o Sot.. April J4, ffil Th Ntwi-IUvltw, totekurf,. Or. 7 ' ENGAGED Mr. and Mrt. Ray Jones, rout 4, Ronburq, an nounce th engagement of their daughter, Betty Jean, to Richard Si, Onga, ten of Mrt. E. Summsrt, Roieburg. No data hat bean tat for the wedding. Mr. St. Onge it at pretent serving in the navy. MOTHER -DAUGHTER DINNER PLANNED BY LADY LIONS CLUB i I,-... ' dinner The Lady Lions held meeting at Carl's Haven Monday evening. Hostesses were Mrs. Frank Purdy, Mrs. Robert Brown-1 ing and Mrs. Cecil Lowe. Bouquets 1 of mixed spring flowers were used on the tables. Following a brief business meeting, cards were played. The next meeting will be F VI MARY MARTIN DANCING BUILDS POISE A teenager who dancil smoothly acquires the poK ntetswy for popularity. Donee to populority with our easy budget leuons, or join a elou. 1 Ul Mary Martin Mickey Hard Ballroom Instructor SALLY HILT STUDIO OF DANCE ARTS 220 North Main Phono 3-7023 for Appointment $"Z"""i"i Graduate Vetarinarian Taking ovar fha Practice of th Lata Dr. Geo. I. Nicholat Sort Locotion on GorHen Volley Rd, ocrow from raH'ey't LARGE AND SMALL ANIMALS Office Phone 3-6322 Horn Phon. 3-5 1 90 For your convenience, the following local firms are Try the Pintit at THE CONEY ISLAND For A Sundov Treat Pot. Hwy., i Milo Nort Rich-Moid let Cream Mode 'ritft deity Paul Bunyan Canci 32 South Sti Open I p.m. to 10 P m. FAIRHAVIN FOUNTAIN AND vaiSIITY ' Optm Suadr Vl F. M. W etkdoti, 10 A. M. to I P. M. J Fishie Tocklo 1112 Feirhoven DIAL 3 4312 7 V " n y M Iff fcae - 4 May 14. A mother-daughter dinner will be held and there will be an election of officers. Tn' committee in charge will . ... ,,, ....... ue mis. j. n, iaurr, mm. niiiru ( lute and Mrs. Earl Henry. MRS. S. J. COOPER ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB AT LUNCHEON Rose colored camellias and tall turquoise-colored tapers centered the serving table arranged in the private dining room of the Rose hotel Wednesday, when Mrs. S. J. Cooper entertained her bridge club at a charming one o'clock lunch eon. Covers were placed for the host-! ess and Mrs. Alfred Anderson and Mrs. Frank B. Woodworth, guests, and Mrs. A. D. Parr, Mrs. J. F. Dillard, Mrs. Frederick Chapman, Jr., Mrs. Roy Cummins and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter. Contract bridge was played dur ing the afternoon at the attractive home of the hostess in Laurelwood. Beautiful arrangements of camel lias and other spring blossom formed the decorations. H i fl h rcores were won by Mrs. Chap- man and Mrs. Porter. Enroll Your Child NOW Wa Have a Few Oaoninfi foe April ana M.v. Phono J-7I COMMUNITY KINDERGARTEN 9 to 6 IRV PUGH'S CHEVRON SERVICE Cor. Jockion 4 Doufllos fcl l.yricotiow TlfOf Cones Sundoot Shokee Piort and Quarts Dairy Queen Drivt-ln S. Stephem Aaepto Froai Janior Hifh School (t CsefOjplete Irake larvica ) Mine kw'tr, Gear atare Roer'i Shell Scrvic 1101 Hanrarrf Avatiita , nt-aateaf WBmStimi! " s?i in iMiW i --yj " ."S I I VnX .... .; v. :.: V .'.i ...."!. :: . : i A A HOUSEWARMING, given to new home, wat an event of April I. Pictured above with Di Carlton art the hostesiat. From Benjamin DuFretne, Dr, Carlton, Mattey and Mrt. Parry Aihcreft. BELLVIEW CLUB MEMBERS HONOR MRS. R. C. HUFF AT CHARMING SHOWER A pretty luncheon table, een tried with a pink bastinett filled with camellias and surrounded by while tapers, was arranged by Mrs. Morris Bowker wnen sne en- If i tainrd members of the Bellview j club at luncheon preceding a shower for Mis. R. C. Huff. Fink i bassinett nut cups added charm to the table appointments. Assist-I ing hostesses were Mrs. Marjory Gilbieath, Mrs. Eleanor G,lbr,.th ! and Mrs. Phyllis Cunningham. j Mrs. Beth Boyer presided at the I ing hostesses were Mrs. Marjory business meeting. It was voted to send Olive Walker as a delegate to the (Jregon Federation of Wom en's club institute in Portland April 12 and 13. The next meeting. May 2. will be an observation of Mothers' day. Mrs. Befty Zuck will entertain with Beth Boyer assisting. u,.n'i u.,i.h,'. mi. I ing and the shower following were 1 Mrs. Morris Bowker. Marjorie Gil-1 breath, Eleanor Gilbreath. Ph"I lis Cunningham and Jnv; Belle Huff, Beth Bnver, Bettv Zurk. Ol ive Walker. Irene Walker, Theila Webber, Maltie Goanell, Emma Church's Drug Stora Rose Hotel Building Phone 3 3JJ . Open Wk Nifhtl Till 10 Famtlv Stylo Fried Chicken Staoki FORD'S CAFE I Ml. N. o Conroarillo f PATRONIZE THESE FIRMS EVERY SUNDAY honor Dr. Eleanor Carlton at her th left, Mrt. Harold Horn, Mrt. Mrt. Gladyt Foley, Mrt. Everett Pictured at the tea table in the Beckley, Lizzie Gardner, tflra Kes ter and Ethel Roselund and Anitra. B-SHARP CLUB ENJOYS RECENT MEETING AT HEINLINE HOME e,.,j, T,h Sh rp club met Sat rtY - ...... : lin . .P'es"i". nrb"' h orkm Presloea f,'cr',rTnln5r Bel' los read the minutes of the prev.- ou ""ellnli- Games were played and severs memoera enieriainen wuu mu-'c i memoera eniertainen witn mu-'c I ?J:Z?t!!fS7X ' ' 'T"1'' 'h .nB'r,nJ aw"i,l ? ":v.,Kln. G.!: n"r '.J Me" and "Monkeys." Sally Hook played the arccydian was served. Icecream !.. a . 1 1 . i l , - , ..' "r" "". "' nn Healy, Sig Madsnn, R. W. Field Kathi Corkrum, Judy Bellows. , a u-ji i'ki.. nnn Paula Smith, Sandra Williamson, Anita Watkins, Rernie Young, Bar bara and Janice GaHway, Virki Bean, Evangeline Chapmen, Suan Black, au If irk. Carol Ra. 'nt I"1" n1 ". HV Hook- 'net Iwis was elected t vice presineni. CREDIT WOMEN MEET AT WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST I A regular meeting of the Rose burg Credit Women's Breakfast club was held Wednesday morning at the Shalimar room. Extensive studies were made in preparation for the annual examination to be given at the April 25 meeting. Those attending were Wilma Melton, Shirley Blixseth, Shirley Iverson, Dora Courier. I) a y n i s e Beach, Helen Gallant, Florence Hughes. Marian Snyder. Frances Main, .limmie Clark. Anna Wilson, Priscilla Clutenbach, Geraldme STARTING SMOKEY METCALF and tht K-5 WRANGLERS o o o f Raadtport and Wesferp, Orecje Playt Modern Wtsttrn Musie At Th WINSTON COMMUNITY CLUB O DANCINft FROM t TO 1 P.M. Drlva to Winston, Treaturt Ham CONGRATULATIONS TO LOU FRANCO ON THE OPENING OF HIS "HAPPY VALLEY RANCHO". REST OF LUCK, LOU, j picture below, art Mrt. Clarence Stanley Kidder, Paul Barcut, baugh, Mn. Marjorie Werton, Mrt. J. R. Wharton. (Picturat Mills, Vivian Logsdon, Maxine Strode and a new member, Anita Westfall, of the Douglas County Farm Bureau. GARDEN VALLEY WOMAN'S CLUB PLANS SPRING , CLIAN.UP 0Ay I The Garden Valley Woman's club met April 5 at the clubhouse i wj(h j)r, c,r Schmidt and Mrs. R. W. Fielding as hostesses. Tbo,f , Mesdamrs , . sin;,jr (. MlK.v Hugh' . . si.",ir .. M..K!1V iiuh ' 1..;; Sine r C. Ew- '" . L. Spray, Clem Schmeder, , Frances Ung. J. S. Bussell, Peter d l- c u ,u i. u..i.j..- ii , Bashford,' Fred Parrott, U. F. Mc i aiiohim R., i .,.,.. i'h.ri.. " - and Cliff Hess. The next meeting will be a spring cleanup day. There will be no host esses and members are asked lo bring a sack lunch and meet at the clubhouse at 10 a m. The date will he announced later. UPHOLSTERING Furniture and Rug Cleaning Repairing - Custom Work EXPERT FURNITURE CLEANERS DIAL Free Estimates THIS SATURDAY NIGHT O Turn Uft at Myrtlewood end Follow tho Siqni. Landit, Mrt. Paul Bareui, Mrt Everett Mattey, Mrt. Donn Rada- Ford Singleton, Mrt. Mattey and by Photo Labi ! CIRCLE MEETING IS HELD AT WALKER , HOME ON THURSDAY Helen Hunt circle of the First Baptist church met Thursday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. Charles Walker. Mrs. Frank llollingswnrth conilucted the meeting, which was opened by Mrs. J. G. Stephenson Mrs. Walker gave the scripture reading and Mrs. Maude Doughty I gave the devotions on prayer and M U" m""on Program. Thi Work ' . V.h mj J The program topic was "Medical nors in me v.uiiko unm. hite Cross work was done dur- the social hour. the next mpptina will be .lav a 2 o'tiack at the home of Mia. Hull ings worth , 230 S. Pine street. Rummage Sale WHERE? Baiemcnt, Presbyterian Church WHEN7 Fridov, April 20, 1:30 A. M. 3 3 - 3191 Pick-up and Delivery 8 d? o- "OUTOOOR MEALS' WILL BE PROJECT AT PICNIC MEETING OF HEC GROUP A picnic at Umpqua park, May 3, with the project "Outdoor Meals" was planned by the Win chester Home Extension unit at the April S meeting. An election of officers was also held. Presiding during the coming year will Km Mai-pAlle .Inhnsnn. chairman: Maryanne Knutson, vice-chairman and lrraine Lewis, secretary- treasurer. Following lunch, t h e meeting was turned over to the project leaders, Flora Beaver anil Lorraine Uwis. who instructed the group on "Home Entertainment." Several new games were plaved and puzzle of all types were tried by the group. Members attending were Adnd Van Horn, Maryanne Knutson Marcelle Johnson, Flora Beaver, Eldora Reher, Marjorie Medford, Pat Alspaugh, Lorraine Lewis, Jean Ridings, Lucille Nelson and Helen Wyatt. Guests attending were lone Storm and sons, of Se attle, Wash., Lois Shoemaker and son; Christine Ewing and daugh ter, anvl Bernice Ebert and chil dren. YVONNE STONEBRAKER AND NORMAN FRANK ADDISON WED MARCH 14 Mr. and ' Mrs. W. C. Stone braker of Elkton have announced tue marriase of their daughter, Yvonne, to Norman Frank Adrti bon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Addison Sr., of Roseburs. The mar riage vows were read March 24 at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. W. A. MacArthur in the presence of close friends and relatives. The bride was lovely in a navy blue suit with white accessories. Her corsage was of white rose buds. She is employed as a second grade teacher at the Washington school in Grants Pass. The bride groom is employed in the lumber industry in Sutherlin. Mr. and Mrs. Addison will make their home in Roseburg. FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY TO BE OBSERVED SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Dent will be at home to their friends Sun day from 2 to 0 p m. at their home. 845 S. Pine street Th. a.. casion is their fortieth weddine anniversary. Dillard By MRS. ROSA HEINBACH Mothers of the children who will present the operetta, "Hansel and Grelel," April 27, are busily pre paring costumes. The leaders ap pointed for each group are Mrs. Paul Hult, Mrs. Gene Lesher, Mrs. Webb Hill, Mrs. Ray Golgert, for the Dutch costumes for Hansel, Grctel, father and mother. Mra. Virginia Laurance is leader for the witches; Mrs. McCord and Mrs. Hulme for the sandmen and dew- DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Zoo Newman 25CobkS. Dial 1-7123 PLACE South Deer Creek Grange OCCASION Dinner TIME 6:30 p.m., Saturday, April 14 PRICE $1.25 per plate Public Invited ii i J -. . mean more than a llower design ring. r II stands lor beautiful styling in dozens of gor geous design . , . for careful hand crafting . . . lot assured fin quality and the known integ rity of the maker, who like ourselves, are proud lo associate then nam with their merchandise. Fin Diamond Rings from $75 00 o JEWCLCRJ men; Mrs. Lesher tot the cook boys; Ma. McLennan for the cooki girls; Mrs. Pel in and Mrs. Wight for the angel costumes. . Members of the Dillard Woman i society who conducted the rum mage, cooked-fond and plant tale Saturday in Winston, report I successful undertaking. Monday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clsr- nce amer were me latter i coui- "". Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Camp- '''. "om Kansas City, Mo., and i Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Nickerson and son- Roger. I lr- Sadie Davidson, second ; KT'd teacher of the Dillard tchool, : resigned her position because ' of ill health. I Tn Mrs. Frank Drew , rmenamra wun a Dinner paTiy Tuesday evening in honor of the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lesher. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Lesher and Barbara, .lean, Rnbert, Mari lyn and Elisabeth, the host and hostess and two rhildren, Judith Kay and Lauraheth. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Halverson and son, Vir;il, and Mr, and Mrs. Bill Otto and sons. Bill and Timmy, motored to Coos Bay Sunday to visit Mrs. Halverson'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The party made the "loop trip" by way of Drain and Newport beach. They noted fields of blooming daffodils in the commercial gardens near Newport. Saturday evening guests at thi home of Mr. and Mrs. George Mc Dowell were the Bev. and Mn. Frank Drew, Judith Kay and Laurabeth, and Mr. and Mrs. Gena Lesher and children. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Nickerson entertained Sunday wilh a dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrt. O. C Campbell of Kansas City, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and son, Larry. THREE-WAY 'FLUNK' DANSVILLE, N. Y. Mn. Veronica Greek. 35, took a test for a driver's license and here'i what happened: Her automobile and another col lided. Then her vehicle hit a parked car. John Maher, a state inspector ' '.'M'.".1? tna test, was injured -isiignny. Mrs. Greek failed th test. SPECIAL APPOINTMENT He'll look hit be.tl If If. special sales meeting . . . Sunday services ... or a data with his favorite girl, hit shirts will bo just right , , . the way ha likes them. W uia special ear on man's shirts so they are returned with eollari fro rem wrin kles sparkling eleanl Quick service, tool Call us now (or ipeedy pick up and delivery . . . complete laundry and cleaning service. NEW SERVICE LAUNDRY 324 W. Lon Dial 3-132 Me