lIgal OUT OUR WAY R. Williams Friday, Jaw. If, 17S1 The Newt-Review, Roieburg, Or. 11 Autos & Mtr. Cycles 27 Autos & Mtr. Cycles 27 NOTICE Or FINAL ETTI.EMK.VTV o Th lolnt Executors of tha sta of HKNRY HARTHOLOMY, decfsed hereby give, nollre that the County Court of Douglae County, Orego.i, hits fixed Baturdn, tha loth div of Keh ru.iry, 1931, at ten o'clock A.M. t tha time, and ihe County Court rota In the Court House at Hoseburg, In Doia !an County, Oregon, the place for heiring ohjectioni, 1( any there b. la the final account of the Exeruto- Dated and first published January Kth, 1951. HOMER D HARTHOLOMY Jk MILTON W. HARTHOLOMY. Executors of Ihe Eetafe of Henry Bartholomy, deceased. with two women companions. They unloaded empty boxes as if intend ing to pick up something at the house. Mrs, Roseback entered the door and a shot was fired. The women with her ran back to the car, A police car pulled up and a bullet crashed out of the front "in do of the house. More police ar rived as did an ambulance. More shot! were fired, then po- lide broke In a rear door and en tered. Roseback was shot through the head, apparently by his own gun, ATrs. Roseback was wounded sev eral times. He died in i hospital. Her con dition there wu reported "not good." , . Better Buys at BARCUS '' fir 1 Citrus Junior College is la Azusa, Calif. By J. TOP PRICES PAID FOR GOOD USED CARS 1MB PACKARD Super Convertible new top, overdrive, R & H per fect condition ?4U9 U CHRYSLER W1NSOR aeden. like new Inside end out, everv . extra, a real buy 7905 IBM r R A 2. 1 ", R MANHATTAN Ovtrdrtve. luxurious interior, mechanically perfect ,.. . 17-3 llMTDESOTO SEDAN. RAH, Recon ditioned motor, body and In terior extra good - 139S 194T LINCOLN CLUB COUPE, overdrive. X & H. Automatic window! $1395 1941 FORD STATION WAGON 190 DODGE Sedan ... 1293 - 495 1939 CHEVROLET , COUPE MS 1941 CHRYSLER WINDSOR Coupe 1939 PLYMOUTH COUPE. new motor ..,. 345 194S Croiley 335 375 1937 CHEVROLET TUDOR 150 1940 PACKARD SUPER aedan 34! 1935 PLYMOUTH COUPE 195 1937 HUDSON TERRAPLANE 75 1937 FORD V- aedan 85 1937 PACKARD aedan . S5 1U3 CHEV. SEDAN, rune ood . 75 TRUCKS & PICKUPS H.4A IfNIVERSAL J FIT P. alumi num rah, top condition B93 1042 DODGK ARMY AMBHLANCF 4 wheel thrive, itood mud grip t I r a r. excellent condition thioughout 593 LARGE 2-whee! trailer with rrk aides. Good tirea i;5 EASY TERMS LIBERAL TRADES She was a king. "King" means "Head of ths State, ' -Ruler." Chief" or "Principal," and doei not necessarily imply the male ex. "Queen" Eliza heth , was a sovereign power, a "King." "Queen" Is the title of only tha conxort of a king. BARCUS Your Packard Dealer Hlghwaj M N. at Garden Valley ltd. Phona 1334 PACKARD CONVERTIBLE, '4 Hudson sedan, IK ft. Eastern Built house trailer $3MV. 10 Miles N of Grants Pass, Sundust Knoll Ranch. f , , WE CHECKED Y ,r5 AN AWFUL Y NO, HE'S IM t ,i IT CAREFULLV JOB TO MAKE 1 BAD THERE.' I AND THE BORE A HIT WITH THAT MAKES J I ISN'T TRUE WITH ) ENERGY --OR ) TH' BULL ' THE OUTSIDE J EVEN BRAINS.' THINK THAT ( DIAMETER.-- ft YOU'RE NEVER HE THINKS j I I1 w SEE HERE? J SURE HOW MUCH I TH' BULL'S TOO r L- OF EITHER TH' OLD OR. TOO nnrl BOSS HAS LAZY TO COME THE BAD MOVE coee. mi ay he sebvicc. wc t. m. ego, u. . eat, oft Autos & Mtr. Cycles 27 FOIt SALE 14 Style Line Phev. Healer. By owner. M. D. Schmidt, Rt. 1. Box 81, Sutherlin. FOR SALE OR TRADE - '4? Mercury good condition Ph. 104.1-L. MORE MONEY for your car Cash on the spot. Cork rum Motors. Inc., Ue Soto Plymouth. Phone 406, 114 N Rose St. LATE MODEL 61 Harle.v Davidoi jn excellent condition, with all extras. duv at raw:.. 1B42 N. Stephens WANTED USED CARS LOCKWOOD MOTORS TO BUY OR SELL An automobile. See Barney Barnelt, 1733 North Steph ens. Ph. 16B0-Y FOR SALE 19.T7 Chev. See Rosehiirg Hudson. E.ou at FOR SALE '39 Ford 4-door aedan. healer Good Mercury motor, and good rubber. $133. or will consider terms. Apt. 70,Sutherlin Housing. '40 OLDS, good condition: new tirea. C. A. McGougan, Housing project, x Sutherlln. 11)10 PACKARD Sedan, Autos & Mtr. Cycles 27 Lockwood's Used , Cars BEST BUYS ANYWHERE lfV MERCURY 4-DR SEDAN ...2mV00 1950 BUICK 4 Dr. Sedan 2195.00 1H9 MKRCURY 4-DR SEDAN .1895.on I MB FORD 4 DR SEDAN 1595.00 1949 CHEV. 4-DR. FLEETLINE .1545, 0(1 1949 FORD CLUB COUPE 1493 00 lf4 FORD DR. -'itt oo 1B74 FORD 2 DR . I.H) 1947 MKRCURY CLUB COUPE....124.VOO 1!M8 FORD FORDOR SEDAN .1IS.(HI 1947 FORD TUDOR 1045.00 .!W CHEVROLET FLEETLINE 10H5.00 1946 CHEV FORDOR SEDAN .w 09!MU 1!4B Ff.HD FORDOR SEDAN . 905.00 194(1 FORD 4-DR 043 00 1946 FORD CLUB COUPE P'W 00 1941 CHEV. DR. SEDAN . 643.00 1941 DOUCE 2 DR SEDAN 405.W1 1B40 OLDS TUDOR SEDAN 493 00 1040 FORD TUDOR .. .193 I Kl 10.17 CUKV, COUPE 1S4MHI 1034 FORD 2 DR. SEDAN .1125.00 TRUCKS AND PICKUPS 1948 DODGE DUAL DRIVE LOGC.ER 4725.00 194T FORD Vfc TON PICKUP .....1203.00 1947 J NT. TON PICKUP 993.00 1938 INTERNATIONAL TON CHASSIS AND CAB 349 00 ltt REO 'i TON PICKUP 149 00 TERMS TO SUIT Ph. 11 81 -J S. Stephens Autos & Mtr. Cycles 27 FOR SALE OR TRADE 1951 Hud son Hornet Only 3000 miles, all ex tras including hydromatic drive. Will take good milk rows In trade. Roseburi Sub. 27-F-3. FOR SALE '35 Pontiac 2-door -cIhi.. only &1.000 milease. just completely overhauled, practically new moti-r. Hood rubber, exceptionally good over all condition. Must be -een to bo ap preciated. Box 75. Keasey Road. SACRIFICE 1937 Master Deluxe 4-door Chevrolet. Good transportation or family car. Cash price $100. Phone 11!U)-J after 6 P. M. FOR SALE 1048 EN?54A Mark tuick molor Ir excellent condition, rnmplete with air rompresiior, starter and fn erator. Ph. 128fi-J. 1948 PACKARD DELUXE Safer Cough Relief When new drugs or old fail to stop your cough or chest cold don't delay. Creomulsion contains only safe, help ful, proven ingredients and no nar cotics to disturb nature's process. It goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature soothe and heal raw, ten der, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or druggist refunds money. Creomulsion has stood the test of many millions of users. CREOMULSION relieves Couth, Chest Colds, Acute Irenctittii NEWS-REViEW MOTOR ROUTE LINES WILL BE EXTENDED! Circulation Increases In the Days Creek-Tiller area moke It possible for The News Review to extend its motor route delivery lines. If you live between Canyon ville and Tiller and are receiv. ing your News-Review by mail or if you have not yet join ed the News-Review family, phone 190 and ask for SAME DAY carrier delivery service! UMPQIU V. wMi ROSEBURG J - " n I XOMV I LLE J lOOKIHGGUSS r I I 7 A I CH1S VILUT t , V It ' I . v - t v HI DOLE 4 TRADING AREA covered daily by tlx motor route carriers and 10 car. rier salesmen. MYRTLE tmt tim CEEI CiKyOnvlUE 1 INTRODUCING Earl McCoy, long time Roieburg resident, who will iQce the ' new Cionville-Tiller motor route. McCoy will be happy to, accept new subscriptions and service current subscribers. Direct Carrier Delivery Service from Canyon vide to Days Creek and to Surprise Valley on Gazley road starts February 1. Carrier delivery service will be extended to Tiller soon thereafter. REASONABLY PRICED GMAC TERMS Ro. at Oak CHEVROLET. BUICK. PONTIAC, CADILLAC TRADE-INS Hansen's USEDCAR CENTER rOR SALE 1950 Bulek Super 'hvn flow, R tV H. Four door Rivier model. 7500 miles, New Gert. Squeege tires. Lifeguard tubes Priced far quick sale!! Belter than new!! No trsdeln. Phone 102S-RX after S p.m. Personal 30 IF YOU HAVE A DRINKING problem, let In touch with Alcoholics Anony mous P. O Box 1116. PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS MADE. Write P.O Box 10A7. Notices 31 TO THE PARTY or parties wm are prowhnu al night around the homes of J.thn L. and H. L. Campbell tire asked tc let themlv. h. Unu, lli",y ?rI; do,nt " their own rjk nil, tampoeu, i.r.D. Box LEGAL NOTICE OF SKAHONAL UIIERMINATIONS Nolle. I hereby elven thai eicli of the empkyen luted Tjclow hai been de termined to he a aeasonal S'i1',"1. lh" "'eanlnj or Serlion 12U.707 i. y. '""""'ed party mav re 2 f! More the Commti.lon .1'" d,v' ,h of at publlr.tlon of thi. nollre. The "" YI??,.a"1 ,'oh ""'"""I emplovei la a. slated below: Oregon Turkey Growem 1-7-51 thru -3S-JiL 5 27 51 '"nl "-H " ORKnON HNKMPI.OYMK.VT ?" Jan 1.11 ' Bub"'n"t "! ISIS Tday mi! '"' oub,lc",lM' t 'an.. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COl'RT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY BLANCHE EUGENIA TISH, Plaintiff, vs, WALTER D. FISH, Defendant. To: Walter D, Fish IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON You art hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you In tha above entitled court on or before four l4i weeka from the 19th day of Janu ary, lttfl, that being the data of tha first publication of this summons, and If you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, tha plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for the rem f as prayed for In hor complaint, suc cinct statement of which Is at follows: For a decree divorcing the plaintiff from tha defendant absolutely, award ing care and custody of tha minor child. Miles Ward Fish, to the plaintiff, re storing the plaintiff's name of Shepard to her so that hereafter aha shall be known as Blanche Euaenla Sheoard. and granting the plaintiff such other ana xunner renei as to tnt court may seem Just and proper, This summons Is served upon you by publication by or der or Carl E. Wlinherly, Circuit Judge, mada on the 11th day of January, 1951. William D. Green Jr. Attorney for Plaintiff P. O, Box and Roseburg, Oregon Gun Kills Husband, Puts Wife In Hospital PORTLAND UP) A wihl out burst of shooting brought death Thursday to John Roscback, 51, and serious wounds to his es tranged wife, Winifred. Police reported evidence of at least 13 shots fired from Rose back's gun. Mrs. Barbara Larson, neigh bor on S. E. Center street, said Mrs. Roseback, separated from her husband, drove up to his house Presto Pressure Cookers end Steam Ironi RMV 'KM AT Douglas Hardware.," 90 1. Phone T64-J Save frou6e Get mote heat with new Rust-Proof Stove Oil Rust-clogged burners and corrosion-damaged stove parts are things of the past when yoti use new Richfield Rust-Proof Stove Oil. Its special ingredient, RD-119, absolutely prevents rusting of fuel tank, line, strainers and burners. This clear fuel burns with a hot blue flame, without soot or fumes; gives you clean heat and more of it! You always get the same high quality, eliminating need for frequently adjust ing burners. For trouble-free heating at low cost, order Richfield Rust-Proof Stove Oil today. KEN UNDER Richfield Dish PHONE 554 RICHFIELD r, STOVE OIL the case of the INVISIBLE HINGE Yes, sir, a fellow walked in the other day and asked if anybody Kad ever in vented an invisible hinge! If we were in any other kind of business we might have gawped and grinned and phoned for the booby hatch truck. But not here ... no sir, we not only knew there was such a thing but we had 'em for salel The gentleman bought a couple and left. No, he didn't buy a hunk of thin air - - - he bought a Soss brand invisible hinge ... a clever rig that can be installed in doors. The hinge gets its name from the fact that it isn't visible except by closely inspecting the inside of the door jamb. Works, too. The point is this: like most hardware stores we stock an amazing variety of items you probably don't know exist. Things like escutcheons and flush rings, for example. You might expect we stock wrenches and hammers and we do . . . but we also carry a line of grafting 'wax, calf weaners and curry combs, too. You might have a special problem in fixin' or buildin' or tinkerin' and find that we have equipment or tools especially designed for your purpose ... something you didn't know had ever been made. Yes, we Americans are pret ty ingenious people and a great share of our ingenuity often turns up at a hard ware store. Whether you intend to buy or not . . . drop in and browse around. We're partial to "lookers" becauft so many become customers. 202 IStorth Jackson Street Phone 73 0