10 Tha New-Rtvlew, Roteburg, Ore. Wed., Ft& 14, 1951 t v Proposed New Taxes Spell Further Slash In Buying Power Of American Dollar By SAM DAWSON NEW YORK AP Americans are on notice as to what Uncle Sam proposes to take away from them in taxes. Let's look for a moment at what he's going to leave them in terms of what it'll buy. How much must the ordinary family man miffce it he's to pay the proposed new income taxes and feed his kids as well, clothe his wife as well, care for his family as well as he did before the last war? Because the money that Uncle Sam will leave him, thanks to inflation, will buv now only about what half it did before the war. A man who bronchi home $io I a week in 1940 to care for his wife j Bu, (he pri(.cs of 0her lninss are and two children had a net in come to report of about $3000 a year and paid no income tax. In other words he had $3,000 left and it bought $3,000 worth of goods and services. Under the proposed tax, the man if he's still earning $110 a week will pay $144 tax if he reports $3,000 income, lie will still have $2,856 left. But when he takes that inlo the market place ho will be lucky if he can stretch it out to buy in goods and services as much as SI, 428 would have bought him in 1940. two or three times higher than they were. The dollar, by and large, buys not much more than 50 cents worth, in terms of 1940 prices. The standard of living of that man has delinitely gone down, even if his income hasn't. Other Examples Cited If the married man with two children was in the $90 to $100 a week class in 1940 he'd report net income of around $5,000, pay $75 .income tax, and have $4,925 to maintain ins inniuy a numutiiu ui 0 l" ' lip rWi0n h KM VMM mm ;MS Surgeon, OrOFishlng Tr?p, Drowns In Lewis Rive VANCOUVER, Wash. (.P A Portland surgeon apparently was drowned Thursday when swept by the swift waters of the Lewis river while on a fishing excursion 17 miles north of here. The surgeon, Dr. R. II. Swin. ney, and i companion, Dr. Charles W. Coffen, also of Portland, were fishing from a boat a half mile west of Daybreak brWge., Coffen said that the boat cap. sized in the rough water. Coffen said he swam to the south shore, while Swinney stayed with the boat until it went aground downstream on the river's north shore. Swinney secured the boat and started across the river, carrying the motor and some fishing equip ment, Coffen said. The current swept him off his feet. His cap was found downstream. The .rices of some things, of i But today -under the .pro- course have gone up very little. J'gH will pay SSl Ux have $4376 left but that will equal a $2,188 standard of living in terms of 1940. To equal his 1940 standard of living, the married man wilh two children would have to report a better than $1,000 annual income in 1951. Under the proposed tax rate, he would have to pay $1, 8 on his $10,000 net income, leav ing him $8,104 which in terms of 1940 buying power equals $1,052, compared with the $4,925 that the FEATURED ACT Tha above pupils of Sally Hilt's Studio of Dane Arts will perform tha Roieburq Active club s polio benefit amateur proqram Friday at 8 p.m Frequtnt Free BELT0NE CLINICS Are Htld at tha Umpqua Holtl Wrlta for Nail Data HEARING AID BATTERIES Hallad Anrwkiri-For Any Mailt Writt S. C. MITCHELL YS W. Braadwar, fctif.iia, Ort. fM.fnb.r J. N. Tall a A..rlal. af Portland R. liana ll.arlnf Ald.l during the Roieburq Active club's polio bei high school auditorium. They are, left to right, standing, tddie Winter, Jacquie Mathews and Marian Jones; kneeling, and Tamara Tautcher. (Picture by Photo Lab) n special acts in the Junior Carol Ann Burqin, Ralph Frav. Margaret Taylor, Frieda Fullmer TRAILER AXLES With Wheels and Standard Sizei Springs 2000 DOYLE'S Sales & Service Highway 9 at Go-Jen Valley FHONE ell S. W. (Bill) MILLER SAYS NEW FERGUSON SIDE-DELIVERY RAKE aksssMiUiiiVUiUUkl TnM "sideward" raking action with the unique Ferguson six-bar offset reel movea hay 60 per cent lees distance from math to windrow. Tractor-mounted . . .power take-off driven . . . Finger Tip Controlled. Surprisingly low in price. . SUPPLY IS LIMITED GET YOURS NOW! Ft Datfittrattm ea Tew vws fonvl I IJ Jtiniklllt'lll I IT 1 SaTI I if ffl LEE MORTENSEN, Inc. 200 SOUTH PINE PHONE 1486-J $5000a-year man had left after taxea in 1940. So, even if the $5,000 a year man has doubled his income In the last 10 years, he s .uill not quite so well off when he tries to buy things. The comparison holds all along the line as you go up the pay scale. The $IS,0uO a year man now has take-home pay, in terms of the 1940 dollar, of around $6,298 and that's less than the $7,000-a-year man had 10 years ago. This sounds as if most of us have been on a treadmill in the last dec ade. We struglled to raise our pay, but unless we advanced much tast ier than the average fellow, the steady inflation of the currency has left us no better off, possibly worse off as far as our stantlard of liv ing goes. And it's at this high inflated level that Washington is trying to freeze everything. George Neuner Opposes Transfer Of Authority SALEM (.ft Attorney Gen eral George Neuner opposes the sportsmen's bill to transfer game law enforcement from the state police to the game commission. In an opinion for state Sen. Jack Bain, Portland, chairman of the senate game committee, Neuner said passage of the bill would re sult in split responsibilities. He said that even though the main enforcement would be trans ferred, state police and local of ficers still would have to enforce the game laws, just like they en force all other laws. m "ss y$h-g TSere'i an ArJtn Dfiler nrar you. Your fimity will tnjoy thil drlicioui ict cream for drurrl . . a t 000 I diameter, ol woahnbU ) Or liif vinyl,... Ill nUMl till II I r' n'T . i,m WATT- Come in . . .make your selections early. ..this sale will not be repeated. G 111 N. Jackson o o o o Phone 330 PeGHjfycidzecl .Service Xjour J4om e rAVtoiaWiintflieS mm 0 FURHISHfflGS was, t!