ML & 2), 6 . The Nawi-Reviaw, Roseburg, Or. Sot March 24, 1951 (Bad, unn SCHUSTER-PENNARIO CONCERT TO BE HELD MARCH 30 led Uidit j eJi rom (-. ' ,: i ; - v.- for . 1 - y'-)vN Mrs. S. B. (Anna) Dunn recently magazine. They recently ip. returned to her home, 701 Newton 1 peered in "Redhook." Creek road, Roseburg. following , 4 "m.a " h" - j . . .. I- her annual winter visit with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Stevens, 1671 Dsto avenue, Highland Park, 111. They visited friends and saw plays, but the climax of the visit was their flight, the first for Mrs penmgs both ancient and recent, is now equipped with a load of twin sturies for her friends and neighbors in Roseburg. She also plans to tell them about her Until buthday party held Jan. 21 at her daughter's home in Highland r?rK. when a Urge number of uunn u rew lor, wnere ncy j frien,ls brout,h, gifl, ,nd ,rtisted "' "V . ner in celeoraiing the occasion, ens son-in-law and daughter, Mr. I Mrs. Dunn was born in a log and Mrs. N A. Melalti. and the , cauln tl BpVerly, III., in 1871. She Mclatti children. Robert, 3, and : sH tvpe for her husband s news Maris and Adrians. 10-month old paper during her bridal year, 1K89, lWln, i at Stanton, la., fought prairie fires Mrs. Melatti, granddaughter of and blizzards in Minnesota in Mrs. Dunn, was formerly J e a n i the early 1900's and has been pio Sim ens. She has sung with the i neering ever since. To this dry. Chicago Opera company, the San ! she kills an occasional rattlesnake Carlo and the Metropolitan and expects to return to the "Met when her children are a few years older. The twins are famous in their own right as they are profes sional models for Constance Han- nister, the famed baby photos- that wanders down to her land eiery once in awhile. Mrs. Dunn mows her own lawn and splits her own wood. Now Mrs. Dunn is back in her home in Oregon taking care ol 14 acres of land, but next winter. rapher, and their pictures appear , she will return again to Highland in numerous nationally circulated i'arn to De witn her daughter. Social (Calendar parents! Pennario, brilliant, young Amer-Jbeen acclaimed ai a sensationally Monday March M Umpqua avenue; Leonard Pennario. pianist, anovei Dorn in Lonsianunope. ins .ar. ,,. ' . '""" k ! " " " " I Cruisers club of. the Preshvterian Clilloid E. Smith left, and Joseph Schuster, cellist, were Itussian ana reiurnea 10 mis-, ic... P'-'"'. "' orniiani pianisi aim nas oeen com- . . .. , : ,h ., j Pyiluan Sisters above right, will present the last concert of the season for the Rose burg Communily Concert associa tion March SO at 8:15 p.m. in the sia with him, when he was three , coast-to-coast tour since he re years of age. lie was a child pro- turned to civilian life from the digy and had gained considerable Armed Forces in 1946. He was an fame before he was in his teens. 1 1 year oiu aiiim-m at university wnen ne i..: u;.k .i,,i ..i;i,.r.,,, Tiii ii. :.j c, i., i. - nn of Southern Calilornia, concert replaces the concert s'ched-! .orvatory and Hoiichschule fur Mu- entered the Air Corps, but he had I uled by the Portland Symphony or-,lk, Berlin. He made his profes-; already earned a 'ViL Penn.ri, chestra, which cancetleo lis iouriS0n, debut as soloist with the " ..k: i...,r'. .,.rmnani,t ire beine sent ! No. 5, Mrs. 833 Harvard, degree staff practice, 7:30 p. m. at K. P. hall. Saturday March 31 Pomona Grange at Azalea pared by noted critici to HorowiUi(he cnu,.cn. Ur. and Mrs. Frank and even with the great master, Hcrgh and Mr. and Mrs. Max Pen Rachmaninoff. At the age of 26, , nie will be hosts. I'-fln.rm Ilinflu in tllA fllint rink Ah L' n r . A 1. J of tha spectacular figures in the pariy at 1 p.m. at the parish .t"1 rfT'S; txemP"llc- mus e tcmay. , liall. sponsored by St. Georse's i ;.' . J n j el....... .A t ,.,u .iinKeroo square aance ciuo ... I . At I l'.V.m..n .f ll.a lf.w.r.. -I O . r, i difficult iM . niT nuiu it. hia debutasa soloist witn mc . lauer a scranpanr. uin F '" i KVilhirlhe o7or Co umbi, K , w iVh .h. Newark : "alias Symphony orchestra at the direct from New York W Oregon a. tn. nai, .nituon rnnrert. Inc.. were at fault for "hi h.rn,iP under Tonscanlni for K ' " n" na mce played for concerts mnoseo org. r. ......n will meet at Edenbower school at 9 p. m. Neighbors. of Woodcraft Thimble RESIDENTS OF ELGAROSE ARGE PARI upon i ssving rriMMiiuirv BPW at 8 p. m. at the Kpisco- i ?.. " " San Francisco. He has presented: The Rnsehuriz Community Con-1 1 parish hall. Mr. and Mrs. V trill Woodruff ours In T is counrv I recitals throughout the U n i t e d ,.0rt association members have en-'Special drill practice for the of tlgarose were honored March ours in tins country. ,C.,i. .j k,. kn , ;.n.. ..f Pi Ihian Sisters. K. P. ha 11 at 7:30 ' 17 with a farewell oartv at tha illltlfS IIU v unu.ia aim iiuj ..v . .. joyfU All firi. law J 1 " w. - . - - presented to them from their mariv fnpnrU Tli Wnmlrnffc h,iA . "augnter to i,ve(( m ihe Elgarose community ik:. I 1 1 nd.n... hav v. i ,,. , k-j iwnn svmpnony orcnesir ill :cw runs 1 1,1 . ' ' " :nwr,vcw mi kHVE rmn I nr....H thPir helief that the Pen- hr,t. h maH.Vork, Chicago. Indianapolis, Lien- place ot me prev.uus.y ., .. . F. .... ..rin.r,,.i.r rnnori will meet .i.... i ,.ih ,nH ! ver, Minneapolis. Ixs Angeles and concert, with great favor by the members. has been a Srhmter. who will have his ac- on his many tours companist with him, is one of tha i He is married to an American girl finest cellist ot tne times, lie was ana tney nave one son. on many radio broadcasts. He has I splendid concerts. p. m. I"UR ".HIT " W W ":w C W i toK .-x. PiK f?-f v" Tuesday March 27 Roseburg meet at Masonic Temple at 7:30 p. m. Patch and Chat club at E. R. Buckingham home on Calkins road at 8 p. m lor :i6 years and have moved to the Harry Wesley farm in Garden Valley. isiting and cards vera en- 9 i ' t t ' i - , . X ay h Kilt if ,: jy e 2 TT v f ' ... V.-. ' Av , form ii arc- i Ii lAJoman of Fjontli F. S. club in afternoon at home i '"'.l ' " "J" " r. ""resn- of Miss Marie Martens, 1032 N. Jackson street." Junior Woman's club at Episco pal parish hall at 8 p. in. Roseburg Rcbekah lodge No. 41 in evening at IUOF hall. Square Dancing at Veterans hos pital recreation hall at 2 p. m. un der auspices of American Legion. Mrs. Waller Ulrich, hospital chair man for auxiliary, urges all volun. leer hospital workers and women interested in square dancing to attend to assist as hostesses. Melrose PTA at 8 p.m. at school. Two exchange students from India, who are attending U. of ()., will be guest speakers. Public invited. Oregon State Nurses association evening meeting at Community hospital. Radoura club. Daughters of Nile mcmhers to sew for Shrine hospi tal at meeting beginning at 1:30 p. m. at home of Mrs. O. M. Ber ne, 830 E. Douglas street. ments were served to the follow ing: Mr. and Mrs. (iunnar John. son, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Holm quist. Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. John son, Mr. and Mrs. Slanley Sjogren and sons, Dickie aed Dennis; Mr and Mrs. Carl Backlund. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Bhiomquist. Mr. and , pen,),,,, upon themselves for their ...... "ii.-iiu , entertainment at that time. Mrs. L. C. John. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Reitzman, Mrs. Ada Durch, Morris Durch. Mr. and Mrs. War ren l.tiriis, Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord l.ucas. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wes ley and daughter, Joan; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olson, Mr. and Mrs. George Sundherg, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Han son and children. Donald and Mar gie, and Mrs. V. E. Grise. CRYSTAL POMPELLA AND HOWARO WILSON MARRY AT BUELL HOME, MARCH I Crystal Pompella became the Chosen Woman of the Month for j capacity in 1939. From 1930 until March by tha Umpqua unit of the j three years ago, she has served American Legion auxiliary is Mrs. i as secretary-treasurer of the city C. E. (Mary S.) Roberts, 435 Fow-i library board and is now serving ler street, a resident ot Roseburg as secretary, since 1915. She has done substitute teaching Mrs. Roberts, born Mary S.duing various teacher shortages Swinney in Walworth, Wis., was over the years. During World War th? second of three daughters born 1 II, she undertook the tremendous to Joseph and Lue Bagley Swinney. ; task of Red Cross production chair Her parents moved from New York I man of Douglas county. This en slate to Wisconsin shortly after tailed organizing all sewing and their marriage in 1880. knitting groups in the county and Mrs. Roberts remembers her ; packaging and shipping all ma farm home life as a happy time. ' terials made within D o u g I a t Winter meant skating parties .bob i county. sleddine and many snow men. I Her main hobby is reading and Swimming parties we're held in the she likes needlework of all kinds. necause sne nas serveo ner community well in civic, social and religious endeavors, the Umpqua unit No. 16 of the American Legion many likes in that section of Wis consin in summer, iney were oe. auxiliary chose Mrs. Roberts as "Woman of tha Shp received her srhooliniz in the Walworth high school. She and their March her ciclert iiMiallv walked to school I Month." but during extremely bad, weather I Mrs. Edith Marshall, first vice they relied on a horse drawn car- president df Umpqua unit, pre riagc. In school she was active in I senled a myrllewnod plaque mada literary cluhs, drama societies aid J by the patients of the Rosehurg plaved" intra-mural basketball, i Veterans hospital to Mrs. Roberts. 1 I....L.. f ... kink Uptlll Her Ki diniamni nvui Him schooi in 1904 she entered the Mil ton collese, Milton, Wis. complet ing a four year English major course in 1908. During her senior j CARD CLUB IS ENTERTAINED AT I REMINGTON HOME I Mrs. Lloyd Rcmmington was a year she served as president of , charming hostess Friday after the literary society. noon, when she entertained tha She began teaching in the Wal-! Merry Seven caul club at her home worth high school and tauehl there in Dillard. The salad-luncheon was for two years, 1908 to 1910. From served at 1:00 o'clock, followed by Inter Se study club, at Ihe home 1 brine of Howard Wilson in a livelv of Mrs. Bruce Mellis. 306 Glenn ' single ring ccremonv March 2 at 1 1910 to 1914. she lainht English in ; the pleasant afternoon of pinochle. street. A 1:15 dessert luncheon will the home of .Mrs. Mercy Ruell in I the preparatory school of Milton 1 Prizes were won by Mrs. Marian i Dillard. Rev. Frank B. Drew of j the Dillard Methodist church of ' ficiated. Mrs. Wilson was charm ing in a navy blue tailored suit : w ith white accessories. be served Wednesday March 21 Merry-Go-Round club at the home of Mrs. W; H. Carter on Il:n vairl avenue for a 1 o'clock ' WCTU a. home of Mrs. Louis 1 ?,a1P'',n- """. Calif., wore ! Charles E Rnber's. shortly after Kohlhagen Sr., 901 Military at I A?8' , "iT V"?.1,, Fi, , .,.i,.t ' ' i hoth Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are I July 29, 1917. Their son. Charles, n i-n-nii, ii in jfiiirtiu. mrs. vtmnn j now a civu engineer Willi iiic on- is Ihe third grade teacher at the reau of Indian Affairs in Tonpi school. The bridegroom is em- i nitch. Wash., was born in 1917. college. During two summer pe- i Harryman and Mrs. Fred Alburtus, riods, she attended classes at the Guests enjoying the party wera University of Wisconsin in Madi-lMrs. Clifford Remington, Mrs. Aiieen into, Mrs. Joe leater, Mrs. Rosa Heinbach, Mrs. Albertus, Mrs. Harryman and the hostess son. I The familv moved to Roseburg Ihe brides mother, Mrs. Verna in 1915. She mel her husband SIX LAYETTES FOR THE RED CROSS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED I Chitwood, Mrs. Mary Black, Mrs. Ann Nichols, Mn. Jack P. Bath by Mu Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, members. Tha layettes will be rick, Mn. Don Gum, Mri. James R. Finlay, Mrs. Daniel Dimick. distributed to needy families by tha Red Crots. Paul Jenkins, i Back row: Mri. J. A. Colbrunn, Mn. George Crocker, Mrs. Carl Newi-Review photographer, took tha above picture of the group Wauom, Mrs. Roy Stein, Mrs. Bruce Hetrick, Mrs. W. H. Semmler at a special meeting Friday night at tha homa of Mrs. Jamoi R. j and Mrs. Henry Darby. Mrs. Nichols, international representative Finlay, 317 E. Rice street. A potluck supper preceded the meet- j of Beta Sigma Phi, was guest of honor and gave a talk on the ing. Flowering quince and camellias formed tha attractive deco- j organization. Mrs. Carl Waisom, assisted by Mrs. Dan Dimick, rations. First row, left to right, Mrs. Paul Caey, Mrs. Clarson i presented a fine program on "Music." mini eiiinniiimi oil pi i.i,ii iinM "'tV;'C4s Y g , .- . ... .-,..... - -.. r ' awsjpaj 'Vs. . I- XT . vr,. ROSEBURG THETA RHO GIRLS ATTEND FINE CONVENTION AT CRESWELL The 1!M Thela RIki Girls con senlitin was opened by the Alpha Nu Thela Rho club of Creswell. Alter the opening, the Creswell club surrendered their chairs to the convention officers. Mrs. Vcl ma Herman, chairman of the board ot control, was intixiduccd and was led, Rea Fridlund. Klva Bovd Mary Holler, .loan MeGhehey, Ev elyn Moore. Arville Montgomery, ami the advisors, Mrs. Blanche Marr and Mrs. Velma Herman. SURPRISE PARTY FOR MRS. NEWHOUSE HELD AT RICKETTS HOME A surprise hon vnvaue party for Mrs. Mary I.ou Newhnuse was Tcnmile Ladies club at home of Mrs. Alice Dwight. Potluck lunch eon at noon. LookinKglass 4-H Cooking club, "Chefs to Be" will sponsor a Mothers Easter tea front 2:30 to 3:30 in school cafeteria for moth ers of members. Thursday March 2 Women of Country rluh 12:30 noon luncheon at clubhouse. Con tract bridge play at 1 p. m. Methodist circles at 1:30 des- ploycd at the Umpqua Plywood nun. A reception followed at the home of Mrs. Buell. The bride's table was centered with yellow daffodils and other spring greenery. The guests for the affair were Donald Wilson, Mrs. Verna Maplesdon, Margaret Dyer of Ealna. Mrs. Keith Crow of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Remmington. The next meet ing is to he held at the home ol Mrs. Harryman on Kent Creek. BRIDGE CLUB ENTERTAINED AT MORRIS BOWKER HOME Mrs. XI. C. Bow'iter entertained si'rMunchoons. No. 1, Mrs. F. W. j Willard Laurance. Mr. and Mrs. Cnase, 409 Vista avenue; No. 2, Mrs. W. Howard Pattison, 7S0 E. I.ane street; No. 3, Mrs. Jack Preston, 545 S. Stephens street; No. 4, Mrs. J. M. Boyles, 1301 Itert Laurance and two children Pamela and Nickie, and Mrs Mercy Buell. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are now making their home in Dillard. John, now emnloved in Oakland. Calif., was born in 1919. Both boys her bridge club Thursday at a are married. Mrs. Roberts is very proud of her granddaughter, Su san. During the school year of 1934. Mrs. Roberts served as president of the Roseburg senior high school PTA. She has been quite active in the work of the Presbyterial Association of Southwestern Ore- 1 o'clock luncheon at her home on S. Main street. Easter decorations were usetl on the luncheon tables and a color scheme of yellow and green was used in the candles and place mats. Those present were Mrs. Ted Wirak, Mrs. Beit Corkriirn, Mrs, Jane Fies and Mrs. Alfred Ander- gon having been treasurer in 1933, son, members, and guests, Mrs, secrelary 1936 and serving two : Neil Kaser, Mrs. George Luoma, years as president in 1937 and 1938. ! Mrs. Noran Siefarth and Mrs. She is a charter president of Edward Murphy. Prizes for bridge Chapter BI of the PEO formed went to Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Kaser in 1938, and served again in this and Mrs. Wirak. presented with a corsage. Afler the 1 given by a large group of her introduction of advisors and sistant advisors, Creswell gave an trieiids just before sue left Rose burg for a huropean tour. Music address ot welcome. The reponse , cards ami visiting were enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Charles Rick etts and a camera was presented to Mrs. Newhouse by her friends.! Arrangements of hyacinths, flow i eruti: ouince and forsvthia were opened by the Creswell club. Each used about the rooms. During the was given by Myrtle Creek. The meeting was adjourned for lunch eon, which was served by the Creswell Itehekah Indce. The afternoon meeting w a s A PINK AND BLUE SHOWER honoring Mrs. Larry Bigler was given by Mrs. Francis Brown and Mrs. Lowell Arterbury at tha latter s attractive hone Thursday evening. Pink and blue streamers, matching balloons, a stork and a two-tierad cake formed the fable decorations. Pink and blue baskets and miniature storks wera used as favors. Prizes for tha games want to Mrs. Biajer, Mrs, Kresser and Mrs. Minor, Following tha opening of tha gifts, tha I hostesses served lovely refrfthments. Front row, left to right: Mrs. Atterbury, Mrs. Warren Minor, Mrs. Charles Ftssnk, Mrs. Paul Garren, Mrs. Lyle Westcott, Mrs. RSy, Mrs. Jack Brookins Mrs. Bigler, Mrs. CflUo Sallea and Mrs. Nelson Howard. , cluli iiae a report on past club pvents. A beautiful memorial wa jiii on by Lorn no and a tribute to .Vrs. Herman was Riven hy lot tare lirove. Alter the report o? the committees the obligation con lest was tiiven, and won by Ro berta John of Hosehuri. Koseburn also won Ihe entertainment trophy. An election of officers for next year's convention, which will be held at Springfield, was held. A demonstration of balloting wait given by Hoseburg and the ma jority degree by Springfield. A ery interesting address was given by Mrs. Herman. After the busi ness meeting and appointing and setting of the l!t.'2 convention of ficers, the meet ing was turned over to (.'reswrll, who then ckiM'd the com ention. The following girls went from Roseburg; Arlene Coffman, Janet Itaipham, Joyce llarpham, Mari lyn Niekens, Marion liillett. Vir gima ("vnis, Palis Hicks, Roberta John, fron Bloom. Dorothjr Gib evening. Mrs. M;tbel McRao played several selections on the organ. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Aery Thompson, Miss Mary t'arol Jones, Mrs. Marjone War-j son, Mrs. V. V. llarpham, Mrs. ! (Ylia Dav, Mrs. Paul Harms. Miss Mabel McRae. Mrs. . C. Blake, j Mrs. I'ora Kopan, Mrs. James Me- , tl inly. Mrs. Forrest McKay and ' the hostess. i DUCKY DAUGHTERS i ENJOY MEETING AT HOME OF NANCY GILE Ducky Daughters met Tuesday I evening at the home of Naneyt tide with honorable quack, Judy Brubaker, in charge. Refreshments were serveil later in the evening by Nancy Gile and Joyce Hicks, hostesses, to; Judy Brubaker, Sue WisMng. Janice Austin, Joanne Muse. Kllnora Rose, Muriel Klli son, Dorothy llalbrook, Carmen I'ox. Carry i'argeter and the ad visor, Kay Holmes. 1 f. lfrX -"t li M ! l: 1 ' ' ( .-.-X Xi as . J a - , '.-.i.V-.l ar m JT w -if V l, - , t A j THE ANNUAL SPRING FLOWER SHOW ofp tha Roseburg i to right: Mrs. Otho Gosnell, M'ri. A. Gibson, Mrs. Frank Ashly, Woman's club will be an event of April 5-6 inhe Methodist ; Mrs. Slg Fett and Mrs. J. J. Kester, sAeted at tha table, and stand i church parlors. Mrs. Frank Ashley arJ Mrs. J. A. Gibson are , ing: Mil. L. F. Nielsen, Miss Alice Ueland, Mrs. T. L. Goodwin, I co-chairman and have announce, the show promises to ba most Mrs. Harry A. Brubatr, Mrs. H. G. Powell and Mrs. Ray E. Doer 1 outstanding. Tha committee is making arrangements to secure 'ner. Others assisting on tha committee and not present in tha ; Ridges and awardyibaVns for the best exhibits-, Members of tha picture are: Mrs, Xennetn Ford, Mrs. W. L. Cobb, Mrs. Clifford commitave meetig this week at tha chamber ot eommerce ani t. jmith, Mrs. Earl M. Bleile. Miss Murie Miteha II. Mrs. Vanea 1 posing frr Paul Jenkins, News-Review photographer, include left , Eager, Mrs. Ernest L. Daw, and birt. J. M, Boyles. " 0 I o