The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 16, 1950, Page 10, Image 10

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    SCONCE JAUNTS Halfback Jarrv Sconce racai down the side
lines at an unida ntitierJ Roienura blocker takes Sorinafiald'l
Bill Oiterhouit out of tha play.
Bill Sporei 134) and Bill Palculak
Roseburg Whips Springfield, 13-12
Shrum Gallops 68 Yards
To Clinch Roseburg Win
In Thrilling Season Opener
Speedy little Jim Shrum brought 2700 (creaming spectators
to their feet leit night at Finlay field ai ha galloped 68 yards
to touchdown midway in tha fourth quarter to lead the Rose
burg Indiani to a 13-12 victory
The 146 pound speedster ineaked
through the left guard slot, dodged
a couple of would-be tackier long
enough to pick up hu Interier
ence and was off. It was here that
the downfield blockers showed
their capabilities with the key
blocks to allow Shrum to race
down the sidelines.
Springfield Scores
Springfield entered the scoring
column with just three minutes
gone in the first quarter. Rose
urg had taken the kickoff on their
own 20 but lost it when halfback
Jim Kemp fumbled. Quick to take
advantage, the Millers ran the hall
down to the two yard line on four
plays and George Bilderback bar
reled into the line for the six count
ers. Paul Patrick missed the kick.
Late In this period quarter
back Mickey Coan unwrapped his
firing arm and uncorked a 40
yard pats to left end Frank Ol
son. Olson took It en the run
and went te the Springfield 17
only te have it nullified by a 15
yard holding penalty.
Midway in the second quarter
Olson tied the score after com
pleting Coen's pass out in the
often. In two pass plays the Indi
ans had moved from their own .18
to paydirt. Coen had uncorked a 30
yard flip to right end Bruce rial
Rosa and then immediately after
another one to Olson who carried
it across the goal line. Shrum went
over right tackle for the extra
and vitally important point.
Springfield went Into the lead
In the fourth quarter en a pats
from left half George Bilderback
to end J. C. Johnson, only to
have it countered by Shrum's
Springfield's fullback Herald
Jenkins proved to be the thorn in
the side of the Roseburg team as
Thirty -one pros and 20 amateurs
headed into the final 3d holes of
the British Columbia open golf
tournament today, htan Leonard
host pro, led the field with i
four under-par .138.
Stale Farm Mutual Insurance
0. L Rate S. C. Campbell
P. O. Box 4S9 Phone 288
116 W. Cass
Over Douglas County Bank
Shoot your deer or elk, '
bring if to our cold
room and have the
meat custom cut and
wrapped for your locker.
Prime meat at budget price. That li what
you find in our complete meat market. Shop
our counters for the finest, most tender mean
everyday. Free del.'very to those who desire.
31S West Cass
' ' "'jt 1 ...7, . . .
Alto shown in tha pictura ara
1451. (Staff photo).
over th ipringtield Millers.
he continually reeled off large
chunks of yardage. One of t b e
most spectacular runs of the eve
ning came in the third period as
Jenkins raced B0 yards down the
right side to the goal line only to
nave Ine call calico DacK oy a
The line did an outstanding job.
Olson atarred on .both offense apd
Forward Daaaaa rnmolrtM 4
Forward paaaaa Intercepted 3
Net Yarda Panama Ill
Net Yarda ruahlna and Daaalns 24.1
Fumhlea by 3
Brovered by 1
Penalllea T
Yarda loat penaltlea .. SO
Firat downa 11
defense as substitute Don I.innell
turned in an excellent performance
at tackle.
The hackfield showed it was
geared for both speed and derep
tiveness as well as shart. passing
attack. On defense quarterback
Floyd Williams and fullback Dale
Blanck did a bang up job. .
Between halves' the Roseburg
high school band pleased fans
when they formed a large foot
ball, then marched into the first
letters of the two competing
Roseburg Springfield
Olson ' LE Johnson
Winter 1.T Riddle
Foster LG Spores
Swanson C Williams
Rruton RG Sahin
Thomas RT Patrick
Dalross R E Ziikowski
Coen Q Samples
Kemp LII Bilderback
Sconce R H Bour
Blanck 7 Jenkins
RENO tV The Reno Sil
ver have let it be known what
they want in the the finals of the
Far West league's president's cup
Sparked by four hits by Manager
Joe Horich, the Sox cluhhed league
champion Klamath rails 10 to A
in the fourth game of their semi
final playoff series at Reno last
Monahden fish oil is used as a
machine lubricant and in leather
tanning, aluminum casting and the
manufacture of linoleum and oil
Phone 134
I . , f ;?t
lL,rmum."r iliTka A idir in iim ,', n n h hJ -- MTir'a,a"'ti'M'IIIMrf
I TRYING MOMENT Head Coach Ceee Sh.rwood, left, and
Lina Coach Ray Brown crouch
lines ai Springfield drivai daap
quarter. (Staff photo).
KRNR and KRXL Will Broadcast PCC
And Intersectional Grid Games
Both KRNR end KRXL, which Is to go Into operation next
week, have released schedules of ten college football games to
be broadcast Saturday afternoon!.
KRNR will eir three University of Oregon games end two
Oregon State contests. KRXL has s'ated six Oregon games and
five Oregon State, including the annual grudge battle between
the two schools.
Schedule of College Cames Te Be Broadcast
Weshington-Kanies State Sept.
UCLA-Washington State Sept.
Oregon-Montane Oct.
Idaho-Oregon Oct.
Oregon State-Montane Oct.
Colifornia-OSC Oct.
Oregon-Washington State Nov.
Woihington State-OSC Nov.
California-Stanford Nov.
USC-Notre Dame Dec.
Both stations have announced
coverage of the home games played by
Meet Tonight
Another near-record crowd Is
expected at the Roseburg armory
arena Saturday night when
Georges Dusette. talented French-
Canadian, again takes on Cowboy
Ace Abbott, Texas villain, in the
headline attraction of Matchmaker
Ellon Owen's weekly mat show.
Dusette took last week's bout
against the cowboy on a referee's
decision because of too many un
derhanded tactics. Abbott is the
Hottest matman in the northwest
at the present time and the only
losses he has suffered in quite
a few weeks have been on dis
qualifications. It will be a match
featuring Dusette's full-Nelson and
Abbott's combination face and
hammerlocks and slugs.
The weekly show will get under
way at 8:45 p.m., featuring a
highly-touted newcomer George
Craig from Tulsa, Okla. A former
NCAA champion from the Okla
homa Aggies, the clean, scientific
matman will take on a rough and
formidable foe in Karl Gray, a
Texan who also employs a full
Nelson as his chief hold. Craig,
who started wrestling as a col
legian five years ago, is in In his
fust pro season and is a drop
kirk artist. Harry Elliott will ref
eree both bouts.
Collision Claims Head
Of Presbyterian Church
An autnmobile-t ruck collision
calamed the life Thursday of Dr.
William Barrow Pugh, 62, executive-secretary
of the General As
sembly of the Presbyterian
Church. His position made him
head of a church with more than
2,000.000 communicants.
Only a few hours earlier the
Philadrlphian had addressed the
Wyoming Synod of the Presbyter
ian Church at Powell, Wyo.
Dr. Push w as' nationally known
for his church work. He served as
a chaplain in Pennsylvania's 28th
division in World War I, partici
pating in two offensives.
ASTORIA - .P - The Van
Camp Sea Food company, Termi
nal Island. Calif., has prurhased
fish processing properties in As
toria. Warrenton and Have! Haven
valued at $100,000.
. . . rely otf)iii for service.
We're proud iPmony oTks
like ut end the work we do
tor them.
0 MaWa Road at S. entrance te
Veterans Hotpitel
(5) &
worriadly on tha Roseburq side
into Indian tarritory In tha third
Oregon-St. Marys
they will give complete
the Roseburg Indians.
(By tha Aaaociated Praaa)
NEW YORK - Paddy Young,
159, New York, outpointed Ernie
Durando, J54, Bayonne. N. J..
(10). '
Henry, 186. Los Angeles, o u t-
pointed Turkey Thompson, 210',4,
Los Angeles (10).
NEW LONDON, Conn. Teddy
knocked out Jose Aporite Torres!
an, rueno kico (6).
Bonebenders Take
Classic League
Bawling Lead
The first week of bowling came
won all three games and four
to a close Friday night as the
Bonebenders in the Classic league
points to grab an early season
Individual honors went to Har
rison Winston of Wiley's realtors
Winston scored the high individual
game with a 235 and high individ
ual series with a healthy 589. For
the series he bowled games of 173.
235 and 181.
The Commercial league plaved a
second series Thursday and the
oncalla Merchants retained its
spotless record and forged into the
league lead with eight points.
Ronebenders 3 0 4
Wiley's Realtors 1.Z 2 1 3
Readers l 2 1
Roseburg Lumber 0 3 0
Yoncalla 6 0 II
Todd Building 5 17
Coen Supply 5 16
Drive-In Cleaners 4 2 5
I) and L 4 2 4
Lockwood Motors .1 a i
t hrystalite Tile 3 3 4
M and H 2 4 j
Melo Maid 2 4 3
Sig Fetts 15 2
Wayne's Shoes 1 5 1
Cal.-Pac , 1 5 1
Lodino, Subterroneon, Whit
Alto or Tell, Red Creeprrlg, Chewing
Kentucky Blue, Lotus, Common end English Rye
Golf Brend Lewn Seed
Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange
Phone 98
Washington St. 9)rJ S. P. . Trocks
the second peri
on in the fore
iod as Roseburg goes into the lead, 7-6. Looking
ground is Quarterback Mickey Coen (141, end
o SPORTS o f
10 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Sat., Sept. 16, 1950
Drain Defeats
Lowell, 45-0
At Drain last night the Warriors
passed and ran over Lowell to
take a lopsided 45-0 victory.
With the able quarterbacking of
Allen Brown, Drain scored a
touchdown in the first and third
quarters two in the second and
three in the final canto.
Brown Scores
Brown scored the first and last
touchdown and kicked an extra
point for 13 tallies. Bill Duncan
and Jerry Jackson scored in the
second period. Left halfback Mar
vin Swearingen went over in the
third. But the scoring parade
reached its height in the last quar
ter as Brown and Dick Joslyn
scored and Earl Simpson galloped
40 yards for a touchdown.
Most spectacular play of the
evening was a long pass from
Brown to Duncan who lateralled
to fullback Jerry Haldeman to
pick up SO yards.
Drain Lad in First Downs
Drain racked up 14 first downs
for a net yardage gain of 446
against Lowell's 8 first downs and
248 yards. Brown completed four
of six passes while right halfback
Jerry Cade made good five out
of seven.
Drain is an independent B
school playing in the Lane county
league. They are slated to meet
Oakridge next Saturday.
Football Scores
North Idaho college 26, St. Mar
tin's 13.
Central (Mo) 26, Iowa Wesleyan
Rota (Mo) Fahool of Mines 26,
Pittsburgh (Kas) State 7.
Branch Agricultural college
(Utah) 13, Williams Airforce Base
(Ariz) 2.
Midland (NeM 14, York (Neb) 7.
Davis and Elkins 15, Concord 13.
Bluefield State 33, Morristown
(Tenn) 0.
West Carolina Teachers 20, High
Point 0.
Drake 7, Denver 0.
Bremerton 28, Lincoln (Portland)
Cleveland (Portland) 0, Salem 0
.lefrerson (Portland) 12, V a n
ccuver 7.
Washington (Portland) 13, Pen
dleton 7.
Franklin (Portland) 12, Gresham
Roosevelt (Portland) 32, La
Crande 2.
Eugene 24. Medford 19.
North Bend 21, Albany 19. -Myrlle
Point 0, Toledo 0 (tie).
Hillsboro 19, Milwaukie 13.
Kelso 32, Benson (Portland) 19.
Roseburg 13, Springfield 12.
Grants Pass 26. Lebonon (
Cmuille 27. Ashland 20.
! Willamette (Eugene) 33, Siuslaw
i Oakridge 19, Pleasant Hill IS.
Marshfield 32, Reedsport 2.
The grub of the white-fringed
beetle lives in the soil.
Referee Ed Wellnitx signals the point is good in
Seattle Takes
Fourth Place
Associated Press Sportswriter
A fourth place spot in the Pa
cific Coast league is money in the
sock this season, and any resem
blance between calculated ma
hem and the Seattie-San Francisco
series is pre!y intentional.
The two clubs have been playing
peek-a-boo in the first division all
week. Last night, the Rainiers
took their turn by way of a prim
tive 8 to 7 triumph over the Seals.
Seattle manager Paul T.ichards
had to use 17 players to bring that
$7500 jackpot into range again.
The Seals are now back in fifth
place, half a game behind the
Marquei Sparks Bevos
Elsewhere, homers by Augie Ga
lan and Loyd Christopher paced
12-hit Oakland assault on three San
Diego pitchers as the Oaks won,
7 to 4; Luis Marquez ran and bat
ted the Portland Beavers to an
easy S to 1 victory over Los An
geles; Sacramento edged Holly
wood, 3 to 2.
Jack Creel chucked a four hitter
for Portland as the Angels ab
sorbed their sixth setback in a row.
naa ne not nit a Datsman with the
bases loaded, Creek probably
would have had a shutout. Mar
quez scored four of Portland's runs.
stole three bases and topped it off
wim a nomer.
Sacramento whipped Hollywood
with three singles in the ninth in
ning by Marv Williams, John Lu
cadello and Jim Busby. Hollywood
had tied it in the top half with
Jim Baxes' 2nd homer of the year.
At San Diego, Oakland took a six
game lead over San Diego as
George Bamberger scattered nine
blows among the second place
See J. N. BOOR For
Ht AccMrti
Oat boar. Mlr Hr-palr
Hlxttd Outboard Motor fuel by th
Mobil Outboard Motor Oil In bulk
t?4 G4n. Vll Re.. PH. 111-R
Atharli4 Johnioa tea Ban Dealar
Compfete line of
?.SL' im V M (Will I, IJ
iViit n, x Pioneer One-Man SJ
1819 n,ptephensst.
Umpire AI Dieti. Getting up
Ken Kesey (24) and Carl Bour
Williams Is Back
Boston Beats Browns, 12-9;
Detroit Downs Tigers 9-7 '
As Phils Increase Lead
Associated Press Sports Writer
Baseball's lean hitting perfec
tionist, Ted Williams, is back on
the firing line for the Boston Red
Sox, forcing a brand new apprais
al of the neck-and-neck American
league pennant race.
Williams' smashed a three run
homer arte three singles to crack
an eight-game winning streak of
the upstart St. Louis Browns, 12-9,
and tp move ' Boston within 1
games of first-place Detroit.
Boston's half-steo up tha lad
der was aided by developments
at Detroit where the Tigers, be
hind the excellent relief pitch
ing of the veteran Hank Bor
owy, turned back New York
Yankees. 7, to level this top
drawer series at a game epiace.
Other Happenings
Williams' impressive comeback
after more than two months on
the shelf with ar. elbow fracture
was just one of the highlights of
a news-making baseball Friday.
Other unusual happenings in
cluded: 1. The Philadelphia Phillies had
to go 19 innings, longest game of
the season, to wrest the second
half of their doubleheader victory
from Cincinnati. The regulation
first game was won, 2-1 and the
second, 8-7, pushing the Phils 7',i
games in front of Brooklyn.
2. Big John Mize of the Yankees
poled three home runs in New
York's losing effort at Detroit and
broke his own major league rec
ord for the i.umber of times the
feat has been turned in a single
game. He has now hit three home
runs on six occasions.
3. Plate Umpire Dusty Boggess
twice reversed himself on a play
Lttt'i f at down to brait tacks in
nmtmbir than 4 POINTS
1 Hungry popl cannot oat democracy.
2 Truth it tha bait propaganda, but it mutt bo told.
3 A flanuint intarait In tha problems of your ft I low man.
4 "Govarnmant of tha peoplt, by tha paoplo, far tha
poopla shall not parish from tha aorth," (A. Lincoln).
Watch for - y y m y each Saturday
parts Prompt fepair service
Pittco of Qoccborg
(ft e,'
from the play are Springfield I
1351. (Staff Photo).
at home at Ebbetts Field, caus
ing the Brooklyn Dodgers to pro
test their 6-2 loss to at. ixiuis.
Dal Ennis, the league's lead
ing run producer, slammed a
pitch off the let field wall with
tha bases loaded in the 19th te
win the long second game for
the Phils. Andy Saminick's 23rd
home run won the opener for
Emory (Bubba) Church, the
Phillies' rookie righthanded pit
cher, was hit by a batted hall in
the first game and was taken to
a hospital where plastic surgery
was required.
Braves Win
In other National league
games, the Boston Braves whip
ped the Pittsuurgh Pirates, 7-4,
and the Chicago Cubs beat tha
New York Giants in 10 innings,
4 3.
In the American, Cleveland
split a doubleheader with Wash
ington, winning the first, 4-2, but
losing the second, 4-1. The eighth
place Philadelphia Athletics beat
the Chicago White Sox, 4-1.
ATLANTA P) A young
golfer who had only a regional
reputation before the National
Women's Amateur Golf tourna
ment will emerge with a national
championship today.
Pert Mae Murray, 24 years old
and five-time winner of the Ver
mont state title, will face Beverly
Hanson of Pasadena, Calif., in the
finals of the golden anniversary
amateur tournanent.
Bosh Pritchard of the Philadel
phia Eagles, at 160 pounds, is tha
lightest player in the National
Football league.
ur '
Power Chain Sawsr
(3) .