The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, May 05, 1951, Page 6, Image 6

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Tha NawvReview, Keaabura, Or.- Sot., Moy 8, H51
HJoinan of the IfFlontli
Eleanor M. Carlson, D. D., of E.
Washington street, Roseburg, has
been chosen Woman of the Month
for April by Umpqua Unit No. 16
of the American Legion auxiliary.
Dr. Carlson was born Eleanor
M. Marks in Newburg, New York.
Eleanor's father, Lambert E.
Marks, was a piano dealer with the
New York association of Barker
Brothers furniture store and her
mother, Clara M. was a teacher,
Tho family moved to Los An
geles when Mr. Marks was trans
ferred to the 1.0 Angeles branch
of Barker Brothers. Dr. Carlson's
twin brothers; Lambert E. Marks
Jr., a language teacher: Robert
Marks, a pattern maker for metal
castings; her sister, Mrs. L. 0.
Anderson, an art teacher, and her
mother all work and reside in Los
Eleanor received all of her grade
schooling in Los Angeles proper
and her high school education at
the Lomlta High school of Lomita,
Calif. She received a four year
honor student pin upon graduation
from high school. From 1824
through 1928, Eleanor begin her
dental career with pre dental stud
ies at the University of California,
Loa Angeles. From 19M through
1930 she attended the Dental uni
versity of Southern California and
received her degree in 1930. She
is a member of Upsilon Alpha sor
ority which la a National Women's
Dental sorority. This dental sor
ority has only t chapters in the
United Statea aa many of the den
tal colleges do not have enough
women students to form a rhapter.
She ia also a member of the Phi
Kappa Phi, an honorary for both
men and women.
Upon her graduation, Eleanor
was la public health work with
tha Loa Angeles County Health de
partment until 19.16. In 19M she
completed a year's post graduate
course in orthodontia, the art of
straightening teeth, at the Univer
sity of Southern California Dental
college, and became associsted
with another orhtodontist in Los
Mrs. Beth Boyer and her daugh
ter, Mrs. Betty Zuck, were co-host-essea
to the Bellview club Wednes
dsy at the latter's home. Mrs.
Boyer, president, conducted the
meeting. Mrs. Cora Collison gave
the club collect and Mra. Ruth
Parker presented the secretary's
Miss Olive Walker reported on
the Oregon Federation of Women's
clubs institute held recently in
Portland and "Miss Irene Walker
reported on the executive aestion
of the institute. She outlined t h t
work and plans of the board.
A most interesting letter wss
read from Inn Pozi-Escot, e x
change atudent from Peru, who is
a patient at the state hospital in
Salem, thanking the club for gilts
sent to her. She also reported on
how much aha enjoyed the snow
this winter, which was the tint .
she had ever seen
New officers elected Included El
eanor Gilbreath, president; ldella
Incaid, vice-president, and Matlie
Cornell, secretary-treasurer.
The June 6th meeting will be held
at a on o'clock luncheon at the j
horn of Mrs. Gosnell with Mrs. I
Ruth Parker, co-hostess. !
Al me lea nour sirs, tura ana
freshments to Cora Colliion, Mat-'
II uosneu, i'nyius lunningnsm
and daughter, Joy; Eleanor Gil
breath and daughter. Zita; Lizzie
Gardner, Oliv and Irene Walker,
Minnie Llndler, Emma Van Voorst,
Bessie Pearce, ldella Kinraid,
Ruth Parker and Lora Kester.
Mrs. Marjorie Simpson, queen of
Nydia temple. Portland, and h r
officers will b guest of honor at
a dinner at 6 JO o'clock Tuesday
night at Carl's Haven, to be given
bymembera of Badra club,
Daughtera of the Nile.'
Following the pinner. Mrs. Simp-
eon will make Tier official visit to
the club at a meeting at th horn
of Mrs. A. F. Micelli on th Met
ros road.
A surprise celebration honored
Jody Brant on her 16th birthday
at her bom Monday evening
After an interesting cavtJtter
hunt, participated in by all the
cuests. birthday cake and let
cream wer senredA air aelee-
Dr. Marks practised her chosen
profession 10 years before mar
riage. She met Mr. Carlson while
on a vacation trip to Prince Rupert
in Canada. They were married in
m Angeles in 1939 and moved to
Seattle where Mr. Carlton was
in business as a logging engineer.
Dr. Carlson practised dentistry in
Seattle about two years before
their boy, Stephen was born in
1942. Mr. Carlson took a job with
the United States Department of
Interior in 1943 and transferred
to Roseburg in 1944 and their
daughter Margaret was born here
in Rosebaurg in 1944.
Dr. Carlson took the Oregon
State Board examination for dent
ists Id 1948 and was associated
with Dr. Bruce Hetrick part time
here in Roseburg. At the time of
Mr. Carlson's death in 1949 he was
again in business for himself as
a logging engineer in Roseburg.
At the present time Dr. Carlson
is doing general practice for both
adults and children with her office
located in the Pacific biilding.
Dr. Carlson la associated with
the Umpqua District Dental so
ciety, a branch of .the State Dental
association, which in turn Is part
of the American Dental associa
tion. Dr. Carlson advor for
the local ehapter of Dental assist
ants association.
Dr. Carlson ts a member of the
Zontians, a women's service club.
She is a member of the interna
tional sorority of Beta Sigma Phi.
tha Business and Professional
Women's Club, and the Rotary
Eleanor hasn't much time for
hobbies but states she likes, music.
good books and most of all, travel
ing. She has varationed in Mexico
City, Havana, Jamaica, the tour
central American countries and
Prince Rupert, Canada.
Mrs. Louise Young (James) pre
sented the myrtlewood plaque to
Dr. Carlson for her personal ac
complishment and endeavors to
ward civic and social betterment
of Roseburg.
Hon of phonograph records was
presented to the honor guest.
Those on the guest list were Josn
Reck, Cindy Randall, Peggy Pfaff,
Marlis Schweppe, Donna From
riahl, Jody Brant, Jimmy Iiwe,
Rrian Booth, Larry White, Page
Rinrkley, Buzi Desbirns and Ken
Mrs. Fay Owens
guest at the recent meet
Four and Ten club.
Spencer was hostess
Games were played and Mrs.
Nona Thompson won special prize
After Mrs. Owens opened her
many gifts, the hostess served re
freshments. Present were Faye
Owens and son, Larry: Mildred
Gardener, Hattie Geurin, Kay Sim
mons. Vivian Nicosnn, Faye Jen
sen, Eunice Reck, Nona Thnmp
son, OUie hrueger, I.averne Nick-
ens and Ada Hanna
A card was received hy the
members from Inor Horn, who
is visiting out of slat at the pres
ent time.
It was decided to have a pot
luck luncheon at the next meeting
Secret pals will be revealed at
that time and new names will be
MChanged. The party will be held
Sutherhn June J.
Members of Florence Nighten
gale Tent No. 1.1. Daughters of
l'nn Veterans, held their March
snd April hirthdsy party at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Fletcher
Gardner in Fden Lane April So.
Present for the evening were
Mrs. Ernie Olson. Mrs. IsVern
Nirken, Mrs. Patterson of Boise,
Idaho, mother of Mrs. Olson: Mrs.
Anna Peter-on. .J, s. Ruth I'lumer
and granddaughler, Nancy Cy
rus: Mrs. Marion Patrick.' Mrs.
Barbara McAfliater Mit.Cvuin.
n,r .ipik,, ,,n. anni u naisr Beta Alpha l hi as a rommu
the hostesses, Mrs. Eluaheth ; nity service proiect tor the year.
Gardner. Mrs. Fletcher GsrHnriThe mum met f,r a huint .
and daughter. Nancy. A patriotic ;
guessing game waa plaed with
airs, ratrirk winning the prize.
A putiurk luncheon was served
and a card and handkerrhief
shower hnnajd those having birth
days in March and April,
The naxt meeting will be May 11
at 7:30 p m. at the K P hall on
N. Rose street All mnrthere are
asked to be present as pljns for
th Portland axnventson will be
One of the most charming pink
and blur thowera of the season was
given Thursday evening in com
pliment of Mrs. Leslie Seiget, by
her aunt, Mrs. Lester Baldwin, at
her home in Dillard. Lilacs, tulips
and wild lady slippers were used
by the hostess and her assistant,
Mrs. Don Larnes. in decorating
the rooms. A large stork carried
out the pink ami blue motif.
ti - r.i h f,irtintnnt
was the designing of baby bonnets
7 " " in. ..
.SivVnSerwarchosen ad
modeled bv Mrs. Grace Barnes
grandmother of the honored guest.
First prize was awarded to Mrs.
Ray Golgert.
The delicious dessert-supper
k hn.i... fmm
served bv the two nostesaes from
the table centered with a large
basket vase of .red tulips and
white, spirea.
A pink and blue drspetl basket
filled with the many gifts was pre
sented to Mrs. &eiei lroiu ine
following friends and relatives:
Mrs. Otnal Barnes, mother; Mrs.
Nellie Seigel, motherinlaw; Mrs.
Grace Barnes, Mrs. Stanford Bu
ell, Mrs. Rex Barnes and daugh
ters, Sharon and Sharlene; Mrs.
Belle Clarke, Mrs. Marie Marham,
Mrs. Blanche Aten, Mrs. Betty
Chapman, Miss Judy Barnes, Mrs.
Wao Burt, Mrs. Phyllis Paroz, Mrs.
Mollie Swaim, Mrs. Mercy Buell,
Mrs. Eileen Andrus, Mrs. Zella
Jorgenson, ' Mrs. Bess Golgert,
Mrs. B. Willhoit and Susie; Mrs.
Rosa Heinbach, Mrs. Vivian Laur
ence, Mrs. Lila Sallee, Mrs. Wilms
Haumeser, Mrs. Cornelia Smith,
Mrs. Bea Davis, Mrs. Mary
Stoner, Mrs. Virginia Laurance,
Mrs. Helen Laurance and the host
esses. Carol Sue Carnes and Bobby
Sutherlin Grange met April 25
at the Grange hall for a delightful
potluck supper. The long linen cov
ered tables were centered with
bouquets of spring flowers.
Those gathered around the table
were: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie G lea
son, John Crispman, Ralph Gard
ner, Mrs, Ellen Leisinger, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley May, Mr. and Mrs.
Orville French, Mrs. Hallie Martin,
Clyde Henderson, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Corn
ish. Mrs. Erma Buck, Mrs. Icel
Clark, Mrs. Ella Wegner,
Ralph Gardner had a musical ,
quizz, which provad very inter
esting. John Crispmnn, showed a
film on- the scenery in Oregon,
Idaho, Colorado and Montana.
Lloyd Cornish, master, called
the meeting to order.
Mrs. Stella Edwards and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry L. Bade were
voted to membership.
It was announced that May T was
Home Economic club meeting day
and that a potluck dinner would be
held at noon. All members are
urged to be there by 10 o'clock, aa
it will be clean up day. Mrs. Leslie
Gleason and Mrs. Ted Buck will
be hostesses.
An Invitation from the Fair Oaks
Grange was announced for May
18 at 11 o'clock at the Fair Oaks
hall. All members are urged to
Week-end guests In the home of
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Ulschaffer
of Winston included their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Stansell and daughter,
Chjryl, and son, Michael of Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gunning
and small grand-daughter, GlaUys
Burnett and Mrs. Lewis Ekoren
rud and her mother, Mrs. Stealer,
all of Seattle.
Saturday evening, the occasion
being Mrs. Ulschaffer'a birthday
anniversary, the group was joined
by Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gee,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Lyons of Rose
burg and Mrs. Sprigg and son,
David of Cottage Grove.
During the social hour. Mrs.
Cnriaa . V. mi mji mnvi nf her re-
cent trip in eastern states. Later I
k kennnkl tkaa ottliak frnirl
Seattle. The other was presented '
by Mrs Gee. I
The I'lschafferi recently moved
to Winston from Seattle. They are
n.nnr,.inr. r Hrh.tlm- lodoe. i
formerly known as Jorgens' j
lodge in Winston.
Cupcakes and muffins were
judged end a demonstration on
sandwich fillings were given at the
April 27 meeting of the Four
O'clock Breakfast club. Mrs. Ruth
Woolen wss hostess for th after
noon. The meeting opened with the 4 H
club pledue. Sally Brown, secre-
nons meeting and a song was led
by Donna Sundherg. Atargie Han
son led the yells
Followm 'th. meeting, fame.
iere pl.ived and reireshmenla I
erved Those present were Char-1
served Those present
lotte Sand, Donna Sundberft, Car
men Cooper, Margie Hanson. Sally
Brown. l.oleta Buell, Dm Woolen
and Mrs. Ruth Woolen.
The demonstration at th next
meeting will be given by Carmen
Cooper and Lolcta Buell.
Volunteer work at the Veterans
hospital was selected by members
sion at the home of Mrs. Kay WehJ
ber recently. Following the mecsVi
ing. .refreshments were served
Those present were Mrs. Bob
Webber. Mrs. Dav Harem, Mrs.
Winky West, MQ Rob Schindler,
Margaret Tally, Ardie Donnelan,
Betty Decker, Mrs. Pete Wright,
Mrs. Stan CVirnut. Mrs. Marilyn
Kelly, Mrs. Delores Cummi3 Bar
bara l and, Mrv Rich Plumler,
Mist Betty Ann(irvey and XrV
... honored two beautifully Oecorateu oinn-i nice " " " -
was nonorea , . . ' ... ., ,- i,.... .n av mMtina at hnme of
inentlh. loay cases rre cm in V"
.'!?. '",'r presented to her by Mrs. Gunning, planning and us of kitchen ator-
tO the grOUp. ... k,K, ', IrnnilW
.... .kWf' linnnr nn Al Ikh rh .11 TS. F inurcnill. irWTO 1U u
Monday May 7
DeMolay Mother! meeting will
De neia at noma or Mrs. Maoei
i Deal, 11J N. Flint SL Mrs. Clark
will bo co-hostess. ,
Matrons club at home of
M-,i?,1',nle' LKiader:
Sutherlin Grange homo cconom
i J-vedean-up dy at
hall. Meeting to start at 10 a. m.
and potluck dinner served at noon.
Tuesday May I
Martha circle. Faith Lutheran
, L B J pful. im iPost
Mrs. u. j, Paulson, 1650 POSl
Alpha Theta chapter, Beta Sigma
Phi, to meet at home of Mrs. Wal
ter Fisher.
Inter-Se Study club field trip to
Wolf creek. Members asked to
meet in front of courthouse at 10:10
a. m.
Lookingglass Grange to meet at
the hall at 8 p. m.
Badoura club, Daughters of the
Nile, 6:30 p. m. dinner at Carl's
Haven honoring Her Majesty, The
Queen of Nydia Temple, Marjori
Simpson, of Portland and her offi
cers, followed by meeting and so
cial hour at A. F. Micelli home on
Melrose road.
Square dancing at 2 p. m. at Vet
erans hospital recreation hall un
der direction of American Legion
auxiliary with Mrs. Walter Ulrich,
chairman. Hospital volunteer
workers and women interested in
assisting as hostesses ar asked to
Wednesday May
Riversdale Happy Hour club at
2 p. m. at home of Mrs. R. L.
' Harmon with Mrs. Don Harmon,
, co-nosiess,
Regular meeting of East Doug
las Extension unit at home of Mrs.
William Melton on south Deer
Umpqua District dental a a
sistanta association a tthe home of
Noreen Reece, 1011 South C 0 b b
Friendly Circle club at home of
Mrs. Persia Vowel, 106 Chestnut
Corporate communion at 11
o'clock for St. George's guild, to
be followed hy potluck luncheon in
the parish house. Aprons to be
modeled by members.
Tenmile Ladies club noon p 0 1-
luck luncheon at home of Mrs. Eva
L?:,nnmrv ,, f lh. Fir,t
Christian church will meet in
Friendship room at 2 p. m.
Parents club of St. Joesph'i
school at 2 p. m. at the school.
Miss Helen .Casey to be guest
Patch and Chat club, at home
of Mrs. C. R. Bartlett at 8 p. m.
Thursday May 11
Country Club Women to sponsor
annual guest-day spring luncheon
at 12:30 p. m. at clubhouse. Res
ervations may be made by calling
Mrs. Harold E. Schmeer, Mrs. A.
J. Murray or Mrs. Frank Bistak.
Tickets in charge of Mrs. Schmeer
and Mrs. Walter Brydges; deco-
rations, Mrs. L. G. Twohy, Mrs.
Ernest L. Dawe and Mrs. Deming
Branson. Table arrangements,
Mrs. Jamea Hughes. Mrs. W. C.
Callison and Mrs. Clyde E. Knight.
Evergreen Home Economics
club noon potluck at hall. H a a t
esses: Mrs. Mildred ' DeGnath,
Mrs. Evon Wheeland and Mra.
Ethel Forrest.
Rifle Range Sewing club at home
of Advly Schick.
Women of Elka to meet: Host
esses will be Mrs. Thompson. Mrs.
Fitzgerlad, bridge; Mrs. Homer
Gallup, Mrs. Maurice Griesel, pi
nochle, and Mrs. Ross Myers and
Mrs. Iola Stephens, canasta.
Presbyterian Woman's Society
at 1:30 p. m. at church. Program
followed by annual May tea i n
charge of Mra. C. E. Roberts, Mrs.
Velle Broadway, Mrs. Roy Bellows,
Mrs. J. E. Sawyers, Mrs. S. L.
Kidder, Mrs. M. B. Green and
Mrs. E. R. Metzger. Devotions,
Mra W. M. Campbell All women
of the church and congregation ar
Friday May 11
Zuleima club. Daughters of t h
Nile, at the home of Mrs. H. K.
llalverson in Sutherlin. JO p.m.
potluck dinner.
Riversllale HFC to have lunch-
eon meeting at horn of Mrs. Sig
umpqua riumr r.&iriiBiuu uim.
to meet at home of Mrs. Grace
Crouch at 1 o'clock.
Evergreen Grange at 8:30 p. m
at hall. Refreshments in charge of
Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas, Mr.
and Mrs. Ronald Burgess and Mr.
and Mrs. John Hess.
Florence Nightingsle Tent N 0.
15. DUV. at K.P. hall on N. Rose
street. 7:30 p. m.
Edenbower Community club ses
sion following 6 SO p. m. chili sup
per sponsored by Boy Scouts o f
Troop No. 1JS st school playshed.
Funds to go to scout activities.
Mr. and Mrs. I.eon Berton nf
New York City and Carl Shacklin
of Beverly Hills, Calif., and New
York I'-tfy, were entertained In
Roseburg Thursday by Mrs. Jane
Fies at her home on Riverside
Dnv in Laurelwood and at tha
home of the latter's mother. Ms.
Edgar Lewis, on Casey avenue in
The Bertons snd Mr. Shscklin
ar making a trip by automobile of
the west coast.
Mrs. Martin E. McClay Jr. en
tertained friends sT) her home
Thursday evening. Sprays of dng
wood bloom were used about the
moms Visiting(as enioyed and
Mrs.fjStcClay served refreshments
later. Present were Mrs. Daun Lil
lard. Mrs W.iyne Privett. M r a.
Warren Ward. Mrs. Robert Wilk-
etjon, Mrs. Ward CummintpMrf'
VHolt- Miss Audne RoseluM and ,
th hostess.
l' i ; .1
Ylflr. and fjrd.
(Celebrate Cjoiden lAJeddit
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ervin cele-1 In th receiving line wer the
brated their golden wedding anni-j honored couple, Mr. and Mrs. Er
versary Saturday evening, April vui, and their son-in-law and daugh
21, at their home in Green. Friends ter, Mr. and Mrs. LaVal Med
and relatives of the couple were ford and son, Wayne. Mrs. Ervin
invited to call between the hours; wore a black afternoon dress with
of eight and ten o clock.
Large baskets of lilacs, tulips
and fruit blossoms from th gar
dens of Mrs. Ray Brosi, Mrs. Al
ton Owens and Mrs. J. Kearby Mas
ters, were used about th rooms,
and those assisting with the ar
rangement! for the reception were
presented with corsages of spring
flowers, fashioned by Mrs. LaVal
Medford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
The serving table, covered with
a Quaker lace cloth, was centered
by a larje wedding cake decor
ated with yellow roses, gold leaves
and ailver wedding bells. The cake
waa surrounded by camellias and
was flanked by tall lighted golden
tapers in crystal candle holders. tn. COUple went into business tor
Shower nosegays of purple tulips j themselves, buying first a restaur
tied with gold ribbons, wer laid j ,nt in Dallas and later a restaurant
at each end of the table. land confectionary shop in Avery.
Mrs. J. Kearby Masters, niece of. Three children were horn to them.
Mrs. Ervin, poured, and M r s.
George Bacher, grand-niece, cut
and served the cake after th tra
ditional first slice had been cut by
the honored couple. Serving at the
punch bowl was Mrs. Alton H.
Owens. In charge of the guest book
wss Mrs. Durward Owens and Mrs.
Aubon Owens was In charge of tha
gifts. Also assisting about the
rooms were Mrs. Cora Evans, Mrs.
Levi Gorley and Miss Jackie Mar
The Northside Sunshine club met
with Barbara Irvin Thursday for
a Mayday party. Bouquet of flow
era decorated th rooms and ta
ble. Pansy plants were given as
party favors. Mrs. George Frew
assisted with th serving.
Games wer enjoyed with high
prize going to Mrs. E. Princen.
Other prizes went to Mrs. W. O.
Patterson and Miss Bernardine
Princen. Low prize was won by
Mra. Patterson. A lovely gift was
presented to Mra. Frew by the
Present wer Mrs. n. D. Parson,
Miss Bernardine Princen, Mrs. M.
Sory. Mrs. George Frew. Mrs. Wil
liam Steiwig, Mrs. Eugene Prin
cen. Mrs. Henry Worthington,
Mrs. E. E. Emmitt. Mrs. W. O.
Patterson, Mra. Lucia Ingles, Miss
A no-hostess luncheon was held n'v, Mrs. Csrrie Tison, Mr. and
at the Shalimar room Wednesday I Mrs. Doyle White, Mrs. Gerald B.
for Mrs. Vernon Bnggs. who is Hasson, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Mc
leaving Roseburg to make her Ronald, Mrs. Linda Ford. Mrs.
I.,. in .nu a vitt avaa given. Linda Donna Gerrett. Mr. and Mrs.
to her by tha group. On the guest ! James Medford, Rev. and Mrs. j on Tuesday. Luncheon was served
list were Mrs Ted Wirak, Mra. I Raymond Schaefer, Mrs. Aubon I nd covers were laid for Mrs. Gil
Stevea Kiss Mrs. Bill Courier. ' Owens. Silas White, Miss Jackie 1 breath ami her daughter, who were
Mrs. John Killip. Mrs. W. F. Amiot
Mrs. Ralph Church, Mrs. William
Lindsell and the guest of honor.
Joy Bishop entertained Saturday
evening honoring her mother, Mrs.
Edward Bishop, and Miss Anne
Link, who left Monday for Wis
consin and Michigan to visit rela
tives and friends.
While in Wisconsin, Mrs. Bishop
will attend a reunion of her grad
uating class at Antigo. Miss: Link
plana on vi4)ing three months,
wWle Mrs. Bishop will spend six
or eight weeks there, prior to re
turning home.
Th Epsilon Sigma Alpha city
council meeting was held Tues
risy, following a luncheon at the
Umpqua hotel. Those present wer
Mrs. Don Reran, Mrs. Marvin
Doty, Mra. Pete rullerton, Mr.
Don Caley, Mrs. Jim, Smith, Mrs.
Rill Benton, Mrs. I.yl VJuist. Mrs.
Dal Woodruff. Mrs. Rodney Peter
son and Miss Rhea Brown.
sHrs. Roy Qng entertained with
a luncheon at her home Tuesday
honoring friends with whom she
had attended grade school in Pow
era. Those present vafrr Mra.
Harry Rutlee and son. David :Mrs
Roy Brewater and children. "r-H
cia ami Danny, and Mrs HfflryH
' Kroha and daughter, Cynthia.
Qiarlei 1
j gold sequin trim, and her corsage
was of yellow rosebuds tied with
gold ribbon.
Pictures wer taken throughout
the evening by Karl Doer nig and
W. F. Schell Jr.
Background music was Jurnished
by means of recordings, some of
which were popular 50 years ago,
at the time of the Ervin's wed
ding. air. ana Airs, r.rvin were mar-i
: - J . 1 1 1 inn, 1 ( . n, I
riru npiu i, ijmi, in mi. rieas
ant, Texas. She is the daughter
of the late-Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
McCormack, and he the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Ervin,
both pioneer families of the state
of Texas. Followine their m arriaffe.
two of which ar deceased Their
only surviving daughter is Mrs
Laval (Mary) Medford.
In September of 1933. Mr. and
Mrs. Ervin cam west, purchasing
property in Green valley, where
they hav remained for th past
18 years. Their choir waa then
rnntiHered- "rural " Mr Ervin r.
calls, as it was located some dis-
tanc from the highway and that
w.. ur m cummuniiy per -
ienced the "big boom" of recent
years. Later the new highway was
constructed adjacent to their prop
rty and farming plans f o r
gotten, Mr. Ervin and his son-in-law
opened a grocery store. The
business is known as tha Medford
Ervin Grocery.
Climaxing the evening
prayer, offered in behalf
was a
of the
couple by .the Rev. Raymond
Schaefer, pastor of the Roseburg
Baptist church, of which the Er
vins are members.
Present were Mr. and I Mrs. Levi
?.Tl' '2 d,uJ1,er Ml" Jo,c
and son, Ronnie; Mr. and Mrs. J
Kearby Masters; Mr. and Mrs. Al
ton H. Owens and daughter, Karen;
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Veach,
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Schell Jr., Mr.
and Mra. Elmer Lander, Mr. and
Mra. Clyde Gerlt. Mr. and Mrs. C.
M Foree, and Mrs. Cora Evans.
Also, Mr. and Mrs. Durward
Owena and daughter, Janice Kay;
Mr. and Mrs. George Bacher and
son, Bryce; Mr. and Mra. John
Hess, Mrs. Merle Doering, Karl
Doenng. Mrs. Blanche Tipton, Mrs.
Force. Mrs. H. L. Lander.
Mrs. In Elliott. Mrs. Louis Ber-
marsnail, ine nonorea couple, Mr. uis. inu mriiiir. .tiis. mi
and Mrs. Ervin, and their son-in- liam Peifer, Mrs. O. F. Richman,
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Medford and son, Wayne.
Those sending gifts, but unsble
to attend were: Mr. and Mrs. War
ren Trenholm. Mr. and Mrs How
ard Kluver. Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Preston and Mr. and Mrs. John
Why Not Call . . .
(Undr New Menagmnt)
Pickup and
1. We
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I MR. AND MRS. CHARLES IRVIN, above, cut the clc at their
qolden wedding reception held at their horn April 21. A larq
1 numbr of rltivs and frunds
th happy occasion. In tha picture above, front row, left to right:
Karen Owens, Mrs. Durand Oweni and daughter, Janice Kay, and
Mrs. Alton Owens. Second row, Mr. and Mrs. La Val Medford,
Durand Oweni, Alton Owens, tha honored couple, Mr, and Mrs.
Ervin; Mrs. George Bacher, George Bacher and son, Bryce; Wayn
Medford, Mrs. J. Kearby Masters and Mr. Maitars.
Mrs. Jan Fies entertained at a
charming one o'clock luncheon
. TuMd,y ,t her lovely Laurelwood
i home for her bridge club. Spring
flowers formed a pretty motif for
the occasion.
Covers were placed for Mrs
r. ... - i u...l. r L.
r"", ".'it" v "li'j hTii.'
mark, Mrs. Fred Lockwood. Mrs.
Bert Corkrum, Mrs. Ted Wirak,
Mrs. Alfred Anderson. Mrs. E. A.
Pearson and Mrs. Fies.
High scores in the contract
bridge play were won by Mrs.
Hallmark and Mrs. Lockwood.
The Twelve and Won club was
entertained by Mrs. Jane Moran at
the lovely country home of her
daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Gilbreath
Mrs. R. 0 Myers. Mrs. E. Prin
cen. Miss Bernardine Princen. Mra.
Thella Webber. Mrs. N. E. Rrch
ardson, Mrs, Fred Ritiman and
the hostess.
May baskets wer exchanged.
Games were enioyed with Mrs. R.
O. Myers winning high prize and
Furnish The Diapers, r
Launder Your.
H c
called to eonqrtulat thm upon
Mrs. E. Princen winning second
The Twelve and Won club will
meet May 15 at the home of Mrs.
William Peifer, 1206 Fair St
Plans for a float to be entered
in the rodeo parade were made by
Bet. Gamma chapter. Epsilon Si
ma Alpha, at the Thursday busi
ness meeting. Mrs. ' Howard
Thomas entertained the group.
Those attending were Mrs. Pete
Fullerton, Mrs. John Mallory, Mrs.
I. J. Bean, Mrs. Craig Dishman,
Mrs. Marvin Doty, Mrs. Robert Sul
livan, Miss Joy Wampler, Mrs.
Dale Roles, Mrs. Harold Cacy,
Mrs. Don Rogan. Mrs. Bill Schultza
and th hostesses.
III At Heme Mrs. R. B. Reed
of Winchester St., Roseburg, has
been confined to her home for th
past several weeks by illness.
Zee Newman
15CSt. Dial 1-7125