREEZER Here's convenient, economical frozen ttoroge for over 400 lbs. of food, buy in larger quantities, have delicious frozen food for toy occa sionon yttmeJ S10T.7S Down Cetti Price $4297s Ideal for Farms Big Familie Freeze and Store 630 lb. Food Imagine II cubic feet of frozen $117. 7J storage space. Sove hours of work Dewa b) the kitchen-preserve food with Cash Price naiuroi oppeorance, flavor and vitomins. $549" av a i , k. iimpamvalwj 1 .'2 x' i SUTHERUN, Cftitral 4 State Phone 2988 ROSEBURG ... 120 W. Oak St. . . . Dial 3-7011