o e 3a o o O O Don't Be As Uncertain As The Weather, Use Want Ads' f f 1 14 Th Nawi-Ksview, Roseburg, classified rates I I dT. ft WOT 1 Uv. " " I tUy. " 4 !! d CLASSIFIED ADveRTISINO Deadline 11 A. M. Day Publieatios CLASSIFICATIONS businsis orrosTimm BUU.BINO MATSSIAI. - OB TBAD1 . ' LOANS FINANCIAL . J HELP ! WOK WAHTSD -LOST rOONB FBUITi VBOSTABI.1B , BAI. OBAIM LIVESTOCK i rOULTBt . BABBITS tits 1 fob 1alb. mho. miiobllamious -IS VUtL TIMBtB SAWMILLS Loooixa m MACHINIST FOB SALB - FABU SOCIFMSMT TBACTOBS . TBUCBS . AUTOS A MOTOBCYCLBS , IMFOUNDEB " IMSTBUCTIOM FCBSONAL NOTICES . CHRISTMAS Gifts BULOVA THB WATCH Of A LIFETIME . ... h.v. MM lt I""1'" "" Chrlilmu Chriitie's Watch Shop jam W.lnul SI. lvr.id. Addition Bulov. DUIrlhulor lor Dm.fl" Counw Christian Christmas Gifts HIM, bookt. ChrlilBHf irtln nrti records, novelties. BIBLE BOOK CENTER us West ok Paint Your Own Xmas Gifts vjrtvri I'll A FT "IT fcumb-r S.1- CO ., 0.rd.n V.ll.y noad .1 SP. Tr.rlii. Ph. 1H. L . COLORrilL HANIJ LOOMED M.ny I'. Cir.nd for Chrl.liu... THE CLOVIR. XI1T H.rv.rd. POon. 444 J-4 nd .11 color. TMK CLOVER. 32" H.rv.rd Ph. 444-J-4. , " rOR XMAS CIVB HFB A Singer Electric Cabinet SEWING MACHINE OnW W down, H h roonth ORDr.R NOW TOR YOUR XMAS DELIVERY SINGER SEWING CENTER Boseburg CHRISTMASHOU,Y.4: N. Pine TOR SALE First time """eft -ratlv - hound pup from Norlhwel most famous big gam hounds Na tural irea dogs uarcv jnnra Brother sto. k Offered; 3 five months old. order taken on III er on mo old; one hrd hitch. 2, ear. Shetland ponies offered for Xmas sale. Buy xour bnv or girl one of these now. Pert Week I v, l F-4. Mvrtle Creek Bo.mer Hill Road. rnuKTUAH TREES 2V. Vc. and north Douglaa Hte1. Wl mi. Real Estate WANTED LISTINGS l.iaiinis on homes and small acreages a r soreiy needed ai our o"ir Drop tn and give us vuur listing, we will du our beat tn sell for tmi Call us lo see your property we will lake a li'ting at our homa. Lehman Real Estate Ph Tji-j 414 N Jackson LOTS FOR SALE West 2nd and 2nd Ave No 50 ft frontage, ihki. 40 It . WOO. LEE MORTENSEN, INC. SoPin. Ph lJ CLOVERDALE PARK NIW HOMFS FROM HMO LOW DOWN PAYMENT 2 and 2 bedroom KETfcLL REALTY CO. Office Cloverdale Park Ph l.Vtl 2I.M Hollis St CLOSE IN ATTENTION! City Workers You Can Go HOME FOR LUNCH W ithin a isRg Mock nf the postoffice. ( we have a nue, stuccoed, two tve-t ' room home on a paved walk and paved street You can walk on pave- ; ir n t all the way f mm a n v pa it f oseburg to this nie. modern place I There t a large front room with I French door to the master bedroom, j large hath, and another larue bed-I room connecting The kitchen la large with every rmuni able t pe of built-i l.i Utility room and full garage with concrete drivewa. The price i only1 ?fW. with very reasonable terms Lave you been waiting for a close In home? Well, her it Is. EHMAN REAL ESTATE 414 N. Jarkaan PS. laj. Of .-. D- 1,50 Real Estate 1 NirTY homi "MThl. to on ol ul" "" r town. Two B.drrnm... 8r,ow.r. Hrd Garag Let U Show Yuu. 6800. full P rtc, ami i arm. here it, wi r you Interr-jed in horn . a Bargain ? Two Brdroom Home. Well Constructed, Large Lot. Flower and Garden. AN for tetijOO Full Price - lim Down. BH SW per month. II inter. ted. SEE AND BWV- - ....... hnrn mvlthigll A iisrv nice three bMrDOHi n0 l fancv piaster mo 11 .f ,,9 ,, ' Kil,Euy Term, tall L. ANOTHER BARGAIN OnW 22 1 "0. Full Price -! J""' one-neii -r - nme ilmwt new furniture Fir value thi little plc n 1 celled. Valley Real Estate Agency 111 W. few SPECIAL S B R modem home ner wmniw ftrnnni tiarasjr. " .- . mrvlel rar "rt down payment Pnred la aell at (00. Only 1W-J00 down. L P. McAneney, Realtor 202 Weel Caaa HI Phone FOR SALE Buamea building, or aullaOl for rfmnnnnn "" 1K25 R 4 or Inquire W iUon g Fruit Mar ket. Winaton. 16x20 houie inaide unfinished: haa eler tnr lighti; water oon. Prlre lH7.i ; 2W down pavmenl. A. T lukadorf, Winston. Oirgon. ,VLJ.---own1T.vn,,nV- A, ! Furnl.h.d Ap. $45 mo. utiliti.. pIllo,..rn"BrAM',-.no',Tjp.id. Yo b-V lf. 0. - Should qualify tor loan t 5200. SPECIAL Writ. Box 592, Nwi-Riew n1 . Garage. The houae is furnished wnh Chair. Dmhee and other misc. turns tiood Spring water la piped to ! house. One block r i:iano Will take 11500 down. I acrea level land on Hwv ft North The owner la leaving en" "-'" SELL Ynu ran huv It for lllVMi ml and for as lIMIe as 7i no down and the balance on very good teima. William A. Oerding Realtor Insurer Van ... 124 West Case St. Phone 113 Otir anpplv of good ranchee and la felling low inn inr nn.-..M Increasing. W Will appreciate; list. Inge. L. P. McAneney, Realtor 2nj West Case Bt Phon"LR-?? FRED L. DOW CIVIL ENGINEER AND LAND Sl'RVKYOR 124 2nd St..SiHherjin Ph. 40t FOR SALE New. three bedroom h"Ue Hardwood floors throughout. Inlaid linoleum on kitchen and utility and bathroom floors. Formica drain board. Tile drain hack and bathroom walla. Slab poured for two car ga rage. Must aell. WiWM l.oia for sale, t-imi . end up l percent down. Win ston. Phone l.lwu-R L FOR SALE - lo Acres. 30 ' ree till able no buildings ;A .round 2M M ft good timber. .Inquire HIS Templln FOR RALE Equity In modern 2 bedroom home near Vets. Ellen Ave. No Salurdev calla FOR SALE 11 acres. 1 bedroom. modern house, Z piniirr n' Hlihway frontage. s- 1 bus Vallev malt route. 1 Sto pe It. g'Ktd term. Ph. . Camas Valley, SMALL HOI'SE. firnlhed. hot and cold water, elect rlrily Left on m). north of Airport. 21 Sweethrlar Ave SERVICE STATION. 2 gas pumps, !rease rack, hoist, etr . rage 1H to. modern home.. 4 cabins All lor t)4 iinj. t'nbelievahle. but true1 MOTEL. 7 units, ; strictlv modern, kllrhenettea nicely furnished, plus 2 bedroom, modern, fm nished home, glti.om). A giMMl, ateady income. Lloyd A. Wilson, Broker BM S Stephens SPECIAL We have 1 A Melrose area which wi are privileged lo rent for t4 (Hi pe ... ... . fc t- hni al t lh.WIKI 1mm. Poss Just the place for cow. horse or tew sheep God high fence large Waler and Elec. C, bus and RED. L. P. McAneney, Realtor 202 West Cass St Phone IH23 DOES NOT OVERFLOW u readv hitnte Two bed familv nr.hatd. new , eledric pump, dailv bus. ind free soil term ("has Kes. tax and Dxualas barn, 4 Ion h mail, school Price STiNxi Bioker. Huh DECEMBER SPECIALS ABOVE AVER At;E 2 bedroom. vr old home. AH platci ed. inu taint, atirarln e exlr i ior deaian. attached pllonslU inn dow n. nn n rent lon I mts mediate piwsession. .ng this NICE S ROOM home near new Fuller ton school on Virtic1e Carpeted liv ing and dining rimm ttiot Overhead aiorase space in attached gat aue A good v alue at Jwvxi lull pi ice Rea sonable down payment and eaily ps aesiin STANLEY E. SHORT Phone K2-B EXTRA SPECIAL 1 ROOM HOUSE with esrage phis A near Sutt-etlin on Hwv 22 Com p'etelv ai'd fn w ell furnished L. P. McAneney, Realtor Phone 182.1. REAL VALUES BRAND 2 Krdr, ! read to move uiii Hrdo-v1 fl.ius Iteautifi il planer inch sob I fliH.is One of the pet'er built new honte Nice h1h fr h tub and show n . insulated w n.d for range, elecU'c wiei ticatet. Md sired lot In Ma fulleiton School Hist FHA lerms N ou gel teal value here. Don wait if m need a home. OWNlt TRANSFERRED BEDROOM p!leied home reduced n price Owner has mttv ed from Roseburg and mua sell Hardwovl flotars. Oil furnace, fneplace. wired for range, built in 148 bath w ith tub and shower, aw.ii, Goi.d term. Seo ihia Mvda. L B. HICKS, REALTOR Lobby Hotel Grand PH. 127T-T Real Estate 1 INSURE GAINST FLOOD LOTS CLOSE IN WM, EASTWOOD ADDITION Build above tha high water m4fffc LEE MORTENSEN. INC. 2oo a. Pine Ph. jwn 227 Acre, sheep or toe; 2 bedroom. modern nnuit, jooa mrm, f"-" i down. RP'D 3 Box 17 25. Surveys Maps Plant Perry C Armstrong r-ivtl Insinssr So Main St Ph 17 I A wavs Have It iurveyea Jim Daugharly, th engineer. Ph. 1114-J rfit'lTY FOR BALE" Lt"'W. 4 -i,nlihH hniii. 2 room MV it 'conrrete founftllon Five from toeloffire 2.Vi Will like 27 Ireiler perl p) mint. 15 W. Ln St. A HOME FOR XMAS Lovelr S Br plastered home Lge M nod location Paiio. fireplare. (niiut it berries Completely lurnisnefl i u ..i..r rrne At ranie. new i t.onal dinette se. lawn 'urn Hi" eir Sacrifice all except ailverware t linena. New 4 rm mod eubr home 1 dry ae it private beach 47.V. FULLERTON REALTY tM N. Blepheng P- " Rentals FOR RENT ! FOR RENT ! FOR RENT 2 sleeping room, on E. i ... ts.iL.n rti.tsnrl to town. bus service. Men prefer red Ph.3 L OFFICE SPACE It rent AUpaugai Bldg.( Mrtla "reek. SLEEPING ROOM. M7 West Moaher. roR RENT fueepma rwimi: walking d is la me of pomni e. nL ROOMS NOW AVAILABLE at weekly winter ratea. Phone 4io,HoteIValley. WARM BLEEPINO ROOMS 100 Bpmcg t. at loot Oi wasniiiami. SLEEPING ROOM. Jh. 422-L, 2ROOMr'urnlshed apt. PJwnS24. HOOM"OlT C ENTLF.M AN. 4lt Fowler. SLEEPING ROOM forwent. Ph. U03 J rooms. 1:1:1 N. Flint. BOARD AND BOOM, gentleman. B.15 S Stephens. "CLOVERDALE'PARK NEW HOMES f 72 00 per mo. . tfl 00 more Bedroom S bedroom KETELL REALTY CO. Ofrtco Cloverdale Park Phono liU Holll L Follow sign at Highway ond Alameda Stirel . FOR-RENT Two bedroom, fullv fur nished house, wHh Mirage. Laige loi Wilh iardt-n spot, lawn and flow" Adults prrfetied Meteren.ei. Will lese Box K.. News-HeMew. NICE ROOM, quiet. 1 block fromDrive In Cleaner. M4 Cobb SI Ph. 4.U-J. TMEOAKS TRAILER PARK. 74 Short St, near ever thing Electric washer and drier Sewer connection. Also sleeping room and apartment. TRUCKS FOR HENT You drive, long or short trip Ilea Hive truck rental. 7:l Soulh Stephen Phone l4:Mi-J nonM mil rknt for 1 or 2. with or without kitchen privilege. Fowler HOTEL CREASON 4 upstairs over Henntnger Mart n Jackson St. 40 ftno warm room d equipped with Simmon Spring, and Matlresse 0) Single room from II 7S up gj I'nder New Management, 1-ow winter rate. For Weekly and Monthly rentals 0 Call IIM for Reser'alions. FOR RENT Furnished apt.-Adult nnlv. !12Brockwa. MOOEHN. 1 room cabins Wilson's Auto Cnurl. W ilbur Ph Wi R.4 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT HOTEL CREASON Cell 11!4 or 211 for rate FOR RENT OR SALE, modern house j ( at t.lirfe rhone mm j s-t'HNISMED CAHINS. tin and 12 week ahle monthlv 3' a miles N rntes I'ni-ific Ca hi ns. on M Ph ml J 2 .1 HFHROOM home, unfurnished VT9. 1 per month Rent nr leaae Ph 1U 1 FURNISHKD V) mo 1S week." heat and liahis included. 1 room bachelor apt Clean, pn ate entrance. 1X1 So. Pme FOR HENT 1 ear old. t fiimnhrd 2 hedro.itn home; nmnlelel bath and M, vene- ihnurt. .!! to wall caipetin, htinds and drapes. lliO. nlh SAS Bi er ROOM FOR RENT ilh rommunitv kitchen, separate tables, reasonalile. Kmolov ev. people preferred Ph 12 L. 2 HFUROOM HOUSE. Sanford and Kne nt room, heated, d w ater In room. pfivale entrance Call 771-L. PARTLY F1 ' RNISHFD APT Married c.Miple pielerriHl. tall lx7 R after PM ... SMALL :i room, partlv furnished htaise. 3 miles out. Inquire ;iJo W Cass St. FOR HENT 3 anls Clean, furnished. ISO flo 1CH Hsirl' 2 BEI1ROOM HOUSE With gas rente. uihhI heater, automatic gas hot water tank. Located at nl7 W Lane. ITS. (Mil at .UK E 2nd Ave. N. FOR RENT - !t room house." acres. 1 mile E of Tcnmtl on highwa. Ph 1 78.1. X 2 ROOM . partlv furnished apt within walking distance Stringer Shoe Re- hinl.lio, .li) N Jackson. 2 ROOM APT, furnished. Adult only. 4..0 N Pine FOR RENT - - 1 room, 'furnished apt. HO Chestnut Rt wtRV COMEOHT ,Bl E SLEEPING ROOM. 2. pel mmith. Ph. ITti-t R FURNISHED CABIN for rent, couple onlv M.M F.t.1 Ph 118.1 HX . . TWO ROOM, furnished cabin Light and waier Inquue Speedwav t afe. 3 mi.e, S. R-eburg Highway W FOR RENT rvom ept . mifcirnished except tor heater 1024 So Main ROOM FOR 1 or 2 ladies IHI'4 S Main ROOM FOR WOM.Ui Fowler rOH SINGLE PEHSfN - - nee I opt range and refrigera1 tile sir shower lfiale taih aod en- t'ance svo a month 17 H I IKniglas. Ph l77-R 1 or I li7-J ? room upstairs apartment with hath New and clean New ap sie as ranae Oil circ healer Kitchen 1 a A l.ihle and chairs Hot vd cold water. ectric light UVC uded Kent t ' Mo, 'm new 1 bedrrom home for rent, just finished living nom wuh fue place Oming room 1 ,uce bedroom. Bath and utilit ro. aa, Fiectnc hat in all room lurrlsixol fl.Hr Gat age a-id large sin age r"n Excellent location and cl.ae in Rent to -espon-sihle pari tor fiiomi per M.. or w ill lease for one ear. WILLIAM A. OERDING . 124 West Case St They'll Do It Every J HE! VOiAL HAVE 70 we DOWH SOME Of Tt4E FEMCSCS I CIM miOAO THIS MERE Lai- GRU N K & S K Rentals RENT. LEASE OR SELL New modern 4 -bed room home' all mod ern contemences 2""7 Eden Ine t all E. B. Oldfleld after P M. Hfi.Jl. 2 BEDROOM HOME, nlcel furnlahed. Write Newa-Review Bo3M. on furnished 3-room and bath F tret house west of Porter Creek mill on Highway 42. Apply Sat or un. only. WARM BASEMENT room, for man. ery reasonable. 1203 N. Jackson. Business Opportunity 3 Fuller Brush Co.. 26 1 -J-1. FORSALE Thriving text bustnesa See owner at Bridge Tavern, Canyon vtlle, Oregon. Loans CASH LOANS $20 to $500 UP t 2300 on your lignaturo, Furnt turo or Livestock. CP to vm on your Auto (paid for or Neetly everyone qusiiun - - the manv liberal loan plan available to choose from at Calkin Finance Co SERVING ROSERURG s AND St'BROUNDINU TOWNS. CALKINS FINANCE CO. JOT i3rd flr Pacifie Bldg. Ph. 46 not. I M M7 S-2M SALARY LOANS LOCAL LOAN CO. Ph. 1172 Le . MfT 115 No. Jackson S 275-M-253 Financial REAL ESTATE CONTRACT fr I ?.? rd. . n,r srir.:', nr;;, Hill sr I I " . "'..V.vV some change See, at Haiel Green Real Estate, Suth- yrlin nnnnonji w-r-,-rvn -i Wanted 8 jfNK Batteries, aluminum, copper, bras, scrap iron and Uuck Bobs Sa 1 - vaf Yard, IViU R r RUY USED T1RFS j. r U1U"T1 Welder. 414 W Lane. WANTED TO BUY Hides. Roseburg Meat Co . phone 2M , WE PAY CASH for ivn J Goodman Jackson WANTED TO BUY All kinds of far- nitiire lt us mo on i fumiture. Call 803-R at N. Jackson Street WANTED BEEF. VEAL AN O PORK FRED BOYER Phon 022-R-3 r 1M6-R. or write , WANTED TO RENT OR BUY " I 1 w heel chair Write to Mrs Alfred Le j BB,,C( l.arley Rt . Mrtle Creek. Ore gon Mllini. FACED COUPLE washed out bv flood, greatlv In need of :t or 4 room, unfurnished house, reason a hie rent. In o. near Roseburg Ph. 1.WVL. Help Wanted 9 FORFIGN DOMFST1C- .mr.lmro.nt 0.1. Sl.n.pod .ov.lnp. hr.o.. dj .rrtptlv. Hiform.lion. Chi.l, Box O-wi. OLD RELIABLE National concern opening for men I ar necessarv. .i r.maxim. Qualified leads furnished. j MliryMr. Hick. 2.WN. . rT-n- Stephen i IX,,rKirNO-r BODY and fender, " r.irkrum Motors. 114 N Rose i W ANTED to car. for . vear old cnnoi w ni-.-. -' " -i and some wages. Evenings otf If de. .,,.1 v dt inker or ngaret smoXer Call at I44 Cedar St. after 4.10 PM. ' PRUNFR WANTED for pear tree: ) a'so man tay- grub around pear tree. '"TKD ' V. 'nr r' 1 Aii winter lob News-Review Box S7 CONTRACT LOGGERS fotv MM all vear all vear have euirnStnt amund joo - ghtv Broe, Men Wanted o TO TRAIM foe essential nationa' fens work. Earn while u , See Mr. Christophier at the Grand Hotel 1 0 P M . I PM. jno PA Thursdav. and 1 00 AM friday. A, UT i". I XRPE '. I -1 I I I I - I I 1 I hi ,... Time IT COWN THEN PUT A04IN' AH EYE CHART A A Ibt" 11 AFTF R 4 Work Wanted 10 OLD OR NEW FOUNDATIONS put under house. tAM and up. Garage built, tooo and up. Free eelimate. Ph. noo-B-l INSIDE PAINTING. All work guaran teed. C R Miller, 112 Brockway St. Ph. 1404-RX. WANTED Carpenter work by hour or contract. Reasonable price. s41 Short St. WILL TAKE CARE of children during day while motherwork.Ph. 3A8-J-4. WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN In my home, day. 201 Sanford. HARD WORKER! Want Job anywhere. Would prefer mtllwnrk. cat skinner, or truck driving. 1702 Harvard Ave., upstairs. Septic Tanks Cleaned No Job Too Ltrg. or Too Small Kn Mil.af. ROSERI'RO SANITATION SERVirB Ph. Itov-J XlM N St.ph.ns llno 4n.w.r.r.ll lodT-R WELL DRILLING F H A TERMS Rt 1. Bo81 H. D V.lll.r. guaranteed" Sewing Machine Repair Call 74!. J or leave at to Military. WANTED Lumber or abort I o g hauling for dual drive truck. Ph. : 17-J Dennia Matthews, 410 E. 2nd Ave So UMPQUA TRANSFER Large and email job done. Livestock etc No call Saturdav Ph. lo7-J HANDICAPPED WAR ' veteran with femllv needs Job. Driving dump or jtliery truck preferred Ph. lflH.VR-1. T 4 A MOTORS Complete brake Job, parte and lalK,r - 13!W Transmission and differential overhaul 27 50. up. Ph. l.w.i. EXPERIENCED " CARPENTER want work Ph W 21 i EXPERT TREE SERVICE Frea eT-, timale. Ph Hkiil-J HOUSEWORK" WANTED by the hour. Phone 1W J 1. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE INrOMff TAX SERVICE PAYROLL REPORTS REASONABLE RATES 23 tears experience Phone 14S-RX "DOUGLAS COUNTY SANITATION SERVICE seot, t.nk. cleaned. No milei gi r ru llBDBCtlon 2111 or 2-Vi4. y NT SOME SEWING dnne' Bring tour sewing, altering and buttonholes! " . m V? lm .W5i JPlne" i"""' - - - - " i" - WDKK WANIf.ll - nun -iisiu i or weather IM ooo ;ona in, ,. work. Reliable, dependabl oie. Phr ie 141 R -1 W ILL GIVE BEST OF CARE to rhtl - will with lunch furnished Ph. 320-R -2 ' evenings '';'""' mil B A Clnvsp.l.ls 1 Park - - - -- . . HOUSEKEEPER with 9 veer old son would like worn, win care mr i children Marion Menderona. lit road to left after passing airpon. nwm 22 on left. Lost & Found 11 SALVAGED BOAT from flood. "Contact Rt .1. Box 80 REWARD TOR RETURN of Argui i C-3 i camera taken from house at Doer- i i l Anknui Road be I i tween Sept. :to and Nov loth Mr , : B Compion. car of Biversid School. . 1MB P.t St ' MAYTAG WASHER and Frigtdalre re WILL PARTY WHO FOUND ring "in ; ""2r llk " c irt- Cr,rr l mooua Hotel rest room, please leave' i!V 3: at Hotel Desk? Fruits & Vegetables 12 SPITZENBFRG APPLES, Claypool Garden. Garden Vallev ORTLEY. tlELlCIOUS." Newton. II. to si mp How 1 Mile West Look inula Store. Bring contain rs. closed Sun da'' Mirth Ranch. a phi 1 " stnitrenberr. Newtown. N. Crime. Bui It farm for less "n nainers. f- , - - SPIT7ENBEHG ANtt "RJLEY apple, 1 and l 0 per tvx O G Roger. , m rt lonkiniiliu Store li ml l LaMininiw wwt. twwwyv,wvlrvrv - . j , nay orain & reea lovTrr fiTtsiT, aecond and third euttinf alfalfa ,,s. t Also good hnr hav. All very . C!? CMirUM' 4lese;.i.d,n & t' j .l GOOn CALIFORNIA AIf1f. haled r-onn PAI.IFORNIA Alf - , rrsnk G. O Bnen. Mvrtle i-rMk - (ai t.if n.ld Alltm hav "--1st. ..,. r.'.s trA r icin ;ilA vetch and rve' grass hav Vr red Neal, ,Bf v rtla ..Orr KmI. .astvrtle, Creek Ph. 4L o Livestock 14 FOR SALE Shetland pony with eart Well. trained inri ao I and kmd Infect Xma gift. Ph. : 1 V J .1 f J Ca I W 4 VTE n A't krnd M ftssiocR. H. M. I Co. Call R J4 4sr lftVS-R. By Jimmy Hatlo niiiin ivl BW BBB M s. ISfg? I rs tv j SAN FSAhC,SCO,CAi.lF. Livestock 14 COWS WANTED - Either milk or boef. ' your piece, pay yuu tor wrni un u . commissions, no promise, no hauling. or any other rhargea. In Rose burg two daya a week jut drop card and give location Oscar Shelter. C res well. Ore Licensed ifll and bonded bv State. Need several milk cows to freshen any time within 3 month. WANTED Darrlll Rav. 4VX1 Booker Boad Rose burg. Ph. 17bO-J-4. FARMERS SUPPORT YOUB LOCAL ROSEBURG AUCTION Market where you're alwavs assured I of a fair price AH stock I bringing I lop prices ana mere is a mm: arnmim : rrports and auction news, tuna KRXL. 1 gOOO aairy cnw rur insini Time I2U u 12 1 Turn eat at Garden Vallev Boad i Junction Phone IU1 j WEANEB PIGS FOB SALE. Ph.23-F-12 , FOR SALE Gentle, mstched bay I mares; one sired hv Golden Rocket, coming .1, broke, bred In Gold King ether, . mother of Cold King and bred back to him Will sacrifice greatly for quick sal. C. A. Bias,, Glide School. j Carr's Gold Star Chicks Hatching Eggs Wanted PULftORL'M CLEAN Carr's Hatchery ' Of Looktngglas h W-f-S Rt 4 Boar 1.T70 FRYERS. 34c live. 4Bc dresed. Mc pan read Home delivery. Write Jurgen sen. Rt. 3. Box BOS. ' - - FOR SAl NOW K H. Cmcks. Pon- h 168 laving. Wriite 1-eg-. Boone. RL 1, Box ton Hatchery, i DOZEN young, horn hens. D. I 124. Rabbits 16 ZEALAND WHITE rabbits; 3 buck, and hutches 2nd1 of Mrllewood Shop. Win- . ft NEW 14 does, house E ton. yWMiMwAMMirwwir Pets 17 m GRA-HO COCKER KENNELS Ph f0 or neg inn pea. puppies, colors Stud service. . ( . IcoK t Kaaaa C Kh. JO'J - SIBERIAN SLED DOG puppies. Phone ( l t;j.u i p -..ItX,.! r'anariac 1 1 OS Whartnn fn. SIS -4 a St . r-i'nr.Mntu iocncr pops i" 3 Bo K 1M Ph i2tW-Y. FULL BLOOD Cocker pup f"r aale. 11 gth houso on Tipton Road. Ph 1W1-J 4, LOVELY PEKINGESE puppte for Xmas. W atch for sign. ADORABLE LITTLE balls of fur - Pomeranian puppies. AKC registered. 14.17-R after li P M. For Sale, Misc. 18 i fOR SALE Like new Duo-Term 4-S room nil healer. t-SY Complete WHh 110 gal. drum end sll fixtures, or V) for stove alone. . Henry tt Ph. 47 RX. Please see this Tuesdav. I NEW S Kilowatt 110 volt AC. light control. 1 new 5 Kilowatt, lio'vtlt AC light plant. 4 cylinder Hercule power, reraote control. See at Model Market, Winston. - . FOR SALE Monarch electric range, j Condition, like new Reasonable. Ph, I 1 190 Y bob r,er si gOY'S JUNIOR SIZE blcvcle and ac. Almost new. Call , j ve. -AI r'lihn'i with our SECIAL XMAS SALE. f'J regular sale of household foods ami .ppi,ances To be held at Canvonville ( Auction Barn, starting UM PM. Sat- I u.d.v. Dec Located on North more electric range. oil heeler with blower, all in ; per rfeot condition Also set of blue I Willow dish ser . Phone isa. . Ph IST-L I NIW SINGER FEATHERWEIGHT !. . .V..'- a t 2 : FOR SALE P'acticaltv new Skil gs) S. Hamilton. Phone w. .V). , M AHOG ANY ilAHOCAVV COFFEE TABU. glass hrop mahog- 5 bassinette top. 218 Governor Win reiary dag with net top ana .Xit?. H AU tx (client condition . Ph. 31 -R -2. q row sjAli 2 wheel" trailer. rea.4l able. Ph 4S-J-3 after 4PM as tsMs s BUTuKc,ivr.:cr - I I I ? I I I 'I I I Poultry 15 tOH SALE Speed Queen washer.. lmone iron oea ani coi spring, Uanhoe oil heater. Brigg 4 Stratton gas engine. Call l-J- 4 i W ft VfW I wtn ..I . .. ii. fe.A.4i - new. PR. 1W0-J-1 For Sale, Misc. 18 SPARTAN 14' - 2d - - 24' The Life Time Trailer Has a bodv we belie v will Ust 90 cart or more- No dry rou Kit ir 14- ir Columbia 12 - 14' 20 22 23 The West's Fastest Seller and other Trailers of Quality Also used trailer, trade-ins accepted Bank contracts Contract to 3 ear on Spartan Earl E. Smith 47M to M So on Hw. Eugene. Oregon River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR -GARDENS AND LAWNS PAUL CASEY Mt W Moaher Phon 117Y "FLASH!" roi REST buvt tn new and ued trail- era with lowest finance rates, shop Bt'RKETT'S TRAILER SALES. 44 H i M. So . Eugena. Oregon. Pa. 7J4!V7 Ernie Hill Trailer Sales . a. mM ... c70Xn Alae iwed trailer and trailer Open evening and Sunday mile North Oakland. Hwy 9 Crawford Heal Estate Phone Oakland 2JJ2H FENCE POSTS for sale. Boseburg : Shingle Co.. on North CmpquaRoad . j EASTERN BUILT TRAILER for sale 10.M model. Complete with bathroom. Can be financed. Nebo Trailer Park. Highway WjN FOR SALE Davenport and chair, sewing machine, mattress .table and chairs. 2 burner hot plate. 12 ga. shotgun, ga motor, wheel barrow, chil dren s to. 12U W. 1st St. Ph. 476-L. WELL-BERRIED Chriatmaa Holly. Dale, Zeller, Biorswa. I WHAT WOULD MAKE A NICER GIFT , FOR AC NT LIZ THAN A SINGER CLEANER in, moat mrrari li biiiu buiiisiiuihi - cleaner In the world toda l.ieht In weieht. and with its poweitul dual suction it will simplify her cleaning problem throughout the t year. She will appreciate Ita ability to get under low furniture and will admire the miraculous convenience of the automatic cord control. See It to- . day. SINGER SEWING CENTER 204 N. Jackson St. 1 LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN Approx 50 ft. heavy track, flashing croin , light Semaphores gateman house bridge, switches and other gadgets. , Practically new. :t5.O0. Ph. 13H2-R-S. TITAN POWER SAW. excellent eon- i dilion: S ft bar and chain 22. 4:-Jt W. Oakland Ave.. Rose burg. Ore. Ph. a.rr-J-2. DAY BED. single or double or setee with folding mattrea. 2 electric irons, one cooker, oak library table. At 4X1, So. Main St. - 1 FOR SALE One Easy washer, first , class condition; one ga range, prac tically new; one gaa heating stove 1 In good shape; one Bigelow rug. 9x18. first clas condition: one Bige low rug. Bxft. praciically new. See them at 50.1 So. Stephena St. SPEED QUEEN mangle, slightly used,; reasonable, inu e.. LMiugias HOUSE TRAILER l.W. Pacific 14 Cabins. OH. Ph Boys'- Schw-inn bicycle, " Junior ir.e. S.t. rn. ittHK-J-. ran sale OR TRADE Butane stove and m gal. not water neaier ior same in electric: also StiO. equst: Ann fal Butane tank. ; miles north aero., from Sunset Food Market. I2H Club St. gIHL'S BICYCLE. 012 Mill, evening ; PACIFIC WATER SYSTEM, original ' cost, SIRS. Make me an oiler, hi. . Box 270. A. H. Mllier. FOR SALE Ifprtght pieno. set of orchestra drum, wood range with :m gal. tank and bras coils. Fault less washing machine, mo motor. 2 4xA window sashee and frames Handmade gift sets of pillow cases and crocheted articles, etc. Ph. 0O6-Y. i;cio Ballf I . . icBWiD AlivN .T . lY'I. j fn Wms.t ior appointment. FOR SALE - Electric stove. Monarch burner with oven, in good condition. I gftS. Ph 140. das. New 30-10 Rifle, S boxe shells , AV Ph. l:W3-Y. I almost new - Bn 1 I m-m M.V Ph. 12M RX. LOOK! Pre-lnventory Sale! Electric hnt wter heater Bathroom fixture Septic tanks Kitchen sinks Donrs and window Roofing Manv other Item at a reat saving to you. UITFR'S BLDG SUPPLY iUIICKJ OUrrUI 1720 Walnut Ph. 1297-B No Roseburg Just So of New Riverside School FOR SALE 2 Communttv "Concert ticket. Ph. H18-RX 1. R. A Schuli. Rt .1, Box 320. DAVENPORT SUITE, wine mohair. Ph. 1147. R or see at 419Benon St. 2 AXMINSTF.R RUGS, blue leaf pat- tern; X1Z, 1 ax in; a msirn- n throw rugs. Ph. 1147-R Of 41ft Benson Sl. FURNm'RE - Daveno. electHc range washing machine, breakfast set, sew ing machine 41 Pitier 22 ft TRATLER HOUSE, conveniently located ,sfki down. Ph. 1647-R-X 4 PIFCE WALNtT bedroom set with innersprlng mattress and box splrngs Ph. 1147-R or see at iv Benson St FOR SALE Registered Aberdeen"- Angus neirer. rjreo ana reaa ro Priced 'reasonh:v for immediate male Also complete sprinkler sxstem. gas driven, covers 1 acre per setting LK ft. pipe. 3. 4. and 5 inch Ren Hilton Bt. 2, Bos 411, Grant Pa Oregon , K,n SA, r Excellent et of 7 Wxl tire, tuoes. ana w nee n. ii moan a ! Inc"." Jown to drive them home See at 2TM N Stephen FOR SALE can milk cooler with , direct expansion reat or board This M dry storage oox tompieie iroi milker with 2 palls, also 4 10-gal. i milk can. Y. H. Kim. ph. 244. Suth-1 FOR SALE Hudson Seal fur coat. finger asp lengtn; iooui sita iw. as, . ! bargain- Call lfNR j - lsu ROYCRAFT IQfM'SE TRAILER 23 ft Vre refrigerator Quick sale, - ' IWOO Cash Evergreen Tra,lr Court. , 1 mat i control. 5o gal. ga tank. vr good condition 230. RL 2, Bo 8dS, miMITTY IN W ALL1CR AETFB .-xa 'mm (sasBt at a l IS lialle1. Tsal 1 m- mx. O For Sale, Misc. 18 1M4 ILCAR ft tr.ll.r houM. Com plct.ly iuipMd. llo. Lm lor r.ih. Lor.n Lockio.n. M.pl. Tr.ll.r Court, Mrll. CrMk. , FOB SALB D.v.no. WJ.Ph5l-J L Navy Surplus 3000 Watt ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT 120-340 Volt. AC or DC. Good a ROW. $400 Call 2144 Sutrstrlm Fuel 20 LOG ENDS, fireplace, cook stove and furnace wood. II per unit ou haul. No deliveries Sullivan & Hon Lumber Co . 2 mile No. of Rose burg on M. DOl'BLE LOADSeeierCorril3W0; milt ends and fireplace. SI 5. 3 inch planer ends. $12. V), 1 I nch planer ends Sin, we also have plenty of dry wood. Call Claude Willey. 1S-J-3, or 143-J-J, 1AA2 East Douglas SL Timber & Sawmills 21 USED SAWMILL EQUIPMENT HP 440 Vnlt. WW RPM Motor. Atr Opening Feed motor, in -feed table and roll. Also new and used baad- w HMnLn HUinT e, Arm vertical Lin - 42 fet long With 14 HP 440 Vnlt 121M) RPM motor. Brake and double reduction gear BAND SAW SHARPENER Arm strung No 4 RH. Motor driven with stands and No. 1 Armstrong Filing Clamp CCT OEF SAW Irvington JV, 10 HP. u voit Motor. S Cl'T-OFT SAWS Irvinaton. T' HP. Volt TACOMA LI'MBER FABRICATING CO. BOX 1113. TACOMA. WASHINGTON PHONE MARKET 1447 - TACOMA WANT " DOUGLAS FIR POLES AND PILING delivered to our yard. Good spread of peeled aires, also soma hark iea Pugel Timher Co. Timber FOR SALE Good winter how. old growth. Cash. g-'IVtn Black. 4 mile out No. Myrtle Ru. Mvrtle Creek. Oregon. WANTED 20MM feet timber, and up, wilhm.TO miles of RR : also tracts of small 'nd growth to 12 . nrrftt tit it e A. M. DOC WILLIAMS REAL ESTATE O Box VU Dial T-21DI Springfield. Oregon WE BUY DOUGLAS FIR LOGS ft to 48 ft: 10 (nch to 1. inck diameter. See Al Hendricks at DOUGLAS MANUFACTURING CO, II S. HQ. So, WANTED TO "bJY" Rough Green Dnuglaa Fir Clear In an Quantity thick neaa or sire in C Ai Better Bv truck to our plant at Har den Bring about 3 miki N E. of Springfield on Mohawk Highwav, or bv rail to Hendricks on Southern Pacific. AL CLEMENTS LUMBER CO. Eugene. Oregon P O Box ftoa Phone S-3.T1T WANTED .p.... r e-v s Tll I r C SECOND GROWTH LOGS CONTACT WILBUB LUMBER CO WANTED Good sawmill log. Good price Iverson Lumber CoPh 821 WANTED 2nd growth logs L E. Sullivan $c Ron Lumber Co.. 2 mi lea N on Highway W WANT TO BUY POLE STUMP AGE Iri terested in summer or winter show, Puget Timber Co.. Box 40. Roseburg FOR SALE Model M2 Hyster Lum ber Cnnier. laic model. Also 1 new R x 13 Planer. Kruse Lumber Co., Drain, Oregon. Phone 2tiHL Logging Equipment 22 FOR SALE ft. Isaacson dorer blade. Will fit D-T or equivalent sto rat s:n Don S Hills. Rt Machinery For Sale 23 LOGGERS!! CONTRACTORS!! Sell Your Equipment We Liquidate Your Machinery ROSEBURG TRACTOR A EQUIPMENT Yard and Office Flegel Transfer Rosehiiri. Oieion Ph. O-tft BUZZ SAW. 32 tnused "about 12 hour', tn perfect condition. 3.V hand winch. 4ono lb capacity with IV) ft. 3 cahle. used very little. 14 mile east of Sutherlin. E. L. Rogers, Rt. 1, Sutherlin. Tractors 25 T-T r.l -IT ..rln C.UrpUHr b hM ,Wn, winch. D-g cat, ft-R series Alt in good condition Ph. Mil. Brownsville. Oregon Trucks 26 HU LATE l' ton Studehaker truck flat rack. Nebo Trailer Park, 2443 N. Stephen at office AXLE SHAFTS for all make of mir. Rav'a Truck Shop. 205. N Stephens, Phone 4M-J-4. 1041 K.7 International milk truck. Ph. 8411, Brownsville, .Oregon. , SPEC AL ! , 1840 INTERNATIONAL KB 4 F S-wheU bunk. 1M7 INTERNATIONAL West Coaster. 3nin rear axle. 703 B-lipa, Frue hauf log trailer. 1M7 2 -WS' l" .V! TRUCK REPAIR REBUILDING GlWBERSOhJ DIESEL PARTS at STARTER SHEO NEW CMC TRUCKS SMITH MOTORS j TRUCK rftF A RTME NT a n eVone IM-R t I I OR SALE OR TRADE 1930 To I Dodge Dickuo 4 sieed trans- delu I cab. piv tires, 1 owner. Trade, j down pavment on 1 or 3 bedroom. CHFV'ROLET PICK'P 4 " ped , trasmBBBBaSB- fW.. KnliM W p n,VwlT. o