Rcgovin Hurls Chisox To Win Over Yanks , . ii "i i .i.ii ; y , " ji I V .k:& V;! f Sox Regain Safe Lead; Pirates Win I'VE GOT MUSCLES TOO, SEE!' Nine-yeer-old Vincent Emery .trivet in vain ts product thou bulges like the newly crowned "Mr. America" ii displaying it the Greek lknl at Loi Angeles, L ... iL. L L.IJ D... CI I... U:ll:.... 4U. "U, 4.n.rlr" la ?C. year-old electrician from OaWland, Calif., it 5 feet S inches fall, weight 195 pounds and meas ura 53 inches around tha chttf. (AP Wiraphoto ) whara fha torto pageant was hald. Roy Sfanlay Hilliqann, tha naw Spanish-Speaking Players Spark Chicago By JOI REICHLIR NEW YORK iP Major league baseball players tradition ally come from American aanrllnts but not to the brilliant Spanish- peaking sparks of Ihe Chicago White Sox. There in Chico rarratquel, rated by anme the bent shnrlatnp in the husinta. lie came up via Caracal, Venezuela. There in Ortenten Minono, the Cuban speedster. If e ii battling for the league batting champion ship and ift a apoed demon aa welt. And to the liat muat now be added I.uia Aloma. another Cuban, who pitched a shutout Sunday in his first big league start to bring a much needed victory over the Athletics. Frank Lane, general manager of Ihe White Sox, is proudest of hia deal that brought Carrasquel to the team from tha Brooklyn Dod ger organization. "Funny thing," I.ane recalled, 'Branch Rickey wai trying to ped-' rile us Sam Jethroe, the outfielder and Pan Bankhead, tha pitcher, both of whom were with Montreal. But we were looking for a re placement for shortstop i,uke Ap pling. "Rickey had five shortstops Bobby Morgan, Rocky Bridges, Panny OTonncll, Buddy flicks and Chico Carrasquel. fie asked for a quarter of a million dollars for Morgan. About half that much for Bridges and so on. Ha rated Carrasquel fourrh or fifth. Wanted Carrasquel "The one man I wanted waa Carrasquel. I knew about him from an umpire who had seen him in Venezuela in the winter. But I didn't dare tip my hand. Other wise, the price would be doubled or tripled." So Rickey and Lane talked and talked. I.ane departed eventually and Rickey had the impression that the White Sox had agreed to take Jethroe and Rankhead. Car rasquel. Rickey just couldn't re member. A few days later, Lane phoned him. "Branch," he said, "when can I announce tha purchase of Car rasquel to the newspapers?" "How about Jethroe and Bank, head," countered Rickey. "Let's discuss that later." said the smooth Mr. Lane, "right now I'm interested in Carrasquel. You gave me your promise on him." "I did?" boomed Ihe puzzled deacon. "I don't remember. Rut if you say that we made tha deal, we made it. I never go back on my word. He's yours." That's how the White Sox got Carrasquel. The price tag was $.10,000. Manager Paul Richards says he is the greatest shortstop he has ever seen. Ha batted .282 last year, his freshman season. In the field, he covers tremendous ground. He is a floater who eases elfortlessly into position for im possible stops. Chico, who has a great sense of humor, couldn't speak a wsird of F.nglish when he first arrived. His vocabulary haa improved only slightly since. But that has been no hindrance. "The ball aha apeak no F.nglish," By JACK HAND Auoclat.4 PrM HporU Writer Saul Rogovin. Bob Cain, Sam Chapman, Tommy Brown and Don Johnson know it was true when the man said: "All you need is a change of scenery. Most bsll players hear that and (tartinf the game-wn spurt with a douMe.'Snlly Kr single, an error by wmie and a double by Red Schoenrtonst were enough to hand a fifth "lost to the Giaim' Sheldon Jones, a non- In The Majors Chiefs Play Two Games Next Week !Br Trl. Aoiated PrM NATIONAL LXACL'I W L Prt. . Bronkhn 3 SO .aVS Nr Yn-k .MM '" SI. Lmm 31 31' 1 Bt.ll.. I. Inhi. M ?Jt .442 cheerless message from the front i Brion si .43 office, sooner or later. Usually it a j,,",,"" J the kiss of death, meaning you're pm.burah 21 is 'ms through, bud. Get moving In the cases of Rogovin, Cain, Chapman, Brown and Johnson it seems to mean the dawn of a new life. They're all red hot Just take a look at what hap pened yesterday: 1. Rogovin, traded by Detroit to 1 ci.v.iann, Chicago Mav 15. choked off the ! D.troii THl'nSDAVS RESt'LTS Brook l n S. Cinrinnali 4. St Louis 3. N.w York 0. Philadelphia to, Pittsburgh S. Boston at Chir.fi, postponed rain. AMERICAN LEAGUE W u Pet. Chicago 40 IS New York SS 22 Boa'on 34 25 I Two stormy games with South- j I western OregorP league competi-1 I lion are slated for the Umpqua OB i Chiefs in the next week, but only one counts i league standings. i 'I The league c ounter is this Sun-! rlavs fit on Finis" ''eld between I lo : the Chiefs and Myrtle Creek at ! J, I 2 p.m Myrtle Creek h.is shown in-! it J 1 creasing strength with the addi-i lion of three Oregon State college athletes to the roster, although Medford swamped the Douglas county crew last weekend. In the The New-Reriew, Roseburg, Pro. friday. Juno 21. I' frame, and a lon pone ? Thomas accounted for Portland s pair in the third. Rowell's four master for San Diego came after Earl Rapp had rapped one out of the park lor Oakland to tie the game at 1 all in the eighth. Rainiers Fail Against Seals .12 2S 2S .67 ,9'Jl ..ITU ..142 .SltO Hv Tha AMV,aitt?t1 Pre ast meeting the Chief weren't rAt" lt tUAii T p rt even pressed for cnmDe'itonn, but ' Statu sa .!wa trvi was before the team had S.rmntj o .5 24 jv'ire-qn ax heavy favorties, but it lm Aniitt aelphia Opening WRESTLING SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE ARMORY Bout ACI AHOTT vi. SUftl HAYAMAKI Semi-Final CON IRUNO vt. COWBOY CARLSON Main Event FRANK STOJACK vt. MAURICE LaCHArPELLI First Match Starts 8:45 P.M. ht nays. "The hat sh ipeak no i Kniih. So what?" ! Minoi Popular ! Carrasquel got a break when i the White Sox landed Minoso. Now he has a Spanish speaking team- mate. Minoso hai been with the ' .Sox )ei than two monthi but al ready he rivals Carrasquel as the , most popular player on the club, j The ever-laughing Minny, in a short time, has become the stand out player on the squad, his ; shoulders are so broad that he looks bigger than he is at 1V10 and 1 180 pounds. He hits a ball with ! tremendous power and he can run : like a deer. He throws with strength and accuracy. "The best deal we ever made was gelling Minoso," said Rich ards. "1 wouldn't trade him for ! anyone in the league. I first saw him on the coast. He was playing ! with San Diego. One day he'd he at third base, the next in the outfield. But no matter where he was, he t was always beating us with a long hit or a great calch. What drew i me to him was his great desire ; to win. 1 don't believe there is a player today who can give you the thrill Minoso can." Kicked Out The most humiliating episode in young Minoso s brief profesional career came last Thursday when he was elected from a game by I'm ni re Joe Fa parr Ma for "cuss ing" over a decision. Minoso had been picked off sec ond hase. He put up a mild squawk before returning sheepishly to the bench. The whole Ihing an peared forgotten until suddenly, as Minoso was returning to his po sition in right field in between it) nings, Paperlla thumbed him out of the game. "Why he kick me out," cried Minoso later with tears in his eves. "I no sav nnssing to heem. When I go hack to outfield I talk hut only to myself. And I say it in Spanish. He no onnerstand Span ish. t no call him bad names or anysing. I call myself. I always mad at myself when I make a mistake." 5-2. restorins the White Sox' lead : i lmji to 31- games. It was his third j I"rif .N nrkA2 win and fifth complete game in Diroit t Philadelphia a. his new uniform. WMiuncwm s. st. Lou 2. Cain, sent to Detroit in the ; Rogovin deal, polished off Phi la-1 delphia, 9 3, his fifth win since i he left Chicago, ( 3. Chapman, sold to Cleveland j by Philadelphia in mid May. caught fire at Fenway park in the Lutheran Beats Yets All-Stars Ralph Sanstede pitched a nifty Held tWoro. For 43 41 4.1 41 40 47 17 47 10', several ; San Srandffo 35 M 4117 13'a reason, the mid- . . I''DA """V reek battle between Coquille and! Hollywood 4.' Portland j Rnsehure commands a lot of in- i ' "" H""?!'" J terest In the first place, the tough ' h.7".r,. ' i.uKn a air idiiivutiK wri a o-j league win last Sunday after they The Seattle Rainiers had their I Chrttin Local League Split Into 2 Divisions TWIUGHT lEAGt.T STANDINGS CHL'RCH DIVISION W u Tribe's 8 4 victory. He drove home : three-hitter at the Veterans three with double and then stole ; Thursday oight to lead his Faith home in Ihe first inning. Later he i Lutheran's to a 6-0 Softball win knocked in another run. Since he over the Vela All-Stars, joined the Indians he has hit four In Ihe second tiu Twilisht homers. With the A's he had none. 1 league game, Sutherlin tipped un- 1 Hits Homer I lucky Smith Motors, 7-3, to push 4. Brown, the perpetual juvenile i the losers deeper into the league j CINCINNATI (Tt A B Jhope at Brooklyn, finally heard ; cellar. Chandler ' resigned ' Thursday as the "change of scenery routine i Ironically, the eta All-star loss baseball commissioner effective June t wnen me irongers sola mm , was maue wnue losing pucner July 15. 1 10 ine rnns. insiauea ai secona t,.ingan was givmg up only one 1 base oy r.fldie sawyer, he came hit, a single by had defeated the (hieis in a non-1 lead bobbed to a game and a league tilt the night before. In the ' half and the Hollywood Stars took .ernnH ! it will K ih. fir. i over third place outright in last worthwhile midweek game-on Fin- night's Pacilic toast league nome Faun Lulh.ran W.l Sin. M.thorhtt All -Sfara .nan lay field this season. Chandler Leaves Baseball July 15 run festival. The doddering San Raotiat Francisco i indi sthial division Seals arose from their death . bed long enough to smite the Rain-1 n' p,ywM iers 6 6 and 9 6 in a night double i pi.rc header. I V."," "'" Hollywood .made it t h r e ".,,"". straight wins over Portland by suth.rim 1 non .S3S .7.W .son .4nn .3.13 .IV JKO Prl .7VI ,7V .son .son .33.3 .333 .ia trimming the Beavers, 4 2 Sacramento missed a chance tot j.ie YMCA Twilight league has lain additional ground by sue- L.an ,,a into two divisions Th. ormar trAn..ALu ; cumbing. 10-1. to the I is Angeles fn the Church and In- Jack Loomis. and senator who had h.id ih. .-nm. i Angels and the knuckle ball of rt,lrj,i division. Each is corn- through with a grand slam home ; However. Langan's trouble came mi.nir.n.1-'. inh .m ion m.ri. I Warren Hacker. The riht bander ri.H nf eicht teams. i run in yesterday's 1U-5 romp over I in the control department. He his announcement at a conference ' Howed only four hits and no v jCA Director Merlin Donald ' Pittsburgh. ! gave up 14 walks and hit two con- with Warren Giles, president of. the I earned runs. !, made the disclosure Tuesday 5. Johnson, clicking for his old sccutive ba.UT.-. riis uiagest . re-1 Cincinnati Reds and a member of! Oakland slipped to fourth place ,nrj reporied that the winner! in Yanks and Senators, Johnson did a turn with St, Loins which sold him to Washington May 2! when Joe Rowell drilled a nome ...u Hivision would play a series the third inning, nunctuated Baseball club owners twice re- run In the ninin inning to gue ln, enj 0f the season to deter- by Loomis's only hit of the game. : fused to renew his contract which sn D'W 41 triumph over ,!,, ihe league champion. The inner got one run in the will end next April 30. 'be Acorns. j por tn( fifth consecutive week tha second, two in the third and three He said baseball also had agreed i Came Stopped Christians continue to pace t h a Yankee boss, Bucky Harris, now j verse performance was six walks baseball's executive committee. I inai iniui air in it dMiiiKi"n, turned in a six-hitter against St. j I-ouis last night lor his third 1 straight win 9-2. In between the in the fifth. to indemnify Chandler for any per- The second game at San Fran- church division with an unblem Sulherlin's Troy Fennell also sonal losses he might suffer in ; cisco had to be stopped after ; ished record. This record was tanohl the hnllpiv a lixtnn I n connect inn uith varinn. rln m id. I aioht innino. httr-ans. if th r-nr. Ihrpntpned last Friday when West Recently traded Stars did not H. tuning- the Smith Mntnrs crew I suits now nenrlino aKain.t has., i fu nil hut a. far a. Ihe Rain- Side slanoed the leaders. 2?-19, but rate such important roles in Ihe n( gave up only two hits, a single j ball. Irrs were concerned it didn't make a protest wiped the loss from the oiner major league games piaycu ,n th first and a triple in the' He said the executive council yesieraay wnen ine ii. i. n u i a fih a Austin's tr d e accounted would govern baseball from I h e Cards- (Jerry Staley blanked tha (or on run for ,h, loserS- j i i 1"'n ' e "i ' ni,s I Sulherlin's . win came urgely and Brooklyn a Preacher Roe apun 1 on th, mit of , three-run out hia 10th straight by subduing I in- b,.,t jn tn, ,Pcond lmmg wh(.n cinnati 6 4. with ninth-inning help fiv,, con,ecutiv, b.tr, hit a(ey from arl hrskine , To , her .. , T-R-O-U-T F-l-S-H-l-N-G HUSKY RAINBOWS No Licaeto No Limil Mr. Sexton Trout Form a Mi. South of Wolf Crook U. S. . ri.t.ly St.rh.o' Fithino Ar.o Phiti.. 277A A scheduled Boston at Chicago game in the National was rained out after one inning with tha Braves on top 1-0. Rngovin's brilliant performance at Yankee stadium yesterday was j a big win for the White Sox. en- abling them to split a vital series on the road. Nollio Fox Opens Little Nellie Fox and Red Robin son led the 13 hit blast against Spec Shea and two others. After Fox opened with a trinle and scored on a fly. the Yanks never did catch up. despite two homers by Johnny Mize. The I22.rifi skeptical fans who I saw the four-game series came I aw-ay convinred the While Sox are no fly by-nights but a serious pen nant threat. Brnwn showed the way for the Pirates with his first-inning homer with the bases full. Rill Nicholson and Willie Jones also homered as the Phils swept the three-game se ries and sneaked into fourth place. ! Robin Roberta rode home easy with a 12-hitler for his eighth win. i Rookie Paul Lapalme was the lo.er. I The Dodgers stretched their! pushed across single tallies in the third, lourth, filth and seventh. Junior Legion Plays Tonight Hal Zurcher's Rosehurg Junior Legion squad trots onto Finlay field tonight at 8. determined to get its first earned win of the sea time Chandler's resignation be comes effective until a new com missioner is selected. In addition to Giles, executive council members are Tom Yaw key of tha Boston Red Sox; Ford Frick, president of the National league and Will Harridge, presi dent of the American league. Chandler said he did not have I uch difference. Dario I.odigiani record books. The only changes in won the first game for the Seals Ihe Church division saw increas with a three-run round-tripper in ingly potent West Side move up tha the bottom of Ihe eighth, an over- ladder to third from fourth and tha time inning occasioned when Jim i Vets All-Stars step up to fifth Brideweser tied the score in the from seventh, seventh with another San Fran- i In the Industrial division, t h e Cisco homer. picture was still clouded. With only All the runs in tha Portland-1 single losses on its record, the Jun Hollywood contest were scored inr Chamber of Commerce and on homers. I Umpqua Plywood vaulled into a Blows by Lou Stringer a n d tie tor lirst place, roi mer irauor. any plans for the future. He de-; George Schmees produced Holly- Pierce Auto, fell to thud but only scribed as "pure bunk" a report he i wood's four tallies in the iiflh by a one-game margin. might take a job with the Mutual Broadcasting system. Fights Last Night KANSAS CITY Rax La n. t7. , l mvnmn,m nt u.tril. : Lawiiion. nan. ouipmniaa ttrnry nan, son at the expense of .Myrtle Creek. 1 178 Nw orian. 10 MINNKAPOLIS Tommr Campbell. l.T.',. Roc it (land. III. outpoint Ul rianatffin. 1.17'.. St. Paul, "We're going to play this one to win. Zurcher reported after Tues day's practice. He said he will ' probably open with Wayne Witcher, : one of Rose bur? high school's mainstays, on the mound. A wtn by the Rosehurg squad 1 would lift it into a tie with Myrtle Creek for second place in the dis- trtct. Drain is currently leading the league. Myrtle Creek has won two game, one by forfeit, and , lost one. Roieburg's only win in i three came as the result of a forfeit. In the last meeting of the squads, GRAND RAPIDS, Mtrh Chuck Da- Vv, M3'i. i:an Lanitnf. Mir, out pointed Tommy Darrougn, ISO, Flint, Mtrh , 10. A rCRON, O Ronnie Dalatiav. IS Akron, outpointed Terry Moore, 1M, Baltimore. 10. CHESTER. Pa -- Rorhr Jonae. 174. Chetler, atoppad Ted Caiaman, JS31 , IDAHO GETS COACH MOSCOW. Idaho CP) Uni versity of Idaho reached into the Big Ten Thursday to complete its 1951 football coaching staff. Charles Gottfried, former Uni- Vvi tit Creek won 31 on its home versity of Illinois football captain field. , and assistant during spring prac- I tice to Ray Kliot there, was named National league lead to 'i eames The 8.S0 points in 12 leasue aames tn Ihe Vandal itaff a line roach. on Roe s 10th straight victory. scored during the 19'0 .S1 basket-1 He completed his collese football .Staley had a big day for him- ball season by Columbia was an at Illinois in 194t)t playing as a self, winning No. 9 with a shutout ; ell time Ivy Leagu erecord. . guard. p Oil pP 1 HICKORY - -025 Straight BOURBON L "r ' . L i - C aMMMiMaTaMaWtaaaal I OLD HICKORY DISTIUIfC CORf. K1 PUdADELWlA, PA. ' ' traav. jtoa .K. s.oua. w.. ji 1H1 . V e e . QUESTION: WHAT IS THE NEVT BEST m THING TO A NEW CAR ?" ANSWER:" A RECONDITIONED USED CAR FROM Lockwood Motors 1947 BUICK FORDOR SEDAN SUPER Equipped with radio, heater. Run only 31,000 miles. Rubber like new, not a blemish on the finiih $1393 1946 PONTIAC SEDANETTE Gleaming black paint, cleaner than whistle inside and out. Radio and heater $1 193 1946 BUICK SEDANETTE Beautifully appointed, hat radio, heater, new tires, Miles of smiles ... . $1193 1947 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN Hai radio, heater, sharp from rear bumper to hood ornament. Popularly priced at ONLY 31093 1946 FORD FORDOR SEDAN With little body and upholitery work, thit will make good transportation. Our mechanic SPECIAL Thi. Week $ 593 19S0 FORD BUSINESS COUPI $1545 1950 FORD TUDOR SEDAN $1695 1949 PLYMOUTH FORDOR SEDAN $1493 1949 FORD TUDOR SEDAN $1445 1949 MERCURY FORDOR SEDAN 1949 CHEVROLET FORDOR SEDAN 1949 OLDSMOBILE SEDANETTE 1949 FORD FORDOR SEDAN 1941 PLYMOUTH COUPE 1941 NASH FORDOR 1940 PLYMOUTH FORDOR SEDAN 1937 FORD FORDOR 1931 FORD MODEL 'A' SEDAN TRUCKS AND PICK-UPS 1950 FORD V, TON PICK-UP 1950 DODGE i TON PICK-UP 1949 FORD i TON. PICK-UP . 1946 FORD Hi TON STAKE RACK 1950 FORD CHASSIS O Complete with motor, tranimluiori. 4 wheeli and 4 tire. . $ 550 $ $ $ $1695 $1495 $1995 $1495 $ 395 295 445 125 $1345 $1295 $1145 $ 895