o Test Of Western Air Defenses Now Operating san francisco" upi The giant test of air defense from the Pacific coast to the Rocky moun tains began today, but the only thing visible to most civilians will be occasional vapor trails high in the sky. "Invading" bombers of the stra tegic air command are involved with delenders from the western air defense force. The "aggressor" sorties are above 30.000 feet, out of sight but well within range of radar posts screening ' strategic areas. The main purpose of the ma neuver is a test the ability of defense forces to detect ana identify attacking planes, rather than a battle problem. Sunday "GAR DKX TALKS" aT w. otu (34th ymr nn the air) KRNR .10:15-10:30 a.m. Subject, February 4: "Culhir. c' Sweet Peas" SPENCER SWEET PIA COLLECTION On packet of aach of tha follow ing Spencer Tariatira: Cuthbartian Mlaaa! 10 Olanr Flawarinaj Ml.a ,10 OlaM )umMIod... .10 lariy Nawarlna Ml.d. .10 Warth 40 tpaU JO HOME BEAUTIFUL ' SWEET PEA COLLECTION 12 rairtilar alaad parketa of Spencer Sweet Pea, named vartetlea, all different. Our aelertlon. Will ba choaen for good range of color. Warth $1.90 Paaheala 73. Paakate tla! 4 Of Sprrlal ffrr t pitta. Horn leautltvl CollaarlM amtl 4 pkta. Ipeiuer Callactlan 55) Poatpaid i enx nnos.SF.EH co. Montavllla Italian ORTtAND 16, ORISON land far bfg M-Baae cafeeg freel aaaaaafr; - :ieN.- .: : "aaaaaaaaaaaa, jfm FTumya, ...,. frv aar) 13" ,- aaaaaa aaaann HakiPfiaal DIRECT POLIO WORK Mrs. Y. V. Harpham, secretary, left, an-i Mrs. R. D. Coen, vice-president of the Douglas county chapter of Infantile Paralysis Foundation, are pictured working at the March of Dimes headquarters at Trowbridge Electric. I Picture by Photo Labi MDI0 PM0MMS KRNR 1490 lc. 1240 kc. ICRXL Game Fishing Ruined By Logging, Officer Says PORTLAND (JPl Logging is ruining Oregon's game fishing, Captain Bert Walker, chief of the state police game division, as serted nere. He told the East Side com-J i mercial club that tree-cutting was creating a fast run-off of water from the hills, making some streams "sluice boxes" that spew fish to their death. Walker cited the North Santiam river. It was a top fishing stream IS years" a?o, he said, but now is only mediocre. He added that the Rogue's fishing also was fading because of upstream logging. WESTERN DANCE at n Melody Mt. Barn 3 Miles South of Myrtle Creek Saturday FEBRUARY 3 Polio Auction of ValuabU Items During Intermission, COME FOR FUN1 Music by y Sons of the Saddle N Douglas Farm Bureau To Meet The North HouRlas Farm Bu reau' center will meet Friday at 8 p.m. in Rice Valley Grange hall. Many important issues will be presented to be discussed and voted upon, it is announced. All members are urged , to be pres ent. Bob King and George Pewey, area representatives, will be pres ent. They will also be at the live stock growers meeting to be held earlier in the day at Azalea Grange hall. Several members from North Douglas are planning to attend and return in time for the center meeting in the evening Paul Flury of Yoncalla has re ceived his insurance agent's li cense and is eligible to write Oregon Farm Bureau insurance. Only Farm Bureau members in good standing are eligible to take advantage of this service. Russ Carey of Roseburg and E. E. Young of Cow Creek are the other licensed agents in Douglas county. REMAINING HOURS TODAY ' 4nft rulinn Uwli Jr. MBS 4:IS Himtnrw.v- M& 4:.TO Passing Pa rani- 4 4W8im Have MRS SW-Mirk Trail MHS ft-:0-CI.Yd Btatty-MRS r W-Virtor Bori-MBS fi.00 Gabriel Mrattrr MBS r, is World of Sporla t Brtfhttr Stdr f-.-S Sam Have MBS - C:.N Bill Hnry--.VHS TOO Sletpvtimt Tale? 7:15 Horn t With Uniwl Barrymor ? :0 Ciico Kid MBS 8:00 General E fieri tin wor-MBS 8:1S Dance Musfc-MRS K Mid -Evening Mooda -aA Mutual Newtreel MBS 9 l (V New -MBS 1(V fulion l.Mij Jr. MBS n Ml Hi Nelxhhor P'4S Personality Time ft .A Fivr-Minut Final MBS n;00 t Lm't a Mystery MBS M:tiv-Mulr You Want in:4SvC1uh 1400 11::5 News Nightrip ll-.-O Sim Off . SATURDAY FKRRt'ART S, . (1:00 Coffee Ctub Caper .:iO Farm Fair 6:4.1 Rlie V Shlne-MBS T:iO Hemtniway MRS VMS Breakfast Oans -MBS 7.45 Morning Melodies 8:iK Raoto Bible Class 8.30 Haven of Rett - MBS 9:00 Over the Coffee Cup 11.15 4-H Club 9 ''o Telephone request 10 (KV News Ifl:1S You and Your Camera lfi:; .Spelling Bee 11:00 Symphonies for YouthMBS K:0O World News 1?:1S MikIc In Modern Mood 12. .TO Man on th Street . 12 4.1 Local News 1:00 Man on the Farm MBS l:no President Truman -MBS 2 00 I fa Requested .J:PO Dunn on Dtc MRS 3:.in SfMirts Parade--MHS 4 oo John FU nn MBS 4:IS Hemingway MHS 4 :0 Bandstand t'SA MBS 5:00 Salute to Reservist MBS f roi stars on Parade S-45 Twin Views of tht News MBS SAO Hawaii Ca1l-MRS rt :o World of .Snorts f .41 Legion Program 7:0O Family Theater-MBS ?:.tO Hanpv Vallev Cowbovt It. oo Oregon State VS Washington AOO Wrestling 1. .1ft Arthur Van Orrh-MBS 11:00 Top Tune with Trendler MBS 1 ro Nrws Nightcap 11 5 Sign Oft SCHOOL VIA VIDEO MEMPHIS. Tenn. (TP) The kids here couldn't go to school to day because of the ice, hut they're getting, their lessons anyway by television. The; hurriedly whipped together programs are aimed especially at students of the county schools. They haven't been able to get to school for a week. The city schools are closed down. row NEWS -REVIEW MOTOR ROUTE LINES HAVE BEEN EXTENDED! OAKLAND Circulation increases In the Days Creek-Tiller area have made it possible for The News-Review to extend its motor route delivery lines. If you live between Canyon ville and Tiller and are receiv. Ing your News-Review by mail or if you have not yet join ed the News-Review family, phone 100 and ask for SAME DAY carrier delivery service! EARL McCOY, long timt Roicburg resident, is servicing the new Canyon-villa-Tilltr motor route. McCoy will be PlQ ' cept new subscriptions and service current subscribers. o . r -TSIIT1IEIIII k J fclt-BUB S . meouN ROSEBURG y L(IOlGGLSS -" TRADING ACFA IU" --'" covered daily by six motor r, V route carriers and 10 ear. ) Nv rier salesmen. (MS aUEY ' 31' St i ' ..T.UH I ''If i - . i I ! Diect Carrier Delivery Service from Canyon ville to Days Cretrk and to Surprise Valley on Gailey road is now in effect. Carrier delivery service will be extended to Tilfcr soon thereafter. Elgarose By MRS. THELMA HANSON Mr. and Mrs. Dale Crenshaw and son Billy are moving lo Idaho this week. Crenshaw will help his brother who recently stiffpred a stroke. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie John have returned home after taking Mrs. John's mother, Mrs. Mqary Han son, to Gaston. The 411 club members of ElRa rose and friends enjoyed a skat ing party at the Winchester rink Saturday evening. Ray John is stationed at Ft. Lewis. Wash. David Sand is, recovering from a ' finger injury. PTA Meet Hears Talk On British Isles I.aurin MacEwan of Days Creek presented a talk and movies on England and Scotland at the Can yonville Parent-Teachers associ ation meeting Thursday. MacEwan, accompanied by his wife, tonk a trip through the Bri tish Isles last year. Frank riarvev sanrf '"Wagon Wheels" and "My Buddy." The second grade room received a dollar bill for leaving the most dads present at the meeting. Superintendent of Schools 0. .1. Monger gave a short talk on the possibilities of consolidating Days Creek and Tiller with Canyonville. The Canyonville PTA voted to donate $4 to the March of Dimes. One Feb. 22, the next regular PTA meding. an atomic bomb film will be shown. Refreshments, following the meeting, were served by the fifth grade mothers of the PTA. '' s Highway Span Collapse Blamed On Saboteurs THREE RIVERS, Que. P -Quebec Premier Maurice Duples sis charged that "sabotage by subversive elements" was respon sible for the collapse of the $3, 000,000 Duplessis highway bridge. He announce! a government in quiry into the disaster. Nearly half of the broad bridge built in 1948 snapped in 2fi-below zero weather early Wednesday REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4 00 Men with th Baton 4 30 One Upon a Tim j A Sleepy Jo f.'tO Andy Parker Jk Plaliumert 5 IS Four Knights r3:."0 United Prej Commentary S ;-5 Musiral CooV tails 8:Vi Under the Capitol Domt C no Sporti SpotMt CIS Lamplighter S 30 Modern Newe 6:45 The Ambanadon TOO Th King Si iter 7:15 Marin Armengol T:,"iO Random Rhythm 7 50 Basketball i Roaebur-Mcdfrd) 8:30 Three Quarter Timt fMJl Shep rieldi ft 55 New ID: 0 Modern Meolody Club 10 .1O Danre Time lr'io Headline ' Tomorrow 11.05 Mimic (or Rerr.lmictng 11 30 Sign Off SATURDAY FEBRUARY I, 1951 SUO Earlv Bird r f t New Headline fi;0H Early Bird f .10 Paul Bunyan Timt 6:45 First Kdition News 7 0i Western Caravan T WillUmi 7 .to Alarm Clock Club fi 00 World Ntw P:15 Kraniella Quintette p ;'0 Tops in Pops 9 io Johnny Mercer b.ia Say It with Muilc 9:M World-Wide New 9:45 Blue Barron 1(1:00 Band Concert K. 15 Sugar n Spica IC:..0 Off the Beam 10 45 Mode Modern e 11 (0 Eddie Lemar Show X ' 11:15 Sunset 6t Vine . " ll-.TO Frankie Master 11 ift Song Time 12:001 ftunuie Ot Prayer U:fl Variety Timn 17.15 Peggy Lee i:0 Mid-day New I? 45 Market Report Evehn Tyner lot) Phnnoquest - j' 2:0O KRXL Open House 3.00 Navy Band 2:15 Tommy Turker Time r .V News Summary 2:.i5 Kern tc Sloop V 4i Red Nicnois 4 00 Vaughn Munrot 4:30 Modernaires 4:45 Polka Party 9:00 Randy Brooks 5:15 Gay Blade 5 30 United Press Commtntery S::i5 Mimical Cocktails 5:55 Under the Capitol Dome (t in Spnrls Spot lite fl. 15 Lamplighters B::tO Modern New 6:45 Jerry Grey Show 7 OO Masked Rider 7:;to Son Of The Raddle 8:00 Man r'rnm Dixie 1:1,1 Art Mooney 8 .TO News 8;; 15 Dance Band Review S: 55 New NVOO Mod-rn Melody Cluh 10.10 Saturday Night Danrlnf Pattv 11 (i0 Headline of Tomorrow 11:05 Saturday Night Dancing Party ll:3U-Snn Off Friday, Ftb. 2, 1951 Th News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. S SLAVES, SHIEKS AND INTRIGUE AT INDIAN Pancake Supper Will Observe Shrove Tuesday The traditional pancake supper will be held Shrove Tuesday, Keb. fi. at the Episcopal parish hall from 6 to 8 p.m. The supper will be cooked and served by the men of the parish, and all proceeds will RO lo the building fund for the new parish house to be built later this year. The committee in charge of ar rangements is headed by Dick Bronsnn, with Bill IJndsell and Franklyn Voyt the other commit teemen. Cooks again this year will be Ted Post and Hal Han kin. All people whose surnames be gin with the letters A through M are asked to come for the sup per between 6 and 7 p.m. All people whose last names begin with the letters N through Z are asked to come after 7 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend the annual Shrove Tues day dinner. jmii .. A- ia! RICHARD GREENE worn YVONNE De CARLO in Kent from Univenal- Imcnutional 'a "THE DESERT HAWK," in color by Technicolor. Of E)XDE) O Q By CAROL KERR KRNB'k laal-minutp Marrh of DimM "Plcrlce Parly" achodulinR Wednesday niizht nettci Ihe drive approximately $300. Highest fees were plellsed for Mayor At He gel'a sincing of "The Whiffenixiof Song" and Al HenninRer'a rendi tion of "Ave Maria. The latter performer was forced out of bed and pajamas in an all-out effort to ptit in a personal appearance on the show. Other pledge gim micks included on-the-spot produc tion of singing commercials, an air-trip over Roseburg ami the spinning of favorite records. KRXL program director Del Mc Kay, local chairman of the polio drive, also took part in the show, supplying accurate facts and fig ures on local response to the cam paign. Patrick (Pat) W. Campbell, Don Lee broadcasting system vice firesldent in charge of station re ations since 194.1, tendered his resignation effective February 1st it was disclosed over the week end by the network's president. A nephew of the late dramatic star, Mrs. Patrick Campbell, Mr. Campbell entered show business in 1915, handling Klaw and Kr langer productions starring Helen Hayes, Katherine Cornell, Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontaine, George M. Cohan, George Arliss, Laurettc Taylor and others. One of the pioneers in the com munications industry, Mr. Camp bell, in 1932, as general manager, organiied the west coast office of World Broadcasting system, serving eleven western states in the production of transcription! for radio purposes. Mr. Campbell is married to the one-time New York stage leading lady. Mildred Booth, and resides in Beverly Hills. TONIGHT: Gen. nwight T). Ki senhower, supreme I mmander of the North Atlantic i. .ense forces, will make a radio report ot the people on his recent trip to Eu rope (8:00-8:15 p.m.). His broad cast address, originating in Wash ington, D. C, is expected to cover all the major facets of his recent visits with leaders of the North Atlantic pact governments. SATURDAY: President Tru man's address at the dedication ceremonies of a chapel in Philadel phia in memory of the chaplains killed on the Dorchester when it sank in World War 11 will b aired (1:30 2:00 p.m.). PEST HUNT SET The South Deer Creek Grange plans a Pest Hunt feed Saturday evening. Following the 7:30 p.m. hunt, the losing side will feed the winners. Birthday tables will he arranged to celebrate January, February and March birthdays. A regular grange meeting will be held at 8 p.m. morning, plunging four persons to an icy death. Duplessis, after whom the bridge was named, based his sabotage theory on the "timing" of the crash in the early morning hours and the fact" that it was "the Dup lessis bridge." The premier, an outspoken foe of Communism re called that he is the author of the Quebec "Padlock Law" by which police can close up estab lishments suspected of subversive or Communist connections. lor Mvata SKATING PARTIES Art Available at tha RAINBOW RINK -2 o .. Winchaitar - Phona 526-R-l Get more heat with new Rust-Proof Stove Oil Rust-cloKged burners and corrosion-damaged gtove parts are things of the past when you use new Richfield Runt-Proof Stove Oil. Its special ingredient, RD-119, absolytely prevents rusting of fuel tank, line, strainers and burners. This clear fuel burns with a hot blue flame, without soot or fumes; gives you clean heat anrf more of it! You always get the same high quality, eliminating need for frequently adjust ing burners. e For troutl-fr heating at low cast, order Richfidd Rutt-Proof Stova Oil today. KEN UNDER Richfield Disr. PHONE 554 RICHFIELD STOVE OIL STARTS SUNDAY Wall KB! What "BLOH0lE Pennv SlMinnu K ffT -"'MMaiyil V? j Irfhiir im mm- Added Featura m faar and A i murdtr X i.' I fit m -HjajT DEI Tonight and Saturday (Matinee Sat. 1 P.M.) KIRIT GRANT ANNE C WYNNE PrfPSJl tad CHINOOK ' fSs'l AND WaaTCTiroant Hi 1 1 ' 1....,., M J I RICHARD CONTE COLEEH GRAY ENDS SATURDAY Sun., Mon., Tues. it.4r a agVt in f! thtPalact GREENE ENDS SATURDAY FIIO ASTAIB SKELTON JvtlatltlM , IHNIIt WTNN l tltfNI DIHt Mm teiar b TfCHNICulOil