o O o o o-o 10 The Newi-Review, Rosebure., Ore. Wed., Jan. 16, ItSI MRS. HALVE RSON II HOSTESS TO CARD CLUi Mrs. Martin Haiverson was a charming hostess for her card club Friday afternoon at her home in Dillard. A salad luncheon wai served at one o'clock. Canasta was In play during the afternoon. Mr. Cnnnie Nelson won the door priie. Gjest enjoying the afternoon were Mrs. Velma Albertus, Mrs. C-tty Jo Brown, Mrs. Pearl Tealer, Mrs. Cnnnie Nelson, Mrs. Aileen Otto, Mrs. Rosa Heinbach and the host ess, Mrs. Halverson Personalized Hair am and Hair hk Styling l Special Permanent Wovm t Suit your Hair and Budget. . Machine, Machintltet, Cold Waves from 7.50 up Featuring Wolla Caps for Damaged Hah-. La Vera R utter Iron Bonloli rggy Nelson La Vora'f Btautorium Roam 201 Carter Bldg. 211 N. Main th.n. 1141 SURPRISE PARTY GIVEN FOR MRS. DORA DYKES Mrs. Dora Dykes was pleas antly surprised at her home .Sat urday afternoon, when Mrs. Dan Wright and Mrs. Harry Abbott were hostesses at a birthday party in her honor. Mrs. Dykes who was celebrating her 89th birthday is very active for her age and able to be around most of the time. A beautifully decorated birtnday cake with "Happy Birthday 1861, 1950" and also a cake decorated to represent an open Bible, -vith words "Live in God and Trust His Word" and also showing the leather binding of the Bible and its pages was cut and served during the afternoon. Mrs. Dykes received u beautiful bedspread and many other gifts from her friends. VISITOR IS HONORED AT PARTY WEDNESDAY Mrs. Lee Barnes had an after noon "get-to-gether" Wednesday in honor of her aunt, Mrs. Belle Clark, who is visiting in Dillartl for the week. A dessert-luncheon was served to Mrs. Wilma Haumrser, Mrs. Grace Barnes. Mrs. 'Men B-ell, Mrs. Bobbie Baldwin, Mrs. Mary Stonnr, Mrs. Bess Goljert, the honored guest, Mrs. Clar' and the hostess, Mrs. Othal Barnes. CHILI SUPPER AT RIVERSDALE GRANDE Riversdale Community club will meet Thursday, Jan. 11. A rhili supper will be served between 8:30 and 8 p. m. Chili, pie and salad will be served. The public is in vited to attend. A musical pro gram will be presented at 8 o'clock. This is a benefit for the school and the polio fund. DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Zoe Newman 125 Cobb St. Phone 387. R $5 PER MONTH Poyi for appliance repair Rebuild Repair Repaint Add -y Mrs ef service t yeur appliances. Material and Workmanship Guaranteed s. II W PHONE 805 BERGH'S APPLIANCE SERVICE Pickup and Delivery 1200 South Stephen o cPo MRS. VERNON BRISTOW HONORED AT CHARMING SHOWER THURSDAY Mrs. Elmer Lyda Jr. was host ess to members of the Lazy Daisy club at her home on Rainbow Lane on Thursday afternoon. The occa sion was a shower for Mrs. Ver non Bristow, whose home was burned the night before Christ mas eve. Mrs. Bristow received a lovely set of dishes fro . the club and was given many gifts of linen and household items. She also re ceived a basket of canned goods and various kitchen items. Mem bers that were present were "1 r I. Bill Weaver, Mrs. Don Carlson, Mrs. A. ?. Mitchell, Mrs. Bob Sel lars, Mrs. Bob Pinard, Mrs. L. W. I'ittam, Mrs. Leo Wilkerson, Mrs. M. C. Smith, Mrs. Jim Brittson, Mrs. Marvin DeVore, Mrs. Robert Russell, Mrs. Elmer Lyda Jr., Mrs. Montay Glover and one guest, Mrsp Ray Whitrock. The first regular meeting of the new year will be Thursday, Jan. 11, at 11 a. m. at the home of Mrs. Jim Brittson, 1020 S. Main street. An election of officers will be held and all members are asked to be present. CARD PARTY IS DATED FOR JANUARY 13th The Willing Workers club of Scotts Valley met at the home of Mrs. Guy Day Wednesday, dans were made to hold the first card party of the new year Jan. nth. it will be a benefit for the March of Dimes. Pinochle and five-hundred will be played and a few articles sold. The public is invited. Refreshments were served to the following; Mrs. Marshal Merk of Kugene, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Gerald Johnston, Mrs. Clar ence McKern, Mrs. Mabel Potter, Mrs. Thorp and granddaughter, and Mrs. Calvin Johnston. J. C. AIDS TO HEAR SPEAKER THURSDAY The J. C. Aids met Thursday, Jan. 4, at 'he Senior high school. j They plan to work at the Com munity hospital for a week before the opening which will be Feb 12. The next meeting will be held Jan. 11. Mrs Angilo will be guest rpeakcr and will explain more about the project. . JightCoughs due to colds. ..eased without "dosing" V.onV!CKS VAPORUO) DINNER TO HONOR TAYLORS THURSDAY A potluck dinner will be held In the Methodist church in Canyon villa Thursday night in honor of Rev. and Mrs. H. Erne Taylor of Gardiner, who will be visiting friends in Canyonville this week. Rev. and Mrs. Taylor were iesi dents here for two years while Rev. Mr. Taylor was pastor of the local Methodist church. They moved to Gardiner in June, where Rev. Taylor is minister of the Methodist church. The dinner is open to the public and a large crowd is expected. The Taylors are houseguests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Moyer while in the city. FAMILY DINNER IS HELD AT BLACK HOME The following Yoncalla folk mo tored to Glide New Year's day, where a family dinner was enjoyed at the James Black home. It also commemorated the birthday of Gale Noel. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee, Mr and Mrs. Harold Rogers, Gale and Carroll Noel, Mr. and Mrs. George Langdon and two children; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Langdon, Dannie, Virginia, Dickey and Donald Lang don, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lee and daughter, Cynthia. MUSIC TEACHERS TO MEET AT LUNCHEON Douglas County Music Teach ers association will meet Friday at a noon no-hostess luncheon at the Hotel Umpqua. An interesting program has been planned and all members are asked to be present. MISSIONARY GROUP TO MEET ON FRIDAY NIGHT The Christian ch"rcl. missionary members, their families and friends are invited t attend a 7 o'clock dessert - supper Friday night in the church basement. A film, "Migrant Workers," will be shown. POOD SALE TO BE hSLD ON SATURDAY Alpha Chi chapter, Sigma Alnha sonority will hold a food sale Sat urday, Jan. 13, beginning at 9:30 o'clock at the Umpqua Valley Hardware store. MRS. ESTES HONORED AT BIRTHDAY AFFAIR Honoring tha birthday of Mrs. Fstes, Mrs. Cody Long and Mrs. Ernest Warner entertained at the long home Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Estes received a beautiful Dutch oven from her friends. Mrs. Warner made a beautifully decor ated birthday cake, which was served with ice-cream and coffee to the following neighbors a u d friends, Mrs. Estes, Mrs. Art An derson, Mrs. Knopp, Mrs. L. A. Melton, Mrs. Long and Mrs. 'Var ner. FAMILY REUNION IS MELD AT GORDON HOME A family reunion holiday dirner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gordon Monday night. The delicious turkey dinner was served from the table covered with a beautiful new imported Irish linen cloth. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Callahan and daughter, Patricia; Mr. and Mrs I.re Mahoney and daughter. Mari lyn, and son, Kenneth; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trobaugh and Dkne and Susan: Arlan Gordon and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. MELROSE HEC TO MEET FRIDAY NIGHT Melrose Home Economics club will meet at 7:45 o'clock Friday night at the home of Mrs. C. E. Reece with Lorraine Veenstra and Zella Wellpot as hostesses. The meeting had previously been planned for Wednesday Members are as!:ed to take note of the change of the meeting date. HOUSE WARMING IS DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR Those attending the open house varming at the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Fell home at Sutherlin during the holidays were Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Baird, Mrs. Edith Mc Kay, Mrs. Lillian Short, Mrs. Ma rie Torgerson, Mrs. Alene Thomas, Mrs. Virginia Workman, Stephenie Thomas and Mrs. Emma Brown. BUSY STEPPERS CLUB hAS POTLUCK LUNCHEON MEETING ON THURSDAY The Busy Steppers club held an all-day meeting with a noon pot luck luncheon Thursday at the Community hall. Plans were made to honor birthdays of member' at the regular meeting of the first and third Thursdays' of every month, a', which time those bing honored will receive their gifts. All gifts are to be kept at a small ccst. Those present were Mrs. Renie Jenkins, Mrs. Garnet Folmir.ee, Mrs. Bertha Mack, Mrs. Mary Hodges, Mrs. Maureen Muuzel, Mrs. Paulene Gore, Mrs. Jovce Croucher, Mrs. Effie Croucher, Mrs. Mettie Calkins, Mrs. Beinice Parker and daughter, Suzanne and Mrs. Adda Ollivant. The next meeting will be Jan. 18 at the home of Mrs. Gore on highway 99 just south of the Myrtle Giove motel. MR. AND MRS. MORIN ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morin en tertained at a dinner at their home Sunday having as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Williams and Mr. tnd Mrs. Charles Williams and tnree children of Sutherlin; Mr. and Mrs. Fd Williams and Inree children; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mo rin, Harry Williams, Lute Martin and daughter, Veda and Douglas Morin o Yoncalla. FOLK DANCE CLUB TO MEET FIRDAY The Fullerton Folk Dance club will meet at a 6:30 o'clock pot luck supper in the school cafeteria Friday niht. Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Spencer will be in charge of the instruction. For further infor mation, call 189-R or 1812. SLABW00D In 12-16 and 24 in. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phone 651 o School Lunch Program Has New Superior SALEM (Pi Mrs. Kathryn Young, Corvallis, has been named as supervisor of the school lunch program of the State Department of Education. The appointment was made by Rex Putnam, state superintendent of pubLc instruction. She succeeds Mary Ann Hamel, who resigned. Mrs. Young is an Oregon State college graduate, and took her in ternship in dietetics at Johns Hop kins university. She served a year as dietician at Barnes Veterans hospital a t Vancouver, Wash., and tor three years was food service supervisor at Memorial Union hall and Sackett hall at Oregor State college. She also taught cooking at Ore gon Stale college. O o SPRING HARBINGER REEDSPORT (& -Just like many other places in Oregon this year, the lower Umpqua area has evitlerice of spring-lika weather. Loggers from east of Scottsburg have brought in rhododendron blos soms. Their usual first appearance date is late April. lii. . mr o oiis no 01.' 38 THE RADIANCE OF YOUTHFUL. SLENDERNESS Beautiful, slender, Adrian Booth knows the "figure-value" of low-calorie meals. For a truly delicious flavor in your low-caloria diets always Include distinctive, unique Hollywood Bread. If you're counting calories . . don't guess ... BE SURE with sllmly-sliced Hollywood Bread. It's baked without shortening. 5tt Lovtlf ADRIAN BOOTH tarring In "OHI SUSANNAH" a Republic Picture AKCD fOn YOU EXCLUSIVCLV BY WILLIAMS BAKERY. MUI levator 14 uteri teekW Tee Mnwl Wit t Ha atxmrtr m rjeew tr . MOT. Hotr-ero. -e' J ft (fit 1 Roseburg, Oregon Phone 95 m REVERSIBLE ROTARY SEWING MACHINE IN VARIETY OF CABINET SELECTIONS This week only Wards super-value sewing machines priced even lowerl Sew and save with this streamlined, finest performing M-W . . . your new rotary will vew quietly and efficiently backward or forward without stopping machine jewing thick or thin fabrics with firm double-lock stitch. Has concealed sewing light, slitch regulator, hinged ribbed presser-fool for sewing over heavy seams and pins. See ill CHOICE OF PORTABLE AND CONSOLE STYLES AT SAVINGS 10788 PORTABLI WITH CASI REGULARLY 117.95 Reversible rotary in luggage-style snap-on case. Convenient foot pedal control. 12488 12988 MAHOGANY CONSOLE REGULARLY $4.95 Reversible rotary in furniture-styl Mahogany veneer console. Hat Ime control. WALNUT CONSOLE REGULARLY 144.95 o o Reversible rotary in handsome Walnut veneer console. Adjustable knee control. o BlOMDWOOD CON. 1 MfSOQ soli reg. 59.95 I4y88 Reversible rotary m smart bleached Mahog any veneer console. Spool Wder in case. O G INCLUDED WITH YOUR NlW-W Q . 20-YEAR WARRANTY PLUS COMPLETE SET GREIS& ATACHMEhifJ AND INSTRUCTION BOOK O o Qo o o a QO ROSEBURG, OREGON PHONE 95 Mi Save Now at Ward's Low Prices !a la ' WARDS ROCK WOOL H ,NSULATI0N BLOWN-IN! -"f 5 ' . oltl, h.tcll.'lien TS.-" 1 I jf f'w Average cost for 5-room g-g fj AlIPg house $110.00. iAff JlifA SPECIAL F0R THURSDAY, HSBJ Z? ' 1KAH FRIDAY, SATURDAY. 1 '0?; '. v. .--'rrf- TTjf V'SnXttmiv "esullsl No muss or work on your 'ill M&'3r- I ' i ii SAiiC fl 3Vt' w,4 whot htal cost (labor and mate- W'S'Sik rHf -T'iU rial.) will be. We'll do the job the HS ?S- .: V S3T s h' woy-the efficient way. Under '"!';r 's FHA you con ,ak" 3 yea" ,0 payl STRONG, RIGID 0 j -; Wf X COMPLETE I YOU Jlff t EXTENSION-HPI V CAN INSTALL IT fakl' IJ j LADDERS V V I IN 5 MINUTESI iff Jl j 1775 ! . W-d ! i Will not warp or roll r-j a&i Gives more light or 3jpri j ! belief ventilation. No Jj Irjl ) MS j trim, frame, or weather- I ! M '" stripping to install ... Ct-tj -i I il I TTtTJ ; iust noil it in opening. ' f-pip Lj' I XJ Oh ' ,' A ill for every need. J , . - . .. See them today I Value I , i O Mad of best, strongest ' ladder wood hickory rungsl Double guides, rollers, automatic-locking hooks? handles eas ily, works easily I Offier liiei to 40-U. else priced fowl Q o o