Junior Legion Nine Takes Tilt Norm West's Junior American Lesion team turned the tables on Drain last night and handed them a 12-11 loss. It looked like a hopeless battle by the end of the fourth when Prain had pushed across their fo wl of 11 runs, in those four inn ings the Roseburg boys had scored two runs in the second on a single by Coen and a single by Hcmpe nius, who scored on an error. Thev started to come to life in the fifth and scored three more with two men down. I'armetcr got on, Groves singled, and llelliwcll reached first on an error. Then Sullivan got a single to score the third run. They scored again in the sixth on hits by Coen and Dalros, hut they really loosed the bag of tricks in the seventh and scored five runs to tie up the game. Roberts, Stone, Ripperger, Sullivan, and Olsen drew walks and Groves singled. Stone scored the winning run in the ninth when he singled to drive in Ripperger. Roseburg used four pitchers, Parmeter, Sullivan, Olsen, and Coen. SHOOTERS TO VIE DALLAS, July 19 111 Some 600 men and women ranging in age from eight to 80 will fire more than 300,000 shells in the greatest of all national skect shooting tour naments here July 31 through Aug. TRAILER AXLES Standard Sizes $20 00 DOYLE'S Sales & Service Highway 9 ml Garden Voll.y PHONE 611 Opener GEORGE DRAKE vs. JACK KISESR FIRST MATCH STARTS 8:45 P. M. Lowest Priced Car with "ROCKET" ENGINE and OLDS HYDRA-MATIC ! TOP NUMBER nn the liifliway! . ; ; Olilsinnbile't brilliant new S8 with the Korktt" Lngine and new Hydra-Matio Dmel SMOOTH NUMBIRI ; ; ; the new "fig." mnothrr than ever aa Olilsmnbile Hydra-Malic pairs wilh "Rocket" Engine power! BIAUTIFUL NUMBIRI . ; ; the .parkling "R8," niperblr tylrd the Kiituramio way! Clean, free-flowing lines match the beauty ot ultra-smart intrrinrs. TRY THIS NUMBW-Sre your OMsiunhile draler anil ak fur a "Kwkrl" riii in the nr "88"! It'a the lowest priced "Rocket" lirdra-Matio carl Mtkt t Site with i 'it SMITH i o fliyofe o i 6 The News-Review, Roseburg, Redding Defeats Eugene Larks, 6-2 Th. AuociAlcd PrcHI The Redding Browns pushed their Far West league lead to three and a half games last night ai they downed the Eugene Larks, ft 2, in the opening game of their series in the Oregon City. The Browns won with a four run rally la the eighth, sparked by a three run triple by left fielder Tom Lucido, Second place Klamath Falls bow ed, 3-2, to the Medford Rogues des pite a sterling pitching effort by Andy Sierra, who limited the Ro gues to three hits and struck out 15. The Gems helped their defeat with five errors. The Willows Cardinals managed to climb out of the league cellar by defeating the Reno Silver Sor 10 to 6 at Willows. Reno pitcher Don Strlcgcl blew up in the first inning, giving up five hits and as many walks good for 9 runs. Pittsburg's Gene Valentine pitch ed five-hit ball to shut out Marys ville 3 0, and leave the Peaches alone in the cellar. Marysville and Willows had been tied t the bottom of the league standings. Chiefs To Play Here Tonight The Umpqua Chiefs will play Iheir last scheduled game to night before going to the state tournament. They will face Myr tle Creek in a non-league tilt. Next week will be tough one for the team reported team man ager Earl Sargent. Besides the Myrtle Creek game tonight, the Chiefs are booked to play Ash land Sunday and an oxhibtion game with the Harlem Globetrot ters next Wednesday, July U, as well as tournament games Friday and next Tuesday. WRESTLING AT THE ARMORY . SATURDAY NIGHT Main Event MEL PETERS vs. FRANKIE STOJAACK tht I' aU. I ISi fl -4 " . ! T PHONI YOUR NEAREST MOTORS, Or.. Wed., July 19, 1950 MADMAN MEL PETERS Peters, Stojack Set Mat Fight Douglas county wrestling follow ers have a new Public Enemy No. 1 Madman Mel Peters, the blond- bearded ex-Oregonian from Holly wood. Peters looked extremely impres sive here last week when he dis posed of popular Danno MacDon aid and Matchmaker Elton Owen is now attempting to discover just how tough the admitted villain real ly is. So, he signed Frankie Sto jack for next Saturday's headliner at the Roeburg armory. Another comparative 'newcomer has been" booked for the one-hour opener George Drake, the "Cat alina Kid." He will meet Jack Ri ser, talented and experienced Port lander. Peters defeated MacDonald with legitimate holds a Boston crab and I backbreaker but it was the manner in which he wore down the young Canadian that gave local fans the idea that he posed as a villain. He will have his hands full against Stojack and the Tacoma matman's terrific airplane spins. Reserve seat tickets are avail able at Powell's. PILES HEMORRHOIDS ... .lh.r K.ct.l Dlif..A COLON... STOMACH ailminH lUPTum (H.rnlo) TimM Wrtkeat IhMM Itmtin H.uv nii, aim, wan.mr.w.h rrl. r UMil 1,00 :m. M...WM..M. CI. O.... il.O PPSfSr O.tcrl.tlv. la.kltf OWofnaW , " Will. ., call )HJ.1 THE DEAN CLINIC in oua 40'" ia M.l C.ra.r I lumile. ... trmni Ave. T.tJi.i.. lAlt llll r.rtl.M 4, Or. A OMU MOTOIS VUUI Mm OlDSMOIIll DIALER PHONI 311 OR VISIT 233 N. STEPHENS STREET Layne Victor Over Kahut Via Decision PORTLAND, Ore., July 1 Husky Rex Layne had t new belt today a silver doodad emble matic of the far western heavy weight boxing championship. The Utah slugger earned it last night with a unanimous 12-round decision over Joe Kahut of Woodburn, Ore. Although there were no knock downs, Layne looked in the eighth canto to be on the verge of knock ing out his lighter opponent. A furious flurry of rights and lefts had Kahut rolling around the ring but he managed to stay on his feet. Kahut's best round was the fifth when he caught Layne with an overhand right that shook the Salt Lake City battler. Layne, weighed 194 pounds, 14 more than Kahut. Preliminaries: Dick Wolfe. 148, Portland, and Luis Ortiz, 157, San Jose, Calif., Drew,6; Eddie Kahut, 159, Wood burn, Ore., knocked out Danny For rest, 161, Klamath Falls, 1; Dave Tittman, 194, Portland, decisioned Eddie Phillips, 188, Longview, 4; Jimmy Brynes, 213, Portland, T. .O'd Joe Thomas, 199. Seattle, 1; Jack Nelson, 183, Salt Lake City, decisioned Chuck Ross, 193, Portland, 4. Silverton, Albino Clubs Take Wins SILVERTON, July 19 UP) Albina fuel of Portland and the Silverton Red Sox posted first round victories last night in opening the 15th annual Oregon semi-pro base ball tournament. hand team to a 7-to0 shutout over Molalla with two-hit ball. The Red Sox had two three-run innings in defeating Forest Grove, 9 to 2, behind the four-hit pitching of George Peterson. Both games were halted after five innings because of the seven run lead rule. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT (By Th. AMoclalid Prw.l Los Angeles Art Aragon, 136i, Los Angeles, stopped Enrique Bo lanos, 136' i, Mexico City. 3. - Hartford, Conn. Johnny Cesar- 10, 146, Boston, outpointed Johnny Wells, 146, Boston, 10. Portland, Ore. Rex Layne, 194, Salt Lake City, utpolntatl . Joe Kahut, ISO, Woodburn, Ore. 12. Honolulu Mario Trigo, l.W4, Los Angeles, outpointed Philip Kim, 142, Honolulu, 10. COPCO WINS In Twilight Softball play Tuesday Copco defeated t h e Christian Church men, 5-0, as Cnpco's Dame held the losers to one hit a single by Piper. Copco got a run In the first wnrn oucno nimmea one a nomer and they scored four more in their big inning, the fifth, br collectino- six hits including a double by Cu- cno ana a nomer ny Steele. Mir. imi m .A OMmIJ, WWfc In The Majors IBy th. Amocumo PrsMi NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. Boston 4S 34 .575 Philadelphia 411 34 .575 St. Louis 4 34 .575 Brooklyn 43 34 .558 Chicago 37 41 .474 New York . M 44 ,450 Cincinnati 34 4 .425 .367 Pittsburgh 29 50 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS St. Louis 5, Brooklyn 3. Cincinnati 1, New York 0. Chicago 5 3, Philadelphia 2-8. Boston 11, Pittsburgh 3. AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pet. Detroit 54 28 .659 New York . 51 32 .614 Cleveland 50 35 .588 Boston 47 38 .553 Washington 38 44 .463 Chicago 36 50 .419 St. Louis 30 53 .361 Philadelphia 29 55 .345 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS New York 12, St. Louis 1. Boston 12, Detroit 9. Cleveland 10. Philadelphia 2. Washington 5, Chicago 2. COAST LEAGUE IBy Th AuocUUd PrCMI W L Pet. Oakland 67 43 .609 Hollywood . : 65 47 .580 San Diego 58 56 .509 Seattle 56 55 .505 San Francisco S4 58 .482 Portland 52 56 .481 L"S Angeles 51 62 .451 Sacramento 44 70 .386 LAST NIGHT'S RESULTS Los Angeles 2, Sacramento 1. Oakland 7, Portland 4. Hollywood 10. Seattle 2. San Diego 7. San Francisco 1. W. I. L. SCORES (By Th. AuoclatMl Prestl W L Pet. .576 Yakima 53 39 Tacoma 51 38 .573 Wenatchee .52 40 .565 Tri-City . 49 42 .538 . 39 48 .448 Salem Victoria 41 51 .446 Spokane . 39 51 36 51 .433 Vancouver .... .414 GAMES LAST NIGHT Spokane 7, Tacoma 2. wenatchee 7, Victoria 6. Yakima 12, Salem 4. Vancouver at Tri-City, rain. NEW TYDOL Compounded Motor Oil is heat-resistant to safeguard your motor CHANS Tydol's deter gencr idditive keeps your engine cleaner. It prevents the formation of carbon, gum and varnish that otherwise would accumulate on vital parts. It also removes deposits that may have formed previously, and through suspension, prevents them from settling out in the engine. This safeguards your motor. PROTICTS Tydol's oxidation inhibitor protects against bearing corrosion. Tydol s Dynamic Flow feature gives instant lubrication to all engine parts to protect all close fitting parts (bearings, cylinder walls and pistons) means easier starting, low engine ear, less battery drain. It also prevents formation of harmful "Carbon Gravel" in th crankcase. LUBRICATES Tydol'i low pour point gives instant lubrication even in cold weather. Its high viscosity index reduces oil drag gives more engine power and lower oil consumption. Tydol is heat resistant and stable in service. This means longer life. TIDI WATER ASSOCIATED OIL Braves, Phils, Cards Tied For By JACK HAND Auoclated PrM SporuwriUr Billy Southworth's Braves are flying high, in i triple tie with Philadelphia and St. Louis in the sizzling National league pennant race, It's the first time they've been on top since the opening week of the season. With Warren Spahn, Johnny Sain nd Vern Bickforti working in re gular turn, Southworth's pitching is on a high plane. The three of them account for 33 of the Braves' 46 wins. Spahn did it again yester day, striking nut nine Pirates as he mastered Pittsburgh for the first time this season, 11-3. It was the 11th victory for Oie 29-year- old southpaw. St. Louis turned Ford Frick s lea gue into a triple tie by ending Brooklyn's surge with a 5-3 vic tory behind AI Braile's steady seven-hit pitching. Jinx Broken Brazle was the second Card pitcher to go the route against the Dodgers in 15 games. The Cards had lost seven in a row to Brooklyn since June 1 until they whipped Erv Palica last night. The Phillies got away with a split at Chicago, breaking a five game losing streak with an 8 3 romp in the second game of a doubleheader. The Cubs took the opener, 5-2, with the help of Bill Serena's two homers and Paul Min ner's seven-hit pitching. Cincinnati made it nine wins in its last 11 games with a 1-0 verdict over the New York Giants on Virgil Slallcup's third inning hom er. Stallcup's homer and an infield Wt Supply CASH FOR YOUR WARM WEATHER NEEDS1 Personal and Auto Loans without endorsers. Inquire Today CALKINS FINANCE CO. Phc... 466 307 (3rd Floor) Pacific Bids., M-337 State Lie. S-264 ptoMbrow m sinele bv.Ted Kluszewski in the eighth were the only hits off loser Monte Kennedy. Detroit's American league lead was cut to I'l games at Boston where the Red Sox outlasted the Tigers. 12-9 in a slugfest marked by Vern Stephen's three-run homer in the first inning. Parade of Pitchers Billy Goodman collected four hits off the parade of Detroit pitchers starting with Freddie Hutchin son, who failed to survive the first. The Red Sox also needed four pitchers when Ellis Kinder faded in the seventh. Joe Dodson finally had to come in to stop a ninth inning rally that netted three runs. Big Jawn Mize hit two homers and added 45 points to his batt ing average with four hits in New York's 12-1 slaughter of St. Louis. Mize went into the game with a .258 average and came out hit-tine- .303. ' Rnh lmnn berame the first ma.' jor leaguer to win 14 games buti .Tnk XCtttt AuocialrtJ Mil A Kotwcwt mom HStmf STRAIGHT BOURBON rC W lk-t"lls',i'!t af9 This Whisky ii 4 Years Old 86 Proof. L '',, VI ITW'"''".?'''iir1wi IAIY TIMES DISTIUEIY CO. WJp-'.V'.i.. lOUISVIllI l; KY. I,, ljl jf SAVE all ways with complete Fly ing A Service on the over-all opera tion of your car. You'll SAVE on u ear, time, repairs and replacement costs. And you don't have to buy to be welcome. Flying A Service is free yours for the asking at Helpful Associated Dealers everywhere. SAVE all ways with Flying A Serv- ice at the sign of the Flying A. FLYIMGPSIRVICE National Lead I suffered a hand injury in the pro- cess. The Cleveland ace left the I box after he was struck on his i right hand by a line drive off I Kermit Wahl's bat in the sevenUi j inning of the Tribe's 10 j rout I of Philadelphia. It was not be- lieved serious and Lemon will be able to take his regular turn. Washington jammed all of its six hits off Ray Scarborough, an ex teammale, into the first two inn. ings of a 4 2 triumph over Chi cago. Gil coan's double and Irv Nor en's second single accounted for a game-winning batch of three runs in the second inning. R. D. BRIDGES Savings Reoresentative Equitable Savings and Loan Aii'n. Phono 2526 Oakland, Ore. Oil Compitif COMPANY ) i i ) i