o Wed1.. Sep. 13, 1950 The Newt-Revlw, kaMbwryj, Or. .f 7 r n ' C iP . r L t, J "J h. , J. --i.M FALL COMBINATION The new fall sling pump with matching handbag it being shown to Mrs. Marvin Dory by Saleslady Goldia Brunn. They art baing featured this tall by Goldie's Bootaria. IMaster itudio photo). ! ""!lft"" i S .0 ,1 - tm z .. fl ill I CANNINC TIME Tha thrifty ara still preserving food from lata lummer and aarly autumn gar dant. What batter assortment can be found than this display counter at Douglas Paint and Hardware? Valeria Harness is shown examining tha finer points of a pressure canner. (Master studio photol. Th "Baby Doll" Pump f Black sued Cocoa sued Blue calf Red calf Green calf o o 3-Inch heel scalloped quarter etSerf throat bibr dell' toe T" ,BSy rnll' if lul nn f wry Urtirn w offr in tinfr fctwit, The all-oeeei'toA dressy shoe preferred this fall by inert noun everywhere. YES I SQh d H Green Steeps with every purchase. 795 GOLDIE'S BOOTERIE o o Rnvrhurt'e OHf Nf liniv Shn Stor' 111 North JacVieii ft . o FLEET The Singer Sewing Center of Roseburg proudly pre-1 the latest methods ara features etffered by the Sewing Center. Pictured above sants these four young men, adept at repairing sewing machine mishaps and by the Singer trucks are, from left, Jack Rogers, manager A. H. Shinn, E. R. demonstrating the finer points of new Singer models. Modern equipment and! Mason and William Cuy. (Master studio photol. o of-. vi- This Fall, at always, wa cling to our text that fashion is flexible . . . fluid . . . individual. Tha smart woman is one who selects the silhouette .that does something for HER that comple ments her living and compliments her lines. For the- lithe and lean . . . the bulk-on-top look in suit and topcoat... For the femme fatale . . . th sheathed silhouette. For the busy gad-about the fess than perfect figure -w the easy coat and the boxy suit jacket. Skirts are slim and stem like . . . Hats move forward at a flattering angle. Accessories are more important and dramatic. Com in and see all the exciting news in color and texture. Then, write your own Fall Fashion story. O O ROSEBURG'S FINEST DEPARTMENT STORE o o O G O O Q O o O o o o o o o