10 Tht Ntwt-Rview, Roseburg, Or. Tuet., Jun 20, 1950 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR MAY, 150 i May 3rd, A block of timber land located in Townshipi 20, 21, and 22, S. Ranges 11 and 12, W. of Wil lamette Meridian, sold to Thornton-Oar Creek Timber Company for $312,762 00. May 4th, Polling places designat ed for the several voting precincts in Douglas County for Primary election to be held on May 19, 1950. May Sth, License granted to Douglas Greater Shows for carni val of one week beginning May IS, 1950. May 9th, Dance Hall license granted to John Eckwall for "The Curve" three and one half miles from Myrtle Creek on Highway 99. May 12th, Deeds for Recreational Site in Section 7, Twp. 22 S, Range 12 W, W.M. accepted and County Clerk authorized to issue warrants in payment thereof to Charles J. Marks and Ellen Marks, $5000.00; to C, A, Himebaugh and Blanche Himcbaugh, $250.00; and to Hay ward C. Stacey and Katherine C. Stacey, $250.00. May 20th, Order appointing Board of County Viewers to estab lish gateway road from farms and residences of petitioners across lands of Robert L. Irving and Elsie Irving, and of Thomas If. Dawson and Elizabeth Dawson, and also of Elton V. Jackson and Ruth L. Jack son, located in Twp. 26 South, Range 6 West, W.M. May 20th, Oniler appointing Allan C. Sherlock as an additional en forcement officer for Douglas County Dog Control District. May 23rd, Order of Sale of Tax Lands located in S'S'i Sec 34. Twp. 29 S Range 5W. W.M. and S'aNWVi Sec. 2 Twp. 30 S Range 5 W. W.M., for the amount of $7. 624.00. Contract issued to Dan T. Hostetlcr. Order to Issue Special Mining lease for a five year period to Carl W. Chenoweth, for the UV, SW!4 Sec. 22 Twp. 30 S. R 7 W. W M. May 24th, Franchise issued to M. E. McMunn to install a Water Conduit under and across County Road No. 20-A, in Section 19, Two. 30 South, R 5 West, W.M. May 29th, Franchise granted to A. A. Goodwin to install a Water Conduit under and across Gregory Street in Roseburg Home Orchard Tracts. Order declaring gateway road over WW of SEVi Sec. 26, SE' SEW Sec. 27, and part of Sec. 34 Twp 24S, Range 4 W, W.M. on peti tion o R. N. Rose and Norma Rose. Order changing time of meeting of board of county viewers for hearing in matter of establishing a gateway road on petition of Stan Icy I. Short, et al. Order to execute deed to Joseph G. Deardorff et ux for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 11 of Railroad Addition Oakland,. Oregon, for purpose of clearing title. May 31, Order accepting deeds of Oakley Bibby and Harriet E. Bibby, Ernest N. Tuel and Alice Lucille Tuel and Fred H. Frills and Sadie M. Fritts, covering right of way in Sec. 2 and 3, Twp 27 C, Range 7 W, W.M. for County Road No. 90. Clerk authorized to issue warrants as follows: to Oakley Bib by and Harriet Bibby, Ernest N. Tuel. Alice Lucille Tuel, $10 00; to Fred H. Fritts and Sadie- M. Fritts, $5.00 for payment in full. WARRANTS DRAWN FOR MONTH OF MAY 1M GENERAL COUNTY - CIRCUIT COURT: Trial Witness fees $29.44; Grand Witness fees $142.96; Jury fees $141.28; Grand Trial fees $134.76; Spl. Counsel $50.00; Bailiff $60.00; The Gregg Publishing Co. $12.97; Laundry $2.21; Jury dinners $91.65; Pac. Tel. k Tel. $4.45; SIAC $0.33. COUNTY COURT: Richfield Oil $19.06; Standard Oil $8.02; Shell Oil $968; TideWater Assoc. Oil $9.68; Hansen Motors $13.02; Car ter Tire $82.49; Rosbg. . Motors $9.95; Postage $12.00; D. N: Busen bark $43.60; L. V. Beckley $44.50; R. G. Baker $5.50; Pac. Tel. k Tel. $7.95; SIAC $0.32. JUSTICE COURT: Phillips Of fice Supply $2.50; West Coast Tel. Co. $7.50; M k M Printers $39.64; Pac. Tel. k Tel. $5.15; Jury fees $36.00; Mileage $10.04; F. M. Wright $43.00; SIAC $6.88. JUVENILE COURT: Standard Oil $17.67; Shell Oil $13.68; Tide Water Assoc. Oil $16.06; Postage $6.00; Pac. Tel. k Tel. $16.65; A. M. Pitchford $51.25; SIAC $1.83. DISTRICT ATTY: Thomas Pub lishing $5.62; Photo Lab. $4.00; J. C. Byrd $5.00; W. C. Hawes $9.73; Sec'y of State $2.00; Pac. Tel. & Tel. $27.95; L. Adams $64.48; SIAC $0.41. ASSESSOR: Rsbg. Printing $50.90 and $16.00; Standard Oil $11.35; Oregon Blue Print $18.50; Rsbg. News-Review $8.22; Pac. Tel. k Tel. $11.10; Express $1.61; N. Dixon $75.70; L. Wier $11.56 and $85.14; E. Lozier $74.66 and $29.36; J. Stephenson $130.68; D. Carter $116.14; M. Johnson $63.20; L. Ste phens $149.22; C. Crocker $231.34; SIAC $3.93. . CLERK: Drain Enterprise $28.75; Kubli- Howell $23.60 and $10.10; Postage $72.00; Addresso giaph $8.86; Rsbg. Printing $33.70; Pac. Tel. k Tel. $13.70; SIAC $2.81. CORONER: C. Marriott $15.28; M. B. Emmitt $23.36. SHERIFF-LEGAL: Photo Lah. $5.39; Crane Direct Mail $10.00; Union Garage $4.50; Reedsport Ga rage $1.75; Hansen Motors $6.44; Richfield', Oil $33.94; Texas Co. TED ASKS: NEED YOUR PACKARD LACQUERED? Increase the value of your car with now point job. Car point n from $50.. FREE FREE, FREE. If your cor hoi minor chips, scratches and rust spots wo repair : without charge with ovary wash and polish. Try ut. TED'S Auto Body Service 1 mil.t waif of city cintr it M.lrata Road. PHONC 131 t-J OUT OUR WAY rw By J. R. Williams GET OUTA f 7 HERE 'FORE hH I KICK SOUR 07 SHINS--IFEEL hT BAP ENOUGH WITHOUT "YOUR SOBBlM' TOO 1 CAN'T V" HE'S WRECK.EP A JOB AN' I HELP IT-- X THEM LOOMS ARE HAVIM' 1 I KIT PPCI C"i I CI k ini k. I' -m i-r tn-iK-r I I PEEPLV KIND OF PERSONALITV OVER. A A C3UY LIKE BEST AT ) ' I FELLOW- SUCH A TIME ! THEY'RE A I A MAN'S BAP ) SENPIM' IW A SMILER NOW-- j I gf-v V LUCK y l I NEVER HAVE FI6UREP J SB ""Y OUT HUMOR - . THE WOI VE' ' ' ' i V l r i. wlv J cmf iM by hit, sepvicc tut J $74.22; Standard Oil $76.17; Gener al Petroleum $33.53; Shell Oil $64.45; Tide Water Assoc. Oil $43.90; Union Oil $32.27; Postage $9.30 and $4.20; Umpqua Valley Tel. Co. $5.23; West Coast Tel. Co. $17.59; Pac.. Tel. k Tel. $70.69; A. Eckhardt $20.10; W. I. Worrall $13.40; C. Bever $12.65 and $23.55; D. Bennett $10.80 and $9.25 and $4 32 and $15.45; O. A. Kennerly $334.01; W. Kissinger $5.15; A. Sherlock $6.50; R. Ritzman $6.50; O. T. Carter $42.30; Carter Tire $54.38; V. Pounccy $6.50; SIAC $24.87. SHERIFF-TAX DEPT: M. John son $49.68; Pac. Tel. k Tel. $3.60; SIAC $1.34. SHERIFF-DEL PER TAX: Pac. Tel. & Tel. $2.00; K.- E. Young $25.48; SIAC $0.99. SCHOOL SUPT.: K. F. Barne burg $65.56; Rsbg. Book Store $46.46; Pac. Tel. k Tel. $12.55; SIAC $0.62. SURVEYOR: Keuffel k Esser $25.28: Rsbg. Book Store $3.30; Pac. Tel. k Tel. $5.40; B. Irving $141.30; F. M. Darby $45.36; A. R. Evans $1.55; N. Richardson $2.19; N. Armstrong $159.30; SIAC $0.62. TREASURER: Postage, $5.00; Rsbg. Book Store $2.70; Pac. Tel. k Tel. $4.35; SIAC $0.31. HEALTH UNITS: West Coast Tel. $6.95; New Service Laundry $2.74; Pac. Tel. & Tel. $9.48; R. Stanek $33.28 and $36.09; B. Smith $20.08 and 46.58; V. McKinney 81.92; V. S. Miller $137.76; L. Ful ton $90.13: M. Barrett $127.23; D. Kitchin $29.62; SIAC $4.33. HOME: Montgomery Ward $11.92; C.O.P. Co. $67.49; J. C. Penney $7.15; Matson Produce It's BIG! It'i NEW! It'i a BEAUTY! Here ii the post-war Range you knew that tome manufacturer would build iatett design with gleaming, sparkling CHROME COOKING TOf combines the BEST IN RANGE FEATURES at a down-t-earth price. See it TODAY W COMPARE it with etW ranges on the market Me hew much easier it hi to coek en the DETROIT JEWEL wHh safe, quick, dependable GAS! New Low Price1 $13950 Pay As Little As ?586 Per Month! TANK GAS SERVIGE Ye can atee here mod em cooking and water heating BEYOND THE CITY MAINS . . . ke otmw aet er LOW RENTAL PLAN en ten. $52.54; Rsbg. Dairy $25.96; Ump qua Dairy $64.50; Valley Wholesale $41.33; Rcxall Store $4.00; Mars ters Refrigeration $3.50; No. Side Saw Shop $3.00; Boyd Coffee $48.90; Clco's Bakery $5.60; Douglas Co. Creamery $23.46; J. Ferguson $08.40; McDonald Candy $39.08; Melrose Dairy $73.60; Hudson-Duncan $201.55; Patterson Bakery $44.51; Shultz Wholesale $12.77; Boucock Meat Mkt. $63.36; McKay Drugs $133.56; Rsbg. Pharmacy $95.96; Goettels $2.40; Rsbg. Lum ber $41.60; Pac. Tel. k Tel. $9.40; Myrtle Creek Laundry $207.26; L'mpqua Valley Ildwe. $4.00; Cocn Supply $5.75; SIAC $33.67. JAIL: C. Bever $5.00; W. I. Wor rall $7.60; Dr. Geo. Marshall $5.00; Dr. A. B. Munroe $18.00; Dr. C. F. llowctt $3.00; Dr. C. B. Wade $3.50; Rsbg Pharmacy $8.09; Photo Lab. $7.53; Rsbg. Cabinet k Supply $3.45; Rsbg. Garbage Disposal $4.00; R. Ritzman $3.00; C. Bevei" $9.40; Prisoner Meals $712.50; SIAC $7.19. COURT HOUSE: Packer -Scott Co. $7.37; Otis Elevator $43.60; W. R. .Brown $9.50; Rsbg. Lumber $35.00; Rsbg. Electric $11.18; C.O. P. Co. $194.59; Valley Forge Flag $25.02; R. Ritzman $84.00; D11 Fresne Electric $2.00; SIAC $2.62. PUBLIC EMPLOYES RETIRE MENT SYSTEM: $2244.79. PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: A. Tuthill $10.00: R. C. Gile $218.99; II. Haskin $81.00; SIAC $1.36. WELFARE AGENCIES: Dr. B. R. Shoemaker $25.00; Dr. C. B. Wade $15.00; Catholic Charities $5.00; Children's Farm Home $10.00; Boys' k Girls' Aid Soc. $10.00. SOLDIERS k SAILORS ASSIST ANCE: M. Stennett $25.00; K. Mil likin $25.00. AGRICULTURE: Geo. Endicott $8.00: Fred Neal $8.00. PREDATORY ANIMAL CON TROL: The following received $10.00 each for Cougar: W. A. Blackert, C. Thornton, V. Lerwill, and W. Davis. The following $10.00 each for Coyotes: C. D. Burgovne, and R. E. Rice. The following $2.50 for Bob Cat; J. Rainville, .1. Frank, C. Collins, B. Serfin and N. T. Combs. COUNTY OWNED LANDS: Si Dillard Motors $15.26; Union Oil $3.09; Postage $5.00-; A. Murdock $317.08; L. Tyler $129.46; SIAC $2.89. FORESTRY APPRAISAL: Si Dil lard Motors $31.11 and $8.70; Kil ham Stationery $3.90: Shannon & Co. $10.34 and $5.61 ; Farm Bureau Co-op. $2.95; Standard Oil $33 66; U.S. Tire Stores $20.46: Rsbg. Cab inet $3 55; Master Photo Studio $10.80 and $9 60; Rsbg. Weld & Mach. Wks. $6.75; Johnwell Uphol stery $7.50; Montgomery Ward $9.56; Sec'y. of State $2.00; Eugene Dietzgen $7.19; Riverside Motors $1679.81; Rsbg. Book Store $15.25; Pac. Tel. k Tel. $12.84; SIAC $14 95. VETERINARIAN: Dr. Dallen H. Jones $33.00. ELECTIONS: Harrv Pearce $40.50: Rsbg. Printing $671.65; Ad dressograph $5.29; Northern School Supplv $415.00; Rsbg. Cabinet & Supply $151.36; C.O.P. Co. $1.45; Goettels $12.60; Swafford Hdwe. $0.55; Cocn Supply $156.32; Judges k Clerks $2388.00; Polling Place Rents $529.50; Canvassing Board $48.00; L. Walker $164.05; Pac. Tel. k Tel. $9.75; J. F. Byrd $101.25 and $27.00; SIAC $0.31. GENERAL SUPPLIES: Sun Printing $193.08; Burroughs Add. Mach. $3.42 and $21.00; Rsbg. Book Store $19.10. PUBLISHING CLAIMS k RE PORTS: Rsbg. News-Review $54.90; Port Umpqua Courier $63.00. STATUTORY AUDIT: A. B. Col lier $1,000.00; Sec'y of State $50.00. WATERM ASTER DIST. No. 10: Tom R. Pearce $98.00; SIAC $0.61. RECREATIONAL AREAS: H. C. k K. C. Stacy $250.00; C. A. k B. Heinbaugh $250.00; C. J. k Ellen Marks $5,000.00; Anna Drain $1, 000.00; C. E. Stricklin $1.00. DOG CONTROL: Farm bureau Co op. $11.25; Rsbg. News-Review $3.40; City of Rsbg. $104.00; The following were paid for Lambs kill ed; Hunt Bros. The following for sheep killed: W. F. Brown, E. Sumner, W. P. Weaver it R. S. Clinton. SIAC $2.81. TOTALS, Oregon Physicians Ser vice $395.50: S. Tax $349.58: Fed. Tax $2,175.80; S. Pensions $1,285.93; SIAC $618.41. The following Warrants drawn for express, gas, oil, lumber and supplies: Landis Iron Works $29.00; Leas k Cummins $41.72; Rsbg. Glass $30.17: Coen Supply $4.80; Shannon k Co. $6.71; Stearns Hdw. $170.79; Pac. Tel. k Tel. $44.15: Citvof Reedsport $3.00; Rsbg. Sand k Gravel $172.09; Cecil Lowe $1, 891.95; Perry, Marjorie, Bill Dvsert $200.00; C. J. k Ruth Sether $100.00; W. H. Boergardine $19.50; Jovin Brake Supply $36.00; Lock wood Motors $62.37; Harry Pearce $18.00; Walt's Radiator Shop $6.00; Doyles Sales k Service $78.06; P. L. Crooks $1881.94; Douglas Sup ply $183.61; Eugene Concrete Pipe k Prod. $168.00; Sig Fett $519.47; Hansen Motors $47.62; Howard Cooper $342.93; Industrial Supply $545.39; Interstate Tractor $223.12; Loggers k Contractors Mach. $8'J 58; Nelson Equip. $45.50; Olym pia Supply $5.00; Pac. Shop Towel $10.00; Salem Iron Wks. $53.00; Tire Service J400. 51; Umpqua Val ley Hdw. $23.16; Woodbury Co. $126.76; M. J. Riggs $2.30; Thomas k Beckley $3,300.00; Daily Journal of Commerce $20.00; Rsbg. News Review $10.64; Don Baldridge $9.05; 101 Service $6.75; R k L Shell $7.20; Shell Oil $24.75; Union Oil $377.16; Umpqua River Navigation $1543.50; Balzer Mach. $345.24; CanyonviUe Hdw. $3.84; J. C. Compton Co. $684.75; Daily Motors $7.10; Si Dil lard Motors $327.27; J. E. Hasel tine Co. $159.38; Nordling Parts $119.09: Orchard Auto Parts $33.83; Pac. Highway Garage $1.77; Spe cialized Parts $519.92; Taylor Shop ping Center $4.15; City of CanyonviUe- $3.00; Pience Auto Freight $8.26; Sec'y. of State $4.00; Beck ley k Thomas $2418.90; Walker! Range $10.34; Glendale Garage $3.50; Geo. Churchill $35.00; Fire stone Stores $472.20; C. Willey $10.00; Ore-Nev-Calif Fast Freight $96.49; Transport Service $158.10; R. Kinvqn $114.94; B. Jacoby $16.68; E. k A. Tuel and O. k H. Bibby $10.00: F. H. k S. M. Fritz $5.00; M. Segal $23.70; Rsbg. Book Store $10.05; Pac. Tel. k Tel. $47.70; Coen Supply $19.01; City of Reeds port $3.00' Grants Pass Laundry $7.50; Anlonsen Painting $3500.00; So. Pacific Co. $132.53; Cecil Lowe $345.00; Pierce Auto Freight $22.72; Ross Weld. Shop $2.00; Rsbg. Print $43.00; Pre-Mix Concrete $1845.05; Allied Supply $29.75; Ballou k Wright $2.31; J. E. Baxter $1253.04; Carter Tire $795.81; Dawe k Son Engineering $5.25; Hansen Motors $93.26; Motor Supply $84.46; Puget Tbr. Co. $8.00 E. S. Booth $455.05; City of CanyonviUe $3.00; Elkton Telephone $3.30; Sun Print ing $21.65; Bob's Radiator Shop S2.50; Elkton Garage $4.50; United Radiator Service $13.00; Walt's Ra diator Shnp $19.50; J. C. Compton Co. $5192.55; Rsbg. Sand k Gravel $317.91; J. D. Walling $2604.00; Douglas Supply $897.47; Eugene Concrete Pipe $427.20; Sig Fett $60.34; J. E. Haseltine $43.18; In dustrial Electric $71.09; Industrial Supply $181.52; Interstate Tractor $16.34; loggers k Contractors Mach. $422.40: Olympia Supply $16.34; Pac. Mach. k Tool Steel $35.46; Rsbg. Fuel Oil $241.45; Stearns Hdw. $7.21 and $128.61; Umpqua Valley Hdw. $29.55; Woodbury Co. $88.33; Balzer Mach. $123.66: Columbia Equip. $82.74; P. L. Crooks $850.80; Howard Coop er $1026.85; Lockwood Motors $193.24: Timber Structures $9442.30; Tire Service $1207.49; Denn-Gerret- sen $905.41; Farm Bureau Co op. $16.54; Wharton Bros. $2.70; Ava lon Ranch $154.00; Whipple Log ging $423.50. ROAD DISTRICT The following Warrants drawn for Tax Appor tionments; City of Roseburg $9,- 626.07; Town of Mvrtle Creek $2, 074.78; City of Riddle $514.62; City of Drain $788.67; City of Oakland $593.24; City of Sutherlin $2,074.00; City of CanyonviUe $423.89; City of Glendale $464.72; city of Reedsport $2,215.64: City of Elkton $63.97. Th following Warrants drawn for express, gas, oil, lumber and sup lies; Farm Bureau Co-op. $1. 569.03; Whipple Logging $3,079.75 and $1,785.00; Standard Oil $4,- ntwsp&ptt jattitnt JJniuttnctf UTILITY W5.ERVICE CAUIFOPINIA'PAOiriO Roseburg, Oregon V Utilitib Commnv Pocifit Building Phono 235 t You are PROUD of your home and you'll be proud... e e to point to your woodwork end lay that it como from Ntlwon and PyU Wood rhino Co. At their plant you will find only tho btst of ma Mrtalt and mtticulous workmanihip btina put into the finithtd product. Evtry item Ii cuitom made for a specific fob. Don't bo half satisfied with your doors, windows, sash and frames . . . bo co letely satisfied by having ft custom made In a plant that ft feared for your n. 4t, Frames Soth Doors Custom Planed Lumber Windows Cabinet For tht btst in workmanihip mm4 mo rtriolt have ft cutfom modt by Nelson and Pyl Woodworking Co. Ptlooo 1242-J Mill i4 MotKor I 11 57T.20; Joelson Lbr. $1,759 68; Arm co Drainage at Metal Products $6, 594.72; Antonsen Painting $3,500.00. WARRANTS DRAWN FOR MONTH OF MAY 19 SO GENERAL ROADS AND ROAD DISTRICT GENERAL ROADS The follow ing Warrants are drawn in pay ment of Patrolmen and crew: Roy ! j Wells $11S 04; W. Cordon $82.43; G. j iMiiiraiu ?iuu.di; n. Aueene jr. $217.80; J. West $44 35; 11. Bennett I $202.07; E. Galla $320.18; J. R. j Baker $301.95; M. Ormsby $261.15; j B. Gurney $184.55; F. Veaman $201.80; R. Abeene Sr. $139.60 and $57.99; M. L. Kershner $199.76; G. Baughman $180.31; J. Russell $244.00; H. Carey $233.00; T. Bnni gar $224.08; D. May $197.08; J. Chancellor $205.57; -R. Spalding $232.25; R. Howard $229.51; W. Todd $190.79; E. B. Estes $188.53; T. McDonald $133.86; F. C. Frear $336.25; A. Andrews $278.15; D. Owens $314.45; R. Wells $249.88; R. Loomis $245.12; R. Hasenyager $235.20; T. McLellan $236.13; J. Turner $220.29; D.Turner $85.09; R. Davis $83.34; J. Wharton $213.22; F. Reed $193.90; T. Rockwell $291.04; E. Hargis $243.62; L. Shinkle $240.26; C. Baker $206.80; E. Tav lor $203.58; F. Underwood $208.02; W. Hughes $248.59; E. Kent $237.86; L. Redford $223.16; B. Babb $22.18 and $197.84; W. Corn $321.12; P. Maresch $231.99;' C. Coffell $170.68 and $88.71; J. Gailey $293.60; R. Griffin $213.53; W. Mills $249.98; H. Parker $244.66; J. Toi $256.45; L. Robertson $283.27; W. Rockwell $264.05; M. Smith $240.53; J. Wade Jr. $267.57; J. Wade Sr. $256.55; J. Williams $169.62; G. Tison $120.37; H. Harms $66.93; R. Kinyon $312.37; E. Melton $253.94; L. Pat terson $195.11; F. Haas $176.98; T. Beall $206.56; W. Paris $185.98; E. Rand $302.00; C. Brown $212.96; R. Reid $221.26: E. Gearin $196.91; H. Gallap $321.12; K. Neavoll $241.97; R. Duelks $227.67; C. South $243.16; R Nault $229.26; E. Bur sik $25.54: G. Kincaid $174.95; W. Cordon $112.56; R. Reynolde $235.46: F. Bown $240.68; H. Kai ser $226.20; K. Conn $218.96: L. Cooper $232.38; B. Van Slyke $218.40; W. Lively $247.94: C. Wulff $165.79; C. Cooper $27.39 and $159.77; M. Grav $206.61; L. Owen $209.14; R. Scott $209.14; B. Gur ney $55.25; F. Haas $70.50; L. Pat terson $34.97: R. Counts $98.39; M. Gilham $61.30; O. Conn $198.13; C. Wescott $42.29; O. Matthews $241.32; W. G. Cooper $215.91; C. Stubbs $211.57: H. Elliott $178.46; C. Wulff $81.69; G. Trent $180.58; D. Tinker $35.64; A. Hanson $35.64; W. Cloake $256.66; J. Pine $215.91; B,Schrank $214.86; M. Gray $35.22; R. Langholff $314.40: C. Hiney S262.73; C. Healy $221.26; A. Moore $246.90; R. Berry $210.66; R. Fuller $223.17; A. Hall $221.36; R. Fisher Driver Dozes At Wheel; Two Killed, Seven Hurt SACRAMENTO, June 20 (.JP A Los Angeles truck driver was burned to death and a Chico wom an was killed Sunday in a four vehicle crash on highway 99 near Elk Grove. Dead were Armand F. Vallarel, 31, and Mrs. Mary Ella Penny, 28. Mrs. Penny's husband, Willis, one of seven injured, is in county hos pital in serious condition. Her daughter, Mary Florence, 7, suf fered compound fractures of both legs. Valley Jo Penny, 6, received minor injuries. Highway patrolmen said Valla rel apparently dozed at the wheel. His truck sideswiped a truik-trail-er, then a car driven by Chester Hyatt, 38, Grants Pass, Ore., which left the highway and over turned. Hyatt was not hurt, but his wife and three 'children suf fered minor injuries. Vallarel's truck then crashed into the southbound Penny car, knocking it 75 feet along the high way. The truck caromed off the highway and caught fire with Val larel inside. FIVE NEGROES DROWN CLINTON, La., June 20-4.W Five Negroes drowned in a pond near here yesterday, Sheriff N. L. Palmer said. Three children got in deep water and three men went to the rescue. The children and two of the three would-be rescuers drowned. The dead are Joe Lee Flowers, 15; Idella Flowers, 12: Lonnie D. Flowers, 10: Harvey Flowers, 38; and Henry Perry, 45. ' $265.73; S. Colley $207.34; E. Cox $178.80; L. Smith $52.32; C. Madi son $128.61; S. Kraft $121.36; E. Mover $244.98; J. Zumwalt $232.41; T. Erwin $231.85; C. Sain $206.57; O. Ford $204.40; C. Totten $28.51; C. Perry $244.30; C. France $212.91; M. McCulloch $206.85: G. Richwine $45.77; W. Stafford $45.77; C. Ry dcll $267.99: F. Hedrick $214.19; N. Jackson $212.96; E. Morris $124.92; W. Sylvester $178.03; C. Lane $183.81; S. Darby $22.48 and $233.65; N. Foster $96.48; B. Bar ton $73.42; O. Wroe $17.03; J. Glea son S17.03: G. Casebeer $260 28: A. Erwin $249.09; D. Hatfield $265.26; J. Matthews $254.92; J. Miller $115.32; E. Sanderson $263.17; M. Stone $253.04; R. VanSlyke $281.87; E. Weber $301.90; A. Smith $53.69. FARMERS STOCKMEN LIME We are equipped to deliver and spread agricultural lime to any part of the county. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. ROSEBURG LIME PRODUC.S Phono 969-R or Call AAA Office, Pacific Bldg. 45 Or. Blended whiitey 84 proof. 65 groin neutral ipiriu. Schenley Distributor., Inc., N. Y. C f 11 " -c TYir' rV'wU,l la Cbv-1 I , ) Hi"1 Alt':r,t,,l NEW! WITH BUILT-IN WATER PX? FILTER FOR WHITEST WASH YET ' gjC-0 JONLY 995 Exclusive new "Cleaoflow" filters rust and other impurities from water. Now with EASY'S famous two-tub washing and rinsing action you get the whitest, brightest washes ever. NEW1 WITH 3 MINUTE AUTOMATIC SPIN-RINSE you just turn a tap and the amaz ing new Spin-rinse needle-sprays clothes cleaner, fresher. Two war rinsing action removes all suds and scum. Spins clothes damp-dry. No wringer. No set tubs needed. NEW! WITH HANDY ' SWING FAUCETS They make EASY'S famous "One Hour Washday" even easier. Faucets fill tub, save suds for re use, rinse and drain ... all at the 6ick of i finger. Othtrt from 149.95 UMPQUA VALLEY APPLIANCE Roseburg 120 W. Oak, Phon 121S Suthtrli enrral & Stat, Phont 2988