U Th Nwi-Rtvitw, Reuburg, Or. Wd., Jum 20, 1U1 Former Official Says Increase May Be Needed NEW CASTLE, Del. OFl James E. Bruce laid the United Stater may hive to increase iti armed forcei five (old and spend ten timet aa much (or defense if fMioMfi fail in anorove the U 500,000.000 President Truman I make it necessary (or the V. S. haa asked (or foreign aid. I to maintain an armed force fir program Mar 24. Committee hear ings on the requeat have not yet begun. Bruce raid while the coat in the next 12 months would be high, (ailure to enact the program would mean that the United Statea would lose the aupport of an army of 2,000,000 Kuropeana already partially trained, and the pro ductive resources and facilitiea of western Europe. Theae losses, he aaid, would Bruce, former ambassador to Ar gentina and drat director o( the administration's mutual defense aid program, plugged (or Mr. Tru man'a mutual security plan in a speech prepared (or the New Cas tle trecentenary celebration. The ceremony marks the found ing of New Castle by the Dulch 300 yeara ago. Two Dutch ships are here (or the historic affair. Bruce aaid America and other (ree nationa (ace a "barbaric threat" (rom Soviet Commnism today that ia no lesa real and im mediate than the "wilderness death which day and night con fronted our forefathers 300 years ago." Effective Weapon He asserted the Marshall plan and ita successor the mutual se curity program "add up to the moat effective weapon yet devised to defeat Russian policy." Mr. Truman proposed the new foreign military and economic aid times greater than now con templated, and spend up to ten times the S8.MIO.000.000 contem plated in the President's proposal plus the $60,000,000,000 of budgeted domestic defense expenditures. "And to spend ten times what we are now spending," Bruce said, "would wreck our economy and give the Communists their vic tory without the need for actually dropping a single bomb." Leland Firt Destroys Mill, Houses, Lumber GRANTS PASS (i? The N. E. Beck and Sons planing mill at Leland, three company houses, three large stacks of finished lum ber and aome other logs and lum ber burned Tuesday. The fire started (rom a welding torch being used on machinery in the mill, according to the atate for est patrols. .. 1. a a. . L r 'ZT-' i m at t. " , m .3!"" W i 4. MRS. T. J. WAGNER is shown inspecting (he vegetable garden at the pleasant Wagner home in Garden valley. She and Mr. Wagner ere former residents of Iowa. Barring a trifle too much rain et certain seasons and too little at others, they like Oregon very much. ( Paul Jenkins) -.7. ... 4 W Doctors Disagree On Effectiveness Of TB Vaccine CHICAGO l.VI A Minneapo- lis physician asserts that BCG, a tuberculosis vaccine, remains to be proved and that it may be dangerous. However, a spokesman (or re search (oundation, which produces anu distributes the suostauce, siad 300,000 dosea have been supplied (or human use with no harmful results and that ita use haa been advocated by teveral medical groupa. The criticism of BCG was voiced by Dr. J. Arthur Myers, professor of public health at the University of Minnesota'a medical achool. He told the annual meeting of the Il linois State' Medical society that much work has been done witii BCG in the last few years but "no evidence is available" that it con fers immunity against tuberculo sis. BCG derives its name from two French researchers. Ca'mette and Guerin. The initials stand (or Bacillus Calinelte-liuerin. it orig innlly was isolated from cows in 1902, and was first given to hu mans in 1922, Dr. Myera said. He staled that a few years later 2.V) German babies were vaccin ated with BCG and 77 died. "This was attributed to contam ination o( the vaccine," the doctor by Dr. Myers are entirely nia own and not shared doctors.") stated, ' but medicine lost interest is it, except for animal work, un til it was revived recently." Since then. Dr. Myers 'said, re; porta have been "extremely con fusing." He said the vaccine has falsely gotten credit lor reJuc tun of tuberculosis that actually was due to such action as removal from contact with infection and other "standard tried methods.' (Asked for comment on Dr. My ers' speech. Dr. Sol. R. Rosen thal, medical director of research i and Mrs. Donald foundation, said "the viewa held Schwarder station. by very many PEANUT IN LUNG SEATTLE '.PI An Ill-month-old Yakima baby was rushed to a hospital here for removal of a peanut (rom her lung. Providence hospital attendant! reported Mary Lynn McKeen wa "doing well" after what was de. scribed as "a very minor opera. ch. la the riauehter o( Mr. Mcneen oi Tool Kit for "Cats" ran III lUfcU ffi l -: 111 I y". ""v Ki9 . I rf". rT mi mm 1 UtmOton Butler Bank Director Resigns In 104th Year BUTLER, Pa. (IV) -A (ellow with a twinkle in his eye and a spring in his step walked into the Butler Savings and Trust company yesterday to quit hia job. Washington D. Brandon, an at torney, said he believed it's about time he atepped aside for a younger man. He's been a director of the bank 62 years. Brandon, who says he's feeling fine although he has lost his hear ing, handed this note to President J. S. Campbell Jr.: "I am now in my 104th year and have become inactive as a director. I now resign and ask to be relieved of all responsibility." I 1 W0 a at 1 at . .1 Jf.i.--:,.,. I-k .at Toels in the heeds et treinad man kicoma yltel waapwit whan e country for defense. Faced with raplocement shertetas, owners ef "Caterpillar" rllaselt era daoana'inf mora than ever upon Interstate Trac tee end Iqulpmant Company's service shop te rebuild end repair existing equipment. Hera is Intcrstota's "Cat" fool room at 70 North Jackson la Rosaburf. Paid Advertisement 10 Percent Wage Ceiling Not Rigid, Says Taylor WASHINGTON UP Chair man George W. Taylor of the Wajie Stabilization board said there is i no hard and fast 10 percent ceiling on wage increases. The 10 percent, he told the Ma chinery and Allied Products insti- ! tute. "ia simply a figure up tn which wages may be increased 'over the base date (Jan. 15. 19M) without getting approval from the board." Taylor said the "misconception" about a "rigid" wage ceiling stems I from the 10 percent "catch-up for i mula" of last February. "This," he added, "was a first step in wage stabilization, not the final that do the most tor y-0n NEW --- . Y-r-"( J I 111 I rlMF .H?V trucks .w.ihfeatures . yvealvvay ... iiar Barf., '"' "get -rmance yenr-ou, with L. """Preaat,,,, tter load prot,i J- rHvee .!,' ,,0n-'0"-hondl.no Wf on in' rid ,OB m''' "ih ot "f"wh.vr0"l' And Hnun. i"""!'" and ' for both drlv Greotor r.., . V vr hf,n I , -.h tor;";,hm)'nn n M m,Mt,u w.-lehond ,,.. '"'i 5 wanted ond load ..-'r..'Vp' awurM he. rxtflitiv '' there r,' air br.L. .T'"" mndel,, 1 !,., nr. .. in Oil Rlrut - i . alw gei rr'.'," T" -id t ,',", 'r.;""n fr.' longer excluslv tsd whot V$feii means to you A Dodge "Job-Rmted" truck It n(in??rfd ( fhr fmrlory I fit uperiflc job . . . )nu monry . , . Ii.t Inncfr. Fvtrr unit from ?nin to rrar it "Joh-Rfrd"--fartnrynKin?errl to haul ftprrinr load over (he rodi you travel and at tha xpeedt you requiro. Ivory unit that SUPPORTS the lood-. frame, axlen, sprinrv wheeK ttre. and olhem i eniineered richt to provide the ilrenfih and rapacity needed. Ivory unit thot MOVIS tho lood-engine, rlnlrn. tranHmiion. propeller shaft, rear axle, and other is engineered right to meet a particular operating condition. inclurtm, ,nnr. ""H co,,ln, 't.. l tn modrl, drive !,,. ,s than so p,rt. ""r l,d. li "" -'"" (IV. '"' av.,1.,,1. I'"' Allan.. Pe,fi ni.c. ..I "Minn. '". Pre,.,on And manvoVh" """" WRITE-OFF FINALE SKIN IRRITATION SANTA ANA. Calif. MP) Missj Minnie Penman has retired after j 41 years of teaching achool. I What did she teach? Why, pen- L lli mansnip naturally. W, Ratatn. Aia Hb( Of Itch; Srt mt Dfj Etatau, ChaKnf. Ckawinf. PnDta rutaltT-caM4 With Tmm Urti Rnawl Don't atiff.r with Hrhinf Irritate .VI. on. miniit. lona.r th. nc.Mry. I'ut Kosinol Oi.lmnt to work and st KMth Ins r.i.f rif ht .way roltr that !.' L.nr BMlnnl'. noorri formula U . Cm- kin.lion of. no, S or 4. but M .rtiv. mooi. nl tn.rodi.nu that h.lp it 1o net f.Mrr, omfort lonf.r, roliov. irntotM.n and h.l. h.tur. htal. Kanonbar Um nan. Koaiool. ML CHERRIES WANTED! f, Poulus Bros. Will Purchase Your O ROYAL ANNES O BINGS O LAMBERTS PRICES ARE GCOD CONTACT MR: JACKSON Phone 3-7916 IW ' i fill &sjs&&:&i? : v M iff 'MzMmm HuU" "-' V3 lAJoncerui EthanAlM COLONIAL MAPLE BEDROOM AT A BUDGET PRICE 3 PIECE DOUBLE DRESSER SUIT ONLY DOUBLE DRESSER ... C HEST ... MIRROR ... BED You'vt heard, read about and teen ETHAN A LLEN befort ... In tht leading national publi cations ... In model homo. , . , decorator setups . . , bettor stores. But ntvor before at these low prices. It's Colonial Maple at only master craftsmen can build, inspiring in its mellow warmth, rugged in Its enduring strength. You'll treasure ETHAN ALLEN for a life-time. The finish Is applied through special hand rubbing to bring out the lovely softness of this fine furniture. And each piece is carefully detailed from select solid Maple and lirch, bearing the finishing touch ef men who take pride in the tradition which inspired these authentic colonial reproductions. There's a piece for every need. Only few illustrated. Come early and avoid disappointment. ETHAN ALLEN h always open stock. Whatever you buy today can be perfectly matched later. Dial 3-8533 II 1 1 DODGEiTRUCIC hat fits 111 N. Jackson SI DILLARD MOTOR CO. 0 O lcrSonadzecl Sr 340 Norh Stephens Phone 3-6626 Li o cri'tce n