V I' r-Sf Writing Machine, HORIZONTAL I Depicted machine for writing by remote control 9Go by 13 Most willing 14 Against 15 Peruvian animal 18 Country 18 Down i VERTICAL " 1 Barter 2 Lamprey, catchers 3ce course circuit 4 Type of cheese 5 Twitchinga 6 Affirmative votes , 7 Postscript ' (ab.) Cf Slian volcano 9 Top of head 19 Manuscript! ab.) 20 Era 21 Norwegian (ab.) 22 Sea eagle 10 Blackbird of cuckoo family 24 Roman bronze i2WarbIes 1 1 Kocks 2S Scion 47 Symbol fcir ,27 Bitter vetch . !' Preposition :,29Long meter (ab.) 30 Type of butterfly 31 Symbol for samarium 32 Peruse . 33 Augment 35 God of flocks 38 Part of a circle : 38 Article 39 Onager 42 Easter (nb.) 45 Symbol for ' Iridium 46 Solid (comb, form) 48 Lively ' 50 Group of players 51 These are operated from a central master apparatus 53 Strays 54 Partisan silver FUNNY BUSINESS '"'""l lic - COPtMITTSE jlTgSZgS' - r i "Since taxee are, getting heavier, t suggest free supports for each taxpayer!" BLONDIE U'L ABNER ....... ..; , ... By FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A NEW yeabS &E he TwimkS A PARTY AT TJ sZX LEoATOJ ALLEY OOP ' i v ' ' I ALL THOSE CLOUDS J I VOL) SAID HUMS WHAT AROUND VENUS.. MADE VOU I FISGEREDTH' BRING AM WEATHER'D UMBRELLA BE SLOPPY... life Answer to Prvlou Puiiri bassei n-m Sfc horn im E LM i MuiSie VS stl" "oa u n t no Ttc ait gft 23 Idea 24 Fleet 26 Midday 27 Lohengrin' bride 32 Horse's gait 40 Symbol for selenium 41 East Indian ; leafless vine 42 Every 43 Pain 44 Mix 47 Auricle 49 Chemical Suffix 52 Paid notice ' 34 Constrained oucKy substance 37 Wave top 39 Weapons i i i"" 5" s-" T " l lis In k 5 """" " , . i. '1 " -i -- - irr i i i - , ii i ij r t rT a - . j I I I I I I I 1 I I a By Hershberqer IMS arch wtJusr Yes. and i IJE1RO iHAVfe LcPT TJ I AU. TiJE NEWS. IDeTAHS IM CAWftLE1 -t t;:,r 'III -C YES, IF IT WASN'T ' .. AN THENA FOR THIS CLOUO TOO.WE'r.E X BLANKET, 30,600.000 1 MILES CLOSER TO TH SUN THAN WE WERE ON i r Err ffdv $k (OUCH tssraVt Ii Nftsv"- ( HASVoOf SON- I WAS ) BUT ( MEVEPt KNEW ) . I Sff'5' EvAH AT PCARL l I WHAT Ft AO WAS. i w S f) SABER AT TARAWA- Z4M JM I WE'D PRY -J FAST.' THE I I OM'JWCKj rtftviR XL J oo MODEST MAIDENS ' Treur fctftatmft V. 1 Fat tat OAr 4-1 111 ' rrs SWT TO- It FuBThecmors, the pa we were marsieo whew I tt CAB&IEO riE CVES THE TrlftKHOi.!? 4rl PlCKEPAtf POCKtri 1 FROM NINE TO FIVE we J known he was going to be this iong cominj down, we could have BUT I NEVER KNEW WHAT Ft AS WAS, I SAT IN THE AMD BELIEVE IT OR NOT ' UNTIL I SEEN THEM I STILL, SOMETIMES IMAGINE RCNAL SIOB8CMANS DO THE 5ooieR.'.' I've GOT A BLOOD ON SABER DANCE VKNOW.I HAVE I DO! LOOKI A FEELING f CAI1V . 1 vugaMLLigr THOSE" AREN'T WE'RE BEING DON'T EYES.I'VE WATCHED I I tx J SEE ANY I NEVER SEEM iv y EYES ANY By Jo Fischer Cot t Tni,fP... 1m, Alt ' twt.e ordered another dessert. Chlc Young By Al Capp FRONT ROW, BIG SPLASH OF . MY COAT." Merrill Blosser By V. T. Hamlin IF 8 Diilard By ROSA HEINBACH Mr. and Mrs. Willart! Laurence have received word that their son, Barry F. Laurince and his two traveling companions, Cecil Bessy and Jim Short of Coos Bay, ar rived . in San Diego on Sunday morning. They reported .for dutv with the fighter squadron stationed aboard the U.S.S. Valley Forae The three boys motored south after i havmc spent their furlough at home. They were together for seven months to Korean waters. Mr. and Kfrs. Lawrence Hercher returned Wednesday, Dec. IS, from a trip to southern California. They motored to Lot Aiteelct In their new car to visit Mrs. Hercher's brother-in law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Peterson and family. In Long Beach, ihey visited Mrs. W. B. Jones and family,, cousins of Mr. Hercher who formerly lived in Diilard and Green. On their return trip Mr. and Mrs, Hercher spent several tlays in Berkeley as guests of the former's brother-in-iaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth La Violette. With them they visited the Golden Gate tark: attended the Stamlar ! Oi! symphony orchestra broadcast held in the new Berkeley high srtmot civic auditorium, and many other points of interest. dne of the most outstanding fea tures of the trip was the beautiful Christmas decorations in towns along the way. Mr. and Mrs. Her cher are both lifelong residents of Diilard area. In San Leandro, they visited Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Rtitn mell and baby son, and Mrs. Ber tha Rummeii. ail former residents of Diilard and Rosaburg. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Harris and daughter, Donnette,' of Willets. t.3iu., were weekend guests of Mrs. Harris' broher in-law and sis er. Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Brown and family. Mr. and Mrs. George McDi.-weii entertained with a dinner party in their home Monday night, Dec, 18, in honor of three teachers of the Diilard school. Covers were placed for Mrs. Irene McLaughlin, Mrs. Chrystal Pompella, Mrs. Marguer ite Bodenner, Mrs. Elizabeth Bryce and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. McDowell and two sons, Alec and Eddie. Mrs. Edgar Houston was brought home from the Mercy hospital on Monday, Dec. 18, by Mrs. O. D. McAllister. Mrs. Houston, who was injured when a passing car hit her, is recuperating very satis factorily. Mrs. Ann liutton, sister of Mrs. Houston of Topeka, Kas.f is with her. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McLennan and children, Jackie, Patricia and Suzanne, left Kritlay, Dec. 22, by automobile for Los Angeles, Calif., to spend the Christmas week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman McLennan. Marvin Covey, fifth grade teacher of the Diilard school, left Kriday to spend Christmas week with his parents and relatives in Napa, Calif. Mrs. Chrystal Pompella third "rade teacher of the Diilard school. Ipft Friftav for her former home ents. Mr. ami Mrs. Ry Golgert and sons, Don and Neal, left Saturday to spend the Christmas holidays vis iting relatives at Willamina and Rockaway beach. - RADIO SERVICING Hansen's Radio Service. Sutherlin. Rodio Doctors. Phone pickup end delivery. 49I-J. Free PLUMBING Ace Ptumoing Co., 915 Garden Vol ley Rd. But. phone 5JQ-K-S Res. phono H9-R-3. Kir-Crooch Plumbino Co. 316 Mill, Phone 1927 Harris Plumbing & Heating Co., 805 South Ssepheni. Ph. 1280. Con Supply Co. Phone V2I. Terp's Plumbing. Phone 1579, Joe M. Johnson t26 West Dougloi Phone 389-J KEATING R. Rittmon Heating Co., hot .3fer end steam, oil biKners. 1703 Brown. Phone 1064-J. ELECTRICIANS AL'S ELECTRIC MOTOR SHOP Phone 1962 109 Sherftfon DuFresne Electric. Phone 104. WASHING MACHINE SJRV1CI E. Mewberry's Washing Mochine S"vlce, 102 W Commercial Ave nue. Phone I0IS-R. Washing Machine Service, Rusfy's Ap pliance Repair, 510 N. iacksan. Phone 1003-R. FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE Fire Equipment Co., 220 H. Moin. Glenn H. Taylor, Ph. 1433-R. KINDERGARTENS COMMUNITY Kindergarten Phone I599-R-4 DECORATORS fainting ond Poper Honging. H. E. "Woody" Wood Phone 80S Elevating Road Building G Corry-AHf Trertar Shorih StfUaartrt, Hour or Contrecf t f ' -w.. -.i,"' !- i fey " to. G4FT BOXES READIED The Roteburg Eiict lodge prepared and distributed ever f 00 gift boxes for femiiiei living in tKis erea end providsd gifts for Douglas county home patients Sefctr. day, Piefureci ere, left f rtgKf, A. , Hrtningert Let Hammock, Ed Noiia ana1 Fuller JoIvrjob. ! Picture by Photo Lab!, , frr t: f::.r: L'; l' -i - V V : - I CHRISTMAS BOX DISTRIBUTION Mambsrj of the Rosaburg Elks lodge, aided by emptoyeet of Sig Feft, are pictured ai fHey delivered over !0 gift boxes Saturday to families in the area. From left to right, top row, they are Don White, Clyde Johnion, Morris fCefebum end foreign ex change student Mefti Raikkais; lower row, Ed Nolle, Sam Shoemaker, Les Hammock end as tin identified visiting Elk. ' .trture by the Photo tabt. usiimess CONSTRUCTION TODD BUILDING CO, 904 S. SrepKent Pfu 1739 Modern Furniture Store, Inc. SERVICE DEPT. 0 General Appliance and Radio Repairing 0 Pickup and Delivery Prompt Attention All Work Guaranteed 121 West Oak PHONE 348 TRUCKS FOR RENT You rfrfv or w drive Colt 1538 Arfoir' Parking Lot Main and Woshtnoton Flegel Transfer & Storage Co. LAWN MOWERS MACHINE SHAfCENES Ejitft hteyet potntnf rtpftirtnf Hf taws tft4 Snrf card ioi ft Pickup and dctivery- C, J. TOWLER Rt. T, S. 270, SutHerim Nelson & Pyis o Woodworking Co. THurtn tt, H, ItSO The Newt-ReWew, Roburg, 0r II 0mm i. ' , a v IDiirectory THE OVERHEAD DOOR CO. Door for Private, CommercioF ftr Irrdustrraf Bui6mgi. OTTO CURNOW 1 90S Portoto Dftv Graft Paw, Oregon TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yoursftf Save Vz Long or Short Trip Bet Hivt Truck Rental 734 S. Stephens Phone Uli-i ROSEBURG PAVING CO. Asphalt Having Custom Blodinn , Hies: 634 S. Main Telephone 650-R Free Estimates "Bill" Lossiter HARG1S ELECTRIC Speeiolijn Keetie, ReirifoWiaa, HsusekeM Appliance Servite 20 Yean Eperience Ail Work Guaranteed 1111. Cm it. Me 4 AUTHORIZES Gu.r.nt... Apptieece Rtjient MAYTAG & NORGE So'es and Service Bergh's Appliance GUARANTEED RADIATOR SERVICE 2035 No. SrepKest Oa Hwy. 9 North Phon. 1522-Y Ralph E&arey CHIMNEY BLOCKS Lit-Roek Building Blocks Concret Buiidinq Blocks hrysfai& Tilt Plant 3750 N. Stephens 695-R-2 R. G. LAMBETH Residontiol ano! Commercial Cottttrucfion ond Remedeiina Any Six Sob. 114! Rainbow Lane Phjn. 1444-X ' Get rho PROPANE AND BUTANE bott! retilled at the Myert Oil Cs. Hlshway 99 rmt Garden Volley Road. Also Heaterj, Hot Plate orxf Sujolles. CLEANINS Fine Rues, Furniture Autos UPHOLSTERIHS Repairs Remodeling CUSTOM MADE New Location 1112 Fairhavn Ave,, Pit. 35U-J EKrt Furniture Cleaner Free Pickup end Delivery Free Estimates "imtividuaUierJ Roort ot BeautiUty." lVt. fc!Mlffl Crp.ung e Rttrncr Tti. An!vSl Tltt ii rormtce iop. it VnivttMn Siirut. JREt ESTIMATES mm m 300 S. fin. Ph. 1414-J Windowt, Saih, Mii4 MlSt frames Theee Ul-i FLOd COVERING LEE ftORTENSEN, INC, Phone 38 Ufa 0 0 o ' O Q 0