0 1 Autos &Mtr. Cycles 27 Better Buys at BARCUS All Cars Priced BELOW OPS Ceiling USD PACKARD SEDAN, OD , R & H. beautiful dark blue fin ish, white wall urea, plaiils eeat covers Only 2235 IMS Ol.DSMOBILE S. a Deluxe aedatl. very exlra, low mileage. , . .2245 M4S CHEVROLET coupe . .... 1533 IMS HUDSON COMMODORE I dan. overdrive. R at H. lop condition ....... 1795 1S4S MAZIER SEDAN, ipotl.il In side and out 1095 1MT CHEVROLET CLUB new paint Job Coupe. 1195 1MT T R A Z I E R R H MANHATTAN. 1942 PACKARD Clipper Sedan R it H, reconditioned 1S41 MERCURY Sedan, R 4 H. new aeat covera 085 1041 BU1CK Rnadmaiter Sport enupe. new Urea, Ran, recon ditioned motor. Only 545 1940 rORD TUDOR, RAH 1940 PACKARD SUPER SEDAN 195 1940 PACKARD a Club Coupe O. D., R At H. good tirea, com pletely reconditioned 385 1939 CHEV, coupe, new motor -195 1939 FORD V- sedan .150 1930 PLYMOUTH COUPS 195 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 173 1939 PONT1AC SEDAN, as la 40 1935 PLYMOUTH COUPE . 70 TRUCKS & PICKUPS 104O FORD, long W B. Truck , BrownMne. toeed rear end. J good rubber, top condition 803 Huge Bootlegging Traffic In South " Stirs Senators WASHINGTON UPt Testl tnony about a multi-million dollar-a-year bootlegging operation in southern states brought demands from senate crime investigators that the liquor industry e 1 e a n house. . Senator Tobey (R-NII)) urged calling officials of the distilling business before the crime investi gating committee and asking them for a pledge that they will b e "clean as a hound's tooth." Chairman Kefauver (D-Tenn) said major distillers already have submitted a program to deal with bootlegging and other industry problems but added it was not sat isfactory "in a good many respects." Kelanver also said some new laws are needed to cope with the situation. The senators spoke out after of ficials of Tennessee, Georgia and Missouri testified that liquor brought from firms in Cairo, 111., is being bootlegged into dry states and counties in the southeast. Clarence Evans, Tennessee's commissioner of finance and tax ation, told the committee that two wholesale houses in Cairo, 411., were doing a $20,000,000 a year business in selling liquor that is delivered to dry sections. Georgia's revenue commissioner Charles D. Redwine testified 30,043 cases of whiskey were sent from Cairo to Georgia by the U. B.We n ger warehouse from August, 1949, to February, 1950. He called for federal help in combating the boot legging. . Evans, the first of several state and federal officials called to tes tify before the special senate crime investigating committee, named the two wholesale liquor compa nies in Cairo as the Southern and the M. and B. OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams 1941 rORD PICKUP . 1939VDODGE PICKUP . 543 293 EASY TERMS LIBERAL TRADES BARCUS Your Packard Dealer Highway 99 N. at Garden Valley fia. Phone S-5350 REASONABLY PRICED CM AC TERMS eee Oat CHEVROLET, BUICK. PONT1AC. CADILLAC TRADE-INS Hansen's USED CAR CENTER 'so FORD fl Cuitom. fully equipped, 10,500 mi I ei will sell or swap equity for cheaper car. Rm 222, Hotel Rote. WANTED USED CARS LOCKWOOD MOTORS Instruction 29 HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA at home. Quiillfv for Job or collefije. Ph. TW 7fifiO. Write or visit American School offict. 653 N Interstate, Portland. 1 . -i'ST Jrfir : i I I I A 50L1P FROZEM AAOP 0Jf Ji ii i I 1 ( 1 W UST TO MOP UP QtTm ' lll i l l' ' MpV TWO PROPS OF . Life Of Pine Posts Extended By Treatment Round pine fence posts when treated with a cold soak method will last 15 to 20 years longer than untreated posts. This statement is made in a new extension circular 541 entitled "Treated Pine Posts Will Last" now ready for distribution by. Oregon State college. The publication says round posts or poles of other wood species can be treated, but pines take better treatment with less work. While any pine species is easy to treat, the bulletin says, lodgepole pine is recommended. It grows throughout eastern Oregon. The circular, an easy-to r e a d three-page fold out, gives details on peeling, seasoning and soaking. For example, the circular says that a post to last needs penetration by the preservative material to a depth of at least one-half inch. THEY BOTH WON OKLAHOMA CITY UP) On Feb. 19, 1932, Oklahoma's present governor, Johnston Murray, met his future wife, Willia Emerson. It was at the Huckins Hotel dur ing a state Democratic meetin.g They were backing different can didates for vice chairman. Mur ray's man won. Miss Emerson won her man. , Ex-Beauty Queen Charges Illegal Marriage In Suit LOS ANGELES UP) Kay Buckley, 29-year-old actress and former "Miss Philadelphia," has Hied si,500,uoo damage suit against J. Arthur Warner, New York stock broker, charging that he talked her into going through a marriae ceremony at Juaret, Mexico, last Jan. 22 that he knew was illegal. She alleged In her suit that War ner was aware he was not legally divorced from a previous wife, Al ine Warner of Greenwich, Conn. She requested the California court to grant an annulment of her Mexi can marriage, which took place less than an hour alter Warner had won Mexican divorce decree. Miss Buckley's suit charged Warner broke promises to her for years, that he bought her valu able stocks, got ner power ot at torney to sell them but neglected to give her the proceeds; gave her $95,000 as a wedding present but has filed legal action to recover it; gave her a diamond bracelet, took it back and hasn't returned it. She wants the money, slocks, talc proceed! and the bracelet returned. t. m era. u pt. orr core. eai w 1 sceviet, we. J i r KWr. i n'lilet'ii iiiHi mla sKllUfi ihiii a. if ' 0 o Mod., March 12, ItSl The Ntw-RvUw, Rostburg, Ort. 11 Daily Newspaper Circulation Sets New High In '50 circulation of daily newspapers In the United Slates reached a rec ord high of 54,877,000 a day last year, according to a survey con ducted by N. W. Ayer it Son. In its 83rd edition of directory of newspapers and periodicals, N. W. Ayer said the circulation repre sent an increase of more than two and a half million copies over 1949. It was the 11th straight year in which newspapers have e n- larged the number of their readers, ine report sam. Three March Courses Slated At Oregon State OREGON STATE COLLEGE -Foresters, water works operators and' truck drivers will leave their regular daily tasks for book 'earn ing at three March short-courses conducted by Oregon State college. Seven agencies will sponsor the the third annual aeria photo short-course designed to meet the needs of the practicing forester. The course is scheduled March 20 to 24 at OSC. Water supply fluoridation and radioactivity will dominate discus sions at the water works operators short-course at OSC March 19 to 23. The Oregon State Board of Health, American Water Works association and the League of Oregon Cities are sponsoring the meet. A motor fleet supervisors' train ing course will be held March 19 to 23 at the Oregon Motor Stages meeting room, Portland. The in- The country's 390 morning pa peri increased their circulation nearly three-quarters of a million to 29,896,000. The 1,497 afternoon fiapers gained more than two mil ion for I total of 33,037,000. The 574 Sunday newspapers, re gaining ground lost in 1949, re ported an all-time high of 45,747, 000. A total of 234 publications of all types suspended operations during 1950, but 318 were started. year. At the same time, they an nounced increase of tuition by $25 and board and room by $25 i sa- Pacific University Cuts Staff, Boosts Tuition FOREST GROVE UP) Pa-1 rollment might drop one-third next cine university has cut sharply into its staff in a budget-balancing eflort prompted by an expected en rollment drop. Thirteen full-time faculty mem bers will not return next year. There also will be some cuts in t h e administrative staff, the trustees reportted. Among the 13 are some who had already made other plans for next year. They will not be replaced. Coincident with the faculty slash, basketball Coach Hal Wolf announced his resignation because of "lack of facilities and things just look too indefinite." He will not be replaced, the present coach ing staff filling in. Dr. Edwin T. Ingles, vice-president, said. The trustees took the staff-cutting action when advised that en- structional staff consists of 11 trans portation experts. The OSC civil engineering department has organ ized the course. TRAILER AXLES With Wheals and Springs Standard Sizci XU DOYLE'S Sales & Service Highwc- (!- Valley DIAL 3-4148 a. Ha r. i 1 laMtiii aini mm Ullimmi,,!! urn n w mmtnmmmmmwmm THE COLD'S COT HIM A Polar bear at Boston's Franklin Park soo puU a front i - it a- l-Jl a. l. 1 J iU. nA urea v am err n la In W that &reBW paw w nia car u u m wuicaw even hwui .- ..-- SLABWOOD In 12-16 and 24 In. lenaths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLt LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR DIAL 3-S148 TRAIN NOW FOR GOOD PAY DIESEL JOBS BECOME QUALIFIED AND SKILLED FOR BETTER ' CIVILIAN AND MILITARY JOBS Construction Logging Diotol Training Con Htlp Quality You for Spocioliitd Armtd Forcoi Training Transportation Agriculture If you art mtchamcklUr lnellnad and datlra to train tor hlfh pay. itady Jobi In tha rapidly expanding Diesel field, I T can help you T out the form below and matl at one. INTERSTATE TRAINING SERVICE DIESEL, TRACTOR 4V HEAVY EQUIPMENT DIVISION INTERSTATE TRAINING SERVICE, 4035 N.I. Sandy, Portland 13, Oregon. I want to enter the dleael and equipment field. Pleaie furnish me full Information about your Diesel training and personal placement advisory service. I am particularly Interested In: ( ) Operator ( ) Diesel engineer ( I Service man ( ) PirUmm ( I Demonstrator ( ) Service manager ) Tractor Diesel ( Trouble Shooter Phont Noma.. City.... State.... Age...- ...... Present occupation Employed by If you live on RFQ give directions: LEGAL Personal 30 VF YOU HAVE A DRINKING pmblfm. ft in touch with Alcoholics Anony mous P O Box 1116 WOULD THE LADIES who witnessed mv fall In downtown store Jan. 2b, pi raw call m it 9-8707 after 4 P M? Mrs. Mary Hat ford. Notices 31 The Bible Book Center HAS MOVED To 137 No. Main. First door south of city hill. NO THESPASSING ON THE Bfecher Ranch on Hubbard Creek Roae. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR BONDS OK WINSTON-DILL A RO WATER DISTRICT Douglas County, Oregoa NOTICE is hereby tjlven that the undersigned will up to B o'clock P M. Pacific Standard Time on the 15lh day of March, UIM , receive at ' the offices of the WINSTON-DILL A RD WATH K DISTRICT In Winston, Douglas County, Oregon, or at his residence at Dillard. Douglas County, Oregon, in said WIN-STON-DILLAHD WATER DISTRICT, sealed bids for the purchase of ne gotiable serial coupon bonds of WIN-STON-DILLARD WATER DISTRICT, of Doug Ian County, Oregon, In the sum of $2,000 Said bonds will be In denom. inations of SI.OUO each, all dated April 1, 1951, maturing: Bond nbrs. 1& 2 mat. Apr. 1, 1933 " 3& 4 " " 1.1954 " " 5 & 6 " "1, 1953 ' " 7 A 8 " " 1, 1956 " 9 A 10 " ' 1, 19S7 " 11 & 12 " " 1, 1958 " IH 14 " " 1, 1959 " " 15 At 1R " " 1, 19IW " " 17 A 1R ' " 1, 19H1 " " I A 20 " M 1, 1962 " 21 A 22 " " 1. 1903 Said bonds will draw Interest at the rates specified by the successful bid der, payable semi-annually on April 1 and October 1, and the principal and intcrext sha.ll be payable at any bank In Douglas County, Oregon, to be desig nated by the sucreimful bidder. All bids must be accompanied bv cer tified check payable to WINSTON-DIL-LAUD WATER DISTRICT, Douglas County, Oregon, In an amount equal to five percent 3 percenti of the bid. to be forfeited to WINSTON-DILLARD WATER DISTRICT In case the suc cessful bidder shall fail to complete the purchase of said bonds In accord ance with the terms of his bid. Said bids shall be opened at a meet Inn of the Board of Commissioners of WINSTON-DILLARD WATER DIS TRICT, to be held at the offices of WINSTON-DILLARD WATER DIS TRICT in Winston, Douglas County, Oregon, on the 13th day of March, 1951 at B o'clock P M. Pacific Standard Time, or at any legal adjournment of said meeting, and the bonds shall be sold by the Board of Commissioners to the highest and best bidder for not less than par and accrued Interest The Board reserves the right to re ject any and all bids and to re-adver-tle the sale of said bonds BY ORDER of BOARD OF COM MISSIONERS of WINSTON-DILLARD WATER DISTRICT, of Douglas County, Oregon. CC Fosback Secretary nf WINSTON-DILLARD WATER DISTRICT, Douglas County, Oregon CARD OF TTIAR1CS We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offer ings from our many friends in Rose burg and Sutherlin In our sad be reavement In the loss of our parents We especially thank the Salvation Army. ... , I nariH in tho Fnhrnarv 1 5 anA jwr. ano sin. i-iugn -jurm r - -w Mr and Mrs r. j. Robinson i March 8 editions of the Rosebun? NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER SALE POSTPONED To comply wilh ponding chances in the cei.mg price regulations, the timber designated for oral auc tion on March 20. 1951, by t h e Forest Supervisor, Post Office Builiiyng, Koseburg, Oregon, as a p. Terry Wood. LEGAL PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION NOTICE Falrhaven Market, 1120 Falrhaven Avenue. Rnseburg, Oregon, a co-partner- islsting of Helen Weekly and up ' ship enn 1 veil mr I Marcr 1Q g I of Helen f .it and in III new cc ill herein M Cnie are I IX- busin I ef-l of News-Review, will be sold by him ftt 2 p. m.. Pacific Standard Time, March 27, 1951. lUffs in ex cess of maxirnum permissible rales established in conform A with ceiling price reflations will be reduced to such maximum per ekiy has been d.oived a of i mile rates. Such permissible imi. by sale of tna interest rates wi announced as soon as Weekly to Orvelle Weekly, i . . . T . V . , . j i ..tin. iri I raniirliAn ' UVIV IIIIIICU tlllU III CVtTllt Ii IS 1IUI a new co-partnership hat been created possible (O macke SUCh detfjOlini- herein Orveiu kiy ina w ii ,ons biddine date, such oiaj ra- iuMMiicii einu xin i . - t , ... .. 1 business under tntLjraae name ana se snaii ue pusipuiifu. mitiii'f. of Fairhaven AM rket. Helen Urmi nt ihm nrioinal fiHvot ii-anfct I said businesa. 1 remain in effect. I MR. TRUMAN IS PREPABED Three 12-year-old members of a Washington Girl Scout troop visit President Truman to present him a check-list prepared by the Scouts to guide citizens in event of an sjmergency. The Scouts are. left to right: Joyce Seyfried, Mary Lee Lankford and Janice KaufTman. President Truman, in a statement of appreciation, saluted the Girl Scouts on their forth coming 39th anniversary, i ALL MY BROTHERS Pfc. James E. Black, 19, of Henderson, Ky., smiles proudly as he holds up ten fingers to show how many boys in his family are now with the Army in Korea. Black, who comes from a family ot 13 brothers and 11 sisters, is a mess attendant with the Second Division.. Asked if the brothers ever got together, Black said: "Mama had us together before we came here." (NEA-Acme photo by Stall Photographer Ed Hoffman.) : , KOREAN $tYIC HB0N i,, '': It LolwUnilfH Notrom Slue cno wej;4'f, i ( NEWEST OF THE "FRUIT SALAD" That new blue and wUlt ribbon you may be.a to spot on the chests of servicemen is the Korean Service Ribbon, recently authorized by executive order of the President. The awarcVys Biven (9( all troops permanently assigned to Kor or adjacent vtolers, or for temporary duty (Q SO eonswutivt days, or 60 days notonsecutlve. OH, what a beautiful EASTER! O New spring clothes on "Milady" O Cash in the pocket. O If yours is not among the ''happy lot" who enjoy these blessings Easter Sun day, then let the little inexpensive Classified ads sell your "don't needs" for cash to buy the things you do need. O Used radios, autos, musical instru ments, bath tubs, electric sweepers, refrigerators, stoves, furniture with springs, bicycles, garden tools, farm machinery, etc., are WANTED BADLY and are bringing, in many cases, a BETTER CASH price than the item originally cost. If you have them SELL them. THROUGH O News - Review Classified Ads PHONE 2-2631 HERE Are a Few Suggestions Of Things YOU Can SELL for CASH Bedroom Set Bicycle Baby Buggy Camera Clothing Desk Jewelery Fur Coat Piano Parlor Set Range Radio Refrigerator Rugs Skis Skates Washing Machines