7 o iWOBip mm presewtep dm pioto IHifoo fgf"! nam the light of the worla. , lj'MMi- he that-followeth me shall no,, ... ; X ' . - p' " pJUV. I.tii " t.' walk in darkness but shall have ,. ' : -. .. the hgKt of life." . . o -J .JUL .V" ft H tfe - o u If iV "V B fWL ft.'rfy , . - . .SQ UIDS WILL BE KIDS A cheering crowd of Korean children lurround a Third division soldier in Seoul street shortly after his platoon entered city. Reoceupation by U.N. troops marked fourth time the Republican capital has changed hands since war began June 25, 1950. (AP Wirephoto mrj ibwiw II will I QKyg fE Tclrphoto) PUSHING THE RROS BEFORE THFM Infantry troops of the 1st Cevalnr pass a vehicle convov an they move up a road about la miles soulh o( the 38th parallel In the Hongehon area. United Nations j forces, dogsedly pushmi! the Reds baelt across the parallel, have established "holdinit posl'lons" within ' 17 miles oi the line at five points alone the 140-mile front. (NEA-Acme photo by SUUf Photographer Bert Ashworth.) In a world of chaos, war and the hardening of hearts against the teachings of the Master, there it rhvir.e , rty Si th,JRs"rin. Posing for this scene illustrating the Easter them, are Phyllis Mom, of Graud Rapids, Mich., and Loren Cook, of Lansing, Mich, both student at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. W 11 ASf E JV NT , w ., W': . . . -kak 4 ' CD.f a 5 o rB rierhoio( TELLS OF BROOKLYN MURDER RNC-Ab"ad" to Mexico William CVDwyer (extreme risht) testi fies at the Senate crime investigating committee hearmu in New York. Chairman Estea Kefauvei" ID, Term.), lelt, and committee counsel Rudolph Halley (second from left) listen attentively. Mr. O'Dwyer told the committee of the operations of a Brooklyn murder ring. i..t'' AiS : ' L7 . I AvJmA&Jk -TV-::- Afe If K. ' in JT V )a' EGYPTIAN WOMEN SHOUT FOR RIGHTS Carrying slogans -J .1 x: it j iL. iy 1. , a. . .'i,.dJ ?,T3sv. ana inuuiinu, ineia women aemonsrrfliB at me aaTei or irna tlfrVislhaa ;'-sVf. afcittlaTJisaaaaa Farouk's Abdin palace in Cairo. Thev submitted a reauest to the SIDEWALK DRAMA Blind Joe Farley (center) weeps as Betty, King claiming political rights for Egyptian women. At present his seeing-eye dog, overcome by smoke in a Los Angeles apart-, women do not have the right to vote and only men can be ap ment house fire, gets first aid from Lawrence McCarthy. Farley, pointed to any civil post. (AP Wirephoto) also cought in the tire, gropea nis way rnrougn aense smoke to , freedom. Betty was roused and joined her happy master. (AP j Wirephoto) I . r - 1 , a i . "'nstiiiiifi l -Shop and Save' W1 V - Classified Ads - 14 191984 mtm mtiK m CONGRESSWOMEN SHOW DROP IN DOLLAR Five Republican women members of the House of Reoresentatives display these baskets f groceries in the House to point out loss of valw of 4kJIUf Thev are I L to R I : Representatives w arguerite J. onurch IR-III.I, Cecil M. Harden ..aww"-' - .. id I BiLTI llhkJ' Lln . . . -. ....... Frances P. Bolton iB-unioi, Ruin inompsotrirv-ivitcn.), r;a?nerine 3t. oewf ge I K-N.T. I . IR-lnd.l, Frances (AP Wirephoto) ii4 .sWCriiJ WITH tarsal r-v m rx A i (5) 7": .' Wf.A T'lpphnlal STOPPED COLD-The driver of this snow plow had to shovel hia way out after his trurk was stalled. Forty-mile winds and a snowfall of 16 to 34 inches stopped all traffic on Highway 6 east of arlnell, la. DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Zoa Newman 92S Cobb St. Dial 3-712S o (KF.A Trie photo) ACCUSED Ramon Orau n Martin (above), former Cuban Presuient. ha.i been indicted lor ' pruicipni n;.()iiniiiiii.j' in siit was allied to be one of the grr-fit-est frauds Int he history of Ha vana. 8an Martin ha bn ac ctused of theft or mLwpproprlation of 40 million dollara. Do Your Food Shopping EARLY AT NIELSEN'S this week . . . We will be closed Sunday", March 25, In observance of Easter. Nielsen's Market Highway 99 S. ot City LimiS r : (NSA Trttphi TO GIVE AWAY BABY-CP' and Mm. Jack Knudaen want te five up their baby. Jack Jr, who la Just I weeks old. Mrs. Knudsen. 90, eiplalned thev can't give him the thlnta a baby should have. Knud aen. 11-year-old Army bandsman, said that "we lust don't feel any thing for him." The young couple It- In a one-room apartment a San Francisco. IF YOUR PAPER HAS NOT ARRIVED BY 6.15 P.M. DIAL 2-2631 POSTER GIRL Bright-eyed Brett Downei, cerebral palsy victim of Eliiabeth City, Va., who wiil be the 1951 Easter Seal Poster girl, poses for a photog rapher for the National Society for Crippled Children and Adults. Brett, unable to walk alone until she was 22 months old, is almost four now and is recovering under treatment. (AP Wirephoto) SPEEDY SERVICE! We pride ourselves in being able to offer you quick, courteous service . . . along with high quality, scientific laundering methods. You'll save lots of time, too, by letting us do your washday chores! Call now and our friendly driver will pick up your wosh-doy load . , de liver it fresh and clean . let you have Monday free to do those little things you never seem to hove time for.' Complete Laundry and Cleaning Service NEW SERVICE LAUNDRY 324 W. Lane. Dial 3-8362 Opinions about diamonds The dictionary defines opinion f "a conclusion or (udqment , sllina short of positive knowl edge. When you buy a dia mond you need more than an opinion. You need the positive knowledge of an aipert who knows diamonds by long study end experience. That's why we Invite you to come In for a talk about dia monds before you buy. Our Certified Gemologiits will be glad to help you with the In formation you need to buy wisely. Illustrated Brilliant diamond set in Orange Blossom engagement ring with four diamonds, $225. Matching wedding ring with seven diamonds, $125. Prices in. elude federal ta, Cmi'JM Grmofofuti Keiitttrtd JtwtltTtAMtrktn Ctm Sotf Across From Douglas County q Stat BanlP I aT l JEWELERS o 0 S2