14 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Or Wed., June 13, 1S1 Local News Working at Bakery Miss Beth Carter of Roseburg has accepted employment ai clerk in Weber't bakery. Vlslta Carnwclli Mr. E. G. .Browne, Chicago, 111., was a week end gueat at the home of Mr. and Mra. K. M. Cornwell in Garden Valley. Go to Coatt Mr. and Mn. Donn Radabaugh of Kosi-burs are pending the week enjoying points of interest on the Oregon coast. They were joined there Tuesday by DR. A. F. WALTER KRESSE, M.D. U.S. National Bank Bldg. it taking over the practice of DR. WARREN A. KADAS, M.D. In Oakland, Oregon. Effective Monday, June II, Dr. Krone's offices will be in the Thomas Hotel, Oakland, Oregon. Office: Phone 2905 Resident: Phone 28 IS Used Cars and Trucks For Sale 1950 Peckero1 4 Door Sodo 1948 DodfO 5 Poitonoer Coup 1947 Pontloc 4 Door Soda 1947 Fresor MonhottoH 4 Door 1946 Hudson 5 Poiiongor Coupe 194 Jaop 194 Dodge Pick-Up 1948 Columblo Trailer House, 22 foot. Wl ALSO HAVI MANY PINI CHIAPIR CARS PP.ICID FROM $7S to 1200 Liberal Trode-ln Any Moke or Model Doyle's Sales and Service Hlfkwor 99 t Gordo Volley DIAL 2-4141 i their daughter, Miss Nancy, who 1 has just completed her junior year at University of Oregon, Eugene. j Visits In Junction City Mrs. Irvin Meyer spent Sunday and ' Monday with her daughter, Mra. Maurice Porter, who resides i n j Junction City, Ore. I Visitor From Ashland Frank Townsend of Ashland visited all of last week at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wat kins, in Roseburg. Attend Wedding Mr. and Mrs. A. Jay Clark of Roseburg went to Corvallis over the weekend to at tend the wedding of Mrs. Clark's sister, Irene Makinson. OSC Student Homo Miss Rose Emily Bond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Bond of Roseburg has come home from OreEon State col lege after finishing her freshman year. Homo From University Don Parr, aon of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Parr, of Roseburg has returned home for the summer after com pleting his freshman year at the University of Oregon. Finishes Sophomore Year Miss Joan Rutter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Rutter, of Roseburg has returned to her home on Mi celli street after finishing her sophomore year at Oregon State . college. Soo Ice Follies Mr. and Mrs. ; Roy Catching and Mr. and Mra. Eugene McElroy and three chil dren, Collie, David and Linda, have just returned to Rospburg from Portland, where they saw the Ice Follies. Back From Vocation Mickey Coen, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Coen, of Rosehurg and Galen Greg ory, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gregory, also of Roseburg, have returned home after vacationing for a week in San Francisco, Calif., Reno, Nev., and Lake Tahoe. Attend Oradustlon Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Weber, Mrs. George Weber and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hester and daughter, Lorene, of Roseburg went to Eugene Monday to attend the graduation exercises of University high school, at which time Mrs. Ernest Weber's daugh ter, Miss Dorothy Hunter, was graduated. Joins Forest Service Mr. and Mra. Robert L. llickerson are vis iting in Roseburg with the former's father, Harold llickerson, secre tary of the chamber of com merce. Graduated this month from Oregon State college, Mr. llicker son has joined the U. S. Forest service and is to be employed in communications at Eureka, Calif. Fugitive Convicts In 2 Starts Captured LOS ANGELES (JP) Trapped five days after their escape from Chino prison, two convicts were back in jail today awaiting arraign ment on robbery charges. The fugitives, captured in a tear gaa assault by Ventura county dep uty sheriffs, are auspects in the J50 holdup near Tarzana of bandleader Gus Arnheim and three compan ions. The convicts are Bonald Robin etle, 21, and Edgar Weaver, 29. They were captured near an oil field Saturday night after deputies surrounded a water tank in which they were riding. TRIBUNE, Kas. M" Wear ing stolen clothing and riding in a stolen car, five convicts were re captured near here Sunday a few hours after they lied the Colorado state penitentiary at Canon City. Terms Announced By Indian Reds For Ending Terror BOMBAY, India -iJPt India's Communist party announced It is prepared to negotiate with the gov ernment about ending Red terror ism in Hyderabad state. The Communists, who boast be tween 80,000 and 100,000 members in India, laid down a set of con ditions on which the campaign of lawlessness in the princely state would be halted. The Communists hold virtual con trol of Hyderabad'a Telengana jun gle, comprising the Warangal and Nalgonda districts. Thousands have been killed over the past five years in peasant uprisings which even the Indian army had been unable to euppress. Several thou sand suspected terrorists have been placed in detention camps, but the peasants' fight against feudal landlordism has continued unabated. I Hyderabad hedged on joining inaia wild uiai uuuiiuiuu wiama independent in 1947, but it acceded after Indian troops entered the state in September, 1948. Communist demanda included: Lands forcibly seized by the peasants to remain in their pos session; village administrations to be managed by elected local of ficials; withdrawal of the army and disbandment of home guard units; release of prisoners detained without trial; withdrawal of a ban on the Communist party and con vening of a constituent assembly to decide on the future of the Ni zam's (ruler) dynasty. The Communists have been is suing propaganda blasts for three yeara against the detention of 12 young Reds orginally sentenced to death for killing four persons dur ing a Communist assault in Hy derabad in 1948. Last month the sentences were commuted to life imprisonment. The statement repudiated a sug gestion that the party was engaged in an attempt to overthrow the Indian government and declared t h e peasants' struggle began in 1948 when Hyderabad was under the British. The Indian government ia grad ually ending landlordism, but it is believed the Communist terms will be considered unacceptable and viewed as a mere manuever for greater freedom of action. ITCH ScabteMt 1b hlfhl eotv Uciolw and will con tinue) .ior Ufa It not topped. Ita SOl CSLU8) u in lirn rnti wQirn ordinary treatment EXSORA Itch-mite almoat tnatantly deye' EXSORA treatment Mail orders Riven prompt attention, Postpaid FRED MEYER DRUGS, ROSEIURO WANTED J ROUGH GREEN DOUGLAS FIR 3x12- 12 to 20 andor 24 No. 1. 25 No. 2 straight and mixed cars Cross Tics 6x8, 7x8, 7x9 8 and 9 foot Switch Tits 7x9 9 to 1 6 foot on 6 inch brooks F.O.B. Cars your siding or Delivered our yard Roseburg, Oregon w Uf U not I Ita ol eaiu ' BHBJ ( Immun to II SORA kllJa the I ly Only throe I I at la required. I I stD.id$l.S0ll Myron C. Haines & Company Wholesale Lumbar 321 S. Stephens St., Roseburg, Oregon- -Phone 3-8166 GiveYourselLq A Authentic Color 1 BORROW OUR FAMOUS SHtR WIN -WILLI AM S Style Guide SU YOUR HOME AS YOU'D LIKE TO HAVE IT! wivw4;i'H:aviitin;swwi:uwwii:r. o - m Willi on "'''"B' wollj woodwool i9 r i g a i WASHASII FLAT WAIL PAINT M ttMftflinf r vntitrceator needed'. AILOM te lea . . . tt'i iferin reiiitartt end wash a4. Drift tel,lf and to vert almost an wall ivrf in an tl Aaaly wirii brvth (t 1 Ef rt Y I ! V a teller-He. SMfltVIN-WlUMlt ENAMELOID Merle,, oatorlor. Oil farpaia lot ear eno tacraa'ian room larat. tuft. I0l for fcathfaapnl oae S.h.a wall, and aaOara. a. Canal la 14 lawlf... ooiv to waih, talari. OlMSt 1$ WlXTHlftATfO 1 y ftfHa atia.li lv Utt fllMI, tlf fadlftf, Itlaa dirt telietH d rati sjattaMretled taaUTha, tfcettlaa. $2.32 Pw Sal. la $6.05 1m a a n dfl t 7 a jMM fJHIJfaff. I M M M M V 'lv B.V.D. Sport Shirts short and long sleeves plains, plaids and Hawaii an prints. S-M-L and XL. 2.65 up c-. , U 4 m Munsingwear and Inter Woven slax sox in sizes 10-14. 50c to 1.50 Just the thing for DAD! , y A plains and pi II S" Waist sizes 28 J to mm N'i-iJf 111 III I r j .V , Tv ,JOPover shirts in rayon and cotton with knit waist band assorted colors and patterns. S-M-L and XL. 2.95 up Champion, Masterbilt ond Kuppenheimer Slacks in rayon, wool, gabardine, nylon ond sharkskin, sizes 28-40. 8.95 up Breathes there a male who doesn't long to loaf when the weather's balmy? And Dad is no exception. Here are all the good-looking well tailored casual clothes Dad will want for outdoor action and lovely relaxation, making like a man of distinction. New slacks with continuous waistbands, well-fitted swim trunks, every bright, comfortable type of sport shirt Dad could want. . And the prices, too, ore mighty easy. T-Shirts fat knits, chain stitch, ond terry cloth -in plain cdlfrrs ond pat terns. S-M-L 1.95 up O Rayon swim trunks in plains ond patterns. Waist sizes 28-40. 2.95 up kl FT" h . (9) o o o o o 0 MEN'S DEPARTMENT - MAIN FLOOR II 202 North Jackson St. Dial 3 6628 Co