The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, May 31, 1951, Page 10, Image 10

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10 Th Nwt-Rvi, Roieburg, Ort Thur., May 31, 151
Bud Belcher, War
Veteran, Passes
Bud Belcher. 81, died in the V.
A. domiciliary center at (amp
White May 29. He wai a veteran
of the Spanish-American War.
Born June 8, 1870, at Preise, Ky.,
he moved to Glendale in 1909.
where for many years he carried
the mail between Glendale and
Anchor and then Glendale and
Aralea. For the last three years
he had made his home with his
daughter in Medford. His wife,
Mahalia Radrliff Belcher, died in
Glendale in 1926
trude Rodgers, Medford; Harlan By MRS. CEORGI IDES
of Cottage Grove: Bart of Coquille ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sefton drove
:inrfl- Mr, M.rv St. to Portland to cet Mrs. Sefton Sr.,
Clair of Glendale and Mrs. Hazel i who has been working for the Ore
Wines of Portland: 28 grandrhil
dren and eight great-grandchildren.
Services will be held in the Glen
II w W
'Cat" Bulldozer Winning War of Production Now
ton state legislature four months
Mr and Mrs. George Edes, Mr. At CommuBity Hospital Fred daughters, before returning home
and Mrs. Marvin Hall and son.1 . . n a
vices will De neia in me iiien- .,, n. ,j u"'s. rnien-u iun,
dale Christian church Monday at TV" " - hospital lor medical treatment last
Rickey, spent the weekend visiting burg fntered , community
W-rVXJZ- r.mmU?.i I Mr..'nd Mrs. Dewey Cochran and "" J
."mccs 'wil ' o be'held Z G le i Independence and Mr. and : Spnd TZ Mr ,nd
da e l ary Stearn, mortuary i. ! "7;.1?w,iful,e.rfc nd I""? ,0.f I Mrs. Bruce" Klliott and children,
in cnare,
Patricia and Arthur, of Roseburg
spent Memorial day at Lake
Thomas home this week.'
umner guesis ar me uare iving-1 f, fa , L,nglois.
ery home Sunday included Mr. and , ' "
Mrs. Ben H. Nichols of lorvallis,
Mr. ana Mrs. rnu Huntington ana
Mrs. Jessey May Hodges,
Roseburg Resident, Dies
Jessey May Hodges, 49. resident Rnddaughter, Cheryl Huntington dauchler; Mar(,0 of Nrtn Bend,
Here From North Bend
and Mrs. Edwin Harvey
Surviving are nine children: 1 of 1K41 Yount St.. died May 30 after i 0I.. ... .' spent Sunday in Roseburg visiting
Worley of Glendale: Emmett of , a very short illness. She was born . "r:"""-.,L LSZ ' ". friends and relatives.
Tiller; Herman of Bend; Mrs. Ger-iOct. 22, 1901, in Springdaie, Ark.,
I and came to Koseourg lour years
the weekend.
a? j in... uiiiL r .
uur'.V'iui' SElMO to make her home. She was a . " 5"ffV..t c,l nd Mrs. L. K. Cornwell and son.
, ' " " Charles, of Koseburg, spent Me-
nock home for the past five weeks. morja d Wlln , Mr
left Monday for Turner where she and .... n v. Corniell. of Gar-
the widower.
for Ufa u nt member of the Methodist church.
' i. .... -h,Vh ,. ...,. io I Surviving are
, ordinary iraaimani rxsonA km, ma James Arthur Hodges, Roseburg:
llch-mita almw ln,..i,tly Only three I j k , Vfrnon Jnd ,nd ,
day, EXSORA treatment la required. ;i i . ,,,, DA.ak.ira
I Visiting In Aberdeen Mrs. Rob
ert Green and daughter, Patty, of
Roseburg are spending a few days
n Aberdeen, Wash., visiting Mrs.
and family. The Wilsons formerly
uvea in noseourg.
Ohio Visitors Hero Mr. and
Mrs. Donald R. -McClear. of To
ledo, Ohio, brother-in-law and sis
ter of Mrs. B. L. Martin of Rose
burg, ate visiting at the Martin
home in Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs.
McCleary are on a trip around the
United States. Mrs. Frank I.arkin,
mother of Mrs. Martin, who has
been visiting in Roseburg for some
time, will return to Toledo with the
Man orders given tl Cfl
prompt attention. Postpaid 1 'av
FRED MEYER DRUGS, ROSEBURO 'neral home later.
Mr, C M Kleven. Paee Nehr..
brother, Willie McCoy, Roseburg. ! j, Vl,,tjng her daughter and family.
Funeral arrangements will be. Mr and Wrs Elton Grass in Scotts
announced by the Roseburg t u- vallev
Sleep Cool Tonight!
Con b Inttollod quickly
In motf any window.
Effctivly cools, fill on,
driot, circulatot and vontt-
latt with frh air.
Famous Motor-Mltor moh
nltm carrlot ipoclal 5-Yor
Two tiiot far hamot and
Window Model
George I.angdon received an eye
injury last week while working on
his barn. A chip of wood scratched
his eye ball.
Ernest Jackson will return to
Oregon Tech this week to attend
the graduating exercises on June
1st. He finished a course on auto
motive mechanics in March.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Thompson
and two children have moved into
den Valley.
At Kobornik Homo Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Kobernik of Roseburg
had as overmen! guests recently
Lt. and Mrs. Ray Neufeldt, who
were on their way irom Long
Beach, Calif., to Bremerton,
Roseburg residents.
Harry Harding and
136 N. Jackson St. Dial 3-5521
Rtturn From Vacation Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Dame and daughter, Jo
Lynn of Koseburg, returned Fri
day from a trip to Reno, Nev.,
where they visited with Mr. and
.... i , mi, vjtriic r ui Mity vim idiiiiiy.
ne naru... . j While on the trip, they went to
left vacant by Mr. and Mrs. Rob- , jke Tahoe aJ- cj(y
nLt' I .a,l will he the They also visited in Napa. Calif..
. n u with lormer
head Grange delegate at 4-H ,. . ,.
summer school in t orvallis. i "r- anQ slrs'
Work is progressing on the pav-'
ing of B St. This will connect with r .1 J I .
Main street, providing a paved! rCnlC.n(. JflarKetS
road hi the new high school. !
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Westrope ! WEDNESDAY
of Springfield visited the Quentin --------
Rvchard home last week. , PRODUCE
Ray Kldon and Johnny Morin i PORTLAND il'i BUTTER
spent last weekend visiting friends ; FAT Tentative, subject to inl
and digging clams at Wai renton. j mediate change: premium quality,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rhornton I maximum to .35 to 1 percent aci
have a new daughter. Jackie May, (, iy delivered in Portland 75-78c
born at Sacred Heart hospital, May b; fust quality, 73-7lic; second
18. j quality, 71 -74c. Valley routes and
country points 2c less.
PORTLAND lA'i Strawber- bulk cubes to whsilesalej-s: grade
ries have begun arriving at scat- AA, 93 score, 71c lb; A, 92 score,
tered Willamette vallev processing 70c; B. 90 score, 65: C, 89 score,
plants and brought 16 cents a 60c. Above prices strictly nomi
pound to growers. Last year's top nal.
was 22 cents. CHEESE Selling price to Port-
One processor said offerings land wholesalers: Oregon singles,
are expected to be li;ht until 4.ri'3-4'uc lb; Oregon 51b loaf, 49
about June 6. 50c.
Pickers are receiving 4'i cents . EGGS (To wholesalers):
a pound with a 'i cent bonus for Candled egas containing no loss,
staying with growers until the cases, included. K. O. B. Portland,
Reunion H.ld A reunion was
held at Trail last Sunday. Those!
going from Roseburg were Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Kobernik, Mr. and;
Mrs. Nick Kobernik and son, Ricki; J
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dame and I
daughter, Jo Lynn; Mr. andj
' Mrs. Arthur Hume and daughters,
j Jacqueline and Josephine; Mr. and
I .Mrs. Donald Vaughn and daugh-1
ter, Sonda, and son, Wayne, and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harding Sr.
; The ancient Babylonians and
Egyptians were expert wool work- j
ers. I
ni nnnnr
La-a----i---, i i-i I'ti am iw- asruiii ill ii i'lT
harvest is completed.
"and BEST WISHES for Success
to the Graduates of '51
For tha past 1 2 yeart you hav fatten loitont and examinations from your
teacheri and profasiors. The yoari ahead will toll how wall you Have learned
the lettom your initructori have triad to teach.
Now that you art out of school and on your own, you should bo ready for tha
MAJOR EXAMINATION; that of how tuccestful you ara going to bo. You
will find that Ufa it sort of a Grind Stona and whether it grinds you down or
polishes you depends upon tha stuff you ara made.
Hara ara 12 points that will help you thru tha coming days and years of your
lifa. Call them your "Dally Doien" if you with. Practice them diligently and
success will ba sura to follow.
I Begin and end everyday with
a prayer.
2. Appreciate and enjoy life's
3. Live by faith, not by fear.
4. Think the best of others.
5. le careful of speech and
6. Keep your HEART and MIND
7. Keep your self-respect, self
control, self-reliance.
8. Scorn what is PETTY, MEAN.
9. Keep your body in HEALTH
FUL condition. Treat it as a
Temple of God.
10. Keep your promises and
your temper.
11. Keep out of other peoples
12. Build a GOOD REPUTA
Remember, REPUTATION is what people SAY about you . . .
CHARACTER is what people KNOW about you. You cannot
order character over the phone ... it cannot be bought, but it is
the most IMPORTANT single possession y6u own.
Dr. L. A. Kasparie
Chiropractic Physician
1500 Garden Vallay Road
A larye, 57la-59'vc; A medium.
S6'-5Xiic: B grade, 53-54'ac.
LIVE C1IICKK.NS (No 1 qual
ity, F. O. B. plants): Broilers, l-!.-2',
lbs. 3132c; frvers, 21, 3 lbs
31-3.1c; 3 4 lbs, 31 -32c; roasters, 4
lbs and over, 30 31c; light hens,
all ueiuhts, 15-17C.
UAKKI1S Average to grow
ers: Live white, 4 5 lbs, 28-30c lb;
56 lbs, 27-3()c; old does, 1216c,
few higher: fresh dressed fryers to
retailers. 60-651'; some higher.
(Wholesaler! to retailers; dollars
per CWTj:
BEEF: Steers, good choice, 5O0
700 lbs. $57: commercial, $50; util
ity, $15; cows, commercial. $19-
50; utility, $15; canners cutters,
$13 50 45.
BEEF CUTS (Good steers):
Hind quarters, $6'. 40; rounds, $58;
full loins, trimmed, $82 8B: tri
angles. $.'i2; forcquarters, $48 50.
CALVES: Oood-choice, $56 60;
Commercial, $53 54.
VKAL: liood, $.58 62; commer
cial, $54-56.
POKK CCTS: Loins, No. I, S
12 lbs, $18 51: shoulders, 16 lbs,
down, $:18 41: spareribs, $45 47;
fresh hums, $53-54.
LAM IIS: (iuod choice. $56 57.
WOOL: Willamette valley,
mostly $1.25 at country shipping
MOHAIR: $1 20 25 lb on 12 month
growth, F. O. B. country shipping
MI TT ON: Best. 60 !H) lbs, 28 30c
In; rough heavy bucks, ewes, 24-
VEAL: Top quality. SS 57c: good
heavies. 48 50c; others 45-47c.
BEEF: Oood cows. 45 48c lb;
canners-cuttcrs. 40-43' ?c.
IHKiS: Light blockers, 31 32c lb;
sows, light, 26 28c.
LAMBS: Top grade, 55 57c; lb;
lower grades. 46 48c.
OMONS: Western Ore. vellows.
medium No. I. $2.50 3 00; 50 lb
sacks No. 1. S-inch nun , $3.25
50 some to $.1 75; Calif, white wax,
$4 75 5 00, 50 lbs.
POTATOES: Ore. russets, No.
1A, $350,75; $1.00 15; Idaho Russets,
I A, $3.50-4 00; Calif, long w hites,
No. 1A, $3.50 75: No. 2. $3 00 25.
II Y: V. S. No 2 green alfalfa,
deluded car and truck lots, F.
O B. Portland, mostly S.V) ton;
Willamette vallev grain and clover
hay nominally $25 a Km, baled at
CATTLE: largest supply in recent
we, ks. led steers moderately ac
tive, but uneven; early sales fully
steady but laler trade weak 25
lower than last Monday; some
commercial grades off more: oilier
classes largely steady: pirt load
choice 1132 lb 'ted steers 37 50:
other carloads choice 1088-1167 lb
steers 36.75: load good-choice 1062
lbs 35 1KI; comMerci:U good 32 00
33 50: lew good hollers 33 00 34 00:
commercial-good 28 50 31 00; can-ner-cutter
cows 21 00 24.VO; utility
24 50 27 00; commercial-good, bull
28 Vi 32 oo
CALVES: Vealers about steady;
hulk choice vealers 3 00 39 50,
few commercial good SOW. 35 00.
HtHlS: trade acme, steady. Bulk
good choice 180 235 lb butchers
24 on '.': lew medium 23 50; odd
,.'40 2ia) Iba 22 50 23 00; 150 170 lbs
21 oo 5 Hulk giod choice sows
20 00 21 00; weights oer 5o0 lbs
19 50. tne lot choice teedcr P".'s
28 OO: others 130 140 lbs 23 50 2SJs).
rSHEEP: Opened alwut steady.
41,od choice spring lambs 34 OO
35 to; shorn No. 2 3 peit old crop
lambs 28 50 30 00: good choice
shorn vearhngs 28 00 - 30 00.H.1
vear old wethers 15 50 17 50: g.wi
choice shorn ewes 14 00 15 00. utility-good
12 00 13.00. tVid lots spring
feeding lambs 3100.320O; shorn
feeding lambs 28 50 29 (C
The some tool thot inspired Admirol Holiay to rota tha troctor-bulldoiar oi one of the four mochinos thot iii tha
molt to win Wofld Wo, II in tha Pocitie if winning tha war of production today. na,a uaorga jnm... . '"
pilla," D( Tractor and "Col" 8S Bulldoior clear to, a lag landing at his logging operation noo, Glanwood. Oregon,
"r-. ill." sniHH..n, i. uU -.a m.-Hi,mA h. n.,,B,a t,a,a, J Enuinmant Co.. N. 2nd and Jackson, Rota-
burg, Oregon.
Red & White's mass buying power brings you bargains
in ALL departments. Make your selections from these
well known nationally advertised Red ii White Brands.
JUNE 1 and
Protect fAMiiy Health!
7 .JUKII . KMOVt) siaim '
tm r ptooomis
f.Qt. 17e VtGol.27c
5 Oz. Tin 45c
Gallon 47e
Red and White
No. 1 Flat Tin
2 for 33c
Red and White
No. 2 Can
2 for 29c
3 Pound fin
4'2 Oz- Can 45c
12 0z.Pkg. 19C
460zCan 32c
Red&White COFFEE
Pound Tin 89c
No- 2V2 Tin 2 for 29C
Red&White Fancy SAUERKAUT
No-2!2Tin 2 for 29c
Tin o 2 for 37c
Red and White
No. 2 Can
2 for 35c
Red and White
303 Tins
2 for 35c
Red&White MILK
2 for 23c
Your home owned Red & White Store has a
complete line of canning supplies.