Don't Be As Uncertain As The Weather, Use Want Ads 10 The News-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Thurs., Dee. 21. 1950 CLASSIFIED RATES 1 ia. par word 1 daya - " 3 daya " " 4 day, ' 5 daya 1 no. Phttn IH CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINE 11 A. M. Day Before Publication CLASSIFICATION bcal titr RENTAL . BUSINESS OPPORTUNIII BUILDING MATERIAL . FOR TRADE n LOANS .- FINANCIAL .1 WANTED HF.I.r WANTED WORK. WANTED LOT A FOUND . FRUITS VEUETABI.ES BAT. CRAIN A EEED LIVESTOCK rOULTBt BABBITS PETS FOB SALE. MISC. .. MISCELLANEOUS FUEL TIMBEB A SAWMILLS LOGOINO EQUIPMENT MACHINES' EOB SALI FARM EQUIPMENT TRACTORS . ., TRUCKS AUTOS A MOTORCTCLBS IMPOUNDED . INSTRUCTION n. . PERSONAL --. NOTICES a CHRISTMAS Gifts Paint Your Own Xmas Gifts NOVELCRATT Unpelnted pla.ler plaotie.; 100 different flower, figurine,, book end., etc Kre at Lumber Sale. Co.. Garden Valley Road at S P TrarkiPh. lull. . LADIES' - MEN'S fANCY AND SEMI-DRESS GLOVES Work glove, and ninrra.lna Make fine Xmaa gift. La ngenherg Clnve At Kur. Now Available For XMAS DELIVERY SINGER DELUXE Vacuum Cleaner With Automatic Cord Itewtnd ONLY $79.75 BUDGET TERMS Also 8 free Mwlni lesson tit SINGER SEWING CENTER 304 N. Jackson Roseburg, Oregon Phone 72.1 TOR THAT TALENTED YOUNGSTER, GIVE ART LESSONS Tor details, phone 1434-R. Amy Robin ton. Real Estate 1 CLOVERDALE PARK NEW HOMES FROM $7!)90 LOW DOWN PAYMENT 3 and S bedroomi KETELL REALTY CO. Office Cloverdal Park r I'... "I HollU St. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE by owner 3 bedroom hnuse, 1 year old; Ve netian blind, hardwood, oil r , evenings. FRED L. DOW CIVIL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR U'4 E 'nd St.. Sutherlin Ph. .4117 "--One acre, 1 mile to Mown town; I has four room home, nice little I barn, berries, fruit, chicken house. A I TCA h." .'- ' ' ' W,m " ,OW ; liono. rtnwn- 3 - New four room home on cllv sewei 2 block from Jackson St. Nice sod modern. Full price. 4Hou. We think owner may tnke 1000 down, rest easy as rent. S 14 level acres In Garden Valley, all level land, does not fluix), iwnr says, from 1he river. MW A nice home site. Out about 4 mi lei. LEHMAN REAL ESTATE Ph 722 J 414 N .tar k on i FOR SALE 7.VtlntV lot. foundation and water In Some lumber on lot. Ph. lRh4.Yafter4::k. p m. Surveys Maps Plans Percy C Armstrong Civil Engineer 011 So Main St Ph HIT -ft DO U WANTA GOOD BUY Ir a 3 bedroom home" The price Is $7000, iand worth everv rent nf It i The down payment ti inoo and M per month II has nice hardwood floors ttu ou ghoul, a circulation fire-; place, niT floor furnace, lots of rlnnets, and a nice kitchen iHh dining spHce The house Is plattcfed and has full l concrete foundation. Lai ae, well- I drained lot Whv not phone me at WI4 i and we will look it oxer. Charlie BrigRs ARROW REALTY 743 Carojrn Valley Road Ph ni 4 XMAS SPECIALS Nicely furnished 7 Br home .1 vrs nlrt rone fnd attached gnrsge Yutiirtf; Newly redecorated; very nrri ntV chool Only .K0. Nice stihr. home At giwl paing business nHxaia lot ftonts two good rnad, Only IW0 huvi well built home. Kit-chen-nook -hv. rm bedroom. FULLERTON REALTY 30 Stephens Ph Otvt-h 'OR SALE - a bedroom, modern I home. Riverside School District, giooo down, balance monthly. Ift.MI Ellen I . No Sa""'!' "-" fOR SALE -1W Acres". ".T0"a"crei"tiM able no buildings .A. round S.W M HI food Umber. .Inquire MS Temphn, Real Estate 1 ! SEE FULLERTON REALTY For honest work on your listing. 2.(0 N. Slepheni Ph.UW.-l. COMFORTABLE 4-bed room home near new Fullerton School, Falrhaven Shopping Center. You HHim. Gl mortgage II3..VK). Mid Neho. Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daugherty, the engineer. Ph. 11 14-J. Rentals CLOVERDALE PARK NEW HOMES 2 Bedroom '. S72.00 per mo. 3 bedroom Woo more RETELL REALTY CO. Office Ctoverdal Park Phone ixa 3153 Hollia 8t follow algn at Highway anj Alameda Street HOTKL CRKASON " 0 upstair over Henntngera Mart on Jack ion St. 9 40 (In warm rooms g) equipped with Simmoni Spring and Mattress f Single room from 81.75 up f Under New Management. Low winter ratea. For Weekly and Monthly rentals 0 Call 1154 for Reservation. FT60RSANbERS,flnor pollxhen"and scrubbers; paint spray outfit-. Rented by Douglas Painl At Hardware. WW 8 Slephem. Ph. 8H4-J. Open 'III every week day night. MODERN, 3-room. unfurnished apt , ga rage. $75.Aduls. 2113 Harvaid. FOR RENT "Two modern, furnished cabins, 14 mile on No. Highway. Will allow 1 rhlld to rach. rabin. Sea duplex with green doOTS. FOR RENT 3 year old, completely furnished 2 bedroom home; bath and hower. wall-to-wall carpeting, Vene tian bllnda and drape. $ 120. par month. .MS Barager. TUB OAKS TRAILER PARK. 746 Short St.. near everything. Electric wanner ami dryer. Sewer connection!. Alio sleeping room and apartment. ROOM FOR-RENT with community kitchen, separate table , reasonable. Employed people preferred. Ph. 12-1... PARTLY FURNISHED APT. Married roup! preferred. Call 1007 -R altar 6 P M FURNISHED CABIN, modern. rtelrr trie, m month. Welborn Ranch, Glide. Lone Rock Road. TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive, long or short trip Rev Hlva truck rental. 7:W South Stephen!. Phone 1438-J ROOMS FOR RFNT for 1 or 2, "with or without kitchen privilege.. 606 Fowler. a SLEEPING ROOMS In large home nnE Dnugla. rloie In. Ph. 2fi:i-L. FOR RENT 2 apti Clean, furnished. No dogs. 1454 Harrison St. ROOM FOR HENT. 4 block's from Grey hound Bus Depot. Ph. 1.1.17-Y. TRAILER SPACE Walking distance from lown. Ph. Im-Y. SLEEPING ROOM. B.17 West Moiher. WARM SLEEPING ROOMS 100 Spruce St at foot of Wash In k Inn. WARM COMFORTABLE SLEEPING ROOM, $V per month. Ph. 17BS-R, SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. a"-L. 2 ROOM, furninhed apt. Phone S(f-J-4. FOR RENT 3 room house and 1 room ratlin; both furnished: at Winston. Ph. 7 VI J or 411 S. Pine. Rnsehuig. 3 ROOM HOUSE, unfurnished. North on across tracks at Ore. Game Com mission. 240 Swcetbrlar. 3 - 4-rnom, furnished apartments; elect ric range, nil tienter, garage. Hedticed winter rale. 1 block west of City Drive In Market, Sutherlin. grey cahlns. APT for rent. Ph. 12fi-Y. ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. j4rtfFowier. SLEEPING ROOM" for" rent. Ph 14B3-J, RENT, LEASE OR SELL New. modern 4-bedronm home: alt mod ern conveniences 2007 Eden Iane. Call E. B. Oldfietd after A P. M.. flUfi-J-l. 3 ROOMS, kitchenette. 821. Miller, Ph. RiiO-H. BEDROOM,-unfurnished house'. Ph. tvm-n. 1 ROOM, modern cabins. Wilson's Auto Court near Wilbur. Ph. ftnfl-R-4. TRAILER -- New Moon Trailer Cotirt. Ph. HAS-J COMFORTABLE BOOM for quiet gentlemen in private home .121 E. Douglas. .1 ROOM, furnlnhed. mndern apt. Call at Apt. .1, 24.1 Sheridan. 1 MODERN, furnished apt. ' mile south nf Winston on f0. J. E. Wheeler Apt. Business Opportunity 3 Fllllpf Brush Co.. 2 I - J- I . " . ATTENTION! Golden opportunity for couple who both ish to work. Garage and restaurant bu1.tne1.11 for ale all In one tiuiidlog. equipped and doing hmineM. Good lorn tion. no roinpetitlon. Reasonable Write Box BOfl. Newi.Review, Building Material 4 CHRISTMAS MIRRORS I-i'Re stock of insulating boards and niannnite pronui'ts. Poors, windows and frames. For Trade 3. ROOM, modern home W highway fH. W miles outh of Kuirne. also small rental Ti arte for Douglas Count riopcrlv C. Y. Greene. Mrtle Creek. XX ACRES-" in San Fernando Vallev. noon , for rtg-r farm In Douglai county. M rtle'i'reek. Ph. lt WILL TRADE EtJUITY in new IrtiW 2:t ft trailer house for 10 ft trailer, or will lent. Riemenschnetder, Suthetlln, Ph. avwi. WANT TO TRADE - '17 4 -door Plv mouth sedan, tn evcellenl condition, complelcly overhauled, for l'i Ion Chev, or Ford flatbed truck Mrs. John Nachter, Melrose, Box lorto Loans CASH LOANS Q $20 to $500 CP to l.loo on your Signature, Furnl j ture or Livestock. UP to on on vour Auto tpald for ir Neartv evart one qualifies for one nf ; the manv liheral loan plans available to choose from at Calkins Tlnance Co, I SERVING ROSEBURG AND ; SURROUNDING TOWNS. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 307 ulrd fin Pacifie Bldg. Ph. 46 not ) M-9.n 8-24 Loans SALARY LOANS LOCAL LOAN CO. Ph. mj 3.1S No. JackMR Leo Bevy, Mgr tm-M-393 Financial WANTED TO BORROW on first mort gage on Midget Trailer Court, 10B Chestnut St.. aJ.VW.. payable IIW, per month at 6 percent interest. Also S2!.K). or :t000 on first mortgage on approx. 8 acres on river between Umpqua park and Kiwanil park with house, rabin, and barn. Have title Insurance and fire insurance on both proper Ilea, Trumin Ellis, 100 Chestnut St. MONEY TO LOAN 151100. on real estate or livestock, at percent. Write News-Review, Box ttia. Wanted 8 WANTED TO RENT A OOD HOME Furnished, unfurnished, or partly fur nished, by permanent, local business couple and a daughters. Must be clean, comfortable. 2 or more bed room home. Must be within city limits; close to buslnesa district pref erable. Would be willing to pay rent In accordance with location and de sirability of home. Can furnish ex cellent references as to care of prop erty and character. Call 450-J. WANTED BEEP, VEAL AND PORK FRED BOYER Phone 022-R-3 or 1506-R, or write Route 1, Roseburg WANTED TO BUY All kind! of fur niture. Let ui bid on your house of furniture. Call 803 -R at 300 N. Jackson Strt-j JUNK Batteries, aluminum, copper, brass, scrap iron and truck. Bob Sal vtige Yard, 2;i8 N. Stephens. Ph. 1.MW-R. WANTED W0 or more native Ar.aleas, 1 to 3 ft. high. We will dig on your Jlare. Pay 10c each. L. Gasser, Rt. . Oregon City. Oregon. WEBUY USED TIRES O. K. RubbeV Welrieru4o4W Lane. WANTED TO BUY Hides. Roseburg Meat Co., phone 280 WE PAY CASH tor your fumltureTTaM LlfM.J. Goodman's Furniture, 444 K. Jackson. WOOD CIRCULATING HEATERfood. iJ So. Pine or phone U0I-Y. WANTED Laying hens or pullets. Mrs. G. W. Chamberlain. 126 Flint. WANTED Modern 2-room apl. Must be clean, prefer near 700 block So. Stephen!. Ph. I.VH, Merrel R. Lucas, 703' j So. Stephen!, Help Wanted 9 EXPERIENCED BODY and fender man Cork rum Motor!, 114 N Rone WANTED Experienced choker eet: ters. Iverson Lumber, Ph. 821, WANTED Dependable woman to care for hahv during dav In our home. Room and hoard If denli-pd, or 3 room house available if preferred. Myrtle Creek, (Lanyonviue and Kiddie uismcu News-Review Box 810. WANTED Choker setter' "for high lead. Must be experienced. Call 420-J-S between 11 and A p.m. Wllcher Logging Co. WANTED: Field Auditors to work for the State Public Utilities Commission In the Roseburg area. Starting salary It 206 per month. Appllcanis must have 2 years experience In auditing, and 2 venr college or university training. Including or supplemented by courses in accounting. Application forms and Information may be ob tained from the local Stale Employ ment Service. Addrens applications to the State Civil Service Commission, 1U2 Public Service Building. Salem. WHAT ARE YOUR plana for 19.11? A good Rawleigh business is hard to heat. Big line well established make good profiU. No experience required. Write todav Tor Information how to get started. Rawlefgha Dept. ORL-2WH-3.4, Oakland, Calif, Work Wanted 10 ROOF LEAK? Let lis repair It for you Expert Workmen Reasonable Prices Guaranteed Results JUST PHONE 1931 LUMBER SALES Inc. Just past Riverside School on Garden Valley Road GUARANTEED Sewing Machine Repair Call 74.-.-J or leave at 06 Military. Septic Tanks Cleaned No Job Too Large or Too Small No Milrage ROSEBURG SANITATION SERVICI Ph I AMI-J 2:1.18 N Stephen If no answer, call KM17-R T i A MOTORS Complete brake Job. parts and labor ... L1.W Transmission and differential overhaul fl.SO, up. DOUGLAS COUNTY SANITATION SERVICE Septic tanka cleaned. No mileage charge. Free Inspection Ph. Oakland 2111 or 2.Vt4. WANTED Lumber "or ihort To g hauling for dual drive truck. Ph. ltt?-J Dennia Matthews, 1410 K. 2nd Ave So HOUSEKEEPER to stav inhoiue and care for rlillHron Turn left at West. ei ii Equipment Co., cross tracks, 223 Sweet lir lar, WELL' DRILLING WINTER RATES t. Box 878 H Valller. UMPQUA TRANSFER Large and small Job done. Livestock etc. No .11 Saturdays Ph. 187-J YAROiRAG LINE and "jgfcek hoe hv hour contract Doggett 4r Greene Mvrtle Creek, INSIDE PAINTING. All' work guaran teed C R Miller, 112 Brock way St. Ph 1404-B-X. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER want woik. Ph 1616 HX 2 EXPERT TREE SFRV1CR Free ea timaies. Ph 1O02-J. FOR ANY TYPE REMODELING and construction te James. Jamea and Strllike. Write D. Slrltske, 1130 Core Ave IRONING IN MY HOME. 111ft Gite St., Millers Addition. Lost & Found 11 LPJT Black inff tan ia1e hmmil W. A. Black eH. MvtlteXreek. Ph. 283 W Theyll Do It Every Henry is not one to put things off. he signed up agalh to get two pairs of sox per month 8 mail' JlH. UVa qVc1 W ii W -J He VXfcW'e-P Ma f Sm I Kd-y' irl LTlfWb0&l L3lAy.. .-2i LVfl I e-KrrV . -1 1 I 'W-w 1 I .,.....,1 , ..,0 M..C lTlrlaSjf.riKAjt, 1M, WOBLD BKR1S S.-P Lost & Found 111 LOST Black Cocker Spaniel, Lie. no. 174.1 Reward. Ph 1027-L after 5:30 P.M. 200 REWARD' for Information leading in arrest and conviction of parties who took Brown Swiss bull calf, 7 months old, weight about 4.10 lbs., from old Campbell Ranch, 2 miles East of Kellogg, Dec. 2nd. O. D. El mer, Owner. LOST Ladies' wrlitwatch - lost "be tween Methodist church and Roy's. He ward. Phone U12-R. PARTY WAS SEEN PICKING up Xmaa package tied with white ribbon, con taining pellet pistol, In Wool worth's Wednesday morning. To avoid trouble, please return before Saturday. Fruits & Vegetables 12 SPITZENBERG AND ORTLEY apples. 81. and $1.50 per box. O. G. Rogers, mile S. of LookingglastStore. SPITZENBERG APPLES, Claypool Gardens. Garden Valley. FOR SALE English walnuts. 20c a Eound. Neal Meter, l'i miles west of ookingglass. Ph. 2nF-2:t. ORTLEY, DELICIOUS. Newton. $2. per box 1 Mile West Looklngglass Store. Bring containers, closed Sun day's Marsh Ranch. Hay, Grain & Feed 13 GOOD CALIFORNIA Alfalfa. baled. : Contact Frank G. O'Brien, Myrtle Creek. SACRAMENTO BALED Alfalfa, 4th and ,1th cutting; delivered, $;I5. Phone Oak land 2804. FOR SALE Baled Alfalfa hay - 1st cult ine. .'). 2nd and :tid cutting, -Vl, A I no vetch and r e grass ha . $-11. Fred Neal. Myrtle Creek. Ph. 841. KLAMATH BASIN BALED Alfalfa hay. excellent leafing, second rutting. $.18. per Ion delivered. Special price by car load. Contact Rnvmond Spore, Davs Creek, or C. H. Jones, Myr tle Creek. Livestock 14 COWS WANTED Either milk or beef. 1 buy any and all kinds of cattle at your place, pay you for them with no commissions, no promise, no hauling, or any other charges. In Rosehurg two days a week just drop card and give location Oscar Shelter. Cres welt. Ore Licensed 0i and bonded hv Slat. Need several milk cows to freshen any time within 3 months. WANTED Fat and feeder Iambs and ewes, Jamea E. Lewis, Myrtle Creek, oh, 84 or Darrllt Ray. 4400 Hooker Road Roseburg, Ph. 1760 -J 4. Poultry 15 Carr's Gold Star Chicks Hatching Eggs Wanted PULLORUM CLEAN Carr's Hatchery FRYERS, :14c live, 4C dressed, .Vic pan ready. Home delivery. Write Jurgen sen. Rt. 3. Box HO.1. 19.11 SEASON" OPENED UP. Machines", tunning now. ORDER YOUR PROV EN CHICKS SOON. Good fryer buds a wrll as egg producers. Custom h-ttching a specialty. For more infor mation, call on your PONTON HATCHERY FOR SALE 2O0 Leghorn pullets, lay ing. Contact Umpqua Produce. Ph. 4lS FOR SALE - Capons. tW cents lb", dressed. Delivered in Roseburg. or be tween Myrtle Creek and Hneburg. Order hv postcard. Jack Weaver. Myr tle Creek. Pets 17 JacobsJCennePsJh. 736-J Beautiful Canaries ItA Wharton Ph.816-J LOVELY " PEKINGESE puppies for Ninas. 4'a miles North Highway 99. Watch for sign. GRA'HO" COCKER KKNNRLS Ph 6.T0 or 4.1.-Y. Reg. and ped, puppies, all colors. Stud service. ONLY 100 CAN ARIFS LEFT" Beautiful orange Singers $10. and 112 V). W deliver. Arthur Nelson, Rt 3, Box 8.'0 Roseburg. FOR SALE 1 Beagle mip." RtT. Box 281, 3 mile East or Krilev's Kor- ner PCH ERRED COCKER "PUPS for "sale". Rt. .1. Box 1.10 Ph 1288-Y. REGISTERED COCKER Spaniel Jsk-p- nies. 8 weeks Black J H. Wit, Neal lwsne. Myrtle Crek. For Sale, Misc. 18 ROADMASTER CROWN :M months time and hnk terms on all Road masters, if nouiht through us. Prix ale lalet financed Also used trail ers and ttailer aupphes. Ernie Hill Trailer Sales II mile N. of Oakland nn Highway to rn, uaRiana jaa Time For Sale, Misc. 18 SPORTSMAN'S HOUSE TRAILER 12 ft. plywood trailer house, with built in, sink, double bed. completely wired! Ford wheels, good tires, lows easily, built especially for hunting and fishing Cost K40O to build. 2 years old. Needs some repairs. $2O0. cash. Phone 1224-R. RECONDITIONED CORONA PORT ABLE typewriter. 3 bank keyboard jC'all 984-H. FOR SALE 18 ft, 141 Traveteer trailer. stationary bed. Butane equipped. Electric refrigerator. $450. Ph. ll7:t R-:i. SPANISH GUITAR and Amplifier. Ex cellent condition. Or will sell ampli fier separately for flu. This Is one half original cost. 4t0 Patterson, or see Bill alMiller's. FOR SALE New Universal range, fullv automatic, double oven Ace Electric, 749 So. Stephen!. PHILCO Console model radio-phonograph, $47. Roval vacuum cleaner with attachments, $20. 876 Cummins St. Ph. 747-RX-l. 14 TUBE Con soU radio. $:. Ray's Truck Shop, 20j5 N. Stephens, Phone 1848-J. I USED BATHTUB; I German air rifle; 1 outboard motor, Arthur Grlsse, Win chester, Oregon. DAVENO'AND CHAIR: electric tove". Coronado washing machine; 1 box springs and mattresses. 550 Fowler. Ph. 5;i9-L-X. ORGAN, violin. 13 bass piano accordion. 5 siring banjo, guitar, clarinet, auto harp. Special price. Phone MJ8-J-3 after 6 P.M. FOR SALE U'xUV finished cabin - to bejuoved. Bai1, Winchester. FOR SALE Golf Clubs and bag; 3 woods. .1 Iron!, :i.1. Ph. 1078-J. FOR SALE Frlgtdaire range. 3 yenrs old, excellent condition $110 1821-J. FOR SALE Practically new Coleman Deluxe Blond Console oil heater Fan and thermostat. See at Cooper I across from new Green School. BABY BUGGY foe ale. Good condi tion. $15. Ph. I9.L.X. FOR SALE One Easy washer, first class condition; one gas range; din. etle table. See them at 503 So Ste phens Sl. GREENHOUSE 7'.xI01i Cedar conduction. Complete with Ventilators, door, benches, and electric wiring. Two men can move completely set Up. Cost $27.30 ell lor $173. Two carbon electric heater thermostat, and relay awiU-h, $M. Call Evenings 1712-J USED RANGES. refrigerators and washers. 90 day guarantee. Reasnn priced. Umpqua Valley Appli ance. 120 W. Oak. Plan Now For the New Year . . . WEEKLY TIM'E At PAYROLL "KCORD Utl!itv line, simple, accurate. Ideal for logging companies and small mi us. Giel aid for tax returns nd wilh holdtng. W-2 Form Also Availanle. Plan now for 1931. MID OREGON PRINTING & Stationery LI7 S. Stephens Phone 51 FOR SALE "Like new Duo-Term 4-3 room oil heater $5V complete With 110 gal. drum and all fixture, or $50 for stove alone. 508 Henry Si Ph. 4H7 RX. Please see this Tuesday, r NEW 5 Kilowatt 110 volt A C. Itht plant Wisconsin VE 4 power, manual control. 1 new 5 Kilowatt. 110 volt AC light plant. 4 cylinder Hercules power, remote control. See at Model Market, Winston. . River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS We have an abundant supply. PAUL CASEY B57 W. Monher floi;e117V "FLASH!" FOR BERT buy In new and used trail ers with lowest finance rates, shop BtRKETTS TRAILER SALES. 444b Hwy 99, So.. Eugene. Oregon, pn. 7J4.i7. . F'ENCE POSTS for sale. Roseourg Shingle Co.. on North Umpqua Road. TOR SALE Brd Daveno. Price $20. Mr. Frank Drews. Winston. FOR SALE Floor length mtrror. table model radio, girls h.evrle. 9x9 hn oleum. All in good, condition. 331 S. Pine NEW TYPEWRITER. ""used two weeks. Smith Corona Special. Call 1781-J. 4 CHROME CHAIRS S4 each. 1 metal frame bathinette. Very good condition, $10. Ph. .196-H-... FOR SALE 1 pool table. 1 snooker table. Reasonable. Roseburg Armory. COFFEE TABLE, end table, bedroom set. including mattress and springs davenport set. Call 49H-J-1 after p.m. TOR SALE 400 Amp electric arc T welder in first class wind .Hon. com olele. $273. Also heavy ft drag mw Phone 50-F-2 Art Herrman. t, mile N. of Melrose Store. FOR SALE Bendlx vi-mat.e with automatic soap inlector No bolting down. Like new. See Roseburg Elec tric. FOR SALE 3 NEW M W. 8.25x30 10 -ply siiper '.eVvice tires. Cost M each. Jell O for W3 35 ecn- Fn .U7-R-3Q EASTERN BUILT TRAILER for sal 1911 model. Complete wilh bathroom. Can be financed. Nebo Trailer Park, Highway 99. N. WELL-BERRIED Christmas Holly. Dai Zeller. Brock wav WALNUT DINING ROOM table and 6 chair. 8fi8 SO; Upright Grand. Schu mann and Sons, with bench, oak fin ish mirror panel. ery good condi tion W3 . lei mm It desired Eve. mugs at 12.12 Military or ph. 1143-L-X. BOY S SCHW1NN bicycle, large tr. food condition. Ph. W70-L after 6 LARGE FLOOR FURNACE complete with electric fan and 173 rat. oil tank lnuie 2nd house on right. t Mvrtlewood Shop, Winston, Oregom. By Jimmy Hatlo $0 TODAY HE GETS 4M OFFER LIKE THIS IN THE MtIL M0i?AL:MAKE'EM pitch toya, KIP! ' For Sale, Misc. 18 JUST ARRIVED! SMALL SHIPMENT OF SINGER FEATHERWEIGHT PORTABLES. For Chriitmas Delivery Small deposit will hold one of these machines until Chriitmas SINGER SEWING CENTER 204 N. Jackson Miscellaneous 19 1 OR t PASSENGERS wishing ride to Oakland. Calif.. Thursday evening contact O. J. Shanafelt, Lock wood Mo tors. Fuel 20 LOG ENDS, fireplace, cook atove and furnace wood. $1. per unit you haul. No deliveries Sullivan 8c Son Lumber Co., 3 miles No. of Roseburg on 99. DOUBLE LOADS Peeler Core SU.OO; mill ends and fireplace, $15; 3 Inch planer ends, $12.50; 1 1 nch planer ends $10, we also have plentv of drv wood. Call Claude Willey, 1S-J-3, or 143-J-3, 1502 East Douglas St. Timber & Sawmills 21 WANT DOUGLAS FIR POLES AND PILING delivered to our yard. Good spread of peeled sizes, also aom barkies, Pugej.Timber Co. WANT TO BUY POLE STUMPAGE. In terested In summer or winter show. Puget Timber Co., Box 48, Roseburg WANTED SECOND GROWTH LOGS C O N T ACT W ILBURLUMBE RC WANTED 2nd growth log L E Sullivan A Son Lumber Co., 3 mile N on Highway 99 WANTED Pole Stumpage, Winter show. Phone 18-F-22. WANTED -- Second growth timber, cat show. Nelson Bros. Rt. 1, Box 2.18-A, Independence, Logging Equipment 22 RELIANCE LUMBER TRAILER. 24'. roll, dual axle, all new tires In- Trucks 26 1948 LATE ton Studebaker truck flat rack. Neho Trailer Park, 2443 N. Stephens at office. AXLE SHAFTS for all make of trucks. Rav's Truck Shop. 2055 N Stephens. Phone 4B9-J-4. ANDERSON BROS. Phone 5-6463, Eugene Parts, motors, axles and dual drive. Guiberaon motor and parts. Or Call Portland TW 8883 1941 FORD DUMP 5 yard 2-speed axle; , new 100 H P. Megcury motor. $450. or best offer takes. Mobile Station. Oak and Stephens. Phone 1247 or v lbOfrJ-X I. PRICED TO SELL 1946 1 Ton GMC, stock rack, ready to go. 1M7 INTERNATIONAL Weat Coaster. 3010 rear axle. 70S B-lipe. Frue hauf log trailer. 1M7 FORD Ca hover engine, 2 ton, new motor, new rear end, clean as a pin. TRUCK REPAIR A REBUILDING GUIBERSON DIESEL PARTS fc STARTFR SHKLLS NEW GMC TRUCKS SMITH MOTORS G TRUCK DEPARTMENT Hlway 9t N. Phone 199-R-l Autos & Mtr. Cycles 27 Q WANTED BY PRIVATE partv from private party -1 194 or 1930 car. Will trade good '37 Olds and pav dif ference In cash. Ph. 9995, Suthertln. TOR SALE BY OWNER Chevrolet I9S0 Fleet line 4 -door "axim. power glide, radio. heter. 80oAnles. just like new. Ph. loutf-J. See at 127 No. Kan. 1946 OLDSMOHILK " - "Will" sell $300 eguil or take in older car. New rub ber, all extras, good upnolstery. ex. cedent condition. Harmon L, Page, Nu 1 Gov't Housing. Sutherlin. FOR SV OR TRADE - '47 Mercury good Saaidition Ph 108-1 L MORE "MONEY for jour cr7t'asiii on the apot. Corkrum Motors. Inc , D Soto P 15 mouth. Phone 408, 114 N. Rose St. MODEL A SEDA4f)for sal. Call 77 R bejwieen 5 V and 7 p-tm 7fr CHfVR Ot t sejan diplfsr. f s Anni Pie Shop. Ph. 47-1-1. Autos & Mtr. Cycles 27 Lockwood's Used Cars BEST BUYS ANYWHERE 1950 MERCURY 4-DR SEDAN 2.193.00 1949 MERCURY 4-DR SEDAN 1995.00 1940 CHEV. 4-DR. FLEETLINE .1345.00 1949 FORD CLUB COUPE 1495.00 19- NASH CLUB COUPE 895 00 1947 FORD COUPE 995.00 1947 FORD CLUB COUPE 1295.00 1947 OLDSMOB1LE CLUB CPE .1295.00 1948 FOK FORDOR SEDAN 1095.00 1946 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE 1095.00 1946 CHEV. FORDOR SElfAN 995.00 1946 FORD FORDOR SEDAN ...... 1045.00 1846 FORD 4-DR 945 00 1941 CHEV. FORDOR SEDAN 295 00 1940 OLSS TUDOR SEDAN 495.00 1940 OLDS CLUB COUPE 475.00 1940 CHEVROLET COUPE 475.00 TRUCKS AND PICKUPS 1S48 DODGE DUAL DRIVE LOGGER 472500 1847 INTERNATIONAL U TON CHASSIS AND CAB 905 00 1946 FORD It TON PICKUP 875.00 1948 CMC. TON PICKUP 693 00 1938 REO h TON PICKUP 193.00 TERMS TO SUIT , Ph. 1181-J S. Stephens WANTED USED CARS L0CKW00D MOTORS PRE-INVENTORY SALE All Cars Priced To Sell NOW 1948 PACKARD SEDAN, beauti ful black finish, new white wall tires, spotless Interior, overdrive. electromatic clutch, loaded with extra $1795 1949 F R A 7, I R MANHATTAN like new inside and out. Every extra 1695 1947 DESOTO SURBURB AN pas senger sedan 1st class condi tion throughout. A real bargain for only 1695. 1941 NASK AMBASSADOR sedan 545 1940 NASH AMBASSADOR Sedan, overdrive, R Ar H excellent condition throughout 495 1941 PONTIAC SEDANETTE 445 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN, new paint, spotless interior. Only 445 1939 PLYMOUTH Tudor. Sedan, very clean .- 395 1940 MERCURY COUPE, new motor - -OS 1937 DeSOTO SEDAN, with '47 mo tor and new tire 275 1940 PACKARD SUPER sedan 245 1938 CHEVROLET SEDAN 245 1938 BUICK SPECIAL sedan 223 1938 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 15 1937 CHEVROLET 2-door aedan. extra good - 193 1836 CHEVROLET COUPE - 100 1937 FORD V-8 sedan . 85 1937 PACKARD sedan 85 193C FORD SEDAN 85 1933 FORD sedan, '46 motor 50 TRUCKS- & PICKUPS 1946 CHEVROLET TRUCK, Lum ber rolls and bunk! for short logs. Brownlipe. 2 speed rear end. tags, power lake off hoist, good rubber. This truck Is In cellent condition, ready to go to work. A real bargain for only - IMS 1946 UNIVERSAL JEEP aluminum cab, new tires, motor complet ely reconditioned - - 893 Better Buys at BARCUS ... Your Packard Dealer Highwa; M N. at Garden Valley Hi Phene I.l.i sirrwomtiD Kun REASONABLY PRICED GMAC TERMS o. Jk Oak CHEVROLET. Bl'ICK. PONTIAC, CADILLAC TRADE INS Hansen's UP CAR CENTER Autos & Mtr. Cycles 27 How Many Dollars Do You Want To Trade? . It'll take fewer than you think to exchange them for a really superior Used Car. Low prices, highest value . . . thafs our poli cy! Right now we have an especially attractive collection of rare values in Guaranteed Used Cars. All backed by our many years of honest dealing. Look at them today! Corkrum Motors, Inc. YOUR DfSOTO PLYMOUTH HEADQUARTERS 230 S. Stephens Phone 596-J We'll be here TOMORROW to Back up what we say and do TO DAY!" Personal 30 Poultry Growers Told How To Up Fertility Of Eggs By Paul W. Harvey Jr. A P Staff Corr.ipondent SALEM It was a sad day for the roosters when the Oregon Agri. cultural Experiment station found out lhat fewer of them would bs better for the hens. The slation discovered this year that using fewer roosters per flock produces more fertile eggs. Only five or six roosters are needed per 100 hens. When there are too many rooster, fertility is decreased, probably because of too much fighting among the roosters. If poultry breeders follow the advice, the number of roosters in Oregon would be cut in half. The station, however, hasn't been able to get very far in studying the 50 or so virus diseases of trees and plants. In fact, they have got ten just as far as medical men have in solving the problem of human virus diseases, like the common cold. But progress is being made to ward finding the insects which carry the virus diseases from tree to tree, and from orchard to orchard. The researchers identified one species of leaf hopper which carries a virus diseases of cherry trees. The idea is that these virus di seases might be stopped by kil ling the insects which spreail them. A new Concord grape industry for eastern Oregon might come from the discovery that they can be grown there profitably. Tests are being made to find out what kind of berries can best he fruzen or canned. And a lot of time is being spent trying to pro mote the idea of freezing fruit or berry pies. They can be frozen, unbaked or baked, and that might develop into a big business for somebotly. Sawdust Bsntfitf Crops Use of sawdust as a mulch for horticultural crops was tested this year, and the station found it im proved crop yields. But it warned that a lot of nitrogen must be used with the sawdust. Wrood nvolasses was found to he a good food for sheep, hogs and poultry. It comes from wood waste, and will save livestock owners a lot of money. The station is doing much re search in canning methods. It wants to make canned foods taste like fresh foods. New oyster beds, including re building the once-famous Vaquina bay beds, might result from the discovery of a method of raising oyster larvae in the laboratory. Raising the oyster larvae this way and then planing them would remove most of the hazards of the oyster industry. " Anew outlet for Oregon-grown flax might coin from the station's development of weavinfflax yarns into draperies, linens and uphols tering materials. The station saKI samples of flax fabrics got a good reception he fore fabric designers and manu facturers in New York City this year. Melha -e gas can be produced commercially from waste of fruit processing plants. This discovery also will relieve stream Dollution. because the waste products dumped into rivers wouldn't pro duce the gas which pollsafes them. Control of many ktnnVnf vege table pests was achievecfcjhe fast year. And even chrysanthemum lovers benefitted from the station., It is ri(Qlnping large-flowered plants which will grow -veil in the sver age man's garden.