$no Joke' They're Full of Bargains. Read Vm! Use 'em! Want Ads 14 The Newi-Rcview, Roieburg, Or. Thuri., Fib. 15, 1951 CLASSIFIED RATES t day, per wore, , 1 daya - " , yi ( day a " . , Be . IOC ts. Pa. 1M CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINE 1 A, M. Day Bfor Publlearioa ; CLASSIFICATIONS BBAL EBTATS . BENTAL -, , Ullhtil OrrOBTUNITt . t UILDINO MAT1BIAL rOB TBADB LOANS . FINANCIAL i WANTED ELF WANTED WOBK WANTED LOBT A rOVND -FBUITI A VEGETABLES ' DAI. OEAIN t FEED LIVESTOCK i FOULTII . ASBrTS . rT FOB BAXB. MHO. MISUBLLANBODB FUEL ,., (IMBEB A) SAWMILLS LOOUINO EQUIPMENT -MACBINBBI FOB 8 ALB FABM EQUIPMENT TBACTOEB TKUCKS UTOB A MOTOECYOLM IMPOUNDED INBTBOCTION rSBSONAL, NOTICE! piVinrWrVrYili'r'i'f'i - Real Estate 1 Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daugherty. 1114-1 engineer. PI- TWO BEDROOM, modrrn hom, ont mil west, U south on 223 Highway, Buthcrlin. Marvin Lewis. rOR SALE 180 Acres, 30 ' " till able no buildings ; A. round 250 M It good timber. . I nqulra M3Tmpltn SEE FULLERTON REALTY For honest work on your Uatlnfa. 830 N. Stephen Ph. W FOR SALE 60 Acres, with 8 room hotiae. not quit flnlahed. Electricity and good well water. 13 mile out. Sea W . Diver evenings. Rout 3 Box 340 390 LOT. water and foundation in, Ph. 1864-Y alter 4:30 P.M. CLOVERDALE PARK NEW HOMES ' from $7W). I bedroom $440. down 3 badroom MM. down Low Monthly Payments KETELL REALTY CO. Office Cloverdale Park Ph. m:i3 aiMjHoiiii at FOR SALE BY OWNER-- badroom hnuae, furnaca, carpat. Venetian blinds, fireplace, dona to grhnol, com pletely modern. $1)300., with tertn. Ph. BTfl-R-U FOR SALE BY OWNER 1 bedroom home In Will Side, furnace, Insulated, unfinished upstairs, car port, attwu. Terma 706 Nebo St. Ph. UtfO-R. FOR SALE 1M acres, all fenced, flood aorina water year around, build ing altca. T mile from County road, fine for aheap. Phone or write Geo. G. Marcy. Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Phone no 2H-X-3. MICE, 3-bedroom home, Juat outside city llmtle, 100x120 ft. lot, full baae ment wllh nice rumpua room, knotty ptna flnlah. Kitchen and dinette are beautiful, $12,000., good, terma. ALMOST NTW - bedroom home, nice level lot, oil heat and attached garage, nice dlatrlrt. weat aide. $7850. terma. Slat a GI already on. WE WOULD appreciate your listing! on 2 or 3 badroom homea, aa we have buyer. Williamson Real Estate Ph. 18B0-J Vol N. Stephana Here's One You Can Catch With Its Price Down ONLY 6,000 00 email dollar with 12000 00 down. Brand new two bedroom home, btg view windows, tola of builtini, on city aewer and close to bua line and atore. It'a a real buy, HAVE YOU HEARD about the blrdt and the bees and the nice new home near Melroae It'a all modern and tip to date with hardwood floor and wired for electric range. There are five acres ff good land and la an Ideal suburban home. Will take large trailer aa piirt 1own payment - Total price $7130.00 with terma. : ARROW REALTY '4C'!!.-n!11y Rai1 Phone 914 Good Apartment house, a-one R R. 1-Two B ft. All modern. Garages. Sound In vestment and good return. Will con sider City property or small acreage in trad lor part. $12,500.00 full price. 1000 A. aheep and stock ranch. Anprox 400 A rult. Much can be Irritated. Extensive modern bid a. Open range, Fine line of power machinery Incl. Will handle KOO sheep. Only $18,300.00 down. $36,000 full price. L; P. McAneney, Realtor 303 West Caas St. Phone 1H2.1 Surveys Maps Plans Percy C. Armstrong Civil Engineer $11 Sn MalnSt Ph n-R DILLARD DISTRICT 9500. or less down, iltt.vi. full price $30. per month Pxl71 lot. city water, elect., livable house, free anil lot, ALWAYS r.K I.K1IMAN S FOR THE DKST LEHMAN REAL ESTATE RANCH 005 ACRE RANCH, 30 acre In rlutl vallon, bal. In pasture. Owner report plenty of water for over .too head of sheep, 2 large barns, 4 bedroom home built In IQ4H. Home alone would rot about $10,000 to build now. 100 head or aheep goe with property. If you want a good ranch, let us show you this one. $23.250., Sfl.250. down, balance at A I mo, per year, 4 percent interest VYHKN BUYING OR SELLING SKE L. B. HICKS, REALTOR Lobby Hotel Gn.id Phona 127T-Y THREE ROOM HOUSK. interior un finished, painled while, lias ronrrete foundation and m splendid view. Prlre S..100 , $.'150 down payment, A. F. Suksdorf, Winston, Oregon. FOR SALE Srhloeman ranch, acres, lock, stock and barrel. Llttl River Road. Real Estate 1 BARGAINS!! Attractive a Bedroom Home, Nice Kit chen and Dinette, extra large living room, double garage, corner lot, nice lawn, Close In. $9000., Low Down Pay ment, easy terma on balance. Tavern and Cafa Doing Good Business. A Real Buy at Only $3000. Easy Terms. 10 Acre In Wlnaton Beautiful building site, almoat level, joins river. Would sell In tv.ii and five acre tract. Won derful Garden SolL $730. par acre. Terma. A Beautiful 3 Bedroom Home, Nice Dining Hoom, Attached Garage. Beau tiful plaster Job You ran't duplicate this one. Full Price 10,300., with a low down payment. Exclusive Listing, Valley Real Estate Agency 113 W. Cas Phone 868 HOME VALUES NEAR VETERANS'HOKPITAL AT tractive 3 bedroom home with haid wood floors, plaster finish, attached garage and extra large lot (AO x IHOi. Surrounded by nice clean home on a good graveled street. Low payment of $vooo down. FAIRHAVEN DISTRICT Loggers spe cial, plenty of room for your truck and car both In good garage. The houaa la large with 3 bedrooms, din ette, living room and compact kitchen, hardwood floors throughout LOW PRICED HOME Only $3930. buya a 2 bedroom home Just south of town near old hiway. This place at very attractive and well planned. Good terma. CLOSE IN Furnished 9 bedroom home, baih. utility porch, double gar-; age. Located on a paved street and only 7 blocka from post office. Total price $61130. FURNISHED HOME Small home In! Falrhaven district, completely furn ished at a total price of $tJHO0. Large freeaoil lot with lota of garden space. LOVELY landscaped lot on weatalde. wen arainea, ireesou, encioaea oy i ornamental fencing. The modern plas tered 2 bedroom home has a ceramic tile fir place, central heating, patio, garage and many other desirable fea tures. Total price $9500.00. Douglas County Realty Cralf I, Short - Broker Barney A. Root Salesman 4.18 So. Stephens St. Phone 1983-J FULLERTON REALTY a. 1 SPECIALS NEW 1 BR HOME finished soon. Last thing in home. Plastered, Hdw floors, furnace, beautiful view, attached gar-, age. Choice floor plana. FHA approved. Near grocery and school. Price Right at $11,000. : NEW 3 BR HOME, hdw. firs, plastered, ! exterior stucco, oil furnace nice yard, fine location, almoat immediate pos sesion. Only $8000. Full Price terma. j HERE'S ONE WE HAVE HAD A WEEK ' and ran't ace why it doesn't sell. 3 Br-living rm, comb, dining and kitchen ! utility. Fully plastered, electric heat.1 Insulated, attached garage, fine yard and berriea Near school and city bus. I Immediate possession. Priced below cost S8BOQ unfurnished or $9300 fur nished. 1 Acre and a Br older home, kitchen and dining comb, living rm and bath. Water and lights. 5 minutes from Roieburg qn paved road. School bua and mall at door. Immediate posses sion. Juat $3300 - term. HERE'S ONE WITH BETTER THAN l't Ac. New J br home, kitchen, nook lge living rm, utility, gas heat, hdw firs. Insulated frame constr. with 10' Red wood aiding, garage with aundeck $1300 down, bal Ilka cant, LARGE STOCK RANCH over 1000 ac. plenty tillable land with Iota of out-1 rang and water. Lge barns and out bide, ell eaulDment neceaaarv: fenced 3 sides; will handle 500 aheep or 150 came, ,iorai terms. FIVE BR HOME rloat In on paved mad near acnooi, itniy plastered and pa pered, utility porch, lge garag and ehnp. Very presentable. Early posses sion, rnceu lor quick aaia 73 ierms Also plenty of Lota and homea with small acreage. WE NEED MORE LISTINGS on small ranches or homea with acreage. Always See FULLERTON REALTY am k Bt.ph.na pi,, bus.r SPECIAL Yoncalla mill site. 70A. Hwy. (W nd Railroad frontage. A natural. $10,000.00 L. P. McAneney, Realtor 303 West Cass St. Phona 1823 WESTERN REALTY is pleased In offer 2 new homes, well located on the west aide, near the new grade school A few of the many desirable features ate aa follows: Redwood and Cedar siding. Wr.st-x elechic heat. Ceramic tile in halhroom and drainhnard, Ho man brick fireplace and wall. ;t bed rooms with large clnaeta, full hardwood flooring, connected sewer, city wat etc. We would like to show vu in person. Prii $13,WH)., FHA terms. Pete Serafin J.fk vv. At Garden Valley Road and Highway in) OWN YOUR OWN HOME ECONOMY SPECIAL 1 hedom home tn choice lorallon. Hsrdtsood floors and attached garnge. Originally deigned for addition of nother bed room. Economy plus at $ti..vn). $2,000 down will buy n thh newer roomy surhurban 2 bedroom home, with large dinette, large uhtitv room and attached garage. Lot 50 by It). Total price $5,30. HOME WITH A VIEW large 3 bed rnm home In one of the best resi dential aections of Hone burg This 1 a newer, roomv, romfnnahle lived In and cared for home with privacy. All at the bargain pile of S8.230. tl ACRES fin anil with a good 3 bedroom house, small barn and chicken house, 8 miles from Koaebiug and on a good road Sounds like a fine buy at $8,000, doesn't it? It ft! EXCELLENT LARGE 2 TtEDftOOM HOME owned bv a retired man who has dona everything - 1audcp log. additional bull tins, hill lenlh palto porch, etc. . to make thia home Ihe ultimate tn gracious living. MO bv 1:12 lot aauiee privacy. A fin value at $ll,5uu. STANLEY E. SHORT c Realtor 114 West l-sne Phona Ortrt LOTS FOR SAI. Kt v UAVi ... I , , -M'K1; .Mri AN n L, . ,7.. ""ilahy iirrrH i-ot- Addillon. in Lino block W-.t overlooking Roaeburg Will sell sep arately or group Cash or terms Write Ruell I) Martin, I3 Garden FOR SALE BY OWNER P.n..H.l.ni cloa In. $4300. with terms. Ph. B76.H-L I bREALTyi Real Estate 1 $500 DOWN Lot 88x220 ft., fenced with picket fence, city water and lights, septic tank al ready Installed. Trailer house on lot now. All goes for $1100., $500, down. i nis wont last long, WHEN BUYHVG OR SELLING BEE L B. HICKS, REALTOR Lobby Hots! Grand Phona 1277-Y EXTRA NICE a bedroom bom. 8 blocks from center of town. 3 year old. Equity. $5300.. balance at 4 percent. iivj-n-j. ror appointment. FOR SALE v, acre plus, located at ni , box u, nappy vauey roaa. t-'ioo. down, full price, . $ti00. W. JC. Osborne. FOR SALE BY OWNER Lovely-3 bedroom horn 1 year old. Hardwood floors, picture windows, oversize lot with small barn and chicken house. Ideal location to raise children. Priced for quick sale immediate possession. Cash or terms. Don Parker, aad of Keascy Road. Phone LOT AND TRAILER house, lightsand water, $600. 1803 Ellen Ave. OUT STATE OWNER SACRIFICE Sea the buy of your life at $12,500., moat rash. 2604 1 . Harvard Ave. Do not disturb tenants, Courtesy to Realtors. Write C. J. Wltchell, P.O. Box 631, Crescent j:ity. Calif. FOR SALE 46 ACRES Dillard. 4 room house, furnished, 2 room cabin No flood danger. f.t.VM). cash. 1st place on left. Rica Creek. r FOR SALE Approximately 2 acres, 3 bedroom home, double garage with 3 room apt. strove It. All fenced, chicken house, hog house and rabbit hutches: shrubs, lawn and berries. Good garden spot. mile from city limits, West Roue burg. With or with out furniture. Phona 40-J-5, Ht. 3, Box 60. ACRE NEAR W I NCI I ESTE R , 1 30fC highway frontage, $1200., or trade for late model car. Write Newa-Keview Hox W4 FOR SALE OR TRADE Springfield property for like Ko.eburg property, approx. value $6000. 3 bedroom, mo dern home, 75x120 lot. bus line, clo-e to ell schools and markets, all high ground. Write or call Harry Bor rnughs. WH B St., Springfield. Oregon Ph. 62177. Rentals TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive, long or short trip Be Hive truck rental. 736 South Stephena Phone 1436-J ROOMS FOR RENT for 1 or 2, with or without kitchen privileges. 506 Fowler So AH D ANtjTRffiitrtmiteUMnrB. Stephens. LIMITKD WAR EH Ot )SE space to lease together with loading dock and sniull o(ftceHWE. Rice St.. ph. 113-J. ROOMS FOR RENT. 313 W. Lane. Ph. 2047; FOR RE NT AT TERRAC E A PTS . , 1 bedroom apt. equipped with range and refrigerator, hardwood floors. $10. per month. Ph. 17;w orlfH2-J. LARGE, unfurnished apt. No children! Close In. Call 741 after 6 P.M. FURNISHED" APT. near downtown dis trict for employed couple. References required Ph.10tt6-J. FOR RENT Furniahdandunfurn lahed apt. AdulU, Winston Section. A. C. Sherlock. THAILER SPACE, walking dlslVnVe downtown, $20 month, Include util ities. 746 Short St. FURNISHED 2-rooni apt. with twin beds. Also 1 room apt. and 1 light house keeping room. Phona 430, or Hotel Valley. TRAILER SPACE. Warm reat rooms and laundry. Bambi Lane, opposite Martin Box. Oakland. ROOMS. Private bathl or 2 bed 7") 00 .Spruce, a t foot of Washington. FOR RENT 3 room. furnlshedapt. AdulU only. Call at 243 Sheridan, Apl. 3. 1 ROOM APT., clean, furnished Right couple; no pels. 1454 Harrison' St. OFFICE SPACE for rent. Alspaugh Bldg., Myrtle "reek. ROOMS NOW AVAILABLE at weekly winlerrate.Phone 4U0. Hotel Valley R'OOM OR GENTLEMAN. 438 FowlerT ROOMS. 133 N flint. LARGE SLEEPING room Eaat Douglas. Ph. -H I L. I and 3 BEDROOM HOMES from T2. per ma. Krlell Realty Co. 215X Hoi lis St. Ph. 1533 HOTEL C REASON a upstairs over Hennlngera Mart on Jackson St. 0 40 fine warm rooms ) equipped with Simmons Springs and Mattreeaea f Single room from $1.75 up ) Under New Management Low winter ratea. For Weekly and Monthly rentals f) Call 1154 for Reservations. FUR NI SI IF. D C A B I N S$ 10a 1 2per week Also reasonable monthly ratea. Pacific Cabins, 3n miles N on 99 Ph 6!3-J-2. OO MS 430 N PI ne7of f WDoug 1 as. SINGER PORTABLE SEWING MACHINES By the month- Free delivery and pickup SINGER SEWING CENTER 204 N. Jackson, Roaeburg, Oregon Ph. 12.1 1 ROOM CABIN for" rent Fred's frailer ouri, on i.aruen Valley Hoad. a HOOM, MODKKN, "unfurnished home". wired for electric range. Good garden spot. Inquire Solon Miner, and house east of Myrtlewood Shop on right side, Winston. FOR RENT 1 bedroom apt. No. 3. 302 N. Jackson. SLEEPING HOOMiaba North Jackson. CLEAN, furnlahed 1 room apt. Private entrance. $15. a week or $30. month. 823 So. Pine. UNFURNISHED APTS. forrenthone ion alter H r M. or see Mr. Hadfield at Cooper Motor Co. S HOOM. MODERN cabins. Wilson Court, near Wilbur. Ph. 886-R-V CABIN FOR RENT .THrt-J-l. TRAILER SPACE. 546 Mill. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rnotVr'near'to bus and store, In Wlnaton, Oregon. Inquire at 2nd house on right, east of Mrtlewood Shop. FURNISHED APARTMENT, close lnT Adulta only. 112 Brorkway St NEW 1 BEDROOM, unfurnished jtpt.", rloae In. AdulU only. Ph. 404. ROOMS FOR RENT, Phone 1321-L FOR RENT - Private ronm. 1st at feet west of new hospital. Ph. 113S-L. 1.U6 Vmpqua. 3 nEimoMinfiirnishednomec1ose In. $tt5. Stanley Short Healtaj, ph. 2tti8. Business Opportunity 3 FOR LEASE Bustnee location at 316 Mill St Phl!l7. GENERAL GROCERY $3000. DOWN Near Myrtle Point with living quarter. Nrw buildings and all equipment. Good' "lablished bumnea. No competition (T) S. h vl bua stops at door. Bargain at r terms $100 per Fuller Brush Co., P.O. 6 1 3. PASTRY SHOP AT Canyonvlll, "Ttil. U a r.l buy. Ri.h.rt J. Paltaraon, Can yonvlll., Oregon. They'll Do It Every r W oavusvohbW i joJd thikj ( will you pum-leezej Ml?. FWOOTNOTE S PUT THAT PAPER S. NEVER MISSED A C POWN AHO COME Y SSI6LC PRIMTE0 ' ft DINNER ?y H-DISESTS THE s'slRh I DAILY RARER". 'g Building Material 4 Galv Pipe all size Soil Pipe 4" Double Hub and Single Hub Electric Hot Water Heaters Electric Wall Heaters and Portables Electric Iron- - Coffee Makers - Univer sal Griddle. Hamilton Beach Mtxmas ter - Sunbeam Mlxmaatera with At tachments Orley Deep Freerera Kalamazoo Ranges 20 Percent Discount Roofing Materials Insulation all T pes - Felt rock - Glass Wool - Alum. KImsul - Alfol Pouring Wool. All At RockBotlom Prices Flintkot 3-8" Building Board - Accent sq. ft. Flintkote V Building Board 7li canta sq. ft. Cniing Tile . 9'j centa sq. ft. Plank 10 centa sq ft. Doors and Wlndnwa Balh Tubs Toilets . Lav. NO SHORT AGES HERE! Coleman Oil Hesters 129 50 Large Stock on Hand MUST UNLOAD! 10.000 ft. Garden Hose-loo Lawn Mower BUY EAHLY AND SAVE SOME OF THK.SE ITEMS WILL GET SCARCE Common Brick - $58 00 Rug - V3 Nevada - Arizona Stone - Veneer and Flagging IF YOU ARE BUILDING A FIREPLACE YOU SHOULD SEE THIS STONE AVAILABLE IN COLORS Electric Wiring - Fixtures of all kinds Nails - SI2 50 bv the keg DKNN WHOLESALE CO North Vmpqus Road Phone 1677J Open Sundays 10 A M. to 4 P.M. Week daya & Saturdays 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. BARGAINS YARD CLEAN-UP 2xr. 8'; 2x4'a, 7-8-9-10"; $13. per thou sand, up; rough 2x4 shims, $3.00 per unit. L. E SULLIVAN At SON LUM BKH COJ2 mllea N. on Highway 99. THISTS'IT! Last cbanc to buy a 40 gal. electric hot water heater, bathroom fixtures, door and roofing at these greatly reduced prices. SUITER'S BLDG. SUPPLY 1721 Walnut St, just South of new Riverside School. Ph112fl7-R. PIPE "new. 8500 ft, 4" Holmgren. Rt. 1, Box 243. Loans CASH LOANS $20 to $500 UP to $300 on your Signature, Furni ture or Livestock. UP to $500 on rottr Auto (paid for or not. 1 Nearly everyone qualifies for on of the many liberal loan plans available to choose from at Catkins Finance Co. SERVING ROSEBURG AND SURROUNDING TOWNS. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 307 13rd flri Pacific Bldg. Ph. 466 M-337 S-264 SALARY LOANS LOCAL LOAN CO. Financial HOUSK CONTRACT FOR SAI.F. V.rv KkhI dlRrnunl. Write P.O. Box 411, Kl.m.lh Fall.. Wanted 8 .WANTED TO BUY All kinds of fur niture Lei us hid on your house of furniture. Call S0J-R at 309 N. Jackaon Street WE PaYTas'H for youfumitureCaTl I3:t.j Goodman Furniture. 444 N Jackaon. WANTED T6 B UY- H Id iO. RoMDUrg Meal Co.. phone 280 WE BUY "USED TIRES O. K. Rubber Weldere,404 W Lana. WANTED 3 bedroom house tn or out of town by parly who has steady employment wflh reliable lumber Co. R fc. Cleary, 2030 Otie 1-ane, Roseburg REWARD $10. for Information leading to rental of two bedroom house with gjirage, close in, reasonably priced. Phone 37J. between 8:00 and 3.00. WANTED TO RENT - 1 or 3 bedroom, unfurnished, modern house, in or near Roaeburg, by telephone mplove, wife and 2 school age daughters Call Sutherlin 21.12. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished house or apartment. Close tn. Ph. LW3-J or4Ul-JX-l. TO RENT 3 or 3 bedroom, unfur nfahed bouse, not over R3 per month. Call Mrs. Moore at 64 between - 9 and 5 W. WANTED 250 White' Leghonrput let's, 4 or 3 months old, Maurice Weber Jr., Rt. I. Box 5.18. EStAHLISHRn " FAMILY deaperately ,ri" I'Mirwra nousa. a. w. Miner, i,J,rllAS W" . 1J,rll-. studio. Help Wanted 9 EXPERIENCED BODY and roan Cork mm Motors 114 f ftHIENCFD WAITRESS " t2nd Cafe. (") fender wanted. Time But let the missus spread old papers on the floor and he's good for hours of 'linoleum LIBRA RYInS Help Wanted 9 SALESMAN ; Between age of 26 and 45. Selling ex perience preferred but not essential. Must be neat in appearance and will ing to work for advancement. Salary and commission. Call In person be tween 8:30 and 10 A.M. at SINGER SEWING CENTER ao4 NJackson, Roseburg, Oregon CLEAN, young man to work as cook's helper. Board and room. Ford's Camp, - ph. 174, Canyonvillc, Oregon. WANTED Competent woman to take charge of alteration department News Review Box 693. SOMEWHERE IN Roaeburg there must be 4 Intelligent men who would like to nam their own salary. Must have own car. If so, call 2050 anytime Tburs.. Frl.. or Sal., before 7 P.M. NEAT APPEARING young woman for ' day - rnmpeirnt stenographer, and general office. Sea Leo Sevy, 355 No. Jackson. LUBRICATION MAN. Cooper Motors, .121 W. Oak. MAN. Cooper Work Wanted 10 HOUSEWORK by the hour. Call 1687-J-X. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER wants woik. No fob too big or small. Ph. 1816 JX 2 POOFINfi AND ROOF re ra trine a.td Insulation. 14 hour - service. Phona I2i-Y Acme Roofing Co. WANTED Lumber or short log haul ing for dual drive truck. Ph. 2079. Dennia Matthews. 1420 E. 2nd Ave. T & A MOTORS Comnlet braka lob. oarLa and labor $13 50 Transmission and differential overhaul $7.50, up. 2345 No. Stephen, PhJSOXR-X t SEPTIC TANK SERVICE TANKS CLEANED TANKS AND DRAIN FIELDS INSTALLED Ph. 1312-J or H90-J OLIVERS SEPTIC TANK SERVICE JOB WANTED can do typing and bookkeeplnglnqulraJlM E. Lane. UMPQUA TRANSFER Large and small jobi done. Livestock e'cNo call Saturdaya. Ph. 2079 For Grafting, Pruning NUT TREES. FRUIT TREES, rosea, shrubs ph. 1524-J. Septic Tanks Cleaned No Job Too Large or Too Small No Mileage ROSEBURG SANITATION SERVICS Ph 1569-J 2:i36 N Stephens If no answer, call 1067-h ..INCOME TAX SERVICE.. Fourth year same location, same effi cient and economical service. Lowest rates obtainable anywhere. No ap pointment necessary. Come In todav or phone 9iS-J. Office at 139 Sheri dan Hours 9 A.M. to 7 P.M., daily including Sundays. BABY SITTING any riightH butFrtday. Phone 1687-JOC. YARD WORK WANTCD.Ph,2:Y RELIABLE WOMAN experienced in hotel mald wurk. Ph.624-J. WILL CARE for child in " my home days, Ph. 2108. R. EXPERIENCED D A N C EPIANIST Hythm, fake all keys, modern. Dixie land, or western. Phone Al, days, 798, room 8. Lost & Found 11 FOUND Truck tire. Owner may claim It by giving serial number, and paying for ad. 1 shall claim a small reward. Write James A, Stubblefield, Rt 3.Box75l. City. FOUND One container of food, owner may claim it by identifying the con tainer and Its contents and paving for this ad Write News-Review Box 688. LOST Vicinity" of Community Hoa pital man's nockei watch, buckskin string attached. Reward, Mr. Cawl field, 718 W. Lane. Fruits & Vegetables 12 APPLES glasa. 1 - Marsh Ranch. Looking mlle weat of store. Bring containers. GET YOUR APPLES County Farm Bureau. at Douglas YOU L1KUM APPLES Bringum boxeT Heap harry. W. D. Love, Garden Valley. a Hay, Grain & Feed 13 GOOD, clean alfalfa hay: also good hor-e hay. Krue, 1 mile west on Melrose Road. Ph, 444-R-4 or 18S0-J. NoSaturday sale. HAY FOR" SALE Roaco Ball, "Riddle, Prepay. OTfsA N D V ETCH"lfi A YTtt.CTn"rTi bale or 100. Rt. 3, Box 1373. M M. Manning. FOR SALE oat and vetchba1edhav. T C. Duncan, S. Deer Creek. Ph. 14F-2. 13 TONS choice oats and vetch haled I hav, 23 ton. 613 S. Pine St., Roaeburg. i Ph. 1285-L. I By Jimmy Hatlo fS51 r sa ; . Livestock 14 COWS WANTED Either milk or beef. 1 buy any and all kinds of cattle at your place, pay you for them with no commissions, no promises, no hauling, or any other charge In Roaeburg two daya a week juat drop card and give location Oscar Shelter. Crea well. Or Licenaed 6i and bonded by State Need several milk cows to freshen any time within 3 months. ROSEBUPG AUCTION SALES EVERY WED. PHONE 191 Sell Your livestock through the ROSE- BITKG AUCTION, where you are al. ways assured 01 a good market price. Always plenty of good buyers here. Con. of Slooo. or' over, 3 percent. unaer a percent. Turn East on Garden Valley Road Junction ANDY IIEMPENIUS. PROP. Walt Mask. Harry Smith. Auctioneer WANTED Butcher horses. Ph 62778, Springfield. Jerry Haynes, 4585 E, WANTED Fat and feeder lamb and awea. James E. La wis. Myrtle Creek, ph. 84 Darrlll Ray. 44U0 Hooker Road Roseburg. Ph. 1760-J-4. WANTED-AII kinds of livestock. Write P O Box 62. Roseburg or ph. moin lnga or evemnga. 1687-Y-X Paul Hein- Del WANTED Livestock, all types, on or more. Tom Burke, ph. 855-R-3. WANTED TO BUY Cattle, sheep and goats. Kenneth Conn, RL t. Box 625, Melrose. Ph. 6-F-1L Poultry 15 Carr's Gold Star Chicks Hatching Eggs Wanted PULLORUH CLEAN Carr's Hatchery Of Lookinaalau Ml lft-F-3 Rt. 4 Box 1370 FRYERS. CARK'S HATCHERY. BABY CHICKS NEW HAMP, W L. and Austra White. From proven flocks. Hatching twice a week. Our motto is "To serve you best." For further Information, ae or call your PONTON HJCHERY 1440 Harvard Ave W. Roaeburg f nono loa Pets 17 Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 2077 GRA-HO COCKER KENNELS Ph. 6.10 or 432-Y Reg. and pod. puppies, all colors stua service. REGISTERED Pekingese broods, one baby. Sign 4.a miles North High waj 99. SELLING OUT my beautiful canaries of deep orange yellow and white. Ten and twelve dollars a pair, while they last. Mrs. Arthur Nelson, Rt. 3, Box 895, Roseburg. Oregon. FOR SALE Labrador Retriever, male, 9 months old. Registered, guaranteed to retrieve on land or in water, ana make a wonderful pet. 112 Alameda. Koaeourg. uregon. MALE. RED COCKER Spaniel to give away, rnone iiua-g. For Sale, Misc. 18 1 NEW 8 Kilowatt 110 volt AC. light plnt Wisconsin VE 4 power, manual control, 1 new 5 Kilowatt. 110 volt AC light plant, 4 cylinder Hercules power, remote control. Sea at Model Market, Winston. "FLASH!" FOR BEST buys tn new and ued trail ers, with lowest finance rates, shoo Bl'RKETT'S TRAILER SALES. 4446 Hwv 99. So.. Eugene. Oregon. Ph. 72437 EASTERN BUILT TRAILER for sale l5i model, compi-te witn natnroom. Can be financed. Nebo Trailer Park, Highway 9H.N; River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS wa nve aa abundant auppiy, PAUL CASEY 857 W. Moaner Fruit and Shade Trees Shrubs, roses, hedge plants, perennial and rockery plants. Begonia bulbs, berry plants, grape vines and rhubarb. Get these at Moore Nursery, ' mile E. ofCourtHouae. on Douglas Street. ROADMASTER & CROWN 36 month ttm and ban a term oo all Headmasters, if bought through us. Privaie sale financed Also used trail er and trailer supplies. Ernie Hill Trailer Sales mile N of Oakland on Highway 90 Ph. Oakland 2&28 27' HOUSE TRAILER, tandem wheels', fully equipped. 1946 Goeti St., Roseburg. Automatic restaurant dishwasher for sale. E. T. Krewton, Rainbow Cafe. IMS KENMORE " WASHING " machine, hke new, $?3.Call 383-R-3. GAS HEATER " Peerle Hearth Fyre 42 ooo BTU with vent pipe. Phona eve. 1186-Y. GAFFERS AND SATTT.ETt gas range, MV Th between 1:3 and 4:30, or after 7:30, at 4S-J-S. For Sale, Misc. 18 2 BURNER electric stove, oil heater, 2 twin size oeas, ipnnp anu mi treas. 560 Pltrer, before 3 P.M. NEW SINGER VACUUM CLEANER iModel H-9i and complete set of attach ment. Budget terms. ONLY $6.95 DOWN SINGER SEWING CENTER 2Q4 N. Jackson. Roseburg Ph. 723 FOR SALE S piece bedroom suite, upright piano, davenport and chair, Hollywood bed, dining table and 8 chairs, electric stove, refrigerator, three-quarter beds Ph. 974.J after 3 P M- KIRBY VACUUM, very slightly used. complete with attachments ana power polisher. Half original price. Ph. 20-F11 FOR SALE 2-wheel trailer, welded ateel frame, good tires, $85. Call 1923-J-4. TRAIL TRUE house trailer dollle, used only 2400 miles. Good as new. cost 8128 . will sell for $75. Phone 353 days. 2U7B-J night, w. s. watien. FOR SALE Conveyor chain, truck flaps, sewer pipe, electric motors, and truck tires. Bob's Salvage Yard, 31 mllea So. on 99 WHITE MONARCH combination electric range In good condition. $30.Ph. 877-Y. 1 SET SOLID hood panels "38 Ford. $10; 1 Southwind heater, $13; 1 set perfect '40 Ford hydraulic brakes, S50 $83. installed: 1 '36 Ford Phaeton body (convertible 4-door 'sedan $100. See Ernie Branton, 1311 Winchester after 5. FOR SALE " REASONABLE Stor m boring bar with Van Norman anchor, $250 Alao Micrometers. Can be seen Umpqiia Tractor Co. Wm. E. Osborne. CAS RANGE: 4 hurner. large oven, storage apace, like new. $175. value lor only a.o. see at i uorey or mh 1005-R. FOR SALE 30 Zfmmer house trailer, 3 rooms, sleeps 6. Electric . hot water, nil heat im rnnk atove and oven. electric refrigerator. Or will trade for smaller trailer. Phone 2076-J after 4 F M. EQUITY IN SHOPSMITH. Ph. 822-Y-Jf. 1321 Maple St. MARTIN 7","horse motor and boat, S80 30-30 Winchester. 2 boxes shells. $23., 2-3 horse washing machine engine. ilk nrw. iy liHM ucn Ave. FOR SALE Sioux Hard Seat arinder, $1 15; also rod aligner, $75. Can be aeen at Umpqua tractor uo. w. fc. Osborne. 3 BEDSTEADS, mattresses and SDriTiga. like new; 1 davenport and chair in very good condition and 1 daveno. For information can inun. FOR SALE " Good washing machine, $ti3; $35. equity in 1950 electric port able aewing macnine; con springs ana Inncrspring mattress, S-W. aw asi- wood. FENCE POSTS for sale. Roseburg Shingle Co ,on Nnrth Umpqua rioaa FOR SALE - 1946 Dixie trailer house, Butane and oil stove, bed and folding daveno bed. $1350 Trailer bouse at Midget Trailer Court. Roseburg. John T Beck, Sutherlin, uregon. rn. PIPE new. 6500 Ft. V, Holmgren, Rt. 1, Box 243. POI.YSTICHUM Munitum roots for si Bring the outdoors to your yard. All ' outdoor plants. We plant 'em. Informa tion rree. I, u box .bo. 3 H P. Sea King outboard motor, never been used Call 594-J-3. Fuel 20 LOG ENDS, fireplace, cook stove and furnace wood si per unit you naui. No deliveries Sullivan Ac Son Lumber Co . 2 miles No. of Roseburg on v DOUBLE LOADS PEELER CORE mill ends and fireplace. 915: 2 inch planer ends. $12.50; 1 I neb planer ends a to. wa also nave plenty oi ary wooa. Call Claude Willey. 13-J-3. or 143-J-3, ir02 East Douglas si FREE-PRUNEWOOD for taking. B. A Young Ranch, Curry Estate. Ph. 1761-J. Timber & Sawmills 21 TIMBER WANTED Any size tracts and all sizes of timber. We have good responsible buyers, and our year of timber experience utire vou that vour Interests will be protected. Deal with a local office wnere you can come in ana uu tmngs over. Appraisal maac. Peta Serafin Jack Myers At Garden Vallev Road and Highway 99 Phone. 18-Q-J FOR SALE 1 atub edger, 31". J saws. Jim Heath. Myrtle' Creek. WANTED Good sawmill logs. Good price I veraon Lu m her Co Ph 82 1 WANTED Timber! Cat ahow. Small or large tracts. Write Rt. 1, Box 372, Cooa Bay, Oregon. ESTABLISHED', reliable remanufactur ing plant with sawmill! needs timber, preferably In tracts of three million feet and more. Stum pa Re basis or cash. You log or we log. Box S61, Springfield. Oregon. WANTED 2 million ft. timber to log. With HD 7. Write RL 1, Box $72, Coos Bay. Oregon. WANTED SECOND GROWTH LOGS CONTACT WILBUR LUMBER CO 6x40 Roller Bearing Edger Complete with Table and Rolls 4x32 American Edger 90 H.P. Hercules Diesel Engine D-8800 Caterpillar Power Unit I Set Medium Donkey Drums HUB LUMBER CCv P.O. Box 483 Garden Valley Road at S.P. Tracks Phone 264-RX-2 SAWMILL 23,000 capacity on R. R?. 2a to 3 MM ft. second and old growth, some peelers go. Mill fully equipped and In fine condition. One cat, one Skagit donkey, one 2-ton late model Chevrolet truck, about three mile haul on logs. Williamson Real Estate 1701 N Stephens WANTED Log and piling stumpage. Spot rash. Niedermever-Uartln Co., Spalding Bldg ,Portland.4. Oregon. WANT "TO-" BUY " DouglaT Firpolea and piling, all aire peeled; Barkle 30 to 50'. Contact ua for aires. Puget Timber Co., P. O. Box 46, Roaeburg. Ph. 13.TP. WANT POLE STUMP AGE. Sumrneror winter ahow. Puget Timber Co., P. O. Box4, Roseburg. Ph 1:1.(9. FOR SALE -"8 ft.x50 ft. steel bed frame, made or 13" I beam for port able sawmill. JWKi. Barker & McCall. Sutherhn. Ph. 2933, Oakland. 1-144.1 Ford Lumber truck, all new mr ber. 58.OO0 - 300 tlmken rear end. brand new motor, lumber roll and dual axle. $3OU0. Also Portland Iron Works log turner, pond chain uw, log dump machinery and all other usable equipment salvagahle from mill fir Phone SO-X-a Mvrtl Creek after P.M. for further information. logging Equipment 22 FOR SALE 11 HP Dlsston saw. 2 bars and chains, iia new, ijw. Ojklandao4. D-7 Cat-9 G. seriea, blade, new drum. track raits, cylinder narrcis. eic. Also Jr .Carco Arch If desired. Cy Kruger. Sutherlin Hotej. m LOGGER'S BARGAIN 1 H D. T W cat. dozer and drum, with or without timber. Fh. lH-J-it. evenings TD-18 INTERNATIONAL tractor com pletely equipped lor logging. Isaacson blade, front end unit, and towing winch. 200 hours on motor since com plete overhaul. Complete overhaul on transmission. New awing clutches, brakes and final drive. Machine in A-l ahape Call Powers, Ore. 335 in evenings 7 to 9. ji4 m potH model 600 shovel suitable for log loader a.tuuu.uu; u-o cat w-blade $5950.00: D-r Cat w-drum and blade $8730.00; R-57 Cat w-drum, no blade $o950.00; all In Al cond. Also GMC and Cat power plants In single, twin or quads several HD dlesel and gas HD trucks: BW133 Skagit, like new S1200.; 3 Cummins motors $1150.; 3-25 paas buses $850.00 ea: RUPLEY CHEVROLET Castla Rock, Washington Ph 3231 Trucks 26 BEN'S TRUCK PARTS Motors Near New Surplus Red Diamond 450 International Basic Engines complete with head and pan less Ignition ONLY $485.00 ea AUo Near New Fuller ft-A-620 S-speed overdrive Transmissions to fit thia ' Motor ONLY $295.00 ea Or, If purchased as a unit Motor and Trans we can price the unit to you for ONLY $730.00 per unit THESE WORLD REKNOWN ENGINES AND TRANSMISSIONS BEING SLIGHTLY USED SURPLUS HAVE ONLY A VERY FEW MILES AND ARE IN PRACTICALLY NEW CON dilion you hould keep one of these in your shop for emergencies as well as replacing other units which ara due for overhauling PARTS FOR ALL TRUCKS, BOTH G.L AND CONV. BEN'S TRUCK PARTS .' 3022 So. Tacoma Way. Tacoma, Wn., PH ua-;lti4 or 4Ki . SACRIFICE Must Be Sold At 6nce 1941 GMC loialnit truck with Inf trailer. Muit be sold to .atisfy hen. Se - Buy - Sav. 1547 KB-3 Int. pickup. !7.V 148 DodRe pickup, clran. $1043. 1947 INTF.R'L Went CoaMer, 3010 rear axle. 703 B-llpe. Freuhaut log trailer. New GMC Trucks SMITH MOTORS TRUCK DEPARTMENT Hiway99. N. Ph. 199-H-l AXLE SHAFTS, springs, for all make of trucks. Ray's Truck Shop, 2035 N. Stephens. Phone 1848-J. ' 4-WHEEL drive Army truck, ateel beC dual tires, good condition Ph. 4,'.2. 1-1949 GMC Tractor, Two ton, with Hand Valve, Fifth Wheel and 270 Motor, Excellent Rubber. HUB LUMBER CO. P.O. Box 483 . Garden Valley Road at S.P. Tracks Phone' 264-RX-2 1845 MACK TRUCK and Fmehauff trailer, both with roll,. Many extras. See at Dillard Garage. L. W. Gerhart, "Th, Timber.," Lapine, Oregon. Autos & Mir. Cycles 27 1939 CHRYSLER 3-door aedan, $250. Ph 1609-J-2. , FOR SALE '40 Mercury 4-door sedan, good condition. Reasonable. Must sell immediately 1324 Umpqua Ave. 1948 STUDEBAKER Chanson "cmTpe, good condition, being sad by owner. CaM 585-R. New 1B50 GMC 100 Suburban. See K H. Oakley. Ph. 140, or Myrtle Creek 132. JlJiaaijfajspi 5S durmmno Dunn f REASONABLY PRICED CMAC TERMS Rob. it Oak CHEVROLET. BU1CK. PONTIAC, CADILLAC TRADE. INB Hansen's JJSEDjCARCENTER Tio, SliSS-RPV 41 FORD 5 pea,, coupe, exceptional! food. Call 822-Y-X or ,ee at 1MI Maple before 4 P.M. fJl SAfeE u-. Mod' A Phone Sutherlln2494.' 50 FORD 2-door. radio, heater, aeat oJ.Ve" "Ptle, throughout 11850. Ph. I196-J-X. 'S?. JH"- 37 STUDEBAKF.R Dltf TATOR. good body, good tire,, and run,. ,45. 4KM N. Stephen,, Pacllle Cabin. USED CARSFORSAir 1950 OLDSMOBILE, low mileaga. maroon esrd?u;act- -w 1949 FORD 1949 CHFVROLET 1948 FORD CLUB COVPE 1947 CHEVROLET 4-door 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-door 1948 CHEVROLET AERO FLEETLINS 1948 CHEVROLET J door 1948 CHEVROLET 4-door 1948 Hl'DSOS CLUB COITE 1941 OLDSMOBILE CLUBCOUPE. lull overhauled ... 1M7 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE, one quarter lift cam. milled head. trurX and hood molded In, leatherette upholstery, spotlights, molded - In Old. mobile grill. Thl, car is In perfect shape. MANY OLDER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM N0RTHSIDE MOTORS 1701 N Stephens ltMO CHEVROLET 4-door " -da 230". wIT'rt.TniU'r C"L Sutherlin. B. J. Monhart, in O O