JL. Breed of Conine HORIZONTAL 4Bamboolik 1,4 Depicted raM canine, ' Termini Chesapeake size ' shot inierprei 8 Angers By way of 10 Assam silkworm li Frozen water 13 Penetrate 14 Masculine appellation U Sped newlr." ,B" S""like W" 20 Compass point 22 Expunger 21 Opine 23 Conclusion "o carried 28 Sea eaglet 29 Requirement 30 Small child !5 Whirlwind J6 Deduce 27 Redacted 31 Oriental measure 32 Electrical unit 33 Perch 34 Observei 37 Wander 38 Allowance for 1 waste ' 39 Mimicked ;40Eucharistlc wine vessel ,43 It is i hunting 43 Prohibited , 48 Enunciate 52 Collection of i sayings 83 Lariat 35 Lion 58 Nonconformist 57 European gull VERTICAL 1 Replica 2 Play part 3 Affirmative vote FUNNY BUSINESS "Joe't quits a gardenir he always buy a hammock first!" LI'l ABNEP IT A PICTURE OF SOMEONE ' fiWA I 1 . 1 ffT JflJ V tOU HAVE SEEN IN A 0 (-&m4& I I 1 I u.-.T c V & t ! KEWSPAPEH, MAGAZINE, y)fLL2Jl IT rt r e W I 0 YEARBOOK?- rrTTAfi' X V FRECKLES AND HiS FPIENDS 1 ByMrril Blosser PieVRe 6ifts "Wes.June, f "me omlv trouble ( The buou--crumpet I'll pixtmat... ) Ta OMOnJER. WE IS THE BOYS HUT HAMBURGER Bir ijtt MruA, I 40 NOBODY WOULDNT NEVER. TAKE US " UEAVEnVT. RIGHT NOW ' AYS "MO' 10 WAMT TO PLACES WHERE , Jf te&im M " MOTHER' hurt her. wbcoulowear W?Js S YSO ALLEY OOP By V. T. Hamlin mfi WELL.SOLONG.OSCAR, GOOD LUCK... ) OKAY, DOC.. AND WHEN-1 P-VlljT J WllPi& f "" S . I'LL K6EP AN EYE ON THE TWO OF EVER YOU SEE WE'VE JmAE W BiW&A - 4521 "Ai t- I g "to01 XFr ' ' - -y B ONDIE By Chic Young 7 n r'iiiJiiiiffiHfifiiiiiiiiiii1 "ijpip n WHY CANT PEOPLE 9 : S J N ' -n , . LEAQN TO TURN OFP ) . IM NOT S. . - f V3U DID IT-- WfLL-I Airt 1 rT FAUCETS ? A ' I -E MENTIONING lS- ' A W WERE THE I LJnt V 1 H DWPRNS FAUCET ) S-Vfe ANV , X. - & '4 LAST ONE TO LEAVE ) ' JzmoXZg i ; tob'll"' ASll E 1 names ) -.THEeATHPco. YMeNZM0vN"A Jfcg ; 0 iMf fcJijI lll iMf O 0 T , Answer to V ivlout Puzil 51 33 Soak up 46 Blackbird of cuckoo family 47 Short-napped fabric 49 Shade.tre 50 Scottish sheepfold 51 Drag 54 Near " '5v.nl, body J i auert 41 Simple 42 Arabian gulf 43 Palm fruit 44 Esker 45 Wicked J g-5 C ToreilSOD e g 5 I jMaMJTsQe r X o 16SSInTtI?i X S S Clt $1FIA6 OF Agfels 1 i FTT,,TF,FT" z u !Hu ' 1 1 ST is li. in a 5 ii r in 55 '0- Hi f . M sssasaaal 5 5,n 3 " 55 sT pt -ss U i I I I I I I I I I II 11 By Hershberqer MODEST 31 A I II ENS TMsferaarh ttiHtt4 U. 1 PaieM OAct "rJOWfalS ONE D0E;nT HAVE ANVMONEV BUT HE PEAI FOUR LA.N6UW5E4 FRENCH, SPANISH, 4WW4H AND BAB TALK J FROM NINE TO FIVE 11 i This has been one of my good weeks. I brokt one finger nail, ruined two pairs of hose, and was fired by the boss only three times. yfTT 3"v Alan- By Jo Fischer By Al Capp World Sulphur Shortage Brings Appeals To U.S. By SAM DAWSON NEW YORK UP) -Uncle Sam has been having trouble in getting i irom his friends the tin, rubber and wool he needs at prices he wants to pay. But now he finds himself on the other end of the stick. His friends and neighbors are howling because he has cut down on their supply of sulphur. The sulphur shortage is now world wide and the clamor is grow ing. The United States produces 90 percent of this chemical which is essential to many industries. Its critical shortage threatens to cut back production in many fields, here and abroad. "Our record production of brim stonefrom which about 80 per cent of essential sulphuric acid is made just disappeared last year," I says an American sulphur pro ducer. "The demand was tremend ous "and there was some stockpil ing." "The official price is $21 to $22 a ton. But we have heard that one factory owner who needed sulphur badly for his production, paid $100 a ton recently for a supply here in New York harbor." Normally the United States ex ports around one million tons a year, but the National Production authority has cut that back to an annual rate of 800,000 tons. British industries and the Cana dian newsprint mills are squawk ing. A top British official, Harold Wilson, chief of the board of trade, is planning to fly to Washington to beg for more sulphur. He says British defense production will suf fer without it. The Canadian Pulp and Paper association says the cutback in sulphur, all of which it gets from the United States, might mean a newsprint shortage here next sum mer. American farm leaders are also worried because sulphur is also used in combatting crop pests. Pay Hike Slated To Halt France's Wave Of Strikes PARIS (if) Premier Oueuill today prepared to offer Krench workers a more than 10 percent salary boost in an effort to halt the spreading wave of strikes, which have crippled the nation's rail system. lie said the cabinet will take action later in the day on the re port from a special commission on collective bargaining. The commission reported that the cost of living in France has risen more than 12 percent since last August. It recommended that the govern ment boost the national basic min imum wage by 12.5 percent to cor respond with higher living costs. sources in the national assembly said the cabinet probably would olfer an increase of just over 10 percent and charge off the two percent dilfcrence to protecting the national currency against inflation. It is estimated that there are more than 50,000 lumber mills now operating in the United States. RADIO SERVICING Hansen's Radio Service. Sutherlin. Rodio Doctors. Phone 3-7456. Free Pickup and Delivery. . PLUMBING Pete Crumett, Plumbing 612 South Pina Coll 3-4396 Kier-Crooch Plumbing Co., 517 South Stephens. Phone 3-5377. Johnson Plumbing & Supply Co., 915 Garden Volley Rd. Bus. Phone 3-5665, Res. Phone 3-8131. Harris Plumbing & Heating Co., 805 South Stephens. Phone 3-8173. Coen Supply Co. Phone 3-4461. Terp's Plumbing. Phone 3-7266. HEATING R. Rltiman Heating Co. Hot Water and Steam Oil Burners. 1 703 Brown. Phone 3-8267. ELECTRICIANS AL'S ELECTRIC MOTOR SHOP Phone 3-4301 602 Winchester DuFresne Electric. Phone 3-5222. A-1 Electric Co. (Formerly Ace. Elec.) Phone 3-8355 Res. Ph. 3-3165 WASHING MACHINE SERVICE J. E. Newberry's Washing Machine Service. 102 W. Commercial Ave nue. Phone 3-3591. Washing Machine Service, Kusty's Ap pliance Repair, 510 N. Jackson. Phone 3-3091. FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE Fl' Equioment Co.. 220 N Main. Glenn H. Taylor. Ph. 3 7134 KINDERGARTENS COMMUNITY KINDERGARTEN Phone 3-6978 DECORATORS Pointing ond Paper Hanging H. E. "Woody" Wood Phone 3-4240 CARPENTERS Remodeling, Cabinet Work, Floor Finishing. Leslie E Roberts. Phone 3-5292 813 South Pina MASONRY See Hoft or building. CcQ,merclol mosonry, i.4jick bldgs, etc. Caftirc Work. Gust J. Haft, P.O. box 14 1506 Militory. Bob Richards Captures John Muir Decathlon PASADENA, Calif. (IP) The Rev. Bob Richards, pole-vaulting La Verne college teacher, cap tured the John Muir college open decathlon with 7,480 point and he racked up 1,071 of them yesterday by doing 14 feet, 3 inches in his specialty, the pole vault. Richards, one of three men to exceed 15 feet in the pole vault, threw the javelin 180 feet, 2 inches; threw the discus 120 feet, ran the high hurdles in 15.4 seconds, the 1,500 meters in four minntes, 57.7 seconds, and, in Tuesday's com petition won or tied for first in all five events. Richarlls, formerly of the Uni versity of Illinois and now repre senting the Illinois Athletic club, set a meet record in the decath lon, the former being 6.907 points by Brayton Norton of Santa Ana, J, C, last year. Man And Wife Accused Of Stealing Silver Bar SPOKANE -.P) Grand lar ceny charges have been filed against a man and his wife ac cused of stealing a 65-pound bar of silver. Detective Robert Piper said Wil lard (i. Burchctt. 34, was held on 12500 bond. His wife, Mary R. Bur chett,,35, was released on her own recognizance to take care of her son. Piper said the bar the couple was accused of stealing was almost 94 percent pure silver and had come from the Bunker Hill smelter in northern Idaho. 'A A' CO-FOUNDER DIES NEW YORK - UP) - Dr. William Duncan Silkworth, 77, who helped start the Alcoholics Anonymous movement 15 years ago, died here Thursday. CLAM or-Si vie TW I. rut-nt T.Ufnn, o C.bl. put un)M It l.iwJ h,Mlr I, tn Wstd b. .uK.bk rrmbol .bow. o. P N-4.n tha-wUiMk SafcUgj' UM tltr s Lea) atel O.NA083 NL JOE RICHARDS MENS STORE- 120 NORTH JACKSON ST ROSEBURS ORG- MADE THREE GOOD BUYS TODAY SUITS SLACKS AND NECK WEAR ALL WERE BOUGHT FAR BELOW MARKET PRICE LETTERS RECEIVED GLAD BUSINESS SO GOOD- JOE RICHARDS-. . .-- useness We Make RUBBER STAMPS Commercial Printing M-M Printers TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save Vi Long or Short Trips Bee Hive Truck Rental 736 S. Stephens Phone 3-7412 Modern Furniture Store, Inc. SERVICE DEPT. General Appliance and Rodio Repairing Pickup and Delivery Prompt Attention All Work Guaranteed Opn 0:30 to 5:30 222 West Oak PHONE 3-4337 CLEANING Fine Rugs, Furniture, Autos UPHOLSTERING Repairs Ilemodrling CUSTOM MADE Expert Furniture Cleaners I'hone 3 3101 Free ffc-kup and Delivery Free Estinttjtes Sat., March 24, 1951 Th Nfwi Elkton By MRS. PHYLLIS A. SMITH Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyd Rader have been very ill with the flu. Archie "Bud" Williams cut his left hand badly recently. Eighteen, stitches were required to close the wound Chester Rydell smashed his left hand while rolling oil drums. Mr. and Mrs. Delbcrt Gorsline of Eugene visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morgantl last week Elkton schools closed for spring ! vacation Thursday and Friday 1 LATE MODEL FORD ENGINE Exchange, Only $97.50 Inttelltd and running. 4,000 miles or 90-day guaranty. Time payments hlp arranged. CHECK THESE PRICES Rings ImtolUd, SI 8.50, cyl. can (labor) Rlngi, Valves and Adiuttment Rods, or Rod Installation, $25.00, 6 cyl. cart (labor). Complata Brokt Job, moil can, your choice f parts and labor Included, $13.50. T&A MOTORS 2345 NORTH STEPHENS Free Estimate! Pickup and Delivery LOAN CAR DIAL 3-7278 WESTERN UNION A. N WM.l-rA.4e tt Khwm m AaNEaJU) tlMs. ixp ml VtMiNeeeitite PD-NEWYORK NY 22- Directory Look At Your Hat EVERYONE ELSE DOES The 'Top' Hatters SHINE PARLOR OPEN TIL S P.M. 405 W. Cass Dial 3-8580 HARG1S ELECTRIC Specialists Radio, Refriqaration, Household Appliance Service 20 Years Experience All Work Guaranteed 1U E.Cass St. Phone 3-6355 TOOL RENTALS Floor Sanders and Edgers licit Sanders Floor Polishers and Scrubbers Paint Spraying Equipment DOUGLAS PAINT A HOWE 906 S. Stephens Phone 3-6167 Open Till I Royal Typewriters Victor Adding Machines Sales and Service Rentals Fait, Dependable Service 631 South Stephens. Ph. 3-5456 Ken's Office Equip. "Individualized Floors ot Beautihly " inlftie MnvUini it Carprllni Kubbcr Ttl ft Aipfill ill KcinniM lop Venetian BUndr Open 9 10 lo J M FREI fSTIMATES FLOOR COVERING 222 West Oak Rhone 3-4337 - Rvlw, Rosaburg, Ore. 11 when teachers attended the O.E.A. Teachers' convention in Portland. The date for the Rebekah-Odd-fellow potluck supper is March 31. All Rebekahs and Oddfellows are urged to attend. Word has been received her 'that Mrs. H. B. Cox of Lakeside, who had visited recently with friends at Elkton and Drain, fell and broke her arm. Mr, Carl Moore has been very ill. If all freight cars owned by U.S. railroads were made ud in one train it would be about 14,000 miles long. IC-tMrtlti 1951 MAR 24 AM S 31 CONSTRUCTION TODD BUILDING CO. 904 S. Stephens Ph. 3-5394 Excavating Road Building Carry-Alls T-oetor Shovels BufldoTert, Hour or Co.it ro 200 S. Pino Ph. 3-7334 LEE M0RTCNSEN, INC. R0SEBURG PAVING CO. Asphalt Having Custom Bladlnn Of.- A34 S M-'n Telephone 3-6183 Free Estimates "BUI" Lossiter Nelson & Pyle Woodworking Co. Windows, Sash, and Fro nuts Mill and Masher Phone 3-? 134 CHIMNEY BLOCKS Lite-Rock Building Blocks Concrete Building Blocks Chrystalite Tile Plant 3750 N. Stepheni 3-6944 ss. Your Advertisement in Business Directory will go into more than 8,000 homes very day. ! s 0 S 0