n niimif n i - ir- t 1 i i i i ii TlfcliAlli lin in ii ii . Thurv, May 17, 1S1 -Tha N.wt-Rrrltw, tUMbun, Or. t t stPSB-wtise CLOTHES RGHT MSPNNNQ pa SALE BASKET i trtl(vtnry. V New it trie 60-vo!ea , : ; : . I ROSEBURS CHORAL SOCIETY Pictured above Roseburg Choral society which will present its third annual Spring concert May 24 at 8:15 in tha Roioburg Junior high school audi torium. Under tha diraction of Charles A. Riclcetts at tha far I ft. pain, mental pain, physical pain. My expereince has been that pain of any kind hurts all human flesh L i l r a ii j li i ii i euuauy so lar as race, cuiur or tha group praian ad tha Spring concart Monday night at Myrtla crepd lre concernfd. j,' , pimt vraax in ini graoa tcnooi gym unoar rna sponiorsnip or in dusi- on a Chinese nose less tender than nats and Professional Woman t club. A special benefit special benefit presen tation is scheduled tonight at tha Veterans hospital. (Picture by rrednekson t Photo Labi Ability To Bear Severe Pain Not Matter Of Race Or Color By HAC BOYLE NEW YORK (AP) If you stub your toe, does it hurt you le than it doe a Russian if he ntubg his toe? Does a fjink in Minsk suffer less from an ap pendectomy in Pinsk than a Chicago Irishman does in New York? Can he bear up under it better? These and other questions eon-1 ' eerning the phenomena in the ! ... . , , , ,., world of hurt have been raised by I "h,t ,h k";, tbut life as he a London specialist in squirming I tnrouen life. nerves. He raised them inadvert-l Smacks at Propaganda ently in an address to the Califor- But I have seen nothing in this nia Medical association. world that would convince me that Dr. McDonald Critchley told of Russians ran siand pain better seeing major operations performed than Bavarians or Armenians or in Russia without the use of any I Shetland ponies. Nor has travel anesthesia, including hypnosis. A ! in M countries given me any evi- Russian surgeon told him this was dence, possibly, that any race with Capitol Hill's "Foolishness1 Hit By Mobilizer WASHINGTON -(. Plead ing for American unity, mobiliza tion Director Charlea E. Wilson de cries the "foolishness like what's been goiny on up on Capitol hill, where some of our leading gen- face. But it does vary in degree 1 erals are on the pan." with the individual and the depth j Wilson told the 1951 industry of his feeling. armed forces conference that Korean Ordeals Cited American squabbling over mili- A more pertinent thing about fry nd foreign policy "must cer pain: the smarter you are if you I "' be wonderful music to the are normal the more you try " ot the Russians." to avoid it. You don't seek it. He spoke of the po bilitr that - One hundred and fifty years ago ' oublication of documents revealed American men and women sto- in congressional hearings might pimple on a Brazilian nose? Is a Siberian mother hurt less by the death of her baby than a Nebraska mother is hurt by t h a lose of her child? Pain doesn't vary with the color of a race or the complexion of a at the industry group to emphasise this enjoinder: "Don't hoard." Wilson said it could be "almost fatal" to the munitions effort if industry piles up big idle stocks of scarce materials. "Don't permit your very smart purchasing agents to overstock j on scarce steel, copper and aluml- 1 .. 11.11 - ... : J uuui, n iisun aiu. "Don't order before you need to. If you need 100 tons of steel in August, don't pin a roue on your purchasing agent if he brings it in in June. The hoarding of stocks could be almost fatal to this program." a common practice and added "We Russisns are better able to atand pain than other races." Commenting on this stoicism un der the knife, Dr. Critchley re marked: "It's possible their part-Oriental blood has something to do with the phenomenon." Now pinch your arms and legs and sea if either ot these atate ments make sense to you. Do they? They don't to me. I am just a poor man's philosopher who gathers part Oriental b ood" has anv I more basic fortitude under stress j than a race with part-Occidental blood, meaning you and me. ( The whole theory smacks of propaganda rather than science, far as I can tell. Propaganda on the part of the Russians, not by the British doctor. I know a little bit about propa ganda, a little bit about science. Hut I know a big bit about pain. The Gold Coast of Africa pro- It's an old sight in many climates duces more than 650,000 ounces of ana at many levels spiritual I gold a year, aasiaasssaaaaaaBBBBBBBaBBaeaeBaBsaaaaaBaaalBBBBaaaaBaeaaai ically endured operations without anesthesia because anesthetics hadn't been discovered or put in common use. Why didn't the Rus sians the British doctor mentioned use sedatives? Didn't they have any? Probably not. Early in the Korean campaign many South Korean wounded sol diers had to be operated on at a time when no opiates were avail able. Customarily four other sol diers were assigned to pin them by force to the table during the oper ations. Yet the Koreans are recog nized as the most durable people in the Orient. If they were only "part-Oriental" like the Russians would they have borne the pain better or felt it less? Doctor, it just ain't so that a Russian can take it on the chin better than an American or a Zulu or a gook or a goum. help the Communist enemy in de coding secret messages. I The mobilization chief said he has reached the conclusion that the nation s mobilization "isn t going to be as long a job as I had thought if we have soma unity in uus country." Attainment of unity, he said, might mean "cutting out some of the foolishness like what's going on j up on Capitol hill." Addressing 1.000 industrialists, representing six national associ ations of military contractors, Wil son said: "What you people are doing isn't music to Russian ears." Wilson predicted that the I n & I-1 cated speed ot rearmament prob ably will mean increasing business dislocation in the last half at this yeas and early next. But the prob lems should taper off about a year from now, he said. Tha mobilizer punched his finger Elgarose By MRS. THELMA HANSON Mr. and Mrs. McAllister and family of Sprincfield are visiting with Air. and Mrs. Stanley Sjog ren and family this week. Carol Hargesheimer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Fred Hargesheimer. : is convalescing satisfactorily at her home alter an appendectomy. Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Johnson , are visiting a few days with their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Muller of Felix. Ore. John Tinker, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. fl. Tinker, cut a toe off Satur day while trimming trees for his father. - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Casper and daughter, Mable. visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Casper. EAsvspinaniER WITH AUTOMATIC SPIN-RINSE ELIMINATES SET TUBS ONLY 20995 , Say goodbye to washday drudgery with a new two-tub. EASY Spindrier. No set tubs! No wringer feeding! In stead EASY'S two-tub washing and rinsing action does your week's wash in less than one hour. One rub tmibn, while the other with the amazing Automatic Spin-rinse, double-rinses clothes cleaner in three minutes and then spins them damp-dry. tXTRA-VAlUE FEATURES include ex.. iive new built-in "CleannW Water Filter. Takes out water-pipe rust and other staining impurities heart wash ing and rinsing clothes. Handy Swing Faucets return suds for re-use, rinse, fill and empty washer ... all ac tha flick of a finger. ACTION TO DAY I quaVatkij 7 IAU.1.1II17. ROSEBURS: 120 Wast Oak Street; Dial 3-7011 SUTHERMN: Central and Stata St. Phona 29S8 PDCTSWEET... They're FROZEN FRESH They'rt TENDER SWEET THEY'RE SPECIALLY DEVELOPED FOR FREEZING D They're Picked-Sweet . . . Stay Sweet They're At Your Favorite Grocers, Try Some Today, Won't You? DISTRIBUTED IY UMPQUA DAIRY PRODUCTS WALLY'S GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS WALLY'S GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS 0..P. iimi i O t0 bU LaU ui XZJ o How Hove They Affected Your Food Budget? Da You Like) Them? Da You Think They Are Low Enough? Wally'e Hart Many Prices WAY BELOW CEILING! You'll Like That! Good Groceries Go Farther Cost Less at Wolly 21 HUNTS FINE CATSUP -19' ' Blue Tag. - Jello and Jello DICED BEETS 9C PUDDINGS "'"15c SOAP PADS 21' BISKITMIX - 39c Lipton't 13BOi. 10c Kerr's Pure Fruit TEA -29e JELLIES 23e YOUR ADDED DISCOUNT S. & H. GREEN STAMPS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Quality Meats BELOW CEILING PRICES! 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