o o l The Rdi-lew, Rogburg, Or. Friday, Oct. 20, 1950 Local News In Portland Mr. and Mrs. Lou Gabel spent (our days in Portland last week on business. In lugena Mr. and Mrs. Paul, Helweg were in Eugene on busi ness Thursd. Licensed To Wed A marriage! "license has been issued at Van-I couver. Wash., to Donald Ru.it and Frances Wilson, both of Rose burg, j California Visitor Mrs. Carl Lanquist of California is visiting her sons, Ralph and Bill Schrader, and their families at. Melrose and taking care of business in Rose burg. She has been here for the past week. Vital Statistics Divorce Suit Flltd WILKINS Dorolhi A , vs William W. Wilkins. Plaintiff charges cruel and inhuman treat ment. She also asks custody of one minor child and $50 monthly sup port money, as well as certain per sonal property. KIDDIES' MATINEE SATURDAY 9:45 A.M. Roy Rogers Trigger 'The Gay Ranchero' IN COLOR Chapter II "Congo Bill" COLOR CARTOONS To Portland Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Newland were in Port land over the past weekend and spent Jtiunuay in cuKt-uc aucuu- ing a Kiwanis meeting. Discharged From Hospital Bill Hoelt has been discharged from Mercy hospital and is con valescing at his home at 743 S. Stephens. DARTo Honor Rogtnt The DAK chapter of Kosrbure. twill honor Mrs. ,eorge R. llyalop, stale regent, at a 6:30 no hotrss dinner at Carl's Haven, Monday evening. Oct. 23. Kor reservations phone 465-R before Friday evening. Rummage Sale Delta Kappa Gamma will sponsor a rummaxe sale at the Episcopal guild hail Saturday, Oct. 21. The aale will open at o'clock. Attend Dodication Mr. and Mrs. Paul Helweg and Mr. and Mrs. llarrie Booth attended the University of Hawaii and Wil lamette university football game at Salem last weekend and were nrewenl fnr the riprlir-atinn of the new McCulloch stadium. While in lalom thv vitileri Khirlev llel- weg and Harriet Booth, students at Willamette university. To Leave on Trip Mrs. Grace Ann Burns of Idly Id route plans to leave Saturday morning on an extended trip through Cali fornia, Arizona and New Mexico, then go on to Texas to visit her daughters and brother. In San Francisco Mrs. Bevans will visit friends who were her neighbors 20 years ago in Brownwood, Tex. In Los Angeles she will visit Mis. Rulh Brumbly at llunlia'ilon Park; and will then visit her cousin, Mrs. Callie U. Bnwen, at Santa Ana. She also plans to spend some time with her daughter in Dallas, Tex. Guests At Greenfield Homo Mr. and Mrs. Alex Olson and Mr. Olson's mother, Mrs. Agusta Ol son, are visiting at the L. W. Greenfield home on the Rifle Range road. They are from Fort Morgan, Colo. Mrs. Olson is Mr. Greenfield's mother. They are also visiting another son, Bill Greenfield, and family, of Rose burg, and plan to visit in Wash ington state before returning to their home in Colorado. Getting Certified Teachers Problem Of School Heads Roseburg school superintendent and principals attended the two day Oregon School Administrators association conference in Salem Monday and Tuesday. Attending were Superintendent Paul S. Klliott, high school Principal George Krickson, junior high Principal R. R .Brand, Rose Prin cipal Kli Hall, Fulleton Principal l.yle Fddy, Riverside Principal Karl I.add and Benson Principal Roy Cram. County School Super intendent Kenneth Barneburg also attended. The educators broke up into I groups to attend sessions pertain ing to particular fields of work, for supeiftitendenls, elementary, jun- j ior and senior highs. County su perintendents held i special ses- I sion Wednesday. j According to Elliott, the princi pal discussion for superintendents i was the problem of obtaining cer i titled teachers for their respective classroom work. At present more than 1800 teachers are employed ! on Emergency certificates, the j largest number of all time, includ ing the war years. Several prob 1 lems relating to teacher certifies j tion were worked out, said Elliott. On Tuesday the educators oh I tamed an explanation of the de 1 partment of education, its divi , sion and responsibilities, and I heard a discussion on the report I of Dr. T. C. Holy of Ohio, who I was employed as chief consultant I for the legislative advisory com i mittee for education in Oregon. Laurence Moffat, Josephine I county school superintendent, was I elected president of the association. I Gutrnsty Auction Listed For 4-H. FHA Members Twenty-six high quality Guern sey heifers will be offered 4 H club and FFA members at an auction at the state fairgrounds in Salem Saturday, Oct. 21, starting at 1 p. m., II. P. Ewalt, Oregon State college extension dairy specialist, has announced. Lunch will be available on the grounds. q Purpose of the sale is to make available to 4 H and FFA members carefully selected Guernsey heif ers of the highest quality which the Oregon Guernsey Breeders as sociation can recommend a a foundation herd aminals. The aale committee is composed of L. E. Francis, Tillamook, chairman: Ray Hobson, Amity; Cecil John son, Grants Pass; K. M. Lyons, Junction City; and Phalen Nelson, Medford. Barn Dance Sponsored For Damon Runyon Fund Eagle lodge No. 3014 of Suther lin is sponsoring a barn dance at II p. m. Saturday night, Oct. 21, at the Sutherlin community hall all proceeds to be given to the Damon Runyon Cancer fund. Competition will be held at the dance for the best demonstration of the square dance, waltz . and schottische. The "Hoot Owls" or chestra will furnish the music. This drive is one of 2.600 others being conducted by Eagle lodges all over the nation during the month of October, according to Gene Walker, vice-president, of Sutherlin Eagles and chairman of the Cancer fund drive in Suther lin. Walter Winchell is national treasurer of the Runyon Memorial Fund. Negro Fiend Sh& Down By Pursuers BIRMINGHAM, Ala. OPt A Negro sex offender accused o f raping a white (arm wife and slay ing her four-yea. -old son remained in a critical condition today with wounds inflicted by members of a posse. Tne Negro, 28-year-old Cooper Drake, and the 37-year-old mother, Mrs. Kathleen Holley, both were patients at a hospital. Drake waa shot down Thursday by five members of I posse not far from the isolated Holley borne near Calera in central Alabama. Sheriff's Deputy C. H. Fore Ulked an enraged group of possemen out of killing tie wounded Negro after he was felled. Surgeons spent five hour exam ining Drake and sewing up a se vere stomach wound and wounds in his thighs, torn by buckshot. Mrs. Holley cried hysterically for her son Dale, who waa shot to death as she clasped the child in her arms. She told officers that she herself was raped, shot, beaten and left for dead after a three-hour ordeal. TRUCKER DRAWS FINE John Joseph Tymkowiti, 24, of Glide waa arrested Wednesday by the state police for a defective sig naling system on his truck. He was fine $13 and released, accord ing to Justice of Peace A. J. Gcd-dcs. 'DRUNK' JAILED Municipal Judge Ira B. Riddle reported Thursday William Eldon Lads. 34, Millnn, charged with drunkenness, was committed for IS days in the city jail in lieu of a $30 fine. i CORRECTION An error appeared in an advertisement (or Nielson't yesterday. Thil error was made by the News-Review. Kerr'i Pure, Assorted TREE FRUIT PRESERVES was incorrectly priced at 20c for a pound jar. The correct price should have read: Kerr'i Pure, Assorted TREE FRUIT PRESERVES lL 29c Tenmile To Hear Report On School Addition Plan The building committee of the Tenmile school board will make a public report at the Olalla com munily hall, 8 p. m. Monday, Oct. 23. The building committee was appointed by the board to investi gate ways and means to build an addition to the present Tenmile school building. All persons residing in the Ten mile school district are urged to attend the meeting. Hot Water In Sewer Blocks Convict's Escape JACKSON, Mich. IPi A con vict made a desperate escape at tempt via a sewer at Southern Michigan prison Thursday and tried to kill himself when it was futile. Trapped by hot water in I storm tewpr lifer Keere A. I.awson plunged a knife into his chest. I ; Over his head were ten tons of coal. Prison guards and employes dug through it to free the periled fugitive from what could have been a self-chosen grave. I.awson, A'J) serving life for a Detroit policeman's murder in 11147, stole off from his prison plumbing job in midafternoon and crept into the sewer through a small opening. Deep in the sewer, 500 yards from where he started, he w a s trapped by hot water issuing as waste from the prison cannery. Guards heard his (creams as they were saarching for him. Franco's, Foster's Bands Win Battles Of Music Over 600 dancers attended the Battle of the Bands last Sunday, Oct. 15, at Danceland on highway 99 soulh. Lou Franco and his Happy Val ley Cowboys won the western mu sic compelition from the Melody Mountain Boys. Jack Foster's or chestra won over Bob Weaver's Dixielanders in the modern music competition. Previous to the battle, fhet Gough and Sons of the Saddle challenged the winner of Sunday's battle of Ihe bands. Gough's and Franco's bands will be matched in the next Battle of the Bands to be held in April or May. Railroad President Beaten And Robbed CHICAGO & Fred G. Gur i ley, president of the Atchison, To peka and Santa Fe railway, was beaten and robbed near the union railroad station in Denver early Thursday morning, a Santa F e ' spokesman said. ' The 61-vear-old railroad execu tive, the spokesman said, suffered cuts and bruises in the street at tack by three men. He also was robbed of his wallet and watch. The attack occurred after Gurley had left his private railroad car at union station and went for a walk "to get some fresh air." Police said Gurley reported he was attacked by three men but he did not want to make a formal complaint. Sutherlin Reservist Recalled To Army Duty yfCt V J : xa i i v fc . 4 jr? i m l - Cvj . i i ii imatVaiJ farmed "ISgBf a - " v : v Double Slaying, Suicide Claim Three Of Family CONNKRVILI.E. Okie. PV A double-slay in tl and suicide is the verdict of officers in the triple shooting Thursday of three per sons in one family. Karl Rogers returned home from i his teaching job at Tishomingo and found the three victims his wife, I I.illie, 46; their four year o 1 d I daughter, Janie; and Mrs. Rosa i Rogers, 59, his step-mother. The Johnston county sheriff said, Mrs. I.illie Rogers shot her diugh-j ter and mother-in-law, then turned i the 2-caliber pislot on herself. Stewart said Mrs. Rogers was; in a private institution a year ago and her family had considered 1 placing her in a state hospital. j Florida Threatened By Another Storm i NEW ORLEANS (VP. A trop ical storm about 300 miles south of . New Orleans pointed toward north western Florida today while south ' Florida counted five dead, 66 in- ' jured and at least $15,000,000 prop erty damage from Tuesday's hurri cane. The New Orleans weather bureau said that the new disturbance, which may increase to hurricane intensity, was moving in an east erly direction. Two Children Deal $2,500 Damage To Home MASSU.LON. O. (.pv Deputies at the Stark county sheriff's office said today a tOyearold boy and his cousin, an eight-year-old girl, had caused damage estimated at S2,v0 on two visits to a house at nearhy Newton. While no one was at the home last Sunday, the youngsters en tered it. painted doors with shoe I ana ungernau ponsn, smearea cunning wun jeuy a no peanut Dul ler and smashed windows ana 200 I jars of fruils and vegetables. IBl! kill" FIFTHS ALBANY sj v HOURS and MILES closer tUGf.NI O ROSEBUD WASHINGTON, D. C. NEW YORK CHICAGO OGDEN tOISE OMAHA a DENVER ST. LUIS KANSAS CITY SALT LAKE CITY 1 -x. Use the SOUTH SANT1AM HIGHWAY CAU". OtMKE TOt LOCAL Bi t AGENT rOSt IInroitMATl lOO MAKE THE TEST THAT PROVES IT BEST! o POUK JOMf INTO A ClASS- AND DRINK IT I AMRICAND.$TRUN0CO.JNC. m Ywk P4, ML Sm 'twwiu m utii mtiii trmti.M FINED ON TWO COUNTS Memtt Willard Hays, 47, of Bend was fined $40 Wednesday for being intoxicated in a public place and $.10 for disorderly conduct, re ported Justice of Peace A. J. Ged dcs. Hays was arresled by a dep uty sheriff. The U.S. is self-sufficient in most fats and oils. William H. Van Slyke, 28, of 1304 Walnut St., reported to Ft. Ord, Calif., Oct. 13 to the Sixth Re placement company. Van Slyke waa employed by the Southern Pacific and was station agent at Sutherlin prior to his call. He waa a member of the reserves, attached to the Sixth army, and received his orders from Vancou ver, Wash. A veteran of World War II, he served with the 17th Airborne as a paratrooper. He was captured in the Battle of the Bulge and re mained isi a German prison camp for three months. Van Slyke is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van Slyke of 1302 Wal nut St. His wife and daughter, Linda Lee, will reside at 1304 Wal nut St. o c IRRINO SCOUTS RCPINT PATERSON, N. J. .1V- Two Boy Scouts, who momentarily for got their good turn daily creed, got back on the right track yesterday. After publicly confessing to let ting air out or ajitomobiie urea last week, they offered to make Samuel Ryan Carats Dies At North Powder NORTH POWDER, ORE.-(.P Samuel Ryan Carnes, 84, for 60 years a indent of thil community, died here Monday. He was b o r n in Indiana and came amends through a local newspa-1 wj(j, njf fmjiy to Oregon in 188S, per. homesteading west ol Wis town. They called for "self imposed Wlth nj, brothers he built the penalties" and asked "forgiveness cranes-Shaw ditch out of Anth. of those who suffered through our foolish moment of what we thought was fun. Holdup Takes Money Readied For 'Loan' CLIFTON, N. J. iJP About a week ago a man walked into the Lakeview Savings and Loan association and inquired about a GI Aan. Company officials drew up the necessary papers and had every thing ready yesterday when the man returned. But instead of a pen, he pulled out a gun, relieved the company of $3,083 and Jocked three em ployes in the vault. ony creek and at one time the family larmea two acres, ne waa married to May Newland at Rose burg about 1M7. Surviving art his widow and four brothers. BROADCAST SET An opportunity for the people of Roseburg to see how their contri butions to the Community chest can further the work of a program will be presented in a broadcast over KRNR from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday. This program will explain the work being done by the YMCA in the nation. REGISTER NOW for CERAMICS CLASSES Graaawarfl af All stint's Naw finiidei, underglaze, glaxe, and china painting included in first ten les sons. ' Student Work for Sal IRENE AMES' ARTS & CRAFTS STUDIO (Ceramics for Fun) 73 S. St.pS. Red Be The Himalaya mountains stretch between the Indus and Brahma putra river valleys. am 18 miles from Roseburg on the beoutiful North Ump qua . . outdoor dining Dorch overlooking the river . . for delicious chicken, steaks, and fish. Bring Your Catches to Us for Cooking Special Arrangements for Dinner Parties. Open 5 a m to 12 p m Managers: Mt. and Mrs. J H Taylor am HOW TO BE A WEATHER PROPHET IN ONE EASY LESSON Thert'i heap of stisfacr.on in being b!a to predict weather in advance ... by keeping an eye en your barometer you can accurately foretell local rain, high winds or cold snapi within a 12 to 14 hour period. For health, for comfort, for recreation you owe it to yourielf and your family to own a barometer. Come in, see our new barometers and thermometers. Ship's Wheel Stormoguidt Hftdrubbd wo In u cot with brait tpoktt and bitl in au thentic nautical datifn. Silver d mtal dial with bold, black weather instructions end fred vatiom. If not in stock, otk us to order a Ship's Wheel Srerm oautde (or you. A wonderful Christmas gift! Fisherman's Barometer Knowing that atmospheric pres sure affects fishes' feeding ha bits, the sportsman will use this model to great advantage. Handsome molded plastic cose, easv-to-read dial. Complete with sn op-cover box. 7.50 Berkeley Baroguide Simplicity of design it tHe key to the diQnified beauty of this model borometer. Forecast dml is set in hand-rubbed mahog any case with chronrte bezel and silvered dial with black numer als. Moderately priced. Handsome) Desk Model Here's a fine, accurate barom eter set in luxurious hardwood that would grace the desk of ony executive! For all-around use, the barometer gives fool proof atmospheric readings, the entire unit is beauty and utility combined. Inspect this and oth er models this week. For The Sportsman Camping Hunting Fishing. A compass increases the enjoyment of outdoor life and is sometimes a vi tal necessity. Case models heve sensitive bar needle which ts lock ed in place when case is closed. A THERMOMETER FOR EVERY NEED The average household needs not one but several thermome ers for everyday use. For health for comfort be equipped os you should, come in and see these thermometers this week. INDOOR-OUTDOOR o THERMOMETER Easy to install, simple to read, tht instrument accurately tells the temperature both inside and out side your home. 7.50 THREE-IN-ONE THERMOMETER This unit tells the present temper ature, the previous high tempera ture ond the previous lowest. Sim ply reset the instrument for each period desired. A real aid to form ers ond orchordists ... a positive check for florists, warehousemen, and loggers. Just 10.00 OTHIR THERMOMETERS From 75e POCKET COMPASSES 1.50 2.50 and 2.75 Desk Model, Combination Unit A three-in-one unit that gives baro metric pressure, temperature ond hu midity. Moderately priced, handsome and sure to please at Yuletime. Com plete instructions accompany each in strument. You'll enjoy owning one, you'll receive many glad "thonks" when you present one os a gift. Simi lar models . . . .14.50 and 21.00 Th Insrrumtnrj portraytd in this advertisement are just a few of the many either carried in our stock or easily obtained by ordering. There is a barometer and thermometer to fit every need and every purse. Stocked ond on display in our Sporting Goods Department. A small deposit will lay-away your choice until desired. o o O UMPQUA VALLEY o ,,M;liAWil:efl o o 6 0. Home-Owned and Operated Store 20)Nrth Jackson Phono 73 o O O! iP o Or 0 o