The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, January 06, 1951, Page 11, Image 11

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NOTICE is- hereby given that
the State Land BoarU of the State
of Oregon will receive sealed bids
at its office in the State Capitol at
Sslem, Oregon, up to 10:00 o'clock
A.M., on Tuesday, January 23, 1951,
for the leasing of overflow land,
which land is more particularly
described hereinafter, giving,
however, to the owner or owners
of any land abutting or fronting
thereon for a period of 48 hours
after the opening of said bids, the
preference right to lease said tide
and overflow land at the highest
price offered, provided such offer
is made in good failh, and pro
vided that the Land Board re
serves the right to reject any and
all bids.
Said land is situated in Lane
County, Oregon, and is more par
ticularly described as follows:
All overflow land lying b e
tween mean high and mean
low water lines fronting on
Lots1 1,2,3 and 4 of Block 27,
Westlake,, Oregon.
Applications must be acconv
pan led by a certified or cashier's
check for the full amount of the
first year's rental, and no bids will
be considered for less than $25.00
per annum, lease to be for a period
of ten years. In addition to the
amount bid, the v successful bidder
shall pay the actual cost of adver
tising. All bills should be sealed
and addressed to E. T. Pierce,
Clerk of the State Land Board,
Salem, Oregon, and marked "Ap
plication and Bid for the Leasing
of Overflow Land."
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
7th day of December, 1950.
E. T. Pierce.
Clerk, State Land Board.
Notice li hereby given tint the un
dersigned administrator of the estate of
John F. Morrn, deceased, has filed hn
supplemental linal account in the Coun
ty Court of Dougtar County. Oregon,
and Mid court has fixed Tuesday, Jan
uary 30. lf.11. at 10-00 o'clock a. m.
Pacific Standard Time, in the county
courtroom tn the courthouse in Roe
. burg, Douglas County, Oregon, a the
time and place for hearing objection!,
if any there bt, to said supplemental
f .mj, account and far the settlement
Administrator of the Estate of
John F. Morris, Deceased.
the undersigned has been appointed ad
ministratrix of the estate of HARVEY
J MAHONEY. Deceased, by the Countv
Court of the Stale of Oregon for
Douglas County. All persons having
claims against said estate are here
by notified to present the same to the
underfilled either at 877 Willamette
Street. Eugene. Oregon, or at the of
fire of the County Clerk of Douglas
County, Oregon, duly verified and
with proper vouchers, within six months
from the date of the firet publication
of this notice said date of first pub
lication being December Ath. IBM.
ministratrix. BAILEY Ac HOFFMAN, Attorneys.
877 Willamette Street.
Eugene, Oregon.
NOTICE Is herehy given that the un
dersigned administrator with the will
annexed of the estate of Alexander
Sympson McMahan, also known ns
Alex McMahan. Deceased, has filed his
final account in the County Court of
Douglas County, Oregon and said court
has fixed Tuesday. February 6, 1031 at
ten o'clock In the forenoon, in the
County Court Room la the Court House
in Roseburg, Douglas County. Oregon,
as the time and place for hearing ob
jections. If any there be, to said final
account and for the settlement thereof.
Administrator with the will an
nexed of (he estate of Alexander
, . S mpson McMahan, also known as
Alex McMahan, Deceased.
NOTICE ts hereby given that under
and pursuant to an order of the County
Court of the State of Oreson for Doug
las County duly made and entered of
record in the matter of the estate or
Benjamin Harrison Miller, dereaid,
authorizing the undersigned as admin
iFlra'or of the estate of ?aid drcedent
to sell the real property hereinafter
NOW, THEREFORE, I. Elmer Kruse.
a such admin trator. will at ihje law
offices of Orcutl, Long & Neuner, t'mp
qua Savings Loan Building. Rose
burg. Oregon, on and after the flth dv
of February, K51 offer for sale and
sell at private sale for cash in hund,
subject to confirmation hy the court.
1h following described real property
beloncing to said estate, to-wit:
The Northeast Quarter ol the North
east Quarter 'NE' . NE' and
the South Half of the Northeast
Quarter S'; NEM In Section
One 'P. Townshin Twentv-thre-t2.1i
South. Range Six 6t Wra of
Willamette Meridian. Dmmlm Coun
ty. Orrzcn, and containing 120.06
acre runre or ).
Arministr?tor of the Estate of
Benjamin Harrison Miller,
nnrr;i,AS COTNTY
OREGON you are hereby reouired to
itppear and answer the comnlaint of
nU.n'iff filwt a am rut vnu tn the above-
entitled court and caiie. on or before
four weeks from the fith dav of Jan
uary IBM. tnat being the date oi me
first mthtfeatinn of this summons: and
if vou fail so to apnrar in answer of
snid rnmnlnint, nlaintlff for want there
of will applv in the court for relief
nemannea in saio comoiaim, surrinr(
statement of which Is as follow, to
wit: That nlalntiff have and recover judg
ment against each of you in the full
sum of and plaintiff's costs
and dl-bursements therein incurred.
This summons is served unon you hv
publication onre each week for four
successive weeks In the Roseburg Nws
pp'irw, a newmaner of ecneral circu
lation, ns provided hv statue published
and Issued in Roseburg. Douglas Coun
ts. OreeoT hv order of the Honorable
A J, Gedde.i, District Judge of the
above-en titled rovrt made on the 4th
dav nt Janu" 1951.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
21B V. S. National Bank Bldg.
Roseburg, Oregon
The undersigned administrator with
the will annexed of the estate of James
F Rovd. deceased, has filed in the
Countv Court of Douglas Countv. Ore
gon. Ihe final account of his adminis
tration, and Mid Court has fixed Tues
ri.?v, Januarv lfith. 1M. at 10 o'clock
ir the forenoon r;f said day, as the
time, and the Countv Court room in
the rourt house li Roseburg. Oregon,
as the place. f-r hearing objections, if
an', to aid final nimunt or to the
sritlement of said estate
D?td Dee-mb-r Iflth. 1950.
ROY O YOUNG. Administrator with
fie Will Ann-ed of the Estate of
JAMFS T. BOYD. Deceased.
0 NOTCE is herehv given that Tne.
dv itnh da of Jsouiry at
in o-iTk A.M. in the County Court
w.m :n ih r nit t-t itnix In Rosehurg.
D-v-las Ccuntv. Oreeon, has been fixed
as the time and P2r 'or fir,r1' n! ;
J'-'Vlon, If anv. t-0 he fbW account
fild hv the u .de-.7ffned In the Coun'y i
Co-j-l of the Pste rt Oregon for Done-
and for the tcttlemtnt thre-
GLrY I'rtofl, Adrrfik.
u'rtx of rh r..ti of
Lrna Baird, Decaed.
under and pursuant in an oioer of mi
county ciurt of the State of Oregon for
Douglas County, duly made and entered
of record in the Matter of tne Estate
of Leslie H. Wilson, Deceased, autnor-
izing ine unaersignea, as aammiRtra
tor of satd estate, to e11 the real prop
erty hereinafter described; now, U.c.e
fore, I, Norman LeRoy Wilson, administra
tor of in estate of Leslie ft. Wilson,
deceased, will at the offices of George
Luomfc, United Stales National Bank
Building, Roseburg, Doug. a County,
Oregon, on ana alter the Mih day uf
January, 1031, offer for sale for cash
in hand subject to continuation by the
court tne toilowing described real prop
erly belonging to said estate, to-wit;
(at The following described real prop
erty situated in Douglas County. Ore
gon, to-wii: Beginning an a point
which is located as follows: Starting
at the northeast corner ot property
described in county clerk's Deed Hec
ords in Vol. 39. page said point
being 1 1 chains and M links west
and 4 chains north of the southeast
corner of the J. G. Clark Donation
Land Claim No. 91, Township ;W
South, Bange S West, Willamette Me
ridian, In Sec, It".; running thence
west 351.1 feci aiong the north line
of said property to the east line of
tne r"aclue Hignway; running thence
aiong atd east line of the Pacific
Highway norm 7J 3tj' -x e s t
lti.lj feet to an Iron pin, which iron
pm is tat point of beginning lor tne
parcel of real property hereby de
scribed; running tnence east along
tie north line of a 16-fool roadway
ifollowing a line parallel to ine
aforenoled .154 1 tool line from saiu
starling point to the easi line of saia
Pacific Highway) 10.121 feet to a n
iron pin; running thence north 74 1
feet to an iron pin; running thence
west 113.11 feet to an iron pin on ine
east line of said Pacific Highway;
running thence south i - 6 .a .i
along ia.d east line of said Pacific
Highway 74 di feet to the point of
beginning. Stud parcel is a part of tne
teM property described In that cer
tain warranty deed dated March 17.
II. 47. recorded in Vol, J.t7, page
of tne Douglas County. Oregon. Deed
Records, ana being subject to tne
easement and right of way therein
mentioned if the same cross aia
Together with a non-exclusive case
ment for roauway purpo ott-r . .ij
acrona the following described 16-foot
roadway; Starting at the NE corner
of properly described in County
Clerk's Deed Recorr. in Volume 9.
page -48, said point being 11 chains
ana 34 W. and cuains v ui
the SB corner of the J. G. Clark
Donation Land Claim No. Si, lov.n
ship m South, R. 5 West, Willamette
Meridian in Section 27. running thence
W. J54.1 feet along the N. line of
ma property io ine t,. line ut the
Pacific Highway, running ihence H.
running tn trice sojin Jti eat
7' 3fi' W. lb.ia feet lo an iron pin,
running ihence E. along the N. line
of saiu lb-loot roadway Hollowinj a
line parallel to the a lore no lea Oa4.1
foot line n om said beginning point to
the said K. line of said Pacific High
way) :W6ai feet to an iron pin. run
ning thence S. ltf feet to the point
of beginning, Said roadway may be
used lor vehicular and pedesman
travel but may not be biocKcd or
oinerwtse used so as to interfere witn
the use of said roadway by oiner
,lbi The following described real prop
erty situated in Douglas County, Ore
gun, to-wit: Beginning at a point
which is located as follows: Starting
at the northeast corner of properly
described in county clerk's Deed tiec
oids in Volume .19, page 24b, aid
point being 11 chains and 54 links
west and 4 chains north of the south
east corner of the J. G. Clark Uw
nation Land Claim No. 51, Township
3-j South, Range 3 West, Willamette
Mendun, in Sec. 27; running thence
west ar4.1 feet along trie north line
of said property to the east line of
the Pacific Highway; running thence
along said east line of the Pacific
Highway north 7" :i6" west 16.13 fPet
to an iron pin; running thence east
along the north line of a Hi toot
roadway ifollowing a line parallel to
the aforenoled :i.4.1 foot lino front
said sterling point to the east line
of said Pacific Highway) 2U3.21 feet
to an iron pin, which Iron pin is
the point tf beginning for the parcel
of real property hereby described;
running tnence north 74.1 feet to an
iron pin; running thence west nO
feet in an iron pin: running ihence
south 51) feet to the point of begin
ning. Said parcel is a part of the
real property described in that cer
tain warranty deed dated March 17,
1947, recorded in Vol. 1.17, page (552
Of the Douslai Countv. Or-mrm
Deed Records and being subject to
um cHsrnirnv ana ngni oi way inere
ln mentioned U the same cross said
Together with ss non-exclusive ease
ment for roudway purposes over and
across the following described 16-foot
roadway. Starting at the ME corner
of property described in coun
ty Clerk's Deed Records In Volume
39, page 24a, said point being It
chains and 54 links W. and 4 chains
N. of the SB corner of -the J G.
Clark Donation Ind Claim No. ri,
Tou-mhip ;io South, R. 5 West. Wil
lamette Meridian in Section 27, run
ning thence W. 354.1 feet along the
N. line of said property to the E.
line of the Pacific Higt.wav. ruin'"-!
thence N. 7 36 W. 16 13 feet to an
Iron pin. running thence K. along
the N line of said IB-foot roadway
following a line parallel to the afore
noted .Ilia 1-foot line from said begin
mng point to the satd E. line of said
Pacific Highway I 356 21 feet to an
iron pin, running thence S. 16 feM
to the point of beginning. Said road
way may be used for vehicular and
pedestrian travel but may not be
blocked or otherwise usrd so as to
interfere with the use of said road
way by other person.
That said real property will be sold
fo- cash in hand lo the hijrhet and
best bidder at private sale and further,
that the said property described in
paragraphs ai and ibi above may
be sold as a unit at one sa le or in
parcels segregated as one parcel lot j
and another parcel for that described
In paragraph b above.
ministrator of the Estate of
Leslie R. Wilson, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed as ad
ministrator of the etale of Marietta
MAMborn. deceased. All persons having
r limns against the said estate are no
tified to present the same verified as
required by law to the undersigned at
Room B, United States National Bank
Build ine in Roseburc. Oregon within
six months from the date of this no-
tice. ,
Dated this 16th day of December, i
1950. J
Administrator of the Estate of
Marietta Mayborn, Deceased
All peisuns having claims against the
Estate of Anthony M Abel, deceased.
now pending In ne county court oi
Douglas County. Oregon, are hereby noti
fied to present the same, verified as
I required by law. to the undersigned at
I the offices of Orcutt. Long Sc Neuner,
Roseburg. Oiegon, within six months
from December 9. 1950.
A. N. Orcutt. Administrator with
the Will Annexed of the Estate of
Anthony M. Abel, deceased
AM persons having claims against the
estate of Mae Updike, deceased, now
pending in the county court of Douglas
County, Oregon, are hereby notiflea to
present the same verified as required
by law to the undersigned at the offices
or Orcutt, Long St Neuner, attorneys.
Roseburg, Oregon, within six months
from December 16th. 1950.
EDNA MAE UPDIKE, Administratrix
of the Estate of Mae Updike, Deceased.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Molly B. Hewitt, de
ceased, now pending in the County
Court of Douglas County, Oregon, are
hereby notified to present the s?me,
verified a, required by law. to the
i undersigned at the office of Ira B.
Riddle, Attorney, Roseburg, Oregon,
within six monthi from the date here
of. ! Dated and first published this 23rd
day of December. 1950.
Leland J. Hewitt
O Administrator of the estate of
ninny o. iiewui. Deceased,
Notice li herehy given that the under
signed everutor of the estate of C. Fred
Wolsk. deceased. hs filed hi final ac
count In the County Court of the Slate
of Drunn fr-r- rViiielas Countv. and rl
court has rammed Tuesdav. January
fi at " Ao clock In the forenoon
0f M)(j d)iy ln County Court Ra in
,n Court House In Raseburg. D'Oa
Countv, Oregon a tj time for hearing
i obiertinns to said fnunt
; DATED December. 1"V
IVAN G PICKENS. Executor of the
estate of C. Fred Wolsk, dfsed.
in the riRcriT roriT or the
pnt'GLA COt 'NT Y
SUMMONS Ca.e No. 15716
ANN GORDON, husband and wile,
the Unknown Heirs of Samuel Gor
don, if deceased, the Unknown Heirt
of Mary Ann Gordon, if deceased,
and All othr persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title, es
tate, Hen or interest In or to the
real property described In the com
plaint herein,
To' Samuel Gordon and Mary Ann
Gordon, husband and wife, tne Un
known Heirs of Samuel Gordon, If de
ceased, the Unknown Heirs of Mary Ann
Gordon, if deceased, and All other per
sons or parlies unknown claiming any
right, title, estate, lien or interest in
o- lo the real property described In the
complaint herein, Defendants.
OREGON, you and earh of you hereby
are required to appear and answer the
complaint of the plaintiffs filed against
you herein within four 4 weeks from
the date of the first publication of this
summons and If you fail so to appear
and answer, for want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded therein, a succinct
statement of which Is as follows:
That you are required to appear and
state the nature and character of your
adverse claim, if any, to the following
described real property, to-wit:
Beginning at the quarter section
corner between sections 9 and 10.
Township 30 South, Hane 4. West
of the Willamette Meridian, Doug
las County. Oregon running thence
East 26 19 . chains to the West
boundary of land owned bv Frank
Fate as described tn Book 19 it
Bage 348 and Vol. IS at page 3K9,
eeri Records of Douglas County,
Oregon. Running thence South 1.14
chain along the Frank Fale land
tn the Southwest corner thereof.
Thence East H 41 chains to the In
terior "L" corner of the Andrew
Thomas D.L.C. No. 43. above town
shin and range. Running thence
South tW We U 4.n- chains to an
angle of the Countv Road leading
up to Davs Creek: thence South '5
West 21. W chains along said road
tti Its intersection with the County
Road leading up the South Umo
oi;a Rivr. Thence North M' 30
V est 20 26 chains to the West bound
ary of the D.LC No. 47 of G. T.
Day. above township and ranee.
Punning thence North 4 20 rhains
to tbe interior 'L" corner of said
DLC. No. 47: thence North 65',
West 4 96 rhains to the North est
corner of the Gabert Lot. Th-nre
South 2 chains to th South bounrt
arv line of D L.C. No. 47: Ihence
West 19.50 chains to the Southwest
corner of D L.C. No. 47. Thence
North 19 1 rhains to the center
line of Section 9: thence East to
the phce of beginning.
Also, beginning at a stake set on
the South bouoderv of Il man Wol
lnhTg a"d Alfred Wnllenberg land
in the Donation Land Claim No.
47 of Geo T. Day 8 81 chaint wst
or the quarter section corner be
tween sertfons 9 and 10 In town
ship South Rang- 4 West Wil
lamette MnoMan. thnce running
East .35.23 ehitns to the west hound
try of Trank Fate's land thnce
North 6 63" j chains to a sta'e.
thence west 35.21 chains to a stake
and thence south 6 63' 10 chains
to the nlace of beginning, contain,
infr 23 37 ' t acres, more or less, in
Douglas Countv. State of Oretron.
Save and except that portion of the
abov described premises convevd
by W. H. Raymond et ux to llv
man Wollenberg and Alfred Wollen
berg as described in Ihe deed as
the same is recorded in Vol. 38 at
pago 8. Deed Records of Douglas
County, Oregon, and except that
portion conveyed bv Wallace H,
Raymond et ux to the State of Ore
gon by deed dated June 28. 1941
and recorded July 7, 19-M In Ve.1.
Ki2 nt natte 607. and subject to an
easement in favor of the California
Orecon Power Company, more nar
ticularly described in instrument
dieted Auguit 13. 1941 and recorded
August 22. 1941 in Vol. 103, pane 43,
Deed Records of Douglas County,
and that upna the hearing thereof. It
be decreed that the nlaintiffs are the
owners as tenants hy the entirety of
sa.d real property: that the defend ants
and each of them and all perrons claim
irg by. through and under there have
no rignt. title, estate, lien or inter
est in or to said rr-al property or any
Dart thereof, and that the title of the
pletntiff be forever quisled against the
defendants and that the defendants be
forrver eninir.fxl from asserting and
cleiming any right, title, estate, lien
and Interest In and to said real prop
erly or any part tnereul.
This summons Is served upon vou by
publication in the Roseburg News-Review
pursuant to an order or the above
entitled court made and entered there
in by the Honorable Carl E. Wtm
brrly on '.he 22nd day of December.
Dated and first ruhtlshed this 23rd
day of December. 1950
Attorneys for Plaintiffs
United States National Bank
Roseburg, Oregon.
the underpinned executrix has filed in
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Douglas County her Final Ac
count of settlement of the Estate of
Bernhard Sabelin. deceased, and the
Court has fixed Tuesday, 22d day of
January. 19T1, at lti:(Ki AM of saia
dav in the County Court Room In the
County Court House in Roseburg. Doug
las County, Orcr.on, as I he lime and
place for hearing objections, if nv.
to said Final Account and the settle
ment of the Estate.
DATED December 23d. 19 Ml.
Eveclurlx of the Estata of
THORNTON. Hushand and Wife:
and O. S HUGHES, cn-parlnen
dnins hu.Inesa a. Ihf AUTOMO
TO: Bnire I.. Thornton and Hilda
Thornton. Hu.hand and Wife. DEFEND
OF OREGON: You are hereby required
to appear and an.wer the Complaint
filed against you in the above entitled
Court and cause within four weeita
frotn the Hth day of January. IP3I. be
tnif the first day of publication hereof
and. it vou fail to appear and answer
said Complaint within said time, plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the re
lief prayed for In the Complaint, a suc
cinct stelement o' which is as follows:
ONE That said note and Inorleaae
be reformed to express the true in-
tent of the parties.
TWO. That Ihe plaintiff has Judg
ment against the defendants. Bruce
L. Thornton and Hilda Thornton, for
the. sum of Three Thousand Eight
Hundred Flfly dollars ia.i.850 i, to
gether with interest therenn at the
rate of three per cent per annum
from June 7. !S1: and for the fur
ther sum of Twelve dollars and flftv
cents '!2.V)i for the ownership and
encumbrance report with Interest
thereon at the rate of slv per cent
per annum from September 2a.
10.10: and for the sum of Four Hun
dred dollars iMno.i reasonable at
torney's fees and for the plaintiffs
costs and disbursements Incurred
In this suit.
THREE. That the plaintiff have
Judgment and Decree herein
against the defendants and that the
said mortgage of the plalntitr. to
this comnlaint al'achcri -.f r -t -a
pint thereof, be declared as a
first and prior lien upon trie ,ci,,.
Ing devrlhed real properlj. In-wll:
NorthalK) feet by .W feet of Lot
three :!'. Block forty-nine
Amended Plat of RAILROAD
ADDITION In the Cltv of
HFKDSPORT, Douflaa County,
aa. :.erunty for Ihe sums In thla
rmnplalnt prayed for and for
which Judgment Is herein asked
and lhat the said mortgage ha
foreclosed and ihe real property,
therein described be sold In ihe
manner prescribed by law and prac
tlte of this Coii't and that the pro
reed, of such sale shall ot applied
to the amount found to be due
plaintiff. Including co-ts and attorQ
nrVs fees and rosta of sale.
FOI'R. Thai the plalnliff have
Judgment and Decree herein: that,
when the said property is sold tin
der said foreclosure of .aid mort
gage, that 11 ts lo be sold free and
el-ar of ajl right, tltl-. claim, lien,
interest or estate of the defendants,
or anv of them, or any persons
claiming bv. through or under
th-m. or any of them, save only
the statutory right of redemption:
lhat Ihe defendants and each nf
them a-zaKslI nther persons claiming
thrtaflh or under
oi them, ba forevi
er ertn
FROM GETTIM' , l flfoi , UP i t-
111 4i-li 1 JTRWiLLiAkAs,
Local Automobile Dealer Given
'4 ""t If'"
r il . - iff "
tegs i if x
H. T. Hansen, local automobile
dealer, sus at his desk at the Hose
burg Motor company gazing ap
praisingly at a reproduction of a
noted painting of Pontiac, famous
Ottawa war chief and for whom,
incidentally, one of General Mo
tors' autos is named.
Pontiac flourished (I quote from
an authority who used the verh)
from about 1620 to 16K9. What he
flourished the authority didn't say,
Corn And Wheat
Limits Removed
By Secy. Brannan
tary of Agriculture Frannan has
lifted all planting restrictions on
1951 crops of corn and wheat.
This action was taken he said
because of maximum production
of these important bread and live
stock feed grains is needed under
the national mobilization program.
The announcement is a reversal
of former decisions. The depart
ment had set lip acreage planting
allotments for tne 1951 wheat crop.
It also had announced that such
allotments would he continued, but
at higher levels than in 1950, for
Suspension of restrictions will af
fect only the spring wheat portion
of the wheal crop, because winter
already has been planted
individual allotments to
farmers. Winter wheat makes up
about 70 percent of wheat produc
tion. I-ast year's corn crop, eight per
cent above average, was grown on
the smallest acreage since 1894.
The wheat crop, above average,
was grown on a slightly above
average acreage.
"This call for increased acreage
for wheat and corn," Brannan said,
"does not mean for a call for
plow-up of acreages lhat from the
standpoint of conservation might
better be left in hay or pasture
and other essential crops."
The ox is believed lo have been
one of the earliest animals to be
fnreclostd of nany claim, right, ti
tle. Hen. interest or estate in nr to
said premises or any part thereof,
excepting the statutory right or re
demption. FIVE. That the plaintiff aave
Judgment and Decree lhat ha inay
become a purchaser upon such
fnreclnsure sale being had and that
a certificate in the usual form ajiall
be Issued by the sheriff to the pur
chaser: and that Ihe sheriff shall
place such purchaser In possession
of the premises upon confirmation
of said sale and lhat the sherirf
execute to Ihe purchaser the proper
conveyance to ssid premises after
the expiration of the time allowed
bv law for redemption
SIX For such other' and further
relief as In the Court shall aeem
Just and enultable.
This summnns ts published tn the
Rn-ehum News-Review, a newspaper of
general circulation, printed in the City
of Roseburg. Douglas County. Oregon,
pursuant to the order of Ihe Hon. Carl
F. Wlmberly, Judge af the above en
titled Court, made and entered on Ihe
3rd dav of January. Iw'.l In said Court.
Rv Roger B Todd
Residence and Post Office Addrest:
North Bend, Oregon
but from Pontiac's record I as
sume that mostly it was a war
club. He headed a vast confeder
acy of the Indian tribes adjacent
to the Mississippi valley and in
lfifi.1 captured eight forts and mur
dered several hundred English sol
diers and American colonists.
This authority I mention, at
least, says the Indians murdered
the soldiers and settlers. The In
dians, of course, would have had
Russia To Renew Talks
On Debt To United States
has agreed to resume negotiations
January 15 for settlement of the
$11 billion Soviet account for leiul
lease the United Stacs supplied
her in World War II.
The Slate department said the
conference was arranged after the
U. S. began pressing last June 15
for resumption of talks. Previous
negotiations were broken off more
than two years ago.
In the meantime Russia has re
turned some ice breakers and 27
frigates out of a total of 585 naval
vessels and 96 merchant craft
which were turned over by the U.S.
as part of the allied war effort.
These ships were only a part of
the lend lease extcndeU by the
U.S. to Russia as an ally.
Baby Born As Bullets
pjy n Korean House
1 '
WONJU, Korea (JP) A baby
was born while bullets ripped about
the other day.
A patrol led hy Capt. Ken
Irving, 35, Auburn, N. Y., saw
North Korean soldiers go into a
house. The Americans opened fire,
killing two Communists and cap
turing one.
After Ihe shooting stopped, Irv
ing searched the house to make
sure no Reds were left. Huddled in
a back room he discovered three
adults, three children and a five
mintiteold baby born during the
"I hone the child has a quieter
life in the future than he did his
; first five minutes,
Irving sain.
voiu !258s 'n your home?
then phone
By J. R. Williams
T. M. tto- U S. T. 0F. ' 1
Noted Painting
another word for It. If the Russians
invaded unit laud of uuis, whith w(
took from the Indians but now con
sider our own, and killed a lot of
us, we'd claim we were murdered,
But the Russians wouldn't call it
that. We used to say the only good
Indian was a dead Indian, so I
reckon the Russkii would feel that
they merely were making good
Americans of us. (Paul Jenkins.)
Ruse Suspected
In Soviet's Note
Britain and France will send Rus
sia a new nole in a few days ask
ing clarification of Moscow's lat
est proposal for a Big Four meet
ing. Some officials here consider
Moscow's proposals deliberately
While drafting the new note, the
western powers are pressing for
ward with plans for creation of
Western European defense army,
including German units. Hope of
disrupting these plans is generally
regarded in Washington as the ma
jor reason for Russia's talking
.bout a four power conference
Responsible officials said there
is no intention in this or any other
important western capital to per
mit Soviet diplomatic maneuvers
tn divert or slow down the de
fense preparations. On the con
trary, General Eisenhower's talk
with top Washington authorities
and his impending trip to burope
are expected to have the opposite
The three western powers, nev
ertheless, have agreed not to close
any door lo negotiations with Rus
sia which provides a real chance
of easing world tension. Out of this
basic attitude, and despite deep
scepticism about Russia's inten
tions, rose the plan to send Moscow
another note.
Early orthodox Moslems re
garded coffrt as an intoxicallng
beverage and its use is prohibited
in the Koran,
Sat., Jan. 4, 1?S1 Ths Nwi-Rtviw, Roisburg, Or. 11
Roseburg School District
Able To Qualify For Junior
College, Legislators Report
FsurUtn ichool dUtrieTi of Ortgon havt tht naeaiury tax
valuation and luHieiant high lehool anrollmant to warrant aarly
eoniidaration for tha aitablishmani of junior eollaca programs,
the lagislativa interim eommittea on pott-high ichool adueational
facilities pointi out in a report released hare by State Senator
Thomat Parkinion.
The report, authoriied by Senate joint Reiolution 24, li a
66-page document calling for early eoniidaration of junior col
lege programi In the following dittrieh: Baker, Milwaukie, Ore
gon City, Roieburg, rVledford, Grants Pai, Klamath Falls. Spring
field, Albany, Lebanon, Gresham, Beaverton, Hilliboro, and
The two criteria stipulated by
the interim committee are: (1) an
assessed property valuation of at
least $7,500,000 and (2) an enroll
ment of 500 in grades nine through
With the theme that "the state
is still permitting the accident of
birthplace to play too big a part
in determining a young person's
chances of receiving the benefits
of higher education," the report is
packed with statistics to point up
the thesis that a far greater per
centage of students attend college
where facilities are easily acces
sible, than attend from areas not
offering low-cost education.
The breadth of service for the
proposed junior colleges is treated
by the report: "The Junior College
serves three groups: (1) the group
preparing to enter college; (2) the
larger group who wish to prepare
tor trade, industry, or omer vo
cation; and (3) the adults of the
community who desire to better
equip themselves for positions in
the business world or to advance
Prapostd Law Summarised
The text of the proposed junior
college law has the following fea
1. The proposed law provides
for the establisnment of junior col
leges as a part of the secondary
school system to be administered
by the local school district and to
be financed by the joint efforts of
the district and state the amount
of state aid to be Ihe same as
now allotted for the public elemen
tary and secondary schools of the
2. The proposed law establishes
two criteria for determining
whether or not a school district
shall be authorized to establish a
junior college: (1) an enrollment
of 500 or more students in grades
IX-X1I, and (2) an assessed valu
ation of $7,500,000 or more.
"3. The proposed law provides
for supervision of the junior col
leges at the state level compar
able to that now existing for the
public schools of the stale with
the added provision that the ap
proval of the slate board of higher
education shall be obtained for
those courses which arc to be rec
ognized for credit by standard col
leges and universities.
"4. The proposed law also estab
lishes the procedure which must
be followed by those districts con
templating offering junior college
"The proposed law also auth
orizes the local school district to
charge tuition for both resident and
nonresident students, the amount
of such tuition charge to be left
to its own determination but not
Evangelist Sees Good
In Bomb Threat To N.Y.
NEW YORK (P) Evangelist
Billy Graham, 32, says "it took an
atom bomb threat to make the city
(New York) talk about God "
The Southern Baptist minister,
speaking before 700 persons who
met to plan a cily-wide evangelical
campaign for 1952, asked lor a
"fanatical following" amonj
Christians similar lo that shown by
He said that New York Cily was
on the brink of atomic destruction
and called for Christian unity "he
fore it is too late."
"I do not know any place more
ripe for judgement or closer to
the brink of catastrophe than the
city of New York," he declared.
In 12-16 and 24 in. lengths
Ph.n. iSI
You muat drive a tractor
YOURSELF ... e how it
perform- on YOUR farm . , .
doing Ilia jobs YOU have to
do ... to reallv judde it value.
If voti'll do that with a
FERGUSON, you'll see why
to exceed $150 per year for resi
dent students."
In summarizing the proposed
law, the committee says it ". . . .
believes that the passage of this
law will not only prevent the devel
opment of poorly financed, poorly
slatted junior colleges in uregon,
but will at the same time make
possible the establishment o (
junior colleges in those commun
ities having the resources mater
ial and human to insure superior
two-year programs o' education
embodying both terminal and pre
paratory curriculums."
It further stales: "The passage
of such a law will bring to worthy
students an education adapted lo
their individual interests and needs
and will help lo overcome the pres
ent handicap of allowing economic
status and accident pf birthplace
lo determine whether or not they
can obtain the benefits of advanced
Truckers Will
Repay Families
For Storm Aid
AKRON, 0. (JPI Truck driv
ers from 30 firms will show their
appreciation Jan. 17 for food and
shelter given them during the
Thanksgiviag weekend blizzard.
Hundreds of fairflrties pitched in
to help travelers stranded by up
to 3.1 inches of snow in some parts
of Ohio. Emergency kitchens and
shelters were set up and many of
the victims were g'.ven lodging in
private homes.
When the drivers reached their
terminals after the storm, they told
of the generous , treatment. Later
they talked about it among them
selves at rest stops and lunch
The people wouldn't let us pay
them; now we should do some
thing to show our thanks. They
And so, with the help of Owen
0. Orr, president of the Motor
Cargo. Inc.. of Akron, a fund was
started, ln a short time contibu
tions from drivers and their em
employers had risen to $3,000.
Two towns were selected to sym
bolize the relief effort in Ohio,
Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
They were Irwin, Pa., at the junc
tion of U. S. route 30 and the
western end of the Pennsylvania
turnpike, and Medina, 0., where
routes 183 and 57 converge.
At simultaneous ceremonies on
Jan. 17, the drivers will say their
thanks. The Irwin Public library
will receive $1,500 for a new sec
lion of books and the Medina rec
reation park will be given a sim
ilar amount for equipment,
Bronze plaques, attesting to the
hospitality of the two towns, will
go along witn tne presentations.
A committee representing the
several hundred drivers said the
gifls were to:
"Honor indirectly the dozens of
communities which rose unselfishly
to meet the emergency and in a
splendid demonstration of those
generous qualities which have
made America the country we are
so proud of.
For studio, school and
Regular elatcet in cera
mics and china painting.
Day and Evening Classes
Kilns Firing Service
Lampshade Making
Arts & Crafts
736 South Stephens
. . . you'll see why
t lie BUY!
It's the ONLY tractor that
give you ALL these ndvan-Ittc-s:
TIP CONTROL ... and rug
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