Probe Impends Of Board Named On Subversives WASHINGTON I.P) The f. mmistralion appeared headed (or ! trouble lociiy with (he new Con-! cress over the five persons named i by President Truman to the suh. versives activities control board. ' Chariman McCarran (D Kevt ot the senate judiciary committee ;iid 1 he had heard some rather serious comments about some of them." 1 thintc there will he a de-nmd for hearings," he told reporter!, ' anains inai me committee pwu ably would start loa.,g into the appoint nents soon after the new Congress organize next Monday, He did not elaborate on what he had heard. The five-member board, named j by President 'ruman last Novem ber 27 and now serving under re cess appointments, is composed ot fcetn W. Itichardson of Washington, chairman; Peier Campbell Brown of New York: Charles M. Lir'ol lelte of Virginia; David J. Coddaire oi roa.s.sacnu.sens ana ansa namryn McHale nf Indiana. No action has been taken on the nominations by the Senate. This means that Mr. Truman will prob ably have to re-submit the names for confirmation after the new Con gress convenes next week. Thus far there has been little public criticism of Ihe appoint ments. But some lawmakers have said privately they intend to ques lion particularly Ihe qualification! of LaKolletle and Miss McHale for , the posts. Richardson, the head of the gov ernment's loyalty review board, has come in for sharp congressional : criticism in the past, and apoears beaded for more. ; Act Passtd Over Vto The board was set up under the so called McCorran anti - subver sives act which Congress passed over President Truman's veto at the last session. Its job primarily is to administer the section of the law dealing with the registration of communist and communist - front organi?atiens The board, acting upon a complaint -from the attorney general, decides What is a Communist. o com munist front organization, which are required to register under the law. Its decision is subject to re view by Ihe courts. Meanwhile, formation of a com mittee lo work for repeal of the McCarran act was announced. The group includes educatiors, writers, clergymen, scientists and a labor leader. The committee said it wants the act wiped otf the books because it menaces civil rights. The founders include nobel prize winners Emily Greene Balch, and Thomas Mann; Frank Rnsenblum, secretary - treasurer of the CIO Amalgamated clothing workers; Dr. John A. Mackcy, president of Princeton Theological seminary, and Pierre Van Paasen, Unitarian clergyman and author. Plans For Fresh Boost In Taxes Still In Making v. AMHitMUiUN tne iru man administration apparently has not completed its plans for seeking heavier taxes from the new I 82nd Congress. . The President has said further taxes will be needed for deiense, i but after Mr. Truman met Tuesday w ith four of his top advisers, a , White House aide told reporters: "I doubt very much if there will be a request for new taxes in January." The aide was Joseph Short, the UfkitA n-Ac ca-ratirv Uliui attended the conference. In the absence of official inter pretation. Short's statement is be ine taken in some circles as a hint that the new tax bill is not yet ready, and may be deferred to a later date than the opening of the session. There have already been two big . lax bills since the Korean war be gan last June. One was a $4."0O,0O0,000 boost ot income laxes personal ana cor porate which became law Sept. i 22. The other is an excess profits lax of about $3,000,000,000, which is practically through Congress. The only. step remaining is expected to he taken Jan. 1, just before the 81 st Congress adjourns, when the Kjuse votes on a house - entae l compromise version of the bill. in Congress there is some t?.'k of another hike in personal income taxes. Another suggestion is to put heavy new excise taxes on manu facturers of certain goods. Fourfold Power Air Force's Goal WASHINGTON (T - Ti vr i force is gearing its emergency ; mobilization program tq a strengtn' four times as powerful as that on hand before Korea. Undersecretary John A. "Mc-. Cone said thai this anniies dear I across the board to aircraft pro- J riuction, training of men, and bases for men and- eipment. The four-fold aire goal could be ! reached hv latu invi if nriWat 1 The Immediate program, to be. compleled in two years, calls for I ruujiniy aouonng me numoer or air force 0rnim lh nnmhf nf man ! and the number of bases in the United States. The move toward the doubled air fnP .u..., k; ... t ,u,vc aiirqu; in uuviuus III HHt nrftpra in niittino Wnrld U.' t lY plane plants back into production;! in reopening a oases since June, and disclosure that air force per- j sonnel soon will be more than dou ble th pre-Korei strength of 4tt,- two. . . i Output ot air force combat type planes already has risen to a rate 1 of more than ISO a month from Ihe 1 pie-Korea rale of 110 a month and will be doubled by next Decern ber. When the North Korean Reds In vaded last June, the air force had 48 groups. The program has a 1 miy been increased to 84 groups. ' And there are indicltions the air force sights have been raised to about 100 groups within two years to keep the air balance under a total of 3,300,000 Americans under arms. . The planning framework on which the air force is working goes even further to permit nearly doubling that number, or almost 200 groups, by the end of 1933. That's the air force concept of its role in a balanced overall military establishment of 5,000,000 men. i Errol Flynn'i Rtildtnet ;Wrtcktd By Irate Woman HOLLYWOOD - (.Ti A woman forced her way into tin home of Errol Klynn, chased i maid, burled barbecue furniture lata a swim ming pool and generally upset the place, police reported. The maid, Mrs. Julie Miller, tele phoned police last night and said a woman, upon bein( informed thai Ihe actor was in Europe, stormed into the house, opened drawers and doors and smashed pots in the patio. Officers who hurried to the scene said tha, when they arrived at Ihe mansion, the womap charged them with a hoe but tripped and fell. They said her cryptic explan ation was "Klynn has heen bother ing me and my daughter for three years.1 She carried no cards of identi fication and the officers booked her on suspicion of burglary under the name uf Jane Doe. Family Solvency In America High I WASHINGTON m About one half of the nation's 50,000,000 ! "consumer spending units' (Jaci! no debts at all early this year, a federal reserve, board survey j shows. r Consumer spenlling units' are families living together- and pool ing incomes and some Individuals I living alone. . ' The board's survey Is packed with statistics tnhich (how, among , other things, that; - ' 1. Pour out of ten American fam ilies were worth $5,000 or' mor; counting alt ouMancing deals, 2. About one in 10 tad a net worth of $24,000 and up. 1 S. Families with the biggest isets owed die most money. The i tenth of the. population with hlgta I est incomes owed one fourth of the $J,S.0O0.0O0.0O0 consumer 'debt. , 4. Some 21.0u0.00u nan-farm im- ilies owned thair own homes, but t nearly half of these were still mort ' gaged. - 5. ' A bit more than halt of tU families owned cars, white two or more cars w'ere owned by ana out S iof every 25 families. The reserve board said Its fig j tires on family solvency were) j cheery. Some time ago It reported J inai ane-iium ui an kid natron s ! families had spent more than they took in during 1949, when prices were lower than they ara today. i . PAINTINO BRINGS $100,000 I ' LONDON Muriitt B. Asscher. a London art aVaWr, hai j dirrlosed he vras the seller uf Ihe I famous Rubens "Prometiieus I found" to th Philadelphia mil 1 ' seuin of art. : I The, price was reliably rvnoiW to he about $100,000. I I - The painting was owned by the I I family of the. Itake of Manchester . ' for mora than W) year. Thurt,, Dae. 28, 19 50 Tht Naws-Ravlew, Roitburg, Ota. 9 Christmas Cord Flsmf Cheri Bed-Ridden Child UTICA, N. Y. -Bundles of Christmas cards ara stacked sil about .littla Donna Fronto'a bedroom, There were 10.000 greetings for the bedridden child who warned e-rds for Christmas. Donna is given' one bundle a day. So far she has opened more than 4,000. "She still is happier with thm than anrrhin' else," Mrs. Charles r)into Jr. said. lonna, who is five and one-half, has suffered all her life from spinal ailment that usually is fatal. She shares the bedroom with an 18. month-old brother. Karl, who has tha same disease spina bi fida. Mrs. Pronto made a public ap -peal for Christmas cards for her mhter. Soon trucks were deliv ering huge bundles of greetings, ! some from as far away as Florida, I California and Mexico. ; Stories at Donna's il!.ie.s and I her wish for cards also brought her many gifts. Among Ihem were I a television set, a doll an l money, I - I ; Boys Drown Companion, ; Murder Charge Faced i CARUTHERSVILLE. Mo. LV, I Sh laces bound the hands and I legs of Paul Lee Nicholson, 8, when (the eiht-year-old boy's body was j recovered from the Mississippi ri ivr. . . . . Three youthful companions, who admitted -they tied Nicholson and pitched him into the river far first decree murder charges. They offered no motive for the act They are Waller Hcrrin, 11, his brother Raymond. . and Harvey tKeai Journey, 11. TO REPRESENT SCOUTS - LKW1STON, Idaho ( Ma I new Brislawn, 16. of Pullman. Wash . will represent Boy Scouts of the Pacific Northwest at scolding's- anniversary week cremunies in Washington, D. C, Feb. 510. He was chosen on a has:s of character and scouting vsork I) USED TIRES 1.00 up See uf for all sties of gtd used tlresO at tha "lowest prices Lata model IS, 1 and IMnch wheela for Ml makes ears. Free Tuba with every tira purchased. DOYLE'S Sales & Service Highway 99 at Garden Valley Thnne fill Store Hours: Weekdays, to I Sundays, t to 7 Grocery Spacials Fri., Sat., Sun. Meat & Produce Friday ft Saturday We Reserva I hm Right to Limit Quantities. Abe4utly N Sales to Dealers. n to y.. a if Cjreat i3lg and frodpcrouS W Wilt N ClaeJ New Ym Day fear TENDER QUALITY MEATS COLORED FRYERS TASTY Pan Ready Pound 65 SKINNED HAMS HALF orWHOLI Lb. 59c STEER BEEF ROAST ARM at BLADE CUT Lb. 65c LINK SAUSAGE SLICED BACON YOUNG TURKEY Pure Pork POUND Lean, Sugar Cured LB. Prime Hen POUND 55 45 52 LIBBY'S PORK & BEANS no. 30o m lie Borden's Instant Hot Chocolate 239c NESTLE'S MORSELS MwM 21c NUC0A 1-IWI 36C 2 Founds 71 c WHITE KING SOAP L.r9.32c G o 61c WIZARD SPRAY DEODORIZER 39c GOLD MEDAL FLOUR s-Lbs. 50c ic-Lbi. 95c SNACK LUNCH MEAT m 43c M & D TOILET TISSUE 225c ZEE TOILET TISSUE 4r.... 29c LIBBY'S ROAST BEEF TOMATO CATSUP EiSE'' 19c UGENE SHOESTRING BEET no. i Tm 14c BLUE PLATE CUT 0KRA no. 3o3 m 16c TREAT0 GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS N. am 21c ANAG0LD BLENDED JUICES 46-Qi, Tin 34c LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE n. 29c ALL POPULAR BRAND CIGARETTES c,1.49 THif i SISTERS WHOLi KERNEL CORN N. 303 Tin 11V A V-8 Vegetable jj 4 4 Ounsa Tin 31 IMS r I SUNNY JIM PEANUT BUTTER 12-Ounce Stein 37 'us Hunt's TOMATO JUICE 8-Ounce Tin 1 LYON'S RADIANT ' FRUIT MIX 1 -Pound Pockage 39 VZiirZmm 01, I ASSORTED JELLIES MSmL Mewmark E Potatoes i03 2 15' fl ALBER S OATS gSX 14( i4f LUX TOILET SOAP 3 20' j T?L COTTAGE YELLOW CLING PEACHES No. 2H Tin 23 SWIPTS PEANUT BUTTER lM0t JAR Large Size Dux, Tide Ivory Flakes, Dreft Ivory Snow --32c Giant Size 82c o DAJE CAKE Sfva Ona Tonijtil t mast slam Una S.rt Dt, CaiaiSM C. 1 ap CarvaHM Its. iaacf IH mp Seat la.w 1 an. liiMM H tap. cWvm H na 1M k aaHar) 1 aaa will 1 Ik. aalaa, a1 1 aa Add v9f lo Crulioa UUk. Silt flosr, tkm BMiort. wills ttihmi dry iagrdiatt Cra buttr. Add ugt aid oootiau csmbIbq until tugu Add bMts qq, lka add drf fnoraditnff alUraaUlr wita aiiik, baigrian.Qq and a&diag wita dry lugrdini. Add data and aatc with Jari law attra. tomr lata a OA.i oak pa thai ku bm Ud with, waxad ptpar. Baa ta a widttrtf oran (350 T.) ona hoar. 'ALL I for All Auromarte Woshinj 2.49 PIE PAN Y.C. PEACHES no. to 92c PlNEAPPLEy Cnno 1,33- hood RtVER Apples hw.Q9 CHERRIES 7o R?P 1,29 "UtDDICC O'fgon K.5.r. VntrVkAlt J No. 27i" 27c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES POTATOES 50 POUNDS DESCHUTES U.S. No. 2 79' JUICE ORANGES 10 POUNDS 39' YELLOW ONIONS U.S. No. Ts POUND 3' CABBAGE SOLID HEADS POUND 3' AVOCADOS RED YAMS LARGE 35' U S, No. ls "POUND 9 PJiaaaaaaaa.aaaaaa.1 0 0 0 ( s C3O000O