Euqcnt Girl Woundtd In R :iflt Accident 8 The News-Review, Roieburg, Or. Sot., March 24, 1951 EUGENE (JPI Thirteen-year-old Janice Hansen suffered a bul let wound in her arm Thursday when a .30 calibre rifle was dis charged, apparently accidentally, by a 13-year-old boy. Janice was in the bathroom of a when the weapon was discharges in the kitchen. The bullet passed through the bathroom door, The girl was treated it Sacred Heart hospital for the wound and shock. The boy, whose name was not released by police, fled in tenor. i V girl friend's home, police said, u n P0TLUCK DINNER ENJOYED BY ROSEBURG ART CLUB AT ZELLA MILLER HOME Mrs. Zella Miller entertained the Roseburg Art and Embroidery elub March 21 at her ranch home near Oakland. A po""ck dinner was enjoyed at 12:30 p.m. Spring flow ers and the Easter motif were used for decorations. Mrs. George Cluck invited the members of the club to spend Ihe afternoon at her home on limp qua avenue March 28 in honor ol Mrs. Charles I'oirot, who is mov ing to Alaska. Those enjoying the afternoon with Mrs. Miller were Mrs. Glen Cox, Mrs. C. J. Bradley. Mrs. J. W. Bowman, Mrs. Henry hr skine, Mrs. Henry Snyder, Mrs. Alice Rhoads, Mrs. A. D. Hawn, Mrs. G. L. Sinclair, Mrs. Carlos Page, Mrs. (icorge Cluck. Mrs. Frank Berfeh, Mrs. h. J.. Houser, Mrs. J. G. Stephenson and Mrs. Chsrlaes Poirot. The next meeting of the club will be April 4 at Ihe home fif Mrs. Floyd Belts, 1021 Winchester. At this time a plant and shrub exchange will be held. ZULEIMA CLUB HAS COSTUME PARTY AND DINNER MEETING FRIDAY Zuleima club. Daughters of the Nile held a costume parly ami din ner meeting Friday evening at Ihe home of Mrs. William T. Evans with Mrs. Philip Durnam and Mrs. J. N. Boor assisting hostesses. The members attending in unique cos tumes, which caued much amuse ment. Mrs. I). B. Kesner, president, conducted the meeting and pre sented gifts from the club to the retiring officers in appreciation of their work during the last year. Those attending were Mrs. Wil liam Oeriling, Mrs. E. N. Kaser Sr., Mrs. John Joelson. Mrs. H. K. Halvcrsen, Mrs. Philip Durnam, Mrs. G. N. Siefarlh, Mrs. O. J. Fett, Mrs. II. R. Reynolds, Mrs. B. 3. Gilbert, Mrs. W. C, Holmes, Mrs. Sig Fett, Mrs. Ernest Went jar, Mrs. L..E. Ilcnninger .Mrs. D. R. Kesner, Mrs. Frank Bodin, Mrs. Walter Brydges, Miss Betty Brydges anvl Mrs. William T. Ev ans. The next meeting will he at the home of Mrs. E. N. Kaser Sr., 162S Harvard, Friday, April 13, at a 6:30 o'clock pot luck supper. MISS HELEN CASEY IS GUEST SPEAKER AT WOMEN'S STUDY CLUB Members of the Yoncalla Wom en's Study club entertained the ' Drain Study club March 15 in the I Epworth hall of the Methodist ! church. A baked ham luncheon I was served from beautifully dec- orated tables carrying out the St. 1 Patricks Day motif. Nut cups and favors were miniature shamrocks. A bouquet of yellow daffodils was centered between tall green can- dies. Following t h e luncheon the i guests were invited to the au ditorium, where Miss Helen r'acnv nf Rnsphnrff held the au dience spellbound while relating her trip lo Europe last summer. Taking four months for the trip, Miss Casey started from Portland and went by plane to Los Anele. From there, she flew to New York and to Europe. She traveled to Portugal, Spain, Italy, Switzer land, Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, England and Ireland. Mrs. Tim Ellis, accompanied by Mrs. George Edes, sang two Irish songs to complete the program. Those attending from Drain were Mrs. McArthur, Mrs. Madge Cooke, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Bcrnice Griggs, Mrs. Gallegy, Mrs. Regan, Mrs. Hallmark, Mrs. Bush Sr., Mrs. Bill Cool Jr., Mrs. Chatham, Mrs. Bill Cool Sr., and Mrs. Carol Henderson. Hostesses from Yoncalla were Mrs. Harold Turpin, Mrs. Raphael Wise, Mrs. Fred Merk, Mrs. John Kruse, Mrs. Ralph Latham, Mrs. Lloyd Pinkston, Mrs. Earl String, Mrs. Hugh Warner. Mrs. Irvin Rice, Mrs. LeRoy Hanson, Mrs. Don Atkinson. Mrs. Met., Mrs. Jim Ilnuser. Mrs. J. N. Spirks, Mrs. Dare Kingery. Mrs. Dan Wright, Mrs. Jazek, Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. George Edes. ALPHA IOTA CHAPTER, BETA SIGMA PHI, HOLDS ELECTION RECENTLY An election of officers was held when Alpha Iota chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, met March 15 at the home of Mrs. Walter Welker. Those elected were Mrs. Robert Sabin, president; Mrs. Robert Davie, vice president; Mrs. Craig Short, re cording secretary; Mrs. Ralph L. Wiley, corresponding secretary; Mrs Robert Kent, extension of ficer and alternate city council -.:V M -ilr 1 g sm . m X. M t 1 s k . ;(:- 'cV ?XA , i CELEBRATE LEGION ANNIVERSARY Pictured above is a group Edith Marshal, first vice-president of the Umpqua Pott 14; Gene of Legionaires blowing out the candles on a cake commemorating Springer, and Ted Dauber, commander of Umpqua Post 16. The the 32 anniversary of the American Legion. They are, left to anniversary celebration was held in the K.P. hall Tuesday evening, right: Frank Hammerschmith, district 10 commander; Hollis Hull, Hull and Carl E. Wimberly were the principal speakers. (Photo vice-commander of the department of Oregon of Albany; Mrs. by Photo Lab) Lewis & Clark" COLLEGE CHOIR Of Portland, Oregon L. STANLEY GLARUM Directing W i l( appear,,. TUESDAY, MARCH 27 AT 8:00 P.M. Jr. High School Auditorium FREE WILL OFFERING THIS AD SPONSORED BY THE BELOW NAMED MERCHANTS: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE teaches reliance on God alone Attend a free lecture entitled "Christian Science: The way to Fulfill God's Purpose" by Grace Jane Noee, C.S. of Chicago, Illinois Member of the Board of lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts. Monday, April 2, 1951 8 p.m. in Jr. High School Auditorium First Church of Christ, Scientist of Roseburg, Oregon ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED representative; Mrs. Ralph Oh man, cily council representative; Mrs. L. L. Wimberly, sponsor, and Mrs. J. P. Motschenbacher, di rector. The dale for the preferential tea was set for April 1, at the home of Mrs. Motschenbacher, Winches ter street. May A, a rummage sale will be held at the Episcopal parish hall. Following Ihe election ann busi ness meeting, the group enjoyed a talk by Mrs. Ann Nichols, inter national representative of Beta Sima Phi. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Kid der. Roll call will be answered by naming "The Best Loved Book." Hostesses were Mrs. Waller Wel ker and Mrs. Kd Radigan. They served refreshmenls lo guests, Mrs. Ann Nichols and Miss Helen Casey, and the following mem bers: Mrs. Frank Wickham, Mrs. Ralph Ohman, Mrs. Craig Short, Mrs. ,1. P. Motschenbacher, Mrs. Robert Phillips, Mrs. Ralph h. Wi ley, Mrs. Robert Kent, Mrs. Robert Dame, Mrs. Sidney Domenico, Mrs. Robert Kidder and Mrs. Er nest Barker Jr. MRS. ADRIAN FISHER ENTERTAINS KEYSTONE CLUB AT DESSERT-SUPPER Keystone circle of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Adrian Fisher March 19 for the regular monthly dessert-supper hotesses were Mr. Mvrtle Burr and Mr. Ralph Scudder. In ad dition to the hostesses, the follow ing members and guests enjoyed a pleasant evening of games and visiting: Mrs. Mildred Rowland, Mrs. Elmer Anderson, Mrs. Wm. C. Woods, Mrs. I C. Peterson, Mrs. R, II. Wilson, Mrs. W. II. Wisharl, Mrs. L. W. Rand, Mrs H. M, Burt, Mrs. A. L. HeMott, Mrs. L. M. (label, Mrs. Eveline Culler. Mrs. Hairic Booth, Mrs. Ray Hampton, Mrs. G. L. Single Inn, Mrs. Clyde Chilwood, Mrs. W. A. MacArthur, Mrs. Brure El lioit, Mrs. Clifford Smith and Mrs. Orton Kent. HERBERT HOBI HAS LARGE PARTY ON EIGHTH BIRTHDAY Herbert llobi, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hobi, celebraled his eighth birthday at a large party Saturday afternoon a this home on Reservoir avenue. fnvited to celebrate' th eoccasion with the guest of honor included his two younger broihers, Robert and Herman Hobi; Jerome and Nancy I.ehnus, Timmy and Kathy Oakley, Mary Lynne Pearson, Mar ilyn, John and Carol Todd, Mark. Teddr and Howard Sohn, Mark and Mike Montgomery and Becky and Julie Roberts. A very lovely Easier luncheon was served by Mrs. Hobi, assisted by Nancy I.ehnus. Bunnies and Easter baskets formed the attrac tive decorations, while the larte birthday cake, also carried out the same molif. Gifts were presented to the juest of honor. During the social hours, Mr. Hobi showed motion pictures to the group, ' BETHANY CIRCLE PLANS PROJECTS FOR COM'NG YEAR Bethany Circle of Faith Lutheran church made plans for work proj ects for the coming year at the Tuesday meeting. Mis. Kmnie Brown was hostess for the occasion. Rev. Willis Erickson gave the devotions at Ihe beginning of the meeting, which was conducted by Mrs. Anna Sansletle. Committee chairmen were ap pointed and a social hour followed. The hostess served refreshmenls to Mrs. M. T. Bergerson, Mrs. Santcde, Mrs. John Kort, M r . Roy Kresser, Mrs. Robert Truell, Mrs. Walter Samtielson, Mrs. Leon ard Anderson and Rev. Mr. Erick son. The quarterly meeting of Ihe guild will he held at the home ol Mrs. Sanstrtle in Cloake's Ferry April to beginning at 8 o'clock. Mrs. B. J. Paulson, president of Ihe guild, will he in charge and members and friends of Bethany, Martha and Dorcas circles are in vited lo attend. r , ,,,w.i,i.IIimiiwi.i v -mfKmi A iM t t 4 r '.t li ia - . IJou Are 3nvitccl Jo... a beautiful EASTER SERVICE at 7:30 p.m. "THE LAST WEEK" Vocal and Instrumental Music Scripture and Poetry Narration centered around a Kodachrome filmstrip of famous paintings of the events of "HOLY WEEK" with background music on the HAMMOND ORGAN Olficr Services Jlie r2)rtfy Sunrise Service at the Vet's Facilities $:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Youth Fellowship 4:15 p.m. EVANGELISTIC UNITED BRETHREN ' NORTH ROSEBURG CHURCH 2043 Vine Street x South of Alameda, between Cloverdale Park and Highway 99. Turn east at the tfarden Valley Road Jet. FESTIVE Easier lAJorsiip At The Chapel of The Roses 1 1 :00 A. M. Sermon: "FEAR AND JOY" You Are Invited FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor: Willis F. Erickson 242 South Rose St., Diol 3-6079 Roseburg Book Store 217 North Jackson Phono 3-5356 Roy O. Young, Ini. 205 West Cast St. Phone 3-3044 Hansen Motors Co. Oak tc Stephens St. Phono 3-4446 Bergh's Appliance 1200 So Stephens St. Phone 3-B348 Roseburg Lumber Co. 2nd. Ave. and Sixth Phone 3-5561 Douglos Co. Creamery Jackson and Douglas Phone 3-3237 K it:- MARCELLA T1CHENOR 0 0 WARD RICE EASTER SERVICES at the FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Early Worship - - 8:15 Bible School - . 9:45 Morn. Worship - 10:45 Evening Service 7:30 FEATURING The Choir Singing: "O Divine Redeemer" Gound "Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates" from the Messiah Handel And Soloists: "The Magdalene" Warren Jessie Crenshaw "The' Holy City" Adams Ralph Church "Christ The Savior Lives Again" Tracery Gerald Tichenor r 4 i' i ! GERALD TICHENOR O