The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, April 14, 1951, Page 6, Image 6

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    4 Tht Newi-Review, Rowburf, Or. Sot., April 14, 1911
lew, posts (or Clark's studio photographer, following her marriage
eeremony April 7 at St. Jotaph'i Catholic church in Roieburg.
Tht maid of honor, bridesmaids and flowar girl ara siitars of tha
Before the altar at St. Joseph's
Catholic church, Mis Jean Arden
St. Onge and William Marshall
Collver exchanged their wedding
vowa Saturday morning, April 7.
The altar wa massed with while
snapdragons and spirea. Father
Edmund read the service.
Misa St. Onge is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. St. Onge o!
Roseburg. The hrillegroom i the
aon of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Collver
of Reedsport. Both are attending
University of Oregon where she is
a member of the Gamma Phi Bela
sorority and he la affiliated with
the Sigma Chi fraternity.
Miss St. Onge came to the altar
on the arm of her father. One ol
the loveliest of the season's brides,
aha was beautiful in a wedding
gown of eyelet embroidered or
gandy with an organdy redingota
and finger-tip veil. Her flowers,
were shattered carnations, rose
buds and stephanntis.
tier attendants were her four
sisters, Shirley, Carol Toni and
Burnadette. They were dressed
alike in white organdy and car
ried bouqueta of deep red carna
tions, constrasting with the bride s
bouquet, which was all in while.
. Dennis I'hilbronk, a cousin of tha
bride, and Mrs. McLaughlin, sang
preceding the ceremony.
A reception was given by tha
bride's parents at their home fol
lowing the wedding. Approxi
mately 150 guests signed the guest
book. Assisting at the receplion
ere Mrs. John Skaaluren and
Mra. Rny Brainard of Keedspiirt,
Mrs. Claude Kerr, Mrs. Jack
Marks of Grants Pass, Mrs. Gladys
Pearson of Portland and Mrs. Mor
timer Bailey of Rpedsport. Marian
Morris, a sorority sister of the
bride, had charge of the guest
Kor travelling Mrs. Collver wore
a navy blue and white check suit
with navy accessories, f ollowing a
trip to the coast, the young couple
la now at home in Kugene.
Members of the V.deo Lutheran
church gathered Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. lerese An
derson of Kluarose lo sav "Good
bve" to Mr. and Mrs. John Hulse
h'tis of Roseburg. who are moving
to Coburg. following the pollurk
dinner, which was served early
in the afternoon, many lovelv and
useful gills were presented to the
hivored guests bv the group.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. F. ().
Warren and dauchler. Virginia:
Mrs. C. R. llolmniust. Mr. and
Mrs. E. 0. Bloomnuist. Mrs. K.
Ldman. Mrs. Hogland, Mr. and
Mrs. Gunner Johnson. Mrs. R. T.
Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Osrsf
Bnckland, Frill Sioaren, Mr. and
Mrs. J. N. Sand. Mr. and Mrs.
George Sundhurg and son, lon
aM: Rev. Willis F. Krirkson. Mr.
and Mrs. John Itulsehus and Mr.
and Mrs. Cerese Anderson and
daughter, Fern Cams.
Donald Sundhurs
with several selectans on his ac
cordian and several hvmns were
sung by the group.
Fpsilon Sigma Alpha sorority
Whs entertained Annl 4 at the
home of Miss F.uarda Wesllund.
Hostesses for the evening were
Mrs. Ronald Oilar and Miss Mary
Martin. During thi meeting plans
were completed for the state coun
cil meeting being held in Rose
burg April 14 and 15. Twelve pros
pective members of the sniority !
vvare pre.serU for the occasion. i
. After the business meeting, the j
group adjourned to a shower ghen
fot Mrs. Al llootrn and Mrs. Hill '
Turner. I
rtcarnt were the Mesilames Don !
Starmer. Ronald Oilar. l.vle Wuist, j
Ted Inslev, Kill Benson. Jim Smith
Georgia Peterson. Shirlev Thomas.!
Dale Wnorlriiff. Fred Mora. Kill !
llallcraft. Shirlrv Siecel. T v I e r '
Kvans, Don C'kev. Don Krue, I
"in lurner. K',.scv llotxl.iv. .IJin
King, and the Muses F.iiitrda SVst
lur.d, Rhea Brown. Naniij Nichols,
J.elda Sanders. Adcle Calvin,
liilee V,inn,(fd. Retlv lleismg.
Gloria Gastsh' and Marr Martin.
1 .1 v IIS
p If
, v
omen J
xcran slinrcii 1 1 leclA
Projects for the coming year ,
wore discussed and developed at j
the quarterly meeting of Ihe Worn-!
en's Gink: of Failh l.ulheran
rliurrn luesday evening at t h e (ieoi ge Anderson, Mrs. R V. Con'
home of Mrs. Anne Ssndslede witn man. Mrs. l.oicn Olson. Mrs. R .1
Mrs. h. B. Miller as assistant
Pastor Frickson led the devo
tions speaking on the rebuilding of
Japan by practicing the Beatitudes
as set forth in the "Sermon on the
Mount in relations with the Jap
anese. A very interesting program
on "Missions and the different
religions In Japan was presented
hy Mrs. C. Gilmer. Mrs Chester
Norilling ami Ms. Walter Samuel
The business meeiirg was con
ducted by Mrs B. J Paulson,
president. Projects tor lie coming
year will be a haraar in December
witn Mrs. R. . soffman as gen
eral chairman; a smorgasbord, to
i be held in the church basement, in
the tall with Mrs B. J. Paulson.
! chairman; a hake sale in May
with Mrs, Frank Johnson, chair
man, and a riimmlw sale so he
held April 20 in the Tpiscopal par
ish hall. Mrs. Rolland Sprmver is
chairman of this protect and anv
members hsvingrtimmage mav
coil her aV J.tlKX or may lake it
t'oJMri. CHtiner'i home, 4.U S.
Mrs R. Ouam. Mrs W. Clark
and Mrs. Knrtngcr were placed on
the nnmiiXi'ng committee and
Mrs. Uuam will serve as general
hostess for the Guild. Lovely re
freshments were served hv the
htu-iess to Mrs Robert Trued. Mrs,
ICJ Nelson, Airs. Wendall Clark,
jfr. R. Qtiam, Mrs. Minnia Lmd-
brida. Above, members of tha wadding party include: Toni, Carol
and Shirley St. Ongt, the bride and bridegroom, Bill Piummer, Lou
Silken and Bill Holmes and in front of tha bridesmaids is Berna
datte St. Onga.
QJd Of Dd
Pi i nil .
ner. Mrs F. Brsmn. Mrs Art
Midland. Mrs. L. R. Kvans. Mrs
('. K. Frnleru kson, Mrs. Concui
(imt, Mrs. Oscar Nelson. Mrs
Pan son. Mrs. Frank Johnson
i Andy Sihlick. Mrs. Chester Nord
ling. Mis. J. K. Norilling. Rev.
Willis Frukson. Mrs. Walter Sam
lielson. Mrs. Clarence Gilmer. Mr.
Holland Springer and Mrs.
Circles of the Guild will meet
at the Mlowuig pl.ues: Don
iircl at 1 .to put,, May 3 at the
home of Mrs. Conrad Quist, U:i7
W. First street; Bclhanv circle
at pm May 15 at the home of
M-s. M T. Hergerson. 8;16 S. Ham
ilton street, and Martha circle at
1 .to p m. at home of Mrs. B. J.
Paulson, IR-'ifl 1'ost street.
Bluca Ross was honored on his
second birthday Saturday, when
Sit mother. Mm IVd Ross, f an-
yonville entertained a group ofchil
dren from 11 lo 2 o'clock. Luntfv
ein was mm-vmI to the Kroup. 'atJurii. Mr. and Mm. Harold Horn,
which rime favors presented
each ftiiett and a beautifully deco
rated birthday cake was cut and
Covers were placed for Bruce,
guest of honor, and Sally,
Betty MtHHiie, Andnfe Gill.
Johnny ('hildiens and Skippy and
Janet Allen.
Mother of the children joined
the frnup later (or birthday cake
and coffee
v I
A lovely event of April 1 was a
hoiiM'w arming parly honoring Dr.
K'liMiior Carlson. 1, -stesjes for the
I o. casion were Virginia Ashcraft,
i Gladys Foley, Mildred Horn, Lil
lian DuFresne, and Klyilor Massey.
More than 140 guesis signed Ilia
guest book during the afternoon.
Dr. Carlson was presented wnh
! a lii one lireplace set to match
the glass curtains in front of the
i fireplace.
j Arrangements of d:iffodits and
jfnisythia were placed around the
, rooms'. Presiding at the be.nill
fully apiKiinled tea table were Mrs.
Ciair Alien. Mrs. Helen Gallant,
i Mrs. Harold Augustus and Mrs.
Ja.k Wharton. Dr. Carlson re
ceived at the door and Mildred
Horn and Lillian DuFresne had
i charge of the guest book,
i Those signing the guest book
wore: Mr and Mrs. K. K. Clark,
Mr. and Mrs Oscar C. Holfsness,
Mis Helen Gallant, Dr. and Mrs
C, K. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Ben
DiiKnsne, Mr. and Mrs. D. W.
Wing. Mr and Mrs. Perry I.
I Ashcraft. Kthel Chase. Mr sod
f)Mrs. A. H. Jaeger. Mrs Flossie
iS Yirdcn, Mi" and Mrs, Horaie
Berg. Mrs Worth C. Davis, Mis.
Richard 5 Crenshaw. Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Wickoft, Mrs. Emily
.liuld, Mrs. George F. Foley, Mrs.
Doe Raitabaugh. Mr and Mrs
I eRoy Gorton. Dr. and Mis. Fail
Varjorie C. YV arson, r'ord Single
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ha reus.
Mm, S I,. Kidder. Mr. and Mrv
Percy Ciott, Mk. Clarence V. Lan
d's. Mrs. Claude Baker, Dr. and
iM. C. W. Marshall. Mr arid
NTrs- H. R. Auutu. Mr nd MiO
( harles K. Hart and iXnnell;
Xtt AHin II. flelgeson, Betiy
1 on Tmim, Ir. and Mr Bruce
Hetriek, Mr. and Mrs, Sid-Miv C.
Moon jr. Mrs Hohert IvVder,
' Mr. and Mr. Everett Massey.
ii mi n m mmm puna i LMiui.mii asii ijiifi'ji ' Tf r'fr'? ! " i .1, ill i ai
i, i m ii tmittmaJ . v t. .. aVaVgljMMii --air -ar-nr. t si Mies
MR. AND MRS. ROBERT BARRETT, below, cut their wedding cake
er rne reception toiiowmg their
At a double ring ceremony read
March 27 at the North Roseburg
chinch, Velma Elaine Green be
came the bride of Robert Ramon
Barrett. The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Green and
Ihe bridegroom is the son of Mrs.
Henry Reed. Both families are of
A satin gown with lace yoke and :
long sleeves was tne nnde s choice
for her wedding dress. She car
ried a white Bible and an orchid.
In the bridal party were Miss
Shirley Green, maid of honor; Miss
Judy Anderson, flower girl, Marvin
Janscn, best man and Reuben
Strauss and Lawrence West, ush
ers. Miss Green was given in mar
riage by her father.
The church altar was decorated
with daffodils, fern and cathedril
candles. Preceding the ceremony,
Mrs. i iark Kohti sang "I Love
oi Truly" and "Because", ac
companied by Mrs. Klemins.
hollowing the ceremony, a re
ception in the church parsonage
was' given by the bride's parents.
The bride's table was charmingly
decorated. After the first piece of
cake was cut by the young couple.
Mrs. Lawrence West took charge
of serving and Mrs. Larry Ander
son ptesided at the punch bowl.
The mother of the bride wore a
(line suit with pink accessories and
the bridegroom's mother w a i
dressea in lavendar with pink and
blue accessories. Both mothers i
wore corsages of rosebuds.
After the reception, Mr. and Mrs. j
Barrett left for a wedding trip to !
Vancouver, Wash., and coast!
He is serving with the V. S. I
Navy and is stationed at Ihe naval
base at San Fiancisco. Cat if . The
bride, who is a student at Rose
burg Senior high school, will re
sume her studies.
Monday April H
The Junior Division, at the home
of Carol Hamm, 102 North Flint
street. i
I'nipqua chapter, DAR. at 7;30
p.m. at home of Mrs. L. F. Nielsen
on Moore street.
Installation of Officers for
Neighbors of Woodcraft, Lilac Cir
cle No. 49. S p. m. Formal dress.
Tuatday April 17
RosehuraT Art association at 8
p m. at home of Mrs. Hael Raade,
1934 Fairmont avenue, wilh Mrs.
Lot en Ashman, co hostess. Impor
tant business. K
Kden Ladies Aid no-hostess i
meetind in afternoon at Kden Lu-1
theran church. A new president
will be elected.
Twelve and Won club, at home
of Mrs. FreH Harris, 226 W. Third
avenue, north.
Koseburg Woman'i club at 1 30
p m. in social hall of Methodist
church with member of (troup lit
as hoMees for tea. Mrs. York, of
York's fuchsia garden at Yach
ats. as jiiiet speaker.
Gold Star Mothers to meet at
home of Mr?, lva Van Nova at 2
p. m. Robert Kidder to be guest
Alpha Zeta Theta Rho girls will
meet at HK-F.
Wtdnatday April It
, Tau Kta Ku to mot at home
of Mrs. Dyle Baker, highway 99
Uoehurg Art and Embroidery
cliK at home of Mrs. George
Cluck. Mrs. Frank Bergh to be in
charge of program. t
lr. Roy M. lHrcus, clinical psy
chologist, guest speaker at meeting
of Douglas County Mental Health
association at pm. at Veteran's
hospital. j
Thursday April It
The Women's Society of the First
Baptist church will meet.
La?y Datxy club al ho met f 136
Flleu atenue. po'lw.k luncheon.
!,. Vernon Bri-to, hostess.
West Melroe club lo meet t
hoiM of Mrs. E. M. Seeley. Plant
salf to be held.
Busy Stepper noon potiuck
luncheon al home of Mrs. Adda
J N club, at Soma of Mrt. Carl
marriage March 17, in Koseburg.
f r2aV ..ESL!iitr-
Nickena, 1120 Balff, 7:30 dessert
supper. Co-hostesses. Alice G o f f,
Ollie Krueser. Louise Young, Susie
Bowman, Sissie Jackson.
Friday April 20
Chapter BI. PKO sisterhood, to
meet for 1:15 dessert luncheon at,
home of Mra. Claude Kerr, Mrs. t
M. N. Beery, co-hostes. i
Rummage sale, sponsored by'
Women Society of the Presbyte-
nan church, beginning at 8:30 in
church basement. Arrangements
for pickup may be made by call-j
ing 3-70.
Faith Lutheran guild will have a
rummage sale April 20 at the Kpis
copal parish hall. Mrs. Roland
Springer, general chairman, as
sisted hy Mrs. C. H. Joel son, Mrs.
Ionard Anderson and Mrs. Alice
April 21 Saturday
Rummage auction sale for tha
benefit of the K P. Drum corps,
beginning at 1 p. m. on Cass
street in front of Photo Lab.
Rice Valley Community club will
sponsor a card parly at the hall
this evening. Public ivnited.
Mu chapter. Beta Sigma Phi.
met Wednesday evening at the
lovely home of Mrs. Clair K. Allen,
on Watson street with Mrs. Roy
Stein, co-hostess.
Mr. Nelson How ard and Mrs.
Joseph Webb were guests an)
members enjoying the evening
with .Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Stein
were: Mrs. J. R. Wharton. Mrs.
William Semmler. Mr.. Claron
Chit wood. Mrs. Charles Colbmnn.
Mrs, George Crocker, Mrs. James
Filrtay, Mrs. Donald Gum, Mr.
Henrv Darbv. Mrs. Herman Mat
isoff, Mrs. Jack Bathrick, Mrs. C
P. Yundt and Mr. Bruce Hetriek.
The Founder's day banquet wa
planned for April 30.
Members have completed lay
ette to be turned over to the Red
Cross. 'U
The program for the evening was
given by Mrs. (Ummter on the
sublet-1, "Painting and sculptur
Mrs. Carnpt Fotmsb enfpr
rained the Busy Strpptrs club at
a rharnunf 1 SO o'clock potiuck
luncheon Thursday Covers were
placed tor Mr Fave Krearlman
snrt daughter: Mrs. Renie Jenkins,
M-s .Msrjr Hodses. Mrs. Anna Ire
land, Mrt. Virginia -Wamhelt an4
I Above, the Barrett-Green wedding party poses for Fredrickson'l
I Photo Lab.
.. , -a"
daughter: Mr. Maureen Muetze!,
Mrs. Junia Byron, Mr. Adda Olli
ant, Mrs. Mabel Roberts, Mrs.
(. lat ice Brinkman and Richard;
Mis. Beitiice Parker and daugh
ters : Mrs. Joyce Croucher and her
sister; Mr. Metta Calkins. Mrs.
I aulene Gore. Mrs. Rhoda Ionjt
1 t .
... . .'..-..; ... . ' - : .i
- "- ; . ' '
v. ;: ...v .ii-i--
. ' ' -......
MISS ALICI CLEMENT, organist, will PraerfT)i concert Sunday
tTHHlno at 7:30 o'clock In tht First Baptist church. Tna concert
is tinar tht auspices or tht church choir. Thare will fc, no ad
million charg and tha public is invittd. Mils CUment it con
sidtrtd ? l tht finit muiiciani of tha statt and has a grtat
many friandi as a rtsult of her years of teaching muiic and from
htr numerous organ concerts prtitnted throughout Oregon. (Pic
ture by Edrii Morrison studio I.
0 O
land son; Mrs. Gladys Lucia? and
dautjhter, and the hostess.
I Sewing and visiting were fol
! lowed by games with prizes 5oinf
to Br mice Parker and Joyct
I The next meeting will hi April
19 at the home of Mrs. Olhvant.