4s23E .1 JA i n & ! MaVV) fW ftp1' T TiiCT mm WP cqI 10 Th Newi-Rvlew, Roieburg, Ort. Men., May 14, ItSl LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL NOTICE OF 1951-1952 BUDGET MEETING SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 4, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON NOTICE IS HERIBV GIVEN; That in accordance with the provision of the local Budget Law, Sections 110-1201 to 1101215, O.C.L.A , and amendment therein, the Budget Committee of School District No. t of Dougbs County, Oregon, in compliance with said law, prepare.! and adopted un April 16, 1951, the budget estimate! for School District Ns,. 4 for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning July 1, 1951, and ending June so, 195?, as set forth in the accompanying schedules. a All persons are hereby notified that on Friday the 25th day of May, 1951, at the hmir vl 7:10 P.M., at the Junior High School Building in the Cily of Rostrurg, Oregon said stimales may be discussed with the Board of Diieciors, the Levying Board of School District No 4 and any person suhjiv'. io the proposed tax levy or tax levies, when made, will be heard in favor ot or against said proposed tax levy or tax levies or any part thereof. BUDGET ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES Schedule 1. Estimated receipts: 1. Delinquent taxes Taxes uncollected prior to July 1, 1951 2. County School Kund $10 00 per census child anil timber sales (3677 census) . " " " "" S. Basic school .-iipnort fund- From Slate tax-apportioned on total days membership of resident children 4 Slate Irreducible School Fund- Slate common school fund-accrued income from school lands 5 Vocational Education Fcdtral end Slate matching monev for vocational ediuatinr 6. High school tuition- From the non High School District on actual cost of operation, depreciation and interest on bonds 151 938 00 7. Elementary tuitions 6. Slate hanilicanpod childre. s program State funds from Basic school support funds 1.. ... .'. " 9 Rentals Use of auditorium? an I gyms, etc. ... ZZZZZZZZ 7.777,7 7 Z 10 Other foul ces - Fees books, lockei rentals, towel fees, etc... 1717.77.77777.. 777 77777.7. 77 ,11 Tiansiortalion supplied tuition pupils ...7... 7.77.7 Z " "" 12. Taxation interest ' 7177777 7" 13. Estimated available cash balance unexpended cash balance at June 30, ir.51 from 1950 budget 7 7 171 ". " ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ass: v mMf-w$ l m&& if i mM prj Expenditure for Two Fiical Yeart Next Preceding th Current School Year SCHEDULE 2 GENERAL FUND ITEM tl) Elementary Schnola ill Junior Wish School 131 Senior Huh School Kutimated Estimated Budcet Expenditure Expenditures Allowanr for the for the In Detail Enaulnf Ensuing for ih School Year School Year Current in Detail By Total School Year iSl til t7l Expenditure Detailed for the last Year of lh FIRST YEAH Two-Year Give Yearly Period Total tSi I9i GENERAL CONTROL 1. Personal Service 1. Supcrinendent responsible for 200 employees and 3300 children $ 4,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 8.000.00 $ 6 000 00 $ 600000 ? Ass't. Superintendent (part-time) 1,267.50 316 88 950.62 2,535.00 J. District clerk (finance officer) 1,950.00 488.88 1,461.12 3.900.00 3 600 00 3 000 00 4. Clerical help (3 full time employees) 4.320.00 1 ,080.00 3,240.00 8,640.00 7,200.00 6,519.39 5 Attendance officer (part-time) 1,000.00 250.00 750 00 2,000.00 Attendance officer travel 250 00 60.00 190.00 500.00 J. Census enumeration 1,000.00 250.00 750.00 2,000.00 2,000 00 58 00 7. Supplies - postage, printing, mimeo graph, etc. 750.00 200.00 550 00 1,500 00 1 225 00 1 489 05 8 Elections and advertising 400.00 100.00 300.00 800.00 500 00 '444 88 5. Legal services clerk bonds, audit and attorney fees 1,250.00 310.00 940.00 2,500.00 2,000 00 1 932 42 10. Olher expense of general control, ' necessary travel for supt., ass't and ' hoard, graduation speaker, etc. 1,000.00 250 00 750.00 2,000.00 1.250 00 24.180 TOTAL EXPENSE OF GENERAL CONTROL "17,187 SO 4,305.76 1 12.881.74 "t 34,375.00 34,375.00 23,775.00 $ 19 687.54 $ 17,384.51 1,000.00 II. INSTRUCTION SUPERVISION 1 Personal Service 1. Principal 4 elementary, 10 months based on teachers salary 1. Junior High Principal 10" momhs, 1 part-time ass't. 1 Senior High Prin. 11 monlhs 1 ass't . 10 mo.$ 19,032.96 2. Supervisors Art., Curriculum, Band, I'hys. Ld., vocal music, handicapped children program director, Adult Fducalion - V. Prin. 3. Office clerks and stenographers -2 elementary-10 mo , 1 Jr. High 11 mo. 1 Sr. High - 12 mo. 7. Supplies lor Principals and supervisors Including class and plan books, office blanks, tests, mimeograph supplies, re port cards, printing elc. 3. Oilier expense of supervision trans portation, incidentals etc. 400 00 TOTAL EXPENSE OF SUPERVISION 32,026.09" III. INSTRUCTION Teaching 1. Personal servire , 1. Teachers 59 Elementary 18 Jr. 111. 45 Senior High 1 remedial instructor $221,265.66 2 Teachers - to he added due to in creased enrollment 4 Elcmenlaiy, 7 High School 14,799.00 8 Suhslitule teachers, serving in case of illness or olher necessary absences 3.500.00 4 Teacher - Librarians Jr. and Senior High Schools 2. Library Supplies including rebinding Ar repairs to hooks, hook cards pock- "I- renaii materials. 350.00 3. Teaching supplies chalk, paper, sci ence, r. r,., Art, Home he, shops, dup lic.ttion paper. 4. Text B.Mtks One third of all text honks wcie changed by stale text book Commission according to law for this fill 5,000 00 5. Other expenses of leaching visual nils, transportation of T Si I snd agri culture instructor etc. 500 00 TOTAL FVPENSE OF TEACHING $:52,414 66" $ 5,569.72 $ 6,46.1.80 $ 31 ,068. a 6,633.13 3,291.84 9,531.03 19,456.00 4,960.00 2,780.00 2,780 00 10,520.00 500.00 300.00 $12,441. .56 1,000.00 400 00 $ 20,174.83 2,500.00 1.100 00 $ 64.842.48 $ 32,389.75 $ 28,089.40 7,390.00 8,309.80 6,000.00 4,106.64 2,500.00 1,278.60 $ 64.642.48 1,100 00 "$ 49.379.75 83 81 $ 4ll8(J8 25 $ 30,564.71 $ 87,007.01 $176,830.88 $467,103 55 $399,967.00 $386,763.61 1,000.00 4,200.00 300.00 29,035.00 3,000.00 4.220 00 43,834.00 7,500.00 8,420.00 350.00 1,000 00 39,750.00 1,000.00 7,740.00 950 00 2,998.82 7,560.00 384.04 3,000.00 1,575.00 8,000.00 14,573.00 2,000 00 5flfl.no $ 78,582.01 900 00 1,000 00 $2:3.335 88 7,900 00 2,000.00 $552,332 55 13,250.00 7,799 92 5,500 00 7,578.70 $552,332.55 1.250 00 $474,407.00 1.293 44 $414,378.53" $316,387.72 IV. OPERATION OF PLANTS 1. P:ronal Service 1, Custodirns elementary 12 months 44 hr. per week. Benson 2 Rose Fiillerton 3 Jr. Hi, 2 men, 1 wom kti, Se nor High 9 f 3o.667.50 2 .lanitor supplies erasers, cleaning liquid, wax, varnish, disinfectant, paper towels, tissue, mops, rags, brooms, brushes, elc. 3. Fuel Sawdust under contract for nil 17 healing plants gas for range- laboratories oil for Syl- mon alley t. Light tnti Power fur all buildings Home Kttuitiinic skives motors and alhlelic field 5 Water for all 17 huiMmts 6. Telephone All buildings and Su perintendent's otfice 7. Other expenses, transportation of supplies etc. TOTAL EXPENSE OF OPERATION V. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 1. Repair and maintenance of furni ture and equipment, window blinds, tables, t hairs, at all schools. Service nn typewriters, musical instruments, business mr.chines, sewing machine! 2. Repair and maintenance of Build ing Benson painting inside, oulsitte doors, fntcx ceiling, hardware, si dust burner, re-roof. Rose redeco rate ij class rooms, repair south doors and entrance, showers, sav,, dust burner, paint annex outsi le, hcht fixture replacement in Annex. BiversintO Paint outside original building, rafcigrta building, door closers, sawdust burners, (Tjoors. Jr. High gym floor, hoys toilet room, door locks repair Room 103, asphalt lile lower hall, re light fixtures, paint woodwork lower hall, shelv ing in Oibrary, steam trap, r roof, sawdust burner. Sr. High repaint pirls P.E. btuig, redecorated class rooms, window blinds, refinish, gym floor, replace lights in gym, re decorate lavatories At dressing rooms, electrical equipment, repair to roofs on three hldgs. Kdenbowrr Q) Paint and heating equipment repair. $ 8,805.00 $ 24,790.00 $ 64,262 SO $ 52.980.00 t 38.351 18 3.500.00 2,000 00 3.50flflO 9.000 00 8.000.00 e.1 13 2.600.00 1,000 00 3,600(10 7,200.00 6.000 00 3.653.70 5.000 00 2.000 00 5.000 00 12.000 00 9 0110 00 7 RS9 70 1,51X100 500 00 1,000.00 3.000.00 2,300 00 1,751.11 600 00 300 00 600 00 1,500.00 1,500 00 908.78 I nnono 51x1 no l oon on 2.50000 1.20000 1.482 25 , U.867 .V1 $"15.105 00 $" I W.49Q 00$ 99.462 50T9n7462 "M$" 8U 80 00 3l'.033.22$ .55,4110 80 I 3,000 IX) J 1,500 00 3,000 00 7,500.00 5,100 00 2,192 56 e a o O o 0 o o , o 0 o o 0 0o o o 0 o 0 GRttT MOTHER OF YEAR Kisses are bestowed on either cheek of Dr. Marv T. Martin Sloou. of Crossnore, N.C., the American Mother of the Year, by two Boy Scouts as she arrived at Penn leans ; station in New York. The Scouts, both of troop 360, Manhattan, are Dick Ciimo, 16, (left) and Bobby Bouros, 12. In addition to their kisses of greeting, the Scouts did their daily good deed by helping Dr. Sloop with her luggage. (AP Wirephotol REPEAT PERFORMANCE "Gloria", only 12 hours old shakily on her mother's protective foreleg as she looks out on wide world for first time at Ringling Brothers-Barnum Bailey circus in Boston. Mass. The birth was a repeat performance for "Edith", ! the mother. Five years ago in Boston sht gave birth to a son, "Mr. Boston", looking on from a 14 foot altitude at right. "Gloria", named in honor of Hollywood starlet Gloria Drew, weighed in at 40 pounds. Blackie Barlow llettl measured babyjgrounci by the Indians, but now is 1 that inclines at a mere five feet. (AP Wirephotol 'visited and wondered at by thou-'north The Oregon Vortex, off l"S high-' sands of people annually. A pef way 99 near Gold Hill, Oregon, son standing in the area of the Vor was known originally as forbidden 1 tex inevitably assumes a posture lowaro uiajsuciitt LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL i. Grounds Benson gravel, I m prove parking lot, lawns and shrub bery. Rose black top play ground east of bldg., improve play field. Piverside Black top repair and parking area, lawns and shrubberv, side walk on east. Junior High gravel driveway, install play ground equipment, improve lawn and shrubbery. Sr. High paving man road gravel parking area, stub light pt.les on baseball field, widen side walk Arts bldg.t improve lawn rnd shrubbery. 4. Other expense of Maintenance and Repair 1. Chief of Maintenance and purchas er ot supplies. 12 months in charge of all construction and re pair Other maintenance men one painter, noe carpenter, one general utility man, Va time elec trician, one gardener. ?. Other expense transportation, emergencies due to weather TOTAL EXPENSE OF MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 8,821.00 205.00 13,985.95 23,011.95 8,756.00 6,009.85 10,497 50 2,524.38 700.00 290.00 7,873.12 700.00 20,895.00 1,690.00 15,340 00 500.00 11,165.00 16.26 $ 57,111.00 T!6l4y38TJl7782 $100.072.20 $100,072:20 $ 50,025:80 $ 38,049.50 $ 20.927.69 VI AUXILIARY AGENCIES 1 o o o !t,(WITt O o G O O o 1,92000 2no.no 250.00 650.00 1,000.00 Health 1. Full time nurse 12 months $ 1,27500 $ 310.0.1 2. Supplies and examination fee 500.00 125.00 2. Transportation of pupils average 1600 per day. Personal service 7 buses, transportation of school ma terials and supplies. 3. Olher auxiliary agencies 1. Personal service lunch coordinator and transportation, purchase all supplies and employ cooks. t 1. Supplies soap and other ex pense ol laundry. 3. Laundress for P. E. Program TOTAL EXPENDITURES OF AUXILIARY A3ENCIES Vil. FIXED CHARGES 1. Insurance renewals for 5 year pe riod and polices on new buildings $ 3.971.25 1,191.38 2 Retirement teachers, janitors and emplovees required by law 113 teachers. 28 custodians & mainte nance men 22 cooks 19,579.91 3 Tax rebates to cover discount on early payment of taxes T..W0.IH ? 'W00 TOTAL FIXED CHARGES 31.051.16 $" 9.317.75 956.35 375.00 2,550.00 1,000.00 3,200.00 700.00 1.877.76 879.28 13,142.50 3,285.00 9,857.50 26,285.00 480.00 1,440.00 650.00 1,000.00 3,840.00 1.500.00 2,250.00 22,695.00 20,056.93 3,680.00 3,480.00 1,200 00 1,800.00 1,978 93 1,597.00 rTr?8r50S5.858li5 $ 37,425.00 $ 33,265.00 , 29.869:96 $"22:561.95 2,779.87 5,876.37 19,351.82 S. 250 00 T 27.381 .69 7,942.50 44,808.10 15.000 00 $ 10,278.00 7,102.44 35,690.09 25,889.22 $ 67,750 60 f 7 .750 60 12.000 00 "$ 57,968.09" S 32,991.66 $ 29,830.94 VIII. CAf'ITAL 1 OUTLAY of property needed New sites expansion for elementary building tor the year approaching 2. New Building 3 Alteration of Building 4. New Furniture for Sr. High expan sion and New Fullerton Schools, pu pils desks, teachers desks and chairs, new classroom tables, lunch room tiJile. folding chairs, etc. 5. Library books $2 00 per pupil In attendance by state recommendation for hi-ih school and $150 per ele mentary pupil. 8. Other expense for New Fullerton school. Side walk from Melrose Rd. to Bldi:., sewer connectkin. tiling of drainage ditch, black too courts, gravel for parking and drainage tile $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 00 55 00 6O0 0O 2,000.00 15.000.00 4,000 00 KlOOO OO 31.000. 00 3,000.00 l.fKKI.OO It 600 00 I OT AL CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENSE IX EMERGENCY UNCLASSIFIED $"37,600.00 $ 5.000.00 j 17.000.00 6.000 00 14.600 00 "$ 59,600.00 "i59.6O0.0O 37,079 25 19,124.70 4,635.00 3,792.95 560 00 "$" 44.874 .25" 5.622 43 $ 28.595.08" $ 43,385.09 10.00000 10.000.00 5,000 00 3.306.22 1.665.22 TOTAL SrilEDUI ES 11 GENERAL Fl'NT). Estimated expense for year-sum ol itcT.s 1 10; 11 3, 1115; 1V-7, V-4; Vl-3, VI1-3, VIIU, Ix! - SCHEDULE 111-ROND AND INTEREST SINKING FUND 1. , Principal on bonds , 2. Interest on bonds - $1.0:3 600 33 1 819.874.89 $ 668,779.90 $ 538,108.71 a4 000 00 20 665 00 74 865.00" $ 74,KSOO $ 54.000 00. 54.000 00 22.960 00 23.745 00 " 76.960 00 $ 77,745 00$ 10".223.00 GRAND TOTM.S .. SCHEDULE IV -SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED tXTEtDITURES, RECEIPTS, $1:100:325.33 $ 896.834.89 $746,524.90 $ 548,33171 AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES AND TAX LEVIES Total estimated expenditures y. DEDUCT Total etimawd receipts arS available esh balances Schedule 1) AMOUNT NECE.-tSARYrO BALANCE THF BUDGET Balance to be raided by taxation as above ADD Estimated imotint of taxer that will not be collected during the fiscal year for which this hi dget is made Q . .. O. TOTAL estimated ax levies lor the ensuing fiscal year Amount of taxes in.;ide the staiuioiv 6 limitation ...a a .. ! Amount ol taxes outside 'he statutory 8"V limitation G 2 Indebtedness June 30, 1951 Q (inled indehlelness $814,'JiroO i tuner intict'triit rs L) Total indebtedness $814,000.00 Q Total of All Funda $1,100,325.33 S21 .404.71' " 578 S20 62 578.9W.62 General Fund Total. Schedule 11 toed Interest and Stnltms Fund Total Schedule III $1,025.660 33 $ 74.665 00 o 179 395 78 449.524 84 t 50,000 00 $ 628,r62 6r8 970 62 O -- e o o 0 0 0 Dated this 16th day of April. 1951. Signed: V. V. Harr-ham. Chairman of Board of Directors A. . Collier, District Clerk. Apprmed by Budje: Committee April 16th, 1951. Bii.-kley Bell. Chairman of Budget Committee. Dv it Retd, Secretary of Bodge Committee,