I Autos & Mtr. Cycles 27 Better Buys at Barcus TOP PRICES PAID FOR GOOD USED CARS 1M PACKARD SUPER CUNVER T1BLE. Beautiful light blue color, with new lignt top. new white wall lire. R it H. many ether extras You mutt tea thl cu la appreciate, it. Only , K34B3 194 KAISER TRAVELER, 5 new tirti. perfect condition throughout. Convert! in an Instant to a utility pickup. Ideal where combination car la needed, or for that hunt ing or fishing trip. Come in and aee it . $1693 1939 CHEVROLET COUPE 1931 PLYMOUTH COUPE 305 , 193S PONT1AC 3-door Sedan extra good 1937 CHEVROLET TUDOR , 1937 FORD SEDAN 193S CHEVROLET COUPE rum good 1936 STUDEBAKER SEDAN . 1934 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 1937 NASH SEDAN TRUCKS & PICKUPS 1947 FORD A dump truck, nearly new tires, perfect condition throughout ready to go to .work 1929 FORD MODEL A pickup New 2-wheel large trailer EASY TERMS LIBERAL TRADES BARCUS Your Packard Dealer N at Garden Valle Rd. Phone 1354 We Want Good Clean Used Cars Top prices paid DOYLE'S SALES it SERVICE Highway 9t it Garden Valley Road Phone 611 FOR SALE '36 Chevrolet parts radio and heater. F L Jensen. N Myrtle Creek. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTOR CYCLES. Trade ins taken, financing. Genuine parts and accessories Bruce's Motorcycle Center 045 E. 2nd Ave. So.. Roseburg. Oregon FOR SALE OR TRADE - '47 Mercury good condition Ph. 1063-1,. MORE MONEY tor your car Cash on the soot Cork rum Motors. Inc., D Soto, Plymouth Phone 408 114 N Rose St. USED CARS- 1949 Chevrolet 4 Dr. 1949 Ford Tudor 1949 Ford Club Coupe... S1805.OO . 1795.00 1705.00 1949 Willys Station Wagon 1495.00 1949 Willys Jeepster 1295.00 1947 Frazer Manhattan, RH-OD ...1395.00 1947 Ford Clb. Cpe 1250.00 1947 Mercury Sedan 1205.00 1946 Chrysler 2 dr. Sedan 1345.00 1946 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan 1205.00 1946 Willys Station Wagon 905.00 1942 Cadillao Sedan 1941 Chevtolet Dr Sedan 650.00 , 1939 Plymouth Sedan 130.00 1931 Ford Sedan 150.00 ...... 19.1 Olds Sedan ...... 50.00 RIVERSIDE MOTORS 1640 N. Stephens MUST SELL 1949 Ford convertible with radio, heater, overdrive. Ph. 447, S. Wolf. 1344 Umpqua Ave. EQUITY in '48 Studebaker Com mander Conv. Will consider trade. Ph. 743-J. 521 E. Douglas. '48 FORD DELUXE coupe. R. Ac H, spotlight, air rides, sunihield. 4.1.000 miles, good condition. SA50. 1 block hack of Calapooia Dairy. Ph. 2934, Sutherlin FORDS '38 coupe . 34 Tu dor leaving, need cash, both cheap, good transportation. Ph. 1701-Y after 7. '47 FORD Club coupe. 809 South Pine St Impounded 28 UNLESS CLAIMED within 48 hours from date of notice, the following described dogs will be disposed of as provided In City Ordinance No. 1148. Black and white Toy Shepherd, male White and black pup. female white and brown terrier, female Brown dog. male 8-26-30 3:00 P.M. City Police Dept. Personal 30 . AiXOHOUCI ANONYMOUS T O In UK Notices 31 WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any debts other than my own. Paul I Phillips LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITOR. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THS STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY PROBATE DEPARTMENT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KARL A LUCAS. Deceased The undersigned, having been appoint ed Executor of the above etaie by the County Court of the State of Oregon, m and for Douglas County, Probate Depart- ment, and having qualified, notice is; claims against said estate, to present them at the office of the County CieTk of Douglas County. Roseburg. Oregon. proRr.y verified and with proper vouch- en. within six montha from the dale of the first publication of this notice, which il the Sth day nf August. IH.V). ALVTN C. LUCAS. Executor O H WENGTSON Attorney for Executor LEGAL NOTICE TO taUDITDRg NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed execu trix of the Last Will and Testament of Mary F Andrew, deceased All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the tame, verified as required by law, to the undersigned executrix at the office of George Luonu. United Statea National Bank Building, in Roseburg. Douglas County, Oregon, within six Si months from the dale of first publication of this notice which first date of publication Is July 29th, 19.V) NANCES M. COOK, ex ecu in i of the Last Will and Testament of Mary F. Andrew, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE HEREBY ts given that Sept ember I ft, 1930. at the hour of 10.00 o'clock A. M., in the County Court Room in the Court House In Roseburg, Oregon, have been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, if any there be, to the Final Account filed by the under signed Administrator In the above en titled Court. DATED and first published thu 19th day of August, IflSO J. IRV1N BORTH1CK Administrator of the Estate of Charley Barker, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Wallace A. Rapp, deceased. M-lUIIlK Ml IMP t-UUIII) WUUIl Ul Douglas County. Oregon, are hereby no tified to present the same verified as required by law to the undersigned at the offices of Orcutt, Long it Neuner. attorney's Roseburg, Oregon, within six month from July 29. 1960. HELEN M. RAPP. Executrix of the Estate of Wallace A. Rapp, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice li hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by the Coun- man. Deceased All person having claims against said eatage are herebv notified to present the same, duly ver ified and with the proper vouchers to the Administratrix at Yoncalla. Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Sat. July 29,-1 OM. Bessie Vroman, Administratrix of the Estate of Ernest Vroman, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Delmont James Gawler, de ceased, now pending in the county court of Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to the undersigned, at the law offices of George Luoma, United States National Bank Building." Roseburg. Oregon, within six I6i months from the dale of the first publication of this notice which date la August S. 19.10 WM. D. GAWLER. administrator of the estate of Delmont James Gawler, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AH persons having claims against the estate of Hilda Johnson Klefer, Deceased, now pending in the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, verified as required by law, to the undersigned at the office of Geddes At Felker, At torneys, Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 19th day of August, 19.10.' L. K. KIEFER Executor of the Estate of Hilda Johnson Kiefer, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having; claims against the ceased, now pending in the County Court of DoiikIrs County. Oregon, are here by notified to present the same verifed a required by la' to the undersigned at the offices of Orcutt. Long St Neuner, attorneys. Roseburg, Oregon, within six month from July 20, IBM. HARVEY POTTER. Executor of the Estate of Ernest William Banister, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AH persons having claims against the estate of Carl W. Lundeen, deceased, now pending in the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to either Nettle Lundeen. Ad ministratrix, or to R. L. Whipple, her Attorney, U. S. National Bank Building. Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, which I August 12, lnso. NETTIE LUNDEEN. Administratrix of the Estate of Carl W. Lundeen, Deceased NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT The Administratrix of the estate of FRED BARKER. Deceased, hereby gives notice that the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, has fixed September 11th, 10.10, at ten o'clock In the forenoon as liie time, and the County Court room In the Court House at Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, as the place for hear ing objections, if any there be, to the Final Account of the Administratrix. Dated and first published August 12, ID30. BIRDIE BARKER, Administratrix of the Estate of Fred Barker, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AH persons having claims asainst the Estate of Benjamin Frederick Warner, deceased, now pending in the County Court of Douglas County. Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, verified as required by law. to the un- dersigned at the offices of Geddes it FWker. Attorneys. Roseburg, Oregon. within six i6 months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 12th day of August. 1950. CARL M FELKER Administrator of the Estate of Benjamin Frederick Warner, deceased. summons in the circuit court of the state of oregon for douglas COUNTY EDGAR C. MAYNARD, Plaintiff BETTY LOU MAYNARD, Defendant. TO: Betty Lou Maynard IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON You are hereby required to appear and answer the romplaint of the plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled court on or before four weens irom tne ZRtn nay of Au nt th first DUblf cation of this summon. nri if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, the plaintlfr for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief as prayed for In his complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows: For a decree divorcing the plaintiff from the deferent absolutely, adjudging the plaintiff f.e sole owner of the property described as "Beginning at a point on the East side of Spring Street, 1190 feet North of the intersection of said street with the Coles Valley Road, thence North along the Eat side of said street 55 feet, thence East 200 feel, thence South M feel, thence West 200 feet to the place of beginning, situated in West Roseburg. Douglas County, Ore gon." and the household goods lo cated in said dwelling house, and adjudging the plaintiff the sole owner of a certain lnro Chevrolet Se dan now In his possession and the Eastman KndaK now tn the possession of the defendant, and awarding care and cuiody of the minor child. Pamela Ann Maynard. tn the plaintiff, end granting the plaintiff such other and further relief as to the court may seem Just and proper. This summons Is served upon you bv publication bv order of Carl E Wlmberly. Circuit judge, made on the loth day of Au guu, 1910, WILLIAM D GHEEN JR. Attorney for Plaintiff P O. BOX 30fl Roseburg, Oregon NOTIf'E OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE ts hereby given that the undersigned administratrix has filed In the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Douglas County her final ac count in the settlement of said estate, and Tursdav, the 2fi(h day of September, 1930. at 10 on o'clock A. M in the County Courtroom in the Court House 1 in Roseourg. Douglas County. Oregon, 1 hive been fixed as the time and place ior nraring odjwci ion, u mny (nre : to said final account and for the set- tlement thereof. HLAr.rir. nurrti, Aaminiitriinx of the Estate of Edward E. Boyer, deceased. NOTlfT. TO CREDITORS I All Dersons ha vine rlatms icamt the tit of harl David Duncan, deceased, Douglas County. Oregon, are hereby . notified to present the same, verified I " .lulrrd bv the undeTsigned e office of OeddM and F k er. At. ?Iy. JI ? i. .-.rf. n 8 months from the date hereof Dated and first published this 26th day of Aigust, 1950 ELM A M. DtJNCAV Admtnlt'tmx of the Estate eif Carl Dnvid Duncan, deceased. LEGAL SUMMON! IN TRK CIRCUIT COt'RT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THI COUNTY OF DOUGLAS Asa W. Lawaon and Pearl A. Law- son, husband and wife; Darrel P. Mem ley ana Hetty u. Mtrkity. husband and wife Plaintiffs vs. The Unknown Heirs of Jesse R. Jennings, deceased; the Unknown Heirs ot Artaniecy J tn nines. ae ceased; the Unknown Heirs of Xt kicl Leitle. alias Eiekltl Lytle. de ceased; Also all other persons or Da rues unknown ciaimina any title. right. Hen or interest tn the real es tate aescrlDed tn the complaint here in. Defendants To the Unknown Heirs of Jesse R. Jennings. deceased, the Unknown neirs oi Anamecy Jennings, aeceaaeo; the Unknown Heirs of Ezektel Leitle. alias Ezekiel Lytle, deceased: Also all other persons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, lien or Interest in the real estate described In the complaint nerein, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the comnlaint of oiaintiffs filed aeatrut you in the above entitled coun and cause on or neiore t our weeks irom the 26th day of August, 1J30. that being tne aaie oi ine iirst puoucauon oi this summons and if you fail to so ap pear and answer said complaint, plain tiffs for want thereof will apply to the court ior me reuei aemanaeo in s complaint, a succinct statement of which la a louows, to-wit. That the defendants be required to assert and declare the nature and char acter of such adverse claims, estate or interest and subject the same to a Ju- aiciai investigation, inai tne rignt oi posbeKiion ana title between planum and defendants mav be forever quieted. and that It be decreed that any ciaim oi the defendants, or either of them, in or to said premises, or any part thereof is wnnoui lounaation in taw or in equity. That the plaintiffs Asa W. Lawsop and Pearl A. Lawson are the owners in fee and cf the whole thereof of the lollowing described real estate, to-wiL ah ot HiocKs uns til iwo u, innc (3i, Jr'our t4i, and Lots One (!, iwo i2i , Three 3t and Five (3) or Block Five i3) of Lawson Acres Subdivision in Township 30 South, Range 5 West Willamette Meridian, Douglas County Oregon, according to the official Plat thereof on file and of record In the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Oregon. Also all that part of Dona tion Land Claim No. 4o of J. W. Burch in Section Twenty-four i24i Township Thirty I30j South, Range Six (6i West Willamette Meridian, lying North of Cow Creek, Douglas County, Oregon. Free from any right, title, estate, lien or interest of said defendants or either of them ol any kind or nature whatsoever and that all persons claim ing by. through or under them or either of them be forever enjoined and restrain ed from asserting any right, title, es tate, lien or Interest In or to said premises or any part thereof. That the plaintiffs Darrel P. Merk ley and Betty L. Merkley, are the own ers in fee and of the whole thereof of the following described premises, to wit; Lot Four (4i Block FlveiS) of Law son Acres Subdivision in Township Thirty 1301 South, Range Five 3 West, Willamette Meridian, Douglas County, Oregon, according to the of ficial Plat thereof on tile and of record in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Oregon, r'ree from any and all right, title, es tate, lien or interest of said defendants or either ot them of any kind or na ture whatsoever and that all persons claiming by, through or under them or either of them be forever enjoined and restrained from asserting any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to said Dremlses or any Dirt thereof. That the plaintiffs have such other ana lunner renei as to tne coun snau appear equitable. This summons is served uoon you b.v publication once each week for four successive weeks in The Roseburg News- Keview, a newspaper oi general circu lation as provided by statute, published and issued in Roseburg. Douglas County. Oregon, by order of the Hon. Carl E. Wlmberly, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 22nd day of August, Dated and first published August zbtn. ibmj. Ill A B. RIDDLE. Attorney for Plaintiffs Post Office Address, Roseburg, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Not ire Is herebv si von that the un dersigned executor nf the estate of Edgar A. Lewis, deceased, has filed his nnui account ana tne court nas appoint ed Tuesday, September 26, 1950, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon in the County Court Room In the Court House in Rose burg, Douglas County, Oregon, as I ha time and place for hearing objections to said account. DATED Au&ust 26. 1950. DEXTfiR RICE, ecu tor of the estate of Edgar A. Lewis, de ceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of t- ftl. r uuer, ueceasea, now pending In the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, are herehy notified to oresent the same, verified as reoulred oy law. to the undersigned at the of fices of Geddes it Felker. Attorneys, Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the dale hereof Dated and first published this 26th any oi August, lurxi. J A. FULLER Administrator of the Estate of s. M. Fuller, Deceased IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY SUMMONS Cast No. l,-)25fl OLIVE C. WALLEN, a single woman, Plaintiff, VE. AMY DZIEGEL. a single woman; JOHN DOE DZIEGEL, nusband of Amy Dziegel, if she Is married; WALTER UZIEGEL, a single man; JANE DOE DZIEGEL, wife of Wal ter Dtiegel, if he Is married; MARY HAND, lormerly Mary Dziegel; also. an otner persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or Interest in the real estate described In the amended complaint herein. Defendants, TO:JOIIN DOE DZIEGEL, husband of i Amy Dztegel. if she It married; JANE I DOti DZlfcGKL, wife of Walter Dziegel, i is he is married; also, all other persons; or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate fl escribed In the amended Com plaint herein. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORtGON : You, and each of you, are hereby required to appear and answer the amended complaint of the plaintiff tiled against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before four i4 weeks from the dale of the first pub lication of this summons. And if you fail so to appear and answer said amended complaint plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the court for relief de manded in said amended complaint, a succinct statement of which Is as fol lows: That it be decreed that plaintiff Is the owner In fee and entitled to the possession of the following described real estate property, to-wlt: Lot No, Three 3i In Edenbower Orchard Tracts in Douglas County, Oregon, according tn the plat there of on file in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Oregon, and that the right of possession and title to said premises be forever quieted in plaintlif: and that it be further de creed that any claim nf the defendants, or anyone of them. In or to said pre mises or any part thereof la without lounaation In law or in equity, and that plaintiff Is the owner in fee of said pre mises and of the whole thereof, free from any and all claim and Interest of said de fendants, or anyone of them, of any kind or nature whatsoever; and that defendants and all persons claiming D' tnrougn or unaer tnem, or anyone of them, be forever restrained and enjoined from asserting any right, title or Interest in or to said premises or any part there- I of: and for such other and further relief! as lo the court may appear equitable, j This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once each week for: fcur '4 successive weeks in the Rowebure News-Review, a newspaper nf general fl rculatlon as provided bv statute, pub lished and Issued In Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon. Bv order of the Hon. Carl E Wlm berly, Judge of the above entitled rmirt, made on the 2-Mh day of August, 1.W The ftrtt publication of this summon! It of the date of August 2A. 1VI. GEORGE LUOMA. Attorney Mr Plaintiff. U. ft National Bank Building. Roaehurg. Oregon. OUT OUR WAY r Local Lmvm For Duty Jim Bellows, , son of Mr. snd Mrs. Harold Bel-1 lows, of Roseburg left Tuesday for Portland to report at the air base,, from where he will be sent to I Hamilton Field, Calif., for duty. I At Zimrick Homo Mr. and Mrs. John Zimrick. Roseburc. i have as guests the former's daugh ter, Mrs. tdmund L. Cook, lor merry Helen Zimrick. and Mrs Zimrick's dausnier. Miss Marge Stephens, of Portland. Visit at Good Horn Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McGlroy of Phoenix, Ariz., were visitors at the Walter Good home on Court St. this week The McElroys visited their son in Hanford, Wash, before coming to Roseburg' and are returning to Phoenix by way of Glendale, Calif. In Modford Miss Ila Mae Da vis has left for Medford to make arrangements for making her home there during the coming year. She will teach in the Med ford school system. Miss Davis is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davis of Sutherlin. Loavo For East Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bellows and srandaughler. Miss Judy Bellows, of Roseburs have left for Virginia Beach, Va J on a vacation trip, bnroule east they will visit their son, Fred Bel lows, in Chicago, and in Dayton, 0., with their daughter, Mrs. Gar land Stamper (Leta Bellows), and family. Will Marry Stpt. H According to word received here by Mrs. Cora Beyers, her rgrandson John Beyers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Beyers of Salt Lake City, will be married in Sacramento, Sept, 16. He is a senior at Stanford. John was born in Roseburg and resided here for a nu m ber of years, until his parents moved to Utah. Caraways Rtturn Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Caraway have returned to their home in Laurelwood, fol lowing a two weeks vacation. They attended the Shakespearean festi val in Ashland and spent the re mainder of their vacation at Win chester Bay. They went deep-sea fishing and report excellent luck. Mr. Caraway has resumed his work at Miller's department store. Back From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Brand have been enjoying a vacation in southern Oregon for th elast two weeks. Their most interesting visit was at Ashland, where they attended the Shakespearean festival. They visit ed several coastal points. Mr. Brand will be back at his work at the Ne s-Review Monday and Mrs. Brand will open her voice studio, Sept. 6. Will Move to California Mrs. E. J. 0'Meara and daughters, Kay and Danese, who have been resid ing in Riddle, are visitors in Rose burg with Mrs. 0'Meara's brother-in-law and sister,- Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hobi, and family, on Reserv voir avenue, while making prepar ations for moving to California to join Mr. O'Meara, who is engaged I in business near Stockton. LEGAL NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Highway Comtruction, Doufie County, OreRon S1ed bids will be received bv the County Court of Dougla County, Ore ton, at the court hnuae In Rnaebiirg, Oregon, al 10:00 o'clock A. M. on the 18th day of September, 1ft SO. lor conal ruction work on a dedicated ilreel known an I ?",h!:i'r AvnueJn Broajdmoor Pl.t, Section l. Townhip 27 South, Range si West, w m. The work involve -pproxi-1 mately 1700 lineal feet of grading and surfacing, the limit being more partlcu-1 lariy described ai from sution o piua oo ; VoUil,"an,,Pb.,"n.,d,r,d un,,.. .,' cnmp.nled bv ca,h. bldd.r', bond or emitted cnreic lor .n .mount eou.i " ount of the bid. A sufficient bond will he reoulred for ' the faithful performance rrf the rontrart i In a sum eaual to the total amount of ine Did. Plans, upecl float Ions, forms of eon tract, proposal blanks, end full Informa tion for bidders niay be obtained at the offices of the County Court or Ihe County Engineer, Court Hnu, Rue burg. Oregon, upon the deposit of five dollars. The right U reserved lo reject any or all proposals, or to accept the pro posal or proposals deemed best for the County. THE COUNTY COL"RT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY D. N BI SENRARK, Judge L. V BERKLEY. Comr.oner B C. BAKER, Commli'T'r Attest: ROY AG EE. Countv Clerk BY Ruth M. Turner. Deputy County Clerk V7U J: MK-uuni ihai V-'FlfW - " 1Mb HORSE 1 -t?1 WAS TH' STEEfc SOU M&tfWTf Kfs HAD TO JUMP ) HAt? DOWN, TYINJ' J OyM A JUST AS I SWV H,M LJP-WHUT- Mf&W HAD TD DUCK. W W?V HAPPEMED? .O m AMD OUR. ' J News Movt to Portland Mr. and Mrs. William Sleriersen and daushtcrs, Gerry and Louise, have moved irom ieoo in uosoDurg 10 roruana to make their home. Go to Portland Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ft. Kidder "and daughter, Sarah Anne, and Mr. Kidder's father, S. L. Kidder, left Thurs day for Portland to spend a few days visiting Mrs. Kenneth Hanson and family. The Kidders and Han sons became friends while resid ing in Manila, P. I. Stanley R. Kidder, who was recently ap pointed vice-consul to Singapore, and his family will leave in the near future.for his new post, fol lowing the summer visiting rela tives in this city. Visit at Davii Horn. Miss Car olyn Meyers has returned to her home in Rogue River, following a visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davis. Sutherlin, and with her uncles, Robert and Worth Davis, and their families, in Roseburg. She was accompanied home by her cousin, Dixon Davis, son of Mr. and Mis. Worth Davis, who will visit at the Meyers resi dence. The W. A. Davis' have also had their daughter, Mrs. Charles Hirsch. of Las Vegas. Nev.. as a nnuseguest lor the last several days. Daught.r It Born A daughter, Charlotte Gwyn, weighing seven pounds eight ounces, was born July 17, in Tokyo General hospi tal, Tokyo, Japan, to Sgt. 1-c and Mrs. Charles H. Edwards, for merly of Roseburg. This is the Kdwards third daughter. Mrs. Ed wards Is a daughter of Mrs. Jon elta Hendrickson of Roseburg. Prior to going to Tokyo, the Ed wards family resided here. Fol lowing the birth of the baby, Sgt. Edwards left Japan for Korea to rejoin the First cavalry in action there. Visit at Trutblood Horn Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Thomas of Long Beach, Calif., were guests of the latter's uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Trueblood, on East Lane street, Thursday. Mr. Thomas is registrar of the City College of Long Beach. His wife, formerly Ethel Trueblood, is a sister of the well-known clergyman and author, Elton Trueblood, who was chaplain at Stanford university before be coming a member of the staff at Earlham college. Richmond. Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas were return ing from a vacation trip to points north. While in Seattle they were guests of Mrs. Thomas' cousin. Professor Paid Trueblood, and his family. Wilbur Bv MRS. ELSIE BROSZIO Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Brown and daughter Arlyn have just returned from a work's vacation. Thev spent a few days In Portland visit ing at the home of their daughter nan family. Mr. and Mrs. N. h. I,eitheiser and returned Michael lo his home Ihere. P'rom there they went on to Taeoma, Wash., and spent a few davs at the home of Mrs. Brown's sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Henry and son, Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. Phil lip Scallon of Umpqua left Thurs day for Pendleton, to attend the rodeo and to visit at the home of Mr. Scallon's mother, Mrs. Ruby Scallon. Alice Kveretls had an emergoncy appendectomy at the Mercy hos pital in Roseburg Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. misseii winsiow ; anrJ son stevie. of Sheridan. Wyo have moved into the Holcomn apartment vacated by Mr. and R paitpr,nn whn havp ffnnt M'- ny 1 anerson wno nave to Eagle. Ida,, to reside. Mr- "d '" M. Sponcel of HOSPnurK were ninner Rursis .-Mm day at ihe home of Mr. and Mrs SHOOT MERCHANDISE PRIZE NEXT SUNDAY 7 - 10 P. M. YONCALLA TRAP & RIFLE CLUB Va Mil North oi Yoncalla en Highway 99 By J. R. William Winston By MRS. GEORGE BACHER 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stonebrnkcr and daughters, Melissa and Phyl lis, and son, Redell, spent the weekend in eastern Oregon. In Bly they attended to properly inter ests, returning by way of Crater Take where they stopped to visit and take pictures. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Frank True and daughter, Susie, of Winston motored to the coast where they visited relatives. Vacationing in California are Mr. and Mrs. I.aVal Medford and son, Wayne. They plan to go as far as San Francisco, being away about a week. Pear picking is slated to begin in this area this week. The crop is reportedly light in Winston this year. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacher have received a letter from Mr. and Mrs. John E. Falls of Snyder, Tex., telling of "unusual and try ing" crop conditions in that stale. The Falls' were guests in the Bacher home last spring and at that time they reported Texas was in the grip of a severe drouth. The lack of rain coupled with hot, drying winds had made it impos sible for them to get their surini: planting done. In sharp contrast now comes ineir report that "it has rained every day" since their return, four times they were forced to replant in mud and rain and now the army worms, a common pest to cotton in the southern slates, have hit their fields. Constant dusting has failed lo halt their march and if cotton, their leading industry, fails to yield it will start a "minor depression" for the stale, the Texas couple say. Logging operations in this vicin ity came lo a stand-slill several times during the past week due to Ihe continued heat and low humid ily. The hunidity was reported tn have dropped 10 degrees in one hour on one occasion. Mrs. A, R. Ownes was a Tues day night guest of Mr. and Mrs. .1. Kcarby Masters in Winston. Mrs. Owens has just returned from a vacation in California. She returned lo her home on Mulhol land drive in Roseburg on Wed nesday. Mils Yvonna Sloncbraker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stonebraker of Winston, was in Grants Pass on Tuesday investi gating the housing situation there. Miss Stonebraker who has been attending the Southern Oregon Normal school In Ashland has ac cepted a position as a primary teacher in a Grants Pass school for the next school year. Sept. 5 marks. the end of sum mer vacation for Winston schol ars. It is on that date that the parade of text hooks and tight shoes begins as a record number of Winston's younger set trek back lo the Dillard school. The principal, Harry Krug, reminds parents that Charles Holcomn. Mrs. T. K. Grey, former resi dent and teacher of Wilbur and now living in Corvallls, is ill at a hospital there. Mr. Ross lluchison and Eva Kinsel motored to Corvallis to visit at the home of Mrs. Kinscl's brother, Mr Will Howard. Mrs. Kdilh Davison has onend up a coffee shop in the front part of her husband's garage in Wilbur. Mrs. Carrie Blakclv has gone to visit at me nome oi ner son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hill in Garden Valley. Mrs. Balekly is recovering from a re cent illness. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Brown and son Ricky of Grants Pass, snent a few days visiting Mr. Brown's par ents, jvir. and Mrs. K. B. Brown in Wilbur. Sat., Aug. It, 1950 Th Newi-Rtvlaw, Rowburg, 0r. f Congress Chat By HARRIS ELLSWORTH, M.C. Fourth Congressional Dit. As this is written war news from Korea is still gloomy. We are down to the S-yard line exerting all our power to force the invaders back. Meanwhile a great silence blasts our ears from the U. S. State department Until June 25th all but a few determined individu als down there appeared to have lorgotten all about Asia and the Pacific and were entranced with interesting activities in Eurone. Then suddenly the fragment of har-bastern policy developed by those few was reversed and we began io oppose the march of communism in Asia. Now what? If we win the bloody war in Korea do we tiempt to rebuild Korea from the 381 h parallel south? Or do we march on through North Korea and attempt to actually unify that unfortunate country? What about Formosa? Our res ent policy is to quarantine that island until the communists have concentrated enough invasion barges and soldiers on the Chinese mainland to stage a landing on Formosa and capture it. What do we do then have some more Americans killed in attempting to repel an invasion we are now en couraging? To say that I have lost confid ence in the secretary of state and all his works is an understatement. I think we need a house-cleaning there from the top down. Aside from necessary lime spent on the floor of the House during the consideration of legis lation, wnicn always takes first priority 'n this work, I have been devoting a great deal of my time these last several weeks attempt ing to promote some improvement in the car shortage. The outlook has been, and still is. discourag ing. It has become a national firoblem now nut just a problem ocal to the Pacific States. Recently I introduced a resolu tion in the House to direct the House committee on interstate and foreign commerce to investigate the car shortage, and after vesication and study bring to Congress its suggestions for reliev ing the shortage. Whether or not the House takes formal action on this resolution, the committee has resolution. Ihe Committee has been studying the matter. I pre sented the resolution more for the purpose of attracting the attention ot all ot the membership to the proDiem. as a matter of fact, f appeared before our subcommit tee on transportation back in January and requested a full-scale study of the car supply problem by the committee. There seemed no need for action then but two days of hearings were held on the subject this spring. Nothing much developed from the hearings ex cept the statement of Colonel J. Monroe Johnson, chairman of the Interstate Commerce commission. that the car supply on American railroads was decreasing and that there would be a shortage. His . suggestion of a solution was that 1 the government build some freight J cars for emergency use in times . of peak loading. I am now hav- l ing a bill drafted which will carry i" out that general idea. It will be', introduced in a few days. I I The House will shortly go on recess basis. It is now pretty well determined that no new legis-1 lation other than what may be necessary to deal with strictly emergency and thus far unfor secn problems will be considered. Members who live reasonably near Washington will be able to go to their homes for a couple of weeks but I expect I shall haVe to slay here until some conference reports are completed. Practical ly everything requested by the President as a result oi ine war cttiinttnn will have heen acted un- on by September 2. As of now, ! it has been determined that Con gress will not formally adjourn until very late in the year, it will merely jog along on a recess basis, which means that all mem bers can be called into session on 24 hours notice. Diathermy, as applied to medi cine, actually is an ultra short wave machine of low range which generates heal within the human body and thereby aids nature in restoring normal conditions. beginners arc to be accompanied by their mothers and that birth certificates be brought on that dale. The pre-school clinic will be held then. The cafeteria will not be open. JVVN f SEE MZINS 1 f"'Y I "SEW-GEM SUZ IE" I iJ I PEfCM...SHE I a,, i, mi Example Of Ingratitudt Given To Police Dept. The Roseburg police department and several other local agencies learned Thursday it doesn't alwayi pay to help a man in distress, According to Chief Calvin H. Baird, his Department was visited by Floyd Carl Conley, 33, who identified himself as medically discharged World War II veteran and former logger out of work be cause of woods accident. Claiming he was physically un able to perform manual labor. other Roseburg agencies found Con ley a job as cook and advanced him money to buy a white shirt. Later in the day, Conley was back at the police station but this time for a ten-day visit imposed by Judge Ira B. Riddle on a vag rancy charge. Crief Baird quoted the man as saying he spent the afternon drinking on money in tended for tne shirt and had lost his job before he darted. Con ley spent the night in the city jail. His hotel reservation, arranged by an interested agency, was cancel led. . .. Drafting Of Doctors, Dentists Asked In Bill WASHINGTON- UP) Secretary of Defense Johnson today asked Congress to permit a draft of doc tors and dentists up to and includ ing age 45 for the armed services. The request was made in a let ter to Chairman Vinson of the house armed services committee. Johnson enclosed a bill drawn up by the Defense department. Vin son introduced it in the House and said his committee would begin hearings Monday. Northwest Furniture Plants May Be Struck SEATTLE, -WP) A strike in volving 57 Oregon and Washington furnituro manufacturing plants and more than 2,500 wrokers will begin Sept. 1 unless a contract settlement is reached with employ ers. J. W. Turman, secretary of the Washington-Oregon district council of the Furniture Workers union, said the union seeks a 25-cent hourly wage boost. The union has rejected an offered 5-cent increase. Wages .' now range from $1.06 to $1.65. Rtgisttrtd Willamatt Val ley brad Romnay, from inv ported rami. Choice elec tion, n'-w available. Oakmead Farm Newberg, Oregon SUMMER IS HERE I I i i i Let us check your car appearance I I l.'ll . J. I ii t-QKtj our aenrs, touch up svruinci anu run spur, I weia ript ana rean. urive 11 j..s I roaari I HANSEN ! MOTOR CO. Oak Stephens Phone 446 ax, ill lltllll ROSEBURG SEWING MACHINE CENTER SU? N . J4CKS0N HONE 689-T 0SEU I