Fire, Spray Control Gorse; Imported French Beetles Check St. Johnswort Spread ly PAUL W. HARVEY, JR. Associated Puss Staff Correspondent SALEM, Ore. Gone the shrub pest which is blamed for destroying 25,000 acres of grazing land on the coast in Lane, Curry and Coos counties now can be controlled. During the past year, the Oregon Agricultural experiment station finally found the answer to eliminating this oily plant, which is blamed for the destruction of the City of Bandon in 1936. Flames spread through the gorse fields and burned down the town. . , j The shrub was brought to Ore gon from the British isles in 1884, j lor ornamental purposes. Then it took over, and for many years sci entists have been trying' to find a way to kill it. - The station says the way to kill it is to burn it, then spray it witn a mixture ot 2,4,9-1 aim do that for several seasons, and then you can use the land for pasture again. A n A 1 I. A I ,U niKjiuri jeaK.v wrru vtmi'ii uic station learned to control this year is the St. Johnswort weed, wnich ruins range lands. In this case, the station g 0 1 beetles to do the job. Australian scientists thought up . the .idea of turning the beetles loose on the weed, and they found just the right, beetles in France. The French beetles went merrily through Australia eating St. Johns wort. So the station brought 75,000 adult beetles into Oregon. The beetles are doing nice work in Oregon, and they like it here, with so much St. Johnswort to eat. But it will take three or four years for them to eat enough of the weed fo'bring it under control." Seed Raising Profitable Thanks to the station's recent studies, . Oregon might develop a business of raising vegetable seeds. The station proved that cab bage, onion, beet, cucumber, mus tard, turnip, radish, spinach, pumpkin ami squash seeds can be grown profitably in the state. It also discovered ways to kill insects which destroy seed crops. The answer is DDT. . Oregon farmers annually lose 10 to 20 percent of the nutritional value of their hay crops because of leaching, bleaching, molds and leaf shattering. So- the station found that by careful harvesting and proper drying, these losses can be cut to zero. . : j In the potato- business, the" sla tion says it has a hard job; It can't keep up with all the new spud diseases. But at least it's- finding way. of eliminating the diseases al ready known. . . .' ' - I The station is busy trying to save farmers money by cutting shipping losses, s a test, it shipped 14 car load of potatoes to Chicago and Des Moines. It found that 5.7 pounds of pota toes out of every 100-pound sack were ruined by shipping losses. A dust-spray program to stop downy mildew in hop yards was developed. This is welcome news to hop growers, who lose av lot of money from mildew. CHURCH ACTIVITIES Dr. E. B. Luther, pastor, has an nounced that the Sunday school nroeram at the. First Conservative Baptist church will he held Friday evening. Dec. 22, at 8 p.m. The Christmas sermon and mu sic will be held Sunday, Dec. 24 during the regular church service at 11 a.m. The public is invited to attend both of these services. Latest figures indicate that there are. 3,550,000 tractors on U. S. farms. s See them here! The MODERN ' NEW WALL COLORS in VuteAVctf WONSOVER Delicate pastels! Smart deep shades! Be your own decorator. Choose here from the mod- Oern new wajffjcolors in Dutch Boy Vt onsover. It's really wuhanl ...covers old paint, wallpaper. kaUomine with ' ' jmt one coat. A fine oil-haC paint that's ready-to-use. O Douglas County FARM BUREAU Co-Operate Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON And the station also nroved to hop growers that they can tnnle members did not make a commit their yield by proper cultiva- ment. There was snme indication tion, irrigation and fertilizing. I jn their discussions that the es- r : II I Texas Pink Grapefruit 325c Cranberries, Mb. bag 19c Sweet Potatoes, U.S. No. 1, lb. 9c Lindsay Large ' PITTED OLIVES No, 17 Tall Tin 27c Your stockings will be filled with foy if you shop here for your Christmas dinner. 4. O o Action Deferred On PORTLAND tm The State Liquor commission has deferred until another meeting the question of permitting continued beer sales near the University of Oregon cam pus. The administrator's office was directed to prepare recommends- tinns foe action before Jan. 1 after' the situation was reviewed by As sistant Administrator Joseph Stoll. Stoll said studios reveal about 90 percent of Oregon students pass the College Side Inn and Taylor's Coffee Shop, both now under 15 day license suspension for sale of beer to minors. The commissioners noted public sentiment against renewal of the 1 tUa lu'd nlaf as hi it I ho CLEANSING , TISSUES 200's 9c 400's 18c Corr, SNACKS 2 for J5C o O O . . Ready-To-Eat PICNICS pound ' Beer Traffic Near tahlishmenti would he permitted to sell benr until the university spring term ends. Decision was deferred, too, on the request of newspapers for re laxing bans on full-page liquor ad vertising and use of color in such copy. Portland newspapers argued th(' ban had little effect because magazine copy was not similarly under state control. Continental Distilling Corp. was ordered not to advertise in Ore gon for a 16-day period, Jan. 18 to Jan 31, because it used adver tising of which the commission dis approved. The commission ex plained the firm once submitted one advertisement for inspection then ran another. Iwo previous advertisements which did not meet commission approval had been sub mitted, but too late for warning lb. 52, MerrV .. Christmas Scotties 3. Cf cec fiCOrV lb. 45c ICtyPriyA-MdrkeS Dole': FRUIT COCKTAIL No. 2Vi Tin 29c o o o 3 U. of Oregon letters from the commission to he effective, Administrator William H. Hammond said. ' The town of Athena was granted a liquor agency. Residents there have been driving 15 miles to Mil-ton-Freewaler or 18 miles to Pen dleton to make purchases. A sim ilar application from llkiah, in southern Umatilla county, was re fused. Woman Falls To Death Down Steps Of Hotel PORTLAND ( A Spokane woman, believed here to attend religious memorial services for her late husband, was killed in a fall at her hotel early Wednesday. She Mrs. S. Saruwalnri. The manager of the Foster hotel, John M. Grace, said she had re- SUGAR White Satin 100 lbs. $! Wo. Yovm9 Tom Apples DELICIOUS Wrapped and Pa 40 lb. box 2.98 1 f Wo. Xou 0 Virginia PEANUTS 5-oz.bagl5c Spanish Style 5-oz.baglOc On the day before Chriitmot All thru the Market Not a creature will be itirring We will be closed December 24 and 25 Yoncalla By MRS. 6C0RGK EDES Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reeves and son Jerry, will leave Friday, Dec. 22, to spend a couple of weeks wiili Mr. Reeves' sister at Hemet, Calif. They will attend - the Pasadena Rose parade and Rose bowl foot ball game. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Luttrel and two sons of Reedsport spent 1 the weekend visiting Mrs. Luttrel s I sister and family, Mr. and Mrs, Everett Curtis. 1 jur. ana 01 is, i.enuy nausun anu turned to her room and some 10 minutes later he heard her fall down the 25 steps from the sec ond to the first floor, She was dead on arrival at a hos pital. Grace said she registered at the hotel Dec. 7, and he under stood she was here for memorial services. Ocean Spray Cranberry SAUCE Whole or Strained No. 300 Tin 10c ancY Hoc1 A5c Large Solid Heads LETTUCE ch 10c co Thurs., DteJI, 150 The Newi-Rtvlew, Roitburg, Ore. Wilbur Briner made a business trip to Salem, Friday for the high school, Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Phillips are enjoying a few weeks' vacation at Tucson, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. Dena Hall spent the weekend with Mrs. Hall's lister and family in Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith and son, Gorci'jn, spent the weekend in Portland, shopping and visitinj irienns. Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Blodgett left Friday to spend the holidays with relatives at San Jacinto, Calif. Mrs. Mattie Gunners returned to her home ,in Detroit, Mich.. rriaay auer spending tne past two months visiting at the Fred Lee home. Mr. and Mrs. CharloA Shively, Douglas Shively, Billie Bcnner and C,.."-W" fur . 3 ft. Tin 85c 5 1 Fruited Ready HAMS pound T. J, Moore attendinded the Oregon State basketball game Saturday night at Corvallis. Cancer Research Fund Granted To 0.S.C CORVALLIS (,P A $4,000 grant has been made to Oregon slate college by the American Can cer society. Dr. E. j. Dornfeld, znology pro fessor, will use the money for re search in the study of a body chem ical called nucleic, related to tis sue growth. Pointing out that cancer is a form of abnormal tissue growth. i i)r. uornieid said that when nu ! cleic acids break down in the j body, nucleotides are formed. Such j nucleotides are found to slow cell growth, he said. 9 . y We will give FREE ORCHIDS this Friday and Saturday. All ladies visiting our store at this time will receive one of these exotic flowers of the Hawaiian Islandsl 7.9' - To - Eat O , 69c A. Phana 91 Utotilf W. Wahintan St. o