o A TK Ntwi-tovltw, Rexburf, Ore. Thim, May 24, 1951 LEGAL 0 LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL NOTICE OF 1951-1952 BUDGET MEETING SCHOOL DISTRICT. NO. 4. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON NOTICE IS HERLBY GIVEN; That In accordant with the provision! of the locai Budget L?w, Sections llr'l201 to 1101215, OCLA and amendment thereto, the Budget Committee of School District No. t of Douglas County. Oreeon. in rnmnlianre with nd liw, jreparoj and adopted on April 18, 1951, the budget estimates for School District Nt. for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning I tfuiy t aiiu rniMii truiir irj. iwf, ,ci luiiu ui inc aiiumuany ing scnetiuieii. All persona are hereby ratified that on Friday the 25th day of May, 1951, at the hour it 7:30 P.M., at the Junior High School Building in the City of Rosteur;, Oregon said estimates may be discussed with the Board of Direc'ors. the Levying Board of School District No 4 and any person subje,-'. 10 the proposed tax levy or tax levies, when made, will be hearJ in favor o( or against said proposed tax levy or tax levies or any part thereof. , .. j w - . , .... wmfo- , - -pf.-f ;- VI "r r-Tn-wv - . f I ,'4. -f.1' jfj.t X.Prxit it o BUDGET ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE CASH Schedule 1. Estimated receipt. 1. Delinquent taxes Taxes uncollected prior to July 1, 1951 2 County School Fund $1000 per census child ami timber sales (3877 census) . " " 1 Basic school mpport fund- From State tax-apportioned on total days membership of resident children 4 State Irreducitle School Fund- Mate common school fund-accrue) income from school lands 5 Vocational Ed'ication Federal end State matching money for vocational education 6. High school tuition- From the noo High School District on actual cost of operation, depreciation and interest on bonds 151 938 00 7. Flementary uitions S. State henilicanped childre.s program State funds from Basic school support funds . 9 nrniai-usc or "uaiioriumr ani gyms, eic. . . 10 Other ruuices - Fee books, lockei rentals, towel fees, etc. .. 11 Transportation 'inplied tuition pupils , , , , 12. Taxation interest ... ' " 13. Estimated available cash balance unexpended cash balance at June 30, lC.il from 1950 budget ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE 2 GENERAL FUND ITEM (1) Junior nifh School Senior Hlfh School Estimated Estimated KxpendilurM Expenditurat fnr tha for tha Eniulr.g Emuln School Year School Year In Detail By Totala BALANCES ft V V M ' ' w tA 'rMl ZIZ 3,000.00 1 :r1wV' V . f , -in iinuu.!..?. . -j boo.uo , z-iy anno no I .i -nw " trVs.. !? - 1 : .'6oooo I , 22 tJ? tlf ; J J J . I ExtMBditurta for Two rul Yean Next Prtcodins th Currant School Year Budcrt Allowance In Detail lor Ihe Current School Year Expenditure! Detailed for the lalt Year of tha FIRST YEAR Two-Year ctve Yearly Period Totala I GINRRAL CONTROL 1. Personal Service L Superinendent responsible for 200 employees and 3300 children $ 4,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 3.000 00 $ 8,000 00 8,000.00 t 8 000 00 J Ass't. Superintendent (part-time) 1.207.50 318 88 950.62 2,535.00 I. Pistrict clerk (finance officer) 1,950.00 488 88 1,4I.12 3.90O.0O 3. BOO 00 3 000 00 4. Clerical help (3 full time employees) 4.320.00 1,080 00 3,240 00 8.640.00 7,200.00 8,519 39 I Attendance officer (part-time) 1,000.00 250.00 750 00 2.000.00 Attendance officer travel 250.00 60 00 190 00 soo.OO 1 Census enumeration 1,000.00 250.00 750.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 58 00 7. Supplies postage, printing, mimeo graph, etc. 750.00 200.00 550 00 1,500 00 1,225.00 1,489 05 8 Flections and advertising 400.00 100.00 300.00 800.00 500.00 444 88 I. l-egal services clerk bonds, audit and attorney fees 1,250.00 310.00 940.00 2,500.00 2,000 00 1 932 42 10. Other expense of general control, necessary travel for aupt., ass't and hoard, graduation speaker, etc. 1,000.00 250 00 750.00 2,000 00 1,250 00 243 80 TOTAL EXPENSE OF GENERAL CONTROL I 17,187.50 t 4,305.781 12,881.74 I 34,375.00 $ 34,375.0O23,775.0O 119.687.542 17.384 5L II. INSTRUCTION SUPERVISION 1 Personal Service 1. Principal - 4 elementary, 10 months based on teachers salary 1. Junior High Principal 104 months, 1 part-time ass't. 1 Senior High Prin. -11 months 1 ass't 10 mo t 19.032 98 x. Supervisors Art., Curriculum, Band, 1'hys. Ed , vocal music, handicapped children program director, Adult Fducation V. Prin. S. Office clerka and stenographers . 2 elementary-10 mo , 1 Jr. High 11 mo. 1 Sr High 12 mo. I. Supplies lor Principals and supervisors Including class and plan bonks, office blanks, tests, mimeograph supplies, re port cards, printing etc. t. Other expense of supervision trans portation, incidentals etc. t S.589.72 t 8,483 80 $3! ,0648 6,833.11 1,291.84 8,531.01 19,456 00 4,960.00 2,780.00 2,780 00 10,520 00 1,000.00 400 00 TOTAL IXPENSE OF SUPERVISION $ 32,026 09 III. INSTRUCTION Teaching 1. Personal service 1. Teachers 59 Elementary 18 Jr. HI. 45 Snior High 1 remedial instructor $223,265.66 2 Teacher 'o be added due to in creased enrollment 4 Elementary, 7 High School 14,799 00 I Substitute teachers, serving in case ol illness or other necessary absencea 1,500.00 4 Teacher Librarians Jr. and Senior High Schools 1. Library Supplies including rebinding e repairs to books, book cards pocket- reoair materials. 150.09 1. Teaching supplies chalk, paper, sci ence, P. E., Art, Home Ec, shops, dup lication paper. 5,000.00 4. Text Books - One third of all text honks weie changed by state text book Commission according to law for this fill S.000 00 I. Other expenses of teaching visual eiris, transportation of T I and agn ' culture instructor etc. 500 00 TOTAL FXPENSE OF TEACHING t2.52.4U66 500.00 300 00 I 12.441 56 1,000.00 2,500.00 t 32,389.71 $ 28,089.40 7,390.00 8,309.80 6,000.00 4,108 64 2,500.00 1,278.60 400 00 $ 20,174 83 1.100 00 $ 64,642.48 1.100 00 83 81 $ 64.642 48 1 49,379 75 j 41.868.25 $ 30.564.79 IV. OPIRATION OF 1. PLANTS P.Tronal Service 1. Custodians elementary 12 months 44 nr. per week. Benson 2 Rose 2 Fullerton 3 Jr. Hi. 2 men, 1 wom tn, Senior High f ' 867 50 t Janitor supplies erasers, cleaning liquid, wax, varnish, disinfectant, paper towels, tissue, mops, rags, brooms, brushes, etc. 1,500.00 1. Fuel Sawdust under contract for all 17 heating planta gas for range' laboratories ell for Syl mon alley t. Light and Power for all buildings Home Lconomic stoves motors and athletic field 1 Water for alt 17 buildings 6. Telephone All buildings and Su perintendent's office T. Other expenses, transportation of supplies etc. TOTAL EXPENSE OF OPERATION t 67,007.01 $176,830 88 $467,103.55 $.199,967.00 $.186,763 61 29,035 00 43,834.00 39.750 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 7,500 00 6,000 00 2.998 82 4,200 00 4,220 00 8,420 00 7,740.00 7,560.00 300 00 150 00 1,000 00 950 00 384.04 1,575 00 8,000.00 14,575 00 13.2.50 00 7,799 92 2.000 00 900 00 7,900 00 5.500.00 7,578.70 500 00 1.000 00 2.000 00 1.250 00 1.29144 $ 76.582 01 $223,3.15 88 $552.332 55 8552.332 55 $474,407.00 $414.378 53 $ 8.805 00 $24,790 00 $ 84,262 50 $52,980 00 J 18.351 18 2,000 00 3,500 00 9.000 00 8.000.00 .106 43 $.116,387.72 EARL PURDY, Jack Rowland, Roy Stein and Pat Gregory observe with interest as Larry Sullivan squiggles with figures over a draft ing table. All art engineers employed by the state highway com mission et its offices on Cobb street, engaged at the present time in preparing estimates for various construction jobs. (Paul Jenkins) LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL j. Grounds Benson gravel. Im prove parking lot, lawns and shrub bery. Rose black top play ground east of bide , improve play field. Piverside Black top repair and ' parking area, lawns and shrubherv, side walk on east. Junior High gravel driveway, install play ground equipment, improve lawn and shrubbery. Sr. High paving mam road gravel parking area, stub light piles on baseball field, widen ritle walk Arts bid g , improve lawn rnd shrubbery. 4. Other expense of Maintenance and Repair 1 Chief of Maintenance and purchas er ot supplies. 12 months in charge of all construction and re pair Other maintenance men one painter, noe carpenter, one general utility man, Vi time elec trician, one gardener. 7. Other expense transportation, emergencies due to weather TOTAl, EXPENSE OF MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 8,821.00 205.00 13,985.95 23,011 95 8,756.00 6,009.85 10,497 50 700.00 2.524 38 7,873.12 20,895 00 15.540 00 11,165.00 290.00 700.00 1,690.00 500.00 16.26 t 57,111 00 8 26.343.38 $ 36.817 82 $100.072 20 $100,072 .20 $ 50.025.80 $ 38.049 SO $ 20,927 69 VI - AUXILIARY AGENCIES 1 1.275 00 500.00 1,920.00 200 00 250.00 2.600 00 1.000 00 1,600 00 T. 200 00 6.000.00 1.653 70 3.000 00 2,000 00 5.000 00 12.000 00 9 000 00 7 889 70 1.500.00 500 00 1,000.00 1.000 00 2.500 00 1,751.18 600 00 300 00 600 00 1,500 00 1.500 00 908 78 loooon 50000 tnoono 25ooon 12nooo 1.48225 $ 41.887 50 $15,105 00 I'rtVtOfl 00$ 09,462 50 $ 90.462 VIF"1. 180 00 $ fti.OM 22 Health 1. Full time nurse 12 months I 2 Supplies and examination fee 2. Transportation of pupils average 1800 per day. Personal service 7 buses, transportation of school ma terials and supplies. 1. Other auxiliary agencies 1. Personal service lunch coordinator and transportation, purchase all supplies and employ cooks. i. Supplies soap and other ex pense ot laundry. 1. Laundress for P. E. Program TOTAL EXPENDITURES OF AUXILIARY A'.ENCIES Vil. FIXED CHARGES 1. Insurance renewals for 5 year pe riod and polices on new buildings $ 2 Retirement teachers, janitors and employees required by law 1 tl teachers. 28 custodians at mainte nance men 22 cooks 1 Tax rebates to cover discount on early payment of taxes T.500 00 T'.TAL FIXED CHARGES $ 31.051.lg Vlll. CAFITAL OUTLAY I. New sites - expansion of property fcir elementary building is needed lor the year approaching $ 5,000.00 ?. New Building 3 Alteration of Building 4. New Furniture for Sr. ' High exptn mon and New Fullerton Schools, pu pils desks, teachers desks and chairs, new classroom tables, lunch room table, folding chairs, etc. 15,000 00 I. Library hooks $2.00 per pupil in attendance by state recommendation for tush school and $150 per ele mentary pupil. 3,000.00 . Other expense for New Fullerton school. Side walk from Melrose Rd. to Bldg , sewer connection, tiling of drainage ditch, black top courts, gravei for parking and drainage tile 1( 600 00 31865 125.00 956 35 J7500 2.550 00 1,000.00 1.200 00 700.00 1.877 76 879 28 13,142.50 3,285.00 9,857.50 28,285.00 480.00 1,440 00 650 00 1,000.00 650.00 1,000.00 1,840.00 1.500 00 2,250.00 22,68500 20,05691 1,680.00 3,480.00 1,200 00 1,800.00 1 978 93 1,597.00 $ 17,287.50 $ 5,858 65 $14.27885 8 37.42500 $ 37,425 00 $ 33.285 00 $29.869 90 $ 22.561 95' S.971.25 1.191.38 2,779.87 7,942 50 19,579 91 5,876.37 19,351.82 44,808.10 $ 10,278 00 7,102.44 35.690.09 25,889.22 12.000 00 f7,750 60 $ 57.988.09 $32.99166 $ 29.830 94 t 5.000 00 4.000 00 15,000.00 34 000 00 800 00 2,000 00 55.00 l.OOOOO 2,000 00 6.000.00 37,079 25 19,124.70 4.635 00 3,792.95 IOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENSE IX EMERGENCY UNCLASSIFIED $ 37.600 00 $ 5.000.00 $ 17,000.00 14.600.00 $ 59.600 00 i 59.600.00 560 00 5 .622 43 $ 28.595To8" $ 43.385.09 10.00000 10.000 00 5.OO0 00 3.308 22 1.685 23 V. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 1. Repair and maintenance of furnl- lure and equipment, window blinds, tables, chairs, at all schools. Service on typewriters, musical instruments, business midlines, sewing machine, $ 2. Repair and maintenance of Build- mg Renson painting Inside, outside eloors, firtex ceiling, hardware, saw alust turner, re-roof. Rose redeco rata ( class rooms, repair south steers and entrance, showers, saw. ut burner, paint annex outside, 1 1 kt fixture replacement In Annex. Riverside 1'a.mt outside original Oriilding, cafeteria building, dmr closers, sawdust burners, floors. Jr. High gym floor, boys toilet roomt, door locks repair Room 103, asphalt tli loser hall, re light fixtures, paint woodwork" lower hall, ly;v iiig in library, steam trap, re-roof, Mwekut birnr Sr. High repaint girlg P.F.. building, redecorate 18 clasa rooms, window Minds, refinith. gym floor, replare lights in gym, re decorate lavatories at dressing moms, electrtral equipment, repair la roofs on three hldgs. F.denhowr Paint and heating equipment repair. : TOTAL SHIED! I ES 11 GENERAL FUND. Estimated expense for I yearsum ol iters 1 10; 11-3. 1115; IV-7, V-4; VI S, VII 3, V'III-6. $ 55.400 80 i It 1 .. SCHEDULE 111 BOND AND INTEREST SINKING FUND 1. Principal on bonds $1,0?J WO 33 $ 819.874 89 $ 668,779 90 $ 538.108 71 1,000 00 $ 1,500 00 1,000 00 7,500. 00 1,100 00 2,492 56 0 0 h.okm fne-irift ii(twtti 4.ns 2. !ntoret on bonds GRAND TOTU.S SCHEDULE IV-SUMMARV. M 000 00 20 6H5 0O " 74 665.00" $ 74,600 $" 54.000 00 22.960 00 76.960.00" 54.000 00 23.745 00 77,745 00" 10.22300 OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS, 11.100,32.'.. 33 "$ " 896,8.14.89 " $ 746.524 96$ 548.33fI AVAILABLE CASH l ALANCES AND TAX LEVIES Total estimated expenditure . . DF.DUIT-To.'al estimated rsceip's and available cash balances (Schedulf 1) AMOUNT NECESSARY 10 BALANCE THF BUDGET Balance to he raed by taxation as above ADD KstimM"l moiint of taw thai will not be collected during the fiscal year lor which this bidret la made TOTAL estimated 'ax levies lor the ensuing fiscal year Amount of taxes inside fie staiutmv 6 limitation - Amount ot taxes 11 side 'Tie itjtirttjry $ hmitatroa " laelehtednesi June SO. ?M ; Bnmled ipdet:ecx,oss $8t4.0)00 1 79. 395. 78 449.524 84 Total of All Funds $1,100.325 33 521,404 71 " i 5:8.920 62 $ 57!,920.62 50,000 00 628,920 62 628.920 82 General tond Interest fund Total and Sinking Schedule 11 Fund Total Schedule III $1,025,660 33 $ 74.665 00 O o Other Total ndehtedr es indebtedress $8i4 m.00 Dated tti 16tr day of April. 195L - C'l W e.) V Hsrrham. Cttaim-ah A$ Board of Director! 1 s.ouier, usrrict Clerk. Approed hy B'idje: Committee April 16th. 1951 Bii.kley Bell. Chairman of Budget' Committee. D. rl. Reed, Secretary of Budget Committee. I 20.1:9 I 18 385 81