10 Tha News-Review, Roseburg, Ora. Wad.. Juna 20, 1951 GARDEN VALLE WOMEN'S CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY FOR ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Garden Valley Women-! club will meet Thursday at two o'clock, at th club house with Mrs. Kran cea Long and Mrs. O. F. Michel ai co-hostesses. Members are asked to be present (or the elec tion of officers. fiMpwmumii imiu j a' w ii j FO 'R AND TEN CLUB ENTERTAIN WITH A POTLUCK LUNCHEON The four and Ten club honored Mrs. Mildred Gardner's birthday Tuesday with a potlurk luncheon at the home of Mrs. Vivian Nicoson in Sutherlin. Mrs. Gardner received many lovely gifts. It was also the "secret pal" revelation party and each member received a gift from their secret Dal. Those present were: Vidian Kifntnn k'llnii'B koi'lr Id. The West Melrose club will have . nor Horn. I.a Verne Nickeni, ' Ada I WEST MELROSE CLUB TO HOLD MEETING AT HOME OF LEE JONES PAST NOBEL CRANDS CLUB TO MEET AT ODD FELLOWS HALL The Past Nobel Grands club will meet at the Odd Fellows hall club room for a dessert-supper Thursday evening it seven o'clock. The committee chosen were Inga High, Mamie Dimick, Ila Preston, Ina r'arnsworth and Viola Spencer. LAISY DAISY CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY AT SMITH HOME The Lazy Daisy club is to meet at the home of Mrs. M. C. Smith, 2007 Morris avenue, Thursday aft ernoon. All members are urged to attend. Local News Births At Douglas Community Hospital Leave For Berkeley Miss Jane Irving left Wednesday for her I home in Berkeley, Calif., follow-) ing visit fai Roseburg with her mother, sister and brother, Mrs. . Lois Irving," Mrs. Robert Helliwell and B. B. Irving. She was accom-, panied home by her mother, who will visit in Berkeley for a short time. ! Health Assn. To Hear New State Secretary The annual meeting of the Doug' las County Tuberculosis and Health association will be held Wednes day, June 27, at noon at the Hotel Umpqua. This will be a no-host luncheon and the public is invited. Kenneth C. Ross, newly ap pointed executive secretary of the Uregon Tuberculosis and Health as sociation, will be guest speaker. Koss, succeeded Mrs. Saidie Orr Dunbar, who recently resigned from that position. This will be Ross' first visit to Douglas county and the officers of the association extend an invi tation to the public to come and meet bim. 1 meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Lee Jones. All members are requested to be present. FRIENDSHIP CLUB TO MEET THIS EVENING The Friendship club will meet to night, June 20, t eight o'clock at the home of Edythe Landis. All visiting Pythian Sisters and mem bers are invited. BAILLY To Mr. and Mrs. Don , I FOUND OUT WHY MD IS REALLY BEST FOK MY BABY AND MY FAMILY I Ilanna, Kay Simmons, Mildred ; Bailey, Roseburg, June 18, a Gardner, Ullie K'reuger, ilattie ' daughter, Barbara Jane; weight Guemn. Fay Jensen, Viola Spen- se - pounds three ounces, cer, Nona Thompson and a little j OUEM.ETTE To Mr. and guest Cheryl Dunham; members ! Mr,. enry Ouellette, Sutherlin, not present were Bessie Fandrich I june IB, a daughter, Sharon Lou and Fay Ovens. Tho next meeting jse; weight nine pounds twelve will be held at the home of Nona ounces Thompson. 1331 North Jackson j noTY To Mr. and Mrs. David July 17. and it will be a potluck Dulv Myrtle Creelt June n , luncheon. The hastside group will : j,,;,L,. c:,i. .. -lut,, .,v entertain the Weslside. , , ' ,'' ....... ... - To Mr. and Mrs. Glide June 11 a n; Veight eleven SOUTH DEER CREEK GRANGE PLANS FOURT OF JULY PICNIC AT LARGE MEETING Thousands of Smart Women Prefer MD Toilet Tissue By making a simple test you'll di's covtr, too, that MD is really best for your family. Just feel it's won derful texture. See bow velvety-soft it is. You will know it's absolutely safe for baby's tender skin and for the rest of your family. MD is extra absorbent; see how quickly a wadded sheet sinks to the bottom of a glass of water. MD is a luxurious toilet tissue at a money saving price. Plans were completed for the an nual Fourth of July picnic to be held by South Deer Creek Grange at Umpqua Park at a meeling Sat urday night at the hall. Overseer Clarence Anderson conducted the rnttint Kivht nffirer ure ah. 1 sent from the tension. The pionic I will bein at one o'clock and members and friends are invited. The third and fourth obligation!! were given to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slanctiff and Mr, and Mrs. Edward Karcher. ' Pomona Grange will meet at a seven o'clock potluck supper June 30 at South Deer Creek Gran He hall. Everyone attending is asked to bring food and table service and be at the hall in time for the pot luck supper to be served promptly at seven o'clock. SUTHERLIN REBEKAH LODGE TO MEET THURSDAY FOR INITIATORY DECREE Initiatory degree of Sutherlin Re bekah lode and all members and visiting members are invited to attend the meeting Thursday. The refreshment committee will be Velma Brauninger, Miss I.uella Pleuard, Mrs. Charlotte Parker and Mrs. Lucille Chase. MR. AND MRS. HARRIS TO CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Grant Harris, who formerly resided near Roseburg for 18 years, will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary at, their home in Phoenix, Ore., 3724 j S. 6th Avenue, June M. They would j like to hear from relatives a n d friends through letters and cards. COUNTRY CLUB WOMEN : TO MEET AT CLUBHOUSE j FOR LUNCHEON AND BRIDGE The Women of the Country club will meet Thursday at 12:30 o'clock j for a luncheon. The meeting will j he held in the cluhhoi se. Contract j bridge play will be at one o'clock. SALE Of Ladies Casual SHOES Values To $10.95 Now... 3.88, 4.88, 5.88, 6.88, 7.88 Right On Jackson STANDLEY -Oliver Mandley soq Bruce Allei pounds eicl't ounces. TUKNKK To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Turner Glide June 12 a daughter Nancy Paillette; weight six pounds lour and a hall ounces. BRATSCH To Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bratsch Dillard June 12 a son Stephen Harry; weight seven pounds two ounces. YODKR To Mr. and Mrs. Mar ten Voder, Camas Valley, June 13, a daughter Barbara Jean; weight seven pounds fifteen ounces. COBI.K To Mr. and Mrs. Wil lis Coble Roseburg June 15 a son Kennelh Leon; weight eight pounds three-fourths ounces. IIAKKM To Mr. and Mrs. Da vid Harem 869 Hoover Roseburg June IS a son Ricky David; weight seven pounds thirteen ounces. LINDKIXE To Mr. and Mrs. Ardelle I.indelle box 14S W i n ston June 17 a son Roger Doyle; weight ei'iht pounds ten ounces. WII.DKR To Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wilder Oakland June 17 a daughter Bonnie joii; weight five pounds five ounces. HAHI.OW To Mr. and Mrs. Gene Harlow, 502 South Jackson, June 7, a daughter, Karen Jeanne; weight six pounds six ounces. BKOWN To Mr. and Mrs. Del mar Brown, box 453, Oakland, June 8, a daughter, Memoree Sue; weight five pounds . gilt ounces. BKOWN To Mr. and Mrs. Dan iel Brown- Roseburg, June 9. a son, Johnnie Mack; weight five pounds fifteen ounces. SllrJl'AKD To Mr. and Mrs. William Shepurd, Camas Valley June lu, a sou, Bobby Joe; weight seven pounds six ounces. YOllNU To Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Young, box 179, Winston, June 10, a daughter, Susan Carol; weight seven pounds two and a half ounces. IIADDOW To Mr. and Mrs. Dean Haddow, Roseburg, June 10, a son, Gary Lee; weight nine pounds eight and a half ounces. BAKE To Mr. and Mis. Keith Bare, Myrtle Creek, June 11, a son, Michael Allen; weight ten pounds five .ind a half ounces. BUKSON To Mr. and Mrs. Richard ll.rxon, Oakland, June 11, a daughter, Deborah Ann; weight five pounds ten and a half ounces. L.av. Far Florida Mr. and Mrs. Harley S. Marsters have left by automobile for Eglin air force base in Florida, following a week visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Bennett, and brother, Rob ert E. Marsters, at Oakland, Ore. Mr. Marsters, just returned from Eniwelok on the A. B. test, joined Mrs. Marsters in San Francisco re cently to come to Douglas county for a visit before reporting to his new base. The Palace of the Governors at Santa Fe., N. M is reportedly the oldest public building in the U. S. It is 340 years old. Famous Flag Of Battle Displayed Under Guard I NEW YORK (JPi The fa mous flag the marines raised on Mount Suribachi in the battle for Iwo Jima went on display under armed guard Friday. . The emblem seldom has been seen outside the marine corps mu seum at Quantico, Va. Maj. T. M. Field, who broueht the flag here for the Fiflh marine division con vention, said this might be the last ! time H is displayed outside vjuan tico. The picture made by Joe Rosen thal, then an Associated Press photographer, showing the marines raising the flag under enemy fire, has made the flag familiar to millions. Lifelong Friend 1 i Willed Mowert I NORRISTOWN, Pa. JP ! Onca a week from now on six ! red roses will be placed on the grave of Mrs. Clara Boyd. And for certain very ipecial days these remembrances are apeci- tied: I A red rose heart on St. Valen tine's day; potted tulips, hyacinths j and daffodils on Easter; six pink I carnations on Mothers day; six red roses every June 6 and June 17, i anniversaries of Mrs. Boyd's birth land death; three chrysanthemums on Thanksgiving day, and a wreath on Christmas. Such are provisions in the will of Alfred M. Evans, a retired drug gist of nearby Roxborough, who died last month at the age of 83. Evans, a bachelor, and Mrs. Boyd were lifelong friends. The will, filed for probate in Montgomery county court sets up a $'.'.500 trust fund to provide the flowers for years to come. Congress instituted the U.S. land offices in 1800 to help get people settled on western homesteads. DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Zoe Newman 925 Cobb St. Dial 3-7123 BUY NOW SAVE THIS WINTER! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY o 6lnch Green Wood o Planer Ends STOCK UP NOW BE ASSURED OF FAST, DEPENDABLE HE At DURING THE COLD WINTER MONTHS! - . AZi n "A , A ass I3i 77 Manila f CTT -t?H SUPPORT THE INDUSTRY THAT SUPPORTS YOU! Evangelism Campaign Set By Perturbed Oregon Sect SAI.KM (. Oregon Metho di.sli will have a bi jc evangelism canipaiRn ntrxt March, delegates to lh Male Methodist conference derided. Dr. Harry Williami. Philadel phia, ho will conduct the cam paign, mid at the se.ssiun here: "i'here'a a terrible urgency for constructive spirit vial activity in these times. Our boys in Korea are giving their lives to buy time for us to make a C hristian Amer ica ami a Christian world." Dr. Williams iuul similar cam paigns in other states have added sy.ihxj new members to the church in the past year. The conference accepted a re port recommending minimum sal :irirs be increitspd (o $1,800 a year for single ministers, and $2,200 lur Dunned number.. Good . tivith good food Your grocer is featuring tempting com. binations of Coke and good things to eat. Shop now at the sign of , . tomio UNMt AuTHoerr or txi coat-cou cofant it COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY f Rot-bur, o mime We hava added more spectacular bargains to our already gigontic Birthday Sale! Each and every item is a marvelous value come in today and taka advantage of our great 5th Anniversary Sale! DRAPERY FABRICS Pebble cloth and BASSINETS Nationally famous Burlington bassinefs in white trimmed with pastel colors. rayon faill 48 iiale Clirte ah1 PrtHfitfe vii iia wiivi a miiiiv.) inches wide. c Rayon tricot slips and panties in sizes 1-14 and pre-teen. Colors: Blue, pink, yellow and white. Formerly 2.50 to 2.98 a yd. Now Bassinet with hood. Was 9.50. Now Bossinet without hood. Was $7.50. Now 8.49 6.49 Panties were 1.00. Now 79c Slips were 1.95. Now.. 1.49 1.98 Yd. 50 Inch Ivory Sateen Linen 89c Yd. Saf-T-Didy Women's Casual Heavy Duty 3)z: SWOll muslin sheets j H i g hly absorb- 't wSr-- S 0m'0rtak' oam Tread Typ no. -0 Were 3 for j 50 :fpr 8U108 00c Nw Only, Pair. . 3.95 Now 3 for W Reg. 4.45, Now Each 3.59 Ii '. if. . - SWIM SUITS 1 group of Gantner swim suits. Sizes 32 to 40. All colors and black and white. Formerly $5.95. Now 3.95 SPECIAL! Women's Barefoot Sandals Red and White, Pair 3.00 FOR A LIMITED TIME OUR ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! 4 PHOTOS OF YOUR CHILD FOR $1.00 Bring your child (age 6 months to 6 years) to our photo studio 2nd Floor o duying our anniversary week. Our photogropher will moke lor you four beau Your beauticlon'i skill means tlfuy photographs. Your total cost $1.00. No ointment necessary, more tRon ever . . . Miller's Don't miss this sensational ofr! Beautv Snlnn Phnn. 3.344ft. O o Wh ere Douglas County Shops and Saves